Rule the Waves, consistently making too few ships, with the germans!

SMS Excellence is finally ordered.


Well, it'll make it harder to hunt my merchants, that's nice.

dang it, I do not want to have to deal with someone else with equivalent tech.

I'm going to wait 2 more turns until building the second E-class, because that seems like a good time to do so.

next turn.

AGAIN? screw off, you.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. That there is one of the most important technologies available to me, and you want to buy it for barely over 3 million? not interested.

Go away russia.
Also, I could have sworn the British made a pre-dreadnought by the name of Sutlej a while back, why's it now being used on a heavy cruiser?

Finally, I am building the second E-class, though I made some small revisions to the revised design, namely shrinking the hull to 51900 long tons of displacement, because the extra weight for the hull was actually more than the extra bouyancy supplied, as well as slightly increasing the thickness of the turret armor.

Did not expect to lose money this early, that's what I get, I suppose, for making my second E-class somewhat different from the first. let's see when I need to halt construction.

next turn.

Given my history with britain, I'm going to go with No.

Dang, that is a technology I'd have liked. well, another chance later, I suppose.

The scientists seem to be having a hard time at the moment.
Increase your Intel effort and you will get less tech theft. And you might even steal a useful technology from another country if you set it high enough.
Slow game is slow.
October- nothing happens, next.

I'm guessing you got these from the russians? well, keep them, what I told the russians goes for you too.

Well, ok, I'm kind of suprised that hasn't happened to me yet, but I can deal.

And nothing else this turn, except my coffers continuing to drain.



Bottom, because MY FIRE CONTROL. Just because you are on good terms with me doesn't mean you can just do that. At least ask first. not that I would have let you buy the tech if you did.

Next turn. Not much is happening, but I will have to halt construction on Excellence for a month or two.

Nice, that's a very useful tech.

Ok, I think I'll have to halt construction for 3 months and burn money for the next two until Experience is complete.

Speaking of which, I made a image for Experience, thanks to me having nothing better to do.

Next turn.

Yeah, it's nice tech, but I don't have that much money. so I will have to refuse.

Nice. That'll allow me to do more rapid maneuvers without trashing accuracy too much.

The AP help this gives is also very nice.

Next turn I suppose.


Too few cruisers AND battlecruisers? that sounds like raiding will work well against them in any future wars, as long as they are soon enough.

One more turn until I restart Excellence's construction, and the tensions continue to make amusing patterns.

Eh, why not. it'll delay excellence another turn, but I'd like the tech.
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Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhey, just a question to you lot...

Should I revamp my furry themed mod, and make it more custom? (and balanced)
Uh, give me some days to try it later and I'll get back to you on that.

Which reminds me, I could be going around designing my own country mod...
SMS Experience, Suprisingly Fast Tank, is complete.

Good for whomever owns that place... Hang on... Apparently Britain, yay them.

Middle, as I don't want to insult Italy or make myself look bad complimenting them, so let's just say they're nice.

Damn, that would have been another extremely nice technology to have now, but hopefully the scientists will work out the problems soon.

Also sad, that would put my destroyers well into the "very scary" area for enemy capital ships. Make them more explosive too, I admit, but they're fairly fragile already.


Well, I don't mine if I do! Actually, not that useful in my opinion, but it's still nice to have the possibility.

Construction of the Excellence has resumed, and I have remembered I should put some money into spying on the Americans, Japanese, and maybe Russians, as they're closest to entering a war with me.

Anyway, next turn.

Overall, most of this is fairly meh, I should probably see what the Lyon looks like now, but the delays in Experience's construction suck, though are acceptable as I have adequate margin of error. Plus, for whatever reason, I just recieved a couple million, putting my balance at ~9 million, despite the fact that at the moment I'm losing 3 million a month. it almost seems like the monthly balance (-3085222/month) was subtracted instead of added, making an increase of stored money instead of a decrease.

Next turn again I suppose.

Nice, more money for me and everyone else.

Fuck yes. Experience is complete, and additionally, I get a bonus knot that I never intended but appreciate out of it, for free.

Apparently our 13" guns are so awesome that their superiority to the americans' ones needs to be stated twice. also, someone took my industrial secrets again.

Looking at this design for the refit of Lyon, it occurs to me that Experience is superior to this in every way except for gun quantity. even speed, despite it being a FUDGING BATTLESHIP, AKA the tanks of the navy that are not designed for speed.

And looking at Dusquesne's refit, it appears to be roughly on par with Zeppelin, in my opinion. atrocious armor for a battlecruiser, but decent otherwise for it's age.
Technical advances and another ship design.

Nothing happens this month, next.

