Self-Insert Idea Thread

Recently i just finished re-watching a fallout lore series known as the storyteller. and this gave me an idea.

it seems that a good number of self inserts have pre existing knowledge of everything going on in the universe that they are traveling to. so what happens when they get something rather basic in terms of powers such as a spellblade or something. however unlike other SI stories they don't choose to directly get involved and instead choose to wander around spreading stories of a different series to try and improve the events or rig the future events more into the favor of the heros.

of course this only partially works. for the first couple of events yeah thier stories are strange but kinda help out the heros by both sharing lore and providing stories to help teach people something that helps them.. or something. eventually though his stories start to attract attention and he eventually joins the party via not having any other major choice.

i was thinking the more recent fire emblem games could work the best for this in fates or awakening but other options could exist out there any major RPG could work perhaps record of agarest war.

You're talking about taking the 'wise' mentor role.

Traveling far and wide, meeting the cast before the events of canon and slightly influencing their mindset or standing in the world.
You're talking about taking the 'wise' mentor role.

Traveling far and wide, meeting the cast before the events of canon and slightly influencing their mindset or standing in the world.
no not really if i have to use an analogy from something think Anna from fire emblem just with stories instead of selling things
Recently i just finished re-watching a fallout lore series known as the storyteller. and this gave me an idea.

it seems that a good number of self inserts have pre existing knowledge of everything going on in the universe that they are traveling to. so what happens when they get something rather basic in terms of powers such as a spellblade or something. however unlike other SI stories they don't choose to directly get involved and instead choose to wander around spreading stories of a different series to try and improve the events or rig the future events more into the favor of the heros.

of course this only partially works. for the first couple of events yeah thier stories are strange but kinda help out the heros by both sharing lore and providing stories to help teach people something that helps them.. or something. eventually though his stories start to attract attention and he eventually joins the party via not having any other major choice.

i was thinking the more recent fire emblem games could work the best for this in fates or awakening but other options could exist out there any major RPG could work perhaps record of agarest war.

Then I hope you've got life insurance for that, matey.

Wise Mentor raises all kinds of Death Flags, don't'cha know.
I swear you guys are trolling me i just used anna as an analogy with stories instead of selling things.
SI in a Cartoon Network Channel (Crossover) Universe type setting. SI only vaguely remembers what is going in because they're grown up and it's been a along time since they have seen any of those shows.
Eventually multicross Gamer SI, because the muse has touched me, but not where I wanted her to. (Inconspiciously buries half-dead PA/SI fic.)

First draft of the first chapter, in case someone wants to point out what I messed up this time around:

Journal Entry I:

Surprising how quickly adrenaline can take over in a high-stress situation. Said situation being rippes from my home for insrutable reasons by an inscrutable being who should get hit by truck full of thousands of smaller, but higher density trucks.

At least they had the decency to turn me into a Gamer. Multiversal DLC was apparently a part of the package. One month for it to charge per jump, anyone I am touching or is a Companion comes with me.

But that was a week ago.

Now I'm stuck in a different universe where the chances of me making a significant change is the only thing with a lower chance than getting home. How am I supposed to change anything when there are armies duking it out without a clear victor?!

Journal Entry II:

Managed to find a Mk.II Mamoth in relatively decent condition. By that I mean there was some useful loot inside, such as a pistol, ammo, spare parts for my gun, a medkit, and armour!

Well alright, it was being worn and is rather battered, but I doubt the incomplete skeleton I pried it from will complain if I make use of it. In fact, I think he found it quite humerous!

Ah, mental stability indicated by my ability to make puns, how I have missed you.

Also found a way to check my stats screen – I have to look in a reflective surface. I have to say, it was worth picking the Automatic Character Generation option. Sure, I missed out on min-maxing, but I also don't have to get used to an entirely different skillset and my SPECIAL points are actually above 40 when added up. 6, 3, 7, 5, 9, 8, and 7, respectively.

