S͈͈͟y͈͈͋s̴͈͈͈͈ͧ͑t͈͈̋e͈̝͈m͈͈̓ ͈͈᷾E͈͈͟r͈̹͈r͈᷿͈o͈͈᷆r͈͈͜(Raildex Quest Redux)

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S͈͈͟y͈͈͋s̴͈͈͈͈ͧ͑t͈͈̋e͈̝͈m͈͈̓ ͈͈᷾E͈͈͟r͈̹͈r͈᷿͈o͈͈᷆r͈͈͜


A Certain Interesting Turn of Events...
A Certain Character Creation Post


Dual Aurora Wave

S͈͈͟y͈͈͋s̴͈͈͈͈ͧ͑t͈͈̋e͈̝͈m͈͈̓ ͈͈᷾E͈͈͟r͈̹͈r͈᷿͈o͈͈᷆r͈͈͜


A Certain Interesting Turn of Events
Academy city... The City of the Future, a place where all your dreams can come true. Come join the Power Curriculum Program, and become an Esper.

What a load of Tripe.

You look across the shining lights and never ending sounds. This... This is Academy City. A world apart from the outside lands. Separated by a great wall surrounding the city it is in and of itself a whole nation hidden in the depths of Tokyo.

And it's your own Personal hell.


Two words. Two words that define you in the land of people who can move things with their minds, who can teleport and generate lightning with a thought... And those two words are: Level Zero.

Yes, Level Zero, those without power. Those who stare from the outskirts wanting into this glorious golden palace. You've been a part of the Powers Curriculum Program ever since you first came here... It's been years now, and again and again those two words are stamped on your card.

Level Zero

Loser, weakling, Skill-Out, waste of space.

You know... A part of you actually hates all this, the fact that even now, when you sleep... even in your dreams you can't escape the title and the words that follow it.



Groaning, you blearily roll over... and off of your bed.

Ow. It takes you a brief moment of confusion for the world to slowly slide into focus as your mind begins to boot after the now quickly fading dream. Flopping into a slouched seat, you glance at the clock.


Why in the world would you... Oh... Ah, no. With a groan completely unrelated to your body wanting to return to slumber, you stumble to your feet and glance at the Calender on your wall.

...Yeap. It's today alright. Yawning you head into your bathroom and start up the shower.

You're a Level Zero, have been ever since... that day. Even as you hate to remember, given how tired you are your train of thought plows right on through, bringing that day back again.

It was... what... Three and a half years ago the day after tomorrow, maybe the day after that, that you first came here to Academy City. You and your parents had 'Won' Tickets to the city, a Guideless tour of the city and the chance to see the various sites around the city. Make no mistake too, back then, the sites were amazing.

Men doing work about the city lifting stones and carrying things about without touching them, a man who ate fire for the crowds. There was technology here, things that you'd never seen before, robots that wandered the streets, picking up leaves and trash, strange drinks in vending machines unlike anything you'd ever heard of before. Towering buildings and shining sites. It was like a dream...

Then... as the lights began to dip, and the sun began to sink behind the wall... it became a nightmare. Could only afford two tickets. They brought you here, showed you a great time because they weren't planning on taking you home. Everything, from the time the sun rose to this moment was all planned out to be the greatest day ever... And it was.

'I... I'm sorry. We do- Here... Here there's a future for you. Here you have a chance to see something amazing, to become someone... We love you, But... Please... Don't forget that fact ever. We Love You. And here... Here you can do so much more than if you came home with us. There's a future for you here... so please don't hate us too much.'

A part of you wants to Hate them... A part of you wants to rage and cry and make them come back for you, even now... But... But in the time that you've been here... you have learned what they meant.

But back then... During those first three days of hiding from the cops and digging through the trash for food...

Of course, then Doctor Dredan found you. He literaly reached out and plucked you right out the trash and didn't put you down until he came here. And while at first it was a bit... difficult at times, this has become your home.
When looking out at all the people walking about, at times it's a little hard to remember that you aren't like them... or you weren't at first at least. They all came here with Purpose. They all came here to be a part of the Power Curriculum Program... They all came here on purpose.

You on the other hand, came here by accident. And you mean that in the most literal of ways. The days before coming to the city... They even now bring a shudder and a brief moment of terror from you. You can still trace the scars from shards of glass flying from some shattered vase, the snarling rage and the bit out insults about everything that you are.

