Self-Insert Idea Thread

Awww.... no KaijuSI?
Pitting SIs against each other has a tendency to escalate out of control, unfortunately. Add that with the hivemind mentality of the Kaiju and any "aberrants" will likely be sniffed out by the Progenitors in short order.

Besides, you'll be a Cat I anyway! You'll become a squishy!

Addendum: My goodness, rampant autocorrect tumours all over the place. Edited.
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How many people actually want me to start Fog in my Windshield over after all this time? Assuming there are still people who remember it.
Meeeeeeeee~! <3

Oh dear, it's seems like I've been distracted again. Watching Youtube clips is definitely not healthy for both my ramped schedule and plotbunny infestation.

Many kudos to open_sketchbook and the various _____ Versus the World quests floating around.


Child, I am disappoint. You used the quote and the wrong music.
Anyone here remember this idea?
So, the stuff I've thought of regarding self-inserting as Ulquiorra, mister Double Final Form Hollow, is that if I ever did it, I'd not have the insertion be as the Artificial Arrancar canon form. Instead, I'd either insert as an Incomplete Natural Arrancar version, if I went for "suddenly Ulquiorra," or as his absolutely-and-literally emotionless Vasto Lorde form to progress to Natural Arrancar with extra-hax tricks to outclass Aizen's Artificial Arrancar Vasto Lordes.

Like having the ability to learn anything that isn't connected to the physical structure of a thing, including Release State stuff. All the Cero variants available for mixing, especially the personal ones. As a learned skill enabled by the actual hax of altering one's own reiatsu signature, because it's stated that a lot of abilities are dependent on one's reiatsu "nature," with a mention of that one asshole who copied Getsuga Tenshou as an example of what I'd aim for, so being able to copy the signature of anyone means copying the abilities they have which aren't from a release state at a minimum. And probably eventually some of those, as well.

This one trick is probably as far as Speshul Snowflake really goes, with everything else just being Standard Hollow Bullshit and Standard Soul Reaper Bullshit mixed together past that, with the Resurreccion just being enhancement of the Reiatsu-mimic-to-power-mimic hax and boosting Standard Hollow Bullshit. Probably using the Natural Arrancar state to have them actually need hax to keep up. I dislike complete stomps and want to avoid writing them, outside of characters like Aizen and Yhwach, who'd be dealt with anticlamicticly and stompily.

Yhwach by force-feeding him about half a Vasto Lorde in actively-destabilized Hollow/Arrancar Reiatsu and Aizen by repetitive throat and groin blows while Cero spamming to prevent him from going Shikai. And maybe using intentionally-botched healing kido to force-feed him about half a Vasto Lorde in actively-destibilized Hollow Reiatsu. With the intent of the force-feeding being to make the asshole's souls rip them apart from the inside out or make them start turning into Gillian-like mindless abominations that can be dealt with via attrition fairly easily.

Yeah, I have actual plot points/discriptive stuff for a different direction to take it. If any of you are somehow inspired to write it, feel free to change anything from it to your liking. Especially visual descriptions, as those are something that really should be decided primarily by the author, rather than prompt-writers, requesters or commissioners.

1. SI as the emotionless Vasto Lorde form, setting a mid-term goal of regaining emotions to be able to motivate themselves and think properly. This makes the initial arc rather difficult, due to having to write an emotionless entity that isn't a rationalbot, but also gradually regains emotions. Very difficult because it's writing from an alien viewpoint that's deep into the uncanney valley.

2. Method for regaining emotion is step-by-step sealing of Hollow abilities into Resurreccion, gradually changing from an Arrancar into a Vizord due to shifting reiatsu ratios. The prerequisites for doing so allow for largely freely shifting along the sliding scale of Shinigami and Arrancar by having more or less Hollow reiatsu "open." Mostly useless, outside of espionage options that really don't do much, given the setting. At best, they'd be able to get Privaron Espada status and then be freely able to walk into Las Noches without being bugged for anything other than running off a bunch. And, going by canon, most of the population of Las Noches seems to give no fucks about the Privaron Espada. Unless they are weak enough to be stomped by said former-Espada.

