Repercussions (MLP)

Have Luna cast a spell over canterlot, make everyone look like a night pony guard for the day... After a bit of a freak out, everyone will get used to the sight of fangs and so forth.

Either that or they'll all freak out and attack each other. Gotta consider the worse-case scenarios too.
Really this seems to be up Page's alley, though. Give every pony dreams about being the ostracized Thestral.
Ponies tend to lean towards the flight aspect of fight or flight.

You're not wrong, but also consider that for many of them, flight isn't an option because everypony is a thestral now and they can't exactly go somewhere where the thestrals aren't. It only takes a few panicky ponies to feel cornered enough to lash out for the whole thing to turn into a mob. (Also, I don't remember if Page introduced Equestria to the concept of zombies or if it already had a concept of zombies, but if either of those are true, I'd be willing to bet a non-trivial number of ponies will see a city full of thestrals and make some really harmful assumptions.) Besides which, even if they all run away from each other without attacking (which I consider to be the most likely result, to be clear), that's not exactly a good outcome for the end goal of increasing thestral/changeling acceptance.

Anyway, specifics of the plan aside, the thrust of my point is that systemic problems like these can only be fixed with systemic solutions: you can't brute-force acceptance. Page has an advantage here in that he can and will live long enough to see systemic reforms bear fruit, but he's not gonna be able to find a quick fix for this.

"How's your human history?" I asked and then looked at her again, "Does, minority in the 1960s sound familiar?"

Sunset cringed, "We... covered some of it in history class and such," she said and frowned, "Really?"

...wait a second, Sunset learned about racial discrimination in the "human" world? Given the sheer variety of skin colors in Equestria High-verse, I'm not sure how racial discrimination would work based on skin color, so what was the discrimination based on??
...wait a second, Sunset learned about racial discrimination in the "human" world? Given the sheer variety of skin colors in Equestria High-verse, I'm not sure how racial discrimination would work based on skin color, so what was the discrimination based on??
I mean, skin color is a recent and entirely arbitrary designation that is used to discriminate.

What constitutes "white" has changed significantly over the decades.

Presumably in that verse they have some other arbitrary and meaningless criterion to divide people into an in group and an out group.
I mean, skin color is a recent and entirely arbitrary designation that is used to discriminate.

What constitutes "white" has changed significantly over the decades.

Presumably in that verse they have some other arbitrary and meaningless criterion to divide people into an in group and an out group.

Sure, but that doesn't make me not curious about what their particular arbitrary and meaningless criterion is.
Either that or they'll all freak out and attack each other. Gotta consider the worse-case scenarios too.
That isn't a worse-case scenario. Worse case scenario is they freak out, attack each other, and then blame the carnage on the Thestrals, thus leading to more hate.

In any case, I applaud the author for being willing to take on this topic.
That isn't a worse-case scenario. Worse case scenario is they freak out, attack each other, and then blame the carnage on the Thestrals, thus leading to more hate.

In any case, I applaud the author for being willing to take on this topic.

Note that I said "worse-case" rather than "worst-case". I was by no means claiming that my proposed possibility was the worst possible outcome.
I mean, skin color is a recent and entirely arbitrary designation that is used to discriminate.

What constitutes "white" has changed significantly over the decades.

Presumably in that verse they have some other arbitrary and meaningless criterion to divide people into an in group and an out group.

I know, right? It makes me remember an interview in a paper here in Sweden about a former neo-nazi who had gone to racism camp in Brazil, and he was so shocked, because most of the others there were people who looked like the ones he harassed.

And we know Equestria has racism. In the latest season on Netflix, (7? 8?) Chancellor Neighsay is a prime example. Now this is against any of the races beyond the traditional 4 pony ones. Including the movie-introduced Hippogriff/Seapony.
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The sound of my hooves seemed to echo through the hallway as I made my way through the castle. It was afternoon... or early morning for me... and ponies were moving all over the place on their duties. Guards, castle admin staff, even a few maids could be seen.

I tried not to get in any of their way, but I didn't let any of them delay me from my destination.

Stopping by a pair of doors, I looked to the guards outside it, "is she in?"

"Princess Celestia is currently in a meeting, your Highness," Sergeant Clear Blade answered from the left of the door, "I believe it will be finished in a few hours."

"Hey, good news, change of schedule," I said and walked past them to push the doors open.

I really disliked doing that to them as both of them kind of twitched. Their orders were to not let anyone in, I knew that, but.. alicorn.

