Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Hey Striker, what's with the numbers that pop up every so often in your reviews? I'm kinda confused with what's that about; something to do with Twilight?
It's a secret at the moment, sorry.

o_O Concede on what? I'm agreeing with you. Twilight can't just arbitrarily use another unicorn's spell, she has to be taught.
Exactly! :D Yeah... chalk that up to me sometimes not being able to comprehend that in RL. Sorry.

Just bumping into Photo Finish randomly in Ponyville?
When you gotta find 'de magicks, it doesn't matter where you gotta look!

I can't believe them not suggesting even a little bit of Lady Gaga with that beat.
When I first saw it, my mind immediately went to Pony!Gaga.

Let us not pretend we do not know what pun they were making with the guy with the dollar sign mark.
I... have absolutely no idea. [/legit]

Isn't she stealing that apple? Only pointing it out because of Gilda.
I'll give her the benefit of the doubt with this one. ;)

Okay, after being... nauseous last night, natch, it's time to go out into the desert and see this... episode. Get your hammers ready, because we're about to go...

Over a Barrel
We open with a train going down the tracks, tooting and being... pulled by a team of ponies. Okay, I've read explanations by other people about how the technology's new, it broke down, whatnot. I know Lauren Faust wanted there to be no engine, which would've been fine. As this is here... it looks just plain old stupid. It's the worst of both/any worlds here. We sweep over to the caboose and zoom in on Applejack reading a bedtime story. Then Rarity comes in and we see Applejack is reading a story to... a tree. The tree is in a bed. And is being tucked in. This is not funny. This is disturbing. Also, shouldn't the tree be upright or something and prepped for transport?! Applejack says 'Bloomberg' is one of her favorites. She has never shown this towards any other tree before. Rarity complains she's got a private sleeper car for a tree while she's with the others. Wait, there are other cars on this train. And shouldn't Bloomberg be in a cargo thing or something?

We get an info dump that he's being given as a gift to her relatives in Appeloosa and he needs his rest. He's a tree. And I think being horizontal isn't good for a live tree. Rarity says Applejack's treating it like a baby, and Applejack scoffs at the idea... and then talks baby to Bloomberg. It's Rarity who's all saddy-waddy! Oh, that hurt!

We come back to it being night. Now I'm wondering if there are shifts for the pullers or if they stop somewhere along the tracks for the night. Inside, we hear Dash say they're going fast. What, compared to how fast you go? Rarity's not pleased with the chatter. Rarity, there are other cars! Spike also complains, since he was up early fire-roasting those snacks. Dash complains that some of the kernels didn't get popped. Dash, you're an asshole. Spike incinerates her bag and goes back under the covers. Good on him! Also, Dash? *Slaps with a halibut* Twilight says they should get some shut-eye. The lights are turned off, but Dash pssts Pinkie. We get an amusing scene of Pinkie being painfully oblivious and not getting sarcasm. And the Fluttershy is a tree meme is born. Twilight pops up and acts kinda dumb. Spike storms out, and I'm with him. "Huffy the Magic dragon." Snort, okay, funny. Then Rarity rears her mud-masked head, scares the horse apples outta them and they go to sleep. We see Spike going to Bloomberg's private car to get some sleep.

The next morning, the train's a rocking! They look out to see a buffalo stampede right next to the train. Rarity focuses on their accessories, while Twilight in season-one 'only sane mare' mode, notices they're getting close. They start ramming the train and ponies pulling it, sending the Mane Six into a ball of chaos inside like a pinball game! Spike somehow sleeps through the ensuing chaos. The engineer ponies actually ram the buffalo back and speed up, but the buffalo hop on one another, allowing a younger one onto the top of the train. No, Pinkie, they're not doing tricks. Dash finally cottons that this "isn't a circus act." Thank you, Captain Obvious! She flies up to confront the smaller one, acting pretty damned casual. Dash chases her down, but the buffalo ducks down between cars and Dash eats a railroad crossing sign, getting left behind.

The buffalo lets out the hook keeping the caboose attached to the rest of the train and whistles for the herd. They high-tail it out f there with the caboose, Bloomberg, but most importantly, Spike! Dash comes to, hears Spike and, with a definite concussion, decides to show her. We come back from commercial and the train pulling into a wild-west town. They pile out and meet Braeburn, Applejack's very excitable cousin. He... needs decaf at this point in time. He headbutts into them and pushes them around. We learn Appeloosa was built in the past year and we get some legit funny scenes. Horse-drawn carriages, with them switching between passenger and driver. Horse-drawn horse-drawn carriages. We see the Salt Block, a definite bar and a definite drunk pony. Sherrif Silverstar, wild-west dances and then mild-west dances. :D I'd prefer the mild-west dances, personally. And finally, a huge apple orchard. He exposits that they need the first harvest to live on while Applejack wishes to choke a bastard. They finally tell him about the buffalo, and that Pinkie Pie's gone missing too. I wondered where she was in those shots. Braeburn gets green-eye... for some reason.

Braeburn finally comes down off his high. He tells them the buffalo wants the orchard gone, but no idea why. We get some sympathy nods from him about why the trees are needed. We cut to Dash, apparently looking for the Road Runner. We also see aftereffects of her hitting the sign. And she walks right onto Pinkie Pie, who scares the crap outta her. Pinkie... thinks this is hide-and-seek? The hell? Pinkie is seventeen kinds of obliviously stupid here and it's actually pretty irritating that she doesn't get it. Dash yells at her and the buffalo surround them. They start to charge, but suddenly Spike. Well, better than Suddenly Susan. :p He's remarkably blase and semi-surfer dude. He vouches for them and gets a claw/hoof bump from a buffalo.

We cut to later that night. Turns out they were after the tree. They actually respect dragons, which I rather like. They don't like ponies, but they're with them, so it's cool. Dash hates the food they gave them, but Pinkie digs in. Point to the Pie. Spike gets a bowl of turquoise and he properly introduces Little Strongheart. Dash snorts, but recognizes her from before. She goes to leave, Strongheart leaps in front and apologizes. They didn't mean for anyone to get hurt. By directly barreling into the engineer ponies and the train itself. Right... Dash, amusingly, has about the same reaction I just did. Strongheart says they just wanted the tree, and we have an odd segue into that the Appeloosans planted trees all over their traditional stampeding grounds.

We're introduced to Chief Thunderhooves, a bit of a droner. Admittedly it's funny seeing even the other buffalo starting to nod off. We learn they run the path every year, but with the trees there, they can't run the trail. Dash harrumphs. Literally, too. The buffalo are stuck there. Dash suddenly hops up, turns around, strikes a menacing pose... and agrees with them. Wait, what? They've got some apple-picking Appeloosans to talk to!

Did I miss something, here? Is her head injury worse than before?

Back at Appeloosa the others are getting ready for a rescue mission. Rarity's saddlebags are tightened by Applejack with a "Gently, please!" that sends out all kinds of wrong signals. They gallop off for a long hike into buffalo territory... and find the three just outside of town. Episode's over? Good! Fluttershy tackles Pinkie and sets the Shipping Wars ablaze anew. Twilight asks how they escaped, and Strongheart pops out from behind a rock. Dash promised them a chance to talk. Applejack is... none too pleased. Dash says Strongheart's got info about why the trees have to be moved, and Braeburn does seem to be receptive to the info. Applejack says Braeburns' got info on why the apple trees have to stay. And Strongheart is receptive to that. And if Applejack and Dash can keep their traps shut for five effin' seconds we might end this episode early, but they basically eat the idiot balls and argue like friggin' morons. Twilight says they both have good reasons to use the land. To be honest, I am more on the buffalo's side here. They were there first and the settler ponies have been there for barely a year. Pinkie pops up with an idea, and her and the idea crash to earth.

We cut to the ponies and buffalo gathered in front of a stage. Ho, boy. Pinkie emerges from a clamshell all done up like Miss Kitty and we get a musical number. We gotta share, we gotta care. It's bad, but intentionally bad methinks. Legit awesome moment when both Silverstar and Thunderhooves agree how bad it was. It's pretty cheesy and I am watching with the mute button on. Thunderhooves declares they stampede at high noon tomorrow, and if the orchard's there, they'll flatten it and the town. Silverstar says to bring your best. The buffalo and ponies run off to prepare while Pinkie laments.

We cut to the Appeloosans getting ready and Applejack saying a storm's a brewin' here. Listen, Applejack. You kinda stoked those winds with your attitude and actions. They go around to try and 'talk some sense' into everyone, but no go. Not that I can exactly blame the townsfolk at this point. They buck down apples and bake pies with them. They raise a flag and cheer. Over with the buffalo, they're butting heads, sharpening horns a'la Looney Tunes and putting on war paint.