3. Resurreccion having only two abilities. Reiatsu confinement/absorption, where personal and ambient reiatsu, as in the stuff other people output, is confined to within a few centimeters of the skin, and an echolocation based Pesquisa that can damage things weaker than the SI. The upsides are massively boosted regeneration and durability and having extremely long range and high accuracy sensory abilities, but otherwise, it's just a disproportionate increase in available power, with overflow on the containment being sealed Yammy-style for duration increasing, and being nearly impossible to sense spiritually. Downsides are that using the sensory abilities causes collateral damage aplenty, the concealing of power is all-or-nothing so it's either "can't be sensed" or "Full-force Vasto Lorde x10" with no in between and everything involving external shaping of reiatsu is made exponentially more difficult with distance. Bala and Cero are fine, alongside most Hado. But anything formed past arm's reach becomes very close to impossible. Appearance being bony plates along areas with low flexibility(forearms, outer thighs, shins, shoulderblades and so on), including a full mask, with black-and-green reiatsu between them in a nearly even mix. Absorbed reiatsu shows up in it's native color in the ratio of it's presence. So during a fight with Kenpachi Zaraki going all out, the glow would become mostly yellow due to dominance shift.

4. Segunda Etapa, in my vision of this story, would be caused by a qualitative change in the power that's already been released. Rather than a quantitative increase, releasing more power like the shift from Shikai to Bankai, it'd be a qualitative change. Essentially, rather than being the multiplier of going from Shikai to Bankai, it's the multiplier of going from Adjuntes to Vasto Lorde, or Gillian to Adjuntes. Due to various character's performances, I'd say this multiplier couldn't be more than a x10. More likely only a x2 or x3, due to how power boosts with broad application make differences exponentiate. As for what it would actually do for the SI, I'd pin it as having the power multiplier overload the containment, making a quarter or so of their overall reiatsu be unsupressable by the Resurreccion ability. Adding the ability to have gradual release of held power means a gradient of up-close and long-range power use absent in the normal Resurreccion. This also means being able to accurately control the sensory-shockwave's power output, with the containment loss making the shockwave element optional. In terms of appearance change, it'd be going closer to the original, pre-Arrancar Ulquiorra, not going towards the canon version. In other words, bony plates becoming more flexible and expanding, with the wings turning white and shifting slightly away from the shoulders towards the waist and narrowing to

5. Shikai, using the same name as the Resurreccion due to double meanings and shenanigans with power splitting, would still be efficiency oriented, but in the sense of making use of brute force easier. Better control of what's normally accessible, rather than making more power stay in usable condition. Same external reiatsu signature, better use of what's normally present. This means more rapid Kido use, less energy-intensive use of abilities and gaining the ability to do stuff relating to tossing around large pressure waves, but only affecting . Bankai, if attained, is more of the same and adds the ability to make actually dangerous to peers pressure concentrations, similar to Getsuga Tenshou, but more concussive than burning/cutting, and mostly free in available shapes. Shikai appearance being indistinct wing-shapes formed from black-with-green-trim reiatsu and a silver-gilded white spear, with Bankai causing the wings to become obviously, though vaguely, bat-like and significantly larger, alongside making the silver gilding become black barbs and ridges in the same style, but more complex patterns.

6. Interaction of Resurreccion and Shikai/Bankai is a touchy thing, but my idea here is additive stacking with a separate multiplier for Vizord-style power synergy, while activating one while in the other is just a matter of using the release command, as in the word or phrase stated before the name, partly due to the name being the same for both release types. As an example, if Shikai is x5 and Resurreccion is x20, with the synergy bonus that Vizord Hollowfication operates with being x1.5, the end result would be x37.5. Bankai, at x5 over Shikai, would increase this to x67.5. The actual assumptions of Vizord power increase I have is that a large chunk of it comes from unleashing Hollow-based power that is an addition, rather than a multiplier.

7. Actual power multipliers, in the interests of keeping things grounded and excusing a lot of fights being a lot closer than they should be, would largely cap out at doubling for single instances of increasing. Shikai being x1.5-x2, Banki raising that multiplier to a power of 2 and Resurreccion being, typically, x2.5, comparing decently with low-power Bankai. Because the biggest catch with the broadly-applicable power of most Shonen series is that logical combat instances can't have much more than a 20% difference without huge hax abilities getting involved. Bleach might excuse a 50% difference, as speed increases are usually restricted to specialized techniques that seem to have issues with making attacks during use, but more power still means taking less damage and dealing more, while also fighting longer, so small power differences have exponential effect on combat performance. Even more so with Arrancar, who get much larger power to durability ratios through a somehow trainable passive ability.

