Rule the Waves, consistently making too few ships, with the germans!

Strictly speaking, IIRC some of the tech is actually PAST 1925 (historically), but yeah, past 1925 ingame, nothing really happens, its basically 'make the biggest battles' mode.
To clarify, IIRC, Dye Bags in shells was 1930's tech, not 1925.

You can also make Superheavy shells, which is ALSO not a 1920 tech.

Argurably, the game is kind of a weird 'what if there was no seaplane carriers, and battleships were made even more hueg' verse.
Well, battleships aren't bigger, treaties got nerfed.

And next thing we know, they add a London Naval Treaty event.
Hah! Suggest it on their forums! ;P

But well, frankly there weren't many 16 16 inch gunned 52 kiloton 25 knot ships in 1920...
peacetime continues to be soemwhat boring.

Well, it's nice to start a month with some new ships, namely 4 new destroyers.

I'm going to say yes, it increases the time until I wnd up in another war with britain (or someone else, hopefully).

Oh nice, my expanding destroyer fleet will be more effective in suicide torpedo runs.

Well, that seems to be it for this turn, I don't really need to change anything.

Only one more destroyer under construction.

More capital ships I should probably look at.

Thats... actually a pretty sensible armament layout. I admit, the armor is, as usual, crap, but this is better than the normal showing.

Dissapointingly, Varyag is one of these ships, which immediately puts it in the territory of crap.

Also, Britain, France, and Italy are somehow my bros right now, dispite the four I think wars between me and Britain.

Well, might as well go to next turn.

That's the last of the destroyers complete.

No, my fancy technology from several years ago, get your own.

Niiice, that will help with when I need to concentrate fire.

I'm going to wait until Medusa has finished refit before I order anything else built.

next turn.

Yes, that'll allow me to use better guns for my destroyers, as well as save some weight on battleship and cruiser secondaries by swithching over to 5" guns with less capability loss and a small increase in capability against destroyers.

that sucks.

3 more turns.
Peace is VERY boring.

Awfully generic name, but hey, 1% less weight on hulls is a few more tons I can put on other parts of the ship.

... And that's all for this turn. a bit dissapointing, really.

Next turn then?

Well that sucks.

Hey, screw off!

One more turn, and one less, in a moment... next turn.

There we go.

Sure, as while I haven't really been doing subs, the reliability improvement will be nice when I do.

Is this one of the old ones that's been seen?

Nope, just one of the weird and crappy Yorktown class.

Alright, I have more than 2 million/month in free income and just under 9 million stored. what should I use this for?

Well, what I think would be nice is to start work on an E-class derivative with better torpedo protection, even at the cost of some armor. of course, that'll take a few months to stockpile the money to store so I can build it at a decent rate, but I might as well do the design work now.

Well, I had to lose half an inch of belt armor, and two of the secondary turrets, but I now have the best torpedo protection available added to my battleship.
As I said though, I can't really afford it right now, so next turn.

Alright, what options we have:

-cash and reputation for pissing the US off.

-casually insult America, somewhat annoying them.

-accept and complain about it later, making us look bad but making somebody like us more.

You know what, I don't really feel like annoying the united states too much, and I'm not much of a fan of the last option, so I have to go with the middle option, despite the promise of cash for the first option.


Apparently nothing, though it looks like the Russian naming people got bored.

Huh, the tensions double with each nation to the right you go, assuming that Britain, France and Italy are at 1/8, 1/4, and 1/2 tension respectively.

Well, next turn.

not really interested, because the game doesn't actually simulate them.
Also, you don't really need that much secondary armor for 5" secondaries. 2.5" has been enough in my experience.
Also, you don't really need that much secondary armor for 5" secondaries. 2.5" has been enough in my experience.

I gave the secondaries that much armor so enemy secondary guns can't use their relative lack of armor as a weak point to attack. It may be excessive but I don't think I have lost any secondaries for quite a while.
I tend to remove all the secondaries for armour/weapons/speed.

