Repercussions (MLP)

These are indeed silly ponies. If you can afford N ponies for T days then you can afford N/2 ponies for 2T days. And the first wave could conduct scouting and construct infrastructure sufficient for the second wave. They are also discounting that each individual settler will have some savings that will entice merchants to visit.
Also they are all being super tribalist! I thought this whole endeavor was to get past tribalism! But they don't seem to be bringing any significant number of unicorns, pegasi, or earth ponies. How many of these bat ponies are even farmers by trade?
"...And maybe something big will eat us before it becomes a problem,"
then you just have to eat it first.
These are indeed silly ponies. If you can afford N ponies for T days then you can afford N/2 ponies for 2T days. And the first wave could conduct scouting and construct infrastructure sufficient for the second wave. They are also discounting that each individual settler will have some savings that will entice merchants to visit.
Also they are all being super tribalist! I thought this whole endeavor was to get past tribalism! But they don't seem to be bringing any significant number of unicorns, pegasi, or earth ponies. How many of these bat ponies are even farmers by trade?
I mean...
...Okay, so I'm a bit dumb.
"Sunset!" I whined, "Your marefriend is making me feel stupid."

"You are stupid," Sunset teased and moved up to kiss my cheek, "We love you anyway,"
at least its in-character for him?
Also they are all being super tribalist! I thought this whole endeavor was to get past tribalism! But they don't seem to be bringing any significant number of unicorns, pegasi, or earth ponies. How many of these bat ponies are even farmers by trade?
They are planning for 600 ponies, but only contacted 500 Thestrals. So, 1/6 of the expedition will be ponies from other tribes.
And by planning for more than they contacted they are also building in a buffer, a very small one in this case.
And by planning for more than they contacted they are also building in a buffer, a very small one in this case.
No, they are already trying to add a buffer. That's the point of what Page and Twilight are doing, they are trying to make sure they have enough of a buffer in food with the money they have.
The Thestrals will have more family members of other tribes than their own considering the curse, so I expect we should have more of the other tribes than Thestrals to start off with. About 1/3 should be Thestrals at best.
I looked at the massive pile of just... stuff as Sparks and Midnight worked their way across it with Moondancer getting their lists and double checking them against the main list.

I was just in awe at the massive amounts of things. Wooden box after wooden box with tents, pots, pans, cloth, nails, tools. Sack after sack of dry goods.

It was all being delivered to a warehouse close to the train station in Canterlot and I couldn't believe how much crap there was. I turned to look at Sunset, "Do we really need all this?"

She just shrugged a bit and headed over towards the small office at one side of the warehouse, "Don't ask me, but I can't believe it considering how much is needed just for the legion and their families to move."

I just shook my head and sat down, looking at the boxes of heavy tents. This is such a bad idea, the worst idea I ever had and that includes getting into a fistfight with a magic eating centaur. And two months? What at the buck had I been thinking with that time schedule, we should have spent years planning this!

Well, it was too late now. Word was already out to the thestrals we had invited. One week and the ones that wanted to go would be here and then we'll know how bad things went. With some luck, nopony will show and we can put the entire thing on the shelf until we have a better plan than 'toss five hundred ponies into the jungle'.

But even as I thought that, Moon Glow's fear at being discovered came to my mind. Fluttershy's fear when I first revealed that I knew what she was. The... the way that thestral looked at me when she hoof delivered her letter to me. Like she trusted me, like she actually thought I could make a difference.

The way the volunteers went through the curse breaking, knowing that there might not be a way to also break the blood magic.

They did it because I asked. Because they believed that I could do it.

No. No, we're doing this even if I have to go down there myself with a knife, a hammer and a saw and get building it on my own!

Shaking my head, I stood up and looked over to Skitter, "So... what do you think?"

"I think I should send a few more changelings along for security," the changeling Princess said as she walked up next to me, her wings buzzing slightly as Amber jumped down from the ceiling to land next to her. Skitter smiled at her and gave her a nod before turning back to me again, "Especially after last time and from what the new members of the hive said about the last home."

