Repercussions (MLP)

"You're Daring Do!?" I asked, keeping my voice down in the flame lit skull chamber.

"You get why I don't publish my papers under my real name, right?" Dee... Daring... asked as she stretched her wings, scraping a hoof against the stone beneath her, "I publish my archaeology papers under Dee Dee. It makes things so much easier."

"I..." I started before I sighed, "I guess I get that much. Are you named for her or..."

Daring sighed and shook her head, "I'm 'that' Daring Do," she admitted, "And I have nopony but myself to blame. I wrote them."

"You're Yearling too!?"

Daring had an expression as if she went through this every time. Which she likely did.

"...Sorry, kind of a lot to wrap my head around," I admitted, "To find out that somebody you have read about is a real person, is kinda... wait... did those things really happen?"

Daring shrugged and sat down, facing me, "Yes and no. They're works of fiction, not biographies. The general outline, sure. But it's written for entertainment."

I slowly shook my head, "You have saved Equestria. I mean, that should be acknowledged, you should have a window or something."

She cringed slightly, "Please don't? I like things the way they are."

I could more than understand that sentiment, "...And you can actually walk around in public without being recognized."

"Yeah," she admitted, "Maybe writing those books wasn't the best idea, but I was a student for the first one and I needed the Bits. It just kind of escalated from there."

"To say the least."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah. So what now."

"What?" I asked and then shook my head, "Name or no name, we're still friends, aren't we?" I asked and held my hoof out for her.

She bumped hers against it, "I would have told you eventually," she said, "I just wanted to wait until we got out of here in case things got awkward."

I grinned, "So... going to write a book about this one?"

"You're already doing that," she said with a shrug, "Seems a bit impolite to just shoulder in on that. Besides, keeping track on so many characters would be a pain."

"Not that easy," I agreed before I smirked at her, "So... in 'Kingdom' there was that scene with the daughter of the chief of the..."

Daring groaned, "Ugh, don't remind me. I thought I'd try spicing the book up, see if it sold better. In reality he had a son and he was an idiot."

"Seems to have worked, it was your best selling book," I commented with a grin.

"And it was too embarrassing," she sighed, "Especially when I realized, after publication, that my parents read all my books."

I couldn't help but laugh, quickly ducking out of the way as she swatted at me with her wing, "Hey! Violence against your Prince! The peasants are revolting!"

"Oh please, like I haven't heard that joke before," she said and grinned, "So, I don't make a big deal about your royal highness and you don't about me being 'in a book'?"

"Deal," I agreed and we bumped hooves again, "So, what's your plans after we get back?"

Daring sighed, "About six months of postings to archaeology journals, paper writing and the final draft on my next book."

"Which explains your mouth writing," I said, nodding.

"Which explains my mouth writing," she agreed before she grinned, "But don't explain your horn writing."

"Oh be quiet," I grumbled before I looked to her again, "So... any chance of an early copy?"



"On a more serious note," I said and stepped a bit closer, "Next time if there is a threat to Equestria, call in somepony. You don't need to handle it on your own. It's what the guard are for."

Daring sighed, "I would absolutely love to be able to do that, but not that easy when I'm a week's flight from the closest guard outpost and the time limit is 'right now' or the bad guy gets away with the dangerous thing."

...Which was a very good point. I still thought in human terms sometimes. Equestria didn't have the kind of rapid response humans could muster even into remote areas.

"...Yeah, that's fair," I admitted, "But even then, when we get back I'll get you something that'll allow you to pull on the resources of the guard if necessary."

Daring nodded, "Thank you," she admitted, "But that kind of thing has only happened once or twice, usually it's just somepony trying to steal some expensive artifact or it's dangerous just for the general area."

"And next time it might not be."

"Fair enough," she agreed and shook her head, "Oh Luna, if this was a book, now I'm definitely going to need it next time, won't I?"

"Yeeep. Don't introduce a sword in the first act if it's not used before the end," I agreed cheerfully, "Sadly, reality is nowhere near as ordered as fiction has to be."

