DISCLAIMER: I haven't updated the game to 1.3, nor got Ideology. And I won't, not before the weekend. What you see here is just me shooting breeze for fun.
Civil Outlanders:
True Punch Dudes. The founder, Puncho Sanza, had fought two scythers bare-handed. And won. And also knocked out a centipede with one punch. Do you get swole by lifting? Do you have a cool robot hand? Doesn't matter. What matters is being able to smash mechanoids with your fist. That makes you a True Dude. Somebody gets uppity with you, saying: "You're techically not a dude"? Doesn't matter, punch them in the face. What does matter, is keeping off drugs. Winners don't do drugs. And don't skip leg day.
(Transhumanist, Flesh Purity, Individualist. Drugs: Abhorrent. Scars: Respected. Weapons: Melee Good/Ranged Bad. Recreational: Boxing for sport. Recruitment: Unarmed fight against a colony member. Seasonal: Centipede Piñata.)
Rough Outlanders:
Righteous Punch Dudes. It used to be just us Punch Dudes, and it was cool. Until someone started letting in peeps who are totally not dudes. Which isn't cool. Only us dudes get to punch. If you get in the way, we punch you. And that's righteous. Know what else is righteous? Boobs, Beers, and BBQ.
(High Life, Human Primacy, Male Supermacy. Drugs: Allowed (Alcohol respected). Food: Meat only. Males: Can have multiple spouses, helmets and pants required. Females: limited to one spouse, pants only. Weapons: Unarmed preferred/Sharp bad. Party: ALL DAY! Beer and BBQ.)
Pirate Raiders:
Dude Punchers. We punch dudes in the dick. If you don't punch with us, you're against us. Punch dudes! Punch dicks! Voice to the victims! Oppress the oppressors!
(Pain is Virtue, Raider, Female Supermacy. Slavery: Male only. Diversity of thought: Disliked. Scars: Desired).