Do you have any ideas for how Dorian could solve this homework challenge?
[] Write in

1. Add a ritual segment that allows adding additional energy/Add more energy, hoping it will make the illusion last longer.
>Main problem is a lack of magical power to keep adding to the illusion.

2. Disable the 2nd part of the rune, which uses magical energy to sustain the illusion. Re-enable whenever wishing to actually want to use the book.
>Unlikely to work unless the illusion get be recreated by the runes. Or the illusion can survive on very low power flow.
[X] Attend a club (Gardening Club)
-[X] Invite Isolia to come with you

It'd be this or Go_Magikarp's option, but I did want to attend the clubs to try them out. Also adding more magical energy to the storage segment seems like the best option to be honest, I'm not sure anchoring it to anything else will actually help? I like Shard's second idea, however I'm not sure if that's something we want to mess with when it may count as disrupting the ritual.

Just need to learn how to put magical energy into stuff! If it specifically drew magical energy from it's surroundings then I don't see why it'd only last three days, so it must just have a set amount of magical energy already inside?
What I'm seeing is that we need to copy the ritual as it appears on the back of the book, because we're going to want spares, and while in theory the 1F Cadre COULD experiment with the four textbooks we have...That strikes me as risky. What might be better would be to copy the ritual on the back of the book, but apply it to other items, perhaps a coin marked in ink so that we don't try and spend money that isn't real.
The problem is...The ritual that CREATED the books should be beyond our abilities. copying the circles as they appear on the book should at least let us play with that system even if our textbook vanishes.
From there...We can add mana to the storage, we can add mana to the 'sustain the system' runes, the storage SHOULD be safer to add mana to, but we should be wary of overloading it. The danger of experimenting with the second rune could be it greedily attaching itself to anything we hook it up to that's not the storage, or it failing to reconnect to the storage, once our addition runs it's course.
[X] Extra studying
-[X] studying toward preserving the schoolbook (energy-gathering glyph and how to link it with the storage glyph)

I like the idea of an illusory book, especially used as a teaching tool.
The easiest solution is to figure out how to either recharge the storage rune or to connect a new one.

To that end assuming it's within our abilities, we might want to design a ritual that uses the same rune to cast the light cantrip so we have something to experiment on without risking the illusion.
Okay so:
-Fuel Tank - We probably just need to add a feeder circle, something that can take incoming magical energy and dump it into the storage.
-Engine - Converts magical energy into illusion
-Anchor - Binds the illusion to a real object so you can physically manipulate it.

We got the whole ritual there. Nothing is hidden and the subtrate is PROBABLY not important.

[X] First, try to copy the ritual exactly over to another medium. Then experiment with the copy ritual, try to devise a ritual which could feed magical energy to the illusion ritual without disrupting it.
-[X] If that doesn't work, try to make a ritual to copy an image, and draw that image onto a surface. Then just scan the whole book while it lasts.
[X] Training with your team
-[X] Textbook ritual solving

Wait a minute. We just need to keep the textbook contents.
Broke College Student 101 -> Photocopy the textbook
[X] Attend a club (Gardening Club)
-[X] Invite Isolia to come with you