"Yeah, fiction has to make sense," Daring agreed.

I grinned, "Come on, let's find something to eat."

"And you want to go back to your wife and marefriend," Daring teased.

When she's right, she's right.
I watched the temple slowly recede into the distance in the middle of the sea of green that was the jungle as the sun slowly rose at the horizon.

Nopony wanted to stay longer than absolutely necessary, so... we left as soon as it got bright enough for the others to see to load the airship.

Shifting my wings, I sighed softly, the wind tugging at my mane as I put my hoof against the railing on the platform on top of the 'balloon'.

So much had happened since we left Canterlot. Ponies had gotten hurt. Ponies had died.

But we had learned things.

Sadly none of which made me any happier than ponies getting hurt. There had been a thestral alicorn in the past. A male even.

He had been a monster that turned the thestrals into more monsters.

According to Midnight, the curse on us was overlaid over the actual blood magic and it suppressed a lot of the things the blood magic did, such as the blood drinking.

She didn't know if it was the curse, the blood magic or a combination of the two that caused thestrals to have a majority of non thestral foals, but something was doing it.

I tried to help and all I did was potentially make things worse.

Somepony moved up next to me and I looked at Amber in surprise, "Amber?" I asked before I smiled slightly, "I'm tasting rather bad, aren't it?"

"...Kinda bitter, sir," she admitted.

"I'm sorry," I sighed against the sound of the wind as the propellers started to slowly turn faster, "We should go back inside. How's everypony feeling?"

Amber looked thoughtful, "Kind of... melancholy."

I slowly nodded.

That made a lot of sense. They made it through, but it had been difficult, painful and dangerous. But they also made it, together. Not only did we make it, but we achieved our objective.

Didn't mean it didn't suck, but... still.

"No talk about throwing the bat into the propellers yet?"

Amber glared at me and I raised a hoof,

"Sorry, sorry," I said in surrender and then shook my head, "I'm just a bit down right now."

"You should go to your mates, you taste better with them close by."

I smiled slightly and sighed, "I would, wouldn't I?" I asked and shook my head, "I just feel like being in a bad mood for a while. You can go back inside, I'll be a while. Nothing is going to jump me here."

Amber looked at me like I was stupid before she sat down and looked out over the horizon.


I shook my head slightly and flicked my ears, looking out over the jungle below as the wind tugged at my coat, wings and mane.

What do we do now?

...No. All of this was on me. All of it. From Midnights nightly nightmares to the ones of the rest of the group to the ponies hurt and the ponies died. The lost equipment and the destroyed airship.

I got everypony into this and I have to…

...fix it. There was no fixing it. Ponies have died.

I closed my eyes for a second. Fu-OW!

I looked at Amber in surprise as she pulled away, looking at me smugly as I put hoof on my neck, "You bit me!"

"You needed it."

"I don't need my blood rushing with changeling venom!" I snarled and spread my wings in protest, already feeling the effects, the wind almost pulling me off the platform as it hit my wings.

"Yes you do!" Amber argued and glared at me, "You need something to pull you out of this so you can do something constructive. Those kinds of emotions are not good for the hive!"

"Not everything is about the bucking hive!"

"It is!" Amber said and rounded to me, glaring, "Not just the Changeling hive, but your hive, the hive of the fearful bat ones!"

I took a step back and looked at her in surprise, struggling to stay angry. It was difficult when it started to feel like I hit puberty again in the middle of a stripclub.


"How does tasting awful help the bat ones?" Amber asked over the wind, her wings buzzing, "It's bad for your hive! Stop it!"

"I-" I started and then closed my eyes, taking a long slow breath, "It's not that simple, Amber. There is no fixing this."

"All things die. Never a way to fix it. The hive still needs work done," Amber said, shifting slightly, "No way to fix dead drones. Help the ones alive. Zakzzzkkezzz!"

"...I don't know that word," I said, breathing deeply.

"It doesn't have a pony translation. My life for the hive. My life mattered. My life helped others."

I opened my eyes to look at her for a long moment, "Make their lives matter."

