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Giant ivory earrings.
Giant ivory earrings.
Lirra! Best Girl! Cutest Grave Digger!
I misread that as Doris, for a second, which would have made sense given the background text.
Dorothy is simultaneously the cutest member of the game's cast and the most disconcerting.
That's Dorothy from VA-11 Hall-A.Okay, I'm confused, who is this? My first thought was "What's Monica from Fire Emblem doing here?", but I'm pretty sure that's not Monica.
Dorothy, from Va11-halla, a bartending game. She's one of the more... interesting customers, being a lilim - a humanoid robot - who does sex work.Okay, I'm confused, who is this? My first thought was "What's Monica from Fire Emblem doing here?", but I'm pretty sure that's not Monica.
And whose selling point is that she looks like she's 12...Dorothy, from Va11-halla, a bartending game. She's one of the more... interesting customers, being a lilim - a humanoid robot - who does sex work.
In early drafts she went by Dolores rather than Dorothy, but this was decided to be a little too on-the-nose.
Of course. Please check if your friend is familiar with the book "Lolita", famous for being a story about one man grooming a pre-pubecent girl. The girl is named "Dolores Haze". Dorothy's full name (well, it's rebecca, but her full "working name") is Dorothy Haze. As such, I'm sure you'll find it easy to explain to your friend why it would be a bit on the nose to just... literally use the name from Lolita.I get that reference, but could you explain that to my friend who didn't?
Is that writing or just a pretty pattern.I especially like the writing along the edge of her headdress.