"...Sir," Clear Blade said and moved a bit to get in my way, "Princess Celestia is in a meeting with the representative of the tax service. I'm not to let anypony past..."

"I understand that, sergeant," I told him, "But this is something that potentially affects the lives and freedom of hundreds of ponies. Please stand aside, I am going through those doors. Guards or no guards."

He looked profoundly unhappy but didn't move, "I...I have my orders, sir," he said, "But I may ask Princess Celestia for clarification?"

My respect for him went up another couple of notches and I paused, giving him a nod, "Go."

He bowed briefly and then backed up and wrote a small note on a piece of paper before he knocked on the door and opened it a crack before slipping the note through where it was quickly grabbed by a yellow magical aura.

A few seconds later I heard Celestia's voice, "Let him in, Sergeant."

He opened the door and I moved past, giving him a nod on the way before I entered the room. I looked to the unicorn with stacks of papers laid out before him on Celestia's Desk, "Leave us."

Penny Pincher quickly turned to me, "Lord Page, I don't think you quite realize wha-" he started to say before he just kind of trailed off and swallowed before he quickly nodded, "I-I think it may be just about time to break for lunch," he said and then quickly bowed to Celestia, "W-with your permission, Princess?"

"We can continue later," she agreed and he quickly left the room. Almost fled.

Celestia quickly got up and rounded the desk as the door closed behind him, her horn flashing and the outline of the walls and doors quickly flashed, signalling a sound dampening spell, "Page, what's wrong?"

I scraped my hoof against the marble floor and shifted my wings before I looked to her, "Do you know how many bat ponies there are?"

Celestia blinked and then frowned slightly, "I don't. I know they are rare."

"I don't know either," I told her, "Could be a dozen left. A hundred. Couple of thousand. Nopony knows. Do you know why?"

She shifted her wings slightly as she frowned at me, "They can use their illusion to look like pegasi?"

"And almost every single one does," I said before I looked up at her, "Because if they don't, do you know how they are treated?"

Celestia actually flinched slightly before she sighed, "...Yes. I do."

I looked at her for a long moment, "Do you know what I did yesterday?"

Celestia nodded and slowly sank down to sit, "The same thing I did a hundred and eleven years ago."

I blinked at her in surprise, "What?"

She shook her head sadly and looked to me, "About a hundred and eleven years ago, it struck me that it was a very long time since I last saw an actual bat pony. So I did some research into the matter. I managed to find a few dozen and I talked to them. I then tried to go out in public after using a transformation spell to look like one. I... suspect my experience was similar to yours."

I stomped my hoof against the marble floor with an echoing crack, "So why didn't you do anything about it!?"

Celestia sighed sadly, "Do what, Page? There are already laws against discriminating against ponies based on their tribe... and yes, thestrals count as one. There aren't enough thestrals around to let ponies get used to seeing them every day, even with the Lunar guard. They are already protected under the law, same as everypony else."

I raised my wings, "But there has to be something!"

"What would you have me do, Page?" she said gently, "Order ponies to be kind? Do it by force? There is only so much even alicorns and princesses can do."

I looked at her for a long moment before I felt my ears droop and I sank down to sit as well, refolding my wings, "...I don't know..."

Celestia scooted a bit closer, slipping a foreleg around me along with a wing and I hugged back, leaning against her warmth.

What do we do?

Celestia gave my mane a small nuzzle, "You're right, Page. It's way past time that something is done. We'll figure something out, I promise."

"I know where we have to start," I said against her coat, "The guard."

Celestia tensed and then slowly shifted to look down at me, looking into my eyes, "What did they do?" she asked.

Last time I heard that tone from her, she threatened to burn the griffon ambassador alive.

I put my hoof on her chest with a small smile, "Relax, Sunshine. I just think we need to give them some clearer rules of conduct."

Celestia frowned slightly before she nodded, "Very well."
Celestia gave my mane a small nuzzle, "You're right, Page. It's way past time that something is done. We'll figure something out, I promise."
Not mentioning recent current events, but it will be difficult to change things without a long and painful process where the bat ponies are out and loud. As long as people and their bigotry aren't being confronted things are going to stay the same.
Celestia gave my mane a small nuzzle, "You're right, Page. It's way past time that something is done. We'll figure something out, I promise."
Unfortunately, this kind of deeply ingrained racism is the sort of thing that takes generations of concentrated effort to fix.
Page's domain, as I said before, is uniquely suited for this. Though it's not going to be fast no matter what he does.
It's time to normalize the thestrals, the changelings, and all things creepy and kooky! Blank Page, embrace your final transformation and become what you were always meant to be in this world:

