RPG Heartbreaker Quest

Given everything about the game discussed so far this is actually a hilarious lie and it's taking all of my willpower to not just [X] @EarthScorpion.

I certainly am not implying that it's not uncommon for RPG writers, due to bad writing and poor maths and a lack of direction, to produce a game which directly contradicts their elevator pitch.

Not at all. Oh my, no.
Ultimately, the thing is that RPG Heartbreaker player character means well with what theyare doing. They are pouring their heart and soul into this game, albeit while having no clear idea how game design actually works.

It's why these games are heartbreakers, you know. Because you can see the heart put into them.
I submit for the consideration of the crowd this list of names, and ask you whether or not Xvör'zieatia is truly that egregious. It is easily pronounceable, even, zeh-vohr-zee-eh-tia, and references the capital planet of the longest running and most honored empire in the timeline of the back story provided throughout the sourcebook. Which all players always read. Cover to cover.

[X] Xvör'zieatia Saga
[X] Adventure your way, fighting enemies side by side with allies you've never dreamed of!
[x] Path of Ascension, 1st Edition

[x] Imagine a game where your imagination is the only limit on your character. This is the game of ultimate choice, where your character's choices matter.
[x] Xvör'zieatia Saga
[x] Imagine a game where your imagination is the only limit on your character. This is the game of ultimate choice, where your character's choices matter.
[x] Path of Ascension, 1st Edition

[x] Imagine a game where your imagination is the only limit on your character. This is the game of ultimate choice, where yourcharacter's choices matter.
Update 10: Final Vote
[X] Xvör'zieatia Saga
[x] Imagine a game where your imagination is the only limit on your character. This is the game of ultimate choice, where your character's choices matter.

You think that an exotic, alien-sounding name is the best way to make your game stand out. You put the rules up, create a PDF, start selling it, and wait with anticipation as the reviews come in.

Unfortunately, the reviews are often negative. People talk about the confusing resolution system, the balance failures because of the exception-based design, the unclear way subsystems of the game interact with each other, and the power levels being not even close to what they were sold.

What do you do?

[ ] Insinuate that the reviewers don't know what they're talking about.
[ ] Retreat to an internet hugbox.
[ ] Make a youtube video drunkenly berating them.
[ ] Slink away from game designing.
[X] Insinuate that the reviewers don't know what they're talking about.
-[X] Through a drunken Youtube rant.
What? The philistines don't like our game? Our incredibly awesome game? You know, it's a good thing that we are a moderator on an rpg discussion site, where we can ban anyone who disagrees with our design decisions.

[x] Retreat to an internet hugbox.
-[x] If anyone there attempts to disparage our work, imply that they don't know what they're talking about, then lock the thread or threadban them. If they continue to argue, ban them. Of course, you'll have to let the other mods handle it, but you know that they won't have a problem helping a friend out.
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Having people actually pay attention to our game, and give it serious reviews, is incredibly unrealistic. And people are actually paying for our stuff? So far, I was assuming we were self-publishing, in which case the game would be published, our mother would buy a single copy, and it would be promptly forgotten. Are you telling me we're being backed by a real publishing company now?

I'm sorry, but if you aren't going to take this quest seriously, I'm not sure I can continue playing.
[X] Listen to the criticism, research game design, and do better next time.

Because even if I know this story doesn't have a happy ending, I want to at least put this forward before it loses or I'm shot down.
[X] Listen to the criticism, research game design, and do better next time.
[x] Retreat to an internet hugbox.
-[x] If anyone there attempts to disparage our work, imply that they don't know what they're talking about, then lock the thread or threadban them. If they continue to argue, ban them. Of course, you'll have to let the other mods handle it, but you know that they won't have a problem helping a friend out.
[X] Drunkenly listen to the criticism, research game design while drunk, and do better next time.
I wonder what would happen if a drunken person tried to fix this system?
I mean, my own hypothetical reaction would be multiple of these ending in actually listening to the criticism with a sigh. After having bundled myself up in self-righteous justification for a while. Then I'd vent, then I'd rant, then I'd sigh and say, "I...guess they're right." Then I'd mend my ways.

But always be slightly bitter about it, and sometimes brood on it, and probably try to re-release a version of it that's better eventually later-on, just to prove it could have worked.

*Brutal Honesty mode go!*
[X] Drunkenly listen to the criticism, research game design while drunk, and do better next time.
[X]DM an internet game of it while secretly also sockpuppeting a player character. This will help you spot any game design issues and it's not like any of the other players will notice/mind if "the DM" expedites and fudges in your character's favor whenever you find a problem this way. The rest of the party will be the "control group" that plays with the unmodified rules.
-[X]Plus it will let you work on the Romantic-Comedy Harem Genre expansion at the same time by using the expansion's new Genre for your PC
[X]DM an internet game of it while secretly also sockpuppeting a player character. This will help you spot any game design issues and it's not like any of the other players will notice/mind if "the DM" expedites and fudges in your character's favor whenever you find a problem this way. The rest of the party will be the "control group" that plays with the unmodified rules.
-[X]Plus it will let you work on the Romantic-Comedy Harem Genre expansion at the same time by using the expansion's new Genre for your PC