Seras Quest - Chronicles of a Policegirl

I have to ask why there's a hot dog stand, which is an American thing, in England. I've never seen a hot dog stand anywhere. The type of stands we have are either crepes/pancakes or coffee/tea, and the crepes/pancake stands are only set up usually on a market day, in places that have markets, like where I used to live. There are the occasional burger vans though.

[x] Wait, weren't you wearing gloves? What the...
I have to ask why there's a hot dog stand, which is an American thing, in England. I've never seen a hot dog stand anywhere. The type of stands we have are either crepes/pancakes or coffee/tea, and the crepes/pancake stands are only set up usually on a market day, in places that have markets, like where I used to live. There are the occasional burger vans though.

[x] Wait, weren't you wearing gloves? What the...
Good catch. ;)
[X] Wait, weren't you wearing gloves? What the...

And what bitchin' gloves they are...

And then that wanker comes and splatters his green slime all over them. Damn it.
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Hmm, I see where this is going, slime that selectivly disolves clothes... What does this remind people of?