Noon tomorrow the buffalo ready themselves, and the Appeloosans do as well. The clock tower chimes, but no De Lorean. Standoff. Strongheart puts one tiny paw on Thunderhooves' cheek, and he relents! Yay! But then Pinkie Pie starts singing again, and STAMPEDE! She does some crowd surfing as the settlers ready... pies. And they halt some of the buffalo. Pony what?! Carrot Top does a bit of bronco bucking with one of them, and there is a legit good bit with an anvil being hidden in a hay bale. But still, pies? One buffalo's hit and then veers right into the clock tower, which crumbles. Thunderhooves charges Silverstar with friggin' engine noises. A p;ie comes out of nowhere and hits him. Everyone acts sad... for some reason. He's clearly not dead, since no one else was killed by the pies. Also, what about the others hit with pies? Ugh! Some of the pie slides down into his mouth... and he decides it's delicious!

We cut to a path being cut in the orchards. The buffalo stampede through, and will allow the trees to stay for a share of the apples/pies. Spike prefers the turquoise, and we see a semi-creepy shot of Applejack and Bloomberg. Twilight gives the Aesop anout sharing and caring, Pinkie complains that that's she said, and end.

Ugh. This episode is pretty bad all-around. The Mane Six, Applejack and Dash specifically, carry huge idiot balls and make the situation worse. It's also a pretty insulting oversimplification/generalization of the conflict between Native Americans and settlers. Hell, Rawhide did a better job at this and it was made in the 50's/60's! The pie fight broke my SOD in a bad way, as well as Thunderhooves'... whatever the hell that was.

Overall, I am sailing past this one.

Appeloosa is to the south of Equestria proper. That's it.

I hope no one's surprised I have a buffalo Transformer by now. ;)
He's turned himself into draconic Prince Charming, to save his Fair Lady Rarity
It would be more logical and IMO cooler if he turned into the pony ideal of Prince Charming. So purple, more muscular, scaly Blueblood. Captain Carrot!Spike just looks awkward.
I think the awkwardness makes sense. It's Spike, a kid, after all. He's projecting a grown-up version of himself.
While I know that not every one likes RealityCheck's stuff, I will admit that I like his version of adult Spike.

That´s no ordinary dragon!

To be frank, in the story Spike wasn't much bigger then the other dragons (who had all used what amounted to the dragon version of steroids and suffered the requisite consequences there of). Spike, who was the only one who had naturally gotten that big due to a modified version of his "Greed Growth" kicked the shit out of all 6 of the other dragons, who freaked out at the end when they found out that it was all natural in Spike's case.
Thank you. :)

While I know that not every one likes RealityCheck's stuff, I will admit that I like his version of adult Spike.

Okay... that actually is pretty good. Thanks for posting that, Harry. :)

A Bird in the Hoof
is worth two in the bush. Unless it's an ex-bird, then go for the two in the bush. However, if you're playing the market, hold onto that ex-bird. There's a market for it somewhere.

Anyway! We open at Fluttershy's cottage. She helps a mouse in a wheelchair to his family at a cartoon mousehole. It is so freakin' cute I have no words other than HNNGGGGG!!! and *Cluthces chest and falls over from the cute*. Angel runs over, clutching a stopwatch. Hmm, Fluttershy must fly the four-minute mile? There's a bit of charades. Angel wants to be a watch? Well, Fluttershy and trees... The clock tower chimes in the distance and Fluttershy realizes she's late for a very important date! Quick, someone drop her some acid so she can get to Wonderland! No? Oh, it's a brunch for Celestia at Sugarsube Corner. Fluttershy does some semi-clunky wondering about if she should even go, then trumpets blow. Oh, it's not Celestia. It's King Friday XIII! God, now that would be a crossover! She runs off, then runs back to thank Angel, then lather, rinse and repeat until Angel locks the door. Okay, that's good. :D

At Sugarcube Corner, Dash bugs the Royal Guardsponies there and acts like they're the guards at Buckingham Palace. Well, the stereotypical versions of them at least. She even asks how she could join the Guard, too! She gets bored and goes back inside. Guards, one. Dash, zero! Fluttershy arrives, but their wings of steel stop her and almost give one hell of a mane cut! Twilight trots by and vouches for her, and she's let in. Inside we see the party. Spike is baking muffins with his dragon breath while Carrot Cake serves them. We see Celestia there, saying everything's fine. Fluttershy and Twilight talk and Twilight has a mild breakdown. For god's sake even Fluttershy points it out! Twilight says this is the first time she's ever really met them, and Fluttershy says there should be nothing to worry about. And on cue Rarity has a freakout about getting her dress dirty. Her Gala dress. Why is she in that?! We've seen her in other dresses. We know she has other dresses. I'm calling animation/writer error on this one.

We see Applejack not entirely sure where to start on the food. Ah, Aunt and Uncle Orange, if they could see you now. ;) Okay, to be fair it's probably been a long time since those days in Manehattan. Fluttershy tries to reassure Twilight and then Pinkie Pie... acts like a complete effin' idiot. No, seriously. She bounces around like a moron, slaps a pie in her face, drinks from the chocolate fountain and then goes up and is rather rude in Celestia's face. It's... yeah. The cakes' understandably freak and Cup Cake drags her off while Carrot apologizes. Celestia drinks her tea and we get the tea gag. "Gotcha." Okay, legit props for that to both the writers and Celestia. :) Also, I now wonder how badly she has to go to the bathroom. :p

She spots Fluttershy and strikes up a conversation about her and her tending to the woodland creatures. Celestia cares about all creatures, great and small. And then we hear a car's engine turning over. No, wait. It's her pet Philomena! She don't look so good. She looks sicker than me after reading Star By Star. A guard comes up and it turns out Mayor Mare has an audience with her. Probably to request an appeal about the impeachment due her gross negligence. Also, Twilight nearly does a spit-take. Why? There's no reason. She thanks them and walks out. Fluttershy has a meaningful look with Philomena. Applejack tries to eat, but the tablecloth and food is pulled away. The hell? Clear the dishes off, first! Pinkie Pie cartwheels out like an idiot and clocks some poor pony in the face, hopefully getting sued in the process. Rarity holds her dress hostage to leave, and we have a nice payoff with Applejack leaving with a bunch of food balanced on her nose. Twilight tells Spike no big disasters happened, and we swing over to see an empty birdcage. Oh, noes!

We cut to Fluttershy taking Philomena into her cottage, and some scenes of Fluttershy trying to help her. I won't recap them, but overall they're pretty funny. And in hindsight, yeah. Philomena's being a huge troll. And finally, Twilight comes in and says thanks for making such a good impression on the Princess. And she spots Philomena and begins freaking out. Fluttershy says she couldn't leave her there, and Twilight, rightfully, points out she doesn't belong to her. Meanwhile, Philomena is chewing the scenery worse than John Lovitz in his "ACTING!" SNL sketches. Fluttershy relents and says they'll return her. Twilight says if they hurry, they can get her back before anyone notices she's gone. She opens the door, and right on cue are two Royal Guardsponies. The pet's been noticed to have flown the coop. And Twilight is about ten seconds away from a Lesson Point-Five at this point. They BS the guards and this is, again, pretty damned funny. She shoves them out, shuts the door and begins hyperventilating.

She sees Fluttershy going to return the pet and says she has no idea what Celestia will do. Fluttershy asks Twilight is she has any idea. "Well, no." She might be banished, thrown into a dungeon, or banished and then thrown into a dungeon. Fluttershy calls her out on her bullshit with a great little look and Twilight, you need therapy. And no, I am NOT joking on that. All Fluttershy wants to do is get Philomena help. Twilight... is not helping. Twilight asks-kinda out of nowhere-if Fluttershy gave her any medicine. She tried, but no go. So Twilight says she can't be such a pushover-Ohhai, Putting your Hoof Down!-and show her who's the boss. Tony Danza or Judith Light? And we see the iconic image of Twilight with a pill. Twilight pulls a Doctor Pulaski with Philomena and it's really disturbing. She opens Philomena's cage to force her to eat soup and she makes a break for it. Fly for it, Philomena! Get away from the crazy unicorn while I tranque Twilight!

We get a chase scene with Yakity Sax playing. Great callback and quite funny. We get Scooby-Doo doors, and RIP Casey. :( The Royal Guard's useless, natch. Dash suddenly flies over, figures they're having a race and joins in. Because! We cut over to Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack hanging out near a fountain. They look around for the bird, but the Royal Guard spot Philomena on top of the fountain. The bird does some overdramatic ACTING and then topples down. Fluttershy races to save her... but the bird bursts into flame and turns into a pile of ash, landing in Fluttershy's outstretched hooves. Oh, harsh!

