I think we shouldn't focus only on what's close to leveling, but in all skills we think that we should become better in. Obviously both bladed weapons and endurance classify, but the point stands Besides, we should take some time each day to think on the Wise Men's question, since Yaxkin can solve it on her own, and we don't need to pay anything to solve it and see if we can become apprentices. After all, we'll need to wait sometime for anything personal made by the smith and apprentice, and we can waste this time training and solving the mistery
to know more about the general city life, as it's going to be vastly different from a tribal lifestyle and quite different from the town one. This includes the professions, how one washes and cleans, what food they eat, ect.
learn how the community operates socially, and perhaps go to and experience various festivals. They're likely to more extravagant given the size of the city than what we're used too.
obviously learn more about the Wise Men and pursue an apprenticeship there.
I'd actually like to interact with the other tribal people that have come to this city, as I don't really recall from the narrative other ones we met with, although it'd make sense due to breeding concerns. They're a source of friends that we can develop a relationship with, and it's been mentioned that most prominent are hunters or shamans, so we have opportunity to learn from both sets and with numerous knowledge sets.
Learn about the surrounding wildlife, and the flora. Can be related to the above, but also with the various healers, market sellers, butchers, and tanners.
Learn about geography and history, and just in general about the world. I wouldn't mind a map at some point, but I understand that if an author doesn't possess artistic skills or doesn't feel comfortable using them, this can be a pretty big challenge.
I'd like to see how special our alchemy medicine actually is given just what it's capable of, I also wouldn't mind opportunities to make use of those medical skills. While there's obvious uses to things like clotting salves from hunters or guardsmen coming in, there's a great opportunity for it with childbirth as I suspect it can be applied vaginally. Thus enabling us to make childbirth a lot safer, which for the wealthy would be invaluable given it's something that can't be avoided. Us being female there could help, but from my readings several years back, I believe female doctors were prominent in Mesoamerica. It really depends though, on learning about the healing profession here more.
Say hello to the healing and infection system. Ixtli did his best to enjoy every second he could.
Survival, DC 240 (200 from path, +40 for the wounded Ixtli):
96 + 50 (Intelligence) + 60 (Constitution) + 80 (Survival) + 15 (Living off the Land) = 301
Making good time.
Endurance, DC 240 (200 from path, +40 for the wounded Ixtli):
83 + 60 (Strength) + 60 (Constitution) + 60 (Endurance) = 263
No need for a break.
25 + 50 (Intelligence) + 60 (Concentration) + 80 (Perception) = 215
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Yaxkin Day 1:
7 + 6 (Constitution) = 13
More or equal 10 -> Healing 1 Wound + 1 Wound for wounds dressed
Dressing Quality 8 -> 5
27 / 30
Ixtli Day 1:
1 + 5 (Constitution) - 4 (Infection 2) = 2
Healing one wound automatically for dressed wounds.
Dressing Quality 4 -> 0
16 / 25
Infection progress:
7 + 5 - 2 (Infection 2, reduced from 4 by dressed wounds) - 2 (Wound Penalty) = 8
Smaller 10, Infection not reduced
Larger 0, Infection not worsening
New Wound Dressing
Yaxkin - Medicine, DC 180 (90 from wounds, x2 for Infection)
40 + 50 (Intelligence) + 50 (Intelligence) + 60 (Medicine) = 200
Dressing Quality 2
-1 Wound Dressing
-3 Wound Dressings total
Medicine: 251 XP
Survival: 69 XP
Endurance: 99 XP
Perception: 68 XP
AN: For the record, you get the wound penalty on regular heal checks if the wounds are not dressed. Rolling negative on a heal check gets you another wound instead of healing them.
Likewise, you get half the wounds you've taken as a malus on Infection checks. Had you not dressed Ixtlis wounds, he would have made his next infection check at 1d10 + 5 (Constitution) - 4 (Infection 2) - 10 (Wounds). Let's just say that he didn't have much longer.
