They're not doing so well. In fact, Yashima's sinking, and the Katori-class is certainly not doing well.
Where did that come from? The only destroyer in that direction and close enough is japanese! Maybe V82 was over there when the torps were launched but moved since then?
Pointless since she was already sinking, but more holes in them is always better. Also, I appreciate that this game says "was hit by torpedo" instead of "was hit by our/their torpedo", as friendly fire is a thing.
Huh? At least it's Excellence, which has the better torpedo defense. But then, it IS two torpedos.
So that's the bugger that hit me, turning to engage with all forces, as that is the only japanese ship in sight that isn't cheese.
Another! Turning the destroyers that way.
Fuck! Pulling back to the bay.
While I'm doing that, I might as well shotgun the Yashima, I should be protected from torpedos for fear of friendly fire.
I had problems with getting the ship to fire on the (somehow) mobile Yashima, but I've got it now and I am approaching a safe distance.
I'm just going to wait out the timer here.
Good win for me. Sinking two of their battleships, including their only non-cruddy one, is going to hurt, and all those DDs I trashed are no longer my problem.
HELL YEAH. I got suprise attacked by the japanese AND SUNK THEIR BATTLESHIPS.
It is definitely a sign that things are not going according to keikaku when you surprise-attack and lose more ships than the victims of the attack had at the start of the battle. Also when they sink more of your battleships than you manage to sink of their merchantmen. The IJN is going to be doing a lot of groveling and finger-pointing back home about this. (Probably they'll find some way to blame the army.)
It is definitely a sign that things are not going according to keikaku when you surprise-attack and lose more ships than the victims of the attack had at the start of the battle. Also when they sink more of your battleships than you manage to sink of their merchantmen. The IJN is going to be doing a lot of groveling and finger-pointing back home about this. (Probably they'll find some way to blame the army.)
And After that wonderful battle, I have enough money to build another V-class, the SMS Vulgar. Unless someone else can come up with a better name for it.
More DDs!
And the japanese subs sinking my merchants.
Probably hit a merchant or something.
How the heck did they come to the conclusion that that was a good idea? Why not.
Ok, it looks like their battlecruiser and a destroyer escort. I can take that. Even though the battlecruisers I have on hand are still some of my older ones.
Especially when the enemy battlecruiser is this PoS. Still, SMS Arcona, my CL, will have to break off.
Looks like the japanese got first blood.
Stop running and face me!
Finally, you turn! It appears that the Ikoma does not have cross-deck firing, as much as the turret and superstructure arrangement suggests it.
Finally a hit, but at the cost of 2 13" guns.
And another hit apparently, and oh good it destroyed the port wing turret on Ikoma.
Turning away again, are you? I'm not OK with that, I'm going to try to close on them.
IF anything they're certainly good gunners. I think I'm going to close the distance so I can fire back more effectively.
Oooor they could just turn away, though I did manage to land another few hits on them and reducing them to 10 knots or thereabouts.
Oh wow, my battlecruisers are really starting to tear into it now, keep it up, Xenon and Zeppelin. Amusingly, the Ikoma is now limited to it's forward (A) turret, all the others have been disabled. I'm reminded of the last battlecruiser Zeppelin hammered down, back in the first or second anglo-germanic war (of the 20th century).
Good hits, Zeppelin. While old, she's still pretty darn good in a fight.
You know, I think she's earned a refit at this point.
Welp, Ikoma's sinking. Well done, Battlecruiser Division 1. It looks like your secondaries and the guns of the screening destroyers have trashed the enemy DDs in the process.
While I like the hits, I'm going to start steaming back south towards port, as these destroyers are going to have a bad time anyway, I don't need to get bloodthirsty.
Hooray, that went well.
Nice. Also, definitely getting Zeppelin that refit.
Here's Zeppelin's refit version. Which I can't do yet, but eh.
SMS Pillau is now in service, and will spend a few months working up to crew competency.
Kind of underwhelming, but then, I only have one non-coastal submarine.
That sucks.
Also underwhelming.
Dang it japan.
I bet they're going to refuse battle.
Nothing more to do this turn (though I am accelerating the V-class's construction) so next.
More ships are always welcome.