"Wrong jungle."

"Still a jungle," Skitter said seriously, "filled with things that like to eat things the size of a pony or changeling."

I nodded, "No more than fifty," I finally agreed, "There needs to be enough for them to eat. Will they be okay with being away from the hive that long?" I then asked.

Skitter smiled, "Infiltrators are used to it. Used to be anyway," she said with a nod and then looked at Mount Tent, "Are all of this really necessary?"

"That's what I asked," I said and scraped a hoof against the floor, "Midnight said yes and Sparks booped me on the head with a rolled up paper."

"As you deserve," Sunset said with a grin as she returned with a stack of papers in her magic, flipping through them, "Need some signatures on these from the companies delivering the supplies as soon as Twi and the girls confirm delivery of everything."

"Thanks, put them with the rest," I said and stretched my wings, "You mentioned the legion? How are they doing, I haven't heard any complaints about moving from Centerlot, at least temporarily. How do they feel about it?"

Sunset put the stack down on a nearby crate before she looked to me, "Honestly? They are excited to get to do something that doesn't involve a sudden invasion. Other than the few that draw guard duty, all they do is train, drill or do small patrols around town. They're jumping at the chance to get to do something real."

"Huh," I said and then smiled, "Well, at least somepony is excited for it," I said and then looked over at my guard for the day, "What about you, Swift?"

"Me?" He asked and shrugged, "I'm fine with it, sir," he said, "I'm scheduled to rotate back to the Nightguard in another eight months anyway. Minuette... not so happy."

He was back on duty again, his legs having healed nicely and a bit quicker than the doctors had predicted. He still moved a bit stiff at times, but he seemed to be doing okay.

I cringed slightly, "Sorry about that, man."

Swift smiled and shook his head, "All part of the job. And Minuette is going to stay in Canterlot and she'll cool down in a couple of weeks."

"You know," I said with a small frown, "We could give you back to the Nightguard early. I don't want to mess things up between you and your marefriend."

Swift shook his head again, "I knew what I signed up for. I might not have expected this exactly, but I might have just as easily ended up posted in... Stalliongrad or at the border to the Crystal Empire. Otr even at an Embassy across the sea or something. Compared to those, I'll take a jungle anytime. Besides, as I said, it's temporary."

"And when we're set up, nothing says she can't come to visit or you can't head up to visit her," I said, "If nothing else, I'm likely going to head up to Canterlot often enough."

Even if things were set up nicely and if we always had the dream realm, there was no way I wouldn't visit My Sky anytime I could get away with it.

I looked at the massive pile of stuff, "Okay, we should likely go help them count eve-"

"You stay out of it!" drifted out from behind a stack of crates. Not sure if it was Sparks or Midnight, but it didn't sound like Moon Dancer.

"Or... we'll leave them to it," I continued instead, taking half a step back. An organizing Sparkle was a happy Sparkle. Instead I looked to Sunset, "Anything we can do?"

"Actually, sir," Amber piped up from next to Skitter, "Your publisher requested a meeting about the first printing of your latest book? Apparently there's something about the cover."

"Ah. Well, we can likely do that sometime before we leave," I said and looked to Sunset.

She shook her head, "Go, It's not like things are going to get any less busy. Besides, we got this," she said with a smile and looked up from her notebook, "Meet you at the castle tonight?"

"Sounds like a plan."
I haven't heard any complaints about moving from Centerlot, at least temporarily. How do they feel about it?"
You mean "Canterlot,"

Centerlot, is about half a mile away from the Mall. Nobody really wants to be there.

Yes, you can blame Autocorrect.
I looked at the message Emerald Sky had delivered before she retreated away, the door closing behind her before I sighed and returned to the couch.

Two days.

"That's thirteen that have arrived," I said and made my way over to Luna, "Thirteen bat ponies, not including the ones already in Canterlot which has already confirmed they are going. Eighteen total."

She shifted on the thick blanket by the fireplace as I settled down next to her, "They will show."