Update will take a while, due to this being the first turn-vote and thus needing a good bit of write-ups.
Damn, let's hope we get even more social bonuses due to him realizing just how deep he was in shit creek if we hadn't been there just to survive, much less get what he was after. At least we should have a great healers recommendation from him now as well.
Going to XoXo might also be something to do. Maybe it's some kind of gas that's the issue?
Something I'd like to happen some time in the quest would be travelling back to the tribe to meet her two friends. I imagine that there'd be a lot to talk about and experience to share.
Medicine is one of those 'You rarely use it, but it's goddamn critical when you need it' skills isn't it? Not to mention it rapidly levels up when you need to use it...
Medicine is one of those 'You rarely use it, but it's goddamn critical when you need it' skills isn't it? Not to mention it rapidly levels up when you need to use it...
Medicine is one of those 'You rarely use it, but it's goddamn critical when you need it' skills isn't it? Not to mention it rapidly levels up when you need to use it...
Yeah, I'll agree with that Metrux. But I also said it was a critical skill when you needed it, which means that you really do want the modifiers to it's rolls high when you need to make them, as you need to succeed at them.
So it's kind of a wash there. It's basically a 'If you don't have anything else critical to train, train this until you can comfortably always succeed it's base roll' skill. Because you might not need it that often, but when you do, dear god do you need to pray that you don't fail the roll... or you've already make sure you won't fail by training it enough and getting high enough attributes that you can succeed anyway.
Yeah, I'll agree with that Metrux. But I also said it was a critical skill when you needed it, which means that you really do want the modifiers to it's rolls high when you need to make them, as you need to succeed at them.
So it's kind of a wash there. It's basically a 'If you don't have anything else critical to train, train this until you can comfortably always succeed it's base roll' skill. Because you might not need it that often, but when you do, dear god do you need to pray that you don't fail the roll... or you've already make sure you won't fail by training it enough and getting high enough attributes that you can succeed anyway.
[X] Give it to Ixtli.
-[X] Ask for a reward or set conditions:
-[X] Metal equipment/weapons - Doesn't need to be something big right now. The codex is about smithing, isn't it? And he is still an apprentice.
-[X] The chance to stay with him and his master whenever we're in town.
--[X] Would provide an extra benefit for him and his master, we're good with a knife and can help defend against intruders
--[X] Also they would have access to our services as a healer
-[X] Have him teach us how to read, and he can clearly read since he went after the codex.
--[X] And access to the Codex itself. - Seating of the Black Storm
You finish cleaning his wound and applying a proper bandage before replying. The amount of pus seeping out is rather worrisome and so is the color of the flesh around it. He looks even paler when you unroll the belt with your tools, yet he takes it with admirable calm as you scratch out the worst of it. The wound is still within in your capabilities to tend to, but only barely. A day or two more and it would have taken drastic measures to save his life. That is, if he survived the boiling. At last you pack your tools away after scrubbing them down with some water. They will still need a proper cleaning later when you make camp.
"About the codex..." The pain and worry is gone from his face in an instant. Instead he stares at the bundle in your hands as if it was the greatest thing he ever saw and maybe it is. As he carefully unwraps it and unfolds a few pages, you are certain that you did the right thing in not denying him this. "You can read this?"
"Yes. Well. Most of it. It must have gotten damp at some point. How...?" You just wave off the question and gently take the codex from him again before wrapping it back up.
"A few minor things though. Finders fee, so to speak." The most winning smile you can manage adorns your face, but it seems not really needed. Ixtli just nods with that serene look he has since he touched the old pages.
"We will talk about it when we are home. Noche is just as exited about this as I am, even if he hides it better. I'm sure he will agree to your requests."
Survival, DC 240 (200 from path, +40 for the wounded Ixtli):
96 + 50 (Intelligence) + 60 (Constitution) + 80 (Survival) + 15 (Living off the Land) = 301
Making good time.
