Hm, don't forget Gae Bolg's property of creating cursed wounds, though I'm unfamiliar with Reinhard's abilities. He might have a Divine Protection against such a thing for all I know, after all. 🤔
I don't think it was ever stated in the VN that the curse would cease upon the target's death. A wound is a wound after all, whether something is alive or dead (undead come to mind, such as Dead Apostles).
Though then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Reinhard had a Divine Protection preventing him from obtaining a cursed wound in the first place.
Zel said Subaru needs someone who can travel further afield than him... and that a person like that will show up in about a year and a half...which is when Salem will take place on the FGO timeline...featuring the universe-hopping Randolph Carter and Abigail Williams...
Nope. I can't figure it out. How does Subaru get back home?
Oh, and just because it needs to be brought up, the hilariously headache inducing moment of:
Reinhard Vs Gae Bolg and/or Reinhard Vs Gae Bolg Alternative.
Could be worse....
Reinhard vs Fragarach
The more his ability kicks in trying to make Fragarach miss, as he attacks, the stronger Fragarach gets, all the way up to laughing at divine protections (it can no-sell God Hand), so long as whatever is attempting to attack, keeps escalating the issue. In this case, less the actual attack, and more his ability attempting to counter Fragarach's 'never misses' conceptual attack. Fragarach after all isn't limited to just 'you punch me, it violates time to hit you +1 harder', but against anything trying to counter it, it escalates against, thus explaining how it also works on passive effects (the aforementioned God Hand, which Fragarach can be used against at any time). Afterall, its canon that Fragarach vs Gae Bolg ends up with BOTH users dead. So either Reinhard can't hit the Fragarach's user while Fragarach always misses, or both end up hitting each other.
Of course, that's why Bazett carries something like five of them at a time....
Considering we have just about everyone else in F/HA that was a major character but Karen & Bazett as Servants by this point, when the hell are we going to get Karen & Bazett as pseudo-servants? Because I'd love to get a NP that goes 'No, U!' and activates on a time delay. Aka, they start the animation for an NP, and it pulls an interrupt and hits first for 1.5x the damage. If whatever lives, fine, it gets it's NP off. If not, well that fight ended....
Karen on the other hand must never meet Kiara. NEVER.
Well.... at least he cant use magic?!?!?!?!?!?! *rolls eyes*
He could probably just ask for a DB that emulates magic though contemporary dance or something.
Honestly that's what bothers me the most about Reinrein is that he operates on playground rules with that stupid primary blessing of his.
Not exactly as the divine blessings available are actually set, but he can pick and choose from the list of all available ones.
Additionally, in case of Fragrach and escalating dumb stuff, it would probably just kill him at some point, after which he resurrects and reset his resurrection ability. Considering how lucky he is, he will get hit and die well before any sort of escalating super power gets actually strong enough to stop his resurrection power, or maybe he just blocks it and kills the attacker.
Okay, I'm no Fate expert, but doesn't Fragrach BS only Proc when the target's trump card is being played/ in play? Unless Rein is going all out, then Fragrach is just a regular attack.
Okay, I'm no Fate expert, but doesn't Fragrach BS only Proc when the target's trump card is being played/ in play? Unless Rein is going all out, then Fragrach is just a regular attack.
There have been two/three times the sword has allowed itself to be drawn, and when beating up
it allowed itself to be used inside it's sheathe, but still couldn't actually be drawn. But yeah, that'd be his trump card (but funnily enough, the whole premise of the sword means it'll never trigger Frag because the sword won't register Frag's user as worth being drawn for)
Nah his divine protection is not his strongest card. Even without it, he's a swordsman without peer - it's like Li Shuwen's Sphere Boundary. It helps quite a bit, but he's more than capable of kicking the ass of almost anyone even without it.
He's drawn it two or three times, I think. And to be clear, it isn't Reinhard who gets to decide who a "worthy opponent" is, but the sword - which tends to be a bit of a pain in the ass (he couldn't draw it against Regulus, for instance, even though Regulus is the strongest of the current Archbishops).
He's drawn it two or three times, I think. And to be clear, it isn't Reinhard who gets to decide who a "worthy opponent" is, but the sword - which tends to be a bit of a pain in the ass (he couldn't draw it against Regulus, for instance, even though Regulus is the strongest of the current Archbishops).
I mean, it not being usable in that fight probably didn't actually matter that much, given how it played out. He could have had an (indestructible) baseball bat and it would have basically gone the same way.
The sharpness of the sword probably doesn't matter if the other guy is timelocked and so is impossible to cut in the first place.
"So, for various reasons, I'm actually the only person in good enough shape to give you any kind of debriefing, so bear with me, Subaru-kun." Says Romani with an easygoing smile. He's rolled a desk out in front of my hospital bed, and has a bunch of paperwork laid out in front of him.