Yes, gardening!
Hello, fellow forumites! I appear to have forgotten the finer arts of posting on Sufficientvelocity, so do forgive me if my manners seem a bit coarse! I am excited to participate in this quest! :grin:
'A great saving in terms of food, clothes, and whatnot. But there's no future in it,' says Philander, philosophically. He glances around at you and the other members of your little group. 'Hey, are you hungry? Shall we go to lunch?'
Please laugh at his jokes. Can I vote for that?
[x] Laugh at Phil's jokes
I know that's not a legal vote option, but I'm voting for it. I feel like we are past the candy outer coating to the cynical mantle and we just need more time to find his nougaty center. I realize I am mixing planet/candy metaphors here, but I am willing to chance that impropriety for Phil.
After that, lunch is… rather unmemorable. Or maybe that's because someone has gone to remarkable lengths to make the food as blandly nourishing and filling as possible: you feel full almost before you're aware that you've eaten anything. Several minutes of your life have passed by, vanished into a fog of unutterable tedium; when you emerge from it, you're not entirely sure what just happened. But you must have eaten something, right? Your plate is empty and you've no desire to eat any more. It's time to move on.
Just, A+. I want to meet the mage who did this, and shake their hand with one of those joy buzzers that zap you. To be clear, I mean that as a compliment.
Flicking through the pages inside, you find chapters describing some of the things you learned in class today in much greater detail. Also, there are lists of the most common runes, symbols and shapes used in arcane rituals. Apparently, most wizards tend to use the same or similar runes, for a number of reasons: convenience, ease of use, and as a safety measure. Straight lines are easier to scratch into hard surfaces if you need to cast a spell in a hurry. When you're putting together a ritual, making mistakes can be disastrous; it's useful to be able to look over your designs and – at a glance – see how it all fits together and what everything is supposed to do. Sloppy runework is usually evidence of sloppy thinking, which can lead to sloppy spellcasting, which is likely to get you killed. It's important to know and understand everything you're putting into a ritual. If the spellcaster is confused by any of it, the spell will – at best – fizzle out as soon as it's activated.
I love this, so much. Standardization for safety reasons is, like, the honey to magic's peanut butter. Not often paired, but splendid when they are.
Some especially paranoid wizards refuse to use the same runes as everybody else; they invent their own runic languages so that no one will be able to understand their ritual spells. This can be useful: it prevents copying or counterspelling, but it takes a great deal of time and effort to design a new runic alphabet and then learn it well enough that you can actually use it. Also, it's possible to deliberately mislabel one of your rituals so that it does something other than what the runes say it should do, but doing that makes the runes useless for their normal purpose; therefore, a wizard trying this ploy must take much greater care when casting the spell. The slightest lapse in concentration can turn a deliberate ruse into a genuine mistake.
[UBW Abridged Shirou voice] I waaaant that.

As for our cloud-storage textbook, we just gotta find a way to feed more energy into the textbook's battery. Plug the book in, so to speak. Come to think of it, are there any magical plugs? Maybe we could ask out Ritual Magic teacher stuff about messing with a ritual already in progress?
Do you have any ideas for how Dorian could solve this homework challenge?
[X] Add an extra circle for absorbing ambient energy. Instructions for doing so should be in the book.

What do you want to do with it? (Choose one)
[X] Training with your team
-[X] Textbook ritual

Remember, we don't need to keep it going forever, just until next week.
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My brother Simony is part of the Apathy Society.
Huh, I thought it would be Acedia. Maybe he/she was the Founder of the Society?

Interesting that his family members are all named something that at least tangentially relates to the seven deadly sins. Taking their name a step further, maybe Boole represents Boolean and each member either exemplifies the sin they are named after, or has a total absence of it. A True/False. Not really much reason to think that except so far Philander hasn't been much of a charmer with the ladies, but then, he is 11.

After the lecture on Ritual Magic I see how it intertwines with Literacy. My question is it's mentioned that developing your own rune system prevents counter spelling, I'm guess that refers specifically to spells cast in ritual form. But I would imagine that even with the benefits it provides for battlemages casting without a ritual is the norm. Maybe it's used for something like Ritual magic sieges or weather magic, but then you would have to be close enough to see the Ritual, and then wouldn't destroying it be easier? Unless there is significant backlash from destroying a Ritual that way, or Rituals are normally protected by a shield.

@Chandagnac Ultimately I'm thinking counter spelling seems like a rarely used benefit, beyond the rare battle mage who rolls out an almost complete ritual and inserts a key to activate it or enchanted gear. Is that the case or is it more useful?
You're very close. I just want to comment on a few ideas/correct a few misconceptions:

I'm not too sure about how magic works at this time, but perhaps we can copy the arcane circle onto a piece of random paper and feed it bits of magic energy? We would do the 3 parts on 3 separate pieces of paper and check the functions, then combine 2 onto a paper at a time.
@Chandagnac This is somewhat plausible or bunk?
You can attempt to copy the glyph and experiment with it, if you want. Because it's such a simple ritual, it probably wouldn't be too dangerous.