Fluttershy breaks down and I wanna hug her. Celestia arrives and asks what's going on. Twilight and Fluttershy try to take the blame for each other and then Pinkie Pie says it's her fault. Not this time, Pinkie. Later... Fluttershy spills the beans about what she did. Celestia bends down to the pile of ash, and then chides the ash. Pony what? The ash shudders, flows up into the sky and transforms into a large bird, with dramatic solar backlighting! Very convenient, Celly. :p Fluttershy's confused, and we learn she's a phoenix! We get some info on what a phoenix is. Quite nice. Celestia leans down and tells Fluttershy it's rather melodramatic. Hah! She tells Philomena to say she's rory for taking advantage of Fluttershy. Aww. :D Fluttershy asks if she'll be banished/the whole nine yards. Celestia says no, and asks where she got such an idea. From Twilight 'bugfuck nuts insane' Sparkle, of course! Fluttershy covers for her insane little friend. Twilight says Fluttershy did everything she could.

Celestia appreciates it, but points out all she had to do was ask. Next time, find out before jumping to conclusions. Twilight asks if she should write Celestia a letter about this, but no. She'll remember. The guards bring in Philomena's cage and she gives Fluttershy a feather. Dash whispers to Philomena, and she tickles the guard's noses. We end on an actually organic 'everybody laughs' ending, and credits.

Good episode, but dang! We see early 'Lesson Zero' behavior from Twilight, which is actually genuinely disturbing and shows a remarkable amount of her not getting Celestia. I have my own problems with Celestia, but not the ones Twilight has here. She needs help. Like, seriously. It's kinda funny on its own, but taking into account future behavior and it loses that very quickly. The whole banishment thing... Twilight, what the hell? What the everloving hell is wrong with you?!

There were some good comedy bits, most of them with Philomena. Some think this was some elaborate prank with Celestia. I don't. She seemed genuinely surprised near the end of the episode, and her telling Philomena to say she was sorry was not in any real way gentle. Philomena played the prank, not Celestia.

I did like the party... mostly. I loved the tea prank. Applejack and Dash didn't really do anything wrong. Dash's little teasing of the guards was pretty harmless and outside. Applejack was simply having a hard time remembering her Manehattan lessons. Rarity... why didn't you wear another dress again? Pinkie Pie, ho boy. That wasn't cool in any way, shape or form.

This was a good lesson, too. Find out what the heck's going on first before going into an unfamiliar situation, or committing Grand-Theft Birdnapping. :D Overall I did like this episode. Yes, there was some odd behavior and Twilight needs therapy, again, NOT JOKING about that, but good lesson, good scenes, good comedy and good show, show!

Megan knew Philomena from when she visited Dream Valley before and was helping to raise Celestia and Luna. She has one of her feathers.

The Royal Guard is a part of the Equestrian Armed Forces, but not the entirety of it. There's the Royal Tank Corps, the Teleportation Corps, the Royal Air Force, so on and so forth. General Spanish Steel, a pegasus, is the Chairpony of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He personally assigned Captain Shining Armor to the Royal Guard to clean it up after centuries of incompetence. He's still working on it as of season two.

We open with a train going down the tracks, tooting and being... pulled by a team of ponies. Okay, I've read explanations by other people about how the technology's new, it broke down, whatnot. I know Lauren Faust wanted there to be no engine, which would've been fine. As this is here... it looks just plain old stupid. It's the worst of both/any worlds here. We sweep over to the caboose and zoom in on Applejack reading a bedtime story. Then Rarity comes in and we see Applejack is reading a story to... a tree. The tree is in a bed. And is being tucked in. This is not funny. This is disturbing. Also, shouldn't the tree be upright or something and prepped for transport?! Applejack says 'Bloomberg' is one of her favorites. She has never shown this towards any other tree before. Rarity complains she's got a private sleeper car for a tree while she's with the others. Wait, there are other cars on this train. And shouldn't Bloomberg be in a cargo thing or something?
Rarity comes this close to finding out the trees are sapient and have a culture and Applejack is a Tree Speaker (or possible Ent Wife). Fortunately, the Masquerade is maintained.
Rarity, take a step back and realize you just said sleeping in the car with the rest of the girls is beneath you.
Rarity, how could you say Bloomberg isn't Applejack's baby just because he's adopted. This episode really wants me to believe the Ent Wife theory. Or dryad if you're too freaked out.
They pile out and meet Braeburn, Applejack's very excitable cousin. He... needs decaf at this point in time.

Yeah, that'd be about my reaction too.
You haven't yet introduced... they ran off that train three seconds ago!
Braeburn is really obnoxious.
Back at Appeloosa the others are getting ready for a rescue mission. Rarity's saddlebags are tightened by Applejack with a "Gently, please!" that sends out all kinds of wrong signals. They gallop off for a long hike into buffalo territory... and find the three just outside of town. Episode's over? Good! Fluttershy tackles Pinkie and sets the Shipping Wars ablaze anew.
You mean all kinds of right signals.

Flutterpie? An OT5 would be overkill so I guess Luna gets Rainbow Dash to herself now while Rarity shares.
They go around to try and 'talk some sense' into everyone, but no go. Not that I can exactly blame the townsfolk at this point.
What was she trying ho have them reconsider, defending their homes?
Appeloosa is to the south of Equestria proper. That's it.
How is that headcanon when it's south on the official map that is used in the show?

I really had problems finishing this episode, my not caring level was just too damn high. I guess the lesson is not to talk about sensitive political/historical issues if you're going to simplify them. For the record, aside from Pinkie Pie the bad guy of the episode is Thunderhooves. The buffaloo don't object to the use of the land in general, most of the year they aren't even here, he's just hung up on stampeding through this particular square mile that is of no importance to them other than the fact that they always went through there, and he'd rather destroy the town than veer off half a mile.

Actually, that was the moment that made me swear off Reality Check.

Bird in the Hoof

Omigosh, the guard's wings make sword sounds. Swordwings are totally my headcanon now.

Celestia appears to have let her aura of terror and madness slip a little, afflicting everypony in Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie is resistant to supernatural fear so she just goes crazy, while Twilight is particularly susceptible, the effect lingering for some time.

Good comedy, 9/10 would watch again.

This face has a completely different meaning in motion.

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Rarity comes this close to finding out the trees are sapient and have a culture and Applejack is a Tree Speaker (or possible Ent Wife). Fortunately, the Masquerade is maintained.
Or Applejack's lost it. I think that's closer to it. :p

Rarity, take a step back and realize you just said sleeping in the car with the rest of the girls is beneath you.
Rarity, how could you say Bloomberg isn't Applejack's baby just because he's adopted. This episode really wants me to believe the Ent Wife theory. Or dryad if you're too freaked out.
Okay, all joking aside, yeah. Rarity was pretty danged prissy there.

You mean all kinds of right signals.

Flutterpie? An OT5 would be overkill so I guess Luna gets Rainbow Dash to herself now while Rarity shares.
I'm not sure if I should share my preferred 'ships, now. :D :p

What was she trying ho have them reconsider, defending their homes?
Yeah, the entire damned thing was heavily exacerbated by them. Ugh!

How is that headcanon when it's south on the official map that is used in the show?
1. I came up with it before the map was published.
2. I don't use the map.

I really had problems finishing this episode, my not caring level was just too damn high. I guess the lesson is not to talk about sensitive political/historical issues if you're going to simplify them. For the record, aside from Pinkie Pie the bad guy of the episode is Thunderhooves. The buffaloo don't object to the use of the land in general, most of the year they aren't even here, he's just hung up on stampeding through this particular square mile that is of no importance to them other than the fact that they always went through there, and he'd rather destroy the town than veer off half a mile.
I had problems too during my initial review. Painful, the Mane Six made the problem worse and the simplification of the Western problems was pretty damned bad.

Bird in the Hoof

Celestia appears to have let her aura of terror and madness slip a little, afflicting everypony in Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie is resistant to supernatural fear so she just goes crazy, while Twilight is particularly susceptible, the effect lingering for some time.
Nah. It's the writers making it worse to crank up Twilight's anxiety problems.

*Unrolls scroll, which gets away from Striker and rolls into a nearby lake* Dumb scroll! Time to look at...

