Repercussions (MLP)

Gotta say, I'm glad you're back to writing this particular fic. Not a whole lot happens in any given chapter, but y'know, with the world being basically on fire right now, I can always use scenes of domestic bliss and good-natured friendly teasing and politics that don't begin and end in death. You write fluff well and right now, I appreciate that.
With everything going on in the world (Read: Exploding worse than SVer designed Ork Tank) I am glad to see this continuing again! I was worried that it wouldn't!

On a side note: whoever is doing the Proof reading for this needs to be fired! So many mistakes making it through!
If there was something that had gotten worse after the attack on Canterlot and the kidnapping by the other hive, was that I had even less privacy than before. If I wasn't at the castle, I had at least one, usually more members of the Legion following me around. Thankfully usually out of armour. That's not even counting Amber shadowing me from... well, the shadows. Even if you didn't see her... maybe even especially if you didn't see her... the changeling was always there with a stubbornness that would make Skitter proud.

There were times I missed the time when I had just arrived, when I had just started to get to know my Sky, when I wrote a bit on the side while working in a bookstore for some Bits.

At least then I could go anywhere I wanted, anytime I wanted.

Now, I couldn't ditch Amber. Know your limits and all that, besides it would make me feel bad to do that to her, but the rest?

Illusion, a bit of sneaking around, a second Illusion and a bit of flying and I was out of the castle, wrapped in the illusion causing me to look like a blue coated pegasus with white mane and a star mark.

I knew how annoyed Amber would be at me about it, and I had apologized to her about it, but sometimes, just needing to step away was a thing.

There was just so much going on right now and I needed to clear my head.

Pushing the door to the tavern open, I entered the small establishment. A faint scent of smoke in the air from the fireplace and a faint mumbling of conversation. It wasn't one of my normal places and was actually in what for Canterlot passed as 'bad' parts of town. But considering it was Canterlot, that just meant less shiny.

Considering it was the middle of the afternoon, just a couple of hours after lunch, the place was far from packed. Maybe a dozen ponies in total, including staff.

Shaking the snow from my hooves, I moved over to the bar and ordered a big hot cider before taking it over to one of the corner tables where I settled down.

It was still freezing cold outside, but the hot drink and the warmth from the fireplace radiating through the room was exactly what I needed to warm up again and get my brain back in gear.

I had way too much to worry about right now even if not any of the things was outright critical, it was just all of them together.

There was Celestia, the entire thing with the Changelings, whatever the Minotaurs had been mumbling about with that contested area... then there was worrying about Midnight. I had not seen her for weeks since she left for Ponyville to talk with Sparky about something. I hoped she had come up with a way back home, but I didn't want for her to get her hopes up if it didn't pan out again.

I felt sorry for her and the other Spike, especially as I was the one she got into a fight with when she arrived... the fight that destroyed the scroll she needed to return. Oh, it was Discord's fault for bringing her here in the first place, but that didn't change that I still felt horrible about it.

I sipped my cider and sighed.

Then there was Celestia. She had been acting strange since she swatted me like a fly with her spe- sun. I could get why she was feeling guilty about it, but it had been my fault in the first place for startling her like that, especially at the time. Not that it likely helped that Sunset apparently didn't talk to her anymore because of it. I should talk to her about it.

Then... then there was Skitter and the entire twisting nest of trouble that was Changelings in general. Her idea about the other Hives was a good one, but how in the world would you go through with it when there was a chance they would indeed see it as weakness and attack?

Wonder if the Griffins are looking to hire any alicorns right now, that sounds like it would be a way easier job... and this with me just being Lunas Prince-Consort, I wasn't even an actual Prince.

They couldn't pay me to take one of their jobs., they just fluttered their eyelashes at me, showed off some feathers and I just volunteered to do it for free.

I'm such a dumbass.

I drained my glass with a sigh and put it back down before I leaned back against the wall behind me for a moment. Well, whatever was going on, it couldn't continue like it was.

I needed to talk to Celestia and Sunset, or rather, I needed to talk to Sunset first and then Celestia. Sunshine can handle the ambulatory burgers on her own, she had for a millennia after all, so I wasn't worried there. Then I needed to find someway to figure out exactly Chrysalis was up to... and somehow in the middle of all that, find some time to write to clear my head or I'm going to go cra-

"Excuse me, would you like a refill?"

I opened my eyes, looking up at the pegasus waitress across the table from me. Or rather... the image of the white pegasus with pink mane pulled into a side braid across from me overlaid on a white batpony with grey mane pulled into the same side braid. Her cutiemark in both forms was that of a half moon.

I blinked at her in surprise. I... I did not expect that.

