- Location
- his hidden lair
and if the Infinite Engine is canon for this quest the star forge can be reworked into a perpetual motion device plus it's ability to turn energy into matter.
EDIT: huh, it apparently is able to metabolize the force.
Seriously, the Star Forge is just too potentially useful to destroy, and too dangerous to be left unguarded. It would make a bitchin' HQ for our secret order if that's the way we decide to go. Plus if we find a way to deploy those war droids off of the Star Forge than we'd have an actual military to play around with too. All the war material we could ever want, a secret and incredibly defensible base, potentially a droid army that makes the CIS Super Battle Droids look like a joke, infinite power etc.
Man, now I really want to see this happen.
EDIT: We should have the schematics for the HK-50 series Revan designed by this point, and presumably the Star Forge can be altered to produce them. In which case sheer awesomeness ensues.
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