Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

Every Son of Heaven and Daughter of the Earth shall know of your virtue before ever you meet.

No safe harbor shall turn you away lest it be cast in fire, no tongue shall curse your name lest it be torn out, no house refuse you entry lest its people be put to the sword.
Sons and daughters of Heaven and Earth
Know your name and know your worth;
Know safe harbors, not no safe harbors.
If they turn they burn, that's a really big order.
Don't trash talk the Lulu, lest you be cut down,
Entering houses like the owns the whole town.
Did Schneizel decide he didn't want to be prime minister anymore or something? cause the only person I can think of who would be worth that much of a crit is the silver tongue himself.
Did Schneizel decide he didn't want to be prime minister anymore or something? cause the only person I can think of who would be worth that much of a crit is the silver tongue himself.
I mean Euphie, Milly, and Hannes all have good diplo. Gino has 19 diplo himself, for some reason. Or maybe some high-ranking translator found us.
I wonder what trait Lulu will get from this, since I'm pretty sure we blew the "Potential trait gain" out of the water.

Or out of the air, because that's how Lelouch be.
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I wonder what trait Lulu will get from this, since I'm pretty sure we blew the "chance to get trait" out of the water.

Or out of the air, because that's how Lelouch be.
Gain trait: Lookin' Good - Your accidental appearance at what you thought was Nunnally's tea party was a surprise to all parties involved. It was a meeting with a renowned translator who showed up at the last minute. Unfortunately, you were wearing one of those horrible dresses Little Sis keeps making you wear.
+2 diplomacy.
Lulu as the hardworking wife and Kallen as the deadbeat sports(KF)-mad husband? I might even read it. :V
"Dear Diary,
Today I caught a glimpse of Lelouch or should I call him Lulu? That does sound more girly, in a way.
Anyways, so there I was, drinking tea with Nunnally, when boom! Luloo kicks open the door in a dress! One of those frilly types!
Oh, it was hilarious, I'll admit that the tea snorted out of my nose very unlike a lady. It was worth the extra chiding from Loo later, but still, worth it.
I... can't help but feel that that dress... really... accented his body? Like, wow, never knew how good he looked. I should ask him to do that more often."
--Kallen, not knowing what corsets are.
...please don't tell me we've become friends with some of the Eunuchs or something.
There are probably lots of decent eunuchs out there. Just not the corrupt bastards running the show. The classical chinese mandarin system produced some real heroes and some of the most competent men you could find anywhere. Its just... yeah... the country rotted out underneath them and at least their top brass followed suit.

Your average bureaucrat, though, would be an overworked Saint George trying to slay a dragon with a calligraphy brush. Failing, because his bosses want him to fail, but not for lack of trying.
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There are probably lots of decent eunuchs out there. Just not the corrupt bastards running the show. The classical chinese mandarin system produced some real heroes and some of the most competent men you could find anywhere. Its just... yeah... the country rotted out underneath them and at least their top brass followed suit.

Your average bureaucrat, though, would be an overworked Saint George trying to slay a dragon with a calligraphy brush.

"just another forty years of soul crushing paper work, which is four tens before i retire at age 70. going by the national average i would die sooner than that, but that's a blessing in disguises i'm sure."
"sir, this is a wendy's"
