Repercussions (MLP)

Well that's his anger speaking, he wouldn't actually do it once he calms down. Besides, he has none of the information he would need to find the thestral Alicorn in the past, let alone know a time travel spell.
He has a location. A rough time. Immortality. And a Twilight Sparkle.
Worst case they overshoot & have to wait a bit.
He has a location. A rough time. Immortality. And a Twilight Sparkle.
Worst case they overshoot & have to wait a bit.
He doesn't know where the Alicorn would be before he died, Page wouldn't be willing to wait potentially centuries in the past just to say a few sentences to someone, and there is no way Midnight or Twilight would be willing to do it.
That seems like a massive overreaction on his part, why the heck does he think an Alicorn can automatically build a peaceful nation, it was shown that the different tribes were fighting, the odds of one pony even an Alicorn being able to stop that is minuscule. It seems like page has the same problem a lot of people have when looking back at figures in history, judging them by modern standards.
That seems like a massive overreaction on his part, why the heck does he think an Alicorn can automatically build a peaceful nation, it was shown that the different tribes were fighting, the odds of one pony even an Alicorn being able to stop that is minuscule. It seems like page has the same problem a lot of people have when looking back at figures in history, judging them by modern standards.

Yeah, no, fuck that historical relativistic bullshit. Some things are just wrong no matter what the culture of the time is, and if you have real power and authority over people who then commit atrocities, you either stop them dead or you're just as responsible. The "it was a different time" argument just doesn't hold up when other nations in the same time frame definitely weren't using ritual sacrifice and cannibalism to get a military advantage. If leading your nation requires you to commit war crimes to make it hold together, you don't deserve to have a nation in the first place.
a lot of guessing going on....

Perhaps the other Tribes didn't Want to co-exist?
Perhaps the enhancements were done because it was one of the few ways to even the playing field? the other tribes probably weren't taking any prisoners, the thestrals might as well do the same, but actually get benefits from it.
What was Starlight Glimmers status in this? And what about that scroll she used in the show for Time Travel?
What was Starlight Glimmers status in this? And what about that scroll she used in the show for Time Travel?
Starlight was caught at the village she set up. As a result, she never found the time travel scroll, and was eventually rehabilitated by Twilight after spending a while as a prisoner at Canterlot castle. The location and status of the time travel scroll is unknown.
Though presumably Midnight passed everything she knew about it on to Celestia, who probably found it and shoved it in the more secure archives.

I do think there is probably more to the thestral story though.
"Ready below?" I called out.

"Ready!" a voice answered.

I gave the pink pegasus across from me a nod, "Wanna bet at least one of them is too close despite our warning?"

Darling Feather rolled her eyes, "After the last three times, Lord Page? No bet."

Then we started to shake the tree, jumping up and down on the thick branches as we pushed and pulled on the main trunk. The tree creaked and moved, branches hitting branches and leaves against leaves. Then the sound we were waiting for and there started to be thumps from below as the heavy elongated orange fruits started to fall from the tree onto the large piece of airship hull canvas below.

Once a cover from rain, now it was for gathering fruit. You can do plenty with a big piece of fabric.

At least my leg felt a lot better after a day of rest and healing.

I wasn't sure what the fruits were called. They were the size of small watermelons however and about as thick shelled, but they were elongated like aubergines and tasted a bit like sour and sweet strawberries.

But there were a lot of them. While we did have enough food to last until we were rescued, it was a lot nicer to eat something fresh rather than canned or dried foodstuffs, even if the cook did an amazing job.

We kept moving until the thumps had slowed down and Darling held on to the trunk until the tree stopped moving, "Enough for a few days I think?" she asked, brushing her mane out of her eyes.

"Should be," I agreed and let go as well, "Let's see how much we caught."

Darling nodded and took to her wings, flying down from the tree.

I laid down on the branch, let my tail wrap around it before I slipped off it to hang from my tail. Something I never thought to even try before, but something I found surprisingly comfortable. I could apparently even sleep like this as shown by me not falling to my death when I was stuck in the jungle with Dee. Maybe I should try it sometimes when we get back to Canterlot, I bet Luna would find it hilarious. We could get a perch and everything.

Speaking of which, I should give her another situation report.