"It's only two days left," I said and sank down heavily next to her, leaning my head against her shoulder, "Thirteen and there are only two days left. We're going to fail."

Luna didn't say anything, she just brushed her wing softly across my back and turned her head to nuzzle, "Even if nopony more shows up, we'll think of something else."

I sighed and nuzzled at her shoulder, "I just…. I just messed this up so badly," I said, "Such a short time… we should have planned this for like six months, not two! I should have committees to figure things out, not just try to do it with Sunny, Midnight and Sparks."

Shaking my head, I looked up at her, "And I wasted two million Bits on stuff now sitting in a warehouse doing nothing useful," I said and then frowned, "Maybe we can do something good with the food at least, maybe do-eeep!"

Luna let grow of my ear and glared down at me, "Stop that! There are still two days left and nopony but you say you can't extend the deadline!"

I flicked my ear and then nodded, "I guess," I admitted and rolled onto my back, looking up at her, "Just… looking back, I can just see so many mistakes, things I could have done better. Should we have reached out to them more than once? Done it some other way? Sent out letters, a new message in the papers…"

Luna shook her head and scooted a bit closer, slipping her wing across me as she put a hoof gently on my chest, looking down into my eyes, "Page… I don't think you did anything directly wrong. Yes, more time would have helped, but I have seen larger projects managed way worse. You delegated work to experts, got everypony pulling in the same direction."

"None of which means a thing if we don't get things to work," I said and reached up to run my hoof along her mane, "Well… it's not all bad," I admitted.

"How do you mean?"

"Well… nopony died this time," I said and frowned, "And… At least we fail at this stage and not when everypony is in the middle of the jungle and busy building. Maybe… maybe that's a better idea," I admitted and sighed softly, "Sell most of the food and use it to buy materials, license foresting right in the edge of the jungle for more income and then just start building a village closer to Canterlot. I suppose moving to the middle of nowhere would be a big ask for anypony. Won't be as nice climate for us, but… there is something to be said for being close by."

Luna smiled down at me, bumping her nose against mine, "Whatever happens, we'll help you figure it out."

"At least there is another good thing that comes from this," I admitted and reached up to pull her close, nuzzling at her mane, "I get to stay with you."

"Selfishly, I'm not unhappy about that," Luna admitted and nuzzled at my coat.

I nodded and held her close for a long moment before she shifted and look into my eyes as she spoke up again,

"But I don't think you should give up yet, My Page," she said softly, "It's still two days left and bat ponies are used to hiding. I don't think they will just reveal themselves to the first guard they spot."

"We have signs up at several spots and every entry to the city," I said with a frown, "To talk to a guard or to come to the west royal square in two days."

Luna nodded, "Some have talked to the guards and signed in, but I think many simply keep hidden like usual and then just show up. I think more will show up than you think."

I nodded, "I suppose that's true," I admitted and looked up at her, putting a hoof against her chest, "I talked with Sparks and Midnight and the absolute minimum ponies we need to cover all roles, assuming the right ponies show up… we could squeak by as few as fifty ponies to start with. Mostly with the construction and forester ponies. The unicorns we hire to cut the trees handle that and the Legion handle guard duty."

She slowly nodded, "You should be able to get to fifty."

"If they are all carpenter and forestry ponies," I sighed and shook my head, "Which is unlikely. Well… it's not all bad, with the backup plan I worked out with Sparks."

"Which is?"

"Below two hundred ponies," I said and pulled her close into a cuddle again, "If we have the right mix of professions to make it possible, we'll consider to move the planned landing spot to the temple. There are still equipment we left behind there, the defenses should still be intact and there is always the possibility of retreating inside if there is a danger. Use it as a scouting base for a perfect place to build."

"Why not always have that be the plan?" Luna asked, resting her head against my chest.

