So, powers aside, what are we going to do? I hope that we will manage to pull off All Might, being insanely charismatic, heroic and in general inspiring next generation, even our power taking backseat to our force of personality. That should be fun.
Another thing to think about is our name. I thought about it and came up with Paragon, before realizing that I got it all wrong. We are not some street level guy, and trying to define ourselves with a name is pointless. Rather, we should take a name and then define it for what we are, similar to how Alexandria, Captain America or Jack Slash are defined by their capes and not words. I am still unsure what name would be the best combination of lack of predetermined meaning and cool sounding that would be best fit for us. Mentioning All Might earlier made me think of One for All, but I am not sure if that quite fits?
Do you guys have any idea?