Replacing the Zippo

Willy's Bar Take One
Finding Marcie was a bit tricky. She was camping out in the school over the summer. You knew Willow was doing her best to help her out. You just hoped the occasional snacks you shared and dropping by to hang out helped too. You knocked on the wall in the area she was nesting in. Sunnydale High had way too many hidden nooks and crannies for a normal school. "Hey, you here Marsh?"

"Hey Xander." You felt Marcie cross over and brush against your side.

"I was going to go down to Willy's Bar. It's a supernatural hot spot, demons and vampires like to get drunk there. I thought we could check it out, and see if we can get some gossip from them. You know, it'd be useful for Buffy to have ears on the ground on that side of things," you explained awkwardly. "I know we can't really drink, but vampires and demons. I don't think they're gonna care, you know?"

Marcie brushed against your hand. "You think they'll have good gossip?"

"It's worth trying! I certainly don't have the Slayer strength or book brains for other stuff," you joked.

"Alright, let's go."

You entered the bar and looked around. Thankfully with your research you could identify a couple demons you were fairly sure wouldn't instantly kill you. The mischief demon, for example. They were more known for creating nuisances and situations where possible accidents could happen than outright killing. You headed over and took a seat.

"What's a boy like you doing here?" A vampire leered.

"Can't a guy like myself have a healthy interest in demons?" you quipped.

The demons and vampires laughed. "Here." The vampire ordered a drink of something you'd never heard of before. You gulped. Okay, time to go big or go home.

[ ]Coolly turn down the drink, insist you pay your own way
[ ]Down it, Marcie is there if it goes badly
[ ]Be polite turning it down
[ ]Write-in
I'll be willing to switch to a write-in if someone can come up with a good one, but I'm leaning towards turning the drink down and blaming it on the need to pay our own way.
[X] Offer the drink to the Mischief Demon. Decide your cover story is general interest in things that go bump in the night and like Horror movies and similar stories, can't hurt to learn about cool twists if you become a director or screen-writer down the line, getting any amount wasted would make it harder to remember stories and stuff.

Idea here is we're sitting next to the Mischief Demon offering the drink gives us a bit of a rapport with him, and I think drinking it wouldn't be great. Also I think having a cover story of being interested in Movies and stories work well, because probably as a Buffy fan this Xander is, and it gives them some other things to talk about, hell who knows maybe it is a side thing we can go down later, and also a future camcorder carrying Xander feels like it would be useful as an excuse in the future for intrigue based actions. Many people like talking about themselves if nothing else, and some would likely want to look cool talking themselves up and or leaking interesting things that are going on.
[X] Offer the drink to the Mischief Demon. Decide your cover story is general interest in things that go bump in the night and like Horror movies and similar stories, can't hurt to learn about cool twists if you become a director or screen-writer down the line, getting any amount wasted would make it harder to remember stories and stuff.

This looks good. Hopefully, the mischief demon can drink it, but if he can't, then Xander most likely can't either.
[X] Offer the drink to the Mischief Demon. Decide your cover story is general interest in things that go bump in the night and like Horror movies and similar stories, can't hurt to learn about cool twists if you become a director or screen-writer down the line, getting any amount wasted would make it harder to remember stories and stuff.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Blacksheep on Nov 27, 2024 at 9:58 PM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Offer the drink to the Mischief Demon. Decide your cover story is general interest in things that go bump in the night and like Horror movies and similar stories, can't hurt to learn about cool twists if you become a director or screen-writer down the line, getting any amount wasted would make it harder to remember stories and stuff.
In the Door
You shook your head and passed it to the mischief demon you were sitting beside. "If you think I can keep a clear head you've got the wrong guy. I'm here for tales to put on the screen. Can you imagine if I forgot the most important part of a good hunt from drinking?"

The group laughed. "You've got a point there," the vampire purred. "Still, ballsy of you to ask when you look scrumptious yourself."

You shrugged. "I'm just hoping I'm more charming as company when alive." Nods ran around.

"We'll give you a chance," the demon snickered. You grinned and settled in for stories.