The Cutie Mark Chronicles
We open with the CMC high up in a tree trying for a ziplining cutie mark. Because why the hell not?! Spike said it was awesome, and then Scootaloo jumps. Scootaloo, you fail at common sense! They speed down, the friction igniting the rope itself! It burns, breaks and they plummet through the foliage, landing in a sticky heap. "Tree sap and pine needles, but no cutie mark." No. Fucking. DUH! Sweetie Belle asks about Plan B, which according to Scootaloo involves a cannon. Scootaloo... *Rolls up Sunday edition of the New York Times* But Scootaloo finally gives up, saying no matter what they try, no cutie mark but lots of tree sap.

Sweetie Belle says they should do something less dangerous, like pillow-testing or flower-sniffing. Apple Bloom kicks over some buckets and has-Oh, God!-a plan! She says ask some of the ponies in ponyville! My goodness, a glimmer of sanity! Scootaloo says to start with the coolest pony in Ponyville. Apple Bloom says Applejack and Sweetie Belle says Rarity. Natch that they'd choose their big sisters. Scootaloo said 'cool' and buzzes around a bit. Pinkie Pie? Greatest flier to come out of Cloudsdale! Fluttershy? HAH! No, Dash. So they go off to find her and slap hooves... which get glued together by the tree sap. Nice. :D

We come back to Scootaloo on her scooter, towing the others. I like them wearing helmets, there. When suddenly a wild family of rabbits appear! They scamper off with a load of food, Applejack in pursuit. But she didn't see the wagon and crashes into it. Ouchies! Apple Bloom sees Applejack's cutie mark and asks her. That's... actually pretty damned smart of her! Scootaloo butts in, saying they were just gonna ask Dash. But no, multiple views are needed. As well as all the help they can get! She was smaller than they were and the screen gets all wavy, as per standard TV flashback tropes. We see a young Applejack with a stick balanced over her shoulder and bundle tied to it. Little Macintosh and Granny Smith are waving her bye. She's off to Manehattan to live with Aunt and Uncle Orange. It's a big city, with at least one rude jerk. She finds the Orange's and they take her in, good on them! They're a bit bemused by her accent. We cut to Applejack all gussied up at a dinner party and others asking how she's finding Manehattan. it goes well until she mentions rooster and... they don't know what that is. And my SOD just gets broken there. Yeah, sorry, no way they wouldn't know what a rooster was. Applejack feels embarrassed, but the dinner bell saves her. A dinner tray's floated in front of her, but it's tiny morsels. Oh, come on! That's rubbing it in too thick for me.
We cut to her sitting by a window, homesick. She does a rooster call and wonders what Big Mac and Granny Smith are up to. No mention of Apple Bloom, so probably not born yet. Therefore parents are probably still alive, too. Suddenly, sonic rainboom! She realized her place was at Sweet Apple Acres. She rushed home, finding Little Mac and Granny there. So hopefully called ahead and thanked the Orange's for their hospitality and taking her in. She got her cutie mark then. Just as she finishes the story, the rabbits come back and taunt her. Off to the races!

Sweetie Belle said it was sweet, and Scootaloo counters it was sappy. I side with the Sweetie. They speed off again, and nearly run into Fluttershy! Scootaloo, BOTH eyes on the road! They tumble while Fluttershy lets some ducks cross the street. she gently chides them about their carelessness and asks what the hurry is. Scootaloo tells her their epic quest, and Fluttershy says without Dash, she wouldn't have earned her cutie mark! DUN DUN DUUUNNNN! It started at summer flight camp, above Camp Crystal Lake... :p
We flash back to it, and Fluttershy says you wouldn't guess it, but back then, she was very shy and a very weak flier. And I own a Transformer or two. :p We see her struggling to clear a cloud ring, all gangly and looking bigger than most fillies or colts, but not quite adult. VERY nice, since she's a year older than Pinkie Pie. She almost makaes it, but trips, slides down a hill, hits a ski jump, flies into a flag and lands in a heap. I must go and hug her, now. Two of the bullies from Sonic Rainboom pick on her and I must now also beat them up. Dash suddenly flies in and sticks up for Fluttershy! Go, Dash! And yeesh, how not-often have I typed that out so far? They challenge her to a race. Fluttershy drops the flag. I guess Dash is hydromatic and ultramatic, then. They speed by her so fast she spins right round, right round like a record, baby. And then falls off the cloud! I believe we've established how bad a flier she is, yes?

We come back to her plummeting... and then the butterflies made of dark matter catch her! It's an old reference. :p Turns out she's never seen butterflies, for she's never been near the ground before! And... and... oh, god. I can't... no. NO! She's singing, she's singing and... it's an 'I want' song! It's an 'I want' song! I was only kidding about the Disney Princess references, for the love of Primus!!!!!!

Okay, all joking aside, it's a nice song. And she begins flying. It's legit sweet and flippin' adorable! And suddenly sonic rainboom! The animals scatter in fright, but Fluttershy calms them down. Also, bushes don't lift up like that and I'm fairly sure you can't talk underwater like she can. And she out-Snow White's Snow White. She finds she can talk to the animals, walk like the animals, and she gets her cutie mark! Scootaloo asks about Dash and the race, but Fluttershy wasn't there and didn't know what happened. Cue sad trombones for Scootaloo! They speed off, with Scootaloo saying she can't take anymore singing. Oh, have you picked the wrong franchise to be in!

Sweetie Belle suggests Rarity would know where they are, and Gilligan-Cut to them being used as ponykins. Hah! Rarity asks if they're still obsessing, and Sweetie Belle says most of the other fillies at school already have theirs! Dang, the stuff you forget! Rarity knows how they feel, and we flash back to the practice of a school play. We see young Berry Punch, Cheerilee, and a few others. The previous teacher, who I know of no fanon of but now wish I did, compliments Rarity for the costumes. But even back then Rarity was a perfectionist! Interesting the piano goes off-key as she laments them only being 'nice'. Nice musical cue, there. We cut to her working in a room, not sure if this is Carousel Boutique or at her parents' home. The play was that night! She says maybe she's not meant to be a fashionista, and her horn lights up and we get EPIC HORN-DRAGGING! Her expression is priceless! We also get several shots of it being night, which I am chalking up to continuity/script error. And she slams into... her destiny!

No, she slams into a rock. And we're not talking Monolith, here. Although damn but that'd be awesome. She chews out her own horn and calls it a dumb rock. So now we know where Sweetie Belle gets it from. :D And then sonic rainboom, the rock splits open and gems! We see some FABULOUS costumes now at the play, which I also now wish to know was about. Over at the Fridge Brilliance page at TV Tropes someone points out it's the Pony's five food groups. Okay, but what else? Rarity looks on in delight, and cutie mark!
Back in the present, the point whizzes by Scootaloo's head at warp 9 as she says these stories are about finding who they are and boring stuff like that. Scootaloo, you're going to be older than Celestia and still without a mark with that attitude! She pushes the other CMC away, saying they need action, Rainbow Dash!
And we cut to them listening to Twilight Sparkle, looking bored out of their skulls. Dammit, this episode is hitting all the right notes! She went to see the Summer Sun Celebration and saw Celestia raising the sun. She poured everything into learning about magic, and we see her struggling to turn a page. She goes through a lot of books, and we see her parents, one an homage to G1 Twilight Wish, with an application form for the School for Gifted Unicorns. Make sure to say hi to Trixie and Lyra there! Don't ask about Sunset Shimmer, either.

lol, I have plans for the Hasbroverse version of Equestria Girls! *Evil grin*

We see her dancing adorably, and then we see her having to pass an entrance exam! What is it?! It's hatching a dragon egg! She tries her best, but fails. She's crushed and, yeah, hugs! She walks off, completely crushed. And suddenly, you guessed it, sonic rainboom! the egg hatches and we see adorable tiny Spike. Her magic suddenly goes nuts and Spike becomes Zilla Junior, the testers are suspended in midair and her parents are turned into plants, specifically a fern and cactus! We cut outside to see Celestia seeing Giant!Baby!Spike. Back inside, she's twitching in what appears to be legit pain! Celestia is there, touches her shoulder and I legit can't tell if Twilight calms down on her own or Celestia does something. And... no.
The effects are reversed. Yay! Twilight apologizes and Celestia says she doesn't think she's ever seen a unicorn with such raw abilities. But she needs focused study while Twilight 'Huh?'s through the conversation. Yup, personal student at the school. Twilight jumps for joy, and cutie mark ahoy! She jumps around even more, and then we Gilligan-Cut to the present and her jumping around while going "YES!". The CMC flee for their sanity while Twilight comes out of it. SOmeone asks if she's alright. her response? "Yes." Nice!