Based on what the teacher told us, it seems like rituals pull energy from their surroundings. The first thing I would look for is some kind of switch or something we can trigger in the battery to get the ritual to pull in more energy.
Most rituals are designed to absorb magical energy from their surroundings, but they don't do it automatically. They need a specific component to enable them to do it. The glyph on the back of the illusory textbook seems to lack that component, so it has no way of recharging itself after it runs out of battery power. That's something you need to fix.

[X] Attend a club (Gardening Club)
-[X] Invite Isolia to come with you

Seems like she would be easiest to befriend, and she could use a good friend here.
[X] Attend a club (Gardening Club)
-[X] Invite Isolia to come with you

This sounds nice.
Aye, seems like the most popular idea for what to do with your bonus action. I think it's unlikely to be toppled, so I might just go with that.

Anchor the illusion to something else entirely.
Anchoring the illusion to something else wouldn't solve the basic problem: it has a limited power supply and no way of recharging it.

...Personally, part of me wants to get REALLY ambitious and copy that third piece, that anchors the illusion. We could do things like anchor it to food&water, undercut that stall of Philander's brother...And then when our classmates eat it and the magic powering said illusion runs out...Though I think we should be careful WHO we do that too, lest we gain significant displeasure...
You don't know how to create illusions, so this idea is pretty much a non-starter.

The easiest solution is to figure out how to either recharge the storage rune or to connect a new one.
Basically, yes.

Hello, fellow forumites! I appear to have forgotten the finer arts of posting on Sufficientvelocity, so do forgive me if my manners seem a bit coarse! I am excited to participate in this quest! :grin:
Hey Flashkannon, good to see you here!

Just, A+. I want to meet the mage who did this, and shake their hand with one of those joy buzzers that zap you. To be clear, I mean that as a compliment.
Yup, it's definitely magic, but... for what purpose? It's a mystery.

Maybe we could ask out Ritual Magic teacher stuff about messing with a ritual already in progress?
Well, she didn't say you couldn't come back and ask for help...

Sneaky, huh? ;)

After the lecture on Ritual Magic I see how it intertwines with Literacy. My question is it's mentioned that developing your own rune system prevents counter spelling, I'm guess that refers specifically to spells cast in ritual form. But I would imagine that even with the benefits it provides for battlemages casting without a ritual is the norm.
Well, yes, but if a battle mage has time to set up a defensive position and prepare a few rituals in advance, ready for a fight later on, they usually will. Ritual Magic tends to be more powerful than quick-fire magic, and in warfare you need every advantage you can get.

Maybe it's used for something like Ritual magic sieges or weather magic, but then you would have to be close enough to see the Ritual, and then wouldn't destroying it be easier? Unless there is significant backlash from destroying a Ritual that way
Disrupting a ritual is always potentially dangerous, in much the same way that miscasting a ritual is potentially dangerous.

or Rituals are normally protected by a shield.
They can be.

@Chandagnac Ultimately I'm thinking counter spelling seems like a rarely used benefit, beyond the rare battle mage who rolls out an almost complete ritual and inserts a key to activate it or enchanted gear. Is that the case or is it more useful?
Yeah... counterspelling isn't used very often, because it's usually better to cast your own spell instead, but when it's used effectively it can be devastating. That's why the "especially paranoid wizards" are so wary of it.

Understanding is important. The better you know and understand the magic you're using, the easier it is to cast (and the less likely that you'll make mistakes). On the other hand, the better you understand the magic someone else is using and exactly how they're doing it, the easier it is to thwart them. It's a double-edged sword.

(So, for example, if you came across a magical trap powered by a ritual, if you were able to read and understand how it worked, you might be able to alter its effects or change it so that it targeted someone else.)

[X] Check the fuel-burning part for a useless extra function that can be excised.
Because it's such a simple ritual circle, it doesn't have any extra functions that can be removed. Good idea, though.

I'm going to leave the vote open for a while longer in the hope that you'll come to some kind of consensus as to how you're going to tackle this problem. I'll interested to see what you come up with.
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Philander sticks his hand up and says, 'We were hoping you'd know the answer to that, Miss.'
I am with Flashkannon, Phil seems to be a man after my own heart.

Five family members, all magically talented and taught in this very same academy? I assume that isn't cheap, yet he admitted to eating rat before. Curious.