"Their lives already did matter," Amber said, "That's my point. They are part of why we have what we have now, know what we know. Don't waste it."

I stared at her and then shook my head, "I'm not having this conversation while on 'ling Venom."

"And you're still clearer than you were a minute ago!"

Taking a deep breath, I shook my head, "Lings," I said and rubbed my forehead with my hoof as I looked away from her inviting looking… curves.

Amber looked at me stubbornly, "I'm still right."

"Maybe," I admitted, "But you have a bucking way of going to make a point," I grumbled, "I'm going inside."

"I didn't, you know;" Amber said as I turned to walk away.

I paused and looked back at her, "What?"

"No venom," she claritied, "I just bit you."

"Did you bucking placebo me!?"

"Feel better now?"

I just shook my head and trotted inside.
I groaned and slowly stretched my wings, blinking my eyes blearily open. Ugh.

I felt… tired. Sleepy.

Stirring, I raised my head and tried to blink my eyes clear. Sunset was sleeping next to me, snoring slightly.

She looked awfully cute like that.

I shook my head and carefully scooted out of the small bed, looking out the window outside. It was late morning, almost noon.

Wow, that's…

Okay, that's later than I thought.

Quietly I left the quarters and silently closed the door behind me, "Amber?" I asked and turned around to look at the changeling, "Never do that again."

The Changeling looked at me stubbornly, "It worked."

I bared my fangs and hissed at her, but she stood her ground, just giving a slight buzz from her wings.

There was no way that had 'only' been placebo.

"Feel better now?" Amber asked after a second as she sat down, watching me.

I stared at her for a long moment before I sighed and shook my head. Changelings.

The worst thing was that she was right.

I was feeling better.

No, the worst thing was that she knew exactly how I felt, "Amber… just… don't do it again."

"Yes, sir," she said, her wings doing another slight buzz.

I sighed and shook my head, "So, you seemed to have all the answers," I said, looking to her, "What do you think I should do?"

"I'm not a Queen," Amber said, looking back at me.

Which was admittedly very fair. It's not how changelings worked.

I took a slow breath, nodding, "I need to talk to Luna," I slowly said before I looked to Amber again, finding her missing.

Shaking my head, I moved off in search of my wife.

Which turned out to be more difficult than expected. Yes, the airship wasn't that big, but it was packed with ponies.

"Good Morning," Luna said with a smile as I found her and Twilight in the cargo bay next by a collection of items that had been gathered from the temple. Mostly pots and some tools. Luckily the statue had been way too big to bring out.

Personally I had been in favor of a big hammer, but De-Daring, Twilight, Midnight and Moon Dancer had all stared at me like I stabbed somepony when I suggested it, so I let it drop.

"Morning," I said and moved up to give her a nuzzle.

"Sleep well?" Luna asked playfully and nuzzled back.

I cleared my throat and looked between Luna and Twilight. Twilight looked amused, blushing slightly while Luna smiled at me.

"Be nice," I sighed and then looked to Twilight, "...Sorry."

Twilight shook her head, "Don't be. Our Kitten has been worried sick since she found out your airship went down, about time somepony got her to relax," she said and smiled, "She's still asleep?"

I nodded, "Yeah," I agreed, "We were… up late."

Luna nodded and nuzzled at my ear with a small smirk, "You're thinking about something?"

Sighing, I nodded and shifted closer to her, "Want to figure out what to do now. Any ideas about the entire curse thing?" I asked Twilight.

Twilight shook her head, "Not yet, but we'll figure it out. Midnight and I will keep working on it, but we need more data. The more batponies we can study, the better. We need to correlate the data we gathered from you with other thestrals. You seem to have the real deal, but we need to be certain."

"I'll see if I can find some volunteers," I told her, "But most are understandably hesitant about revealing themselves."

"The more the better," Twilight said seriously, "The more data we can gather, the easier it will be to break the curse. And to figure out the underlying blood magic."

"I'll see what I can do," I told her, "Some might be willing to help."