You couldn't stay there anymore... you couldn't continue to live a life where it felt that every moment you were laying atop an explosion counting down in an alien language and at any moment it might go off and you might just die.

You couldn't live each day staring at him and pretending that the things that were happening weren't and that she was trying (and succeeding) to drive you away. He didn't listen when you told him. Then again.. you don't know why you thought he would. Ever since she came around he never listened to you, he never paid you any attention. It was always her. What she wanted to do, where she wanted to go. her her HER. He was always there, by her side, doing whatever she wanted and always with that twisted smile on his face, with eyes filled with stars and overflowing with love pointed at her and not at you. Never at you anymore.

So one day you had had enough. You grabbed all the food and clothes you could stick into your bag, and off you went. You knew that you had to get as far away from her as possible. The further you were away the more likely you were to not be returned. At first your plan worked as it should. You got on the train and hid whenever that guy checking for tickets came around... but then you crossed the wall. At the next stop there were cops waiting at the doors. You shouldn't have had a chance. They should have caught you, even to this day you bless your luck that you had been just that bit faster... just that bit more agile than they had been. And You ran. You ran and ran and ran. You ran until you wouldn't run anymore. Until you Couldn't run anymore.

And there, lying in the alley, barely able to breathe... Skill-out showed up. Course, you didn't know that they were called that at the time, but a gang of level zeroes, frustrated and angry found you. They thought they were going to have a bit of fun. But then she stepped in, with a glare that could freeze fire and melt ice. She saved you. Doc Marumi. Took you in, cleaned you up, got you food in your belly and a nice long shower. Then she brought you here, where you've been staying ever since.

As you dry off, you smile. As much as you hate each time this day comes around, there's always that brief glimmer of hope. Maybe today will be the day. Maybe today I will prove the Doc right for bringing me here.

Maybe today I will be able to mark two weeks on the calender instead of six months.

You see, Level Zeroes like you? They get a System Scan once every six months, but Level Ones and above get to get a Scan once every two weeks. Get that chance to see if they have moved further. That chance to show off just how much they have grown and how much better they are then stupid, weak, useless little Level Zeroes like you.

But today, Today you are going to try your best. Your going to give it your all! You are going to use every... Every resource you have.

Every resource?

Your mind flashes over to the MP3 player you have sitting on your study desk.

But before you can really think about it you shake the thought away and wipe away the fog on the mirror, getting another good look at yourself as you do every morning.

There, Staring back at you is... well, You. A young
[ ] Boy
[ ] Girl

Who is
[ ] 10-15

Years old, and your name is
[ ] Write-in Name

[ ] Basic Description or even better an image

Having finished your shower you head back into the room and begin to get dressed for the day. As you do, slowly your eyes trail over the to the MP3 player.

But that's... It's just a silly rumor? Right?

I mean, the idea of there being something out there that can just BOOM! And your level is higher? That's just ridiculous.

But... If it isn't...

If the Level Upper is real?

Slowly, you reach out, and grab the device, looking at the title of the song...

Level Upper...

[ ] Listen?
[ ] Don't Listen

Having made your decision, you head out. As you go along, you spot someone passing you by.
[ ] A rather ordinary young man, except for his rather... intense hair. As you pass him by, you trip, and he catches you. But oh god above, you have one hell of a headache now.
[ ] A trio of middle schoolers, paired up in such a fashion that it looks like there is supposed to be a fourth with them...
[ ] A trio of middle schoolers, each looking excited and passing around an MP3 Player... Looks like they might have gotten their hands on the Level Upper
[ ] A random young man
[ ] A random young woman
[ ] A scientist looking person
[ ] ...Was that a Priest? With a barcode tattoo?
[ ] Random from above choices


Yeah, after looking at the first post a couple of times... I was rather feeling let down by it. So I decided, screw that, I'mma make a better one.

