Remnants of Team SV Reboot

Weiss "That's odd" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

"Aura?" Looking down at myself to see a dark green forcefield of light covering my body with the occasional purple spark skitterring across the green. "Huh, so this is what'll let me keep up with my old self? What's with the purple sparks though? That normal?"

Purple? Oh, there are purple sparks there. Strange. "That's unusual," I answer. "The Auras I know of are only in one color." Like red for Ruby, light blue for myself, yellow for Yang, purple for Blake, white for Jaune...

Weiss "That's odd" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Purple? Oh, there are purple sparks there. Strange. "That's unusual," I answer. "The Auras I know of are only in one color." Like red for Ruby, light blue for myself, yellow for Yang, purple for Blake, white for Jaune...

Poking at one of the sparks, it felt similar to the Darkness I used to command as a Nobody. "Strange, it feels like my Darkness. Maybe this Aura thing sees me as different enough from The Actor to give me my own colour?"
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Weiss "Eh? Darkness?" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Poking at one of the sparks, it felt similar to the Darkness I used to command as a Nobody. "Strange, it feels like my Darkness. Maybe this Aura thing sees me as different enough from The Actor to give me my own colour?"

Darkness? That is some in-depth roleplaying there. How does one know what that kind of darkness feels like?

I settle for a neutral, tentative answer, giving a bit of a shrug in the process. "Maybe." I don't know enough to give a definite conclusion there.

It does make me wonder why Ozpin doesn't have a rainbow Aura then. Maybe it's because they all merge into one?

Weiss "Eh? Darkness?" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Darkness? That is some in-depth roleplaying there. How does one know what that kind of darkness feels like?

I settle for a neutral, tentative answer, giving a bit of a shrug in the process. "Maybe." I don't know enough to give a definite conclusion there.

It does make me wonder why Ozpin doesn't have a rainbow Aura then. Maybe it's because they all merge into one?

Looking away from my two-toned Aura and letting it fade, I asked a question that's been bothering me since I woke up. "So, mind telling me why our future Headmaster has The Actor in such a tizzy?"
Ruby Rose
On an airship headed to Becon
I'm still unsure of the time, late morning maybe?


//Jaune Arc - " I swear I'm forgetting something...?"//
That... seemed to come out strange but whatever. I recalled Ruby had been a bit nervous come the first episode so I guess it was fine. Waving her concern off I give a grin, "I'm fine, probably; just some butterfly in the stomach and what not." Damn, how did the guy I slipped into even talk again? I didn't recall anything happening on the bullhead...

"And I'm Jaune; short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it." Hey, that felt rehearsed to death! In fact I'm recalling a Jaune standing in front of a mirror delivering the same line. I already want to jump out of this ship. While being tempted by the sweet release of splatting I glance down to my side to take note of the sword, Crocea Mors. How quaint.

Okay, I'll admit it, that did make me smile just a little bit. It was still cheesy as hell though.

Drumming my fingers on a knee I glance back at her, "Long story then? We've got time so it can't be longer than the trip." Maybe? I didn' know but it couldn't be that quick. Feeling the stones pile in my abdomen I ignore them as I give a short hum of the song I'd been nigh addicted to lately.

Ah crap, he actually wants me to tell him... now what am I going to do? "Well," I take a moment to try to recall the name of that dust shop in the first episode. "I was at this dust shop called Dust till Dawn..."

As I continue, memories of that night start to drift back to me... memories that couldn't possibly belong to me...

A dark and calm night. Containers filled with colorful Dust. An elderly, friendly shopkeep. Reading materials. A weapons magazine, the latest issue, one I couldn't wait to read. A song from my headphones, one of my favorites. A tap on the shoulder.

"I was minding my own business when this shady-looking guy came..."

Turning around. Someone in black who looked like a part of the mafia. A moving mouth, but no sound, drowned out by my music. A hand gesture towards his ears, like he wants me to take off my headphones, which I did. A demand to raise my hands.

"He thought he could rob me. I proved him otherwise."