The unique perks I got from it are also pretty good, besides the Severe Myopia. Without glasses, my effective perception is effectively 1. 20% more effective skills, extra XP and extremely easy smuggling are nothing to scoff at.

Perception: 3/3
Success! +10 XP!

"I'm telling you, Peter, that is a stupid idea!" Someone pretty close to me shouted to someone presumably called Peter. Thank you, unknown shouty person, for revealing your relative location.

"I have a hunch about this building, Marty. Besides, our patrol route takes us to its other side anyways, why not take a shortcut?" Because I'm here and I don't want to get spotted, maybe? I have over 3 CHR, so you probably won't shove a gun in my face if you find me, but I suck at introductions.

Then I heard someone opening the door to the building. "Oh, Fine." Wait one second. Two. Three.

Then I leapt out of the first story window.

Sneak: 21/20
Success! +10 XP!

And proceeded to land with nary a sound before taking a look at the two unknowns from behind my half a foot brick wall cover. Hoodies with combat vests worn over them, assault rifles, and a scorpion's tail on a triangular red background. NOD militants, almost completetly oblivious to my presence.

I had the element of surprise, but they had better guns and two guys instead of one, so I decided not getting into a fight would be the better part of valor. After promptly taking a few large steps, I knocked on the doorway.

To their credit, they didn't react by whirling around in place. Instead they immeadiately leapt behind cover in opposing directions before exposing just enough of themselves to point their gun at me.

In response, I held both my hands up. "Friendly."

They relaxed very slightly. "Prove it." Whoa there guy to my left, way to be hostile. Granted, I am a total unknown, so maybe it isn't entirely unfounded.

"I revealed myself instead of ambushing you."

"He has a point. Call me Peter." The newly-introduced militant then walked out of cover and flicked the safety on his gun back on, followed shortly by the other one. "And his name is Martin."

"Mine is Galen Corcoran. No, I didn't pick it." I did, in fact, pick that name, after a now-defunct Fallen London character of mine who fucked up at Seeking the Name and got himslef deleted.

"Alright, so, what are you doing here?" Martin asked, reaching out for a handshake. "I hope you uderstand my suspicion."

"Being a scavanger, mostly. My gear came from an old GDI wreck. What about you guys?" I shook his hand fist, then Peter's.

"Can't really tell you that, OpSec and all that." I merely nodded as answer.

"You're being surprisingly reasonably about this." Peter, I'm not going to push you to reveal information you're not allowed to because of idle curiousity.

Perception: 3/6

I wanted to say as much as well, but what can you do when you fail a perception check, which probably means an impending ambush.

Intelligence: 9/8
Success! +10 XP!

"Did you hear that?" Despite my perception being low, their's may not be.

"Actually, now that you mention it..." Thanks, Martin!


That was the safety on Peter's gu- and he is already out the door. Well, doorway.

Agility 8/8
Success! +10 XP!

Gesturing for Martin to follow me, I took off after him. He was pretty damn fast, considering my 8 Agility barely kept up with him. While running, I also managed to figure out where I was: either Slovakia or Bohemia. The languages were pretty close to each other, so I couldn't be any more precise until I had a larger sample size, but I was kind of angry with me for only noticing now.

Oh good, the Road Runner who posessed Peter finally left and he came to a stop at the corner of a building. Convenience store, by the looks of it. He briefly peeked around the corner before turning to me. He wasn't even breathing heavily! "GDI, six men. Unaware. Not your fight, but if you could help out, that would bring the odds closer to even."

I froze up. Could I kill a man? Possibly, at least from a physical standpoint. From a psychological one, I was unsure. As far as I am aware, I am not a sociopath. But sooner or later, I would have to. The Gamer thing incentivized it. Kill, get XP, get stronger.

And I always was a 'do it already' sort of person. I contemplated shooting my militant acquaintance. Better chance of getting out alive, and the GDI were generally considered the good guys.

I gave a mute nod, unholstered my gun, and flicked the safety off.

But I always liked Kane more.

Quest Added!