All in all, it was a good evening. Marcie's presence was reassuring, bumping into her side occasionally to assure yourself that she was still there with you. Marcie traced a hand over your arm, thankfully alright with being your silent support. The stories told would have actually been pretty enjoyable, if you'd been able to forget they were based on real things. You didn't have to fake all of your laughter or interest.

You walked out with at least some ideas of the local climate. You made sure to talk to Marcie after and make sure she knew how thankful you'd been for her support. Marcie was quietly pleased with having been the one you'd asked to tag along, and told you she was happy to come along anytime.

You started a routine of dropping down by the bar once or twice a week. It was a good chance for getting out of the house. The clients seemed more than happy to tell tall tales to the ballsy human that had found his way into their midst. Willy even seemed fond of you, saying you reminded him of himself when he was younger. You hoped that was just him projecting and not the actual truth. It was very easy to learn the truth behind why vampires were less common during the summer. You had never heard so many complaints about how long summer days were before. You had to sit through more than one far too graphic description of what the vampires planned to get up to once the days started lengthening again.

[ ]See if you can find a job for some extra pay over the summer
[ ]Work more on self defense
[ ]Look for odd and end errands to do in the demon community
[ ]Relax and spend time with friends until Buffy gets back
[ ]Write-in
Is this the last vote before the end of summer? Because I'd like to work on self-defense and earn some more money, but I'm not sure if we'll be able to do both.

If we do go for money, do we want to aim for the job with presumably higher pay or do errands that probably don't pay much but let Xander get more information? I'm kind of hesitant to do errands right now because I'm wary of getting in too deep and then not telling the others because they wouldn't appreciate that Xander was trying to help out by getting info. I think errands would be a goal for next summer.
Is this the last vote before the end of summer? Because I'd like to work on self-defense and earn some more money, but I'm not sure if we'll be able to do both.

If we do go for money, do we want to aim for the job with presumably higher pay or do errands that probably don't pay much but let Xander get more information? I'm kind of hesitant to do errands right now because I'm wary of getting in too deep and then not telling the others because they wouldn't appreciate that Xander was trying to help out by getting info. I think errands would be a goal for next summer.
Yes this is the last vote before the end of summer
Hmm, the Demon errand option is interesting, don't think its the correct pick just intriguing.

I get the preference towards self-defense though of the base options I lean towards the Friends and Relaxation option. Its hard to find a lot of freetime once school starts since its going to be one event after another and finding more times to bond with our team I think is wise. Also feels like it probably would be a way to try and call Buffy to remind her she does have support here. Self Defense makes sense totally, but we will still have Buffy to pick up most of the rest of the gang's slack (and a second slayer incoming) we will likely be passively gaining some along the way since we are sort of... Buffy's punching bag for training purposes I feel. Though being able to be somewhat competent is really important as we do more things on our own that are likely to get us into individual danger, however we have Marcie as additional support for such situations which is a major safeguard for us. Thus I do still think that team unity is more potent and New Xander is less connected to Willow and that has its costs and benefits (General musing I wonder if we could hasten the meeting between Willow and Oz).

[X]Relax and spend time with friends until Buffy gets back
-[X] Get Willow and you to call Buffy at some point before the break is over.
-[X] Suggest Giles lets Marcie stay at his house, since he probably has a guest room and so she doesn't have to continue to sleep at the school.
-[X] Ask Marcie out on a Picnic date to Wilken's Grove or some other local park.

So I'm going with the team support/unity with some sub points underlying the action.
1. Buffy isn't in a good headspace really and I think us trying to reach out even if its just to be social is important for Buffy.
2. Marcie needs to have a place to sleep that isn't somewhere hidden in the school, Giles is the one who can step up and he should.
3. Why not? Also a park picnic date because its a bit secluded so that hopefully no one feels as self-conscious about a date with someone that is invisible. I'm not sure if Marcie would want to do something more public, but perhaps we'll learn a bit about what she would like if we actually step up and initiate the interest. Movie date could've worked but in my experience not the most effective for actually learning about your date. Also Xander's family has some camping stuff so probably not too difficult to get some things for the date even if its just simple food.