A question if he's robbing me. An affirmative answer. A flying kick. A blur of movement. More of those goons flying out the window, myself following suit. A whole group of them, led by someone in white. Unfolding my sweetheart into scythe form, ready to take them on.

"So I went 'Wham! Boom! Kapow!'" My hands gesticulate wildly as I try to portray how the fight went.

A burst of movement. Bullets flying from the robbers, but no hits. Swinging the blunt end of the scythe. Firing shots behind me, propelling me forward. Pivoting around my weapon, spinning me around. Gangsters being knocked out of the fight, one by one.

"He wasn't alone, but they didn't stand a chance. Then their leader tried to run."

The one in white trying to shoot me with a cane-slash-flare gun. Jumping to avoid it, aided by Crescent Rose. Finding him climbing the ladder of a building. Following him after the okay from the shopkeep.

"I followed him to the roof, but he had a Bullhead waiting for him. He tried to explode Fire Dust on me, but this really cool huntress saved me!"

A red crystal rolling to my feet. An incoming flare. Bracing for impact. An explosion. A real huntress in front of me in white and black, with a circular, purple, glyph-like barrier in front of her.

"The Bullhead had some shadowy woman that was shooting fireballs at us. She was strong, but so was the huntress!"

Watching it all unfold. Purple blasts and a hailstorm, aimed at the aircraft. A fireball, blocked by a purple energy shield. A glowing, exploding circle below the huntress, like a landmine, which she rolled away from. The debris, telekinetically formed into a giant spear, and hurled at thetransport, only to be blasted by fireballs, reformed, and then blasted again with a wave of flame.

"I tried to help, but the fire lady just block my shots with her bare hands! Then she tried to use exploding circles on us, but the huntress saved me again!"

Changing my sniper-scythe to rifle form. Aiming at the one in glowing orange marks. Firing shot after shot, cycling the bolt each time. Seeing them blocked effortlessly by hand, literally. A sudden gesture, and an array of those landmine-like circles around us. A sudden feeling of being yanked to the side as the circles combust.

"She was so cool and I wanted to get her autograph, but she just scolded me in an interrogation room instead!"

Being brought to the local police station. Learning that her name is Glynda Goodwitch. A feeling of shame upon hearing that what I did could put others in danger, and that I should be sent home with a pat on the back and a slap on the wrist. Seeing another person enter, someone I recognize as Professor Ozpin. Ooh, cookies!

"Okay, I may have been a bit reckless back then, but those robbers started it! I had to help! And then Professor Ozpin came. He was nice, and had this plate of yummy cookies with him."

Relishing the deliciousness of the baked goodies. An odd comment about having silver eyes. Answering questions like how I learned to fight, and why I was at Signal. Fondly recalling my Uncle Qrow who taught me what I know. Gushing over my dream of becoming a Huntress, and being able to help others in an awesome manner. Being offered a slot at Beacon, putting me two years ahead. Immediately accepting it. A feeling of joy upon his and Miss Goodwitch's approval, now that I'm one step closer to my dream, and that I'll be classmates with my big sis Yang.

"He asked me some questions about the fight, then he offered me a place at Beacon. I've always wanted to study there and become a Huntress, so how could I say no? Since my sister Yang will be starting at Beacon this year, it means I get to be classmates with her too! And that's how I'm here now."

Those memories were so vivid, it was like I was there myself, as Ruby. Even as I was narrating, I noticed that I acted and sounded much like her, which somehow came naturally to me...
Weiss "Expositor" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Looking away from my two-toned Aura and letting it fade, I asked a question that's been bothering me since I woke up. "So, mind telling me why our future Headmaster has The Actor in such a tizzy?"

Talk about really being in-character if the role doesn't know what the actor knows... it seems to be more than just putting on a metaphorical mask and calling it a day.

I answer with what I remember, keeping my volume down as much as possible since it's supposed to be a secret around here, something that only people like Qrow and Lionheart would know. "What I'm going to say is classified, so please keep quiet about it. The headmaster is cursed to reincarnate if he dies, merging his Aura, and thus his soul and identity, with someone else's. If his current self dies, his next incarnation will be Oscar, that is, you. Your Actor wants to keep his sense of self, so he wants to distinguish himself from Ozpin as much as possible."