*Defeat the GDI squad

"Good. Take this grenade and get into the store. I saw a window to the road they are on. When the fighting starts, shoot it out and throw it at the position that you think will help us the most."

I followed his orders and barely a few seconds later the shots started.

Luck: 7/7
Success! +10XP!


When I fired, the entire pane shattered outwards in colourful shards – the remnants of an advertisement – before revealing a GDI soldier in the process of falling over dead. Outside, the course of the battle shifted.

The pair of militants had to fire blindly because they were being supressed, resulting only in a single GDI death, but now they were flanked, and a grenade just landed between the trio taking cover behind the long burnt-out husk of a Pitbull.

They jumped away, but a fusiliade of gunfire from Peter and Martin cut off any attempts to find other cover.


Getting your entire team obliterated in less than ten seconds does tend to have that effect.

"Drop your weapons!" I commanded him, vaulting through the fromer window. While I should probably feel bad, at the moment I was too high on adrenaline to care. Jogging up to him to take the guns away, I-

Perception: 3/8
Agility: 8/9
Endurance: 7/6
Success! +10XP!


He aimed and fired his pistol faster than I could react immediately before pain bloomed in my stomach. In response, I shot out his right elbow and knee. "You alright?" Asked Martin as he clapped me on the shoulder.

"Armour took the hit, mostly. I'm going to live, don't worry about me.But what are we going to do wth this guy?" I gestured to the writhing and bleeding soldier less than ten feet from us.

"We don't have the medical supplies to stabilize him, and he probably won't live getting to our outpost. So I suppose offing him would the the most prudent choice." I was in sort-of agreement. While he was injured and I did have a medkit, this bastard shot me in the stomach.

Instead of voicing my opinion, I slowly and deliberately raised my pistol at him, and pulled the trigger when Martin nodded.

Level up! 14 Skill points unassigned!

I was also reasonably sure I lost any and all sympathy I could have gathered from any other GDI I will most likely encounter in the future.

"Are you two alright?" I asked, switching the safety on my pistol back before holstering it. Kinetic Weapons to 30, Medicine to 25, Sneak to 24. Perk is Intense Training, point to Intelligence to max it out.

"He got hit by some shrapnel from his cover getting torn up, but otherwise he's fine." I reached into my bacpack and revealed that I had something to assist him with. "Let's go check on him. I may be able to help."

"He's just over the corner, I'll handle gathering the GDI gear." And with that, I went to help Peter.

Who had several brick shards stuck in his left side and has probably lost quite a lot of blood by the looks of it.

Medicine: 27/25
Success! +10XP!

Well, first I have to disinfect the...
I had an lingery idea of a Vampire Count SI in Warcraft, rising throught the ranks on the Forsaken or similar pace and eventually succeding Viramathras post after the Wrathgate event but then..

I had to turn around and see what I was dealing with.

There were many factors that it won't work well in the setting, Like WHFB's Vampirism, Necromancy and Magic.

Pretty much abandoned the idea quickly.
Lately, I had this SI idea of being a sibling of Shoto Todoroki that had a weak Quirk/Superpower of Heat Manipulation and was easily discarded by Endeavor/his father. It was initially a stray thought that I would have ignored, since I already have an SI idea for MHA. But then I decided to stretch my writing muscles by creating a character and having him face someone in the Sports Festival.

It escalated into eventually fighting his brother. *shrugs*

This idea came after rewatching a lot of Avatar The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Basically, his Quirk would enable him to Firebend, with enough practice that is. I'm thinking it would be the natural evolution of manipulating heat, eventually being able to create his own fire. My idea for this story is that he doesn't goes into U.A., instead he goes into vigilantism or villainy, though for the latter I was imagining him siding with Stain rather than the League of Villains.

I have no other ideas aside from what I've written.

I've had this plot bunny bouncing around in my head and taking up brain space, of a multicross SI that is pushed towards transhumanism far faster than he'd like and is pushed outside of his comfort zone to the point that he loses his humanity. The sticking point in my head is how they become a gene-modded cyborg.