Oh geez. On one hand, I could get more victory points. On the other though, I would lose money to that. Since I'm not really hurting for points, I'm going to say no.
Cool, electrical drive fun.
Huh, looks like some of them got a bit too close to a destroyer or other ASW-capable ship.
I should probalby spend some of the money I have on minesweepers.
Screw it, sure. Japanese capital ships ARE that bad.
Oh boy, it's two ARMED targets. hooray. I'm going to let the mission fail and flee, because according to the game one of those is a light cruiser, and one of my DDs has already been damaged.
Yup, hooray. I'm going to have S64 put out some torpedoes to cover the other DD's retreat.
Have to get a bit closer though.
I hope those hit, because I'm out of here.
Shit. Fire the last torpedo and start on evasive manuevers to hopefully get them away from V67.
Looks like S64 isn't leaving this battle, but I think I can get V67 to safety.
HECK YEAH. Top-end 16" guns will penetrate anything made so far in game (at least, by the AI), as far as I can tell.
Also meh, that amount of points is inconsequential. Though I do intend to work on that source of points too, with the raiders I'm sending there and should really check on.
No, I don't really need the points and I don't have enough cruiser forces in the area to be comfortable with pulling medium-small battles.
As I have enough (I think) money, I'm going to make a new battlecruiser,
The U-class. A fairly nippy ship at 30 knots, just as fast as the super-heavy cruisers I've been making recently, with a good set of 10 16" guns and not terrible armor (looking at you, Fisher), it should prove to be a good ship or ships, depending on how long this war lasts and how much money I manage to hold on to. Sadly, to fit it in it's hull, the turret face lost armor protection, but at the ranges this ship should be fighting at the hit chance will be miniscule and closer in armor will quickly stop mattering.
A few changes I made since this image: I deceased the ship's size to 51900 tons and tweaked the aft superstructure.
Sadly, building SMS Unbreakable will tank my income, so I'll have to flicker work on it on and off.
Next turn.
\Bit short, but imgur started failing to load, so I cut it short at the most reasonable spot.
Eh, it's not that bad. you could get it just after your cap ship was built. As it is, you only need to spend one extra month for it to come with the advanced director.
ENEMY SIGHTED, ACCELERATE TO FULL SPEED. SMS Warner is to close to investigate, while CL division 3 follows her in and CL division 6 moves to screen SMS Excellence with CL division 9.
Looks like our target is a CL.
And a second ship, which is likely a capital ship from the size of those splashes around Munchen.
CL division 3 is going to pull itself together then move to follow Warner actually.
It looks like the bigger target is a battlecruiser. Annoyingly, the japanese have only one battlecruiser, the Tsukuba, which is far more modern than Warner, but Warner can hopefully at least provide another few guns if needed.
The enemy BC has put a good hit into Warner's engines, putting her down to 12 knots, which is annoying.
Tsukuba seems to be having difficulty figuring out which direction to go.
Yeah, Warner is pretty outclassed here. I think I may be able to bait the japanese battlecruiser towards Excellence.
Almost to gun range.
I'm going to have CL Division 3 hound that Izumi-class.
Well, since Excellence's rudder is jammed, I'm going to have to break off the enemy. In the meantime, Excellence can still pump that Katori-class full of holes with the remaining 3 turrets.
Excellence can turn again, but I'm going to let the distance increase while I send my CLs in for a torpedo run.
Excellence will have to handle the two more intact Katoris in the meantime, though.
And hit! Since Katori is pretty old, that's got to have been catastrophic, as it's probably old enough not to have torpedo defense. Yup, sinking.
Once we clear the DDs' torps, I'm going to send the CLs to harass the other two Katoris, using the remaining torpedoes.
Meanwhile, I'm going to do a similar tactic with the escort DDs of Warner.
Wait for it...
Leipzig is firing torpedoes.
Then turning to use the other side's shots.
Come on!
I go on to miss every torpedo shot of the several I took, and it gets kind of repetitive, so I don't include it, but I end up just sailing to port.
The results:
I killed 2/3 of their battleships and temporarily hurt the other two capital ships in the area, which is pretty damn good, but the damage Excellence took shows that she's not invincible, but at least is a good bit better than the japanese's stuff. I lost a CL, but it's a relatively minor loss.