Endurance, DC 240 (200 from path, +40 for the wounded Ixtli):
83 + 60 (Strength) + 60 (Constitution) + 60 (Endurance) = 263
No need for a break.
25 + 50 (Intelligence) + 60 (Concentration) + 80 (Perception) = 215
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Yaxkin Day 1:
7 + 6 (Constitution) = 13
More or equal 10 -> Healing 1 Wound + 1 Wound for wounds dressed
Dressing Quality 8 -> 5
27 / 30
Ixtli Day 1:
1 + 5 (Constitution) - 4 (Infection 2) = 2
Healing one wound automatically for dressed wounds.
Dressing Quality 4 -> 0
16 / 25
Infection progress:
7 + 5 - 2 (Infection 2, reduced from 4 by dressed wounds) - 2 (Wound Penalty) = 8
Smaller 10, Infection not reduced
Larger 0, Infection not worsening
New Wound Dressing
Yaxkin - Medicine, DC 180 (90 from wounds, x2 for Infection)
40 + 50 (Intelligence) + 50 (Intelligence) + 60 (Medicine) = 200
Dressing Quality 2
-1 Wound Dressing
-3 Wound Dressings total
Medicine: 251 XP
Survival: 69 XP
Endurance: 99 XP
Perception: 68 XP
AN: For the record, you get the wound penalty on regular heal checks if the wounds are not dressed. Rolling negative on a heal check gets you another wound instead of healing them.
Likewise, you get half the wounds you've taken as a malus on Infection checks. Had you not dressed Ixtlis wounds, he would have made his next infection check at 1d10 + 5 (Constitution) - 4 (Infection 2) - 10 (Wounds). Let's just say that he didn't have much longer. - 8.4 - Seating to 4th of the Black Storm
The march back to Tlamaca is thankfully a simple affair. You can easily avoid the Stone Man on your way out after observing their movements for a while, and with the sun still well over the horizon you make good headway on the first day. However, Ixtli slows you down somewhat, and you still worry about his wounds. While your own abrasions heal just fine, you have to redress his wounds every evening an squeeze and sheer endless stream of bile and pus out of his leg. Despite the pain, he still always looks rather grateful afterwards, probably realizing how close he came to dying from that single stab. During the days, you try to strike up some conversation, but between the pain that walking causes him even with the splint and needing to watch his steps carefully, it's stilted at the best of times, and when you make camp he prefers to carefully page through the codex to talking much.
It's on the third day of your journey, just as you reached the road and made camp right next to the stream, that you decide to speak up about it. He is, once again, muttering to himself while carefully tracing the lines of text, while you tend to the small fire for the night. "There is actually something that I wouldn't have to ask from Noche in regards to what I would like to get for finding that for you."
You wait a while for an answer before looking over to Ixtli. He is still reading and muttering. You walk over and prod his good leg with your foot. "Yaxkin? What is it?"
"You could at least listen sometimes. Had I known that you would do nothing but read, I would have given that to you only when we where back in Tlamaca."
"I'm sorry, it's just so exiting to read this. The master here writes about the different properties of copper alloys. How the tin affects the hardness and malleability of the final product, but also about the viscosity of the melt. And then he writes about some other metal, which apparently gives a more ductile alloy, but only when..."
You just give him a flat look while he prattles on and it takes a few more sentences until he notices. Copper is a kind of metal and from what Noche said, tin probably too. Hard is good, you guess, but the rest has you a bit stumped. "I take it it's complicated. However, that's not what I wanted to ask you. You can read and I would like to learn."
He opens his mouth a few times to say something, but then seems to think better of it and nods shortly. For some reason, you are absolutely sure that you wouldn't have liked what he wanted to say and have half a mind to make him spit it out anyway. The young smith is not exactly a bad person to be around, and yet regarding social graces he has few and all the tact of monkey on top of it. Still, you let it go as he talks on. "I think the codex would a bit hard to teach you. You know the symbols at least?"
