Personally I think people are a bit overselling the danger we would be in if Sulla won. I'm honestly more worried about Marius first winning and then dying, making room for those bloodhounds Cinna and Marius the Lesser.
It may be my ignorance of Roman history talking, but I don't think Cinna and Marius the Younger are actually
bloodthirsty. The problem is that they simply do not have Marius the Elder's towering prestige, and are trying to maintain control of Rome in the face of very real threats- most conspicuously Sulla, but also shit like Pompey's conspiracy.
When it looked like Marius was on his deathbed, his son and Cinna freaked out and allowed Marius' troops to start purging enemies of the
populares because without a massive purge, they had no hope of uniting Rome under their control in time to save them from Sulla.
With Sulla out of the picture, there are no major military threats to
populares rule in Rome except perhaps for Pompey. Pompey may let ambition override his
optimates leaning or he can plausibly be crushed by the sheer weight of legions available to the
populares at that time. Either way, he's a manageable problem.
In general, any oligarchs or autocrats will become much more violent when they are in sincere fear for their continued hold on power, and by extension their lives.This is why, for instance, an actually
paranoid ruler like Stalin is so deadly; he's
always convinced that he's in danger of losing his power and life.
It's entirely possible that Marius the Younger and Cinna would rule Rome in a sort-of-okay fashion if only Marius could win the civil war for them before dying of old age.
I firmly believe we should get married to a wife that is amazing at intrigue. We need to cover the deficit the character has.
Being married to a wife who's good at Intrigue
and on your side is a great thing for an ambitious nobleman.
The problem, then, is ensuring she's on your side and not on anyone else's!
Obviously not. Our tribunate isn't over and therefore we aren't actually allowed to be in the city once the festivities are over.
This is a decision about having a clear military campaign, but forever burning our connections with the optimates, or a less certain future, but having all options available.
I'm actually a bit confused about how this works. What if the legion we're attached to is disbanded? Are we allowed in the city then?
If pomepy plays kingmaker we're as good as dead seeing as we already made a enemy of him
Yeah, that's definitely true.
If Sulla somehow handily defeats Marius (or Marius has a heart attack and dies and his legions fall apart while over in Asia), and comes back and re-enacts the historical sequence of events... we are
screwed. Because if Pompey says to Sulla "and as the price of joining my legions to yours, I want Atellus' head on a plate," our head will be on a plate faster than you can say "dance of the seven veils." Scaevola isn't going to be able to convince Sulla to stop.