Requisite pony thread (No creepers)

Spike sends it off, but really quickly gets a letter back. She's got tickets for everyone! And asks why she didn't say so in the first place. I will... be getting back to this in about a minute. They take Twilight to dinner, who must be starving. Spike's sad he has no ticket, but Celestia sends him one! YAY!!!! And pan up to Canterlot.

If I recall correctly, there was a recent fic on FIMFiction that had an explanation for this: when Princess Celestia gets her first letter from Twilight at the end of Ticket Master, she was overjoyed that Twilight managed to make not just one but six friends, and wrote a lengthly heartfelt and emotional letter back... but decided against sending it, believing it "a little bit too much", and instead sent the more consise letter that we saw in the episode. She also quickly sent a letter to Spike once she remembered that she forgot about him too.

Damned if I can't find the fic again, though...
If you're referring to the Journal that was published, never read it and probably never will. Also, we saw the end of that whole kerfulffle in a flashback of dubious and deus ex machina origins.

Which is again, something I've never read and probably never will. By the show, manticores are big puppy dogs when not influenced by Nightmare Moon.
I'm not telling you 'the cannon has answered your questions, educate yourself, peon!', I keep bringing up the Journal because it's a semi-cannon source full of neat ideas.

I say the book is embellished because of the order in which it describes things happening. Luna refused to lower the moon one night, then Celestia tried to reason with her. It has to either be incorrect in that there was a longer period of conflict with Luna being more and more resistant to ending the night, or in that there was a lot less reasoning than implied.

And Blueblood is Celestia's nephew. Interpret that as you will. I might share my own fanon on that.
Do tell. Assuming it's not the one of the usual fanons '52 times removed nephew' word of Faust and 'not really related, just unicorn royalty'.
"Oatmeal, are you crazy?!" line. Yeah, no idea either.
I like the interpretation that she was talking about a pony named Oatmeal.
If I recall correctly, there was a recent fic on FIMFiction that had an explanation for this: when Princess Celestia gets her first letter from Twilight at the end of Ticket Master, she was overjoyed that Twilight managed to make not just one but six friends, and wrote a lengthly heartfelt and emotional letter back... but decided against sending it, believing it "a little bit too much", and instead sent the more consise letter that we saw in the episode. She also quickly sent a letter to Spike once she remembered that she forgot about him too.

Damned if I can't find the fic again, though...
Friendly Correspondence
If I recall correctly, there was a recent fic on FIMFiction that had an explanation for this: when Princess Celestia gets her first letter from Twilight at the end of Ticket Master, she was overjoyed that Twilight managed to make not just one but six friends, and wrote a lengthly heartfelt and emotional letter back... but decided against sending it, believing it "a little bit too much", and instead sent the more consise letter that we saw in the episode. She also quickly sent a letter to Spike once she remembered that she forgot about him too.

Damned if I can't find the fic again, though...
I'm not entirely sure it needed an explanation, but you're right. It was a good fic. :)

I'm not telling you 'the cannon has answered your questions, educate yourself, peon!', I keep bringing up the Journal because it's a semi-cannon source full of neat ideas.
Fair enough. Sorry. It's just one thing I'm not fond of is when you need supplementary material or the main story doesn't make any sense.

Do tell. Assuming it's not the one of the usual fanons '52 times removed nephew' word of Faust and 'not really related, just unicorn royalty'.
Actually... it is they're not blood-related. He's the descendant of the unicorn royal family from proto-Canterlot, including Princess Platinum. It's kinda complex and ties into my whole 'G1 is the past of G4'.

Applebuck Season
We pan across Sweet Apple Acres, all the trees dotted with little dots that represent apples in the flash program. ;) Applejack and Big Mac are surveying it, but Big Mac is injured! oh, noes! He tells Applejack to get help, but she says no. He insists she's the loyalest and most dependable of ponies! ... Which doesn't actually mean much when it comes to applebucking, and she's still one pony. But that math's too fancy! Applejack... she swears to get all the apples, all by herself. We then see her swallow and perhaps have second thoughts?

Cue credits! Cue me hitting the 'skip scene' button!

Applejack gets ready, saying the apples won't fall off by themselves. And... one does. Okay, that was perfect timing. :D The ground shakes... wait, Godzilla comes out Friday! Oh, dear god in heaven Equestria is... nope. We cut to Ponyville and Dash in the air. It's a stampede of cows! I... don't think I have any toys of cows or Transformers that turn into cows! Oh, well. Everyone panics except... Pinkie Pie. She's bouncing along and okay, I laughed. :D This makes my voice sound silly..." Dammit, season-one Pinkie Pie! Why must you be so awesome?! Twilight tells her to run while Mayor Mare... makes a speech.

Yeah, not gonna lie. I'm not a big fan of Mayor Mare. But Dash points out Applejack and the first appearance of Winona! they begin herding the cows away. Also, Pinkie Pie has popcorn. Twilight makes a face and I laugh. Again. They maneuver the herd away in a legit cool sequence. And the cows talk. With a Minnesotan accent, doncha know. Oh, and Pinkie Pie has an apple banner. Because. Turns out Mooriella, at least according to the closed captions, saw a snake. Applejack understands, but tells them to steer clear of Ponyville.

Applejack does a pose on a hill with sunlit background... even though it doesn't make sense for it to be like that. Celestia, that you? Pinkie Pie does a buck or two. And Mayor Mare and the rest decide to have a party to thank Applejack for saving the town. We do a time-skip to a week later, with the party all set up. There's even a nice banner. But on one's seen her all week. Twilight readies a speech with a lot of small index cards. I think there's a sentence each. Dash interrupts her and scatters the cards. We learn Applejack will help her with a new trick. Twilight tries again, but Pinkie interrupts with news Applejack will be helping her with running Sugarcube Corner for the first time. This... calls into question what she does there, but I'll let it slide. And it turns out... she had to think about what it had to do with Applejack. Free samples! Twilight tries again, but third time is not the charm as Fluttershy interrupts and tells everyone that Applejack will be helping with the bunny census. The official census, mind. Twilight tries one. More. Time. But then Mayor Mare interrupts, Twilight loses it, flings the cards everywhere and Mayor Mare just lost two votes.

Well, she never had mine.

We see the 'Prized Pony of Ponyville' Award. Mayor Mare introduces Applejack but... nothing. Spike goes on a tad too long. And then Applejack shows up, stumbling a bit and... damn. She is so sleep-deprived. She and Pinkie Pie look into the trophy and the abyss stares back. Twilight presents it and Applejack is out on her hooves. She drags it off and dead silence descends. She is "Tired", "dizzy" and "mess", according to Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity. Pinkie Pie says she seems fine. Twilight's worried.

We cut to Applejack and her bucking the trees. And yeah. She starts missing. Twilight spots her, and by the by, Applejack whinnying while snoring shouldn't be this cute. Yet, it is. Twilight 'ports over and asks what's going on. Applejack exposits that this is harvesting time, and that Big Mac is injured. And...

Twilight asks about the relatives she saw when she first came to Ponyville, but they were just here for the reunion. They've got their own work. So that means...

WE HAVE A CLOSED PLOT HOLE, PEOPLE! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! *Goes and hides under the laundry hamper* Save yourself!!!!!

Okay, seriously? That's awesome. They didn't have to explain that, but they did. Show, kudos. You earned them.

Anyway, Applejack tries to tell twilight to go away, but Twilight notes how insanely overtired she is. She's now missing the trees. Twilight offers help, but Applejack refuses and is now punch drunk. We fade to Dash standing on top of a fence post. Applejack comes over to help with the trick. We see a seesaw and a diving tower next to it. Dash is gonna stand on one end of it, and Applejack will dive off of the tower to launch Dash into the air for added speed. She'll do all sorts of flips and spins, with helpful John Madden drawings over the sky.

Ah, remember the days she needed this sort of help?

Applejack points out the danger, but to Dash's credit she reminds her she can fly. Applejack gets up there. And we have a montage of her missing. Dash is miffed, and Applejack presses down on her end. She lets go, but Dash wasn't aware and gets knocked for a mild loop. Applejack climbs up, Dash isn't ready and...

Godspeed, John Glenn!

We cut to Twilight sitting in the most adorable manner and using the tip of her nose to turn the page. The cutes, they kill! Dash crashes there and Twilight figures it's Applejack. Back at Sweet Apple Acres and Applejack gives herself a mild concussion from hitting a branch. As someone who's hit his head a not-small number of times, she has my sympathy and hugs. Her hearing gets all shot. Apparently bees might be able to squawk, she also grows beans and celery, and there's a zoo nearby. God, this is funny, but due to RL experience a bit wince-inducing. Oh, and she doesn't like seaweed. But she knows what kelp is. And she knocks herself even sillier than G1 Applejack.

She refuses Twilight's help and we see the Cakes'! Their names are Carrot and Cup Cake, for the record. And Carrot Cake has a lantern jaw of extreme justice! They're a bit nervous about leaving Pinkie Pie in charge. Oh, come on. What's the worst that can happen? *Evil smile* Pinkie Pie points out she's got Applejack for help. They head for the kitchen and it's time for the infamous Baked Bads. Man, Pinkie Pie through Applejack-vision is even weirder than normal. So, we have potato chips, soda pop, lemons, and... earthworms. Pinkie Pie, don't pull a Twilight Sparkle. look to your right, for Megan's sake! Ugh...

So they're giving out the muffins. Ditzy's there and says her famous 'muffins!' line. And my stomach is churning at the moment. Did I mention I have a Bachelor's in Culinary Arts? Because ye gods. *Shudder* Twilight shows up to an emergency tent with Nurse Redheart and we see a bunch of sick ponies. Redhearts says it was a mishap. "No, not baked goods. Baked bads." And methinks Equestrian equines can vomit. Spike picks one up, eats it and my headcanon is he has no taste buds/a carbon neutronium-lined stomach.