"Seen them plenty of times, but never knew the meaning."
He looks at the codex again for a short moment and just as you want to say something, he puts it back into its wrappings and hands it to you to put it back into your pack. "Can you give me a short stick? The ground should be soft enough to write something."
Learning Trait:
Reading & Writing - 27 / 600 - 4th of the Black Storm
When Tlamaca comes into sight again, you are in a rather good mood. Ixtli's wound is finally getting better and should heal up in a few more days. The splint is no longer needed for him to walk and so you can take the last stretch of the journey at a faster pace. You are still slightly apprehensive of meeting Noche, mostly due to the rather expensive nature of one of your requests, though even that can't banish the slight skip from your step as you walk through the artisans quarter to the small backyard where his forge stands. It's nigh completely deserted today, neither the two other smiths nor the mason working, but Noche is throwing charcoal into his oven as you approach. The first expression on his face is unreadable as you eyes meet, but then his eyes dart to Ixtli coming around the corner behind you and his forge is quickly forgotten. You step aside as apprentice and master rush to each other and hang back a few steps to let them talk in private.
You already have the codex in your hands as Noche approaches you, Ixtli trailing behind him. "So you really found it? Ixtli told me what happened to him, but how did you get it?"
"Did I not tell you that I could sneak better than a group of four?" He just shakes his head at your smirk. "Got a few scratches on my own, but it all turned out fine. I would like to keep an eye on Ixtli's wound for a bit longer, though, since it might relapse if the dressing gets too soaked."
"Well, you can certainly do so while he teaches you. Though I was told there is something else you wanted to ask for as a reward?"
"Two things actually." He nods for you to continue and you take a moment to think how to approach this. Better the easier thing first. "He told me that you have two store rooms, but are not really using one of them that much. I'm new to Tlamaca and the room over the tavern I used so far is rather expensive, but not very safe. A friend of mine warned me to not even keep my pack there without someone to watch it..."
You trail off as he chuckles lightly. "Certainly and with great pleasure. I can arrange a cot for you and it would be in poor taste to let the one who saved my apprentice to sleep in the streets. And the other thing?"
"I came to Tlamaca to seek out metal tools and weapons for myself." More you can't quite get out in front of him. It's a small fortune to ask for something for free, so you just hope he offers what he is willing to give.
Yaxkin: 86 + 50 (Charisma) + 60 (Concentration) + 60 (Diplomacy) = 256
Noche: ???
No freebies, but...
As he folds his arms in front of him and lowers his head, you worry that you have offended him, but his voice is still the same kind and even tone from before as he speaks. "Many look at the prices of our wares and think we smiths are rich, but that's sadly not the case. Most of what I ask for my wares goes right back to buying the raw metal. It takes 10 Tlaltzepochtli worth of copper alone to forge a simple dagger. An advice on that matter. If they offer you something cheaper then that, they either stole it or added too much tin." As he looks back to you, he looks mostly apologetic. "I'm afraid I would beggar myself to give you anything for free. A dagger would be much, but a sword would take me forever to recoup. I will gladly you offer you my work at cost, but more I cannot do."
You face falls a bit at that. Ten Tlaltzepochtli for a dagger still. When you heard the stories of how marvelously expensive metal goods were as a young girl, you kind of thought it couldn't be that bad. Now standing before a smith who explains you the facts of the world, it's rather crushing to see just how much work you would need to pay for just a small blade, let alone the gleaming armor you envied on the Wise Men's guards. It is with some defeat in your voice that you draw forth the coins you found in the ruins. "The codex is not all I found. Can you at least tell me how much these iron coins are worth?"