...Could something like that be why I'm in Weiss's shoes right now...?

News and Virtues
While everyone was talking, a news clip was playing over one of the windows, currently showing twin mugshots of Roman Torchwick. "... The robbery was led by notorious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continue to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you Lisa."

As the narrator finished, the mugshots disappeared from the screen, revealing a lilac-haired newswoman. "Thank you Cyril. In other news;This Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights Protest turned dark when members of The White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..."

With an electronic whine, the CCT screen was powered down to make room for a much more important halogram, that of Beacon Academy's Deputy Headmistress, Glynda Goodwitch herself. "Hello, and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.

@Rei of Sunshine, @UbeOne, @Lazy Coyote, @chiufan95, @CyanDies, @Sablonus, @Brightflame, @Birthday, @Tada Taro, @Sinistar, @Magnive, @Deathvon, @Assembler, @Fantasy Nature, @Shadows, @Xalgeon
While everyone was talking, a news clip was playing over one of the windows, currently showing twin mugshots of Roman Torchwick. "... The robbery was led by notorious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continue to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you Lisa."

As the narrator finished, the mugshots disappeared from the screen, revealing a lilac-haired newswoman. "Thank you Cyril. In other news;This Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights Protest turned dark when members of The White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..."

With an electronic whine, the CCT screen was powered down to make room for a much more important halogram, that of Beacon Academy's Deputy Headmistress, Glynda Goodwitch herself. "Hello, and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.

@Rei of Sunshine, @UbeOne, @Lazy Coyote, @chiufan95, @CyanDies, @Sablonus, @Brightflame, @Birthday, @Tada Taro, @Sinistar, @Magnive, @Deathvon, @Assembler, @Fantasy Nature, @Shadows, @Xalgeon

Turning my head to the people around me I said, " Are you all ready?" Always wanted to say that in a cool way.

@UbeOne @Shadows
While everyone was talking, a news clip was playing over one of the windows, currently showing twin mugshots of Roman Torchwick. "... The robbery was led by notorious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continue to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you Lisa."

As the narrator finished, the mugshots disappeared from the screen, revealing a lilac-haired newswoman. "Thank you Cyril. In other news;This Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights Protest turned dark when members of The White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..."

With an electronic whine, the CCT screen was powered down to make room for a much more important halogram, that of Beacon Academy's Deputy Headmistress, Glynda Goodwitch herself. "Hello, and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.

@Rei of Sunshine, @UbeOne, @Lazy Coyote, @chiufan95, @CyanDies, @Sablonus, @Brightflame, @Birthday, @Tada Taro, @Sinistar, @Magnive, @Deathvon, @Assembler, @Fantasy Nature, @Shadows, @Xalgeon
Yang Xiao Long
Oh crap I remember this, we're arriving at beacon soon. Ruby where are you.

I search around looking for Ruby.

@Rei of Sunshine
Weiss "Whoops" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Moments after my reply, I realize something with a gasp. I made a mistake! Worded as it is, Xalgeon might not take it well! It might remind him of what happened to Xion and what could have happened to Roxas, even if Ozpin has no hand in the matter and can only try to make the best of things.

I need to do damage control, but what? How? Quickly, before he can react violently, I hold up a hand and add on to what I said. "Wait! Before you think Ozpin is no better than Xemnas or DiZ, he has no malicious intent. He really was cursed, and can't do anything about it until he defeats Salem. He can only make the best of his situation. Please don't think so badly of him."


((I'll post the part after the news afterwards))
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Weiss "News at eleven" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

While everyone was talking, a news clip was playing over one of the windows, currently showing twin mugshots of Roman Torchwick. "... The robbery was led by notorious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continue to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you Lisa."

As the narrator finished, the mugshots disappeared from the screen, revealing a lilac-haired newswoman. "Thank you Cyril. In other news;This Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights Protest turned dark when members of The White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..."

With an electronic whine, the CCT screen was powered down to make room for a much more important halogram, that of Beacon Academy's Deputy Headmistress, Glynda Goodwitch herself. "Hello, and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.