At all.

Batponies were rare, the only other one I knew was Fluttershy! And I suppose her mom, but I didn't know her, just knew of her.

"Huh?" I asked smartly.

"I was wondering if you wanted a refill?" she asked and motioned towards my glass with a smile, "Five Bits."

"...Yes, thank you, yes," I said and then shook my head, "...Sorry, long day," I said and picked the bits from my satchel and slid them over to her with some extra, "Could I get a fruit bowl too?"

"Of course," she said with a smile as she scooped the bits into her apron, "Coming right out," before she turned and trotted back towards the bar.

I watched her go for a moment.

I needed to find out who that filly was.

With everything going on in the world (Read: Exploding worse than SVer designed Ork Tank) I am glad to see this continuing again! I was worried that it wouldn't!

On a side note: whoever is doing the Proof reading for this needs to be fired! So many mistakes making it through!

You're welcome to join in if you like?
Ah. Page. See cute wing line, pursue cute wing line, in the blatant defiance of everything you just thought and planned/
but how in the world would you go through with it when there was a chance they would indeed see it as weakness and attack?
Eh, if a hive sees it as a sign of weakness they will shortly find just how 'weak' Chrysalis and Skitter's changelings are with tanks full of love and at least one alicorn (bat-icorn) in support. Then they get an attitude adjustment (or a new queen).
Would be more than happy too Hiver, can you send me a link to the updated Docs? I don't know if the old one would still work, assuming I even still have it.
The Dreamrealm whirled around me as I searched it for a mind, a specific dream realm, a specific face locked in my mind as I sifted through the mirror portals all around.

Magic thrummed through me, flowing down through me into the not ground beneath me as I twisted the fabric of the not dream realm around me.

Finally I opened my eyes. A single shimmering slightly blue silvery portal floated before me.


Stepping forward, I touched my horn to the silvery surface and stepped through into the dream beyond it.

The dream shifted into existence around me, just kind of fading into reality, leaving me in a dark forest clearing next to a small lake with a jetty sticking out into it, a small rowboat tied to it at one point.

The moon shone down brightly from above, the stars shining like clear pinpricks high above.

I looked around, quickly identifying the occupant of the dream, it was the thestral mare that I saw in the tavern. She was at the end of the jetty, laying down, one hoof dangling down to just about brush against the surface of the lake.

The dream gave me the information I wanted. Her name was Moon Beam.

I hesitated for a moment about disturbing her, it just looked so peaceful… what more, this dream felt like it was a memory and not just something her brain had made up… but I felt like I really needed to talk to her.

Tapping my hoof against the ground, I felt the dream solidify around us. She didn't react before her ears suddenly twitched as my hooves splashed slightly in the water of the lake.

Moon Beam quickly sat up and looked around, her eyes going wide and her wings spreading in surprise as she spotted me, "Y-you're…"

"Blank Page," I said and gave her a small bow, "I'm sorry for intruding, Miss Beam."

She seemed a bit stunned and then blinked, looking around, "...This is a dream. You're in my dream."

"I am," I agreed and smiled, spreading my wings and flying over to land on the jetty, "And a very nice one it is. Peaceful."

"...It's close to where I grew up," she said quietly and then eyed me hesitantly, "...Are you really here?"

I shrugged my wings, "I am. But then again, that's what a dream image would say, wouldn't he?" I admitted with a smile, "If you like I can send a letter tomorrow?"

Her cat-like eyes widened and she quickly bowed, "I'm sorry, my Lord!"

I frowned at her, "What for?" I asked as I approached, "If anything, I'm the one that's apologizing, I am intruding after all."

She hesitated and got up again, "I… I mean… royalty…"

"Barely, royalty," I corrected her with a smile, "I married into it, I'm not an actual Prince."

Moon Beam frowned, "But…" and spread her left wing, glancing back at it before she squeaked and turned to run as she realized her illusion wasn't active.

She galoped in place as I moved up next to her.

"Miss Beam," I told her calmingly, "I know you know what I look like now. Would I, if anypony, be bothered by you being a thestral?"

"But, but, but...!"

She shied away a bit and I sighed, spreading my wings and shifting the light slightly, making the light glitter in my eyes.

Moon Beam was breathing heavily but stopped running, watching me with wide eyes, "L-Lord Page…"

I shook my head, "Just Page if you don't mind? I never was much for titles." before I sat down, "...It's not right that you need to hide."

Moon Beam hesitated and her ears flicked to the side before she sank down too, looking down and to the side, "Other ponies would… be afraid."

"...Yeah," I admitted and sighed, "I noticed ponies being nervous since… this," I said and shifted my wings again, "That doesn't make it right."