He takes the coins and eyes them dubiously for a moment. Are they worthless after all? Living with Noche and Ixtli, and learning to read on top of it, was certainly great, but the burst dreams where weighing a lot more right now. After a long moment, he speaks the dreaded words. "These are not iron." You weakly hold out you hand and he drops them into your hand. As you look at them though, one of them has a tiny, shining scratch. "Those are silver. Guess they were wet for a while and tarnished. Good that you shown them to me, for others would have eagerly bought them as iron from you. Those are worth 4 Tlaltzepochtli. Maybe a bit more if you can find the right buyer."
As you look at the small silver discs in you hand again, your cheer returns in full force. Not a metal blade yet, but a good start for one. Meanwhile Ixtli steps forward for the first time in the discussion. "She has a good obsidian knife. Wouldn't that nearly cover it?"
"Hm... that might work. Wouldn't offer that to anyone else, but she did a lot for us. May I see you blade Yaxkin?" Not quite sure where this leads, you just hand him the weapon which he inspects closely. "How long do you have it?"
"I think 5 years now. Served me well the entire time."
"It looks good for something in use for so long. A few deeper nicks, but that's hardly avoidable with a stone blade. It would take a lot less material to coat this dagger in bronze than forge you a new one. The silver would cover most of it and I can stomach the difference. Would be as good as full bronze dagger when I'm done, but you would have to wait a bit while I finish some other orders. If you give it to me no later than the 16th, I can have it done by the 18th."
As you stick the dagger back into its sheath, you wonder what he means. You've never seen a bronze-coated blade in the market before, but you trust him when he claims it just as good as a full bronze one. "Thank you. I've been dreaming about having something like this forever."
"And I will gladly do it for you. I can do it at a later date too, but you might have to wait a while then again. Orders come and go for me, so I'm sometimes a bit swamped with work. However, from what I heard you plan to stick around for a longer while in Tlamaca." At your questioning look, he just chuckles again. "Rumors travel rather fast among certain circles. Let me just say that the Wise Man you've met is not that representative of their order. They did a lot for this city and are well liked, but some are just a bit prickly."
You give him a dubious look for that. "Prickly" is understating the bastard a bit, and you would still love to show him up for what he said. Noche just rolls his eyes at your expression. "Just trust me on that one. Aside from that, rumors travel fast in certain circles here. The Wise Men don't pick their initiates from their trials alone. Do something good for Tlamaca and they will hear about it and take it under consideration when you stand before them."
"So the trial is not mandatory?"
"Trials. At least one you need to be judged by them, but doing more than one would help your chances just like some good deeds."
You nearly slap yourself as the correction sinks in. "Three pairs of two. Balance and might. Power and knowledge. Unmaking and steadfastness. The latter two are 7 and 13 on the Tzolkin and the beginning in balance must be the first." As the connection sinks in, you groan lightly and slap your forehead. "I was stuck on thinking there is one trial, which made no sense with three different dates. But there are three gates. Of course they have three trials too."
No matter how much you have started to like the man, laughing at you is rather uncalled for from the smith.
With Tlamaca now a new home to you, it is time to make plans for the future.
What do you do about Noche's offer?
[] [Dagger] Have your obsidian dagger coated in bronze. (Costs all silver coins.)
[] [Dagger] Don't take the offer right now.
[] [Dagger] Keep the silver coins to pay for it later.
[] [Dagger] Try to sell the silver coins on the market.
What will you do in the coming time?
A turn in this quest has no fixed duration. Every action you take consumes a certain amount of time and the final turn length is simply determined by the actions it contains.
All actions are handled by the position in the turn plan that they appear in. If you want to take an action multiple times immediately after each other, you can write the number of repetitions behind the option. Should you want to do something else in between, make a new entry with the same action.
The skills necessary and rewards possible for a action are denoted in the explanation text below if you know them ahead of time. Some actions might have other prerequisites, such as taking them at a certain point in time. Others might benefit from doing them at certain dates, like doing Alchemy.
Some actions are noted as interrupting. These actions should only be the last one in a turn vote, since they are not taking up a fixed time and might have other repercussions that require a new turn vote.