Twilight nodded and then frowned, "...Is Sunset really still asleep?"

"Was when I left," I said and shrugged my wings, "She was so cute I didn't have the heart to wake her," I admitted.

And I needed to yell at Amber, but that's beside the point.

Sparks shook her head, "I better go wake her or she'll never fall asleep tonight," she said with a smile.

"Have fun," I said and Sparks blushed as she quickly retreated.
"Do you think there is enough time still to tell the captain of this thing to turn around?" I asked Luna as I looked out of the small window of the cabin.

When I woke up this morning, I had looked out the window and found the ground below covered with white.

"I don't think anypony else would approve of that," Luna commented and looked between a pair of papers before putting them down and smiling at me, "Winter is almost half way over anyway."

I grumbled and gave her a small nuzzle, "Yay."

Luna giggled and nuzzled at my ear, "How's your horn?"

"It's fine," I said and sighed, "Haven't hurt for almost a week."

"So what did the doctor say?"

"That he'll examine me again in a week and to avoid using any magic until he gives me the go ahead," I said and flicked my ears, "Which is something I one hundred percent is going to follow. I have no intention of relapsing back to the beginning again."


If I end up against a rexosaurus with a strained horn again and I'll rather try to buck it in the face. Because I'm fairly sure that getting a leg bitten off would hurt less.

Luna nodded and smiled, "It'll pass. I have felt that myself once or twice, if not as badly as it hit you."

I nodded and then stretched my wings, "I'm going to stretch my legs a bit."

"Going up top?" Luna teased and I shuddered at the very thought as I trotted out of the room.

No… thank you.


Buck that so hard. At least the inside of the airship was nice and warm despite the metal walls. Nothing could be cold with this many ponies in it.

I made my way along the ship, "How's things?" I asked as I reached Swift where he was laying, a book floating before him, two legs in actual casts now instead of just splinted.

Swift Spear glanced up and grinned, "I'm good, just bored out of my skull. Just looking forward to getting back home."

"Missing Minuette?" I asked.

He nodded, "...Yeah. Kind of looking forward to a couple of weeks of recovering."

I smiled, "Yeah, understand that," I said before I frowned, "Uhm… I shouldn't come to visit for a while, should I?"

"May be safest to stay away for a couple of days to give her time to calm down a little," Swift agreed, "Minuette can have a temper."

"Figured," I agreed, "I'll let you get back to your book. I'll offer to get you a drink or something, but I think the doctor might pin my ears back."

"Take you up on that when we get back," He said with a grin and picked his book back up.

I gave him a small wave and headed out, talking briefly with each of the injured on my way out. Stepping back out into the corridor, I stretched my wings and set my jaw.


...Amber had a point. Everypony that got hurt, everypony that died…

It's up to us to make it worth it. Up to me.

I'll make it worth it, I'll get thestrals accepted as another tribe if it kills me.

I took a slow and deep breath and then shook my head. Midnight and Sparks could figure out how to break the curse, reverse the blood magic…

Before everything else, we needed to restore all thestrals to the way they… the way we should be.

To undo all of the evil that 'that fucker' did.

Might have thought that he was helping, was keeping them safe, but what he did was force them to undergo thousands upon thousands of years of prosecution and fear.

I'm going to fix it. I'm going to restore things the way they were meant to be if it meant talking Sparks into sending me back in time and punching the fucker in the teeth before he could do anything.

I sighed and shook my head. No. No, that's stupid. You don't buck around with time, I have read too many stories about it going wrong.


No, it wouldn't work. But we'll find a way to fix this. To improve the lives of thestrals everywhere.