I use cruisers and DD's for screening the smaller units. ;D

They uhm, do?...
From what I've read a while back torpedo boats were gradually made impossible for the player to build or deploy for the player. The AI may still use them but I can't.
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Yep! Seen a few of mine.

Admittedly, they are nigh useless...

And expensive for a bunch of speedboats...
Which reminds me, do you know if someone reported that Patrol boat-class thingy that shows up? It's missing the details screen.

Also, 200 ton minesweepers with 5' guns. Keep your smaller destroyers away from them. Seriously.
Which reminds me, do you know if someone reported that Patrol boat-class thingy that shows up? It's missing the details screen.

Also, 200 ton minesweepers with 5' guns. Keep your smaller destroyers away from them. Seriously.

Mmm personally I find my smallest DD's stomp MS units into the ground... ;\ Erm, ocean?

And what patrol class thingy?
I guess the lesson here is that the player will beat the computer?
Mmm personally I find my smallest DD's stomp MS units into the ground... ;\ Erm, ocean?

And what patrol class thingy?

My wars against Austria-Hungary have these buggers of "Patrol Boat"-class zooming around, no specific ship name. It might be MTBs showing up ingame. Right clicking them, instead of giving the details screen, only gives you an error as it can't find that type of ship. They're not much of a threat, but I'm intrigued on what the hell are those.
My wars against Austria-Hungary have these buggers of "Patrol Boat"-class zooming around, no specific ship name. It might be MTBs showing up ingame. Right clicking them, instead of giving the details screen, only gives you an error as it can't find that type of ship. They're not much of a threat, but I'm intrigued on what the hell are those.
they don't do much, as far as I can tell, they're comparable to coast guard cutters in terms of capability (one 2-4" cannon, mediocre but good enough for keeping pace w/ merchants easily speed) and won't do much. they are good for target practice at times though.
My wars against Austria-Hungary have these buggers of "Patrol Boat"-class zooming around, no specific ship name. It might be MTBs showing up ingame. Right clicking them, instead of giving the details screen, only gives you an error as it can't find that type of ship. They're not much of a threat, but I'm intrigued on what the hell are those.

Those are literally just 'standard' ships, which are ingame when not much else spawns.

Just to add SOMETHING to fight, I guess?
money hoarding and the A-class's demise

Well, on one hand, I'm trying to save to build a second E-class (of the torpedo tank variant), but on the other, shiny shiny tech.

I'm going to restrain myself and refuse because I don't have any plans to build subs in the future, so I won't get much use out of this tech.

Darn, that would have been nice.

I'm now going to do something that has been a long time coming: I am going to scrap the A-class, as they're rather useless at this point and I think even a CL could take one out at this point.

I think I'll do it. scrapping dosen't give much money, and the results from such work might be useful.
... And I got some improvement in armor design from shooting my ship.

Additionally, the cash is nice.

next turn, I suppose.

Huh, I appear to have been mistaken as to what field that was in. dang it.

nothing else this turn, on to the next one.

I am actually pretty curious, WHERE THE CRAP DID YOU GET THE IDEA I WANTED 2" GUNS AT ALL?

Annoying, but I can deal with it.

Hey, the japanese actually made a decent treaty cruiser. armor's crap, but that's just how the AI rolls.

Also, the US made a similarly decent cruiser, though it's got more guns and even worse armor.
I am actually pretty curious, WHERE THE CRAP DID YOU GET THE IDEA I WANTED 2" GUNS AT ALL?
While it was a randomly generated event, I like to imagine the Russian fleet realizing they're a few million in the hole and deciding to find someone gullible to sell completely worthless guns to. (granted also that 2 inch guns are only worthless in the naval-only context of the game)
It's amazing and strange that tensions are at an all time low in Europe between Germany and other great powers. It's like everyone believed before WW1 about how a short war would ease tensions and not get drawn out was right. Instead of a four year slog with tens of millions of men dying in the muddy trenches of Europe you got a few naval engagements over several wars and then a rocky, but seemingly sure peace, at least for the moment.

This is bizarro world. :lol