No. Mine.

Nice. Not too useful, as I don't really intend to use quad turrets, but it's nice to have the option.

Well, if I ever want to build a ship with that big of guns, I can. it probably won't be much better than a 16"-armed battleship, but it will have the advantage of quite powerful guns.

Let's see what the French have made, and how much of a threat it might be.

Not... bad... the armor belt is unusually good, and the secondary armament is in turrets for once, but I am curious about what the AI has against superfiring turrets. also, FAR slower than Experience and Excellence, more so the first than the second (probably).

Next turn, I suppose.

Hooray, with Experience in active service, I can probably let some of my older battleships (prbably the B-class) leave active service.


One more improvement towards submarine deterrence.

I think it might be a good idea to build something with the +2 million per turn income I have currently, I'm thinking a new heavy cruiser.

And this is what I'm going to build one of. It's extremely large for a cruiser (larger than all previous cruisers and only slightly smaller than the first dreadnoughts), at 21.4 thousand tons, with an armament of 9 10" cannon, able to penetrate the belt armor of all contemporary cruisers, even from extremely long range, and all contemporary foreign dreadnought's belt armor, if adequately close. further, it has a standard 8" armor belt and a 3" deck, with 10" turret faces and 4.5" turret tops. Overall, a fairly solid design, and one that should be able to take some significant hits and survive, as well as put out significant fire.

Next turn.

As usual, no.

Boring turn, next.

I'm fine with this, I'll take the deal.

Nice, but no actual tech completed. I'm dissapointed.
So your armoured cruiser is flat out superior to most enemy dreadnoughts?
Not really. I do think I could take the Zeppelin and similarly aged battlecruisers, but a full battleship, even an extremely early one would be a tough fight, but I think Pillau could take one, as the 10" main guns have just enough penetrating power for a battleship armor belt, and much faster fire rate. Not sure though, because I haven't built it much yet, so testing is out.
The british response to the E-class
A new year, a new turn, and let's see what happens.

I'm going to pick on Japan here, as they are the second most hostile nation at the moment, and the only one ahead of them is the USA, which has ridiculous economic might, and thus tons of ships, so I'd rather not fight them. On the ohter hand, Japan has relatively little in the way of modern and large ships, as well as I'd like to secure my position in SEA, as well as, if possible NEA too.

Oooh, better tech.

Looking at this map, I think I could reasonably kick Japan entirely out of the whole area, because their only possesion in the area is Formosa, so I only have to hit one target. Afterwards, I might constider sending more forces than necessary north from SEA to strike at japanese land in south korea.

One thing I need to do in preparation for this sort of war is improve my bases and add some forts in my south east Asian possesions, especially Sumatra, considering I get ALL my oil from there.

And if I'm going to go for coastal batteries there, I might as well build big ones. I'm also going to expand bases in Sumatra too, so taking out my other islands there won't cripple my defense fleet in the region. Finally, I'm going to send several more ships to Asia, just to punctuate this. Namely Devastator and Warner (both to northeast asia), as both are still pretty darn good ships, though Warner is pretty old by now, but can still trash any modern cruiser. Additionally, the two remaining Kiels are going to South East Asia for help there. Finally, several destroyers of the V68 and V63 classes are being sent for escorts.

Why? Because now that I've decided to antagonize Japan, I should have a solid fleet ready in the area. Also, I can't afford to lose ground, as my entire oil supply comes from there.

Next turn, I guess.

It'll be nice for when I finally decide submarines shuold be built, I guess.

Oooh, the Brits made a new battleship! I should examine it. Also, it's funny that the US is only now getting 16" guns, when I am already at 18".

Fairly imposing armament, though I find the secondaries lacking, but as usual the armor is just a disappointment. that's battleCRUISER armor you have not battleSHIP armor. ALMOST, but not quite a match for the E-class and derivatives. Next turn.

Hey, another wholly new class.

And this one with a better armor belt! it's, pretty much equal in most ways to an E-class, though with less armor and fewer secondaries. Much better than the last ones. Competition with the E-class, it seems.
This would count as plot happening if this were a story.

Knowing what I'm fighting always helps.

As I don't doubt this is a fairly average for the AI armor scheme, I figure a good strategy against this design and others will be to stick at near-max range and fire at their relatively thin decks, where I think I can reliably penetrate, while their guns can't penetrate my deck armor, preventing them from effectively responding to me. Add to this the E-class (and to a probably lesser extent, the E-class)'s remarkable speed, and I think I could reasonably easily fight most foreign battleships.

Nice. that's going to help a lot.

Less helpful.

I still didn't have that? ... Huh.