Also picked Wilken's Grove mostly because its really close to the school, and of the named park spaces in Sunnydale isn't known for having multiple homeless people about it (Weatherly Park), is likely quite close to a cemetery / looks like it may be a bit more popular for visitation (Hammersmith Park), is just a mentioned (Brookside Park). Wilken's Grove is close to the school, and is seemingly the most foresty of the parks.
-[X] Ask Marcie out on a Picnic date to Wilken's Grove or some other local park.
I've been thinking about this in general. Is it ethically ok for Xander to date anyone right now? He was apparently an adult before getting thrown into Xander's body.
It didn't take long for you to realize that there was a very major kink in your plan, and it wasn't Buffy. No, it was being a teenager again. You had forgotten just how easily it was to get turned on. It felt like you were constantly being hit in the face with the need to jerk it off and being distracted. You had been able to accept being attracted to Buffy, and Cordelia was somewhat expected as well, but Harmony? Cordelia's utterly brainless lackey?
I've been thinking about this in general. Is it ethically ok for Xander to date anyone right now? He was apparently an adult before getting thrown into Xander's body.
Here's the thing to understand: Xander has the memories and experience of someone older.

He has the mentality and impulse control of a teen. He is basically a very smart teenager.

It is, in my opinion, quite fun to make characters like this mentally match their physical age. All that experience and memory, and they are still acting like silly kids and can't stop it.
I think I'll switch to ComiTurtle's vote but WITHOUT the date. While Xander might end up dating later on, I feel like he should probably think about the implications a bit first. He can then end up dating due to his poor impulse control later on.

As for why I'm switching, I have two main reasons. First, if Xander's friends find out about him hanging out with demons, I want to make sure that his bonds with them are strong enough that they don't immediately kick him out. Second, he could probably use some time to decompress a bit before things start heating up again.

[X]Relax and spend time with friends until Buffy gets back
-[X] Get Willow and you to call Buffy at some point before the break is over.
-[X] Suggest Giles lets Marcie stay at his house, since he probably has a guest room and so she doesn't have to continue to sleep at the school.
[X]Relax and spend time with friends until Buffy gets back
-[X] Get Willow and you to call Buffy at some point before the break is over.
-[X] Suggest Giles lets Marcie stay at his house, since he probably has a guest room and so she doesn't have to continue to sleep at the school.

I don't think Marcie is in a good mental space to consider dating, beyond anything else
But it would be completely canon for them to date anyways because this show took place in the 90s and people thought relationships fixed trauma! XD Not gonna ask them to go through that though
I'll admit I follow the ick potential, different but similar reasons why I want to avoid much of the normal cast for romance because we by far have an informational advantage over them.

I think fully avoiding romance is missing out on the setting a bit and I also kinda want to not have both Willow and Marcie effectively led on by Xander. And entering a relationship with someone I hope pushes Willow to no longer long for Xander, though maybe that can just be a hard conversation we try and have later.

I believe that Marcie has shown some interest in Xander and treating such like we are unaware of it I feel could be more problematic for her given her situation (like it is with Willow too). Either we rip off the band aid of our secret or we at least continue playing the part and control the tempo, or maybe just have a similar conversation that I sort of want with Willow. I still think Marcie is a much less imbalanced relationship than most other options given she is not known to us through the progression of the show. An independent variable.
There is always the option of dating non humans! They'll be older!

Also have to say, I think Xander is my first for a character with an active dating life. Should be interesting
I believe that Marcie has shown some interest in Xander and treating such like we are unaware of it I feel could be more problematic for her given her situation (like it is with Willow too). Either we rip off the band aid of our secret or we at least continue playing the part and control the tempo, or maybe just have a similar conversation that I sort of want with Willow. I still think Marcie is a much less imbalanced relationship than most other options given she is not known to us through the progression of the show. An independent variable.
I think that jumping right into dating Marcie without thinking about the implications in-character is what's throwing me off even if Xander is actually a teenager. Assuming that spending time with friends wins next vote, Xander could spend some time thinking about how to handle his relationships with Willow and Marcie, assuming that Marcie is interested. There's also a possible upcoming scene where Buffy dances with Xander to make Angel jealous, if I remember corrrectly, so Xander might want to think about how to handle that as well.