Do you guys wanna hear my headcanon with stuff?[/legit]

Twilight realizes it's Applejack and she gets stuck, and falls asleep. Twilight confronts her and Applejack is... dear god it's pathetic. she tries bucking another empty tree. Applejack is just plain hardheaded. And she's as stubborn as a mule. No offense. None taken! We go to the final task, the bunny census. Fluttershy asks for the bunnies to be treated gently, but Applejack and Winona go all psycho on them. They get all corralled into the center, get scared and then burst free. We get a repeat of the cows, except bunnies. And no Applejack to stop them. It's the cutest Night of the Lupus ever! Lily faints. I think. May be another of the Flower Trio. Twilight and Spike arrive and we see all three of them. "The horror, the horror!" Twilight doesn't get it. Don't worry. Neither do I. Well, okay. their gardens and flowers were all eaten. And we see the bunnies and poor Fluttershy trying to stop them. Twilight is pissed.

Back to Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight confronts her with some impressive alliteration. But Applejack is finished! She's bucked the entire crop. Except... Big Mac points out approximately half of the trees not even touched. Applejack loses it and faints. And she sees reason, saying she'll accept help. Twilight is relieved. And so am I.

A-Team montage of the harvesting! Fluttershy stares up at the trees and the apples fall by themselves. Stare .5 Beta version? Applejack gives them juice and her thanks. She apologizes, and it's nice. And Spike has the Baked Bads. He fished them out of the trash. Ugh!


Well, our first focus episode! And it's on Applejack. It's very interesting that they show her strengths, but also how they can be her weaknesses. She's loyal and dependable, but has trouble asking for help. I like them explaining about the family seen in the pilot. They didn't have to do that, but they did. Good on them. A number of laughs, some cringing in the right places, too. Not much more I think I can say on this.

So, uh, yeah... you know how cameos keep happening in the FiM from other series with them being ponified?

Add Kill la Kill to that list...
First off, a little mood music...

EXCELLENT!!!! *Flashes devil horns*

Griffin the Brush-Off

We open with Pinkie... having a spazz attack. No, she's describing some stunt Dash did.Twilight is ignoring her, reading a book. Smart, Twilight. Some people think this describes the events of 'Sonic Rainboom. I do not because for me, unless there's firm evidence, I take episodes in order as aired. And she falls back. And I laugh. She spots Dash and gives chase, much to Twilight's relief. Dash spots her and is most perturbed. She flies off, but Pinkie gives chase. Dash... I'm right there with you. And she flies into a mountain. Which is what Pinkie Pie was trying to warn her about. Cue sad trombone!

Then cue opening credits, then cue the 'skip' button! Wait, where'd the mountain come from?! Back to thew show and Pinkie's bouncing along. Dash is napping, and stuffs clouds into her ears. As someone who has problems with wax buildup so I have to go get them literally hosed out every three months, this makes me cringe a bit. She now burrows into the cloud. Twilight points her out and Dash zooms off while Pinkie Pie is pewtastic. It's a sight gag here, folks. Funny, though. Wash, rinse and repeat for a bit. Fortunately they cut it out before it gets old. Dash gives up and it turns out Pinkie needs a favor. It'll be fun!

We cut to Pinkie Pie directing Dash to move a cloud in front of City Hall . How do you move it leftish while staying righty? The world will never know. Now up and down. Dash loses it, and Pinkie gets the hint. Oh, Pinkie Pie. Why couldn't you get the hint more often in later seasons? Inside we see Spike getting scrolls and humming the theme. Pinkie signals, Dash kicks the cloud, Spike gets scared and begins hiccuping! Both mares laugh and... I gotta chuckle, too. Spike takes it in good humor, and then begins belching green flame. They ask if he's hurt, but he's not. So they laugh some more while he sends scrolls to Celestia. She gets buried and I laugh. Dash kicks the cloud and now Pinkie gets hiccups. She takes it in good stride and the two bond over pranking.

We also learn Dash thought Pinkie was annoying, which drives my headcanon that before Twilight, some of the Mane Six might've been friends, but not all of them. Hell, it's my opinion that Applejack and Rarity outright detested each other. They hang out as the hiccups propel Pinkie. We have a brief montage of them doing pranks. A bouquet of flowers for rarity, laced with sneezing powder. Backfires on Pinkie, though. Invisible ink on Twilight! And... somehow she heard them way outdoors through a closed window. I must remember that for the next episode... Over to Sweet Apple Acres and it's Zap Apple season! No, it's apples painted with water-soluble paint. And then...

To Fluttershy, and a squirting turtle. Except Pinkie says no. She's too sensitive. And Dash gets it. Remember this for next season, folks! It's gonna hurt like hell. ANyway, Dash thinks they need a new victim. Pinkie's got one in mind as Dash gets the old 'soot around the eye' gag. We also see Fluttershy playing with the toy and just being all, "Huh?"

You know, normally I'm not too fond of pranks, but these ones aren't too bad. They're pretty much harmless, and when they backfire the prankers can laugh at themselves. Good show! And good, show.

The next morning Pinkie is all pranked-out. Weird glasses, arrow-through-skull cap and a noisemaker. She goes to Dash's house, and I think this is the first we see of her palatial estate. Seriously, thing looks awesome! But...

Gilda rears her head as we get a guitar string.

DUUUUUUDEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! like totally gnarly, man! Dash introduces her, and Gilda is a bit standoffish already. Pinkie asks what a griffin is, and it's the classic eagle/lion mixture. And she's 'all awesome'. Oh, this is so 90's Toad the Wet Sprocket's gonna reform. Or maybe Frog the Dry Widget? They do a hoof/claw bump and we learn they met in Junior Speedster Flight Camp. Dash talks her into doing the speedsters chant, and it's a legit cute moment. Gilda thinks it's lame, but, "Only for you, Dash." Gilda's a bit... not too enthused.

Pinkie somehow gets her gear, which had fallen off, back on by hitting it with her head. Okay... Gilda likes pranks, but she said Dash promised her a flight and they fly off, leaving Pinkie in the dust. It's... kinda sad for her, but at the same time old childhood friend who, as of now, hasn't shown any of her future nastiness. We cut to the pair zooming around and having fun. And then... Pinkie's on a trampoline, flying up into the cloudbank they're on. She's so random! Gilda goads Dash into a race away from Pinkie. But she's got balloons! And she floats over. And we all float on okay, and we all float on anyway! Gilda's getting steamed. And honestly... I'm kinda on her side.

Not because it's Pinkie, but seeing an old friend after a long time and no real clue when she'll see her again? Then again she could 'share' Dash, for lack of a better term and let Pinkie hang out. I dunno. But, "Last one to that cloud up there is a gnarly dragon egg." Oh, Nineties Kid! She's the one for you! She lets Dash fly off and then... pops the balloons! Okay, Gilda? NOT COOL! A simple talk would've sufficed. And then Pinkie... has a gyrocopter. I own the toy this is based off of, actually. Well, sort of based off of. And no, I don't think Pinkie has one 'because she's Pinkie Pie'. :p Gilda asks Dash if she's got any new moves in her 'tricktionary' or if she's '100% old school'. And dear lord I must now put on a baseball hat backwards and cross my arms while leaning back. And no, I can't take a picture of it at the moment. Dash takes off and Gilda finally chews Pinkie out. But it's pretty damned harsh. It's not, "This is an old friend and I wanna hang with her!" It's, "You're a loser and I'm infinitely cooler than you!" She sends the copter into a spin and I am booing. More guitar riffs.

At Golden Oaks, Twilight is doubtful. We also learn Pinkie's never met a griffin... yet is a lot more accepting of her than Zecora. Not adding up, folks. Twilight thinks Pinkie's jealous. "Pink with envy", according to Spike. Twilight says that Pinkie might have to improve her attitude and... mark this down, I think she's wrong and Pinkie, while butting in a bit too much, wasn't acting too much in the wrong. Admittedly I have my omniscient-viewer's thing going on, so mileage varies. But Pinkie... storms off. She walks off, but actually reflects and thinks that she might be in the wrong!

Good lord, Pinkie Pie! You're being mature, thoughtful of others and reflective! I just... where did you go?

At main Street, or I think of it as Main Street, the two fly in. Dash has some work to do and tells Gilda to hang out. And we get this semi-infamous scene. Gilda decides to chow down. And she... uses her tail to prank Granny Smith into thinking it's a rattler. Pinkie Pie gets that this sort of joke wasn't funny. She tries to handwave it, though. Then Gilda commits what I believe to be petty larceny by stealing an apple. Hmm, not sure if it's a misdemeanor or felony. Pinkie Pie... tries to pass it off as she'll give it back. After eating it. Head. meet desk. And now...

We see Fluttershy escorting a duck family through the street. Gilda, seeing the group in full view walks right into her. Oh, fuck you, Gilda. Fuck. You. And Fluttershy runs off, crying. And I am pissed. Pinkie decides Gilda needs extreme measure, Pinkie Pie Style!

So she... throws a party for her. Twilight asks Fluttershy what Gilda's like, and Fluttershy's repressed rage gets more repressed. She asks Pinkie if it's a good idea, and we learn that Fluttershy's a year older than her. Gilda arrives and Pinkie hope she'll feel welcome. And we get a joy buzzer gag. I have... never actually been subject to one of those, thank goodness. Gilda's about to snap, but Dash thinks it's a riot, so Gilda joins in. Gilda threatens Pinkie, but Pinkie... doesn't get it too well. They cheer Gilda on and...

Lemon drops, except they're spicy enough to roast marshmallows on. So punch... except it's a dribble glass that gets all over her feathers. Gilda's not too pleased. Dash points out presents and it's snakes in a can! I am sick of these motherbucking snakes in this motherbucking can!

You knew I was going there. You. Knew. :D

Gilda blames Pinkie, but it wasn't. Now for the cake. Gilda tries blowing out the candles, but they're trick candles. This one I have had played on me. Pinkie is... really playing it up and being so fake oblivious it kinda hurts. Spike has also tunneled his way through the cake. Dash, methinks, sees that Gilda's a bit upset. And Gilda pulls Pinkie through the cake and is semi-strangling her. She says she's watching her like a hawk. "Can't you watch me like a griffin?" And Applejack has 'pin the tail on the pony' game. She's blindfolded, spun around and Pinkie tries to help her. But Gilda says no way, walks in the opposite direction, slips on some cake and slides into a door.

Okay, I'm not fond of Gilda, and she's a pretty big jerk, but this is getting ridiculous.