8. Finally back to plot points rather than Questable mechanics(I could totally make a post like this for running Ulquiorra's life as a Quest) and headcanon to keep power from inflating entirely insanely, upon realizing that he'd actually transitioned from Arrancar to Vizord in pursuit of regaining a normal human emotional range, the SI would sneak into Soul Society, using the massive stealth bonuses of the Resurreccion, to get to work making themselves not be in the line of fire for the majority of things that would be threatening, possibly after finding out whether Aizen's started the Arrancar army plan or not.

9. Upon getting to Soul Society, he'd dash out of the Seireitei to get to the Rukongai, out far enough that the records stop being worth a damn, before dropping Resurreccion to get to work getting noticed so they can spend the next few decades until the main plot hits getting set up for rapid promotion to Captain after Aizen's betrayal. Of course, just because that's the plan, doesn't mean it'll actually happen. Queue school drama scenes, being dragged into many incidents of varying canonicity and generally butterflying certain rather major things into rather different states.

And... This is where I'll leave off with this post. Basically the information to get into the "proper" starting position of going through the Shinigami Academy and dealing with power scaling shenanigans. Ideally, the entire story up to that point would be a single coherent arc. Unlike the Soul Society arc in the actual manga :V I could do quite a lot more, but I'd prefer to be splitting posts like this into several separate posts going over different arcs and relevant information for setting alterations to try to de-Kubo and de-Shonen the setting in the interests of setting coherence while staying clearly the same setting. Just rescaled and with fewer blatant plot conveniences. Mostly making various things less plot device and more usable setting elements.

Kinda thinking about what the second post would actually be about now... Probably going to ignore school drama allowed by the low pressure situation, myself, because I can't really think of what it would actually involve beyond "fervent refusal of all romance and early graduation." Maybe plot points involving the actual overall skillset of the SI based on their class performance and general "kinds" of drama they get dragged into, rather than giving the points of the plot itself. Or I might abandon this idea and start giving plot points for a harem comedy centered around an SI as Jack Slash before he got involved in the S9. My mind can be a terrifying place...
@Moerphic Tide

...would the SI keep the tail?
and have little parties when they regain each emotion?
@Morphic Tide

...would the SI keep the tail?
The Segunda Etapa tail? Probably would gain a tail, if only for grappling shenanigans, but the intent of the visuals(and abilities, for that matter) I'm thinking of is to evoke the idea of closing one's self off from the world. Hiding in shadows, enclosing one's self within a hardened shell, making people lose track of you, running away stupidly fast... Lots of stuff that evokes the idea of being utterly isolated, largely willingly. After all, Ulquiorra's release command is Enclose, so why not play that up?

As for the sensory shockwave thing, that's just me poking fun at the fact that Ulquiorra's Resurreccion is literally just bat in spanish, so a semi-plausible extension of a canon baseline hollow/arrancar sensory ability was something I flatly mentioned. Although the Wikia crowd can come up with piles of meanings for various things, which I'd kinda be digging into for doing stuff with double meanings. If I can find a good enough resource for searching things by pronunciation, even if it takes becoming fluent in IPA, I will mess around with multilingual meanings to have fun with Ichigo-brand nonsense.

While trying to find a decent source for where the bullshit was coming from for the wikia crowd coming up with double meanings, I actually found that Kubo was wanting to figure out a place to shoehorn French into the plot, according to a German interview questioning why he used German for Quincies. If I was an executive with the power to meddle with his writing, I'd tell him to use it for Fullbringer abilities, given that French and Spanish are both Romance languages, and thus fairly closely related in... basically every way.

and have little parties when they regain each emotion?
For a crack version, probably. Every time I think of shipping with any character that has wings, I always thing of enclosing another character in those wings while snuggling. In this case, a crack version of the above idea would involve SI!Ulquiorra X Soifon, due to flimsy excuses involving being the single greatest thing to happen to stealth in history because they can actually hide while fully combat ready in a setting where passive non-physical senses are common. Of course, this leads to someone walking in while the weirdly-functional couple is asleep, seeing SI!Ulquiorra in Resurreccion because the bullshit reiatsu suppression enables perpetual use alongside making the Hollow reiatsu invisible, then being massively weirded out by the whole thing, yet unwilling to do anything about it because... Well, Soifon clearly accepts the situation, and they'd hardly risk getting her angry. Or the Hollow, for that matter, because they're basically just a butler. Really fast, really sneaky butler, but still a butler. Not exactly possessing of noteworthy combat abilities.