I've jsut sent Boarder back to northern europe, and when she arrives, I'm going to finally decomission the B-class. they were decent ships for their time, but they really REALLY suck compared to modern ships.

Next turn.

Pointless, as I have already hit the ship size cap of 52000 (though 51900 actually allows slightly more to be fit onto the ship)

Screw it, I've got good will to burn, and I doubt they'll get too pissed by my next war, so go for it.

Haven't seen many of those in a while, but the improvement is nice nonetheless.

The two ships under construction are progressing nicely.

Next turn.

Do Not Want. Completely useless.

YES. SO much more range.

Do I need to buy that from the russkies too?


Huh, it's like a weird off-brand Nevada. I guess that's what passes for a good ship these days. *old man sigh*
How effective are the various nation's designs? I can't take a look at it and figure out if it's worthless, amazing, or somewhere in between.
unsure, though I think the most recent and largest of Britain's battleships are probably the second best for their category out there, second to the E-class, and SMS Pillau is certainly the best cruiser under construction or in service, but other than that, I don't know really.
unsure, though I think the most recent and largest of Britain's battleships are probably the second best for their category out there, second to the E-class, and SMS Pillau is certainly the best cruiser under construction or in service, but other than that, I don't know really.

Alright, all the dreadnoughts and cruisers start looking the same to me, so I can't tell if it's a good or bad design. It's why I liked those previous battleship designs, with the massive wing turrets. With those a layman like me could tell if they were shit or not. :p
I too was a major navy like you, then I took a politics to the knee.

Hmm, I'm not sure how to handle this. I can completely void it, though I take a rise to tensions, I can just take the hit for a bit less tension, or I can lessen the hit for no other effect. I'm going to go with just taking the hit, as I'd like to at least get Excellence into service before a war hits and a tension-lessening move like is available to me will help with making sure of that.


well that's helpful.

Holy crap, I expected only a small loss in funding, but this is arrow-in-the-knee levels of crippling to my fleet expansion plans. I'm going to have to halt construction on Pillau for a while to even try to handle this.

next turn.

I think I'm going to have to do this, as much as I hate giving Japan, who I intend on fighting soon, tech, I need the money.

I would really like those technologies, but I'll take the failiure, and hope that they make progress later, as I can't do anything else.

As it is, I JUST barely won't be able to afford this, but if I can get any more money from a budget increase or selling something, I'll be able to make it.

Speaking of which...

That should do it, when combined with the lessening of maintenance costs.

Next turn.

I'll take it. it'll give me much greater naval force in the pacific at least, with the french ports there.


Of course, I get hit by MORE budget crippling in the process.

TAKE IT, I need the money.


Also nice.

This is wonderful. I'm going to have to halt construction on Excellence several times too.

Next turn.

Cool, hopefully that will at least lessen my crippling money drain a bit.

I'll take it, even though it will hold back construction even more than it is now.

Eh, seen it. And the russian battlecruiser is fairly unremarkable, just this:


Alright, all the dreadnoughts and cruisers start looking the same to me, so I can't tell if it's a good or bad design. It's why I liked those previous battleship designs, with the massive wing turrets. With those a layman like me could tell if they were shit or not. :p

During that bit of time, people were still flailing around trying to find a good general design to stick with, which arguably makes those designs more interesting, because of what sort of things they tried to see if they would work.
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It seems you should have been a relentless warmonger and ignored social reforms at home. Once more budget cuts prove to be a navy's worse enemy. :p

During that bit of time, people were still flailing around trying to find a good general design to stick with, which arguably makes those designs more interesting, because of what sort of things they tried to see if they would work.

Exactly, it wasn't standardized and new designs were constantly being tried.
Almost done with Excellence

I need the money, much as I hate to admit it. Let them have the tech.

Almost done. I might have to toggle Excellence for a month or two, but I'm managing to get har closer than I had planned for (and about as far as I hoped).

Next turn.

That was a dissapointingly short turn. The only other thing that happened is another dock expansion, which I'm going to be ignoring from now on, as they are absolutely useless.


I'm sorry, but I can't afford that at the moment. No.

I think I can manage one more turn, so I'm going to do that.

It's progress, but it's not enough to give me any new technology.

Ok, it looks like I'm cutting funding for ship design, as I already have that technology.

Meh. Useful if I ever decide to build them.

3 turns off and 4 turns on is acceptable, and looks to be what I'm going to get.

I can afford to not sell tech now, so nope.


This might piss those I like off in addition to those I don't but I'm going to go on my own.

Oooh, a capital ship to eye.

Copy-paste battleship design is copy-paste and odd.

Next turn.

Very nice, should help a lot.