Moon Beam tensed slightly and then looked at me, "...That's you, sir. Any normal po… any normal thestral would be driven out of town."

I frowned at her, "I'm sure that's not right. The Lunar Guard pegasi looks like thestrals while in uniform."

"And everypony knows they aren't really thestrals," Moon Beam said quietly and brushed her hoof against the jetty, "And I know how mom reacted when she discovered dad was really a thestral… and me."

"Moon Beam, I'm sorry…"

"Ponies hate us," she said softly, "They are afraid of us and they hate us. I have friends, but if they really knew what I was, they wouldn't be my friends anymore."

I shook my head, "That's not true."

The look on her face told me that she didn't believe me.
Or there's such a stigma around them that it'd be like coming out to your friends as a vampire, except vampires only drink animal blood, and it's pre-"tragic vampires rather than horror-movie vampires".
Yeah. Maybe Page should write a book with a Thestral as the protagonist, show things from their point of view, to show the truth. Not sure how much it would help though.
"She was afraid," I told Luna, "Afraid her friends would abandon her if they discovered what she really is."

Luna hesitated and shifted her wings, her ears flicking once before she answered, "There…" she shook her head, "I don't know. That's how ponies reacted before I… left. That was one of the reasons my Guard is like it is with the pegasi disguises."

I looked to her in surprise, "I can't believe it would still be like that. It's been a thousand years!"

Luna sighed, "I know."

I frowned at her, "...No, I'm sorry, but I cant believe that's true. Sure, ponies have been a bit hesitant since these," I said and shifted my wings, "But I can't believe they would literally shun a thestral out of town!"

Sunset shifted a bit on the bed next to me across from Luna. She frowned slightly as she watched me, "Page… I don't know…"

I looked at her in surprise, "What?"

Sunset sighed softly, "Page… you know ponies are easily… startled by things they aren't used to," she admitted.

"There is a difference between being unsure about unknown beings and outright rejecting ones you know because they are different!"

I shook my head and got up, "I'll prove it. Tomorrow I'll disguise myself as a regular thestral and go out on town and have lunch."

There was a scramble of hooves against the floor and Amber jumped into view landing next to the bed, her wings buzzing as she glared up at me, "No, sir!"

I blinked down at her, "What?"

"You're not putting yourself into unnecessary danger!" she stated and stomped one hoof, "It was bad enough that you snuck out without guards yesterday!"

"That's not the-"

"You did what!?" Luna exclaimed and quickly sat up, "Page! They are there for a reason! What i-"

"You can't just ditch them!" Sunset said as she looked at me with a frown, "I know you don't like it, but-"

"Enough!" I said loudly and stomped my hoof on the bed, the lack of a sound somewhat running the effect, as I spread my wings and I looked between all three of them, "I'm doing this."

Neither Sunset nor Luna looked exactly happy about that idea but Amber looked outright rebellious.

I jumped off the bed and folded my wings again, "I need to know, and I need to know as soon as possible. Because if that's true, it's not right and needs to be fixed."

Sunset shared a look with Luna before jumping off the bed and moving up to give me a small nuzzle, "Page… I didn't say it shouldn't change," she said softly, "But I just don't see how to make ponies accept somepony."

I slipped my wing around her back and pulled her close, nuzzling back and touching my horn against hers, "You did."

"...I'm not a usual pony," Sunset admitted, "For one thing, I spent years as a bipedal primate. Besides, I knew… I knew where it was from and for what."

I frowned at her before Luna moved up to my other side, slipping a wing across both of our backs, giving me a nuzzle at my ear,

"I would like for nothing more than to let Thestrals be accepted," she told me softly, "I have tried to do that before, with my guard. While the guard, as you say, is accepted… it's not to say the same would happen to thestrals in public. I don't know for sure how it is now, but I know how it was before I was detained."

"It's been a thousand years, My Sky," I told her with a small sigh, nuzzling back, "If it hasn't changed, then it's way past time that it does. Too many generations have been forced to live hidden from other ponies. If that's what's going on, it's stopping. Now."

"But you're taking your guards," Luna told me, "Promise me that."

"Luna, I can't do this if I'm followed around by two ponies everywhere I go!"

"What about another couple of Changelings?" Amber suggested as she moved around to face us, "I can talk to Princess Skitter."

Sunset nodded, "That works for me."

I sighed and shook my head but Luna nodded as well,

"That seems like a reasonable compromise, doesn't it, Page?" Luna asked and looked at me, "...For us?"

Don't look at me like that, I'm weak, okay?