For more crack, the initial meeting can be during the incident with the Vizored, with SI!Ulquiorra actually getting hit by it, but taking advantage of Resurreccion to remain partially in control. Basically their personality, as in emotions and biases, being layered over the instinct-driven thing that comes out of it. Which means picking up on and stalking a major stealth expert without them noticing, being basically entirely instinct-driven while doing so, and managing to outright actively misdirect them away from a target. Events leading to this are something I could whip up quickly, but I don't really do in-depth crack outlines. But still, purely instinct driven thing managing to outdo Soifon at every part of her specialization then revealing that they are able to be even more bullshit at stealth by showing they they're an Arrancar that's pretended to be a Shinigami and gotten away with it for decades. With a grand total of one actual personal ability involved that makes them able to readily pretend to be anywhere on the sliding scale of Shinigami and Hollow they feel like.

Because it'd be crack, this would be the single greatest turn-on Soifon would ever have, purely for the flimsy hookup. Because crack's quality is based on managing to make sense after the insanity in the details, not really making sense with the insanity. Much like high-quality high-intensity Alien Space Bat(goddamnit, Eldar!Ulquiorra should not be a thing, brain!) AUs, where a piece of complete and utter nonsense is introduced to a setting to derail canon, but canon is otherwise the same. Pulling it off has actually been meemed as a Double Kubo, or a 10/10 on the Kubo scale. The double-Kubo idea comes from the fact that Kubo only pulled it off once or twice throughout Bleach's run. Because it's having everything be twisted beyond sanity, yet somehow making the entire process make sense. Basically only the reveal on the Book of the End during the Fullbring arc and the whole White thing during the final arc. As in the composite reveal that Ichigo's Inner Hollow is actually the real Zangetsu, is also a parasitic Hollow that attacked his mother, and is also an Aizen-warped former Shinigami in it's own right. The Double Kubo aspect is how this explains so much bullshit with Ichigo, making everything insane, while also making it make a lot of sense once you actually think about it beyond considering it an ass pull. Which might be giving Kubo too much credit, another aspect of why this sort of thing is called a Double Kubo.

...As you can tell by the rambling, I am entirely too distractable. And by some of the things stated, my thought processes are goddamn insane.
You mean besides the whole "Bat sounds like Cat" bit?
Bad joke, but worse puns lie buried in Japanese media. Partly because of the abomination of a writing system they have making character uses a valid pun set. For example, in Splatoon 2, due to character choices alone, one of the things has a name that is supposed to mean Paper God, but literally translating it, thanks to the hell of homophones and not using clarifying character choices, it can mean God God and Paper Paper as well.

This is tame. Because Japanese puns can, and do, make use of the hell that is their writing system to have layered meanings. For example, using the Kanji for God to replace part of a word or name written in a different character set that is pronounced Kami. Sometimes, this is just condensing writing, as most Japanese writing is done with a syllabic character set, where each character is a syllable. It's bulky because... Well, have you seen how clunky Japanese names get? They spam syllables a lot, so often, using Kanji for the sound is rather practical. Kami is two syllables, so replacing those two syllables with a character that takes up the space of one can save quite a bit of text space. Although homophones are useful here because it gives some variation for marking differences. Using the kanji for paper and the kanji for god just for the sound of Kami. Little tricks like this have been important to make sense of homophone-heavy writing, as well as explaining puns.

In case you don't understand what I mean by character, in linguistics and typography, a character refers to a discrete writing unit. A single letter in English, for example. One of the big uses of redundant characters is to remove ambiguity with homophones. English primarily uses historic spelling for this, which is what makes Scots writing so hard to make sense of. Scots actually follows the phonetics behind the letters. Always. No historic spelling. In fact, they'll just flat out warp the spelling based on how they say it, which makes it hard to read for more regular English speakers who don't know the dialect. Historic spelling is where English gets so many silent characters.

For example, in English, you always write "Mountain," or else you're doing it wrong. In a pure pronunciation version, one might write that, but they could also write "Mou'ain," because they use a pronunciation that replaces the N and T with a stop. Quite often, it'd be "Mou'in," because there's a lot of people who actually pronounce it that way. Lots of silent Ts are this sort of thing, being replaced with a stop. I, personally, can't pronounce the written form. Best I can do is "Mountin." Distinct from those pronunciations of "Mounting" that lost the G's sound. Also in English, we have Knight and Night. The K used to be pronounced, but was kept in writing largely because of convenience of differentiating meaning. Well, that, and the old books wouldn't change what was scribed into them, and retaining readability of old books was a big deal for... some reason. Apparently nobody was willing to get their libraries updated to make sense after spelling reform. Then again, the standard spellings came from such reform in the first place to deal with dialects screwing up the phonetic language. Which is probably why redundant characters were a thing right from the start.