"Lord Page?" a voice called out from below, "We're ready to head back?"

"Go on, I'll come in a bit," I called back to them.

I could hear them move out below and I slowly turned, "Amber?"

"Yes, sir?" she asked from behind me and I swung around to look at her.

She was also upside down, standing on the bottom of a branch as she looked at me. I smiled at the sight, "I'm going to take a nap and talk to Luna, let them know how we are doing. Wake me if anything happens?"

Amber shifted a bit uncertainly, "Shouldn't we head back first?"

"We haven't seen any arboreal predators yet," I said, "and you're here to keep an eye out. Besides, I won't be asleep for long."

"Very well, sir."

I gave her a nod and then pulled my legs a bit tighter, my wings a bit around me and got comfortable as I closed my eyes. Considering I had been awake yesterday and most of last night helping setting things up and then unable to sleep because my mind just kept whirling around what we discovered... or thought we discovered anyway, I was pretty tired today and sleep found me pretty easily.

It was only a couple of minutes before I found myself in the drifting lights of the dream realm.

I did the now familiar scan around to see if I found any ponies sleeping away from where the camp was. I could tell because it had a dozen ponies asleep right now. Some of the injured and the ones that stood guard last night.

But other than them... nothing until Equestria.

I took a slow breath and sighed, shaking my head before the dream realm shifted around me and I found myself standing next to Luna.

She blinked and turned to me before she smiled and moved up to hug me tight, both forelegs and wings going around me as she sat down. I hugged back just as tight, leaning against her. Her warmth, her scent, her very being here... it all made me feel a thousand times better.

I didn't want to let go. So I didn't.

Luna nuzzled softly between my ears, "How are things going?" she finally asked.

"All the survivors are still safe," I said against her warm coat, "The researchers are busy and so is everypony else. We just finished gathering some fresh dinner for everypony and I figured I'd let you know we're alright."

Luna nodded, "Have they found out anything more?" she asked.

I let her know what we discovered last night when I finally did fall asleep.

"Don't know," I admitted, "They were fully at it again this morning, but I joined one of the teams gathering food. I would be more useful there than being in their way. I don't have the education to be useful and without my horn, all I could do it write things down for them and my mouthwriting is awful."

"I think you're selling yourself a bit short, My Page," Luna said and shifted to look into my eyes.

"...Maybe," I admitted, "But Moon Dancer and Midnight were talking theories of blood magic this morning and I got maybe one word in three. I'm not dumb, but I don't have their theoretical background."

Luna nodded, "Admittedly, neither do I," she said and touched her horn against mine, "How's your horn?"

"Much better," I said and smiled a bit up at her, "It's down to a dull ache. If the timeline Midnight laid out is correct, and because it's Midnight I think it is, I should be back to normal in two or three weeks. But I'm not touching magic until I have seen an expert, no way I'm risking going back to zero on this."

"I have had it a time or two myself," Luna agreed, "But I think I managed to avoid getting it as bad as you described. My horn hurt, yes, but..."

"Mine felt like it was on fire," I agreed, "Not in a hurry to repeat the experience," I said and cuddled against her, "That said, My Sky... maybe I should take some classes when we get back. I can't follow what Moon Dancer and Midnight were theorizing about, but I want to be able to. Maybe not take classes as I don't think that fits anyponys schedule, but maybe a tutor or something."

"I think that sounds like an excellent idea," Luna agreed with a smile.

"One with a big club that can get things through into my thick skull."

That got a small smile from her and me a small kiss, "Silly Page."

I winked at her and then slowly pulled back, "How's Sunset doing?"

"Worried," Luna said, "Twilight is surprisingly calm though, she usually has a tendency to worry," she continued and shifted her wings, "I suspect she's forcing it to help keep her marefriend from getting even more panicked."

I flicked my ears, "Let Sunny know that I'll see her tonight?" I asked before I quickly blinked and turned my head to the side as I felt something poke me firmly, "Amber wants me to wake up, I have to go."

I opened my eyes, looking directly into Ambers. She held a hoof up to her lips and pointed down towards the jungle ground beneath us.

I looked down towards the ground, not seeing anything but the green of the jungle, but I could hear movements. Rustling branches, heavy footsteps. A deep intake of air.

