Revan, Once More [KOTOR/SW]

hat said, given what I know of the Mandalorian Wars, Revan doesn't actually need to be a peerless tactician- she has underlings for that. The Republic had an enormous advantage in size and industry over the Mandalorians, and in all honesty, I think that as long as Revan had a solid grasp of Strategy and a good understanding of Logistics, the outcome of the Mandalorian Wars was pretty much inevitable.

From what I recall of the Mandalorian Wars, the Republic was getting absolutely wrecked before Revan showed up.

Nobody could match the Mandalorians tactically or strategically, they were losing on all fronts and retreating, and had suffered catastrophic military casualties.

Then Revan came, and things turned around due to Revan. They were winning battles, pushing back the Mandalorians, however they were still taking enormous casualties( Dxun is an example of this. 10 Republic soldiers died for every Mandalorian), and they couldn't truly sustain a war of attrition. Thus Revan used Malachor V as a trap, luring the majority of the Mandalorian power into a battle over Malachor V, where she confronted Mandalore in 1v1 on his ship, and they fought, whilst The Exile was tasked with setting off the trap, which wiped out the vast majority of the Mandalorian fleet as well as a lot of the Republic fleet there too, and then Revan slew Mandalore, taking the mask and shattering the clans.

Yes, Revan had competent underlings, such as Meetra, whose noted as being decent enough tactically/strategically to be a General, but everybody regards Revan as single-handedly saving the Republic. She was made Supreme Commander of the entire Republic Military she was that highly regarded.

Revan was an exceptionally capable strategist and tactician, and some believed that he was single-handedly responsible for the Republic's victory during the Mandalorian Wars. Revan's skill as a battlefield commander earned him the undying respect of both the Mandalorian and Echani warrior cultures; the Mandalorians saw him as a supremely worthy foe—one that both embodied their philosophies and showed them their weaknesses.[12] The Echani, on the other hand, believed that Revan represented the epitome of what one could achieve in the arts of war, and that his skill was born out of a highly advanced battle precognition.

An example of Revan's strategy is she commanded Meetra Surik(The Exile) to conquer Onderon and Dxun, which had become Mandalorian strongholds, and ordered the launch of hundreds of small-unit feints along the front, probing the Mandalorians for a weakness, whilst she launched an offensive in another area where she crushed a significant portion of the Mandalorian army. Then she used Malachor with Meetra having half of the Republic fleet to lure in Mandalore and the Mandalorian fleet, before she also came in and attacked.

Furthermore, the Republic was on the verge of collapse before Revan came. The Mandalorians had managed to break into the Core Worlds:
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One issue is Revan's victory came at the cost of her falling to the Dark Side, she wasn't Sith until the Dark Emperor messed with her mind but she had still fallen by the end of the war.
One issue is Revan's victory came at the cost of her falling to the Dark Side, she wasn't Sith until the Dark Emperor messed with her mind but she had still fallen by the end of the war.
That depends on how much of a cost falling into the grey area. Sure she wasn't light at the end of the war, but she wasn't entirely dark either more ambivalent to both sides and just taking what she needed.
Rather than debating the exact amount of influence Revan had over the Mandalorian war turning around for the Republic seeing as we're the individuals who'll come up with the tactics/strategies... how about we focus on identifying the weaknesses of the Empire, and how we're going to build/organize our forces? After all unless we plan ahead it'll be all too easy to end up in a situation similar to Mandalore only for Revan Thrawn to pull the Republic Galactic Empire out of the fire.

Also I suspect our decision to fight instead of run means the Emperor is unlikely to be as overconfident as he was in canon resulting in his death, which means the Empire won't fragment, and we're a facing a lengthy war where party member are liable die, but that is the price of Revan refusing to break her oath to protect the Republic a second time.

Anyways other than the Emperor the main weaknesses of the Empire is it being a oppressive regime, the infighting between high ranking officials, and how it has a tendency to promote based upon factors other than competency. Furthermore the philosophy behind the regime might originate from a Sith Holocron Revan made, and the Emperor based the system upon Sith philosophy instead of what is pragmatic, which actually explain why the Empire keeps shooting itself in the foot in canon now that I think about it.

We don't know the year so it is difficult to judge whether unifying the divided factions of the Rebellion is possible, but we should be able to use the fact that Revan is charismatic, and more importantly a Jedi to convince the rebel cells exist to at least keep in touch. Just as important is turning any Imperial spies among them into double agents to make their masters believe they've got a much larger picture of dissident activity than they actually do through feeding them fake rebel cells alongside some accurate information to sell the lie.

Something to look into for the long-term would be eliminating, replacing, or preferably subverting Imperial intelligence assets based in the Outer, and Mid Rim planets seeing as this would increase our ability to move people around without attracting unwanted attention.

Lastly there is the issue of how we'll fund our operations in the short-term, I'd expect the individuals who funded the Rebellion to do the same for us, but it will take some time for them to set up means for them to funnel Credits to us in a manner which doesn't raise undesirable attention for everyone involved. It might be possible to raid one of the Hutt cartels for funds, and manpower, but it would be best to do so if we've got a means of blaming it on the Empire, well beyond doing it with Imperial ships.

Anyways I think that is enough rambling on my part for today hopefully most of it makes enough sense to at least start the ball rolling for planning ahead for the future.
I'm rather curious what the Rebel Alliance would think of Revan.
I'd expect a mixture of respect, and awe from her being a Jedi, but mostly hope that they might have someone on their side who can stand up the Emperor, and his seemingly invincible attack dog Vader.