Scootaloo laments they haven't crashed into Rainbow Dash, and suddenly Pinkie's in the back, complete with helmet. I don't know or care. :D She says if she was Dash, she'd be at Sugarcube Corner. If she was anyone that's where she'd be. Hey, let's go to Sugarcube Corner! She also almost falls out the back. And yup, time for her cutie mark story. Yup, the rock farm. I thought this was bullcrap until Magic Duel, actually. Straight-haired Pinkie Pie. No talking, no smiling. Only rocks. Heaven for Maud, though. They were rotating the rocks from the south field to the east field, and guess what happens next? If you guessed sonic rainboom, give yourself a hundred points, even though the points don't matter. :D And poof goes the mane and tail and here comes the sun and smile! She wants everyone to smile and laugh! So we cut to the next morning and the Pie family emerging. Real Amish feel to them. And we hear the Parasprite song coming from a silo! "Pinkamina Diane Pia, is that you?" She opens a door, letting out some confetti and balloons. Inside it's a party! They're agog at it. Their mouths quiver, and at first Pinkie thinks they don't like it. And of course they do and, to quote Wayne and Garth, "PARTY TIME!"

And cutie mark. "And that's how Equestria was made!" And... okay? She goes off saying on the way home maybe she can tell them the story of how she got her cutie mark as the CMC's minds all fracture. They're at Sugarcube Corner, and inside is Dash! And we finally get her cutie mark story! Yeah, it was the race. She'd never flown like that before. the speed, adrenaline... she liked it! Dashie likes it! And she realizes what she loved.... was winning! And sonic rainboom and cutie mark.

Back at the present, the other Mane Six suddenly come to the realization that they all got their cutie mark from the rainboom's effects! Group hug! And then song, grossing out Scootaloo. Hah! she says they should try ziplining again, but gets pulled into a hug. Cue BIG NO! We cut to Twilight and the message, that friends have a special connection. And maybe you're all looking up at the same rainbow. Spike asks when she got so cheesy, but he writes it. And end.


Wow, this is a dense one. Dense in a good way, mind. We learn the basic backstories of the Mane Six, and they're all good stories. I'm honestly not sure if I should talk about each one or dive into the Hasbroverse headcanon concerning them or what. Hmm... some thoughts:

1. I like Aunt and Uncle Orange. They took Applejack in and helped her best they could. Family takes care of family. The whole 'no rooster' thing is bullcrap and SOD-breaking. If you wanna read some great stories dealing with Aunt Orange, go to Life in Manehattan, run by Little Jackie Papercut. I do wanna write a fic for that group, but I don't know what! :(

2. I originally thought Pinkie's story was false, but now I think it's true. I've heard some good theories, here and at fimfic/ about what it could mean. A simple quarry, gem mining like with Rarity, laying out rocks on leylines to soak up their magic, the aftermath of parasprite invasions, so on and so forth. I have no real opinion on it.

3. Twilight's backstory actually explains a lot. I've written an Au called Twilight the Terrible that's an alternate take on the events. It's stalled until I can finish 'Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds' at the moment, though.

And that's it for thoughts.

A lot of this deals with the Hasbroverse. Not all of it, but the majority. You have been warned! ;)
1. Trixie also got her cutie mark during the rainboom, explaining why compared to most other unicorns she's pretty damned powerful.
2. Fluttershy is the oldest of the Mane Six.
3. Big Macintosh between the flashback and the present joined the Equestrian Armed Forces, Tank Corps to be precise. He got a hardship discharge at the death of his parents.
4. Applejack is the direct descendant of G1 Applejack and Sweet Apple Acres is the land G1 Applejack used for her original apple farm, Applejack Acres. It got abandoned during the Nightmare War.
5. Twilight is the direct descendant of G1 Twilight Wish. She heard of the Tales of the Mag'ne from her mother, a librarian in the Royal Library.
6. Spike is g1 Spike's grandson, King Spykoran the Old, king of the Thirteen Dragon Clans! His egg was the only survivor of an attack on the Nests of Dargoth by Ursa Majors. While Spykoran was attacking the bears in grief-driven rage, Celestia found the egg. Inquiries turned up nothing, so she took it back to Equestria.
7. The rock farm does a lot of exporting to the Dragon Lands.
And I think that's it for headcanon, at least stuff not already mentioned like the stuff about Dash's ancestors Firefly and Bloodwing. So, yeah. Great episode overall. There was a lot there, but it didn't feel crowded or anything like that.

It's a secret at the moment, sorry.

Exactly! :D Yeah... chalk that up to me sometimes not being able to comprehend that in RL. Sorry.

When you gotta find 'de magicks, it doesn't matter where you gotta look!

When I first saw it, my mind immediately went to Pony!Gaga.

I... have absolutely no idea. [/legit]

I'll give her the benefit of the doubt with this one. ;)

Okay, after being... nauseous last night, natch, it's time to go out into the desert and see this... episode. Get your hammers ready, because we're about to go...

Over a Barrel
We open with a train going down the tracks, tooting and being... pulled by a team of ponies. Okay, I've read explanations by other people about how the technology's new, it broke down, whatnot. I know Lauren Faust wanted there to be no engine, which would've been fine. As this is here... it looks just plain old stupid. It's the worst of both/any worlds here. We sweep over to the caboose and zoom in on Applejack reading a bedtime story. Then Rarity comes in and we see Applejack is reading a story to... a tree. The tree is in a bed. And is being tucked in. This is not funny. This is disturbing. Also, shouldn't the tree be upright or something and prepped for transport?! Applejack says 'Bloomberg' is one of her favorites. She has never shown this towards any other tree before. Rarity complains she's got a private sleeper car for a tree while she's with the others. Wait, there are other cars on this train. And shouldn't Bloomberg be in a cargo thing or something?

We get an info dump that he's being given as a gift to her relatives in Appeloosa and he needs his rest. He's a tree. And I think being horizontal isn't good for a live tree. Rarity says Applejack's treating it like a baby, and Applejack scoffs at the idea... and then talks baby to Bloomberg. It's Rarity who's all saddy-waddy! Oh, that hurt!

We come back to it being night. Now I'm wondering if there are shifts for the pullers or if they stop somewhere along the tracks for the night. Inside, we hear Dash say they're going fast. What, compared to how fast you go? Rarity's not pleased with the chatter. Rarity, there are other cars! Spike also complains, since he was up early fire-roasting those snacks. Dash complains that some of the kernels didn't get popped. Dash, you're an asshole. Spike incinerates her bag and goes back under the covers. Good on him! Also, Dash? *Slaps with a halibut* Twilight says they should get some shut-eye. The lights are turned off, but Dash pssts Pinkie. We get an amusing scene of Pinkie being painfully oblivious and not getting sarcasm. And the Fluttershy is a tree meme is born. Twilight pops up and acts kinda dumb. Spike storms out, and I'm with him. "Huffy the Magic dragon." Snort, okay, funny. Then Rarity rears her mud-masked head, scares the horse apples outta them and they go to sleep. We see Spike going to Bloomberg's private car to get some sleep.

The next morning, the train's a rocking! They look out to see a buffalo stampede right next to the train. Rarity focuses on their accessories, while Twilight in season-one 'only sane mare' mode, notices they're getting close. They start ramming the train and ponies pulling it, sending the Mane Six into a ball of chaos inside like a pinball game! Spike somehow sleeps through the ensuing chaos. The engineer ponies actually ram the buffalo back and speed up, but the buffalo hop on one another, allowing a younger one onto the top of the train. No, Pinkie, they're not doing tricks. Dash finally cottons that this "isn't a circus act." Thank you, Captain Obvious! She flies up to confront the smaller one, acting pretty damned casual. Dash chases her down, but the buffalo ducks down between cars and Dash eats a railroad crossing sign, getting left behind.

The buffalo lets out the hook keeping the caboose attached to the rest of the train and whistles for the herd. They high-tail it out f there with the caboose, Bloomberg, but most importantly, Spike! Dash comes to, hears Spike and, with a definite concussion, decides to show her. We come back from commercial and the train pulling into a wild-west town. They pile out and meet Braeburn, Applejack's very excitable cousin. He... needs decaf at this point in time. He headbutts into them and pushes them around. We learn Appeloosa was built in the past year and we get some legit funny scenes. Horse-drawn carriages, with them switching between passenger and driver. Horse-drawn horse-drawn carriages. We see the Salt Block, a definite bar and a definite drunk pony. Sherrif Silverstar, wild-west dances and then mild-west dances. :D I'd prefer the mild-west dances, personally. And finally, a huge apple orchard. He exposits that they need the first harvest to live on while Applejack wishes to choke a bastard. They finally tell him about the buffalo, and that Pinkie Pie's gone missing too. I wondered where she was in those shots. Braeburn gets green-eye... for some reason.