There will be a calendar posted with every turn vote, so that you can easily spot important dates in the near future and plan accordingly. If you need a longer calendar, just ask and I will post it.
Long Count
Notes - 5 Chen
8 Kimi
15.20 Decline
First Day Of Turn - 6 Chen
9 Manik
15.21 Decline - 7 Chen
10 Lamat
15.22 Decline - 8 Chen
11 Muluk
15.23 Decline
bad for Alchemy - 9 Chen
12 Ok
15.24 Decline - 10 Chen
13 Chuwen
15.25 Decline
Trial of Steadfastness, Unmaking, bad for Alchemy - 11 Chen
1 Eb
15.26 Decline
Trial of Might, Balance - 12 Chen
2 Ben
15.27 Decline - 13 Chen
3 Ix
15.28 Decline
good for Alchemy - 14 Chen
4 Men
15.29 Absence - 15 Chen
5 Kib
15.30 Absence - 16 Chen
6 Kaban
0.0 Coming - 17 Chen
7 Etznab
0.1 Coming
Trial of Knowledge, Empowering, good for Alchemy - 18 Chen
8 Kawak
0.2 Coming - 19 Chen
9 Ajaw
0.3 Coming - 0 Yax
10 Imix
0.4 Coming - 1 Yax
11 Ik
0.5 Coming
bad for Alchemy - 2 Yax
12 Akbal
0.6 Coming - 3 Yax
13 Kan
0.7 Coming
Trial of Steadfastness, Unmaking, bad for Alchemy - 4 Yax
1 Chickchan
0.8 Coming
Trial of Might, Balance - 5 Yax
2 Kimi
0.9 Coming - 6 Yax
3 Manik
0.10 Coming
good for Alchemy - 7 Yax
4 Lamat
0.11 Coming - 8 Yax
5 Muluk
0.12 Coming - 9 Yax
6 Ok
0.13 Reign - 10 Yax
7 Chuwen
0.14 Reign
Trial of Knowledge, Empowering, good for Alchemy - 11 Yax
8 Eb
0.15 Decline - 12 Yax
9 Ben
0.16 Decline - 13 Yax
10 Ix
0.17 Decline - 14 Yax
11 Men
0.18 Decline
bad for Alchemy - 15 Yax
12 Kib
0.19 Decline - 16 Yax
13 Kaban
0.20 Decline
Trial of Steadfastness, Unmaking, bad for Alchemy - 17 Yax
1 Etznab
0.21 Decline
Trial of Might, Balance - 18 Yax
2 Kawak
0.22 Decline - 19 Yax
3 Ajaw
0.23 Decline
good for Alchemy - 0 Sak
4 Imix
0.24 Decline - 1 Sak
5 Ik
0.25 Decline - 2 Sak
6 Akbal
0.26 Decline - 3 Sak
7 Kan
0.27 Decline
Trial of Knowledge, Empowering, good for Alchemy - 4 Sak
8 Chickchan
0.28 Decline - 5 Sak
9 Kimi
0.29 Absence - 6 Sak
10 Manik
1.0 Coming - 7 Sak
11 Lamat
1.1 Coming
bad for Alchemy - 8 Sak
12 Muluk
1.2 Coming - 9 Sak
13 Ok
1.3 Coming
Trial of Steadfastness, Unmaking, bad for Alchemy - 10 Sak
1 Chuwen
1.4 Coming
Trial of Might, Balance - 11 Sak
2 Eb
1.5 Coming - 12 Sak
3 Ben
1.6 Coming
good for Alchemy - 13 Sak
4 Ix
1.7 Coming - 14 Sak
5 Men
1.8 Coming - 15 Sak
6 Kib
1.9 Coming - 16 Sak
7 Kaban
1.10 Coming
Trial of Knowledge, Empowering, good for Alchemy - 17 Sak
8 Etznab
1.11 Coming - 18 Sak
9 Kawak
1.12 Coming - 19 Sak
10 Ajaw
1.13 Reign
Current cost of living: 3 Beans a day
[] Training
-[] Write-In one of the below
Your skills are what keeps you alive, and improving them is always time well spent. Spend a while to train one of the following skills or traits:
Self practice: Bladed Weapons, Archery, Endurance, Perception, Diplomacy, Intrigue, Charm
From Noche: Metalworking, Leatherworking (can organize a teacher for you), Masonry (can organize a teacher for you)
From Ixtli: Metalwoking, Reading & Writing
Time: 5 days, can be broken up
[] Find a Trainer
Not everything can be learned on your own, but you know preciously little people in Tlamaca so far.