Thing is, just a general "Transhuman" theme is too broad. It needs to be narrowed down in some way, like pure genetic evolution through consumption a-la primal zerg or some shit. But I still want to keep the whole genemodded cyborg bit. I just lack a good solid core to build his evolution / transhumanism around.

Like how Megaman sucks at melee comparatively, and always gains new primarily ranged weapons when he beats bosses that are limited by ammo and he can charge up, or how Zero from the X series has a Z buster, but is primarily focused around his saber and utilizing it in new and interesting elementally based techniques based on the enemies he defeats. Or how Sora from Kingdom Hearts has the keyblade, but basically all of his attacks / techniques are either movement based, or pushed through the keyblade (magic) as pure energy (Explosion, energy trails, etc) or just straight superhuman badassery, nothing inhuman.

I'm looking for something to build this SI idea around, some sort of strong core trait / ability / system. It's just a good practice to do so.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Enemies that are noted to have really nifty parts, said nifty parts are disturbingly easy for someone to who has slain such enemies to add to their being. One of the things that makes this faction such a threat is their to playing on the saying "Those that play with the devils toys will be brought by degrees to wield his sword." Integrating even one part will start a slow conversion of the rest of the being, and adding more parts only speeds the process until the person loses their sense of self and attunes to overmind/prime code/overriding directive or whatever and becomes another drone.

The idea would be running the SI through a constant gauntlet like uh, The Surge or something like where they barely survive and crib equipment/parts from fallen foes and become stronger for it.
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I had an lingery idea of a Vampire Count SI in Warcraft, rising throught the ranks on the Forsaken or similar pace and eventually succeding Viramathras post after the Wrathgate event but then..

I had to turn around and see what I was dealing with.

There were many factors that it won't work well in the setting, Like WHFB's Vampirism, Necromancy and Magic.

Pretty much abandoned the idea quickly.
Okay, I explained how you can make it work over on the SB Warcraft thread. Why, exactly, does the idea require Warhammer vampirism? Does your plot need daylight weakness? If not, use Warcraft vampirism to resolve the problem. Why does it require Warhammer's form of magic, in particular? Is there some facet of how Warhammer's Winds of Magic work that you require? If not, just make Leylines into an expy. Why can't you just apply AU elements to make expies of everything work?

Why do you need those specific things? If they are the only Warhammer inclusions, then there is no need for them. Seriously, explain why you need those specific things from that specific setting, instead of tweaking the setting you're using to have direct, usable, counterparts to those things.

There is nothing wrong with altering the lore behind Leylines in Warcraft to make them permit Warhammer Fantasy style magic. There's nothing wrong with using Warcraft's native version of Vampirism. There's nothing wrong with having a direct counterpart to Warhammer Fantasy Necromancy by having a form of Fel Magic use that uses a different form of (Un)Death-affiliated magic to avoid direct contact with the Fel magic.

Sit down, thing about what you actually want, and throw away the Warhammer inclusion. Don't let a setting mismatch remove your ability to write a story. Think about how you might resolve the setting mismatch. Explain what you are using from Warhammer Fantasy and why you are using it, so that AU elements can be implemented to resolve all the problems.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Maybe your SI is a native of the Star Trek series, and gets volunteered to test a borg vaccine based on modified borg nanites. Obe negative space wedgie later, and the character is in another universe with some parts of their skin replaced eith hull metal because the nanites repaired him with whatever was on hand. Basically they've got borg nanites trying to keep him alive but not caring about his anti-transhuman stance.
Violation of Rule 2 - Badly Written ITG Murder Fantasies Are Against The Rules
How about a bitter S.I. that rants all about the pathetic dense MC's and decides to kill them?

A teenage boy with short dark brown hair is standing on the side of the road near a phone booth, it is sunny and everything seems all right when the siren blared. He was about to run towards the nearest shelter when he got distracted by a girl with light blue hair, when a giant white feet blocked his view with a bang.