Braeburn finally comes down off his high. He tells them the buffalo wants the orchard gone, but no idea why. We get some sympathy nods from him about why the trees are needed. We cut to Dash, apparently looking for the Road Runner. We also see aftereffects of her hitting the sign. And she walks right onto Pinkie Pie, who scares the crap outta her. Pinkie... thinks this is hide-and-seek? The hell? Pinkie is seventeen kinds of obliviously stupid here and it's actually pretty irritating that she doesn't get it. Dash yells at her and the buffalo surround them. They start to charge, but suddenly Spike. Well, better than Suddenly Susan. :p He's remarkably blase and semi-surfer dude. He vouches for them and gets a claw/hoof bump from a buffalo.

We cut to later that night. Turns out they were after the tree. They actually respect dragons, which I rather like. They don't like ponies, but they're with them, so it's cool. Dash hates the food they gave them, but Pinkie digs in. Point to the Pie. Spike gets a bowl of turquoise and he properly introduces Little Strongheart. Dash snorts, but recognizes her from before. She goes to leave, Strongheart leaps in front and apologizes. They didn't mean for anyone to get hurt. By directly barreling into the engineer ponies and the train itself. Right... Dash, amusingly, has about the same reaction I just did. Strongheart says they just wanted the tree, and we have an odd segue into that the Appeloosans planted trees all over their traditional stampeding grounds.

We're introduced to Chief Thunderhooves, a bit of a droner. Admittedly it's funny seeing even the other buffalo starting to nod off. We learn they run the path every year, but with the trees there, they can't run the trail. Dash harrumphs. Literally, too. The buffalo are stuck there. Dash suddenly hops up, turns around, strikes a menacing pose... and agrees with them. Wait, what? They've got some apple-picking Appeloosans to talk to!

Did I miss something, here? Is her head injury worse than before?

Back at Appeloosa the others are getting ready for a rescue mission. Rarity's saddlebags are tightened by Applejack with a "Gently, please!" that sends out all kinds of wrong signals. They gallop off for a long hike into buffalo territory... and find the three just outside of town. Episode's over? Good! Fluttershy tackles Pinkie and sets the Shipping Wars ablaze anew. Twilight asks how they escaped, and Strongheart pops out from behind a rock. Dash promised them a chance to talk. Applejack is... none too pleased. Dash says Strongheart's got info about why the trees have to be moved, and Braeburn does seem to be receptive to the info. Applejack says Braeburns' got info on why the apple trees have to stay. And Strongheart is receptive to that. And if Applejack and Dash can keep their traps shut for five effin' seconds we might end this episode early, but they basically eat the idiot balls and argue like friggin' morons. Twilight says they both have good reasons to use the land. To be honest, I am more on the buffalo's side here. They were there first and the settler ponies have been there for barely a year. Pinkie pops up with an idea, and her and the idea crash to earth.

We cut to the ponies and buffalo gathered in front of a stage. Ho, boy. Pinkie emerges from a clamshell all done up like Miss Kitty and we get a musical number. We gotta share, we gotta care. It's bad, but intentionally bad methinks. Legit awesome moment when both Silverstar and Thunderhooves agree how bad it was. It's pretty cheesy and I am watching with the mute button on. Thunderhooves declares they stampede at high noon tomorrow, and if the orchard's there, they'll flatten it and the town. Silverstar says to bring your best. The buffalo and ponies run off to prepare while Pinkie laments.

We cut to the Appeloosans getting ready and Applejack saying a storm's a brewin' here. Listen, Applejack. You kinda stoked those winds with your attitude and actions. They go around to try and 'talk some sense' into everyone, but no go. Not that I can exactly blame the townsfolk at this point. They buck down apples and bake pies with them. They raise a flag and cheer. Over with the buffalo, they're butting heads, sharpening horns a'la Looney Tunes and putting on war paint.

Noon tomorrow the buffalo ready themselves, and the Appeloosans do as well. The clock tower chimes, but no De Lorean. Standoff. Strongheart puts one tiny paw on Thunderhooves' cheek, and he relents! Yay! But then Pinkie Pie starts singing again, and STAMPEDE! She does some crowd surfing as the settlers ready... pies. And they halt some of the buffalo. Pony what?! Carrot Top does a bit of bronco bucking with one of them, and there is a legit good bit with an anvil being hidden in a hay bale. But still, pies? One buffalo's hit and then veers right into the clock tower, which crumbles. Thunderhooves charges Silverstar with friggin' engine noises. A p;ie comes out of nowhere and hits him. Everyone acts sad... for some reason. He's clearly not dead, since no one else was killed by the pies. Also, what about the others hit with pies? Ugh! Some of the pie slides down into his mouth... and he decides it's delicious!

We cut to a path being cut in the orchards. The buffalo stampede through, and will allow the trees to stay for a share of the apples/pies. Spike prefers the turquoise, and we see a semi-creepy shot of Applejack and Bloomberg. Twilight gives the Aesop anout sharing and caring, Pinkie complains that that's she said, and end.

Ugh. This episode is pretty bad all-around. The Mane Six, Applejack and Dash specifically, carry huge idiot balls and make the situation worse. It's also a pretty insulting oversimplification/generalization of the conflict between Native Americans and settlers. Hell, Rawhide did a better job at this and it was made in the 50's/60's! The pie fight broke my SOD in a bad way, as well as Thunderhooves'... whatever the hell that was.

Overall, I am sailing past this one.

Appeloosa is to the south of Equestria proper. That's it.

I hope no one's surprised I have a buffalo Transformer by now. ;)
To be fair, Rainbow Dash does have brain damage.
What do goddesses need a Starship for? [/Kirking]
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I personally subscribe to the theory that Equestria's sun and moon are smaller than the planet they orbit, like how it is with Mirrodin. Equestria's sun is actually a giant ball of white mana!

Which would actually explain the lack of chaotic weather and seasons in an MtG crossover; since the sun constantly bathes Equestria in white mana, the other colors of mana are suppressed, especially red and black.

Image tax. I like my ponified Magic.
I personally subscribe to the theory that Equestria's sun and moon are smaller than the planet they orbit, like how it is with Mirrodin. Equestria's sun is actually a giant ball of white mana!

Which would actually explain the lack of chaotic weather and seasons in an MtG crossover; since the sun constantly bathes Equestria in white mana, the other colors of mana are suppressed, especially red and black.

Image tax. I like my ponified Magic.
I prefer the theory that the moon/sun are simply more magically reactive than normal objects because of their significance to ponydom, kind of like the Elements. Still takes a large amount of Starswirls or Celestia levels of magic like Twilight and Rainbow Dash have.
To be fair, Rainbow Dash does have brain damage.
Yes, Dash has some excuse. The others, not really.

So, I hope you all had a happy new year. May 2015 be better for you than 2015, too. :)

Okay, ready for some lame 'who' jokes? Good! Because...

Owl's Well that Ends Well
Hmm, Shakespeare, maybe? Nah!

We open on Golden Oaks, and it's late in the afternoon. There's a meteor shower tonight, hopefully no colony drops though. Fun fact, the only Gundam series I've ever seen in its entirety was G Gundam. I own a lot of toys from it. Spike is getting ready for the shower, showing off a bit. No Boasting, though. ;) It happens every one hundred years. Spike put the punch into a container with a tight lid, dude. Also, he's pretty good here. Remember that for 'Spike at your Service'. it's gonna hurt. Twilight asks for stuff, and it's all check. He's even got stuff she didn't ask for. She praises him and now he wants some more praise. Ohhai Great and Powerful Spike! :p But she forgot an astronomy book with alliteration of A in the title. It's a book on stars, moons and universe. 42 pages, perhaps? Spike goes to get it. He brushes off some dust, and we know what comes next. He fights off the sneeze, opens it... and green flame torches the thing. Wait, green flame? Did Celestia get some pages in her mail? He puts the book back and climbs down. Ooh, Spike. Not cool dude. Understandable, but still not cool.

After the credits it's night and ponies are gathering to see the shower. And Spike lied about the book. He then butters Twilight up saying she doesn't need it. Spike, you got a little brown on your nose there, bub. :p He sets up the spread, and Dash says Twilight's lucky to have such a great assistant. She wishes she had someone like that, and Scootaloo, standing there, says she'll do whatever Dash wants. Yeah, that's creepy. Dash tosses her an apple core and Scootaloo goes to add it to her shrine. Dash, you really are a jerkass in season one. Just saying. Rarity praises him and even for me, a Spike fan, it gets a little much. Rarity has a bow tie for him that looks like it's decorated with M&M's. Then thankfully the show starts. Sweetie Belle's on rarity's back, Apple Bloom on Applejack's and Spike on Twilight's. Scootaloo is not on Dash's. And the meteor shower's quite lovely. :) Spike Yawns, too. Epic foreshadowing! Later on, Twilight asks for some punch, and we see Spike curled up in the punch bowl. It's actually something of a callback to him and the lampshade in the premiere. And Pinkie says the punch has been... Spiked!