We stayed still. Very. Very. Still.

I just listened, ready to fly at a moment's notice.

Thump.... Thump.... ThumpCrack....Thump.

Slowly it became less audible as it moved away. Luckily, not towards the camp, but to the west. The camp was to the north from where we were right now.

"Did you see it?" I whispered to Amber.

She shook her head, "No," she answered equally quietly.

"We better let everypony know that there is something big in the jungle," I whispered and then pulled myself back up onto the branch and started to climb higher. I didn't really feel like traveling back beneath the canopy of the jungle right now.
My thinking is grapefruit, the ruby pulp variety (it is semi-sweet and sour, tangy citrus with a thick rind and large as a melon sometimes; grows on trees). Would be interesting to see what page thinks of durian fruit and its smell. ;-)

I am wondering why he isn't finding hide, hair, nor dream of ponies anywhere in the jungle? Even in places where creatures migrate, normally some indigenous or more primative peoples/ponys stay around in the original area. Think of any place that was either a cradle of mankind or a migratory area, every continent has the history of it. And every continent has its history of where even though the majority of people invent and "evolve" some tribes stay closer to the land (celts, native americans, indigenous in asia and Latin america/south america, nomads, bushmen in africa, aborigines, boat people, etc.) It happens everywhere, if there are land and resources, even if there are predators and harsh terrain people will stay there.... so where are the ponies of the jungle, and why can't page find them in their dreams?
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I circled above the pyramid as Amber and I reached it. It was amazing how much progress they had made in just the time we had been getting the fruit harvest.

The barricade was only a dozen segments from being finished and things looked much more organized already. It didn't just have the line of quarter cut trunks this time, it also had a line of them with the pointy end at a forty five degree angle outwards. They had moved the medical tent to the lower level to make it faster to move the injured inside and the cooking tent had been moved up to take its place.

The other tents had been moved around a bit into straight lines instead of just jumbled up like before.

Pones had been really busy.

Spotting Moon Glow, I circled lower and went down to land close by before trotting over to her, "Moon Glow."

"Sir," she said, putting her helmet down. She was out of her armour and it was laid out on the stone next to her as she cleaned it.

"Amber and I spotted something big in the jungle," I said without preamble.

That got her full attention instantly, "Where and what?"

"By where we collected the fruit, maybe a kilometer from the camp," I told her, "We didn't see it, just hear it beneath the tree but it sounded big. It wasn't heading this way directly however, it headed towards the west. We don't even know there was a rexosaurus, just that it was big."

Moon Glow sighed and looked towards the jungle beyond the barricade, "...How many massive predators does this jungle need?"

I sat down on the stone, shifting my wings in a shrug, "To be fair, we don't actually know that it was a predator, we didn't see it. Could just as easily have been a big herbivore."

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Really?"

I nodded, "I mean, the rexasaurus does need to eat something when there are no ponies around."

"Good point," Moon Glow admitted and sighed, "Just another week, sir."

"Just another week," I agreed. We just needed to hold out for another week.

"Kind of wish Captain Armor was here right now," Moon Glow admitted, "One of those shields of his would be really useful."

"No kidding," I agreed before I frowned, "I wonder if Midnight can put something like that up?"

Moon Glow shook her head, "I already asked. She can, but she can't put it up for as long and she was far from convinced it would even help if the rexasaurus was magic immune."

I nodded, "Well, that would have been too easy, wouldn't it?"

She nodded and started to assemble her armour again, "Yes, sir. Well, we'll be as ready as we can. We can only hope that if something like that comes for us, one of the scouts spot it with time to give us some warning."

"Nopony can do anything more," I agreed and moved down the stairs of the pyramid, moving beneath the tent for the injured.

I looked across them for a second before making my way along the ones that were awake, checking how they were doing and if they needed anything. It was the least I could do, I was the reason they were even here.

Then I reached Swift where he was reading a book. I looked down at him for a second, "You look like shit."

"So. Bored," he sighed and let the book drop onto the stone next to his sleeping roll, "It will be weeks before I can move around again under my own power. Doc says a month until I'm on my hooves again."

I nodded and then flicked one ear, smirking as I lowered my voice, "Well... it's not all bad."