"Right, I guess the Director's been returned to bed rest, huh?" I mutter.
The doctor lets a quick grimace slip, before returning to his smile. "More or less. I'll start by saying, you are allowed not to answer some questions, especially those pertaining to the magic you can use. Standard Clock Tower protocol means that a mage is allowed to protect their mysteries."
"Right, secrecy was kind of the name of the game back there, huh?" I say with a sigh. Escardos-san aside, basically everyone in the place was cagey as all hell.
"Pretty much. Anyways, to start with, you came to Chaldea because… like me, you had a premonition, right? Disaster was waiting in 2015." He begins.
"Hm… well, it's a bit more complicated than that, but-" I start, and then I clutch my chest in pain as an invisible hand grasps my heart. "Oi, are you… kidding right now?" I can't even say 'that's about right'?
Beeeeeeeeep. A long tone comes from the heart monitor.
"Wha- Subaru-kun, your heart-!" Romani says, jumping up - but he calms down a little as the beeping returns to normal. "What the hell-?"
"Right, sorry, I can't answer that question." I say with a strained smile.
"Some kind of geass or taboo, then…?" Romani sighs. "Jeez, if talking about stuff is gonna give you heart damage, then don't talk about it."
"...Well, I've never died from it before, so it's not that big of a problem. Just a bit of chest pain, I guess-" I start, but he cuts me off.
"No, that's the wrong perspective to have, Subaru-kun." Romani says with narrowed eyes. "It would be one thing if it just caused lung pain or something, but since your heart just stopped for a second there, I'm going to seriously recommend that you never do something like that again."
"I mean, I won't push it hard enough to stop my heart. I've figured out that much." I say with a shrug. "But a little pain isn't-"
"You're still not understanding! That dumb saying, 'pain is weakness leaving the body' - it may be true when building muscle, but the damage to heart is a completely different matter!" Romani yells.
"It'll heal, so isn't it-"
"It won't heal." Roman says coldly. "That's the problem, Subaru-kun. The human heart heals incredibly slowly. In fact, up until 2009, the medical community was almost certain that it wasn't capable of self-repair at all. The strain of aerobic exercise is one thing, but actual damage to the heart can take months to recover from, and even then it tends to leave behind scar tissue that increases the risk of heart failure."
"...Oh." I mutter. "Wait, wasn't my heart seriously damaged on the way back from Fuyuki, though!?"
"Well, in that case, it was healed with magic instead of naturally, so there shouldn't be much scarring if the healer was competent - and by all appearances, they definitely were." He shrugs. "With magecraft, recovery from heart failure isn't impossible - but if you're somewhere I can't get to you when it happens, you're toast. So, seriously, don't strain your heart. Just that brief stoppage just now may have shaved as much as a month off your total lifespan."
"Ugh… Well, in the first place it's not like I triggered the thing on purpose except as a last resort." I say, itching at my arm.
"What kind of last resort is stopping your own heart!?"
"Eh… well, there are some dubiously useful side-effects. But for the most part it's useless unless I'm already in an awful situation, and if it doesn't work the pain will cripple me for a few seconds, so it's not great." I say with a shrug. "Regardless, I'll try to take your advice and not mess with that too much."
"Seriously, you're as bad as all the others. Anyway, where were we..." Roman mutters, glancing through his paperwork. "Ah, right. Reasons for coming to Chaldea… unknown, can't answer due to a geas?"
I shrug.
"Right, moving on… you somehow became aware of bombs in the command room, and of Lev's possession by Demon God Flauros. Presumably also something you can't talk about?"
"Yep. Can't say a thing about it. Doctor's orders, you know?"
He heaves a sigh. "This is going to be a long interview, isn't it?"
"Alright, so, moving on - these so-called [Authorities] of yours… Well, I get that the term is from that 'other world' of yours, so you're just using words you're familiar with, but that specific term has a pretty big history on earth; namely it's used to refer to the powers held by gods and divine spirits. And yet, since you said that they don't cost any mana to use, they really do seem to be similar in spirit, if not in power level." Roman says, scratching his head.
"Hmm…well, it's not like my versions are anywhere near the power of their previous holders. Petelgeuse, the guy who had [Invisible Providence] before I did… He could pull out something like one hundred of his [Unseen Hand]s at a time, and they had way longer range than mine do. And his predecessor was apparently powerful enough to force the strongest dragon in that world to retreat." I say, stroking my chin.
"Oh, so it's a power that's passed down to later generations! Then, it might be similar to that [Vestige Project] that the Wandering Sea was messing around with…" He says.
"Then what I've acquired would be [Vestiges of Sin]... hey, isn't that actually pretty cool sounding?" I mumble. "And it would help clearly delineate me from the bastards I got them from, too!"
