Replacing the Zippo

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In the story I vaguely remember, I think that the Scoobies found someone who either had tons of life force to drain or was acceptable to kill. I know that doesn't help much, and I'm now wondering if this was an alt-power story.

If we can't think of anything, then I'd suggest destroying the mummy because that feels kinder than letting her stay like that forever. I also don't feel right about letting a student die to awaken her.
Oh, the student doesn't have to die to awaken her. She just wakes up super hungry and mindlessly grabbed the first person within reach. She would be absolutely miserable without that first kiss, but it is avoidable.

Perhaps an option on researching ways to help her would have been useful?
[jk]What we need is some kind of accept- feed her vampires.

[x]Plan: Less skeevy than it looks at first glance
-[x]Look for ways to share life force, such that several people can donate at once to her initially, before breaking the connection.
-[x]In the likely event that such an option doesn't exist or is unachievable, plan to restrain her. Something like strapping her to a table with steel bands.
-[x]Make it so that a person can kiss her, a third person can break the connection, and she herself can't force the connection to continue.
-[x]Explain knowledge of this as coming from gossip at the bar about non-vampire immortals.

Any additional knowledge available that would break this plan?
Is Xander still going to the bar, or was that a summer-only thing? Also, has the mummy ever woken up before for the vampires to know about it?
I think there's some confusion.

I'm suggesting Xander mislead as to the precise source of his knowledge, by suggesting that he's heard of such things from the bar.

It doesn't matter if he's still going to the bar, or if the bar flies ever actually mentioned any such thing. They might have, as Xander was asking about all kinds of horror movie stuff. That was well beyond vampires.
Ok, now that I have time, and my cold is a bit better, I'm going to try to see if I can come up with something. I think the first problem here is convincing the others that the mummy girl should be saved. As far as the others are concerned, everything supernatural is bad except Angel because he has a soul. They were willing to go along with Xander's game idea because it wasn't dangerous, but trying to save a mummy that can kill people will be a much harder sell. Marcie and Willow might help us, but it would be much better if we could get everyone on board.

On that note, we should probably think of a reason for group activities like art or games before we try again. Maybe we could do some research on how to deal with high-stress situations and how people in combat manage their mental health. The group activities should be presented as a way to help everyone, not just Buffy, or she'll take it badly.

Going back to the mummy, if we can't convince the others, then our main choices are either destroying it or making sure it doesn't wake up. If this is the only time we'll ever have access to the mummy, then destroying it ends her suffering. If we think we'll be able to come up with a way to free her in the future when Xander has more knowledge, fighting ability, and reputation, then we can make sure she doesn't wake up.
[X]Try to prevent the mummy from ever waking up

I think I'll just hope that Xander will have another opportunity to save the mummy girl at some point in the future, possibly after this quest ends.
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