See, much longer, much more interesting, and I decided to just add in the next choice rather than just having it be the next update. Allows me to condense the Character Gen from Five updates to the new total of three.
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A Certain Person's Information
A Certain Person's Information​

Name: Kirigiri Toukichirou
Age: 14
Level: 1
Esper Power: Telekinesis?
Student ID: SM128034789

Strength: 2
Agility: 3
Durability: 2

Intelligence: 4
Insight: 3
Charisma: 6

Personal Reality: 5
Belief: 5
Willpower: 3

HP: 10/10
Regen: +1 HP per 12 Hours
EP: 30/50
Regen: +5 EP per hour, +7 when Asleep and uninjured

Top of the Class - +1 Intelligence - You were the brightest star of your class, who knew all the answers to all the questions.
Oujo-Sama - +2 Charisma - Your shy and polite Personality have caused you to be seen as a bit of an idol and class princess (regardless of your actual gender)

Inverse Shift - Level 1 - Passive Ability - 0 EP - Your Esper Ability, After running into a very strange Priest, you seem to have developed the ability to see AIM fields around others
Clairvoyance - Level 1 - Active Ability - 6 EP - One of the most common abilities recognized by the Power Curriculum Program. You can use this ability to lightly see through thin objects as if they were clear, and gain a wireframe imprint of the object in your thoughts. However, as a Level 1 you can only see through roughly 1 inch of material and your Wire-Frame imprint cannot accurately create an object larger than three inches cubed in size.
Telekinesis? - Level 1 - Active Ability - 3 EP - You... You seem to somehow have telekinesis in addition to having Clairvoyant abilities. You really aren't sure what is going on, but you have a strange feeling that Dredan is not at all surprised by what is going on. At this level, you can cause an object with a mass of 5 Kilograms to either fall directly towards you or directly away from as as if you were the source of gravity. Objects under this effect do not fall towards the ground because for all intents and purposes their gravity seems to be in relation to you instead of in relation to the earth
??? - ??? - 17/20 - There was something around that weird Priest. It was very different from an AIM field. There is something... Familiar about it. But you don't know what it is.
??? - ??? - 12/20 - The other things hanging about the weird Priest, it smells of smoke and flame and... Healing? Maybe... You don't know what this is, but it would likely take another encounter or two with the man to finish this up.

Envisioned Structures - Evolutionary Stunt - By increasing the cost of Clairvoyance by 1 EP you have gained the ability to generate a Wire-Frame Image of the object in your mind.

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A Certain Rules and EXP Shop
Level Zeroes get one Free System Scan per Six Months
Level Ones and Higher Get One Free System scan per Two weeks
You get a Monthly Allowance at the beginning of the month which is supposed to cover food, clothing, and whatever else you need.

Level Zeroes get one Free System Scan per Six Months. Once in Early January after the Winter Break, and once in Mid-late July at the end of the school year.

System Scans rate the testee in Five Different Attributes:
Precognition - The Ability to acquire information that would be impossible to deduce using the information given.
At lower levels this test is done using Kreskin's ESP Lamp.
Using the Lamp this Attribute is measured as so
000 - 025 - F - 1 EXP gained
026 - 044 - D - 2 EXP gained
045 - 063 - C - 4 EXP gained
064 - 082 - B - 6 EXP gained
083 - 100 - A - 8 EXP gained

Clairvoyance - The Ability to acquire information through means other than the five basic senses that humans normally has.
At lower levels this test is done using Zener Cards
Using the cards this Attribute is measured as so
00 - 05 - F - 1 EXP gained
06 - 10 - D - 2 EXP gained
11 - 15 - C - 3 EXP gained
16 - 20 - B - 4 EXP gained
21 - 25 - A - 5 EXP gained

Psychometry - The Ability to detect and influence the thoughts of others.
This test is completed using various means of Academy City
This Attribute is measured as so
00 - 02 - F - 0 EXP gained
03 - 04 - D - 1 EXP gained
05 - 06 - C - 2 EXP gained
07 - 08 - B - 3 EXP gained
09 - 10 - A - 4 EXP gained

Telepathy - The Ability to generate wires created out of sound to control and manipulate the thoughts of others.
You aren't completely sure how this test is done, they just have you try to control someone in a room, and after a number of minutes they let you go.
??? - ??? - F - 0 EXP
??? - ??? - D - ??? EXP
??? - ??? - C - ??? EXP
??? - ??? - B - ??? EXP
??? - ??? - A - ??? EXP

Psychokinesis - The Ability to influence objects outside of the user without any means of doing so.
At lower levels they use a Protractor and the Columbus Egg Experiment to measure this ability.
You however aren't sure how they measure the test. just what they use.
??? - F - 2 EXP
??? - D - 3 EXP
??? - C - 4 EXP
??? - B - 5 EXP
??? - A - 6 EXP

After measuring the five main Attributes, they total it all up and give you your MEAN, which is somehow used in how they decide whether or not you have had a Level Shift.