"Wait, go back, where's the 'of sin' coming from, exactly?" He asks, an eyebrow raised.
"Ah, right, I guess I didn't mention it. The [Authorities] of that other world, they each correspond to one of the Seven Deadly Sins, plus the old decanonized ones, Melancholy and Vainglory." I explain.
"Ah, so it's something like that…" He mutters. "Incidentally, which sins do your abilities correspond to?"
"[Invisible Providence] was picked up off of Sloth, and I got [Cor Leonis] when Greed died… I should have one more, since we finally cornered Gluttony just before I got sent back here, but I don't know what it does yet." I say.
"Wait, wait! This whole time, I thought these authorities were passed down through some kind of learning, that you got taught how to use them! What's this about killing!?" Roman yells.
"Eh!? No way! The sin archbishops… well, they were something of a mixture between serial killers and terrorists, basically. If it were up to me, I'd have nothing to do with any of them, but they kept coming after the woman I love, so we wound up killing a bunch of them." I say. "And then for some reason, I unexpectedly wound up acquiring their powers after the fact… Honestly, it's been kind of troubling!"
"So you just kill the villains and steal their powers!? What are you, Megaman!?"
"That's wrong!... Is what I want to say, but that's more or less how it's worked out so far." I say, cringing a bit.
The doctor sighs. "So, how much do they change when you acquire them? Do you think we can predict what your [Vestige of Gluttony] will become?"
I exhale a little. "...The previous Authority of Gluttony, was one that allowed its users to eat 'names' and 'memories'. If your memories got eaten, you'd forget who you were, and if your name got eaten, everyone else would forget who you were. If both got eaten, you'd fall into a coma and become impossible to wake up. And of course, those guys could make use of anything they ate - one of them actually shapeshifted into a victim of theirs at one point."
"So you're Megaman, and your enemy was Kirby!?"
"Well, they were a lot less cute, and a whole lot more creepy, though… Anyway, several people close to me lost stuff to those bastards, so my hope has been that Gluttony might develop into something that can undo the damage its previous wielders did." I say with a shrug.
"...So you plan on returning to that other world, huh?" Roman says.
"Yeah. That troublesome old man said someone who can bring me home will turn up at Chaldea in something like two-and-a-half years, so I'll be in your care for a little while yet."
"...Right." He sighs. "Anyway, those [Vestiges] of yours have been covered about as well as we can for now, so we should move on."
"...In the end, I think [Authority] sounds cooler, so let's just keep using that." I interject. "Besides, doesn't [Vestige] sound too much like I'm summoning ghosts or something?"
"Hey, I'm writing in pen here! Don't make me go back and change it!"
"So, you got sucked into Archer's reality marble, and only survived because someone living in Void Space interfered… Ugh, I don't know where to start with that, so we'll leave it alone for now." Roman says, scratching his temple with the back of his pen.
"Hey, don't leave out the part where I heroically finished him off with my spellcasting!" I faux-brag.
"Yes, yes, Subaru-kun is amazing… Anyways, I'll go ahead and fill you in on what you missed while we were rushing you to the medbay." He sighs. "First of all, we didn't lose anyone other than you mid-rayshift, and you came through a little later. As for how everyone's doing, though..."
I see him frown, and I get a sinking feeling. "I suppose it'd be too much to hope for you to just say 'they're all perfectly fine', huh?" I mumble, gritting my teeth.
"...I'm afraid not." He gives a sad smile, and lets out a breath. "To start with, even though you managed to limit the explosion from the bomb directly beneath the director, we still lost an absolutely crippling number of people due to the other bombs. All told, we've only got thirty-four staff members remaining - and eleven of those people are going to have a long road to recovery before they can put in the hours we're going to need. As for the other master candidates, they're all alive - but we had to use the Coffins' cryo-stasis function to keep them that way, and we don't have anywhere near the number of medical staff to dare thawing them out now."
"...If only I wasn't so stupid! I should have realized Flauros would have a manual detonator as a backup!" I mutter, fists clenched.
"Subaru-kun…" He says, giving me a sad look. So he thinks so too, huh? I look away, cringing.
He finally sighs, letting out the tension in his shoulders. "That mess aside... as for Mash, she's doing amazing. In fact, she's the healthiest I've seen her! Her immune system finally seems to have stabilized, and her muscles and heart have exceeded normal human levels of fitness."
"Right, she mentioned something like that… I guess she'll finally be allowed outside after this mess is over, right?" I reply.
"That's my hope!" He says with a grin. "As for Mordred...she's uninjured, but her Noble Phantasm couldn't be salvaged. Da Vinci's working on a substitute, but even with her Item Creation skill, it's not like she'll be able to create something on par with Clarent."