He looked up with trepidation at the colossal monster walked past by, shocking him to the core.

His shock was replaced with worry as he suddenly remembered the girl from before but as he looked back at the same spot and found neither girl nor gore. Shaking his head, worrying for his sanity, he decided to move once more.

Looking at the road he saw a red low rider headed towards his direction.

The car slowed down and he finally saw who was inside, a man with a disarming smile

"Are you Ikari Shinji?" the man asked with a wry smile

"Yes, that's me" Shinji answered feeling relieved that this might be the person to take him to his father and wondering about the woman in the picture, he was going to ask about her...


Shinji was shocked by loud sound until he coughed out blood and looked down his chest and he saw blood spreading through his white shirt, as different emotions ran through his mind. He looked towards the man and froze as he saw him holding a gun pointed at him and finally realized that he was shot by the man.

Finally his leg gave out on him and he fell on his back, his body weak and getting cold, his eyes asking why.

Shinji laid there slowly withering away as the man got out of the car, walked to the back of his car and opened up the trunk. The man took out a white plastic container as he opened it while walking towards Shinji.

Standing over Shinji the man looked directly at Shinji's inquiring eyes

"Sorry kid, it's just that I hate you and I specially hate your father but I know that you have already accepted your death and I know all about your suicidal thoughts" the man answered him like he was speaking about the weather. Lifting up the white container, he started dumping its contents all over Shinji's body

"If you are wondering about what am I pouring all over you, let's just say I am dissolving you, would not want your father to clone you or something now would we?, tehee ;P" said the man to Shinji, pretending to be a cute school girl

Tehee!? tehee your mother you psycho tehee your whole family, was the last thoughts of Shinji as he died and started to dissolve into nothingness.


Cruising away from the crime scene the man was thankful he met up with an old man named Rick first to get that meltaliquid in exchange for some crystals... crystal meth that is.
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How about a bitter S.I. that rants all about the pathetic dense MC's and decides to kill them?
One, can you hear yourself over all that edge?
Two, bad grammar.
Three, you're pretty much going to be hypocritically bashing everything, showing a complete lack of understanding of the series in question.
Four, can you even hear yourself over all that edge?
One, can you hear yourself over all that edge?
Two, bad grammar.
Three, you're pretty much going to be hypocritically bashing everything, showing a complete lack of understanding of the series in question.
Four, can you even hear yourself over all that edge?
In this particular case, murdering Shinji Ikari really does solve most of the large scale problems. He's actually pretty devastatingly important to Instrumentality, in most of the versions of the series. If nothing else, Gendo would likely immediately stop playing along because his reason for assisting with Third Impact has just been removed from the situation, as Shinji is the only one able to pilot Unit 01...Do note that I'm working off a blurred-together mess of different versions of Evangelion, because keeping them straight is spectacularly hard. Just know that there's at least one version where killing Shinji really does prevent Third Impact. Might doom humanity because SEELE are a massive bag of dicks and might break NERV and similar institutions because their plan failed, but it does stop Third Impact.
How about, daring to make a SJW SI with the power of cringe
One, can you hear yourself over all that edge?
Two, bad grammar.
Three, you're pretty much going to be hypocritically bashing everything, showing a complete lack of understanding of the series in question.
Four, can you even hear yourself over all that edge?
One, the edge is slippery and dulled to a certain point.
Two, might as well since I am lazy
Three, hypocrisy exist in everything, the bashing won't be necessary as long as the cast don't go ooc but stay true to their character without fan bias or fan delusions of what they think that character should have the personality and behavior of.
Four, I fell off the edge a long time ago that all I hear are the shouts of angry marines.
Okay, I explained how you can make it work over on the SB Warcraft thread. Why, exactly, does the idea require Warhammer vampirism? Does your plot need daylight weakness? If not, use Warcraft vampirism to resolve the problem. Why does it require Warhammer's form of magic, in particular? Is there some facet of how Warhammer's Winds of Magic work that you require? If not, just make Leylines into an expy. Why can't you just apply AU elements to make expies of everything work?