"...Okay," I agreed with a small sight, "I suppose that's fair enough."
Yeah, I bet he'll be disappointed. That sort of prejudice has a lot of social inertia, it has to be fought back more often than not rather than waiting and hoping it'll go away. Look how long prejudice against left handed people lasted in the real world.
Well, at least the authorities aren't deliberately oppressing thestrals - Luna would come down on any power tripping minions like a sack of hammers.
Well, at least the authorities aren't deliberately oppressing thestrals - Luna would come down on any power tripping minions like a sack of hammers.
They'd probably use a different turn of phrase, I think.

"If the Princess catches you doing that, you'll feel like the moon fell on you."


"Alright, you won't feel like that because you'd be too dead to feel anything if she actually dropped the moon on you, but you get my point."
I went in for landing in the alley, double checking that the illusion was wrapped tightly around myself. It actually wasn't much of a disguise really. Altered my features slightly, hid my horn and changed my coat to be more of a darkish gray and my regular mark was replaced with a silvery ring. Same one I had when going on the 'secret' dates with Luna. Seemed fitting for a bat pony anyway. The rest was just minor cosmetic changes, like muzzle shape and such.

Check done, I stretched my wings for a second before I took a deep breath and folded them again before trotting out on the street, making sure my small satchel was in it's place.

I made my way down the cobblestone street at an easy trott, ignoring the looks I was getting. Or trying to at least.

Nopony was mobbing me, but it was a bit disconcerting all the same. Ponies were usually friendly creatures, but they didn't look at me like that. I had expected some uncertainty, they aren't used to bat ponies after all. At least not outside Luna's guard. But I got at least as many outright hostile looks as I got uncertain ones, but the most common one was surprise and then hurrying away.

That was... unsettling.

If it was always like this, I got why thestrals stayed hidden. Even if they aren't chased out of town, this kind of thing day in and day out...

I paused for a second and looked around before I crossed the street, waiting for a wagon to move past before I entered a bakery and approached the counter, "Hello," I said with a smile, doing my best not to show any fangs, "I'd like to order a set o-"

"You got any Bits?" the mare behind the counter interrupted me before I could finish. She was an earth pony with a goldenish coat and a darked brown mane.

I blinked at her in surprise, "Of course," I said and patted my satchel with a smile, "I'd like to order three cinnamon buns, please."

"Sure," she said and pulled three from the display and slid them into a paper bag, putting it on the counter, "That'll be six bits."

I dug the Bits from the satchel and put them on the counter. She took them and put them in the drawer before putting the bag on the counter for me to take as she stared at me.

Last I was here, she had been all smiles and chatting away. Even when I was an unknown unicorn, not an alicorn.

Taking the small bag, I slid it into my satchel and left the store, glancing back for a second by the door.

This was... bad. Not very scientific though, she was just one pony after all and there are people like that in pretty much any group. She likely wasn't used to bat ponies, that's all. Might just even been a bad day, who knows?

I really hope she was just having a bad day.

Taking a breath, I trotted down the street before searching up a small park I knew was there from before, or more specifically, the small park bench I knew was there. I had spent hours there in the past when writing or reading.

Finding it unoccupied, I jumped onto it and settled down to enjoy my cinnamon buns.

Or try to at least. It wasn't easy considering the looks I was drawing. A unicorn turned around and guided her foal back the way they came rather than walk past. That one hurt the most I think.

This was...

I never thought ponies could act like this. Especially since I was essentially just a pegasus, if different because of a curse thousands of years ago. Even then, bat ponies had not hunted ponies for blood for almost as long.

Was it ponies just being careful? It didn't feel like it. ...Did Changelings go through the same thing?

"Excuse me? Sir?"

I looked up to find a pair of solar guards approaching me, the now familiar double image of their armour illusion overlaid over them. In reality, the unicorn on the left had a blue coat while the pegasus on the right had more of a light pink.

"Yes?" I asked, putting my second bun down on the paper bag, "Can I help you, guardsman?"

The unicorn sighed slightly, "I'm going to need you to move along, we have gotten a report you are causing a public commotion."

I blinked at him, "Excuse me? I'm just having lunch. I'm not bothering anypony."

"Even so, I need you to move on, you are disturbing ponies."

I had expected better from a member of the guard. Any of the guards. Guardsman Silver Spear and Silent Cloud, and don't think I didn't recognize both of them, were likely to be having some rather unpleasant dreams tonight.

I took a slow deep breath, suppressing the sudden impulse of dropping the illusion and letting them know exactly what I was thinking about their actions.

I had to finish this experiment after all for it to be valid.

"Very well," I answered with a sigh, putting my remaining buns away and jumping off the bench to leave the park. When I'm done with lunch, I'm going to see if I can find a job for the day. They are always looking for ponies to carry cargo and things like that.

