You didn't really get a good look at the Velvet Room, when you were here before the crash, but you know for a
fact that it looked different, from personal observation as much as what you've heard from Makoto-san. Among other things, the lights pooling on the ground in the shape of tarot cards are sort of an obvious adjustment, not to mention the doors.
There are two doors. One of them has a blue light over it, and the other one, yellow. There are four locks. One of them, for some reason, is shaped like a heart.
You don't feel like you should be touching them. One of those locks is so old and rusted, you're pretty sure there aren't enough tetanus shots in the
world to be able to handle it safely.
"You know, it's... almost nostalgic," Lavenza comments, wandering after the Magician card as it appears on the floor.
You glance at her. "What do you mean?"
"Depending on who is visiting, and for what purpose, the Velvet Room can take on
a wide variety of forms. These days, it is mostly the newest Guests who visit, so it is mostly an elevator... But for those who found power more than a decade ago, the Velvet Room takes the form of a lounge similar to this one, if much more simple in design. For a decade, it was the only form of the room that got any real use."
She is going to love the variety that'll start popping up, especially if she makes it to the cinema.
"I guess it didn't have doors like this, though."
She shakes her head. "It's not unusual that the Velvet Room would contain doors for the inhabitants to make use of, but never as large and gaudy as these. They also wouldn't be locked like this- tell me, what is the
purpose of a door which cannot be opened?"
"Well..." You're not sure if she's looking for an actual answer, or if she's just complaining, but you're going to act as though it's the former. "I guess... it could keep people you don't want to from getting in... but I guess you already have a front door for that..." Not that said front door is perfect, apparently, if
all of you could get in.
"Yes, cases like yours tend to be in the minority," She agrees. "I... actually don't believe it's ever happened before. If it has, I've certainly never been
told about it... Perhaps they only happen when Master Igor is away."
I mean... He wasn't at the cinema, either, so there's a chance...
really don't know enough about her circumstances to be able to respond to this. "You don't think anyone else would tell you about this?"
"I'm not sure they would see the need. But... I suppose none of us are very good at talking about things unless we actively need to know them. I've been led to believe that we are... very human, in that regard."
You think about the many things that you hadn't heard about until
well after it would have been good to know them, and are forced to concede her point. Lack of communication is definitely a thing that exists, and it really isn't good for anyone.
Of course, these days, not communicating really is the least of your problems, what with the general lack of direction you all have besides 'maybe don't let the giant Shadows wreak havoc on the city that you live in,' which was honestly always going to be a priority even if it
didn't apparently have ties to the number of cases of Apathy Syndrome around.
...Maybe you could get Lavenza's advice for something? At the very least, you think you've played out this particular subject for the time being.
[ ] Discuss Elizabeth.
-[ ] Has she always been like this?
-[ ] How
has everyone coped with her not living in the Velvet Room anymore?
-[ ] You think you have some idea of why she left the Velvet Room, and it's
completely terrifying.
[ ] Discuss Kala-Nemi.
-[ ] You feel a lot stronger now.
-[ ] You're... a lot more comfortable with yourself now.
-[ ] Does she think there'd be a particularly good time to mention him to the others, or should you just let them notice while you're fighting something?
-[ ] You... think it was
her actions that pushed your Resolution.
[ ] Discuss the festival.
-[ ] What are her opinions on the food booths?
-[ ] Would she be interested in trying experimental flavors of ice cream?
-[ ] Does she have any idea
just what the "students" are?