"How is me breaking my legs a good thing?" he asked, looking up at me.

I grinned, "Well, we'll be back home in two weeks. That leaves two weeks of being attended to by your marefriend."

Swift blinked and then chuckled, "Okay, maybe not all bad," he admitted before he sighed, "Doesn't really help now though."

"Maybe not, but it does give you something to look forward to," I said and stood back up, "Besides... right now, boring is good. Boring is safe."

"Well, you're right about that," Swift agreed and glanced towards the jungle, "Perhaps boring isn't that bad."

"Not all bad anyway," I said, "Just relax, we'll be out of here before you know it."

With that, I moved to climb the stairs to the second level again and enter the dark of the pyramid. The large center chamber was lit up by torches still, my eyes quickly adapting to the dim light on my way down the hallway to where the research team had set up. Several tables had been assembled and books and scrolls stacked up. Midnight must have done some extra trips back to the airship to get the things because I know we didn't bring any of that on the trek here.

I wish I could teleport like she could.

Right now Midnight and Moon Dancer were arguing about something across one of the tables and as I watched, Midnight stabbed her hoof towards something on a large rolled out map. Moon Dancer shook her head and said something back, causing Midnights wings to raise in annoyance.

"So..." I said as I moved up Dee where she was sketching the chamber, "They have been at this for a bit I take it?"

Dee put her pen down and nodded, "Half an hour or so," she said and shrugged her wings, "Something about ley lines and magic flow. There seems to be some disagreement if it's a natural ley line or if the temple itself diverted a natural one here."

"...Does that matter?" I asked, blinking down at her.

Dee sighed, "You're asking the wrong pony," she said and shook her head before taking the pen in her muzzle again and going back to sketching the statue.
I sat down on the stone, shifting my wings in a shrug, "To be fair, we don't actually know that it was a predator, we didn't see it. Could just as easily have been a big herbivore."

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Really?"

I nodded, "I mean, the rexasaurus does need to eat something when there are no ponies around."
I mean, large Herbivores tend to be worse than predators...

I'm totally imagining the Rexosaurus showing up again later after a meal and just chilling.
Dee put her pen down and nodded, "Half an hour or so," she said and shrugged her wings, "Something about ley lines and magic flow. There seems to be some disagreement if it's a natural ley line or if the temple itself diverted a natural one here."

"...Does that matter?" I asked, blinking down at her.
Assuming shifting lay lines is anything like shifting rivers, it largely depends on if it was intentional or not. And even then, it mostly only matters academically.
"Daring Do looked around the chamber, her eyes playing across the masonry as the light of her last torch flickered in the darkness," I read out loud, "The slight rumbling from distance thunder sounding loud enough to be audible even in the underground chamber."

"There has to be a way out of here, there always are," Dee read next to me, "The ancient ponies that built this place always had trap doors hidden in structures like this, I just need to find it!"

"But even as she looked, she knew," I continued, "That she only had so much time. If the torch went out, if the rain got here first. This chamber could become her to-"

I broke off and my ears turned as I looked up past the group gathered around us to listen.

Everypony else turned to listen too at the sound of snapping branches coming from the forest outside the barricade.

"Guards! At the ready!" Moon Glow commanded as she flew down from the upper level, spear held in one hoof, "In positions! Everypony knows what to do, get into the shelters!"

Everypony sprang into action, but it wasn't in panic. Everypony knew what to do and hurried into the shelter of the lower level of the pyramid. I got to my hooves, Amber somehow seeming to materialize next to me, "You should too, sir."

"I'm staying," I told her in a tone that said I wasn't asking, "They might need my eyes."

Amber made a small buzzing sound but didn't argue.

Dee looked at me and gave me a nod. I nodded back and then she took to the skies, circling high up into the night. Her task was to be one of the 'eyes in the sky'.

That's when I saw it. The rexosaurus slammed into the barricade, one head turning to grip one of the spears sticking outwards in it's yaws and rip it out of the ground. Then it started to batter it's way through.

"Fire!" Moon Glow yelled and her unicorns shot the first of their spears towards the closest head. They peppered across it's thick skin, some bouncing off, some sticking.