You can repeat a System Scan for $100

Here you can spend your hard earned EXP

Attributes: To Increase an Attribute costs the Current Level of the Attribute x 10
Bonuses from Traits count as Half a level, and so add a 5EXP cost to the Attribute per Trait Bonus.

For Instance, if you have a Stat at:
2(+3) It would cost (2x10)+(3x5) = 35 EXP to reach 3(+3)=6 Instead of
5, which would cost (5x10) = 50 EXP to reach 6

Skills: Skills
Skills cost the Current Level of the Skill x 2

Abilities: Leveling up your ability is a complex process that is very expensive, but with each level your power will advance to a startling degree.
Level 1: 20 EXP
Level 2: 40 EXP
Level 3: 80 EXP
Level 4: 160 EXP
Level 5: ??? EXP

As your power begins to grow and evolve, you will begin to develop Stunts, specific uses of your powers that are... above the normal usage of your powers and allow you to develop special attacks or passive buffs to your power that allows it to function better than normal.

As of Now, you currently have no stunts available to buy
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Information: Power Ranking - Class and Level
Information: Power Ranking - Class and Level
In Academy city powers are ranked through their Level, which is a means of seeing how far they have progressed through the Power Curriculum Program, with Level 0 being the lowest and the Theoretical Level 6 being the highest.

However, there is another means of Ranking abilities that is far less used, which is the Class System. The Class System ranks abilities based the generated effect that the power is capable of achieving. The Highest Rank on the Class System is Rank √-1, has only one a pair of words scrawled under it in the notes 'Image Breaker'.

Below that are Ranks I-X. The creator of this system posits that were two people of the same Level to fight, the one whose power is of a higher Class would win. The thought experiment used as an example for this is:

Class III, Level 5 - Electromaster would lose to a Class IV, Level 5 - Radio Noise, who would also lose to a Class VI, Level 5 - Railgun.

One of the major reasons that this system is derided and oft ignored is the theory of Class Shift, or the capacity for someone who has a power to work and develop the power in such a way that it evolves to a more advanced variation of the same ability. It is theorized that Misaka Mikoto first came to the city as a Class III, Level 1 - Electromaster, but has undergone a Class Shift Three times, with two of them expected to have happened during a Level Shift when Misaka's abilities evolved enough during a short enough time period to advance multiple levels during a single Level Shift.
A Certain Post in which that particular joke is starting to get old and from which further on Threadmarks are not going to be using any more.
For a moment you stare at the MP3 player, sitting there, the words taunting you.

Slowly, a hand reaches out... Level Upper. That mystery cure to not having powers. Just pop in the earbuds and boom - Your powers grow beyond what they could... what they would be before.


But no. If Doctor Dredan found out...

For a short moment you pause, letting your mind turn that thought over in your head. If Doctor Dredan found out.

If. You know, for all that characters on shows are all 'If this happens, if is good' and all that it seems obvious that such a thing would never happen... This here, in your hands.

The thought of using the Level Upper is a little intoxicating.

But no, at least, not right now. Perhaps a bit later.

Especially not somewhere that you just know that Dredan has bugged. Creepy ass scientist.

Now, don't get it wrong, you... tolerate the guy, and you'll forever be thankful, but... But it's never going to be hard to remember that for that man Science will always come first and the 'Relationship' between you and him is a purely professional one.

One which involves his profession including spying on you.

And on that note - Time to go.

Packing up your school stuff and grabbing your bag, you head out.

With a quick click, you lock the door before heading down the one flight of stairs down to the ground floor.

Now... On to school.

You hurry on, having already wasted a bit more time than you really meant to this morning...

Then, as you turn a corner, you stumble right into...

The giant stands there for a moment, looking a little confused, a shopping bag in each hand. "Huh?" He turns, then turns again... "Swore I felt something run into me..."

"S-sorry for running into you..." You mutter softly, staring up at the giant.

"Oh? Sorry, didn't see you there. You should be more careful." He shifts his bags both into one hand, and pats you on the head. "Ah, since you happen to be here anyways.... I'm looking for someone... A Touma Kamijou, Do you know him?"

Touma... Kamijou... The name is familiar... Oh, of course. The Unlucky Lightning Rod "Oh, uh yes, I do." You say giving a short bow, "Kamijou lives about three blocks to the west of here."