The biggest problem with the ritual would be integrating a separate rune/circuit into an already existing one. I doubt this is something that can be done by ourselves; disturbing the ritual is much more likely to fizzle out the spell if we don't know what we are doing. Unless the spellbook itself contains the necessary information on it? The ritual is said to be simple, so maybe there is some universal design that we can copy?

The place seems to be rich in ambient mana, so at least finding the fuel for the spell shouldn't be a problem.
Yup, it's definitely magic, but... for what purpose? It's a mystery.
Clearly, it's because no child would touch an oatmeal if they could help it.
Also, it's possible to deliberately mislabel one of your rituals so that it does something other than what the runes say it should do, but doing that makes the runes useless for their normal purpose
I don't get it. The runes are a language that, more or less, tells the laws of physics off. If you know the individual words, you know the sentence. You might try to obfuscate the true meaning, but the spell can only do what the runes tell it to, no?

[x] Browse the textbook for runes responsible for collecting magical energy. They should be easy to find, since they must be common to a lot of rituals. See if you can figure out how to weave a rune into an existing spell. Seek outside help if you need one.

[x] Explore the school
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Do you have any ideas for how Dorian could solve this homework challenge?
[X] Attempt to figure out which of the parts is the energy storage.
-[X] Once that has been figured out, see if we can't make a minor ritual circle that mimics that and tag on some absorption and redistribution in order to draw in the ambient energy and funnel it into the "book". Like a wireless charger plate

What do you want to do with it? (Choose one)
[X] Try to sneak in and spectate the dueling club. There were rules against joining, but as far as we know, nothing says we can't watch.
Clearly, it's because no child would touch an oatmeal if they could help it.
Rated *Insightful*

I don't get it. The runes are a language that, more or less, tells the laws of physics off. If you know theindividual words, you know the sentence. You might try to obfuscate the true meaning, but the spell can only do what the runes tell it to, no?
It doesn't actually matter which words, runes, or symbols you use, except in the way that they shape your thoughts. (Because language shapes thought, just as thought shapes language.) That's the same reason why it's possible to invent entirely new magical languages that have never been used before.

At bottom, the runes are sort of an aide-mémoire. What really matters is your mindset at the exact moment when you cast the spell/activate the ritual. Because rituals exist as much in your mind as they do in the physical world. At the same time as you're constructing elaborate, delicate rituals in the real world, you're also constructing them inside your mind. That's why getting confused or distracted can be so incredibly dangerous.
(Which is also why it's possible to skip some of the steps later on: if you're already familiar with and can get into the correct mindset to cast the spell, you don't need so many crutches.)

So yeah, obfuscation is possible, but it can really mess you up if you make even the slightest mistake.

EDIT: Professor Glossoloria named two of the parts which are necessary to cast any spell: Power and Will. But there is a third, which I might call 'Focus' (or 'Intent', possibly). Basically, you need to have enough magical Power to cast the spell. Then, you need to have enough Will to be able to bend the laws of reality. Then, you need to have enough 'Focus' to make sure that the spell does exactly what you want it to do, without deviation.
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So my suggestion would be what I think to be the simplest, although it's not by any means an elegant solution.

Draw a battery ring around the circle, fill it with energy and attach it to the current battery section.

I'm doing it this way because it shouldn't mess with any of the Ritual's functions, it doesn't force the fuel burning section to regulate having double the input, and hopefully won't mess it up.

This assumes that Dorian can fill up a new battery with energy, even if he can't recharge one currently in use. And that adding another battery is far enough away from all the finicky parts of the ritual that it won't disrupt it.
Switching my vote

[X] Attend a club (Gardening Club)
-[X] Invite Isolia to come with you
That was a really good chapter, great world building and interesting cast!