Pinkie says she pinned the tail on the wrong end and Gilda loses it. She roars and chews everyone out. They're all lame and losers, with weak pranks. Except Dash. She tells Dash they're leaving, but it turns out it was Dash who set up all the pranks. Ooh, not good. Gilda trys backtracking and Dash isn't pleased. And it turns out Pinkie set up the party to improve her attitude. Dash gives her the riot act and I am... feeling kinda sorry for Gilda. Dash didn't think this was how her old friend would treat her new friends. She says Gilda should go find some new friends, and Gilda bails. She says for Dash to give her a call. Existence of phones!

Dash apologizes. She didn't know she'd be so rude, and apologizes to Pinkie Pie. Then they both shake and buzz each other. We get the moral and even Twilight apologizes. They continue the party while Twilight does a Captain's Log with her friendship lesson, and it turns out someone slipped Celestia some disappearing ink. Hah! :D Or... maybe that's from Celestia's private prank pile? :p


Ah, Gilda. It's weird. On the one hand, with little prodding, she's a Grade-Z asshole. Witness her in Main Street, or with Pinkie earlier. Now... here's the thing. Yes, Pinkie was being a bit pushy, but Gilda, instead of explaining herself, insulted Pinkie and tried to cause grievous bodily harm. The way Pinkie was acting, if Gilda had said, "I understand you're friend, but I don't know when I'll be by this way again. Could you please give us some space?" I think Pinkie would've left her alone. I really, really do.

But the party... *Sigh* Gilda gets five pranks in a row and then slides into a door. She's humiliated at this party and I honestly can't blame her too much for lashing out. But then she blows off her lifelong friend and it's just very uneasy.

In the end I actually feel a bit sorry for Gilda. Yes, she's a massive jerkass who commits petty crimes, but in the end because of a misunderstanding she loses a lifelong friend.

Gilda is a griffin. We later learn that she's not an asshole because she's a griffin, but she's an asshole because she's Gilda. My own headcanon concerning griffins is formed by the Hasbroverse, my own extremely tiny corner of the fandom. ;) In it, there's a sizeable griffin population living in Equestria, but a larger Griffin Empire to the north. This was formed before any maps, mind. ;)

Also, I believe Rainbow Dash eats jerky and gained a liking of it through Gilda. And none of her friends are weirded out by it.

Tomorrow is the first really 'controversial' episode of the show, Boast Busters. For the record, I've seen this episode about 30 times or so. Spoilers-I side with Trixie and would love to shout, "Down in front!" to those rude jerks. And I don't think anything's changing my mind on that.

It's just one thing I'm not fond of is when you need supplementary material or the main story doesn't make any sense.
There are no plotholes! Everything is explained in the side stories!
Actually... it is they're not blood-related. He's the descendant of the unicorn royal family from proto-Canterlot, including Princess Platinum. It's kinda complex and ties into my whole 'G1 is the past of G4'.
In the Journal Platinum's father King Bullion had a semi-independent (Celestia was still his poss) kingdom within Equestria analogous to the Crystal Empire which was probably in Canterlot because in the comics, Canterlot already existed pre-Nightmare Moon and had a royal palace with Star Swirl's laboratory under it. So after NMM, Celestia moved out of her own place, and into the Unicorn royal palace... The tragedy with Luna must have driven Celestia into the arms of Princess Platinum, their marriage allowing the descendants of unicorn royalty to call themselves "nieces" and "nephews" of Celestia! It all fits!

Anyway, my headcanon for Blueblood ranges from "don't care enough to remember he exists" to "rich playboy named Prince, because funny". I have some appreciation for the idea of Cadance and Blues being cousins/siblings, even if it isn't really compatible with Cadance's backstory. Or is it?
Spike picks one up, eats it and my headcanon is he has no taste buds/a carbon neutronium-lined stomach.

Do you guys wanna hear my headcanon with stuff?[/legit]
No one's theory has yet been able to challenge my idea that Equestian dragons are rock-based lifeforms just like Discworld trolls.
And she's as stubborn as a mule. No offense. None taken!
Ah, the old jokes that made Season 1 Ponyville look like deeply racist place.

Y'know what, I'll get back to you about Gilda. It was getting a bit long and I might go ahead and do a review of my own tomorrow.
*Readies bomb shelter* This one isn't gonna be pretty...

Okay, it's time to make the music, it's time to light the light. It's time to raise the curtain on the Trixie Show tonight!

But one thing first...

I've seen Boast Busters close to thirty times or so. My view on things... really isn't gonna change, and will probably be solidified by this review. If you see it differently, that's fine. I shall agree to disagree with you if you do. But pretty much barring an act of Primus, there's little anyone's gonna say to change my mind. So please keep this in mind, alright?

Here we go!

Spike is cheering Twilight on! She tries a spell and... mustache. Or growing magic, her twenty-fifth trick. She looks a bit embarrassed. Aww. Spike thinks it's the best. And he begins fantasizing about Rarity. Natch. Twilight takes it away and name-drops Romeo! Oh, and captions, it's Romeo. So it's either proof of human contact... or something the writers threw in because kids would be familiar with it. YOU make the call!

Skip past the credits, my darling!

We're back, and outside. Spike is... bragging about Twilight's tricks. Hmm. We also learn that unicorns normally have only a little magic that matches their special talent. So Twilight's an outlier. And if it's for singing or math, that makes sense. But Twilight's special talent is actually magic. Twilight brushes off Spike's praise, but he's insistent. And... the Thompson Twits run by. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Snips and Snails. They'll be screwing up big-time later on and earning my ire. Snails gets partially redeemed for being Raindrops' younger sister in the Lunaverse, but Snips can dunk his head into a bath of acid. They grab Spike and run off. There's a new unicorn in town! And 'they' say she's got more magical power than anyone in Equestria. Wait, who the hell is 'they'? Twilight comes up short and asks them really? Hmm, jealous, Twilight? Spike sticks up for Twilight and they run off.


Timestamp 2:18. We're in the town square. Trixie's voice comes over. "Come one, come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Timestamp 2:28 she appears and the crowd oohs. The Main characters, I will note, are all in front. And I mean about two-three feet from the stage.

Timestamp 2:32 "Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!" Fireworks go off. She ends her speech about 2:42. And at 2:44...

Rarity. "My, my, my, what boasting."

What? That... really wasn't boasting. Advertising for a show, perhaps. You want boasting? Try PT Barnum and Bailey's. "Greatest show on Earth!" or... almost every action movie or concert or wrestling show I've ever seen being advertised. Spike begins to stick up for Twilight, but remembers he doesn't have his mustache. Romance for another day!

Twilight asks if there's nothing wrong with being talented. Applejack says no, except when someone's showing it off like a school filly with fancy ribbons. You know, like rodeos, Iron Pony competitions, Running of the Leaves... Oh, and by the by? Over Applejack's shoulder we see Trixie performing a magic trick. So she's got a show. Rarity chimes in that having a lot of magical ability doesn't make one better than the rest of them. What the hell this has to do with the show I have no friggin' clue. And Dash chimes in that they've already got her being better than the rest of them. One glare from Applejack and then...

3:18. "Magic, shmagic, boo!'

So... One minute since Trixie's first voice over, and about thirty-six seconds since her show began. And she's being heckled. And those three were being loud right in front of her stage for the entirety of her act so far.

Trixie's a bit miffed. So am I! "Well, well, well. It seems we have some neigh-sayers in the audience!" Yeah, she heard them before Dash's outright heckling. She asks who's so ignorant to challenge the most magical pony in all of Equestria? Okay, even taking into account the stage that's a little bit much. Rarity asks who she thinks she is. Spike pipes up, but Twilight hushes him up and shoves him away. He asks what the problem is. Twilight points out how they reacted to Trixie. She doesn't want anyone to think she's a showoff. Twilight, considering how Trixie's treated later on, you have a point...

Fireworks go off. And Dash flies right up in Trixie's face. if I was Trixie I'd be calling for the police by this point! And no, I do not care if they're the Elements of Harmony. And Dash asks what makes her so awesome. And Trixie... does the Ursa lie. She says she banished an Ursa Major! And we get a neat light-and-sound show of her 'vanquishing' an Ursa Minor. She drove it from Hoofington and banished back to the Everfree Forest.

Okay, this bit I go back and forth on. A lot of people do. If Trixie couched as a tall tale or something, then fine. But saying she did it has me leaning a bit more to 'not too cool'. It's an iffy. snips and Snails pipe up that she's the most powerful of all Equestria. Spike tries again, but Twilight 'ports a zipper onto her and shuts him up. As the front row glares at her Trixie lays out her challenge. "Anything you can do I can do better." The crowd is silent... and I'll get back to the 'challenge', because for me there's more than meets the eye. Spike begs Twilight... because she's unbearable.

Spike, if you don't like the show... WALK AWAY FROM IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, it's an open-air venue! I don't recall seeing anyone pay for admission! So... walk away! Good friggin' lord, man! Same with the rest of the Mane... Three. Twilight turns him down, but then Trixie directly challenges Twilight. "How about... YOU!"

FOUL! That is not cool, at all. Trixie, you did wrong there. I do not like Trixie challenging Twilight like that. I'll defend a lot of her other actions, but this? Twilight didn't do anything to you, Trixie. That's on your pretty, cute head, here.

But then she turns to Applejack. "What about you, little hayseed?" hmm, one of the ones badmouthing her. Applejack takes up the challenge, which I think was planned. She hops on stage and does some impressive rope tricks, lassoing an apple and eating it. Trixie does something with the rope to hypnotize Applejack, ties her up and stuff an apple into her mouth. The crowd cheers for Trixie. And you know what? So do I. And I don't think I'm supposed to cheer for her. Dash flies up to her. There's no need to go strutting around. That's Dash's job!

*Slams down manual for the position of 'Ponyville Weather Manager'* Show me. It's not there? Thought so. She flies off, turns a windmill, flies through a row of clouds, poses in front of the sun for dramatic backlighting, then flies through the clouds again, gathering water, flies around the windmill again and lands on the stage. "They don't call me Rainbow and Dash for nothing." No, they call you that because it's your name. They cheer for her, then Trixie... manipulates the rainbow itself to spin Dash around and drop her onto the ground.