Why do you need those specific things? If they are the only Warhammer inclusions, then there is no need for them. Seriously, explain why you need those specific things from that specific setting, instead of tweaking the setting you're using to have direct, usable, counterparts to those things.

There is nothing wrong with altering the lore behind Leylines in Warcraft to make them permit Warhammer Fantasy style magic. There's nothing wrong with using Warcraft's native version of Vampirism. There's nothing wrong with having a direct counterpart to Warhammer Fantasy Necromancy by having a form of Fel Magic use that uses a different form of (Un)Death-affiliated magic to avoid direct contact with the Fel magic.

Sit down, thing about what you actually want, and throw away the Warhammer inclusion. Don't let a setting mismatch remove your ability to write a story. Think about how you might resolve the setting mismatch. Explain what you are using from Warhammer Fantasy and why you are using it, so that AU elements can be implemented to resolve all the problems.
I needed more opinion from others to be sure. In the SB Warcraft Thread, my last post contained in what I had decided but I was still unsure, but I didn't recieved any other replies and the last post was of a SG Crossover idea and remained since then.

As for the Warhammer Incursion into Warcraft. I've been a bit of a fan of WHFB and in the mist of the Warcraft SI appearing (No that I mind, honestly. It's an welcome thing.) I thought in making one. I thought in making an Vampire Count SI. An Undead Lord and Necromancer without the influence of the Lich King, an undead whose body and necromantic magic used to sustain making the undead in question seems alive.

I am well aware of the Weakness of the Vampires in WHFB being the standard of the Vampirism of Pop Culture (Can't stay in sunlight, Weak to Silver, Wooden Stake in the Heart, holy symbols, need blood to stay sane) and honestly I haven't any Plot relevancy from it but would make the Vampire an death knight but "better" (No affliction to cause pain in order to stay sane, can use Magic outside of runic methods and mass raise an small army of shambling corpses)

I am well aware of the answers and talk in the SB CW warcraft subforum but the THread is barely active and my last post wasn't answered. I mean, no one objected on an undead vampire necromancer lord in using nature magic or anything no involving to necromancy, black magic or even arcane.

About the Winds of Magic in warcraft.. That would be a very significant change.
Enemies that are noted to have really nifty parts, said nifty parts are disturbingly easy for someone to who has slain such enemies to add to their being. One of the things that makes this faction such a threat is their to playing on the saying "Those that play with the devils toys will be brought by degrees to wield his sword." Integrating even one part will start a slow conversion of the rest of the being, and adding more parts only speeds the process until the person loses their sense of self and attunes to overmind/prime code/overriding directive or whatever and becomes another drone.

The idea would be running the SI through a constant gauntlet like uh, The Surge or something like where they barely survive and crib equipment/parts from fallen foes and become stronger for it.
Slight misunderstanding.

I'm talking about how a good "evolving weapon" sort of character has a strong thematic core. Like how Megaman is Jump'n'Shoot-Man, or how Sora is 'Kid that Hits Things with Keys', or how Alex Mercer from PROTOTYPE is always 'Shapeshifter that Eats People'. I'm trying to figure out an equivalent core for the SI that could include him being a cyborg.

Like, I'm trying to figure out what's the core of how he functions, what all of his abilities come back to. No matter how many spells or techniques or Drives or whatever Sora gets, it always boils down to "Hit Things With Key", even if he's throwing it, shooting lasers out of it, or it's floating around telekinetically, it always comes back to "Hit Things With Key." Megaman always Shoots things, and Jumps, as in he doesn't really get melee weapons, he doesn't get any other real movement options, just enhancements to both of those things, Jump Good to the point of limited flight, or getting a lot more things to Shoot with.

What could be options for that "Thematic Core" that a Cyborg could build around?