-[] Search among the caravan guards and other warriors.
-[] Search among the artisans.
-[] Somewhere else: Write-In
Time: Interrupting
[] Work as a Hauler
Between the traders, artisans and the market, there is nearly always someone who is willing to pay to have something hauled through Tlamaca. It's neither glorious nor well-paying work, but it's better then nothing.
Trains: Endurance
Pay: Low
Time: 1 day
[] Gather herbs for sale
The nice herb seller you've met on your first day in Tlamaca told you that she is always looking for something to sell and has a steady buyer for rarer plants.
Uses: Herbalism, Survival, Perception
Danger: Low
Pay: Decent
Time: 10 days
[] Go Hunting
While not formally a huntress, you have trained long enough under one of them do earn a living from it.
Uses: Archery, Tracking, Survival, Perception
Danger: Medium
Pay: Decent
Time: 10 days
[] Work as a Healer
The Wise Men might do most of the healing in Tlamaca, but there is still some room left for you to earn something. Though it might be dangerous to make visits in the less safe parts of the city.
Uses: Medicine, Surgery, Charm
Danger: Medium
Pay: Low to Good
Time: 1 day
[] Go to the Market
The good thing about Tlamaca is that you can buy and sell pretty much anything at any time.
Time: 1 day
[] Gather herbs for Alchemy
-[] Write-In for which recipe
Unless you want to buy the ingredients for your alchemical substances, you will have to go out and find some on your own.
Uses: Herbalism, Survival, Perception
Danger: Low
Time: 10 days
[] Perform Alchemy
-[] Write-In which recipe. Requires ingredients.
The greatest skill that you master taught you. When the stars are right, you can make things that go beyond what mere herbs could ever hope to achieve.
Uses: Alchemy
Time: 1 day
[] Make Wound Dressings
It can never hurt to be prepared. Even a small wound might be lethal if left untreated.
Uses: Herbalism, Survival, Perception
Danger: Low
Time: 10 days
[] Join a group to fight bandits.
The banditry problem is still growing strong and some even say it is getting worse. What riches could you take from them?
Time: Interrupting
[] Attend the trials.
Now that you figured out when they are held, there is nothing stopping you from trying to become a Wise Man. Or Wise Woman in your case.
Must be done on a trial day.
Time: 1 day
[] Travel to Xoxo
-[] Alone
-[] With a caravan.
There are still those rumors floating around that the spirits around the copper mine behave oddly. You could go over to investigate that on your own and maybe help the people there.
Time: Interrupting, 2 days travel
[] Travel to your tribe
-[] Alone
-[] With a caravan.
Right now, your tribe should be at the farming village. While it hasn't been long yet that you are separated, it might still be nice to talk to Manauia and Icnoyotl again.
Must be taken within 10 days or the tribe will have moved on before you arrive.
Time: Interrupting, 10 days travel
[] Travel to Zacatl
-[] Alone
-[] With a caravan.
While Ollin has already gone on his way again, you could still go their on your own.
Time: Interrupting, 20 days travel
[] [Plan] Write-in
AN: Asking for access to the codex right now would be rather weird, unless you want to look at odd pictures. You will be able to revisit that at a later date.