"Too small," I said and shrugged my wings, "Can't squeeze more than two hundred in there in an emergency. Would help, but unless everypony can get inside when there is a danger, the place is just too far into the jungle to be worth it in terms of hauling supplies in," I explained and nuzzled at her ear, "...Besides, that far in there are big things with teeth. Sparks and Midnight are certain they stay away from the edge of the jungle. But hey, with half as many ponies, supplies will last twice as long. With more ponies, we'd scout from the railroad for a place."

Luna nodded and then shifted up to kiss me and we were done with the talking for the night.

It almost managed to distract me enough to get me to sleep.


AN// And next part is going to be the last part of this section of the story. The next story will be a continuation of 'That First Step...' and be called 'The Sparks of War'. Anyone interested in Betaing? PM Me if you are.
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That seems like a good place to leave off, actually. This story is all about setting up Page's plan for a thestral village; next story will be all about working with the actual village. Thematically, it makes sense.
Celestia looked down at me, "So you haven't looked?"

I shook my head, "Not in the dreams and I told the guards to stop giving me reports when we reached fifteen and I haven't checked the square."

She frowned slightly, "Why?"

I sank down to sit, looking at the colourful window of Twilight and the rest of the elements before me, "Because as long as I don't look, there are both enough and not enough ponies that have showed up. As long as the number is not observed, it's not quantifiable and as such, can just as easily be enough. Call it Schrodinger's Thestrals."

Celestia smiled slightly, "I'm not sure it works like that, Page."

I sighed softly and then shrugged my wings before glancing up at her, "No... likely not. But it does allow me to keep my hope up for at least a little longer," I admitted, "I know it's not the right thing to do, I need to know what's going on to make decisions, but..." I said and flicked one ear as she sat down next to me, her large wing settling softly across mine as she watched me, "I just want to pretend I didn't fail completely for a little while longer."


I smiled at her and shook my head, "I know, I know. But if nopony shows, I have wasted over two milion Bits. Sure, some can likely be used for another plan or other purpose, but still," I said and snorted, "I should have planned this better, given it more time. But I just..."

"Just wanted to help as many as quickly as possible," Celestia finished for me as she moved up next to me, her wing settling softly against mine.

"Yeah," I admitted and looked up at the window of Sparks and her friends, "I have to do better next time. They deserve for me to do better next time."

Celestia gave my mane a small nuzzle, "Page, you have already done more than my sister and I ever managed."

"And it's not enough," I said and then looked at her, "How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

I looked at her and then waved a hoof around, "This! All of this! How do you handle ponies looking up to you at all times, how do you handle them expecting you to have all the answers!?" I asked before I sighed and facehooved, "...And now I'm doing it."

Celestia gave me a quick hug with her wing as she grinned before she got serious and pulled her wing back before she looked at me, "Come with me."

I frowned and then moved up next to her, letting her guide me through the castle towards a balcony facing out towards Canterlot. She stopped by the window, thankfully not bringing me out into the cold before she looked at me, "What do you see?"

"The city."

She nodded, "And beyond it?"

"The horizon, clear skies, more of Equestria."

Celestia nodded again, "Do you know what I see?"

I looked at her in question and she smiled,

"I see what you see. But I also see ponies able to go about their lives without fear of being raided by another tribe. Ponies that can sleep calmly in their beds with full stomachs. Ponies that are happy."

"Why you and Luna formed Equestria," I said and nodded as I sat down.

Celestia nodded, "It was," she admitted and then she actually blushed, "Well... actually no."

I blinked at her, "What?"

She actually cringed slightly and shifted her wings as she moved closer, "...Actually, the entire start of it all was because I thought the son of the leader trade delegation from the closest unicorn tribe was cute and I wanted an excuse to see him more often. So I might have worked for closer cooperation between us and things may have gotten a bit out of hoof..."

I looked at her for a long second before I broke down laughing.

Celestia giggled and poked me with her wing, "Let's keep that one out of the history books, shall we?"

Still laughing, I nodded before I smiled up at her, "Kind of snuck up on you, all of this, didn't it?"

She nodded and looked out through the window again, "It did," she admitted, "It's not fair what's being done to you, Page. You are getting all of it at once and because something I and my sister should have taken care of so long ago. I'm sorry."