Okay... that's damned impressive, seeing this isn't some weather factory rainbow! Holy shit! She then summons a friggin' thundercloud and zaps Dash with lightning. Okay... barring Rarity's use of weather magic in 'Magical Mystery Cure', anyone else see any unicorns doing weather magic?[/legit] That's damned awesome! And again, the crowd cheers Trixie on. And again I cheer her on.

Spike tries to give massive hints to Twilight to step up. Dash and Applejack agree they need a unicorn to give Trixie a good whatfor. Twilight hesitates... and Rarity, the one who pretty much started this whole fiasco, butts in. She... takes their hint, but 'Rarity' is above such nonsense. Okay, interesting choice of words, there. She conducts herself with beauty and grace. Again, right in front of the stage.

Trixie taunts her and calls her mane a 'rat's nest'. Not too cool, but Rarity gets on stage and... rips down one of Trixie's curtains and turns it into a dress! That would be, what, vandalism, destruction of private property? Again. Call the police! So when Trixie turns her hair green and makes rat tails in it... I am again cheering Trixie on as Rarity pulls a Jack Nicholson as the Joker. She runs off, past Carrot Top with green hair. Only time, too.

By now Spike's constant "Show her what you're made of!" is getting a bit irritating. Trixie picks up on their conversation and again foul for the Great One. Twilight runs off, and it's pretty embarrassing for her. She thinks she hears her laundry calling. Trixie crows, and the thing is... I am again mostly on her side. The crowd disperses.

Okay, getting back to 'anything you can do, I can do better.' Did she do them 'better'? No. Did she drive them off, wowing the audience? Yeah. Seems to me that the goal was to drive off the hecklers. And it also worked.

We cut to Trixie at her trailer, all closed up. Snips and Snails arrive with a smoothie, extra hay. Trixie sips it, then sends them off, rather rudely. Yeah, she's a bit of a jerk. No denying that. They walk off and run into Spike. He asks how they can fall for her 'lameness'. Gilda, is that you?! "She's just a showoff, unlike Twilight-"Spike, okay. We get it. Snips butts in about the Ursa Major, and...

"The proof is in the pudding!"

Snails thinks of pudding... and now I'm a bit peckish. Darn you, show!

"Look, unless an Ursa Major comes waltzing up the street for Trixie to vanquish, I am not gonna believe a word she says, and neither should you." So Snips... gets the idea to get an Ursa Major. Thanks, Spike! But before that...

"Snails, you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Why is it they call it a flea market when they don't really sell fleas?"

I miss you, Pinkie and the Brain.

So they go off and we fade to Spike in Golden Oaks with Twilight. Spike prods her some more and Twilight refuses. Wash, rinse and repeat. "I run the risk of losing them as friends." Considering how they treated Trixie... I get her fears. Spike says she'd be using her magic to stick up for her friends... who started the whole thing in the first place. She says no. Again. And she makes a door in front of Spike, who walks through it. Okay, good gag. :D Spike finally gets part of a hint and closes the door... then opens it and walks off.

In the Everfree, Tweedledumb and Tweedle-no synapse function are walking through. And a cockatrice jumps out and freezes them! Wait, 'Stare Master'? Dammit! They enter a cave and it gets dark. Snails tries to light his horn, with a rather funny engine noise. No comments about technology, please. This review's gonna be controversial enough. :p He lights it up and we see... it, a bear made of sky and stars. It growls and they high-tail it outta there!

Back from commercial and Spike is kicking a rock along with rather somber music playing. Snips and Snails run past. "Can't talk now!" "Got a Major problem!" "Ursa Major to be exact!" And the thing roars and Spike runs for Twilight. The two morons run to Trixie's trailer and wake her up. And then...

She sees the Ursa, gets scared, runs off and her trailer is crushed by a foreleg the approximate size of it. That... I don't give a damn. She did NOT deserve that. Spike finds Twilight, who by now is as irked as I am. Spike tries to tell ehr, but the audible roar lets her know horse apples are about to get real!

We cut to Trixie, Snips and Snails. The two idiots tell her they brought it here and for her to vanquish it. And...

For the record, alley to her left and break in the alley behind her. Yes, she can escape and leave these two to her fate. But no. And this is where she becomes my favorite character. She fights it. She doesn't have to. She can escape, or lay down and cry,or run around and panic or a dozen other things, but she gives it an honest go. First the ropes, but only around the bear's fingers. She then tries for the lightning, which leaves a fairly sizable scorch mark on its back.

"Well, that was a dud." Fuck you, Snails. Just... fuck you.

Snips asks where the cool explosions and smoke is, and the bear roars. They run off through his legs and the entire town wakes up. Finally! Ponies stand around in terror as the bear takes a chunk out of a roof. A crowd runs away while Twilight with Spike on back run to it. They find The doubledumb twins who gleefully admit to bringing the bear to town. I have to kill these two in the Hasbroverse. I just... god. And Trixie... hangs her head and admits she can't vanquish it. She made the whole thing up to make her look better.

The thing towers over a building and we get Dash's, Rarity's and Applejack's sole contribution to the fight...

*Sigh* I told myself I wouldn't do image captures this time around!

So Twilight steps up and we get her being badass. She stirs up wind that blows through reeds for soothing music, to calm the beast. It's number sixteen, apparently. Her horn goes Super Saiyan and the water tower's tank floats up and empties itself. It flies into a barn and she milks a bunch of cows for milk. That's a new one, apparently. She brings it to the bear, who almost tumbles onto Trixie, but thankfully Twilight saves her. The ground beneath Twilight is cratering, by the by. She lifts it up, floats the MacGyvered milk bottle over to it and sends it home. We see the other ponies seeing her doing it.

Twilight powers down and is cheered. They sing her praises, but she asks them to not hate her. Aww. *Hugs* She points out how much they hated Trixie's bragging and...

"Magic's got nothing to do with it. Trixie's just a loudmouth."
"Most unpleasant."
"All hat, no cattle."

Twilight asks if they don't mind her magic tricks, and Applejack points out that magic's a part of who you are. And they like who she is.

And I call you three hypocritical assholes. Magic's a part of who Trixie is. Not to mention you three did NOTHING against the Ursa Major. Trixie at least gave it an honest effort when she could've skipped out and left the town to possibly die! So the stranger in town one day does more than the granddaughter of the town's founder, another lifelong resident and the Element of Loyalty. Screw. You.

They continuing sucking up-I mean, singing her praises. ;) I kid, I kid! Spike asks how she knew what to do with the Ursa Major. She was studying up on it, and it turns out that... was an Ursa Minor. And it wasn't rampaging, but cranky because two idiots woke it up. They get glared at, even by Ditzy. Bad morons, bad! Spike asks what an Ursa Major is and Twilight says you don't wanna know. We cut to the cave and...

Holy crap, it's a kaiju!

Trixie tries to save a bit of face by saying Twilight may have vanquished an Ursa Minor, but she won't ever have the amazing show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie! And... red card on Trixie, sorta. Rude to Twilight, yeah. She drops a smoke bomb and runs off. And I want to take her in and give her a place to live at this point. Dash chases after her, but Twilight calls her off. "Maybe some day she'll learn her lesson." Wait, what? What lesson, don't put on a show in Ponyville? If ponies talk loudly, rudely and heckle you during your show just let them do it? Let the giant bear eat you?! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snips and Snails try sneaking off, but Twilight stops them. They apologize and say they wanted to see some awesome magic. They start sucking up to Twilight. Asses. ANd Twilight says... they can 'clean up this mess'. Oh, Twilight! That was Trixie's home, for god's sake! Up until now you were pretty much the only one who hadn't done anything really wrong! But this, and the comment about learning a lesson... ugh. Let's put this to bed.

She gives them mustaches as 'punishment' for bringing in a mini-kaiju and almost getting the town destroyed. Spike gets one, too. Hah, hah? Except they like it so it's not a punishment. She writes to Celestia that it's okay to show off your talents and be proud of who you are. She also admits that she's the most talented unicorn in Ponyville. "But it's nothing to brag about." Also turns out Rarity didn't go for the mustache. She suggests to be yourself. Spike wants a beard! A Fu Manchu! And.. credits.

Okay, I gotta admit. I was this close to simply deleting this entire thing and saying 'buck it'. I can already hear the baying for my blood with this review. Which is actually a familiar sound for me in RL. But... no. So, what are my thoughts?

Boast Busters is the first really 'controversial' episode, and looking above, you can see why. Oh, this one pings back and forth for me. On the one hand, it introduces my favorite character of the show, Trixie. Hell, she's third overall for the entire franchise, behind Wind Whistler and Megan from G1. On the other... it introduces Trixie, who is a goddamned minefield in and of herself in the fandom.

My thoughts are not that complex, but hard for me to put into words. I'm not too good at being succinct with this, sorry. As brief as I can be? Well... I take her side the vast majority of the episode. Is she flawless? No, god no. Her direct challenging of Twilight twice were big no-nos for me. She was also a bit of a jerk to Snips and Snails when they brought her the smoothie. And running off instead of thanking Twilight also doesn't sit right for me. The Ursa lie, I lean to 'no' for that. Yes, an entertainer's supposed to tell stories... but making it about herself nudges it into 'wrong' for me.

But... here's the thing for me and a lot of her fans. She got screwed here. She really did. The wrongs she did are pretty small compared to how she was initially treated and how she ended up. Yeah, she's a jerk. Every member of the Mane Six and Spike as well have been jerks! Seriously, if you didn't like the opening minute of her show, walk away!!! Do not badmouth her, then openly heckle her, you jerks. The big thing is those three are pretty big hypocrites when it comes to 'bragging'. Applejack brags about her apples and athletic prowess. Rarity puts on a massive fashion show in a few episodes and talks big about her fashion. And Dash... is Dash. If it was Fluttershy and/or Pinkie Pie, then maybe they could've gotten away with it. But no. Pot, this is kettle. You're black! And at the end, when they did nothing against the Ursa but mocked Trixie gets my blood boiling every time. She made an honest effort, while they did nothing but shake in their horseshoes. Bad form!

The challenges? No, she didn't do them better. But she did show up three rude ponies and entertain the crowd, which cheered her on. I think that was her goal. I also think the rest of the crowd was a lot smarter than the Mane... Three?