Back at Golden Oaks, Spike is tucked in. Twilight writes a bit in what appears to be a journal about some forgotten lore. Suddenly, there's some rattling. Is it the Lost Lenore? A shadow swoops by, who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of ponies! The door, not latched, opens and the scrolls fly out! Twilight says it's a job for Spike, but he's not awake. What, you can't go out and get some scrolls yourself, Twilight? She looks back to the table and sees an owl, scroll in beak. She thanks him and asks if he wants to stay inside, since it's so cold tonight. He hoots and hops inside.

The morning comes and Spike bolts out of bed. He overslept! He rushes down, full of apologies and promises to work. And now I'm a little skeevy about Spike's relationship to Twilight. But more on that later. Twilight says it's okay, because... okay, I'm just gonna call him 'Owly'. That's it. Anyway, Owly did them for Spike. He's the new junior assistant, so Spike won't be so tired all the time. That's really skeevy. Spike asks why they need him and there's a number of warning bells going off here. He goes down to the library part and Owly's head pulls an Exorcist, or a natural owl's head movement. Spike introduces himself and we get the 'hoot/who' joke. We all know it. It got annoying really fast and made whoever participated in it look dumber than a sack of hammers. So instead...

Who's on first? What's on second and I don't Know's on third!

Spike says Owly's number 'two'. Okay, nice little slip under the radar. :D He leaves and says he won't let Owly have his job, if it's the last thing he does! And we pan over to see Owly's eyes light up in the window. We come back from commercial and Spike is reading a book on owls. Owly, you magnificent bastard SPIKE'S READ YOUR BOOK! Down below Owly is getting all sorts of praise. Pinkie is 'whooked'! Nice. :D And Rarity made a tie for him. Spike goes nuclear! They wonder what his problem is and Fluttershy thinks he thinks he'll be replaced. Twilight says that's crazy, and we Gilligan-cut to Spike thinking he'll be replaced. He's gonna step it up! Twilight asks for a book, and Spike goes to get it. But Owly flew up to get it already. When? We never saw him over there, and Spike would've saw it, too. She needs another book, and Owly pulls it from the stack Spike's standing on. Not cool, Owly! Later on, her last quill broke. Hasbroverse Twilight loves ball-point pens, btw. :p Spike turns Golden Oaks upside down, even finding Owly in the shower. He goes to Quills and Sofa's, but Davenport's out of quills! He goes to Pinkie Pie, but nope. She has a quince, which IIRC is poisonous to RL horses! Then again these ponies can puke and eat chocolate, so never mind. We get some other Q-related stuff, but no quills. Spike chases down chickens for their feathers, and I don't think they'd make good quills. Back at Golden Oaks, he gives her the feather... but it turns out Owly gave her a feather.

Twilight, just accept his hard work and take the quill, you ninny!

Spike gets so mad his hand overheats and the feather bursts into flames. He sarcastically wonders if Owly did all the chores. nope, but he falls fast asleep. Twilight says he'll come around. Twilight, you're not really helping all that much, to be honest.

We do a jump scare to him... still on the stairs. twilight, why the hell didn't you take him to his bed?! But it's the burnt book! She confronts him about it and says she's very disappointed in him. Aww. :( He confronts Owly. "Two can play at this game!" And Owly hoots and...

Hey, did you know the Doctor was credited as 'Dr Who' until 1970 and then 'Doctor Who' until 1981, and there's 'Doctor Who and the Silurians'? So don't make fun of the Peter Cushing movies where that's his name. Back then when they were made, the 'canon' of the show would've had trouble filling up a loose-leaf binder!

Spike storms off to stop him and spots a mouse. He becomes Spikely Whiplash, complete with cape, top hat and mustache. Dick Dastardly would be proud. He sneaks into Carousel Boutique and steals one of Opal's toy mice. "So lifelike." Yes, if you've never seen a real mouse before. He's going to frame Owly with it. Spike, how many screws are loose again?! He messes it up and then puts ketchup onto it. It's... actually pretty damned funny, i have to admit. WAY over-the-top, though. He rips open a pillow for a trail of feathers, but backs into Twilight. He runs offscreen, then onscreen sans costume. He tries blaming Owly, but Twilight obviously doesn't buy it. She says this isn't the Spike she knows and loves. She storms off, and Spike thinks she doesn't love him anymore. :(

We come back to Spike run away from home and into the Everfree, saying Twilight hates him. He runs off a litany of problems and asks if it can get any worse. And the sky opens up. He finds a cave, goes inside and it's covered in gems! He dives in and pigs out. We come back to him with his belly stuffed, but the rest of him is still empty. Dang, that's deep. He misses everyone else. It's getting warmer, all of a sudden. And we pan out to see a green dragon, staring at him and kinda pissed. Spike tries to reason with him, but no go. Then he tries to buff himself up, but nope. Then the dragon, to quote YouTube reviewer TJ Omega, reveals himself to be a dragon made of knives. Spike tries to get away, but is quickly cornered.

But Owly for the win! He flies around, distracting the dragon and even confusing him enough to clobber himself in the head with his spiked tail! Spike and Owly run for it and Spike hops onto Twilight, running for it. It's dark, but Owly guides them, leaving a really pissed-off dragon behind and caught up in some underbrush. Outside the Everfree Twilight asks Spike why he left. Spike spills what he thought, and Twilight says he's her friend. She can't ask him to stay up late, since he's a baby dragon. Owls are nocturnal, and Spike can't be replaced. They both apologize, and Spike apologizes to Owly. And one more 'Who' thing.

Who, what, when, where, why and how!

Back at Golden Oaks, Twilight suggests Spike write the letter this time. It's a big responsibility, but one Spike can handle. It's a good lesson, here. But he falls asleep before finishing. And Owly breaks the fourth wall to wink at us.

Not the best episode, IMHO. Not the worst, by far, mind. Spike's attitude and behavior make sense when you remember he's a younging. The 'who' thing got old, fast. I like Owly. Spike to Twilight, though...

Best friends? Brother and sister? Mother and child? Employer and employee? All of the above? Some mixture? It's really odd and undefined throughout the show so far. It's just odd to me and like I said, pretty skeevy.

Good lesson, well-applied to the episode. So, yeah. It's not stand-out, but it's recommended.

the green dragon is an outcast from the Dragon Clans, however, this episode serves as sort of a prequel to the first chapter of my biggest ponyfic, The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds. It's a G1/G4 crossover, and... if I may let my ego show a bit...

I'm actually pretty damned proud of it. I know I'm not the best writer by far, and I've got a metric ton of improvement I can make and will make, but this one? I look at this and say, "I've done well." And to let it show some more... I think it might be one of the best damned inter-generational MLP crossovers written. :D Yeah, I said it. And I mean it, too. ;)

Stooges, party of six, seven counting Ted Healy? Musketeers, party of three? Pinkie Pie...

Party of One
Or two.

We open on Golden Oaks. There's a knock at the door, and it's Pinkie Pie with a singing telegram! She's shot, because they still need to find Mister Boddy's killer. no? No. Ah, damn. No Tim Curry, then! Admit it. Tim Curry as a guest star would be awesome! Anyway, she goes from friend to friend with invites to Gummy's one-year old birthday party! I love her switching between costumes and getting more and more tired throughout it. She finally crawls up to her loft in Sugarcube Corner and decides next time, written invitations. Hah! After the credits, it's party time! And overall it's a good party, barring Gummy in the apple-bobbing barrel. Good thing he has no teeth! Actually for his species that's kinda tragic. Rarity asks if it's the same punch for the 'Spring has Sprung' party. Nope, it's Gummy in it! Well, to be fair to Pinkie, he got in there after Dash chucked him off her face.

It's Pinkie's jam and she dances with Twilight and Fluttershy, butt-bumping them into walls. They dance around Gummy, who acts like... Gummy. We cut to that night from day. The party's over and they say it was a great party. Pinkie is... kinda desperate for the party to continue. The others are desperate to leave. Twilight says they should do this again soon, unfortunately within earshot of Pinkie Pie.

Twilight, you FOOL!