Before you ask, the trials can be done in any order you want. You don't need to wait for the next first on the Tzolkin.
As I've said, if you want to do something entirely different, just give me a shout and I will stat it.
Plan voting only for the turn vote please.
Preliminary thoughts:
-> Bladed Weapons is 89 XP away from leveling. Should probably get it before heading out.
-> Medicine will almost certainly level with 5~6d100 thrown at it. Might be worth it, depending on how many dice we can throw at it in one action. Nice lady from herbal shop can probably tutor us.
-> Reasing and Writing is really fucking important.
-> Dipomacy needs ~8d100, but then again, it's one of our most used skills.
-> Metalworking might be necessary to properly gauge the worth of items.
So far, I'm really happy with our build. We can fight, we can sneak, we can heal, we can talk.
[X] [Dagger] Have your obsidian dagger coated in bronze. (Costs all silver coins.)
[X] [Plan] Plan Probing the Trials
-[X] Training
--[X] Reading & Writing
-[X] Attend the trials.
-[X] Attend the trials.
As far as I can tell bronze plated stone shouldn't be significantly inferior.
We got enough funds for now so lets get a basic understanding of writing and try out the trials. As far as I can tell theres no penalty for failing, and we don't know WHAT they are testing for yet.
So lets find out what the two nearest trials do so we can train for them specifically.
Preliminary thoughts:
-> Bladed Weapons is 89 XP away from leveling. Should probably get it before heading out.
-> Medicine will almost certainly level with 5~6d100 thrown at it. Might be worth it, depending on how many dice we can throw at it in one action. Nice lady from herbal shop can probably tutor us.
-> Reasing and Writing is really fucking important.
-> Dipomacy needs ~8d100, but then again, it's one of our most used skills.
-> Metalworking might be necessary to properly gauge the worth of items.
So far, I'm really happy with our build. We can fight, we can sneak, we can heal, we can talk.
Writing is a must. I've already talked to Azel about this. Once we have that skill and all 600 XP, we have it. No need for further training. Bladed Weapons I definitely want a teacher so we can get that trait. We can't get a trait by training on our own.
Other than that it's all up in the air as far as I'm concerned. Those are my two absolute musts for this turn.
There are no real criticals in the system. I've mulled long and hard about it, but ultimately decided against it. The system is punishing enough for failure already, so the usual escalation for a Nat 1 on a important roll might as well be "insta-kill".
On that matter, Medicine is indeed one of those skills that can go unused for months and then suddenly be the only thing between you and an ignoble death. As I've said once, no skill in the system is useless. Everything you can learn can be of absolutely vital importance at some point.
Noche can't make Masterwork gear. The coated dagger would count as a Exceptional Bronze Dagger.
You rolled well enough for him to dig out the secret arts.
Wound Dressings get you a random amount, scaling with degrees of success. The progression is 1 -> 1d2 -> 1d4 -> 1d6 and so on, with each degree boosting you up one level.
Gather Herbs for Alchemy and Brew are enough materials for one dose, with the net hits of the materials as a hard cap for the final quality of the brew.
Self-Training is 1d100, assisted training too, but those skills can't be trained without a trainer anyway.
Getting a trainer for something that can be self-taught adds another skill that is trained on the side with another 1d100. Bladed Weapons for example would train Evasion at the same time if you had a sparring partner.
[X] [Dagger] Have your obsidian dagger coated in bronze. (Costs all silver coins.)
[X] [Plan] Plan Probing the Trials
-[X] Training
--[X] Reading & Writing
-[X] Attend the trials.
-[X] Attend the trials.
I would say that what we want ASAP is to complete training for Reading and Writing.
A second thing I want to do soon is see if we can deal with the situation at Xoxo... Because we've already been informed that if we can solve problems for the city, then the Wise Men are more likely to take us on even if we only get marginally successful results with the trials.