If you think English is a monster with historic spelling, Thai hasn't really changed it's writing to reflect what's been said in over 600 years. It had major writing reform several centuries after it was made, and that was still back in the 1300s.
So I just saw HISHE's new Guardians of the Galaxy 2:Here Comes My Arrow video reminding me of Yondu, and I like secondary/minor character inserts, so naturally Yondu insert is what I want to see.

Tell me I'm not alone in this.

Eh, I wouldn't call the guy a minor character though.

And it was his personality that eventually led him to the relationship he had with Peter.

So a SI will cause major shifts events, including daddy dearest probably obtaining Peter a lot sooner and dooming the universe.
So I just saw HISHE's new Guardians of the Galaxy 2:Here Comes My Arrow video reminding me of Yondu, and I like secondary/minor character inserts, so naturally Yondu insert is what I want to see.

Tell me I'm not alone in this.
Sort of.

Had an idea for an Ego SI (well, more like an Id, the Living Moon) in Equestria where Luna ends up sealed in him for 1,000 years.

Plans include fighting Mogo. Yes, that Mogo. Aaand... Not sure.

Sadly since I don't have any other ideas, it's in the backburner along with the Night King SI in Overwatch.
Finally got the DnD fic figured out. Gonna run on 5th edition with some additions of my own.

Oh and I'm going to multi-class and be a min-maxing shitlord. FYI.
Reading splatoon stuff made me realize thatSI's could work for it.

Perhaps sharing a body with an inkling or octarian where you share control depending on the form SI comtrolling humanoid form and the inkling or octoling controling the squid/octopus form. The ultimante goal get your own body and try to keep the other from dying along the way.
Currently struggling with the morality of shooting witty one-liners in combat.

One one hand, very satisfying for the SI as they come to terms with the fact that yes, they're pretty badass now.

On the other hand, isn't it a little... callous, when people are dying at your hands?
Currently struggling with the morality of shooting witty one-liners in combat.

One one hand, very satisfying for the SI as they come to terms with the fact that yes, they're pretty badass now.

On the other hand, isn't it a little... callous, when people are dying at your hands?
So, important question for you- do you think in context they have the time/ability?

Eg in wizard duels in settings where you have to speak magic words, if you are bothering to talk you are directly undermining your ability to speak.

More generally, say the sentence out loud. Time it. Is the fight occurring slow enough you could say that, or would the moment have passed as the sword fight or whatever moves on because, no, actually that takes too long to say.

Alternately, I could point out the Taking A Third Option route here- think the one liners because they come to mind but don't say 'em.
Currently struggling with the morality of shooting witty one-liners in combat.

One one hand, very satisfying for the SI as they come to terms with the fact that yes, they're pretty badass now.

On the other hand, isn't it a little... callous, when people are dying at your hands?
Depends on the genre of the setting you're going into. If it's Marvel or DC quip away, but if it's Worm keep the witty banter to dialogue.
Currently struggling with the morality of shooting witty one-liners in combat.

One one hand, very satisfying for the SI as they come to terms with the fact that yes, they're pretty badass now.

On the other hand, isn't it a little... callous, when people are dying at your hands?
Well, I mean, yeah. It's a tragedy that you need to be killing in the first place. A lot of stories do not dwell on it and don't even need to, really. But the SI necessarily brings with it a certain sense of reality, so quipping could well seem out of place...unless you think you would really do that.
Well, I mean, yeah. It's a tragedy that you need to be killing in the first place. A lot of stories do not dwell on it and don't even need to, really. But the SI necessarily brings with it a certain sense of reality, so quipping could well seem out of place...unless you think you would really do that.

Oddly enough, I've found that quipping at the end of a chapter/scene actually works wonders.

Gives it more impact, and the SI a bit more character, rather than coming over obnoxious.
Currently struggling with the morality of shooting witty one-liners in combat.

One one hand, very satisfying for the SI as they come to terms with the fact that yes, they're pretty badass now.

On the other hand, isn't it a little... callous, when people are dying at your hands?

Terry Pratchett said:
The mortar jerked as the charge went off and its payload came tumbling out slowly and trailing smoke in a lazy spiral. It looked like the stupidest weapon since the toffee spear.

