Shadows on the Silverbird (Mafia)

I got attacked last night! What fun, having my hamstrings slit and getting cut a bunch. Luckily, SOMETHING saved me. Dunno what, though. I was dying on the ground, and then, suddenly, all my injuries are healed! My clothing still got torn up a bunch, so I grabbed a new cloak.
It seems like TMR was doctor healed? So there might have been a kill last night, just prevented via doc
I mean. There's always the possibility of a doctor heal or the scum having a weird alternate kill like poison or whatever, but when the only present evidence we have for why no kill occured was a roleblock then my position is it's the roleblocked player's job to put in the legwork to find a better target an/or justify why he's not it.
Not in defense of Yun as much asking for clarification, didn't TMR say he was attacked and killed?
... Orrrr we all just managed to forget that TMR was attacked last night.

I'm honestly confused on how I forgot that.
[x] Null
[x] Lynch TheMaskedReader

... Man this is not my day.

[x] Null

I'll try to review behavior for hints later. For now nulling. Yeah, I overlooked TMR claiming attacked.
Just woke up.

Trying To catch up on shit so bear with me.

From an initial skim though, TMR got shank, then healed, then Nictis went crazy .

I miss anything?
I feel like you meant TMR here.
Indeed I did! I'm kinda suspicious of TMR still as potentially a purple pirate, but he's not green scum/mutinous.

Logic behind Pirate for purple:
  1. the crew is blue, people who are loyal to the captain and his ship.
  2. Mutinous members are green, loyal to the ship, but disloyal to the captain.
  3. Therefore, purple must be pirates, those who have no loyalty to the captain or ship, and wish to claim it for their own.
  4. Terrabrand is a stowaway; not Loyal to the Captain or Ship, but with no desire to cause harm to either.
Oh jeez. @Pawn Lelouch I can't believe you were actually scum having pre-committed to not checking your role PM.

Note to self anyone he covered for day one doesn't mean diddly squat but anyone he suddenly changed stances on might mean something...
It might just be me being colourblind, but the colour of the kill and Pawn's faction look slightly different. Can someone just check it's not me eyes being weird fucks as they be prone too?
OK, I'm gonna throw my vote on Crystalwatcher because they haven't thrown a single lynch vote except to lynch themselves. They weren't on Abd's lynch, they weren't on LMBF on either day.

That's not something I want to encourage, and it's reading downright suspect given that we've hit D3 without them throwing a single pressure vote/lynch vote on anyone.

[X] Lynch Crystalwatcher
Thw good news is we can assume that the scum groups aren't in league with each other.

... Though I don't remember the post about cloaks?
It might just be me being colourblind, but the colour of the kill and Pawn's faction look slightly different. Can someone just check it's not me eyes being weird fucks as they be prone too?
Lemme go check the BB codes.

As the crew arrives on the upper deck some people start to notice...someone is missing from their ranks. Looking around everyone notices Lostdeviljho is missing. As a group the ship begins to be searched, however it isn't long until they come across a broken and shattered door...the scene inside causing many to gag the sheer brutality involved...their body is found, covered in gashes, wounds, bruises and cuts from head to toe, obviously lethal wounds as bloodstains are splattered all across the room. However even worse is the current state of their body...the skin is withered and leather like, an ashen cast to it, the face is sunken in and hollow, the skin shaping their skull closely that it makes it hard to identify their features. The wounds look as though they've already festered and decayed...the bloodshot eyes tell a tale of exquisite agony in their last moments.

@LostDeviljho has been Found [Hacked Apart] And [Drained of All Lifeforce]. They were Brenda the Carpenter

Most certainly disturbing as those with stronger constitutions prepare the body in the same manner as abdbla and carry them down to the hold in yet another makeshift cask. Returning to the deck the hooded figures all face each other with open distrust...the deaths of Brenda and Qassi on the surfaces of many.

Day 2 has begun. It will last 72 Hours and end naturally at 2:34PM EST 2/6/2019 or when Hammer is met. 17 Players are alive so Hammer is at 9 Votes.

Color=#008000 for the green.

As everyone gathers they find that two of their members is missing from their ranks this morning....again the gathered group sets out...fearing the worst. Quickly those fears are found as one member of the crew is found dead in the halls, their body withered and barely a shell of their former self. As someone flips back their hood they find that this was another one of the female members of the crew...but wait...whats this in her pocket says someone? They pick up a diary...and are shocked by what they find written in it...spiteful words against some of the crew, dreams of power...plans on how to carry this out...yes...this is indeed mutiny talk...but their collaborates are unknown...

@Pawn Lelouch has been [Drained of all lifeforce]. They were Bosun's Mate Liah N. Morganson and they were a Mutineer

Disgusted by these turn of events a rather poor cask is prepared for them...and they place it seperate from the rest. Not long after the other member is found...and the first to find them vomits as they do so...The stench alone plays a horrid tale...the member is found in their room, with various wooden trinkets around their body knocked over and blasted away. The body itself is almost completely black and rotten, ruptures are along their skin that have festered and then decayed more so. Their hands have simply been reduced to a bloody skeleton..reaching almost to their elbows...the flesh seemingly have melted off into a vile goop.

@Broken Base has been [Devastated with Necrotic Energy] They were Sarazen, The Shaman and a member of the Crew

Some of the brave group picks up their body and places them in a cask...and place them with the rest of the dead. Everyone makes their way back upstairs...shuffling feet can be heard...the thought prevailing in the air: Mutiny? These horrible murders? Can we make it through this? Only time will tell...

Day 3 has begun. It will last 72 Hours or until Hammer is reached. 13 Players remain alive, thus Hammer is set at 7 votes. The day will end naturally at 1:30PM EST 2/11/2019.

Also =008000 color green.

Same green.
And before I forget again.

[X] Lynch Myself

Third times the charm?

In other news what do we know about @Nictis? They seem to be on everyone's collective case but no one has said a thing about them?
And before I forget again.

[X] Lynch Myself

Third times the charm?

In other news what do we know about @Nictis? They seem to be on everyone's collective case but no one has said a thing about them?
First off, why are you so desparately trying to get lynched? That's really just shitty gameplay.

Second, there's nothing we really know about Nictis at the moment other than that he's playing town fairly well.
First off, why are you so desparately trying to get lynched? That's really just shitty gameplay.
I think the role is Joker or Jester or something. You get to kill someone after being lynched. Crystal Watcher probably has it. Or something.

Or they're just an idiot. Either or. Regardless, as it's kinda not in towns advantage to be lynched, wanting to be lynched either makes you obtuse to gameplay ideas, or uh....

not town :V
I think the role is Joker or Jester or something. You get to kill someone after being lynched. Crystal Watcher probably has it. Or something.

Or they're just an idiot. Either or. Regardless, as it's kinda not in towns advantage to be lynched, wanting to be lynched either makes you obtuse to gameplay ideas, or uh....

not town :V
Jester yeah. I'm guessing either Crystalwatcher is a Jester or wants to look like one. Hard to say.