Before I could see the former Nobody's reaction to things, screens show up on the windows, and looking at one of them reveals familiar-looking news, first of which is about Roman Torchwick. I remember his Dust robbery, the one Ruby first encountered him in. I'm not sure anymore if she was able to foil it or not, though I wonder if the Dust came from the SDC or not... either way, he deserves contempt. The Dust he's been stealing these days for the Breach could have been used against the Grimm and for everyday life. He thinks he's doing it all for the sake of survival, but when the group he works for is aiming to eradicate humanity, and when the plan and his actions endanger the people because of the Grimm...

The next piece of news is that faunus rights protest, the one ruined by the White Fang. Seeing that emblem, a red wolf-like head with claw marks... I narrow my eyes. Ghira should have stayed on as high leader, not let it descend into this... misguided monstrosity. Equality is good, but promoting that through fear and violence? Not worth the grief and the Grimm. Their terrorism gives the faunus a bad name, undermining their own cause, and then there are those like Adam who espouse faunus supremacy, making them hypocrites, just like those they supposedly fight against. The Breach and the fall of Beacon? They are complicit, no better than a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers-

Glynda's words are background noise as I shake my head a bit to clear my mind, shocked by my own thoughts. Okay, I'm not a fan of the current version of the White Fang, but I've never felt so strongly about them before. It feels as if... as if they hit close to home... is this what it's like to be Weiss? How am I supposed to work with Blake like this? I will have to remind myself that she saw better, that she had the moral courage to leave them, that her parents still accepted and loved her despite her losing her way, knowing that she found it once more...

Turning my head to the people around me I said, " Are you all ready?" Always wanted to say that in a cool way.

@UbeOne @Shadows

Oh good, a distraction! Something I need right now. "Combat ready," I reply with a small smile, in an attempt to lighten my spirits on things. It's a long road ahead of me...
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//Jaune Arc - "I wonder if I left the stove on?"//
Okay, I'll admit it, that did make me smile just a little bit. It was still cheesy as hell though.
Hey! I made cookie girl smile. Okay, maybe I won't jump out of the flying airship powered by magical dust and want to get caught, mangled, then eaten by a nevermore. Well, maybe. I blinked as I still felt pangs of anger and confusion run through me. Wow, I was not suited for this world in the slightest. Rubbing my thumb into my palm I glanced around and still swore I was forgetting something. Eh, it was probably the stove back home which I can't really fix now.

Poor stove.

"He asked me some questions about the fight, then he offered me a place at Beacon. I've always wanted to study there and become a Huntress, so how could I say no? Since my sister Yang will be starting at Beacon this year, it means I get to be classmates with her too! And that's how I'm here now."

Those memories were so vivid, it was like I was there myself, as Ruby. Even as I was narrating, I noticed that I acted and sounded much like her, which somehow came naturally to me...
"...Huh. You're coming to Beacon with your sister?" I asked after she rehearsed the entirety of the first episode. I think. I don't actually remember but it doesn't matter. Jaune also had sisters, didn't he? ...And since it seems like I know what Jaune knows... Ah. Yep. Peanut butter willy was it? I pity you Jaune. Thus, in the process myself included. Tapping a foot on the ground softly, I try to plan out what I was going to do; in terms of even attending Beacon... Especially with the faked transcripts. Actually leave that for future me, even if it's the perfect time to think about it.

Man, this'll just be the best time won't it?

@Rei of Sunshine
Weiss "Expositor" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Talk about really being in-character if the role doesn't know what the actor knows... it seems to be more than just putting on a metaphorical mask and calling it a day.

I answer with what I remember, keeping my volume down as much as possible since it's supposed to be a secret around here, something that only people like Qrow and Lionheart would know. "What I'm going to say is classified, so please keep quiet about it. The headmaster is cursed to reincarnate if he dies, merging his Aura, and thus his soul and identity, with someone else's. If his current self dies, his next incarnation will be Oscar, that is, you. Your Actor wants to keep his sense of self, so he wants to distinguish himself from Ozpin as much as possible."