He also needs to think about whether he'd be taking advantage of Marcie by dating her when she doesn't really have anyone else. Getting her a place to stay with Giles will hopefully get her an adult to depend on, which will should help. I'm not opposed to Xander dating Marcie somewhere down the line, but right now feels wrong.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Blacksheep on Dec 5, 2024 at 8:43 PM, finished with 14 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X]Relax and spend time with friends until Buffy gets back
    -[X] Get Willow and you to call Buffy at some point before the break is over.
    -[X] Suggest Giles lets Marcie stay at his house, since he probably has a guest room and so she doesn't have to continue to sleep at the school.
    [X]Work more on self defense
    [X]Relax and spend time with friends until Buffy gets back
    -[X] Get Willow and you to call Buffy at some point before the break is over.
    -[X] Suggest Giles lets Marcie stay at his house, since he probably has a guest room and so she doesn't have to continue to sleep at the school.
    -[X] Ask Marcie out on a Picnic date to Wilken's Grove or some other local park.
Summer's End
With your first breakthrough into the supernatural world you felt you were good to take the rest of the summer to relax and spend time with your friends. You focused on getting Willow outside and not just studying. You looked at comics, and listened to her chat about robotics and magic, and about how insane life was now that magic was real. Willow really wanted to know more about this special world that Buffy had opened up to the two of you. Well, more her than you, but your situation was rather...unique. You tried not to dwell on it too much. You did run some patrols with Willow, but they were more something fun to do in the evening than anything serious.

You and Willow both called Buffy. She seemed extremely busy, and didn't linger on any of the calls. It seemed she was doing her best to push everything that had happened as far away as possible. Now that you thought about it, that was a pattern with Buffy. She would deny and run away from things that upset her as much as possible. Running away as Anne, pretending things were fine when Angel went off the rails, and pretending she was a normal girl and not the Slayer when she first moved to Sunnydale. She needed something better to deal with things than this.

[ ]Leave Buffy alone for it
[ ]Suggest dartboards with faces she hates to work things out
[ ]Suggest hug sessions after big events
[ ]Write-in

You did find a moment to talk to Giles and suggest that he let Marcie live with her since she couldn't return to a normal life but you didn't want her stuck in the school. Giles was rather surprised by the suggestion, and rather awkward about it, but he did make arrangements. He still wasn't particularly pleased with this being a group operation. He was very much wired to think of Buffy first and only. He was a good man though, and quickly offered a room to Marcie when it was brought to his attention.

Marcie was very quiet about the move. You had the sense she was relieved to be leaving the school, and yet worried about what living with Giles would be like. You joked that you'd get the chance to hang out more this way, reassuring Marcie that things wouldn't change that much. She would still be a friend.

The summer was coming to an end. You paid attention as the vampires began to grow more active. There was chatter there, you listened in as a vampire joked about how easily impressed fledglings were and how they were flocking around a child. There was a level of disgust there at what had become of the local vampire court. You knew that the child vampire would be working on a ritual to revive the Master that Buffy had slain. You also knew that Buffy would be taking out her trauma over what happened on everyone.

[ ]Dig up the bones before the vampires can, give them to Buffy to destroy
[ ]Tell Buffy about the bones when she arrives, but don't dig them up
[ ]Write-in
That's a good point about Buffy running away from her problems. Hugs are probably not the best way to deal with that because it can come across as Xander wanting to be pervy.

Dartboards might work. Throwing darts at the faces of her enemies tells Buffy that it's ok to be upset about her problems, but they also might encourage her to use violence to solve all of her problems.

I'd like to try to come up with plans so that Buffy knows that she has people willing to support her and ready to help with her problems, but sometimes planning just makes people more anxious. Buffy doesn't strike me as someone who really wants to hear a lot of plans.

As for the bones, trying to dig them up alone seems like a good way to get caught by vampies. Would now be a good time to admit to having an in in the supernatural world that can provide information?
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