Spike is... I can see his side, but as a viewer his constant one-note trying to get Twilight to challenge Trixie got old and tiring. Yes, we get it! I should note it was his suggestion that got those two idiots to get the damned Ursa! I would have Trixie be... third-hand at worst for that.

Seriously, if someone says, "I feel strong enough to wrestle a bear!" and someone gets a bear for them to wrestle, I'm putting my blame on the one who got the bear.

And now we come to Snips and Snails. All I can say is... they suck. They're morons and I really don't like them.

To put it in Trope terms, this episode is a near textbook case of Protagonist-centered morality, with heaping side orders of Disproportionate Retribution and Designated Antagonist.

And... I think that's it. And wow this thing is a lot longer than I thought. And I can already hear people either saying I wasn't hard enough on Trixie, or too hard on her. My final thoughts on the episode... I like her, and with one partial exception I didn't like the main characters here. And that's not really good writing IMHO.

Now, then. As you all sharpen your knives and ready to point out massive flaws in everything I just wrote, I am going to simply say this. I respect your opinion here. If you like Trixie, fine. If you don't like Trixie, fine. These are my thoughts on this episode. It's kinda late here in NH and I have had a long work week. Tomorrow is Dragonshy and I have to decide if I want a pic of Fluttershy staring down my Transmetal II Beast Wars Megatron or her leading a small army of Grimlock toys.

Oh goddammit, you posted just when I was about to! Now this post will be even more stupidly gigantic!

Yeah, agreed, mostly no comment. I take some issue with her telling kids to give her stuff.

This damned thing took way too long. Hours.

* We open to Twilight reading adorably and Pinkie fangirling over Rainbow Dash. Here pictured: Pinkie using her Slow Fall ability.
* In Equestria, book pages are ordered left to right.
* Rainbow clearly does not like Pinkie as much as Pinkie likes Rainbow. "Not again" and tries to get away.
* And slams into a mountain. How does she not remember it's there? It does not look natural and where is it on shots of entire town? Does this place have rounded stone spires jut out of the ground and go back down on a daily basis like geological whack-a-mole?


* We come back to Dash still annoyed by Pinkie's presence in the general vicinity.
* And Derpy.
* "Have you seen Rainbow Dash? Thanks anyway."
"Wait, I've seen Rainbow Dash."
"You! You stole my Rainbow Dash!"

Twilight, you traitor.

* Cue the chase sequence with Pinkie channeling Pepe Le Pew. Y'know, also known as that one rapist Loony Toon.
* In the end, Rainbow is harassed into doing Pinkie's bidding.
* Said bidding is to scare Spike and give him hiccups. He does think it funny.
** As an aside, Spike has been assisting with paperwork at the Town Hall. I guess that sort of assistance is his special talent and that's why he's with Twilight.
* Rainbow and Pinkie laugh as Spike scrambles to gather his scrolls and immediately sends them to Celestia.
* So Rainbow only now finds out Pinkie is into pranking, concludes Pinkie is "not as annoying as she thought" and asks to hang out more.

...Wait a second, Rainbow and Pinkie became friends right now? For realsies? Oh. My. Princess.

* Pranking montage, everypony seems to be fine with it. Let us chalk up the large amount of apples painted in complex patterns up to Doylist explanations, unless you want to headcannon Rainbow Dash speed-painter (Understand, understand, the concept of love...)

* And the we get to Fluttershy. Dash is all ready to squirt all over 'shy, but Pinkie is scared Flutters will be hurt. Keep that in mind, it'll be important later.
* Instead we cap off with the "black eye" ink-on-visor prank on Dash.
* Pinkie and Dash laugh, the sun sets is being set, Fluttershy punches the fake turtle in the face.

The next morning...

* Pinkie comes goes to Dash Manor to collect Rainbow for another day of pranking because neither of them has work today, I guess it's Sunday then.
** Totally off-topic fridge logic: wouldn't weekend on Equestria be on Sunday and Moonday with Twisday being the beginning of the work week?
* Gasp! What is this creature? Dash introduces her made-literally-yesterday friend Pinkie to her old best friend Gilda.
* Gilda's theme in the background is undeniably cool.
* Pinkie does not know what a griffon is because Season 1 Ponyville is an insular hick town.

* Dash is a total dork for wanting to recite the Junior Speedsters chant, but Gilda engages in the dorkiness in the name of friendship. But why does Rainbow care about the old thing I wonder? Good memories?
* Pinkie proposes some pranking. Gilda politely turns her down as she already had plans with Dash.

* Pinkie is quite sad about this, I guess she does not have many friends at this point.

* We cut to later, to Gilda and Dash having fun flying together. Like old times but even faster. I guess Gilda is also a top-level flier, except griffon.
* They are interrupted by Pinkie's head popping up through the clouds. It's "later" now.

* Dash is amused, and the memetic "Pinkie Pie, you're so random" is uttered. Gilda on the other hand wishes to abscond.

* That doesn't work, and Pinkie comes using balloons. G pops enough balloons to make Pinkie sink. Kind of borderline, except it still doesn't work.
* And here is where Gilda finally oversteps he boundaries.

If it was just Gilda by herself, a "feather off" would have been understandable. Doing that behind Rainbow's back would already not have been OK, they should have talked it out between the three of them. Insults, a "Dash doesn't need you" jealous girlfriend spiel, making Pinkie crash from like a klick up? Way over the line.
* Anyway, a shot establishing that Pinkie Pie does not take fall damage and Gilda lies to Dash about where Pinkie went.

* We cut to Books & Branches, where Pinkie tells Twilight what Gilda did in a disjointed and out-of-context manner, making Twilight skeptical. In particular the most sense-making point on the list was "she keeps stealing Rainbow Dash away", making Twilight accuse Pinkie of jealousy. That rant does sound like "why do girls like jerks".
* At the suggestion that it's Pinkie who needs to adjust her attitude, Pinkie can't words and storms off in tiny steps making adorable little squeaking noises. It's awesome.
** Side note: Pinkie does in fact need to adjust her attitude, because by now it's firmly established that said attitude is not taking a no for an answer.
* Next scene is Pinkie doubting herself whether she's jealous or if Gilda really is mean. Not whether she overstepped her bounds, whether Gilda did.
* Thus next scene, Dash is off to do some weather, and Pinkie witnesses Gilda scare the heck out of Granny Smith, engage in petty theft, and purposefully walk into Fluttershy to have an excuse to yell at her.
* Pinkie continues to make rationalizations and excuses until the last part, where she finally decides No One Makes Fluttershy Cry, so Gilda needs to be dealt with Pinkie Pie style.

Why the fuck is Cloud Kicker making the LOL rage face?

Also racist remarks, like a sir.

* Oppa Pinkie Style is, of course, a party. I have no idea what is Pinkie thinking. Now, I'm all for reaching out to troubled individuals in a positive manner, but the premises of that are literally the opposite of "this one is a bad guy who needs to be dealt with". Literally the only thing I can think of is that what followed was the actual plan.
* Rarity does know what a griffon is but calls them "so rare".
* Fluttershy questions the party. Pinkie responds with condescension.
* "I'm a year older than you".

* Pinkie welcomes Gilda with " I really, truly, sincerely, hope you feel welcome here amongst all us pony folk" and presents Gilda with a hoof with an electric buzzer. I literally facepalmed. Dear Lord Pinkie, you are so full of shit. This is unbelievable.
* Since Dash finds that funny, Gilda pretends to too.
* After that, I can't see the following exchange with Pinkie not getting the meaning of "I know what you're up to" as anything other than trolling.
* Well, at least G gets an honest warm welcome from the background ponies, as Pinkie introduces her positively.
* Gilda seems genuinely uncomfortable at this point. I'm guessing anxiety over what Pinkie might be planning.
* Pinkie points her towards some super-hot lemon drops, then Rainbow gets in on the action with a punctured cup of punch.
* Gilda's composure starts wearing thin.
* Rainbow leads her to some booby-trapped presents.

* On a more positive note, Fluttershy and her bird choir.
* The next one is relatively more benign, re-lighting candles.
* G punts Spike with an elbow, hard. Not nice.
* Spike burrows into the cake, denying Glida her sugar.
* Dash checks with Gilda if she isn't upset. Points for Dash. Gilda pretends she wasn't, which ultimately proves to be unwise.
* Pinkie does the immortal squee noise when grabbed by the neck. Because Pinkie is a squeaky toy in this episode.
* Anyway, more of the Pinkie does not know the meaning of "I'm onto you" gag.

* It's Pin the Tail on the Pony time! Rarity's favorite apparently, because target audience.
* Gilda rudely insists on being first, because every one was de-aged to 5 in the last 10 seconds.
* Silly Gilda, after being targeted with 5 pranks, why-ever would you think Pinkie blindfolding you, disorienting you and leading you somewhere might be something underhanded.
* Gilda slips and crashes, triggering a release of all that pent-up stress from the entire party. Insults for everypony, insults for the pranks, and for Pinkie too! (Did I mention griffons roar like lions?)
* "Did you really think you could make me lose my cool?" Didn't she just succeed?
* Gilda attempts to take her Dash and go home, but it turns out, Dash was behind the "weak pranks"!
* "They weren't meant for you specifically." I call bull. Maybe not at the setting up stage, but you and Pinkie personally lead her towards 4 out of 5 of them!
* Gilda is in denial about being betrayed. It was Pinkie Pie, it must have been! There is always the good guy and the bad guy!
* Pinkie claims the party was to make Gilda feel better. On one hand, she sounds and looks super sincere, and it kinda fits Pinkie logic. On the other,everything that just happened. I Doylist call writer confusion.

* Some kind of theme plays as Dash delivers a final speech about how friends don't call their friends' friends lame, so that's why they can no longer be friends. Gilda valuing coolness above all else fits into it somehow.
* Gilda can't words and storms off.
* Spike calls her a party pooper.
* Dash looks sad for a moment and apologizes for bringing Gilda to Ponyville.

* Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that my friends may turn out to be friends with bad people, but that's okay, because they'll eventually see the light and realize the bad people aren't really their friends. I swear this is literally what the latter says, just in more words.