Does that make sense?
What could be options for that "Thematic Core" that a Cyborg could build around?
The Borg's arm. One of them is entirely synthetic, and I'm reasonably sure that they're phasers, drills, scanners, assimilators, and probably a bunch of other things as well. While he'd be getting a few other aspects from implants elsewhere on his body, they're thematically related through "Borg," so it's not out of nowhere.
The Borg's arm. One of them is entirely synthetic, and I'm reasonably sure that they're phasers, drills, scanners, assimilators, and probably a bunch of other things as well. While he'd be getting a few other aspects from implants elsewhere on his body, they're thematically related through "Borg," so it's not out of nowhere.
God damnit, I couldn't find your earlier post for the life of me when I was doing my initial reply. Mostly 'cause I was a dumbass.

To clarify slightly: The SI isn't anti-transhuman. Hell, if anything, I'm (and thus, he's) enthusiastically transhuman. However, I want to remain human and myself and make careful, measured steps towards transhumanism, to be more of myself as opposed to just hacking stuff off and replacing it with better things, organic or otherwise. Part of the idea with this SI is that he's progressively more inhuman due to being pushed to taking any and all advantages that he can in his universe hopping.

As for the suggestion: Hrm. Possibly. Like, a Combitool arm that all of his things come back to?

... I do have to admit that being able to say this in response to badguys would be fanfuckingtastic. Just trying to wrap my head around it overall.
As for the Warhammer Incursion into Warcraft. I've been a bit of a fan of WHFB and in the mist of the Warcraft SI appearing (No that I mind, honestly. It's an welcome thing.) I thought in making one. I thought in making an Vampire Count SI. An Undead Lord and Necromancer without the influence of the Lich King, an undead whose body and necromantic magic used to sustain making the undead in question seems alive.
To be fair, most of those can be accomplished by a 2nd War DK who decided to go a bit more Dark Shaman(Dominating Decay, rather than Harmonious Spirit like normal Shaman) than full on Warlock. Because binding the souls of the dead is literally how they're made. Shove a Warlock's soul into a dead Alliance hero to use the soul of the Alliance hero as a power supply. Involving Elementals in their magic, which can be extremely forceful and corruptive without Fel magic through what's justifiably called Decay, could confer the "living" feeling to their magic, as Elemental forces have a pretty shocking habit of becoming actually alive when concentrated. Just ask the Stormstouts, who accidentally made booze elementals. One of which was a dungeon boss made by attempting to attain enlightenment by perfect booze. I wish I was joking, Pandaria has weird stuff like that all over the place.

I am well aware of the Weakness of the Vampires in WHFB being the standard of the Vampirism of Pop Culture (Can't stay in sunlight, Weak to Silver, Wooden Stake in the Heart, holy symbols, need blood to stay sane) and honestly I haven't any Plot relevancy from it but would make the Vampire an death knight but "better" (No affliction to cause pain in order to stay sane, can use Magic outside of runic methods and mass raise an small army of shambling corpses)
To be fair, the "better" you describe was basically the case for the 2nd War Death Knights, who had more of a field commander role than even the 3rd War DKs. They even have the ability to be brought back at least decades after "death," like WHFB Vampires (seriously, the blood sucking buggers have actually been "dead" for centuries and came back. They're basically impossible to keep dead short of direct soul destruction).

I am well aware of the answers and talk in the SB CW warcraft subforum but the THread is barely active and my last post wasn't answered. I mean, no one objected on an undead vampire necromancer lord in using nature magic or anything no involving to necromancy, black magic or even arcane.
I brought up Nature/Void magic mixes as an example of how mixed types of magic change properties. The Emerald Nightmare offers abilities only tangentially related to the Emerald Dream, with the resemblance being pretty hard to find. Similarly, mixing stuff with Fel magic in a manner similar to how Necromancy in Warhammer Fantasy works could result in very different properties.

