[X] You remember someone from your class talking about a video game where spears are really effective against swords. Maybe some of that'll transfer over?

I'm sorry. I tried to not go for this meme vote (if it is one), but it was an uphill battle for me. I can only hope that this shadow played Fire Emblem (or is weak to Stab).
If this are the ones I think they are they should be weak to wind and resist both Elec and Fire, but should otherwise be neutral to the rest of our arsenal.
[X] Can you grab the sword with Psio? You haven't taken the time to practice manipulating objects like you've been telling yourself you would, but...
[X] Besides being light, Kouga is also a useful concussive force. Can swords get concussions? If they can't, you may have a problem.
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Aug 14, 2023 at 1:03 PM, finished with 9 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Can you grab the sword with Psio? You haven't taken the time to practice manipulating objects like you've been telling yourself you would, but...
    [X] Besides being light, Kouga is also a useful concussive force. Can swords get concussions? If they can't, you may have a problem.
    [X] You remember someone from your class talking about a video game where spears are really effective against swords. Maybe some of that'll transfer over?
Whew, hey, I finally caught up. Great stuff OP, looking forward to nothing bad ever happening from now on since the human antagonists of P3 have been dealt with early (for the love of God Kirijo goons why are you useless at gathering information).

[X] Besides being light, Kouga is also a useful concussive force. Can swords get concussions? If they can't, you may have a problem.
[X] Can you grab the sword with Psio? You haven't taken the time to practice manipulating objects like you've been telling yourself you would, but...
Why not?
Okay, let's try to grab the sword!

-Vote Closed!-

These girls have been through a lot, for people who were only directly affected by the very first vote and developments within the franchise itself. We'll see if it gets any worse.
Scatter About- Part Two
Sword Shadows are tricky. Are the arms really part of them, or just something the swords made to hold them up? Why do the swords need to be held, anyway? The dice and scales aren't like that at all.

But there's a grip there, and that might be a weak point. Going for it will either make things a lot better or a lot worse.

"Kala-Nemi!" You wonder how these people got into Tartarus. You get the strong feeling that they really shouldn't be here. As much as it could be said that anyone should be in Tartarus. "Psio!" The magic doesn't need to be strong. It just needs to be enough. You reach for where the hand grips the hilt. You pull.

The Shadow pulls back. It feels... sort of slippery, like the goop a Maya is made of. "Koromaru!" You're not the only one here, and you can't beat this on your own.

But Cerberus can blast it with fire. If you're not holding onto it, it's not moving, so the spell hits easily. The impact knocks the sword back, and also knocks it out of your grip.

It's also glowing red with heat now. That's never a good sign. At least you have a bit of time before it gets up again.

(Two turns until help arrives)
[ ] Use that time to get between it and the girls. You're smaller, but you should be just as valid a target, right?

[ ] You will never have a better opportunity to stab a sword.
[X] Use that time to get between it and the girls. You're smaller, but you should be just as valid a target, right?
Well, I guess you all thought this was a good idea...

-Vote Closed!-

Note to self, lay out scenes better in future, preferably in a persistent way.
Scatter About- Part Three
You know how you got to this point. The moment keeps playing out in your head, over and over, but there's nothing you really could have done to change it.

"Can you explain what happened to me?" Mitsuru-nee asks, more gently than you'd ever thought possible for her. But then, the last time you were in a situation anywhere near this, there wasn't much chance for reassurance. "Either of you?"

The girl shouldn't have to explain this. She's been through enough tonight.

You all have, but at least you signed up for this. She didn't have a choice in this.

Neither of them did.

When a Shadow is knocked down, it's unable to do anything for some time. It's a chance to rest, to rethink your strategy. To do anything that might otherwise be interrupted by a bloodthirsty monster.

You can think of a number of things you could have done in that moment. You're not going to say you should have done them, because maybe there was a better option you still haven't thought of. But Hama could have averted this. So could Mudo, if you want to go through all the possibilities, and two attempts would have been better than one. The fact that Koromaru didn't think of it, either, makes you feel slightly better about yourself.

But only slightly. It just means you aren't worse at strategy than the dog.

You could have gone to the girls. You're sure that, if you ran away fast enough, the sword wouldn't have bothered giving chase. Or, by standing in front of them, you could have made them a less appealing target. As a Persona User, you're sturdier than a normal person.

But you never thought about any of those ideas, because why would you? The moment that sword hit the ground, you were overcome by an extreme urge to stab it.

You almost never get to stab things, and you finally have a sort-of reliable weapon.
(DC for crit: 90. Roll: 88)
What you forgot is, while your weapon is reliable, it isn't strong. If you had a better weapon, maybe that one good hit you landed would have been enough. If you'd been luckier, maybe it would have been enough.

But your weapon isn't that good. And you weren't that lucky. The Shadow lived long enough to get up again. To make an attack.

As to be expected from a Shadow, it went for the easiest target.


"...Her parents didn't want her at home..." The surviving girl mumbles. Her clothes are so light, there won't be any getting the blood out of them. "Her uncle was going to be there... I think they didn't want him to see how they were treating her."
That could have been us and Akira.
So instead they ended up here. And now Hasegawa-san is never going home. It'll be hard enough for the others to get her body out of Tartarus. You have no idea how anyone plans on covering this up. That's not something you're going to be part of.

To the rest of the world, the two of you will have never crossed paths.

"We came to the school because... she's never been allowed to go anywhere else. So I thought I'd teach her to... to..." She breaks down into sobs, and a tennis ball falls from her hand, coated in the remnants of the Shadow that killed her friend. You'd never known anyone could throw a tennis ball so hard.

Still, given everything, you're mostly just surprised that she found the time to pick it up again. Your spear feels heavy in your hand, and you've been holding onto it this whole time.

You thought rescue duty would be easy.

But you're the only one who's ever failed it.

Where do you even go from here?

[ ] To what might or might not be the top of Tartarus. Just to say you were there. Just to see it for yourself. Just to be sure the nightmare of the Dark Hour is nearly over.

[ ] To the Tartarus lobby. It's the safest place for the surviving girl. You couldn't protect her friend, but you can at least do this much.

[ ] To your bed. You're just so tired... and you know you aren't going to escape the nightmares. Making up for it by going to bed as soon as possible is all that you have.
Well, that sucked.:V

Also, yes, while in hindsight the consequences seem obvious, this sort of came out of left field.
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I didn't vote because lurker4life, but if I did, it would've been for using the spear partially because the vote line was funny to me and because our spear is basically a prop so I want to see it used more. Now though... I have to conclude that (our) spears are cursed. I almost expect Ken to Psio it, and I'm not even fully joking about that... only a bit :V

Talk to the girl, talk to ourselves, or howl into the wind don't talk and brood alone... hmm.

[X] To what might or might not be the top of Tartarus. Just to say you were there. Just to see it for yourself. Just to be sure the nightmare of the Dark Hour is nearly over.
[X] To your bed. You're just so tired... and you know you aren't going to escape the nightmares. Making up for it by going to bed as soon as possible is all that you have.

I would prefer to talk to our future self than the other options here
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