That didn't go as well.
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I said this:
Well, at least the authorities aren't deliberately oppressing thestrals - Luna would come down on any power tripping minions like a sack of hammers.

And yet:
The unicorn sighed slightly, "I'm going to need you to move along, we have gotten a report you are causing a public commotion."

I blinked at him, "Excuse me? I'm just having lunch. I'm not bothering anypony."

"Even so, I need you to move on, you are disturbing ponies."

Looks like that's egg on my face. :confused2:
"I just don't know what to do about it," I admitted, rubbing my hoof against Ferns head. The timberwolf was laying next to me almost like a pile of branches, enjoying the attention.

Sunset was pressed up to my other side, cuddled up beneath my wing with her head against my neck. By the time I got back to the tower, I had been just about ready to kill somepony by defenestration. Sunset apparently recognized my mood instantly and spent the next hour calming me down to just beneath raging fury.

"I understand it didn't go well," Sunny asked and shifted to touch her horn against mine.

"It was... bad," I sighed and slid my horn against hers for a second before I shook my head, "You remember earth?"

"Yes?" Sunset asked with a frown, "Did spend some time there."

"How's your human history?" I asked and then looked at her again, "Does, minority in the 1960s sound familiar?"

Sunset cringed, "We... covered some of it in history class and such," she said and frowned, "Really?"

"Well... nopony tried to lynch me," I said mildly and raised my eyebrows, "So that's good I suppose. And nopony outright refused to let me buy their stuff. But getting a job for the day? Nope, wasn't happening."

I think somepony might have actually thrown a bottle after me when I left. I didn't see it though, just heard the crash. He might have dropped it.

"I'm sorry," Sunset said and sighed, "I had a feeling it could be bad, but still."

"Yeah. And I don't know what to do about it," I said with a frown, scraping my hood against Ferns barch, "Amber?"

"Yes, sir?" Amber asked and poked her head out from behind the closest armchair to look at us.

"...Does ponies treat changelings the same way?" I asked her with a frown.

Amber actually hesitated, "...Some are hesitant or angry if we are in our real forms," she admitted, "If we're as disguised we're not persecuted… well, usually not. We're not allowed to fully disguise in public."

"Because they don't realize you're a changeling."

"I don't know, sir."

I growled and bared my fangs.

That's just stupid. Changelings were our allies now! Had been for years! Sure, they had invaded Canterlot, but that was years ago now and ponies had to be used to Changelings by now. They didn't even have the excuse of being unused to bat ponies!

Sunset nuzzled at my neck and I sighed, pulling her closer with my wing, turning my head to nuzzle at her ear,

"I haven't seen you this angry since Tirek," she said quietly.

"I haven't been this angry since Tirek," I snarled softly and flicked my ears, my wings raising, "Nor as disappointed in ponies. I thought I left this kind of shit behind with my old species!"

Sunset nuzzled in beneath my chin, "Calm, Page. For me? Please?" she said softly.

I closed my eyes and took slow, deep breaths. She was right. While fear was the mind-killer, burning red fury was even worse at making you not think. While throwing ponies out of windows might make me feel better, it wouldn't be very constructive to the problem at hoof.

"...Thanks," I finally said and opened my eyes, looking to Sunset, "I'm sorry, Sunny."

She smiled a bit at me, "Don't worry about it, wingboy. I know it's infuriating, it's making me angry too, just hearing about it from you."

Stroking my wing along her back, I nodded, "Yeah, but I still shouldn't be taking it out on you. I'm sorry, none of it is your fault. It's just frustrating and I don't know what I can possibly do to fix it!"

Sunset rolled onto her back and looked up at me, "No ideas?"

"...None right now that doesn't involve ponies and windows," I grumbled and sighed, laying down to rest my head against her chest as she put her forelegs around me, "But I have to do something. I don't know how many thestrals there are, but I know of at least four and even one pony being treated like this is..."

I growled again and Sunset nuzzled at my ear and I settled down again, closing my eyes, trying my best not to hiss.

"We'll figure something out," Sunny said gently, nuzzling at my ear, "I promise we'll figure something out. I'll ask Twi for help, she'll be able to think of something."

If anyone could, it would be the Princess of Friendship, wouldn't it?

I nodded against her soft coat, "Okay," as Fern set his head down across my back and I reached to rub his back with my wing.
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"We'll figure something out," Sunny said gently, nuzzling at my ear, "I promise we'll figure something out. I'll ask Twi for help, she'll be able to think of something."

If anyone could, it would be the Princess of Friendship, wouldn't it?
Does Twi know Flutters is a Thestral?