Rule the Waves, consistently making too few ships, with the germans!

Battlecruiser fight that is technically a convoy attack

Alright, let's see what I have to deal with.

Looks like one of the three remaining japanese capital ships (probably either the BC or the BB, it's big for a CA) and a lighter ship, I think a destroyer. I'm going to have Danzig to a scouting pass to determine details for the bigger ships. Meanwhile, All German capital ships are to accelerate to full speed.

More targets. As those look suprisingly similar in size and the japanese have only one battleship and one battlecruiser,those are probably CLs at largest, assuming the displayed size is accurate. We'll soon see, I suppose.

Ok, definitely one DD and one something big, whether it's a BB, which I can easily take, or their BC, which is treatening if it gets lucky I don't know but it mounts heavy artillery.

Well there we go. It's the BC, because of course it is. Danzig is to pull back, because the Tsukuba is a very capable battlecruiser and a CL is probably not going to do much.

Looks like I pissed them off. Once again, Danzig, run away! Hopefully Warner can hold them long enough for Excellence to get here.

I'm going to go for a broadside early.

And first blood goes to SMS Warner.

They appear to have moved to broadside themself, and I'm going to respond by trying to cross their T from behind, hopefully herding them towards the approaching SMS Excellence and it's screening DDs.

That'll do.

FORK! OK, turning around again to sail towards Excellence, and hopefully they'll follow.

Nice hits, except for the one on my ship, of course. Since they're turning away, I'm going to be annoying and start firing on them from behind, and hopefully get a hit or two.

Yeah, like that hit. I'm also going to turn left to fudge with what appears to be a torpedo run by their escort DDs.


Turning to avoid potential torpedoing. Also, it seems that Warner is doing pretty well on her own.

I'm going to turn back to starboard again because of Tsukuba's turning and WHAT THE FUCK S58 HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF FRIENDLY FIRE?

Warner is doing quite well for being 13000 tons lighter and 14 years older. Seriously, this is some impressive performance for one of my battlecruisers (as they're all old at this point)
Battlecruiser fight that is technically a convoy attack 2

Honestly, I doubt Warner could win this, as well as she is doing, so it's a good thing Excellence is almost here.

Since Warner's aft turret is destroyed, I'm able to point straight towards them without losing firepower and preventing them from gaining distance, so I'm going to do so.

Oh, and Excellence has finally gotten into gun range. Excellent.

Dang, Warner seems to be having gunnery trouble suddenly.

Nice hits.

They seem to have been severely weakened by the hits so far.

You can't leave yet, that is far too good a target to let escape.

Good hits, but I don't see how torpedoing that DD helps anything.

Yeah, she isn't getting away from this.

That sucks, but Excellence should be able to do this on her own, so Warner is to return to port.

Ok, I doubt she's surviving that. Well, continue on previous plan and we'll see what happens.
Battlecruiser fight that is technically a convoy attack 3

Broadside time!

Oh, yeah!


Those 16" guns are quite effective.

Welp, that's that, I suppose.


You know, that's the first capital ship I have lost since 1905. Nice.

Yeah, that's a major victory mostly because Tsukuba was a lot more valuable than Warner.


Bullshit! I've sunk almost every japanese battleship or battlecruiser in existance! What more do you want me to do, personally kill their emperor?
- - -
(This double update brought to you by forgetting to do anything yesterday)
More battles!

Ok, more capability for my ships is always nice.

Nice work from the subs.

That sucks but shouldn't matter, there isn't much japanese presence where she was stationed, so those 5 months shouldn't cause any problems.

heh, the intelligence division thinks they have two battleships in the area. They only have one, total, so I don't know how they got that number.

Well, the cruisers I've been dealt aren't bad, but one of them's a Kiel, so I'm unsure about how well she'll stand up.

Accelerate to full speed and turn towards them!

How is that a pre-dreadnought? Japan scrapped all theirs.

Turns out it's one of these. Ok, I can deal with some of those. Turns out, the other ship is an Aso-class.

And the Japanese cruiser gets first blood! It was not very effective.