"Oh? I guess you haven't heard since it only happened last night, but there was a fire at his apartment, so he's not staying there tonight while they do repairs."

A fire... There's... There is something more. Something scratching at the back of your mind. "Oh well," The giant says with a sigh, "If you see him, could you tell him that Stiyl was looking for him and that I really need those books he borrowed back."

"If I see him I will do that." You say, as the giant - Stiyl - gives a brief wave as he starts off. How strange...

Fire... Why is that sticking out to you? Why is that?

Suddenly, like a knife between the eyes, the world explodes.

For a short moment the world sways and tilts, before you drop to your knees. It burns, it hurts. Everything... All of it, the world seems to warp and twist.

Then... It's over.

As soon as the pain had struck, it was gone. Rising to your feet, you glance around.

Everything seems to be in order, nothing seems to be wrong?

How... Stran- as you open your eyes, something catches your eye. A curtain of silk, just thin enough to be seen? No... an orb?

Maybe you should get out of it... You try to escape the strange sphere, but as you move, it moves as well. Always just beyond your reach. Not far, maybe an inch or two past your arms extended to their max.

Though... now that you are not so much looking at it, as much as looking around, there are others.... That girl there has an orb, and those two there have orbs as well. Some are bigger and some are smaller.

But that kid doesn't... and those three...

Daichi, Akira, Hiroshi... All three of them are level Ones, and all of them have the spheres...

Shaking your head, you turn away. Those three have a history of picking on Level Zeroes, and there is no way that you are going to...

Wait a moment.

You look down at your hands, and then at the sphere around you.

You couldn't be... Could you?

Did you just have a Level Shift?
[ ] Maybe... Maybe I should play around with all this and try and see what I can do...
[ ] Maybe, oh shit! I'm already running behind because of everything that's happened and that crazy giant, I need to get to the System Scan!
[ ] Me? Level Shift, yeah right, I'm just going to ignore this and head to school
[ ] Write In

As you make your decision, you are again aware of a weight in your pocket.
You still have the Level Upper...
[ ] Use it
[ ] Ignore it

Not completely happy with this update, but I really don't feel like I have Stiyl's personality down at all.
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Cast of Characters
Cast of Characters:

This is going to be updated as things go along, with various characters and what you know about them.

However, remember that this is what you know/think, there may be things that you don't know or believe to be true that may not be true.​
Appearance - Name - Character Power - What you know about the person
there is stuff here

there is stuff here

Kirigiri Toukichirou
Character Song not yet Determined
Seeing stuff? I guess?
This is You. Born outside of Academy City, you were brought here and abandoned by your parents for a chance to have a better life. Afterwords, you were found by Doctor Dredan and spent the next Three and a half years going through complex and confusing experiments to try and do... Something.

Doctor Victor Jeffrey Marabel Dredan
Character Song not yet determined

The Head Scientist assigned to your case, He has been taking care of you for the last three years, and has always been an... odd man. He seems somehow convinced that you are the answer. To what? He refuses to say, just that you are the secret to the Key of Prometheus. Whatever that means.

Touma Kamijou

Touma is a Level 0
The Unlucky Lightning Rod who lives a few blocks away from you, He's not a bad guy... you think. You know he gets into a bit of trouble from time to time, but most people only have positive things to say about him. Level Notwithstanding of course.

Also, it appears that he has a thing for rare religious texts? Who knew.


He's a Priest, so he's not a student, therefor he has no power. Regardless what he seemed.
The Giant of a Priest who wants to speak to Touma about the books he borrowed... Though, what kind of books would Touma borrow from a Priest? Especially one that huge?
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Arriving at the System Scan
For a short moment, you look at the sphere surrounding you, then back to your hands... then back to the...

Is that a clock?

Does that... 5:49...

OH SHIT! The doors close in eleven minutes! You spin on your heel, breaking into a flat out run as you ignore everything around you. There can be no thought... no distraction... Nothing but moving.

For a brief moment, the shell around you seems to pulse with purpose... before fading into nothingness as you dash onward.

Thankfully, you succeed in your rush. You make it.

If only just.

Still, you made it, and so still breathing hard, you head down to the Gymnasium, where they have set up the tests for the day.

Arriving, you find people being sorted and split in various groups. Electromasters over there, Telekinetics in that direction, some of the people who control air over there...

Separated and sorted not only by level, but by power. Different people get different tests.

