Revan Quest (Star Wars)

and if the Infinite Engine is canon for this quest the star forge can be reworked into a perpetual motion device plus it's ability to turn energy into matter.

EDIT: huh, it apparently is able to metabolize the force.

Seriously, the Star Forge is just too potentially useful to destroy, and too dangerous to be left unguarded. It would make a bitchin' HQ for our secret order if that's the way we decide to go. Plus if we find a way to deploy those war droids off of the Star Forge than we'd have an actual military to play around with too. All the war material we could ever want, a secret and incredibly defensible base, potentially a droid army that makes the CIS Super Battle Droids look like a joke, infinite power etc.

Man, now I really want to see this happen.

EDIT: We should have the schematics for the HK-50 series Revan designed by this point, and presumably the Star Forge can be altered to produce them. In which case sheer awesomeness ensues.
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Seriously, the Star Forge is just too potentially useful to destroy, and too dangerous to be left unguarded. It would make a bitchin' HQ for our secret order if that's the way we decide to go. Plus if we find a way to deploy those war droids off of the Star Forge than we'd have an actual military to play around with too. All the war material we could ever want, a secret and incredibly defensible base, potentially a droid army that makes the CIS Super Battle Droids look like a joke, infinite power etc.

Man, now I really want to see this happen.
it is dangerous though, the star forge as it currently is has a very strong tendency to the dark side and tries to influence it's wielder's toward the dark side. That said Revan is still the most qualified to deal with it and make it less evil.
Yeah. Killing Malek ASAP and ensuring the Star Forge doesn't fall into the wrong hands (eg. anyone but Revan's) are both high priorities. We know from Ingame with endgame LS!Robes that the Star Forge can be bent to utilize the LS of the force instead of the DS, and a grey jedi Revan would probably be the best person in the entire SW setting to try and pull that off considering he's great with the force and a great engineer. Not to mention Direct energy to matter conversion and all the other bullshit the Star Forge has is just way too useful to abandon. I'm really tempted to track down and enlist/capture/mindbreak some of the Mandalorian Beskar smiths and see if we can't get the Forge to produce that.

I just can't see Revan be willing to work too closely with the Jedi and vice versa. They wouldn't trust a fully aware Revan and he wouldn't trust the people who raped his mind and called it mercy. Now I fully expect him to pay a visit to Korriban and burn the academy to the ground and take the promising apprentices with him. Plus the idea of Revan founding a shadowy order of Grey Jedi charged to protect the galaxy at all costs is all kinds of awesome and practically happened anyways in SWTOR.
I totally want to do this.
it is dangerous though, the star forge as it currently is has a very strong tendency to the dark side and tries to influence it's wielder's toward the dark side. That said Revan is still the most qualified to deal with it and make it less evil.
Honestly, even if it dark sides us, I still want it. I can't think of anything that is worth turning to the Dark Side like the Star Forge.
So yeah if we can purify the Star Forge and make it ours, then I'll definitely vote to keep it as Revan's possession. Star Forge is simply too useful to just allow it to be destroyed. And if the Jedi Council want to destroy it even if it's proven that Revan can control it with zero consequence then fuck them too.
So yeah if we can purify the Star Forge and make it ours, then I'll definitely vote to keep it as Revan's possession. Star Forge is simply too useful to just allow it to be destroyed. And if the Jedi Council want to destroy it even if it's proven that Revan can control it with zero consequence then fuck them too.
Republic/Jedi: How will we know that you won't just abuse it for your own amusement and ambitions?
Right Revan was being careful not to damage the Republic's economy and infrastructure, especially the production planets. Meanwhile Malak is all "Rawr Smash" and too busy destroying stuff to care. Revan wants to take over the galaxy and use it against the Sith Emperor, while Malak is too consumed by the dark side.
Revan is resistant to being turned to the Dark Side. Even when the Emperor turned him, Revan was still able to twist his goal towards trying to strengthen the Republic to prepare for him. I'm sure that we could keep from being twisted by the Starforge.
Revan is resistant to being turned to the Dark Side. Even when the Emperor turned him, Revan was still able to twist his goal towards trying to strengthen the Republic to prepare for him. I'm sure that we could keep from being twisted by the Starforge.
Isn't that from TOR, though?
The darkside is a mental disability. It caused the brilliant strategist Revan to think that destroying the republic= making it stronger.