About the Winds of Magic in warcraft.. That would be a very significant change.
Actually not nearly as large as it seems, if you mix and adjust the right lore. One of the big things is that all the "civilized" magic users descend from a single tradition. Probably Troll in origin, related to Voodoo's tendency to mix literally everything able to be found, because the Elves of Warcraft are descended from a specific group of Trolls. Specifically, the Highborn established the tradition as it stands currently, while the War of the Ancients eventually led to the surviving, exiled Highborn becoming the High Elves. The High Elves, much like Warhammer Fantasy, were the ones who taught humanity how to use magic, and this extended to Dwarves, Gnomes and basically everyone that didn't have a previous tradition for it, like Trolls. Even the freaking Kobolds and Gnolls use self-taught variants of that tradition.

Something I've seen in several fanfics that might be drawn from the RPG books (it has to be from some canon source, the writers are too spread out and Warcraft fanfiction isn't as degenerate and self-referential as popular storytelling series. People play WoW to RP and grind, rarely for the story) is that Arcane magic is "purified" Fel magic, and this is what the Elves know. Ordering the corruptive mess into safe to use energy that can be used for a wide variety of tasks. Rather similar to High Magic and Dhar, only in this case it's more like extracting the stuff of the Winds from Dhar, then casting High Magic off of that. Something that only the Slann should even be attempting to pull off, but this is Warcraft, not Warhammer, so stuff like that gets some degree of a pass. Light magic is drawn from some omnipresent field, rather than any sort of current. Druidic magic, canonically, is from the Emerald Dream, which had its last canonical origin (to my knowledge) being "artificially shaped dreams of the world-soul of Azeroth." Fel magic is drawn raw from the Twisting Nether, and sometimes generated by self-sacrifice of a rather corrupting variety. Or sacrificing others, the blood rituals don't care if it's you or some poor sod you strapped to a ritual slab.

Once you divorce the relevant forms of magic to the native's interests (Fel and Arcane) from what swapping Leylines for Winds causes, you can have your direct counterpart setup work with little issue. You also have to somewhat divorce the idea of Winds of magic from a specific origin point, but the magical typing works for all the Winds if you have them be based on the dominant magical association. The only Wind that should be relevant is Shyish, the Wind of Death. I'd counterpart it with Decay, with "sources" being heavily Sha-tainted portions of Pandaria(disharmony among Elementals is a symptom of Decay presence. Azeroth's general inter-Element hostilities are from a Spirit deficiency because the world soul is eating up all the spare Spirit) and places where unquiet dead lie/walk/generally do mad science(WTF, Royal Apothecary Society? You had one job, and did the exact opposite with your Blight!)/live semi-normal lives. Like most of Lordaeron, so you wouldn't have any issues with access while in Forsaken territory :V

Using Leyline-derrived magic to act as a buffer for Fel magic is nothing particularly revolutionary, conceptually. After all, Trolls mix literally every form of magic in the world they have access to into a single form of use that requires their regenerative blessings to survive use of in the long run, or even short term, and they suffer no characteristically ill effects(no tentacles or mad ravings, just severe body strain) from the Void magic involved(and there is Void Magic, their ancestry goes back to Old God domination of Azeroth, so they can and will use it). And probably Fel, too, they've had the whole time since the War of the Ancients to get that in their mess of a discipline they call Voodoo.
However, I want to remain human and myself and make careful, measured steps towards transhumanism, to be more of myself as opposed to just hacking stuff off and replacing it with better things, organic or otherwise. Part of the idea with this SI is that he's progressively more inhuman due to being pushed to taking any and all advantages that he can in his universe hopping.
If the Borg nanites aren't operating under his control and he has very limited ability to control them, is that appropriate for this?
As for the suggestion: Hrm. Possibly. Like, a Combitool arm that all of his things come back to?
Yeah, pretty much. Given how dangerous you're probably going to be making it for me I'd expect some augmentation to start happening through the rest of his body (as the nanites were modified to only do things to other borg nanoprobes and damage, so they're not continuously assimilating him) as he gets injured all over. So he starts by losing his arm and that's why it's the most heavily augmented section of his body.