Wolfgang danced back and forth under it, grinning,, and as it passed several feet over his head he leapt up gracefully and caught it in his mouth.

And then it exploded.

The flares were made to be seen twenty miles away. Even with his eyes tightly shut, Vimes saw the glare through his lids.

When the body had stopped rolling, Vimes looked around the square. People were watching from the coaches. The crowds were silent.

There were a lot of things he could say. 'Son of a bitch!' would have been a good one. Or he could say, 'Welcome to civilization!' He could have said, 'Laugh this one off!' He might have said, 'Fetch!'

But he didn't, because if he had said any of those things then he'd have known that what he had just done was murder.

He turned away, tossed the empty mortar over his shoulder and muttered, 'The hell with it.'

Being able to spout off a one-liner after killing someone makes you a very specific kind of person. It makes you the kind of person who is so accustomed to murder that they are both able and willing to find humour in the death of a living being at their hands.

The ASOIAF SI that I brainstormed was a full-body insert (+ difficulty) in a part of the setting that I'm not personally familiar with (+ difficulty) and eliminates most meta-knowledge that I do have (+ difficulty)... and is also a baby Infernal Exalt (-- difficulty).

The idea was to have a co-author who actually knows both Exalted crunch and that part of the setting (the Aegon's Conquest era) and then mercilessly taunt that person whenever things seem too easy.

Nothing in the setting would be a challenge, mentally, physically or socially (note the "or" there). The actual problem would be dealing with the fact that your powers are pushing you from pretty much every direction to be a megalomaniacal sociopath.
Nothing in the setting would be a challenge, mentally, physically or socially (note the "or" there). The actual problem would be dealing with the fact that your powers are pushing you from pretty much every direction to be a megalomaniacal sociopath.
"Do not taunt the GM" is usually good advice, because the GM's reaction to taunts is to make things more difficult. But when you want things to be more difficult, to the point of telling the GM outright to surprise you...

One of the plans for the insert was to use Exalted medicine to crossbreed the Targaryens with their dragons, and then intermarry with the other houses as normal, causing them to become crossbreeds in turn. A few generations later, this has the entirely predictable side-effect of making future civil wars much more devastating. It's the kind of ambitious prestige projects that sounds like a wonderful idea, until you think about it for more than two seconds and realize how terrible the medium and long term consequences would be. That makes it perfect for an Exalted fic.
"Do not taunt the GM" is usually good advice, because the GM's reaction to taunts is to make things more difficult. But when you want things to be more difficult, to the point of telling the GM outright to surprise you...

One of the plans for the insert was to use Exalted medicine to crossbreed the Targaryens with their dragons, and then intermarry with the other houses as normal, causing them to become crossbreeds in turn. A few generations later, this has the entirely predictable side-effect of making future civil wars much more devastating. It's the kind of ambitious prestige projects that sounds like a wonderful idea, until you think about it for more than two seconds and realize how terrible the medium and long term consequences would be. That makes it perfect for an Exalted fic.

A few generations later you're at Essence 5 at minimum and everyone is almost incapable of defying you because you've used Fealty Acknowledging Audience on every noble of note.

One Charm is enough to prevent any kind of serious uprising against you. It's not even necessarily the best for this purpose, it's just the first that came to mind for me. If you put even the slightest sliver of effort towards securing their loyalty, you could do even better.

And if they go to war anyway? Just beat the shit out of their dragons with your bare hands. If, in the unlikely event their dragons can seriously harm you somehow, assume one of the combat focused Shintai and continue with the beating until they get the message.

They just do not pose a threat to you. At all. To your kingdom, assuming you have done literally nothing to secure their loyalty, they'd certainly do economic damage in their death throes but that's relatively easy to take care of given that your excellencies alone give you superhuman prowess in any field you've trained in.

It's like an adult fighting children except worse because enough children might wear the adult down but no matter how many men they throw at you, it will never be enough.

The actual struggle is in what you do with that power, especially when it heavily incentivises you to be an actual, no-shit supervillain.
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Currently struggling with the morality of shooting witty one-liners in combat.

One one hand, very satisfying for the SI as they come to terms with the fact that yes, they're pretty badass now.

On the other hand, isn't it a little... callous, when people are dying at your hands?
I almost always interpreted one liner as the hero's mean to cope with killing, Tragicomedy is a thing after all
Hm... I wonder how many of the Warcraft Novels I need to read in order to write a good enough self insert for the setting.