Rimworld: Anomaly - Void Gods, Golden Cubes and Wall Lights (1.5)

Today I learned that putting a body into a wooden sarcophagus and then cremating them together doesn't work - the sarcophagus breaks, dropping the body. Next I'm going to test if the Funeral Pyre from Vanilla Expanded Vikings does the trick. It's even cheaper than the sarcophagus. The only drawback I can find in it, is it's made out of "Wood", not out of "Woody".
Today I learned that putting a body into a wooden sarcophagus and then cremating them together doesn't work - the sarcophagus breaks, dropping the body. Next I'm going to test if the Funeral Pyre from Vanilla Expanded Vikings does the trick. It's even cheaper than the sarcophagus. The only drawback I can find in it, is it's made out of "Wood", not out of "Woody".
It's hard to put into words how fucking funny this mental image of this happening is.
Having been making my own ideologion, there are so many options to choose from.

Hykal just showed the first page which mostly change style/sprite art. Then it goes to Memes, which start giving identity to the colony through the precepts and jobs you can take. The precepts can vary anywhere from 'prefers to be underground' to 'kind of doesn't like slavery' to 'human burgers are the best burgers'.

Roles and Rituals are defined by the memes you choose, for example, you need transhumanist to choose Research Specialist.

Rituals can be given specific dates (or done whenever), along with some of them allowing you to choose bonus rewards (besides mood buffs), which can be colonist/animal recruits, the new gauranlen tree sprouting, finding an ancient complex, psyfocus, insect jelly, or faction goodwill. Rewards can be chosen based on your memes.

There's also Relic weapons (look like specific named 'holy' weapons) which can be anything, including grenade launchers.

Then there's which weapons you think are honorable (ranged vs. melee, sharp vs. blunt).

Venerated animals and Preferred apparel and hair/beard and tattoo preferences round out the list.

Then there's all the noun/symbol editing which has the least impact on gameplay.
I think certain structures can customize their own gods, interestingly enough.
Chose collectivism, uber tree hugger, and transhumanism. Pawns are sad that i'm mass cutting trees to get enough building material, but that -25 goes away in a day. Now just trying to remember how to play the game.
Super neat. I really hope someone adds communism as a source for a variant ideology.

Communism already exists in Rimworld - its vanilla. :V

So, from everybody who've been playing the Ideology Expansion, how is it so far? What are the first impressions? Is it better than Royalty?

I've been playing for thirty minutes and still making Neo-Islamism.

Memes: Transhumanist, Proselytizer, Supremacist

Leader: Cyber Imam
Moral guide: Muezin
Tech specialist: Fabricator Sheikh
Melee Specialist: Mubarizun - Wikipedia
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>Boot up Rimworld
>Look at mod list
"I shouldn't run a mostly vanilla game without too many mods since this is my first game of 1.3 and also my first game in a long while"
>Settle on "only" 20-30 mods
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I didn't go full Angry Jihad on my current playthrough so raiding and slavery is pretty much a no go. Made charity an essential precept. It also means I HAVE to accept every poor sap that runs to my base.

I also like how there's random quests where you raid random farmsteads or mines for shits and giggles with no penalty at all.

Next time I'm gonna run a CHUD playthrough, complete with a cave home, cannibalism and other horrific warcrimes.
If I'm reading this Reddit post correctly (second screenshot), then it's possible to choose either "Male supermacy" OR "Female supermacy". Same with "Human primacy" OR "Nature primacy". However, pickin transhumanism AND flesh purity is a valid choice. I hope it's deliberate and not just an oversight - something like that seems mildly interesting.
IIRC, royals refuse to visit if you have hostiles on your map. This has been the case for a while but I can't like 100% remember if this was the case.
Apparently the way around to the whole "cant cut trees it's against my religion" thing can be done via slaves.

I love this DLC.
DISCLAIMER: I haven't updated the game to 1.3, nor got Ideology. And I won't, not before the weekend. What you see here is just me shooting breeze for fun.

Civil Outlanders:
True Punch Dudes. The founder, Puncho Sanza, had fought two scythers bare-handed. And won. And also knocked out a centipede with one punch. Do you get swole by lifting? Do you have a cool robot hand? Doesn't matter. What matters is being able to smash mechanoids with your fist. That makes you a True Dude. Somebody gets uppity with you, saying: "You're techically not a dude"? Doesn't matter, punch them in the face. What does matter, is keeping off drugs. Winners don't do drugs. And don't skip leg day.
(Transhumanist, Flesh Purity, Individualist. Drugs: Abhorrent. Scars: Respected. Weapons: Melee Good/Ranged Bad. Recreational: Boxing for sport. Recruitment: Unarmed fight against a colony member. Seasonal: Centipede Piñata.)

Rough Outlanders:
Righteous Punch Dudes. It used to be just us Punch Dudes, and it was cool. Until someone started letting in peeps who are totally not dudes. Which isn't cool. Only us dudes get to punch. If you get in the way, we punch you. And that's righteous. Know what else is righteous? Boobs, Beers, and BBQ.
(High Life, Human Primacy, Male Supermacy. Drugs: Allowed (Alcohol respected). Food: Meat only. Males: Can have multiple spouses, helmets and pants required. Females: limited to one spouse, pants only. Weapons: Unarmed preferred/Sharp bad. Party: ALL DAY! Beer and BBQ.)

Pirate Raiders:
Dude Punchers. We punch dudes in the dick. If you don't punch with us, you're against us. Punch dudes! Punch dicks! Voice to the victims! Oppress the oppressors!
(Pain is Virtue, Raider, Female Supermacy. Slavery: Male only. Diversity of thought: Disliked. Scars: Desired).
I turned all my mods off for my new colony and then promptly died because I'd forgotten how to play Vanilla.