[X] First, try to copy the ritual exactly over to another medium. Then experiment with the copy ritual, try to devise a ritual which could feed magical energy to the illusion ritual without disrupting it.
-[X] If that doesn't work, try to make a ritual to copy an image, and draw that image onto a surface. Then just scan the whole book while it lasts.
[X] Training with your team
-[X] Textbook ritual solving
[X] First, ask Professor Glossoloria for help or advise on the homework.
-[X] Second, try and copy the ritual over to another medium. Devise a ritual to allow adding power to the storage mechanism, either via the environment or manually.
Do you have any ideas for how Dorian could solve this homework challenge?
[X] Attempt to figure out which of the parts is the energy storage.
-[X] Once that has been figured out, see if we can't make a minor ritual circle that mimics that and tag on some absorption and redistribution in order to draw in the ambient energy and funnel it into the "book". Like a wireless charger plate

What do you want to do with it? (Choose one)
[X] Attend a club (Gardening Club)
-[X] Invite Isolia to come with you
[X] Attend a club (Gardening Club)
-[X] Invite Isolia to come with you
[X] Attend a club (Gardening Club)
-[X] Invite Isolia to come with you
All right, I'm going to accept "Attend a club (Gardening Club)" and "Invite Isolia to come with you" as your bonus action for today.

I wonder if the rune to have it draw magic from the environment is in the book?
Yes, it is.

All right, I'm going to try to consolidate the various plans for how to complete the homework task into a list of votes options for you to choose from. Here goes:

How will you preserve the illusory textbook for longer? (Choose one)
[] Copy out the glyph onto a sheet of paper. Then, experiment with your copy to find out how you easily can change the ritual without breaking it. Use it to get some practise before trying it out for real.*
[] Search in the textbook for a rune or symbol which is designed to siphon magical energy from the air. Weave this rune into the 'energy storage' section of the glyph.
[] Next to the existing glyph, draw out a new ritual circle designed to absorb magical energy. Then, draw a 'funnel' to channel magical energy from your ritual circle into the glyph.
[] Go to Professor Glossoloria and ask for help with the homework task.*
[] Go to Green Flame and ask for help with the homework task.*
[] As a mage (even though you're just a novice), you have the innate ability to gather and channel magical energy. Why not use it? Pour magical energy into the glyph directly.
[] Do something else (write in).
*If you select this option you'll get to continue this later in the week.

Hmm. I think I've covered all the options you've mentioned. If not, let me know.
Adhoc vote count started by Chandagnac on Jul 23, 2019 at 9:52 AM, finished with 28 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Attend a club (Gardening Club)
    -[X] Invite Isolia to come with you
    [X] Training with your team
    [X] First, try to copy the ritual exactly over to another medium. Then experiment with the copy ritual, try to devise a ritual which could feed magical energy to the illusion ritual without disrupting it.
    -[X] If that doesn't work, try to make a ritual to copy an image, and draw that image onto a surface. Then just scan the whole book while it lasts.
    -[X] Textbook ritual solving
    -[X] Once that has been figured out, see if we can't make a minor ritual circle that mimics that and tag on some absorption and redistribution in order to draw in the ambient energy and funnel it into the "book". Like a wireless charger plate
    [X] Attempt to figure out which of the parts is the energy storage.
    [x] Explore the school
    [X] First, ask Professor Glossoloria for help or advise on the homework.
    [X] Try to sneak in and spectate the dueling club. There were rules against joining, but as far as we know, nothing says we can't watch.
    [X] Add an extra circle for absorbing ambient energy. Instructions for doing so should be in the book.
    [x] Browse the textbook for runes responsible for collecting magical energy. They should be easy to find, since they must be common to a lot of rituals. See if you can figure out how to weave a rune into an existing spell. Seek outside help if you need one.
    -[X] Textbook ritual
    [x] Laugh at Phil's jokes
    -[X] Ask Green Flame for help on the Textbook problem. Couldn't hurt right? Just talking advantage of all resources available.
    [X] Attempt to speak to a member of the faculty (i.e. Prentigold, Green Flame, or Glossoloria)
    -[X] Second, try and copy the ritual over to another medium. Devise a ritual to allow adding power to the storage mechanism, either via the environment or manually.
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[X] Copy out the glyph onto a sheet of paper. Then, experiment with your copy to find out how you easily can change the ritual without breaking it. Use it to get some practise before trying it out for real.*

Low risk, but needs additional time slot input; which i think is fair.
[x] Copy out the glyph onto a sheet of paper. Then, experiment with your copy to find out how you easily can change the ritual without breaking it. Use it to get some practise before trying it out for real.*