The monstrosity seemed to care about as much as I would about a mosquito bite.

It opened it's jaw, showing rows of needle-like teeth as thick as my foreleg before it roared loud enough to make my lungs vibrate in my chest.

It pressed it's wings against the barricade and the thick wood snapped like matchsticks and it was through. A second volley of spears stabbed towards it.

"Aim at the eyes!" Moon Glow yelled and the pegasi took to the air, swooping above it to distract it as the unicorns threw again.

"Clear the area," a voice said and I looked to my left only to see Midnight step up to me.

She looked like she had when those two things attacked out camp during the journey here. Her mane moved to a wind that only affected her.

I nodded and looked down towards Moon Glow, "Clear the area!" I yelled to her, "Heavy hitter, coming through!"

She spared a quick glance towards me and Midnight before she yelled orders for her pegasi to pull back almost in a slight panic.

As soon as they did, Midnight's horn lit up brightly and a dozen of the barricade quarter trunks lifted into the air before spinning around, their pointed ends aimed towards the rexosaurus.

Now, I could say that she threw them at it, but that would have been a bit of an understatement.

There was a woh-smack sound and the rexosaurus roared. The massive spears didn't accelerate towards it, they just kind of disappeared from where they had been and then reappeared halfway through the monstrosity, buried a pony length into the thickly packed ground through its entire body in a dozen separate places.

The thing was tough. But nothing is that though.

The monster managed a final sound before it collapsed against the thick spears running through its body.

Midnights mane settled down and the glow from her horn faded away as the rexosarus collapsed with a final wheezing sound. She looked at it for a long moment before she spread her wings and glided down to stand before it.

I spread my wings and followed her down, looking up at the dead beast.

"You did it," I said quietly as the scent of fresh blood filled the air, making it taste like copper.

"Then why don't I feel any better," Midnight asked just as quietly, "I think I'm-" she said and then quickly closed her eyes, looking like she was going to throw up.

"Because you're a good pony," Tempest told her as she joined us, moving up to Midnight's other side, pressing her side against her.

Midnight took a deep breath, trying to calm down. But it just made her turn green and she quickly looked around in slight panic before she disappeared into a flash of light.

I looked to Tempest, "She really does deserve better than this," I told her quietly.

Tempest nodded, "I'll go check on her, Commander," she said and then went looking for the other alicorn.

I shifted my weight and my hoof made a slight squish sound so I looked down, finding that one of my hooves was in a pool of blood and dirt, turning it into a kind of nasty looking mud.

Quickly taking a step back, I dried my hoof on the grass before looking up at the monster.

Wonder if Luna let me bring one of the skulls with us when we go back home. It would look so awesome on the wall of the living room.

Then I tilted my head in thought, looking at it for a long moment, "Amber?" I then asked.

"Yes, sir?" she asked as she stepped up next to me.

"The one that attacked the airship camp... you were there and watched the entire attack, right?"

Amber nodded, "I wasn't teleported out, I hid."

"Yeah, so you got a better look than anypony else. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I was more than a bit distracted at the time, but didn't it have longer horns?"

Amber looked at the dead rexosaurus before she nodded, "It did. There's more of them."

"There's more of them," I agreed with a sigh, rubbing my eyes with my hoof, "Fucking awesome."
While usually eating large predators is a bad idea, i wonder if magic could be used to get around the downsides?

I mean, it tried to eat you first, its only fair that you return the favor...
sticking outwards in it's yaws and rip it out of the ground.
Then it started to batter it's way through.
They peppered across it's thick skin,
It pressed it's wings against the barricade
-> its

On a hoof, the princess' food plan is probably working better than she initially expected. But in another hoof, Page's internal skull collector isn't helping to dispel the possibility of him timetraveling to the past, and it definitely isn't going to help the public image of thestrals after discoveries of the ancient thestral culture.
Now that the rex is dealt with, we have an even bigger emergency. The Princess needs a snuggle pile stat!
While usually eating large predators is a bad idea, i wonder if magic could be used to get around the downsides?

I mean, it tried to eat you first, its only fair that you return the favor...
Pardon me for asking but as I heard about and tried a number of predator based jerky's when i was in boy scouts what are those downsides? I've never heard of them.