Unless you are a level 0 of course. Level Zeroes get all the tests.

And you even understand why, not that it doesn't frustrate you that you have to go through so many tests... But any of those tests might be the one where your power finally awakens, where you take that most important of steps.

That step where everything changes.

So many people here... each and every one of them here for the same reason. To be weighed and measured. There hopes and dreams toyed with and tugged on, only for everything to fall apart again.

You always hated that part the most... when you have to look at the scientists taking the tests, and the cold... frustrated looks on their faces. 'Why are we here? We could be doing something important' the looks all seem to say. They don't care.

They don't believe in the people here. They don't even see the people here. Just mistakes and flaws in their perfect little world.

It's... Depressing.

Name by name is called, and person by person goes. Whether it's intentional of not... These tests give an edge of despair. The Level 3's are already done, and only a bare two dozen of the Level 0's are done. The two Level 4's were done even faster.

Group by group begins to disappear. It took the same amount of time to test a level 0 as it did to test four Electromasters.

So long... and not a one. Not a single boy or girl comes out of the room with that glow. That light in their eyes.

Level 0.

Level 0.

Level 0.

Again and again and again, over and over. It never changes. It never shifts. It's...


Maybe it's hopeless to dream. Here, now... that strange sense seems to unfold from below the depths of your sight... somewhere where it was still there but you couldn't see them.

There... Three. Three of the people surrounding you have those spheres. A few have orbs that glow in their chests, or a slight glow in their eyes... but nothing more than that.

Three people here might just be Espers, if your eyes are not simply your mind breaking from the wait for your own power. If you aren't just imagining things...

But if you aren't...

Maybe the scientists will know? They will be able to explain what it is your seeing!
...And if they can't explain it? If it is nothing more than your mind playing tricks on you?

Could they take you out of the program?

[ ] Tell the Scientists what you see
[ ] Don't tell them

"Toukichirou, Kirigiri" One of the scientists call out... This is it. Your System Scan...

IT weighs heavily in your pocket. This is your last chance before the test... Do you listen to the Level Upper
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

And so you begin your exam...

You have 21 Points to spend on your Attributes
1 is basic
3 is Average for a Preteen
5 is Average for a Teen
7 is a lazy adult
10 is a Fit adult
13 is an Athlete
15 is a Pro Athlete
17 is Olympian
21 is [ERROR]

All Attributes begin with 1 point in them. At this point you no stat can go above 6
[ ] Make a Plan for your Stats
Strength - Your Physical might, you strong you are and how much you can lift. Standard RPG Attribute
Agility - Your Flexibility and how fast you are. Another rather standard Attribute
Endurance - How Fit you are, how long you can run, how hardy you are... Once again, Rather Average

Intelligence - How smart/learned you are.
Insight - Your Perception and Wit, how fast you think and how hard it is for someone to trick you.
Charisma - How... Likeable you are

Personal Reality - A Measure of how far your own Personal Reality has evolved and manifested.
Belief - I tried to come up with something for this forever, but I couldn't get anything. PR is your Esper Stat. This is your magic stat.
Willpower - your Mental strength, how hard it is to shake your world view or displace your beliefs

And after this, Character Creation is FINALLY Completed, and things can start to accelerate and plot can start to begin and whatnot.
Tests 1-3
"Toukichirou, Kirigiri" One of the scientists call out... This is it. Your System Scan...

With a... almost melancholy sigh, you get and begin to follow after the scientist. However, even as things begin to move and you head into the first of the testing rooms, there is a... shift in the air. Everything goes still and quiet.

"So..." You hear a clap, as a familiar voice rolls across the speakers. "Before anything goes any further... I have a question." For all that the voice is smoother than silk, there is an undertone of malice and rage to the statement.

"Who is the Troglodyte who felt that they had the right to move and test MY Testee? Hmm?" Dredan growled out across the speakers. "Now, whosoever decided to act as such... If they step forward now and reveal themselves, I might... Might be willing to let the rest of our little... science club continue on without any demerits being placed onto your records."

"...If not, than I shall simply have to treat the lot of you as though you were collectively responsible, and you would not want that. Trust me that."

There were a few moments of silence, and then the door to the testing room slides open, and there he stands.

"Come along now, Toukichirou. This room is not of adequate quality for the level of testing that I have decided that you shall begin to go through today." Without even turning back to look at you, the tall goggled man begins to briskly walk away.