And if ponies after everything else don't change their minds.…

...I just have to do it for them...
I still kinda think that the blood drinking wasn't That bad considering that the others were trying to wipe them out first....
the other nastier bits could have been the work of the other groups.
That depends on what he actually did; a great deal of what Blank Page's expedition put together regarding thestral history is speculation and educated guesswork.
Imagine if Page does go back in time and finds out that he was wrong the hard way...
Plot twist: the thestral statue is the accidental result of someone firing off a test shot with the Elements of Harmony without bothering to erect a backstop. The timer on his petrification is about to hit zero, and Blank Page is about to acquire a new kid brother. :V
Plot twist: the thestral statue is the accidental result of someone firing off a test shot with the Elements of Harmony without bothering to erect a backstop. The timer on his petrification is about to hit zero, and Blank Page is about to acquire a new kid brother. :V
I mean I did call the statue not being a statue earlier :p. Get your own insane theory!!!
I mean I did call the statue not being a statue earlier :p. Get your own insane theory!!!
Alright, let's see here, how can I make this zanier...

The thestral statue was part of a failed attempt to create an artificial demigod, but was originally never alive. The ritual will be successfully completed when Midnight Sparkle returns to the abandoned temple and kills the tentacled abomination between realities, spilling its eldritch blood on the statue and bringing it to life.

Blank Page is left with a new kid brother who occasionally sprouts tentacles when startled.
At this point, I'm beginning to think that the most shocking plot twist to this particular audience would be that the statue is actually just a statue. :V

"I…" I said and pulled my cloak closer around myself as I stepped down the gangway from the airship, "I am starting to really dislike this city."

I swear, it was even colder now than when we left.

Sunset smiled at me, "Just relax, okay? It's going to be fine."

"...Sorry," I said and gave her a small nuzzle, "Cold makes me grumpy."

"No, you don't say?" Sunset asked with a smile, "And you working yourself up for the last three days haven't exactly helped, I bet."

I shook my head and smiled at her, "So, what's the plan?"

"I'm going to go houseshopping with Twi and Midnight," she said, "You?"

I sighed, "Should go say hi to Celestia as soon as possible. She deserves to hear everything from me."

Sunset frowned, "I thought you were doing that tomorrow. You want me to come along? I totally can, not like Twi and Midnight don't have the brainpower to handle picking a house on their own."

"No, Luna is coming," I said and shook my head, smiling at her, "Better you go along with Sparky and Midnight or they'll end up living in a lab or library or something."

Sunset grinned and bumped her side against mine, giving the side of my neck a nuzzle, "They aren't that bad," she said, "But… you're not exactly wrong either," she said and then looked away towards the 'twins' as they moved down the ramp, "See you tonight, right?"

"Not going to stay with Sparks tonight?"

She shook her head, "She's heading back to Ponyville tonight to pick her things up. Even if we don't find anything today, she's moving back to Canterlot. Either a castle guestroom or staying at her parents place, she's not sure yet."

I nodded and touched my horn to hers, "Have fun, okay."

Sunset grinned and winked before trotting over to the Sparkles. I looked back as Luna trotted down the ramp towards me,

"Ready to go?" I asked her.

Luna smiled and shook her head, giving my ear a nuzzle, "Relax, My Page. It's nothing like that."

"I know," I sighed and flicked my ears.

Luna gave me a hug with her wing and guided me in for a kiss, "Page. Things go wrong," she said quietly, "It happens. To everypony. And nopony knows that better than my sister… or me."

I looked up at her and then nodded, "...Okay, let's go."

We moved inside, making our way through the castle, "Tomorrow," I said, "I'm going to visit the families of the ponies that… died. They deserve for me to tell them in person."

"No, Page," Luna said and frowned down at me, "Page, that's a bad idea."

I blinked up at her in surprise, "What do you mean a bad idea? It's the least I can possibly do!"

She stopped and moved around to face me, "Page… in the past… and sadly possibly in the future… I have lead forces. Had to order ponies to their death. Had ponies die for me, for my sister, for Equestria. As horrible as it is, if we were to meet with the families of every single pony that died for Equestria, we would be doing nothing else. We have a process for this for a good reason."

I shook my head, my ears going back, "...It's not the guard, Luna," I said, "I understand if it's like that, but it's just six ponies."

"And they are more important than the guards that have died for Equestria?"

I cringed and took a step back, "That's not…" I started before I took a deep breath, swallowing and shook my head, "It's just… it feels wrong!"