Summary(becuase this goddamn thing is so long it needs a recap):
Part 1: Pinkie Pie bullies Rainbow Dash into helping her prank, and Dash realizes there is an activity they both enjoy. A friendship is born.
Part 2: Montage + scene establishing that Ponyville does not mind being pranked, and that Pinkie knows when to stop.
Part 3: Gilda is introduced, hangs out with Dash, when Pinkie tries get in on the fun Gilda counter-bullies her quite jerkassly.
Part 4: Twilight casts doubt on Pinkie's judgement of Gilda, which Gilda reaffirms by committing random jerkassery of opportunity.
Part 5: On a party Gilda falls victim to several pranks and one accident, tries to keep it to herself, fails and explodes at everyone. Dash severs ties with her as a result.

There is a pervasive sense of injustice throughout. The episode. Part 1 Pinkie isn't even judged to be wrong by the writing. Gilda's loss of a best friend is not a consequence of her wrongful actions. She commits wrongs in part 3 and 4, no consequences for that. She's a victim in part 5, and she loses Dash because of part 5, and her harassers are congratulated for successfully driving her off.

Overall rating:

The heck was that out of 10.

And since I have 5 images left in the limit, have some ponyfaces.

As a reminder, when you highlight things a little pop-up shows up so you can quote just that part. Using the button in the corner on this post would clearly be ridiculous.
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Sorry, Schpeelah. That's a great review, too. :) I agree Gilda was a jerkass but got bit badly in the end. But the way Pinkie was acting, like I said, she would've understood if Gilda had explained herself reasonably.
So I went and rewatched the thing, since it was a long time since I've seen it.

I don't have much to say except for the first incident with the magic show, starting at 2:20, which went like this:
* Trixie does some run of the mill advertisement boasting.
* Mane 6 talking about Trixie between themselves and... Rarity and Applejack are jealous and opposed to others showing off their talents. It's not implication or subtext, it's the actual text. The implication would be that they're representative of wider attitudes in society. Not shown in this scene, the crowd is entertained, but one could certainly expect such a thing from an insular pre-industrial farming community.
* Applejack intimidates Rainbow Dash into joining them after Rainbow jokes that we don't need Trixie when The Dash is already filling the Better Then The Rest (The Biggest, The Best!) post.

* Honestly, if I was told to write or predict the direction of the episode from this point on, Rarity and Applejack would be the villains.

* Dash throws some booing to make Applejack stop glaring at her. Trixie hears Rainbow's forced heckling... and immediately begins throwing insults. Not cool.
Dash is understandably most angry Trixie's 'my detractors are idiots' speech, AJ is all 'da heck?' and Rarity adopts a bored expression.
* For like the 3rd time in the episode tries to brag about Twilight and how his mommy can beat up yours, but Twilight takes him aside and explains that since we just learned showing one's powerful magic is not liked in this town, this is a bad idea.
* Meanwhile, Rainbow is Rainbow, does not take being called an idiot lying down, and literally gets up in Trixie's face about it.
* It would be one thing if Trixie talked about the Ursa Major earlier, while drumming herself up, but now, as a response to a specific question? There's no wink to the audience, no indication that this is the fictional story of Trixie's stage persona.
* More of 10 year old boys arguing whose unicorn is the strongest.

I told you to shut it, buster.

* Trixie backs up Snips&Snails.

Yes, really.

* Ohhhh... kay. It does seem like Trixie's performance plan has "antagonize ponies from the audience then humiliate them on stage" on it.

* Applejack is down for it. Did that lariat reach all the way to Sweet Apple Acres? And people are incredulous at Celestia's moon lasso.
* Next is Rainbow Dash, because this town is too small for two blue female egos great at their tribe's special ability.

"They don't call me Rainbow and Dash for nothing?" Really?

* Then we hear the word "unicorn" way too many times. You guys (writers) realize that Rarity is spouting off elaborate racial stereotypes, right? Trixie does not seem to be overly upset about Rarity vandalizing her curtains.

* Trixie challenges Twilight directly, but Twi nopes right the fuck outta this mess.

* Out of ponies to humiliate, Trixie calls it a day.

I don't think I much original to say about the rest.
* Snails literally says "Vanquish it so we can watch!"
* Applejack's speech at the end contains literally "we like your magic because we like you, her magic is bad because we don't like her".

* I have no idea what the lesson Trixie "maybe someday will learn".
* Where the heck are Snips&Snails' parents?

The altercation during the show was a fine mess that Trixie ostensibly planned for, enabled by Applejack and Rarity's jealousy and desire to cut others down to their size, with Rainbow just being easy to goad. Everypony was various degrees of terrible in that.
The moral does not flow from the episode as the boasting wasn't quite what was wrong with Trixie. The fact that the writing thinks it's OK for Trixie to lose her house is of course terrible.

And gallery

The biggest thing for me with Boast Busters is I know I'm supposed to side against Trixie and with the main characters. But the way it's gone about is so badly-done by the end all my sympathy is for Trixie and I'm honestly hating Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and to a lesser extent Spike. She barely qualifies as an antagonist, and only because she opposes the protagonists.


Are you ready for da cutest widdle dragonslayer evah?! Well, sit tight, because...


We open with Fluttershy feeding her animals. First thing is she tosses dead fish to ferrets under the bridge. And some people somehow think she'd be horrified by human diets. Right... Oh, and worms to baby birds. Angel is a jerk and refuses to eat his carrot. *Slaps Angel upside the head* He runs off, and then kicks the carrot away. But then he begins a pantomine routine. Fluttershy spots a huge trail of smoke in the sky, and Angel tosses the carrot at her head. I toss a book at his body. And hit him.

Skip the credits, then skip a rock over a lake.

In Ponyville Fluttershy asks for help in a very soft voice. Dash dashes by, startling her as she attempts the ball-bouncing record. Pinkie Pie plans a party for the record and begins counting. And we see Lyra and a meme is launched. She messes up the tally and Fluttershy is not getting through to anyone. Then Twilight shouts and they all pay attention to her. Turns out the smoke is over all of Equestria! And now they notice. I believe the term is 'fail a spot check'. Twilight got a letter from Princess Celestia. It's not from a fire, which is good! It's coming from a dragon, which is bad.

We cut to Golden Oaks and Applejack asking what a dragon's doing in Equestria. He is... taking a nap. I'll get him a pillow and blankie. Rarity asks what they're meant to do about it, which is a question I ask as well. There is the Royal Guard. At this point sending Twilight and her friends is pretty damned risky in a BAD way. At this point they went into a Forest, encountered some... semi-tame obstacles and beat Nightmare Moon with the power of friendship. Anyway, Dash says they'll give him the boot, setting up her characterization for the episode. She almost kicks over one of those horse head statues, almost flies into it and crashes against a wall. Ah, so this is why I don't take her seriously! Twilight tells her they need to 'encourage' him to go nap somewhere else. Celestia's given us the mission. Again why them? And 'they're the main characters' doesn't cut it too well with me. We also get an early hint of Twilight's need for Celestia's approval. And Dash salutes in the background.

Twilight tells them to go gather supplies. Dash pumps them up. They go off to get ready all set to a tune very similar to the A-Team's theme.

"In 972 a crack friendship unit was sent to Tartarus by a royal court for a crime they didn't commit. These mares promptly escaped from a maximum-security stable to the Las pegasus underground. Today, still wanted by Canterlot, they survive as soldiers of friendship. If you have a problem, if no one else can help and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... the Mane-Team!"

*Ahem* Sorry about that. A bit off the cuff for me, there. Dash smears rainbow gunk under her eyes. Big Mac, still suffering from his injury, heft a carton of supplies onto Applejack's back. Pinkie Pops out with party streamers. She giggles, then growls. Rarity readies an army helmet, but passes a mirror, decides against function and goes with a summer hat with a camo pattern. And Fluttershy leaves with an American football helmet, a chest pad and... what appear to be waders over her legs. She's scared witless. "Let's go!" "Let's not." And she whimpers.

Back at Ponyville Twilight gives them the plan. They have to make good pace to get up the mountain by nightfall. It'll get cold up there, but Rarity has a scarf that will do... very little for her. Fluttershy looks to the top of Mount Doomy Dooms of Doom and goes to Twilight to ask if she can stay behind. There's a bit of a gag scene of miscommunication with Twilight enthralled by her map and planning. Twilight finally twigs to Fluttershy and we learn she's counting on her way with wild animals will come in handy. Okay... bit of spoilers? I don't see the dragon as a 'wild animal'. She also assures her Spike will care for her friends. Some people take issue with Spike not going. I... do not. He's a baby dragon with no knowledge of their culture. I really don't see how he'd be too much use. And Angel is a jerk. Again. *Slaps Angel*

Dash questions Fluttershy's own usefulness. Twilight tries to reassure her, and right on cure Fluttershy... is scared of her own shadow. Ouch... Dash is NOT impressed. Twilight rallies them and they stampede right through Fluttershy, carrying her off. We cut to them on a path to the base of the mountain as the dragon snores and the world turns. And no, I have no idea why I just referenced a soap opera I've never seen. *Shrugs* Fluttershy notes how high it is and Dash is... really starting to tick me off a bit. Yes, we know. You think she's useless dead weight. She goes to fly up there but Applejack partakes in her favorite activity, grabbing her tail by the teeth. She says safety in numbers, which is pretty damned smart. We fade to them walking up the side of the mountain, like Batman and Robin without their grappling gear. Rarity's planning to see if she can swipe some of his jewels and/or gold. Pinkie... takes the piss outta her. And I think it's genuinely funny and clever. "Welcome to my cave, Rarity! Care for a diamond? ROAR!" The others laugh, too. And so do I.

Twilught breaks it up and asks for Fluttershy's opinion. And we see... she's at the bottom of the mountain. Dash is... verging or crossing into asshole territory here, but at the same time... this is the fate of Equestria we're talking about. Then again it's called tact, which she has none of. In a bad way. Pinkie Pie cheers her on, earning my praise. Fluttershy flies up, but the dragon snores and her wings lock up. Oh, no. :( Applejack decides to slide down and take Fluttershy around the mountain. The dragon snores and Fluttershy goat-faints. Complete with legit goat bleat.