Follow Doctor Dredan?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Are you nuts? Your not disobeying this madman...

However, what is considered a brisk walk for Dredan is just below a light jog for you. But it doesn't take you long to reach the Elevator, and as the two of you enter it, he pulls out an all black keycard, and pushes it into a thin slot on the back wall.

The elevator begins to drop downward, going underneath the building. "Toukichirou." You shift, paying attention to the scientist. "This is a voluntary Inquiry. Have there been any irregularities with your senses; Synesthesia, Allochiria, Symptoms of Sensory Defensiveness? What about any potentially super natural phenomenon that you were unable to rule out Psychic abilities nor were you able to find someone in the general vicinity that seemed to be able to generate such phenomenon?" As he speaks, the Elevator stops, and the wall behind Dredan opens up, and he turns, leaving the elevator.

For a brief moment you think, trying to decide on whether or not to answer the scientist... Then you nod. "Yes... At least, I think so." You start strong, but as the man's steps begin to slow, you feel your confidence shatter as his attention is brought down on you in full.


"I..." No, that is not the best way to start this. "Earlier this morning I ran into someone who was... out of the ordinary, a very tall priest. After my encounter with him, I began to see... I don't know what they are. They appear to be orbs floating around various people."

"Appearance; Color, Composition, Tactile Reinforcement?"

"Ah..." You trail off for a moment... And Dredan's steps begin to increase in speed. A sure sign that he is not happy. "I-it depends on the individual user. Each person's sphere appears to be different from each other sphere. There are times when some spheres seemed to have similarities, but I didn't encounter any identical spheres."

"I... See. Describe the man you encountered and your interactions with him. Leave nothing out."

You begin to explain what had happened this morning, doing your best to cover everything that happened.

"The man called Style. I shall have to locate him and inquire additionally about his interactions with you and what it is that he desires with Kamijou Touma." He says, before turning to face you. Pulling out the keycard again, he passes it in front of a sensor by the door the two of you had reached. "Your testing shall begin momentarily after entering this room. Complete the testing to the best of your abilities."

With that, Dredan turns sharply and walks away. As the man turns the corner, you finally begin to relax. It's not that Dredan is a bad person... you think... but dealing with him always leaves you feeling stressed and on edge.

A few more moments pass, and beside the door a red light flickers on.


A moment passes, then the yellow light turns on below the red light.


Another moment passes, and as the green light shifts on, the door opens.


You step into the room... and for the most part the room is empty.

There, about the top of the room are the windows into the observation deck, where you can see Dredan relaxing while staring down at you and a number of scientists scurrying about behind him.

Sitting in the center of the room was... something different from the other times. A simple machine, with four lights and four buttons.

"Once you sit down, the test shall commence. This is a variation on Kreskin's Precognition Exam. Using Quantum Computing, the device randomly selects one of these lights, and your objective is to correctly press the right button corresponding to the correct light. You will repeat this test one hundred times." Dredan says over the intercom, and... without much further ado, you do as instructed.

The test isn't very interesting, and you can't really say that it's a difficult test, but that is because for all that this is supposed to be testing you... there really isn't anything you can do other than just randomly pressing buttons.

Still, over a fourth of the time you happen to hit the right buttons... so you are doing something right... right?

"..." You hear Dredan take a deep breath in. "That was... Adequate. Proceed onward into the next room for the next test." As punctuation of his statement, the moment his voice fades from the intercom, the door at the far end of the room opens.

The next room is much the same as the first room, white walls, white tiled floor, and ceiling windows into the Observation deck.

However, this room is slightly different from the last room. There is someone, a young woman from the looks of her in the room with you, shuffling a deck of cards.

"This is... ah..." Dredan's voice rolled across the Intercom again... "Assistant... Let's see... two three.... Yes. This is Assistant 6. Assistant 6 is going to be administering this part of your exam. At the moment, you see that he is shuffling a deck of cards? Those are Zenner Cards. Each card has one of five symbols on the card, and it is your objective to use your Inverse Shift to see which card he is holding up. This process shall be repeated twenty five times, and you shall not be informed whether or not you are correct. Assistant 6, you are to begin the exam no less than forty five seconds after Toukichirou seats himself."

The first two cards are... disappointing, actually. You just sort of sit there are glare at the cards for a few moments each, trying to... do something when it comes to the card.

But then the third card.