"Right, I've been meaning to ask… that Da Vinci lady, is she-?"
"Oh, right. You haven't met her yet… Well, she's the second servant summoned by Chaldea, a Caster class with all the capabilities of her historical self - genius inventor status and all. And apparently, she also knew a bunch about magecraft back when she was alive, so she's pretty competent in that field as well." He explains. "Personality aside, she's probably one of the best Servants we could hope to have acting as our support!"
"Wait, what's this about her personality?" Please don't tell me that I'll-
"You'll understand when you meet her."
"Nooo! I was afraid you would say that! Every time someone tells me that, it turns out to be a real weirdo!" I complain, running my fingers through my hair.
He chuckles. "Aside from that… we managed to hook up Cu Chulainn to the FATE system, so he won't disappear anytime soon. However, that guy apparently replaced his arm with his master's, and then went and used a bunch of command spells from that arm… Obviously, servants aren't supposed to do that, and now he's got a minor fracture in his [Spirit Origin]. He won't be able to fight on the front lines for at least a few months."
"Geh… is it just me, or is our combat strength actually pretty abysmal right now!?"
"No, you're pretty correct… On the bright side, we should have enough power soon to summon an additional servant, so there's that. Anyway, moving on… Lev." He grimaces, and that cold, sinking feeling from before returns. Shit, come to think of it, Lev certainly seemed out of it at the end there. "I'm sorry to tell you this, after all the hard work you guys put in to recover him alive, but…"
"Lev Lainur, fell catatonic shortly after arriving at Chaldea."
Meant to have this out Monday, but it was not to be. Anyway, there are two or three more chapters at Chaldea before Orleans, so look forwards to that.
Is it bad that i feel sad because of this? Lev wasn't really an asshole, that was Flauros controlling his body, so i was looking forward to a fic with a Lev Lainur that fought alongside the heroes.
Is it bad that i feel sad because of this? Lev wasn't really an asshole, that was Flauros controlling his body, so i was looking forward to a fic with a Lev Lainur that fought alongside the heroes.
I mean, it isn't exactly unexpected: a lot of his soul was probably tangled up with Flauros and Satella was never described as particularly gentle with thing she didn't like. She probably tore in Flauros without much regard for the person he was intertwined with.
On the scale of 'weird shit that mages do', strange blood is a solid 3 out of 10. There's a family of mages that uses parasitic worms that infest the entire body as a catalyst for power and they're not even considered that bad.
Also I'm pretty sure Roman wouldn't recognize dragon blood; it's not like he's got the stuff on tap to have studied it prior, after all.
Having a heart-stopping Geas is a big deal because it could kill Subaru. (The fact that it frequently does is obviously a thing he doesn't and can never know about.) Having weird blood? It's likely Roman just shrugged, called it a mage thing, and moved on.
Subaru's physical body got reverted to his pre-isekai self. He mentioned in chapter... 5, I think? that he lost all the muscle he built up in the other world, and this also includes the dragon blood stuff.
His gate and authorities remain as they were, since they're more metaphysical... is how I decided it would work.
Subaru's physical body got reverted to his pre-isekai self. He mentioned in chapter... 5, I think? that he lost all the muscle he built up in the other world, and this also includes the dragon blood stuff.
His gate and authorities remain as they were, since they're more metaphysical... is how I decided it would work.
I would like to contest this one part, given his past, and dragonkind's nature as the apex of the phantasmal species. Granted, he might not immediately recognize it, given the sheer number of phantasmal species and ways mages can make themselves and their blood weird, but Roman knows more about magecraft and mysteries than anyone currently alive, except maybe Merlin, and there's a whole branch of magecraft - rather unimaginatively but accurately named Zoology - that's centered around analyzing, creatiny, and exploiting the phantasmal species.
Tl;dr Even discounting the blood's extra-dimensional origins, it'd be totally believable if he didn't recognize it( and it's not like he can cast Structural Analysis on it) but smart money's on him being familiar with his world's dragon blood, which based on prior evidence, is probably roughly analogous to that of the other world's.
Tl:drtTl:dr I disagree with the quoted portion of your comment. See above for reasons.
It's all moot anyway because he was restored to factory standard Subaru, but the points stand.
I am now imagining an army of Subarus Nobu style, so thanks for that.
Might be an idea for a fic in and of itself, Re:Zero but Subaru has a bunch of Chibibarusus.
I am now imagining an army of Subarus Nobu style, so thanks for that.
Might be an idea for a fic in and of itself, Re:Zero but Subaru has a bunch of Chibibarusus.
If a single Chibi Baru dies, they all Return by Death. Cue the Emilia camp frantically struggling to keep alive a small army of child-sized subarus who have no regard for their own health and safety.