It's time to normalize the thestrals, the changelings, and all things creepy and kooky! Blank Page, embrace your final transformation and become what you were always meant to be in this world:


...jokes aside, this might actually be a good step to take. If Blank Page were to write and popularize a book that's roughly the Addams family with thestrals and changelings and such, that might change some hearts if the characters are likable enough.
'Most of you have read about me or heard about me. Some of you have read my books. My name is Blank Page and I need your help. Ponies are united in Equestria, Unicorns, Earth Ponies and Pegasi living in harmony under the protection of the Princesses, but they aren't the only ponies that exist. There is a fourth tribe. I am speaking about Thestrals, or as most call them, bat ponies.

I am part thestral myself. Where the princesses take on the aspect of a pegasus, I instead have that of a thestral. I am now reaching out to all the thestrals in Equestria, I want you to contact me. Send me a letter. You don't need to say where you are from or even your real name, I just want to hear from you, every one of you. I want to hear about your lives, your experiences. I know your lives are difficult and I want to help, but to do that, I need to know how I can help.

Some ponies have horns. Some have wings. Some are strong. Some see in the dark. All are ponies and it is important that you all remember that, no matter what. But that's not limited to ponies either, Equestria hosts a great number of other creatures, not just ponies, griffons, zebras, changelings and minotaurs as well as many others also live here. All which deserve your respect and the right to walk the streets without fear or shame.

The fact is, that some can't.

And that is against everything Equestria has stood for since the unification. Since the defeat of the Wendigos.

There are great dangers in this world, forces that might threaten us and the strongest ones are inside us. Every word said in spite, every glance of maliciousness, every action to hurt somepony... some creature... all of them cut both ways.

To hurt somepony else is to hurt yourself.

So I have only this to say to everypony that reads this: Be good to each other, have a good Hearth's Warming and remember what it's all about.

Prince-Consort Blank Page, Alicorn of Stories and Dreams'

"What the buck is this?" Sunset asked and dropped the newspaper on me.

"Not so loud," I groaned and rolled over. Luna barely stirred next to me at the movement, her wings relaxed against the bed, her mane slowly drifting around her, a dome of yellow magic covered her, presumably to not wake her while also allowing Sunset to yell at me freely.

That's good.

Shaking my head, I struggled up to sit, rubbing my eyes with a hoof as I blinked against the morning light. The way too early morning light leaking in through cracks of the curtain. Suppressing a yawn, I blinked down at the newspaper by my hooves, "That," I said and stretched my wings before jumping off the bed, "Is the open letter to the nation I sent to every major newspaper last night."

Sunset stared at me for a long second before rubbing her forehead with a hoof, "Page... was that really a good idea?"

"Yes," I told her and blinked, trying to keep my eyes open, "I mean, not my best piece of writing ever, but I hope it gets the idea across."

Sunset sighed and moved up to me, touching her horn to mine, "Page, that's not..." she started before she stopped and started over, "Don't you think that's risky?"

"Telling people to be good to each other?" I asked and smirked at her, "Dangerous, I know, but I don't expect to be crucified for it, if that's what you're asking."

She blinked at me, "Wha-" before she facehooved, "...So not what I meant. The thing about batponies."

"What about it?"

Sunset shifted around and lifted the paper up so I could see it, "The fact that they have been able to keep hidden so well has been a good thing for them. Even if they aren't exactly pointed out by this, it will make ponies more aware that they are-"

"Good," I said with a nod, looking to her, "The only way ponies will ever get used to seeing them is if they are actually seen. Ignorance is the bullshit that bigotry and fear thrives in, Sunset."

She hesitated slightly before she nodded, "...You're right," she admitted quietly, "I'm just worried... what if you're wrong?"

I had worried about the same thing before I sent the letters out to be published. But it needed to be done, I don't know how many thestrals there really were, but I had met two and knew of two more. Four were already too many that had to hide who they really were.

"I know," I told her and touched my horn to hers again, "But it had to be done, and it's the only way to get at least some idea about the population data," I admitted, "...You can't filter bat ponies from pegasi in the dreams, I tried. At least I didn't find a way to do it yet. Even if only ten percent actually mail in, at least it gives me some idea. If I get two answers, there likely isn't very many. But if I get a hundred, there might be thousands in total."

"...Will give us at least some idea," Sunset agreed and flicked her ears, "...Sorry for waking you." she apologized and then gave me a small nuzzle.