The next morning and twilight is woken up by Pinkie Pie. It's 'soon', so now it's time for Gummy's after-birthday party. It's three o'clock this afternoon, as in this afternoon-this afternoon. We have a running gag for the episode, folks. Hold on tight. Twilight passes, says she's behind on her studies and TK's a mess of book into the middle of the library. Pinkie Pie understands, and tells her to read the books, not hit them. Unless it's post-YJK Star Wars novels, then punch them with a flamethrower! Next is Applejack with three carts of apples! Pinkie pops up with an invitation, but nope. She has to... pick apples! And then sell a deed to the Brooklyn Bridge right after and some oceanfront property in Arizona. From her front porch you can SEE the sea! Points to Pinkie for lampshading the whole 'this afternoon' thing, though. Pinkie... stares into Applejack's soul before she buys it. A party is still a party, if only with three guests! At Carousel boutique, Spike is being taken advantage of by Rarity. Rarity, don't make me have your toys face off with my Transformers. It won't end well for you. He's taking out the garbage and she insults him for his efforts. Rarity, prepare to meet my Unicron's!

Yes, multiple Unicrons. Spike floats up and she pushes him away. She spies Pinkie and compliments her hat. Very modern! Anyway, She must wash her hair! Good lords, is this prom season all of a sudden? Anyway, Pinkie calls her out on it and Rarity dunks her head into the garbage! Rarity, you deserve that. So off the the pegasi and we get the bit with them housesitting. It's quite funny. :D They fly off. Back at Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie ponders the possibilities of all her friends busy. I love that she finds the housesitting bit to be fine. It's the other stuff that's skeevy to her. They're starting to sound like *Gasp* Excuses!

She looks out and spies Twilight entering. "That doesn't look like studying, OR hitting!" She's picking up a cake. Cup Cake is excited, but Twilight shushes her. Pinkie powers a tin-can telephone receiver to listen in on their conversation. She doesn't want Pinkie to know about this, then notices the tin can and pulls on it. Pinkie's hoof goes down the hole, then the thing's yanked down and Twilight's muzzle is... deformed a bit. Rule of funny, and it works. :D We cut to Twilight sneaking about in an obvious manner and Pinkie following her. She slides on some Groucho glasses, to honor the Master. But her cover's been blown, so she needs a new disguise! Twilight, meanwhile, passes the cake to Rarity. They act all obvious outside, and Twilight doesn't think Pinkie saw her. Despite the tin can. She drops the cake off, literally. Rarity sneaks around with the cake in her coiled and coiffed tail a bit, and we see Pinkie with her new disguise. It's a... hay bale. With the Groucho glasses. Okay.

Rarity sneaks over to Fluttershy and Pinkie overhears them glad to have come up with an excuse not to be at the after-birthday party. It's a standard 'poor communication kills' moment where the words sound mean, but the context is actually different. Still, even through the hay bale, Pinkie looks crushed. Fluttershy gets the cake. Pinkie goes to follow her, but hits her face, stumbles out and Fluttershy spots her. She screams, natch, and flies off. Pinkie's really hurt. Dash walks by, sees through the disguise-or realizes Pinkie's the only one to dress up like that-and says hi. But she freaks and flies off. Pinkie gives chase, but unlike Griffin the Brush-Off it's not really funny. Especially Pinkie as the clapper in the school bell! Dash flies to Sweet Apple Acres, Pinkie hot on her hooves. She flies in, and Pinkie bangs on the door. With her muzzle. Ouch...

Applejack opens up the top half of the door and says Pinkie can't come in. Dash went in, though! Applejack lies through her teeth, saying she had 'supplies' for a renovation. She shouts there's lots of construction going on in there! And all of a sudden Hook, Mixmaster, Scrapper, Bonecrusher, Long Haul and Scavenger show up. The ponies inside make construction sounds while Pinkie tries to push her way in by butting against Applejack's muzzle and I'm kinda surprised I've never read about her and Applejack kissing here or something. :D Applejack pushes her out and Pinkie Pie says "Okey, dokey, lokey" really menacingly this time around. One more muzzle bump and she stalks off. the others inside breathe a sigh of relief.

We cut to Pinkie really pissed off about secrets and lies. She knows who to put the screws to. It's Spike. She's got a gem banquet for him, and then here comes the Jack Bauer interrogation. Fun fact, this oftentimes doesn't work. She tells Spike to talk, and he, not realizing how around the bend she is, says it's a great day. No, talk about their friends. According to Spike, Twilight is good with magic but a real brainiac, Rarity is a total knockout and Twilight doesn't think Spike has a chance with her. Fluttershy's afraid of heights. What's up with that. Pinkie snaps and forces him to 'confess', and he does! He spilled juice over one of Twilight's books, used up all the hot water yesterday in a seven-hour bubblebath, and does 'looking real good, Spike!' in the mirror.

Even Pinkie is skeeved out by that last one, but she snaps out of it and into her 'mood'. She tells Spike to tell her that her friends are avoiding her because they don't like her parties. He says that, she feels triumph for a split-second... and then her mane and tail deflates. Ohhai, Pinkamina! Spike asks for the gems and she obliges. And the little background music is sad. :( Excuse me, I must hug Pinkie Pie now.

We come back to... the party. You know, Rocky, Madame Le Flour, Mister Turnip and Sir Lintsalot. It is genuinely disturbing. Pinkie does all the voices, spasms and moves them around. The worst part for me is when the inanimate objects begin speaking by themselves, convince her the others are jerks... and then we snap back to reality and see it all in her mind. There's a knock at the door, and it's Dash, thank Primus! She apologizes for earlier, but is quickly squicked out by the tea party from Hell. She says for Pinkie to come over to Sweet Apple Acres, but nope. Pinkie's spending time with her friends! Good lord that's wrong in this context...

Gummy bounces by on a balloon and Dash says they should get outta creepytown. Should they go to Funkytown? Pinkie shoves the turnip bucket, then the pile of rocks in front of Dash. Dash gets sucked in for a moment before snapping back to reality, flying over and pushing Pinkie Pie by headbutting her... butt. Pinkie lets her rear end rise before slamming it onto Dash's head. Dash decides to do it the hard way and drags Pinkie by the tail all the way to Sweet Apple Acres, Gummy along for the ride.

Inside it's a surprise party! Fluttershy thought she'd be more excited and Pinkie rips into them. She thinks it's her farewell party, because they don't like her anymore!Q Applejack is confused and asks why she'd think that, and she tells them about them avoiding and lying to her all day. Nope. Turns out? This is Pinkie's birthday party! She looks around, spots a pile of presents, a banner and a cake with her picture on it saying, "Happy birthday Pinkie Pie." We zoom in on her, and Pinkie Pie's back!

She pulls them all in for a hug and they breathe a sigh of relief. She hangs her head and asks herself how she could've doubted them. Aww. :) Twilight says it's alright. "It could've happened to any of us." If you mean the mind-breaking, oh yeah! Dash is glad she wasn't replaced by a bucket of turnips. When Twilight goes, "Huh?" "You don't wanna know."

Applejack kicks it into party time and we get my favorite background music. Twilight writes a letter while doing a conga line with the others, sorta like how Kirk can write his Captain's Log while in mortal peril on an alien world. Also, Spike's there. This is before the main 'screwing him over' kicks in, methinks. And for as the brick joke, Pinkie asks if they can have Gummy's after-birthday party now, since it was cut short. He gnaws on a balloon, and end credits.

Ho, boy. How... what do I say about this one? Is it great? Yeah. I still can't believe they did this one. I'm glad they did, mind. But taking the Party Pony and showing her hidden side took guts to do. To show Pinkie like this was just... I'm not sure I have the words. Or if I did they've already been said before by people for more articulate than I.

Pinkie... this is one of those episodes I look to for confirmation that Pinkie is not my least-favorite character and how good she can be. When she was Pinkamina I wanted to go through the fourth wall, hug her and get her some therapy. And no, I am NOT joking about that last bit. She needs some help. Her entire life and validation of said life is around parties and making others happy. If she's not doing it, she feels like nothing. I know most of you reading this either on or fimfic will think I'm wrong, but she really does at least need someone to talk to. Therapy saved my life, at least.

I think the others took the surprise party a bit too far. Mileage varies on that, but personally, seeing Pinkie there I would've spilled the beans.

So overall intense, awesome episode. Tune in tomorrow for the season-one finale, as I ask the question, "What did the rest of the Gala attendees do to deserve having their party ruined?" And the answer probably is, "Nothing. Aside from Blueblood they're really not bad ponies at all, and I personally would've preferred the Gala like it was."

Not really much of anything that hasn't been covered already, sorry.