Pretty sure Revan didn't want to destroy the Republic? Also, didn't Revan go out of his way to avoid destroying infrastructure?

actually Revan's campaign was taking forever because he was incredibly careful not to destroy the republic's economy.

The war was only over the span of 2 years. That's not really forever..
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Because TOR and the associated media took he badass that is Revan and twisted him into a mockery of his former self to try and beef up the BBEG that is the Sith Emperor.
It failed, but it did make Meetra and Revan worse because of it
Republic/Jedi: How will we know that you won't just abuse it for your own amusement and ambitions?
Regan: You don't. Now, now before your new Emperor and his infinite ships
Revan is resistant to being turned to the Dark Side. Even when the Emperor turned him, Revan was still able to twist his goal towards trying to strengthen the Republic to prepare for him. I'm sure that we could keep from being twisted by the Starforge.
At least, not too much.
[X]I'm taking his Lightsaber. Energy Swords that cut through nearly anything are always useful.
[X]"Heroically" Sacrifice yourself to buy the others time to escape. Once they've left, kill Bandon. He probably has a ship you can steal.
[X] Canon Revan
[X]I'm taking his Lightsaber. Energy Swords that cut through nearly anything are always useful.
[X]"Heroically" Sacrifice yourself to buy the others time to escape. Once they've left, kill Bandon. He probably has a ship you can steal.
[X] Canon Revan
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Changing vote

[X]I'm taking his Lightsaber. Energy Swords that cut through nearly anything are always useful.
[X]"Heroically" Sacrifice yourself to buy the others time to escape. Once they've left, kill Bandon. He probably has a ship yo
[x] Kane
[X]I'm taking his Lightsaber. Energy Swords that cut through nearly anything are always useful.
[X]"Heroically" Sacrifice yourself to buy the others time to escape. Once they've left, kill Bandon. He probably has a ship yo
[x] Kane
[X] I'm taking his Lightsaber. Energy Swords that cut through nearly anything are always useful.
[X] "Heroically" Sacrifice yourself to buy the others time to escape. Once they've left, kill Bandon. He probably has a ship you can steal.
Man, if we go with Kane as our appearance, and decide to make our order, I feel like we need to name it the Brotherhood, if only as a Nod to the best Evangelist/Terrorist in the history of gaming.

*I have no regrets for that pun.
[X] I'm taking his Lightsaber. I seem to have lost mine.
[X] "Heroically" Sacrifice yourself to buy the others time to escape. Once they've left, kill Bandon. He probably has a ship you can steal.
[X] Canon Revan

Man, a Revan quest and I only just found it. Thanks Auks!:D

So...plan. Let's get Bandon's ship, get Bastila, T3-M4 (you guys really want him to remain on the planet?), perhaps Canderous and get out of here. Bastila is too valuable because of her Battle Meditation to let go and, besides, we have a link with her from when she saved us. Also Bastila/Revan is an unbeatable pairing. :D

If Revan doesn't want to take over the Republic or the Sith, I'd suggest building a third order. Obviously, the Sith didn't work out for him like he thought they would or he wouldn't be in the situation he's in right now. As for the Jedi? The guys who can say "yeah, we're not the bad guys, we don't kill our enemies -- we just fucking mind-rape them" can get lost. That sounds like a third option is needed. We'd already have some candidates for that: Revan, Bastila and Jolee. No doubt there'd be others dissatisfied with both Orders.

I'm not that keen on meeting up with Carth and listening to his whining for another whole game. And that Padawan we saved also sounds Lawful Good. Those two deserve each other and will probably survive without us.