We cut to the main group up on a ledge. Pinkie Pie's beaten Rarity 35 games in a row in tic-tac-toe. And Applejack finally finishes towing Fluttershy. And... barring cartoon physics her back must've lost two-three layers of skin and it's entire coat! Dash makes sure to remark she said it was gonna take forever. We cut to them coming across a huge chasm! Everyone gets across but Fluttershy. And Pinkie Pie... encourages her through a nice little song that has both me and Fluttershy smiling.

God, season-one Pinkie Pie. Where did you go?! This is like... a 180 from Filli Vanilli! I am liking you in these early episodes a lot. Twilight says they don't have time ofr this and Pinkie speeds up the album. :D Fluttershy tries it... and Twilight tells her to not look down.


*ROlls up newspaper and bops Twilight on the nose* That is the LAST thing you're supposed to say! But yeah, Fluttershy looks down, freaks out... and we learn the 'chasm' was only a little wider than her torso. Cue sad trombone and Dash butting into her butt. Later on they're near a cliff face and Twilight whispers to them it's an avalanche zone. Fluttershy begins to freak out but Twilight shushes her. Literally. Even Pinkie Pie is dead silent. Dash brushes against a tree limb, shakes down some leaves... and they land on Fluttershy's flank. She screams, "AVALANCHE!!!!!!!!" and it echoes. And... we get a rockslide.

It's a legit cool action sequence. Rocks fall, the ponies scatter. Dash does some fancy flying. There's even this shot of Twilight running away with the camera at an angle and low to the ground. Very nicely shot! And in the end, the pass is blocked. Rarity brought an extra scarf, but maybe not the tiara that goes with it. Priorities, motherbucker! Have you heard of them?! They climb over, with Dash looking down on Fluttershy quite literally, forelegs crossed in utter annoyance and possibly loathing as well. On the other side Fluttershy slips and slides down into everyone. Rarity apologizes and Dash... "It's not your fault," she says while glaring at Fluttershy. Ouch...

So, they finally reach the cave. Twilight lays out a plan. Dash will clear the smoke. Pinkie Pie and Rarity will create a distraction if things get hairy in there. Pinkie... waves a rubber chicken around. Rarity breaks the fourth wall with an "I don't even KNOW" look. And Applejack is ready with apples in case he decides to attack. She kicks them against a tree and they do nothing. But Twilight believes between her and Fluttershy, they can convince him to go. Oh, this is gonna be painful for all involved!

Twilight goes in... not knowing Fluttershy is still frozen outside. She goes back and bites Fluttershy's wings while Flutters does an ostrich impression. Apparently every second he snores, an acre of land is covered. Dang, that's some heavy snoozing! All five of them form a chain of pushing and she finally just flat-out says she can't go in the cave. She's scared of dragons. They try to reason with her, even bringing up Spike. Good one, show! She doesn't mind him because he's a baby dragon, not a full-size dragon.

The dragon snores are well-timed, too.

Twilight asks why she didn't say something before. "I was afraid to." Hello, facepalm! Applejack says all of them are scared. Dash says she's not. I guess her phobia is Ursa Majors, then. She's also pretty stupid. Applejack tries a pep talk and... it doesn't work. Twilight goes in alone. she bumps into his snout and he is enormous. Ohhai Smaug Junior! Yeah, bed of gold. Classic dragon stuff. she tries talking and he wakes up. Sorta. His eyes are open but he's still probably at least half-asleep. I know that feeling. He turns over, scratches and yawns with breath that could kill the undead. Or something. Twilight valiantly continues to try reasoning with him. and he rises up, stretches, scratches himself and drops back asleep.

I'm not even sure he heard a word she said or was even conscious during her little speech, to be honest.

Rarity goes in and this time he's awake. And she begins buttering him up. She also begins snatching some of his jewels. For a time it begins working... but then she goes over the line by saying she'd be happy to 'keep an eye' on his jewels while he's gone. As we learned earlier in 'Ticket Master' dragons eat gems. This is is food supply. Bad form, Rarity. He slides them over with a single swipe. And Pinkie Pie is... wearing a present, with goofy glasses, balloons and flippers on her hooves. The thing is the only thing I question are the flippers. Even Rarity says she looks ridiculous. All part of her plan! She goes in, there's some crashing and she waddles out. Dragon, I am so with you on that. Dash loses it. "We've tried persuasion, charm, whatever it is Pinkie Pie does..." And she flies in and kicks the dragon in the face.

Okay, remember in the first post I said there'd be stuff I was gonna call out if I saw it as wrong, even if everyone else thought it was awesome? This... I see as rock-dropping STUPID! Dash, you can stand up in his beak, you moron! Not to mention overall he's been remarkably reasonable for how he could be. I'm still convinced he was mostly asleep when Twilight was talking to him. Dash, you lose. He sneezes and he gets pissed. And I... really can't blame him with her. He roars. She flies out from the sonic scream and scores a strike! The dragon emerges and shoots smoke at them. Honestly, they're all damned lucky it wasn't fire!

A rock breaks from their impact, revealing Fluttershy. She sees them, sees the dragon and her spine grows three sizes in this instant! And here it is, the Stare, beta version. She flies right up to him and delivers the browbeating of a lifetime! She walks along his beak right up to his eye, and THIS is awesome. He shrinks down a bit, but points out Dash kicking him. Dash grins at that and I must rein in my need to throttle her for her stupidity. And for her general attitude during this entire episode, too. Fluttershy apologizes for that, but points out he's bigger and should know better, and he should know better than to take a nap where his smoke can become a health hazard.

And... he breaks down and cries. We get a shot of the others, with Rarity fussing over her mane and Pinkie Pie with an umbrella hat. She comforts him. He's not a bad dragon. He made a bad decision. Aww! She says to pack his things and find a new place to sleep. The others cheer her on while the dragon flies off to scout out a new spot for his hoard. And I double-checked the spelling on that. That is the proper spelling, right? I always get those mixed up. :(

Back in Ponyville the pegasi are clearing the smoke away. Angel is being an ass, but Spike's grabbed him by the foot. I hope Angel gets a broken leg! Twilight asks Spike to take a letter. She reports the dragon has left, and delivers the lesson about faith in her friends, and how friendship can help overcome even your greatest fears. It's a good lesson, and unlike last time, fits the episode. utside, Dash is about to break the ball-bouncing record when Pinkie roars and breaks her concentration. She goat-faints and I laugh. At her. She tells Pinkie she scared her, but tries to cover it up. Fluttershy comforts her, but a leaf falls on her butt and she goat-faints. hah, hah?

This... is a really cool episode. Some people think this i where the show got good. And I can see why. Epic quest, great action, great climax with the dragon. And it wasn't a kick to the face, but good talking-to and understanding that saved the day!

Now as for Dash. Good lord! On one hand, yeah. She was right in Fluttershy being more hindrance than help up until the end. On about a dozen other hands her naked contempt and utter loathing was so palpable as to be a solid object! And no, I do not find her kicking the dragon to be 'badass'. I found it to be stupid. Then again considering how she was acting the whole episode kinda par for the course. Hmm, also she has a bear phobia, but not a dragon one. *Evil smile*

As for the dragon... I liked him. Not the nicest being but a hell of a lot more reasonable then he had to be or was even expected. He's sort of the basis for my headcanon concerning dragons in the Hasbroverse. There, dragons are organized into thirteen clans and live to the west of Equestria in the Dragon Clans. They're allies with the Equestrians and led by King Spykoran the Old, or G1 Spike. ;) This dragon got a stern lecture about napping in Equestrian territory when he returned to his clan. Naughty, naughty!

And Fluttershy stepped up big-time! Badflank, she was! Her fears were... pretty reasonable. It's a huge dragon! But the Stare and lecture kicked butt. The semi-first appearance of the Stare... I gotta admit, some of the fandoms, "she can out-stare Sauron!" get on my nerves, joke or not. But it's not on her.

Tune in tomorrow where I ask the question... why is it most YouTube reviewers don't like 'Look Before You Sleep'? Seriously, I love this episode. But, for tomorrow!

Also, I erred. I asked if it should be either Fluttershy leading an army of Grimlocks or her Staring down Beast Wars transmetal II Megatron. But... why not both? :D

Y'know, we've all watched these episodes. Are the gigantic plot summaries really necessary? :p
Yes. ;) I originally posted these on another forum, where people might not have seen them. In all seriousness, I do realize my reviewing style is just too big. But I also have no idea how to trim it down because I keep on thinking, "That point is important! If I leave it out, someone will call me on it!"
Personally I dont mind the walls of text, but with them in spoiler tags it would be easier to navigate the thread.
Fluttershy + 6 Grimlocks from different dimensions vs Beast Wars Megatron.... He's screwed, must have made Fluttershy cry and all the Grimlocks took offense. Especially considering that the Beast Wars transformers were significantly smaller then their G1 counterparts.
Personally I dont mind the walls of text, but with them in spoiler tags it would be easier to navigate the thread.

Fluttershy + 6 Grimlocks from different dimensions vs Beast Wars Megatron.... He's screwed, must have made Fluttershy cry and all the Grimlocks took offense. Especially considering that the Beast Wars transformers were significantly smaller then their G1 counterparts.
I wish my G1 Grimlock wasn't in storage for that picture. I think that would've made it complete. :D

Quick question: Where did you found the subbed version?
My hearing isn´t that good and english is not my language...
Well, I got the complete seasons on Here is a link to the first season.. I always turn closed captions on with mine. I hope that helps.


Okay, time for an episode I find baffling. Well, not the episode itself, but why it seems to generate such... indifference? Dislike? Bah. Before I leap, it's time to...

Look Before you Sleep
We open on a sunny day in Ponyville, except it's not sunny for long! Pegasi are pushing clouds all into the sky, while down below branches are being pulled off, one by Ditzy. Rarity... floats a branch back up, reattaches it and turns the leaves into topiary. Which seems counterproductive to what everyone else was doing, mind. Then Applejack just lassos the branch and yanks it down. She chews her out and asks if she cares about anything other than 'prettifying'. Rarity bites back that someone has to. The town square's a mess! We look around and Applejack points out that unless the loose branches are pulled down, they'll be likely to hit someone in the head when the storm hits. We learn the Pegasi missed a scheduled sprinkle last week, so they need a bigger storm to make up for it. Hmm, makes sense. 'Dragonshy' was last week. ;) And heck, even not taking that into account, bureaucratic SNAFUs happen anywhere. And right on cue there goes the sun and here comes the rain!