That's when things started to become interesting.

You focused on the card. You needed something. Something to prove that what you were seeing wasn't fake. That it... And as if the mere thought of it caught it's attention, sliding out the depths of your mind the orb shifted into your site again.

For a brief moment you lost your focus on the card. No! You needed to focus. You needed to know what was on the card. You had to know what was on the card.

And slowly...



it all


fell away.

Nothing existed but the card. Nothing was there
Except the card.

And then, not even the card was there. But it was. Like a cheap hologram, you could see the card, but you could also see lightly through it, allowing you to see the image on the other side of the card.

"That's a star." You said it with focus and certainty. Not the 'I think it's a Wave' from the first card, or the 'I'm guessing Circle' from the second card.

One by one, as soon as each card was brought up your eyes saw right through them, allowing you to keep spitting answers out as fast as assistant six could lift the cards up.

"Very good Toukichirou. I am pleased to see that my trust in you has not been misplaced. Now proceed unto the next examination room. As for you Six; You are relieved of duty and may return to your assigned position prior to entering into my domain." Again, he waits until the final echoes of his voice begins to fade before allowing the door to open.

This third room is again much the same as the last two, but instead of a young woman for Dredan to mistake for a man or a strange looking machine, there were three tables, each with a different colored cube placed on them.

Sitting atop each table was a small cube. Your eyes flex, and the world shifts into the back, as you focus on one of the cubes... you can see that there is something inside the cube, but without some sort of light reaching inside the box you cannot see what it is.

"Within each of these cubes is an object. Your objective within this test is to attempt to determine which cube contains the keycard which unlocks the door before you. You have ten minutes. Begin the Test."

Choose one Stunt:
[ ] Clairsentience - ??? Stunt - By expending a number of power points equal to the number of minutes divided by five, you can see into the past of any object you touch as if you were in the room with the object
[ ] Envisioned Structure - Clairvoyance Stunt - You may choose to increase the cost of activating Clairvoyance by 1. Doing so allows you to see the entirety of whatever you are examining with Clairvoyance as if you were looking at a wire-frame model.
[ ] Inertia sense - ??? Stunt - Upon interacting with an object, you passively are able to tell the exact amount of force required to move the object.
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Information: Powers - Stunts
Information: Powers - Stunts
Esper abilities are varied in both number and what they are capable of doing, which each person capable of doing different and unique things. A number of the more interesting power uses that are unique to the various users of these abilities are nicknamed 'Stunts'.

A simple description of a Stunt is a particular power usage that goes above and beyond what is considered ordinary for that power.

But going by that description would not be wholly correct due to the fact that not all stunts are as simple a matter as that.

While far from being treated with any actual level of scientific study, there has been a variety of different people who have looked into these stunts and how they seem to work more out of their own curiosity than anything else.

Many of them came up with very similar deductions about the nature of stunts, and after a short time working together have created a primer on the nature of stunts.

Their definition of a stunt is as follows:
Stunts are tricks and skills that Espers begin to pick up over the time that they have their ability. This particular power usage is an adaptation of their true esper power, and has the possibility of functioning on a level higher than the actual esper ability.

These Stunts are separated into three different categories -

Active Stunts - These stunts are the easiest to develop, and can actually develop and function at a level higher than the ability under normal circumstances.
The Ur-Example of this kind of Stunt is the famous 'Railgun' Stunt that Level 5 Electromaster Misaka Mikoto has developed. She actually first developed the ability at level 3, when she went through a class shift, and during the first time it was being measured, it was assumed that Misaka went through a level shift because the railgun itself was functioning at a level 4 state.

Passive Stunts - Passive stunts are abilities that once they are developed they are always functioning. They do not require EP to use, but they can only work at the same level as your ability and should you go through a Level Shift you will need to redevelop the ability for the new level.
The Ur-Example of this kind of Stunt is Accelerator's 'Reflection Aura' Stunt which runs passively in the background and reflects incoming attacks.

Evolutionary Stunts - Evolutionary starts are the most difficult type of stunt to develop, but are some of the most powerful. These stunts alter how your powers function in a very fundamental way.
The Ur-Example of this kind of Stunt is Shirai Kuroko's 'Matter Displacement' Stunt that allows her to teleport an object into another with only the second object taking damage, where without this stunt when someone teleports something into something else both objects are damaged, but the more durable object takes the lesser amount of damage.