"Nopony is perfect," I said and shook my head, "Not even a pretty pony princess," I teased and then sighed softly as I got up, "I better check how bucked we are and then get with Sparks and Midnight and see if we can't come up with a better plan and rescue what we can of this mess."

I turned to walk away when Celestia spoke up again,

"Page! I don't want you to g-" she started and broke off. I looked back at her in question.

Don't say it. Don't say it or I won't be able to.

Celestia sighed softly before she continued, "...I don't want you to get hurt," she finished more quietly as she moved up next to her, "Promise me that. That no matter if you stay in Canterlot or head down to the jungle... promise me that you'll stay safe."

I smiled at her and touched her wing with mine, "Nopony can ever promise that. But I promise I'll be careful."

She nodded, "I suppose that's true," she admitted and then smiled, "Want some company?"

"I would love some," I agreed and smiled back as we started through the castle.

Somehow she always did manage to cheer me up. We'll check how many showed up and then get them some rooms in the castle for the night while I pick some larger brains than mine for a new plan.

Pushing the door open, I exited onto the balcony and moved over to the railing before I froze. The square was full of ponies. Wha- did we double book it or something with some other event?

Somepony below pointed towards me and yelled, "It's Prince Page!" and then he bowed as he rippled, changing from a blue pegasus to a dark blue thestral. But he was just the first, it almost moved through the crowd from him, sweeping across the ponies and as they bowed, many shimmered into slightly different colours as they gained bat wings until more than half had changed.

I swallowed, feeling my jaw drop before I glanced to Emerald Sky as she trotted onto the balcony, " we have a headcount?" I asked her.

She nodded, "Yes, your highness," she said and pulled a scroll from her satchel before checking, "Counting foals and non-thestral family members, we end up at a total of eight hundred and fifty three ponies. Six hundred and twelve of which being thestrals."

Oh buck. We had calculated the food and supplies for six hundred total, including hired ponies.

I spread my wings for the crowd and waved and they erupted in cheers as I asked quietly, "Sunshine?" I asked through my smile as I glanced at Celestia while she stepped up next to me, "Would it be possible to negotiate for a loan?"

AN// And that's it for now! I think we'll leave Page for his negotiating until next time. Things will continue at a later time. As always big thanks to my beta readers, Arratra and others that have declined shoutouts. As always, my Hiver is creating Stories. | Patreon is always available for those that wish to support me writing. The next story will be a continuation of That First Step... (SI) and I recommend you start there if you have not read it or you will be very confused. There will be a small break until next saturday when I will resume posting.

Anyway, thank you all for reading and I see you next time!
Ya know what would be a good thing to build on the edge of the jungle, a Casino resort. Where the rich nobles can come to gawk at the threstals get drunk and lose their bits.
So, the next question is, is Hiver going to march right in to writing the next segment of Blank Page's adventures? or is he going to take a break and write a arc in one of his other stories? or he could just take some time off and prep his home for the holidays coming up.
So, the next question is, is Hiver going to march right in to writing the next segment of Blank Page's adventures? or is he going to take a break and write a arc in one of his other stories? or he could just take some time off and prep his home for the holidays coming up.
he did kinda say what he was going to do next at the end of the chapter.

Planeswalking gullible dragon is next
"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

I looked at her and then waved a hoof around, "This! All of this! How do you handle ponies looking up to you at all times, how do you handle them expecting you to have all the answers!?" I asked before I sighed and facehooved, "...And now I'm doing it."
More signs of temporal shenanigans; I think I've seen this exact passage in an earlier chat with Celestia.
Ya know what would be a good thing to build on the edge of the jungle, a Casino resort. Where the rich nobles can come to gawk at the threstals get drunk and lose their bits.

Let's not do that. There are some Unfortunate Real-World Comparisons there.

More signs of temporal shenanigans; I think I've seen this exact passage in an earlier chat with Celestia.

Speaking as someone with anxieties, trust me, they repeat themselves. Often and loudly.