Rarity's in a tizzy because of her mane. Applejack says she should've hurried up and finished the job. I'm... with Applejack, here. Hell, Rarity was making the job harder by putting that branch back up! She tries to outrun the rain, and Applejack points out a table to hide under. But there's mud there! They begin arguing, devolving mentally into five-year olds. At best. They decide to walk away before one of them says something they'll regret, but not before arguing again. But lighting flashes and they run into each other as the wind whips up.

After the credits we see Applejack under the table, hunkering down best she can. We suddenly hear Twilight's voice echoing, calling them. NO! Don't go into the light! Oh, wait, it's just her at Golden Oaks. They run to it, but Applejack asks if being inside a tree is the best place during a lightning storm? And twilight says they have a magical lightning rod. Okay, that is good. They go in, but Rarity tells Applejack to wash her hooves off. Applejack's angry and threatens violence, but to be honest I side with Rarity on this one. Not even an attempt to scrape them off at the doormat. Rarity says they might not be able to get home, so Twilight offers them to stay. Spike's in Canterlot on royal business. Always did wonder what that was... So Twilight suggests they have a slumber party! She always wanted one of those... and we come to what I kinda find the only thing I don't like about this episode.

Twilight didn't really have 'friends' barring Shining Armor and Cadance before the series premiere. She didn't seem like one to want a slumber party. I'll let it slide, though. Maybe she wanted one before she gave up on friendship? Odd, but not episode-breaking. Rarity tries to weasel out of it, while Twilight gets a book on slumber parties. because of course she has a book on it. Rarity's uncomfortable, but can't back out of it. We cut to Applejack trying to use a hose to clean her hooves off outside, which wouldn't seem like it should work, but meh. She comes inside, hooves all sparkling. And she finds them in mud masks. She asks why it's okay for them to have mud on their faces when she had to go wash the mud off her hooves. Because... it wasn't tracking through the floor, for one? Rarity tells her what it is while Twilight squees about the makeover.

Applejack is horrified and tries to leave, but convenient lightning flashes and she decides to stay. Rarity slathers mud onto her face, and then cucumbers on her eyes. Applejack asks what they're for and Rarity, with about two tons of attitude, says they're to reduce puffiness. Applejack licks them off her face. Is mud from a mud mask edible... Twilight checks the book and the two agree to try to get along. Applejack spits onto her hoof and Rarity recoils from it. And they go at it about... a second or so after agreeing not to go at it. Twilight hugs them, enthused. They go 'yay', not as enthused, then exchange death glares.

We see them in mane curlers. Twilight 'ports away the curlers and their manes... look the same. Now time for ghost stories! Applejack tells the terrifying tale of the prissy ghost who drove everyone crazy with unnecessary neatness! OoooOOooo! Rarity has a better one, the horrifying story of the messy, inconsiderate ghost who irritated everypony within a hundred miles! OooOOoooo! Applejack says she made it up. It's not a real story. "It is a ghost story. They're all made up."

Point to Rarity!

The lights go out and Twilight's got one. The Legend of the Headless Horse. She's got a lantern, no fireflies inside it. She's got them in the pad of her hoof! The lights flicker and suddenly Twilight's got a sheet over her head, waving her forelegs around and scaring the shit out of those two. It's awesome. :D And she's got a great troll face, too. U scared? HAH! Ghost stories, check. Rarity and Applejack hug in fright.

Time for s'mores! Rarity is Hook of the Constructicons, all precise and fussy. Applejack just wants to eat them. I side with Applejack, here. Except for the burp. Rarity says she could've said excuse me. Applejack was about to, but she was interrupted. "Pardon." Why am I tempted to put them into Thunderdome? Next is 'Truth or Dare'. Is there a Madonna pony out there? :p Rarity and Applejack's dares devolve into arguing. Twilight, methinks, is twigging to them. She sets them straight. Applejack dares Rarity to go outside and let her mane be ruined. So she does, then walks in looking so sad and pathetic. I kinda wanna hug her. So she dares Applejack to dress up in a frou-frou, glittery, lacy outfit! *GASP!* So she does and... dear god I'm laughing. She's a Disney Princess. Some people ask where Applejack got the outfit. I ask where Twilight got it. ;) Twilight asks if she gets a turn and they dare about rodeos, combing their manes and now I need some lightsabers. Twilight tries to move on, and now...

Pillow fight! Rarity tries to beg off, but then gets two to the face. "It. Is... ON!" And cue epic fight! And it's funny and cool. Applejack uses her lasso, Rarity uses TK. Twilight's caught in the middle and possibly gets a concussion! Twilight finally just calls it quits and says to get some sleep. And now I'm feeling sorry for her. In the bedroom Applejack and Rarity fight over the blanket. And making the bed. And Twilight finally loses it. She rightfully chews them out for ruining the slumber party and acting like foals. But then...

"Is there anything else that could possibly go wrong?"

And convenient lightning strikes a tree next door.

"Sorry I asked."

They look outside and see the top chunk of a tree about fall onto a house next door. Applejack chews Rarity out about taking all the loose branches down... except this isn't a loose branch but a chunk of the trunk. Applejack opens the window over Rarity's protests and lassos the chunk. She does a 'getting 'r' done' joke and tugs, pulling the chunk... through the window! She hangs from the rope, swinging back and forth. Trixie, where are you when we need you?! Rarity chews her out, while Applejack deflects the blame. She apologizes to Twilight, but...

"Well, it's not okay!" You're right. It's not! Thank you, show! She... goes for the book, one of the earlier 'slave to checklist' signs. Yeah, I am really not a fan of the whole damned checklist gag. It's gotten to the point in later seasons of severe irritation. Rarity tries putting books away and looks kinda pathetic. Still time for bickering, though! Applejack outright demands help from Rarity. And she finally apologizes about not listening to her about the branch. Well, less branch and more trunk. Her attention to detail would've saved them from the mess, but right now, she needs to stop being so fussy and help with the one big thing that matters. She says 'please' and Rarity turns around. She'll get icky, but Applejack says she needs help.

So, they cooperate while Twilight freaks. Rarity turns the smaller branches into topiary, all except for the main bit. Applejack's about ready to kick it into orbit, but a glance from Rarity and she tosses it out. And the day is saved! Rarity freaks about the mess, but Applejack makes a peace offering of two cucumber slices over her eyes. Aww. :) And they hug. And Twilight finally notices the bushes.

We cut to them playing twenty questions. Rarity and Twilight are in curlers, but Applejack is not. They finally decide on... "A six-legged pony with a purple polka-dotted mane and shooting stars coming out of its eyes," "who flies through the air all over the world to hide magic, sparkly eggs?" And... did they drop acid while I wasn't looking?! It's... not it. It was her telescope. it was nice to see them getting along, and she wanted to see them win together. They begin arguing... but smile and legit apologize. They begin arguing about apologizing... but laugh. The slumber party's a success! Twilight writes a letter to Celestia with a good message about embracing differences. She tries to get them together for a slumber party, and Equestria has Thursady and Saturday. Cue mass hysteria and wild guessing... or cue them using the regular days of the week so as not to confuse kids. ;)

So... what am I missing, again? I love this episode! No, seriously. A lot of the criticisms I see... don't make much sense to me. Here's a breakdown.

1. How did the ponies miss a storm last week? Well, two explanations spring to mind. They were cleaning up after the dragon in Dragonshy-last week's episode-or it was an oversight, which happens in RL all. The. Time! And with Dash as weather manager... I can see it happening more than once.

2. Why were Applejack and Rarity arguing all the time? Aren't they supposed to be friends? Well, friends with Twilight. With each other... Lauren Faust once said that all the ponyville residents were friends before Twilight showed up, except in 'Griffon the Brush-Off' we see Dash not really liking Pinkie, and outright saying she found her to be annoying before bonding over the pranks. With these two, I can definitely see them not getting along before this episode.

Hell, my own headcanon? Before episode one these two rarely interacted, if at all. And if/when they did it was terse, get to the point and then get away. Honestly, if they got trapped in Golden Oaks before episode one I'm about 75% ready to say they'd get to physical violence of the murdery kind before the night was over!

3. it's a stupid slumber party and boring! Eh... subjective and one I can't really argue with. If it's not your thing, then fine. But I saw it as a great character study of two ponies with opposite personalities who learned to get along and embrace their differences, which is also a great moral IMHO.

4. Why would Twilight 'always' want to have done a slumber party? Okay... that too is a problem I have. It's a fairly small one, but still sticks out. Two things come to mind are she wanted one before deciding that friends wereen't her thing, or wanted one but Shining Armor and Cadance didn't go for it. Like I said, not a huge thing.

Other things, I love how their big view/little view personalities make so much sense considering what they do for a living! Applejack runs Sweet Apple Acres. She's got a huge picture to deal with. She can delegate the small stuff, but she's got to make sure the farm runs. All of it. Rarity, meanwhile, is a seamstress/fashion designer. For her, if the small stuff's not taken care of the outfit can fall apart. Sometimes literally. And she doesn't have anyone else to take care of the small stuff! It's brilliant!

So, is this the best episode ever? No, but it's still damned good. It's got great character interaction and development. The conflict flows naturally through two disparate personalities. And in the end we get a good moral that matches the episode, as well as both sides coming to an agreement and getting along better.

So if I missed anything as to why it's so bad, you know what? I'm glad I missed it. ;) :D
Why would Twilight 'always' want to have done a slumber party? Okay... that too is a problem I have. It's a fairly small one, but still sticks out. Two things come to mind are she wanted one before deciding that friends wereen't her thing, or wanted one but Shining Armor and Cadance didn't go for it. Like I said, not a huge thing.

It's not that uncommon for someone to want to do something whilst simultaneously either not taking actions that could lead to that happening or even actively working against it happening. I'd say that she always wanted to have a slumber party, but at the same time didn't particularly want to make friends for whatever reasons.