Luna nodded and moved up to nuzzle softly, "It is wrong," she said quietly, "...But that's how things are. The way they have to be."

I gritted my teeth, scraping my hoof against the marble floor, hissing softly and shook my head, "...No. No, Luna. I am going to go to each and everyone of them. I did this, they deserve to hear it from me."

"You didn't do this," Luna told me firmly, "You hear me? You didn't do this."

"Maybe not," I said and looked up at her, "But I am responsible. Come on, let's to find Sunshine," I said and moved past her.

Luna moved to follow.

It didn't take long. Just follow the guards really.

I knocked on the door and moved in past the guards. Celestia looked up from behind her desk,

"Page!" she exclaimed and got up, "You're back!"

I nodded and trotted inside, slipping my cloak off, "We're back," I agreed and forced a smile, "I have a lot to tell you."

"Later," Celestia said and rounded the desk and then she pulled me into a tight hug, forelegs and wings going around me and pulling me close as she sat down.

I sighed and hugged back, leaning against her warmth as her soft and warm wings folded around me.

"I'm just glad you're back safe," she murmured softly, giving me a nuzzle between my ears, "I… we… were so worried."

"I'm fine," I sighed and nuzzled against her chest, "Missed you too, Sunshine."

She hugged me tighter for a second with her wings and forelegs.

Celestia finally let go and I stepped back, dropping down on all four hooves again as I smiled up at her.

Sunshine gave the best hugs, she was so warm. Impossibly, she actually made me feel better.

She always did somehow.

"How about you go get some rest," Luna asked and moved up next to me, giving my ear a nuzzle with a smile, "It's been a long day for everypony and I'm sure we can talk about everything that has happened later."

Celestia nodded, "It can wait."

"...Okay," I admitted, "I am pretty tired. I feel like I should go through my notes and such first anyway so I can give a full report."

"Relax," Celestia said with a smile, "You don't report to me or anypony else. I just want to hear how things went. We can do that tomorrow or when you have time."

I shot her a thankful smile and then looked at Luna, "Coming?"

Luna gave my ear a small nuzzle, "In a bit. I do have some things to discuss with my sister first, I'll join you in a little bit?"

Luna gave my ear a small nuzzle, "In a bit. I do have some things to discuss with my sister first, I'll join you in a little bit?"

She's totally giving Celestia the heads-up that Page feels too responsible for those deaths. I'm not sure what Celestia can do about that which Luna can't, but I can't imagine she's not gonna tell Celestia about the potential minefields Page is looking to step in.
I stared down at the papers laid out before me on the couch but I didn't see them. It had been three hours since I came back from visiting the families of those lost ponies.

I had fought Tirek. Confronted Discord. Faced down Changelings and spent time in a jungle filled with predators.

But that... that had been the hardest thing I had ever done.

What's worse was... none of them. None of them...

I would have prefered if they yelled at me. Blamed me. None of them did. Or... rather, they did, I could see it in their eyes when they looked at me, but none of them dared to say it.

Because alicorn. Because... thestral.

The door opened and Luna walked into our quarters. She looked agitated, her mane moving a bit faster than usual. But she took one look at me and moved across the room to slip up onto the couch next to me. She didn't say a word, she simply put her wing over my back, hugging me to her side as she rested her head against the top of mine.

I leaned against her, pressed against her neck and my tears stained her coat.

Neither of us said anything for what felt like hours. Could have been hours. Could have been minutes.

"I understand why it's not normally done," I finally said against her coat before pulling back to look up at her, my voice sounding strange even to my ears, "But if-"

I broke off and closed my eyes for a second, taking a deep breath before I continued, "...When. When it happens next time, I'm doing the same thing again. It's the very least I can do."

Luna frowned slightly, but she just nodded and sighed softly, "It's up to you, Page."

"It is up to me," I said seriously and then shook my head, "There will be a memorial at the castle in a week. Give everypony some time to recover first. I have been working on my speech, but..." I continued, motioned towards the blank paper.