I nuzzled back and then suppressed a small yawn, "It's fine. Well, I'm up, so might as well get going. Any answer from Sparky yet?"

"Not yet."
"I'm just worried... what if you're wrong?"
In that case, it's bad dreams for everyone, all night every night! Alternatively, everyone's dreams might end up full of Adam West impersonators hamming it up while the Batman theme plays in the background nonstop, which actually sounds worse...

Oh well. At least Blank Page hasn't invited Discord along to prank Equestria wholesale or something equally drastic.
I hate winter.

Sure, curling up by a fireplace with My Sky or Sunny was amazing. But pretty much everything else about it sucked. When it wasn't freezing cold and howling with wind and snowing, it was freezing cold and absolutely burning bright outside with the sun glaring down from above and reflecting from the sun, making it even worse.

I hate winter so much.

Amber seemed to be in agreement with my opinion. The changeling didn't look overly happy where she trotted along next to me, bundled up with a cloak, a scarf and a warm winter hat. Similar to what I was wearing myself and it was still chilly, even with a warming spell on each of us.

"Nice day today," Iron Shine said cheerfully, trotting along on my other side. She was one of the members of my Legion and the one that was assigned to follow me around outside the castle today. She was an earth pony with grey coat and platinum hair with an iron bar cutiemark. She was also half a hoof taller than me and easily outmassed me by at least fifty percent, all of which was muscles.

She made Applejack look scrawny, but she wasn't even that bulky either, it was all lean muscle. Just… a lot of it. Layers upon layer.

I was fairly sure it was out of politeness that she used doors rather than just walk through walls.

What was even more unfair was that other than a nice knitted red scarf, she looked completely unbothered by the temperature outside.

"...How can you not be freezing? It's like twenty below."

"Eh, this counts as spring weather home in Stalliongrad, sir," she said cheerfully, "So where are we off to today?"

"I was planning to see if I could find a few Hearth's Warming gifts," I told her, "So I was thinking to visit the usual jewelry store and maybe go past Rarity's and see what we can find for Sunset. I have Luna's ready already, but I also need something for Celestia and Twilight and Midnight. Midnight and Twilight are pretty easy, I have a couple of rare books on order. Sunshine is a bit more difficult."

I mean, seriously. Sunshine was as difficult to shop for as Luna. What do you get a woman that already has literally everything?

...I guess I could get her a spa gift card or something. Bet I would even get it for free just because they'd get Princess Celestia visit their establishment.

Assuming she'd even actually ever get the time to actually use the thing.

I might think I'm busy, but Celestia was even busier than Luna who was even busier than I was.

Maybe a democratic revolution would be appreciated so they could both retire?

Now that was tempting, the idea of getting six or so more hours of Luna time a day was... a nice one. But not like I'd ever have the time to go through with it and with my luck, I'd end up as Emperor instead.

...Then again, every Emperor needed a royal harem so...

Pushing that silly thought away, I grinned and shook my head, "Let's go somewhere we can get inside before we freeze solid. Maybe we should visit Silvers place, it is on the way and some spice tea sounds nice right about now. What do you two think?"

"Yes please," Amber agreed quickly.

I kicked a bit at the new snow on the street as we made our way towards Silvers Cafe when a pink pegasus suddenly landed in front of us. Iron Shine quickly stepped between us when the Pegasus looked at me, "Prince Page!" she said and then bowed deeply, her wings spread wide.

I could see through her illusion. She was a thestral, light grey, almost white coat with a silvery mane. Her dark cloud cutiemark was almost identical to her illusions and she was wearing a heavy dark blue winter coat with slits in it for her wings.

"It's alright, Shine," I said and moved past the larger Earth Pony, "and there is no need to bow," I told the Thestral.

She looked up, meeting my eyes before she stood up again as she pulled a scroll from her small Equestrian Postal Service Satchel, "But there is, My Prince," she said and handed the scroll over, "From me, my brother and my mother," she continued quieter with a small shy smile before she quickly backed away and spread her wings, taking to the skies.

I looked after her before looking down at the scroll in my hoof for almost half a second before Iron Shine snatched it from my hoof and quickly put it away in her satchel,

"It's not scanned for spells!" she said firmly.

"I can do that myself," I grumbled half heartedly before looking in the direction the bat pony had disappeared in for a long second before I shook my head, "...Come on, I'm starting to lose feeling in my hooves."
I'm calling it! The Thestrals formed a shadow council to deal with their problems and what Page did either made them angry or curious enough to summon him for a talk.