Luna nodded, her horn lighting and an amber bottle and a couple of glasses floated over to it. She filled both of them with a good amount before putting one down before me, "Drink."

I drank.

It burned slightly, but was good stuff. Putting the glass back down, I sighed and leaned against her side, closing my eyes for a second.

"Sunset or myself would have come with you," Luna said gently.

"I know," I said and then shook my head, "But it was something I needed to do on my own."

Luna just nodded against my mane.

I sighed softly and wiped my eyes with my hoof before I looked up to her, "...You're up early."

"Things haven't been standing still while you were away," she explained, "We are still dealing with negotiations with the minotaur delegation."

"So that's why you looked annoyed when you walked in," I said and frowned, "What did they do?"

Luna smiled slightly and shook her head, "Oh, nothing. Negotiations are going well, it's my sister that's annoying me. She's being an idiot."

"Idiot isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about Sunshine," I said and looked to her in concern, "What's going on?"

Luna shook her head and gave me a small kiss, "It's nothing, just a sister's thing. You have a sister, I'm sure you know what it's like."

Somep-one I'll never see again.

I nodded though, "Yeah. Yeah I do. You love them, but sometimes you just wanted to smack them or something."

"Mhmm," Luna agreed and gave my ear a nuzzle, "Sadly, I'm fairly sure it wouldn't help in this case. She has a very thick skull and is frustratingly stubborn."

"Tried it a couple of times, huh?" I teased.

"...We were foals once too," Luna agreed with a small smile, "Well, even disregarding that entire rebellion thing."

"Yes, disregarding that. Anything I can help with?"

Luna smiled and flicked her ears, "No. Not in this case, I think she just has to come to the realisation on her own."

I nodded, "Yeah, okay. Just let me know if there is anything I can do."

"Well, I can think of a couple of things that could help, but not now. I promise though," Luna agreed, "You'll be the first to know. Now... you have been up all day, shouldn't you get some sleep?"

I glanced down at the empty papers before me. I wanted to at least get a first draft done, but... maybe starting on it fresh tomorrow would help.

"Is Sunset sleeping here tonight?" Luna asked after a moment, glancing towards the door, "She's usually here by now."

I shook my head, "She's with Sparks. She offered, but I said I wouldn't be very good company anyway. Better she spent the evening having fun."

Luna sighed and nuzzled at my ear, "You, My Page... are a very noble and very dumb pony."

Well, she was half right. We all know which half.
Luna shook her head and gave me a small kiss, "It's nothing, just a sister's thing. You have a sister, I'm sure you know what it's like."
Luna smiled and flicked her ears, "No. Not in this case, I think she just has to come to the realisation on her own."

I nodded, "Yeah, okay. Just let me know if there is anything I can do."

"Well, I can think of a couple of things that could help, but not now. I promise though," Luna agreed, "You'll be the first to know.

Hmm. I wonder if Luna's trying to get Celestia to make a move on Page? I'm aroace so I don't really know how this stuff works, but it's well-established by now that Celestia likes to flirt with Page and make him react, and I can't imagine she'd do that if there wasn't some level of attraction there, right?
Hmm. I wonder if Luna's trying to get Celestia to make a move on Page? I'm aroace so I don't really know how this stuff works, but it's well-established by now that Celestia likes to flirt with Page and make him react, and I can't imagine she'd do that if there wasn't some level of attraction there, right?
Hmm, I don't know:
Celestia scooted a bit closer, slipping a foreleg around me along with a wing and I hugged back, leaning against her warmth
A warmth radiated from her and her wing, it was like laying next to a fireplace! I blinked at her, "...Seriously, what's your metabolism like?" I asked as I shifted closer to her side, resting my head against her warm shoulder
I sighed and hugged back, leaning against her warmth as her soft and warm wings folded around me
Clearly Page just finds her to be really hot :V

More seriously, they have some chemistry, and Page and Celestia have certainly been hugging/nuzzling each other more in this story than in the previous one. On the other hand, where will page find the time to be with 2 alicorns and a unicorn, especially when the sleep schedules can conflict and when he is so busy.