...Could something like that be why I'm in Weiss's shoes right now...?

Bolting upright in my seat, I curled my fists in my lap as the world decended into red...

"--I'll call that thing whatever I want--"

"--Sora is having a powerful effect on her-"

"--No! Xion!--"

"--Don't leave me! Please! I love you!--"

"--I guess DIZ was right, she really was a fake--"


While everyone was talking, a news clip was playing over one of the windows, currently showing twin mugshots of Roman Torchwick. "... The robbery was led by notorious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continue to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you Lisa."

As the narrator finished, the mugshots disappeared from the screen, revealing a lilac-haired newswoman. "Thank you Cyril. In other news;This Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights Protest turned dark when members of The White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..."

With an electronic whine, the CCT screen was powered down to make room for a much more important halogram, that of Beacon Academy's Deputy Headmistress, Glynda Goodwitch herself. "Hello, and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.

@Rei of Sunshine, @UbeOne, @Lazy Coyote, @chiufan95, @CyanDies, @Sablonus, @Brightflame, @Birthday, @Tada Taro, @Sinistar, @Magnive, @Deathvon, @Assembler, @Fantasy Nature, @Shadows, @Xalgeon
I'm so angry, that I don't notice anything around me, not the news, not some lady blowing hot air on a fancy hologram, not my whole body trembling in surpressed rage or my purple Aura flaring to full power...
Weiss "Whoops" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Moments after my reply, I realize something with a gasp. I made a mistake! Worded as it is, Xalgeon might not take it well! It might remind him of what happened to Xion and what could have happened to Roxas, even if Ozpin has no hand in the matter and can only try to make the best of things.

I need to do damage control, but what? How? Quickly, before he can react violently, I hold up a hand and add on to what I said. "Wait! Before you think Ozpin is no better than Xemnas or DiZ, he has no malicious intent. He really was cursed, and can't do anything about it until he defeats Salem. He can only make the best of his situation. Please don't think so badly of him."


((I'll post the part after the news afterwards))
... Until Weiss explained why. "Who did it? Who cursed him?! I'll kill them!"
While everyone was talking, a news clip was playing over one of the windows, currently showing twin mugshots of Roman Torchwick. "... The robbery was led by notorious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continue to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you Lisa."

As the narrator finished, the mugshots disappeared from the screen, revealing a lilac-haired newswoman. "Thank you Cyril. In other news;This Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights Protest turned dark when members of The White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..."

With an electronic whine, the CCT screen was powered down to make room for a much more important halogram, that of Beacon Academy's Deputy Headmistress, Glynda Goodwitch herself. "Hello, and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.

@Rei of Sunshine, @UbeOne, @Lazy Coyote, @chiufan95, @CyanDies, @Sablonus, @Brightflame, @Birthday, @Tada Taro, @Sinistar, @Magnive, @Deathvon, @Assembler, @Fantasy Nature, @Shadows, @Xalgeon
He cracked his neck to the side, frowning when it didn't make quite the same crackle as she was used to, before closing his scroll.

He'd been planning and planning for what felt like hours, but it was just about time to start putting those plans into action.

She needed manpower, and as arrogant as it sounded, he would be getting plenty of that once he got a team, he was strong, he could feel that in Blake's body, in how her muscles tensed beautifully, in a way that would have taken him years to achieve, but he needed numbers.

He could get troops by manipulating the white fang, generals by getting beacon teammates, and strength by training his ass off. (Blake's body wasn't nearly good enough, as trained as it was)

If he wanted to do this right, to save people and get out alive while doing it, she needed to prepare for war. The real thing, not the skermishes of the anime.

And as he listened to Goodwitch, he prepared himself to play the roll of Blake for now. He needed to make it seem like he was her, even if it hindered him, his trump card relied on it.
Weiss "Damage controller" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

... Until Weiss explained why. "Who did it? Who cursed him?! I'll kill them!"

My eyes widen at his expression of rage. It was a near miss! If I didn't explain in time, he could have actually gone Hazel on the headmaster!

I need to be careful with my next set of words. Whoever I point to will be the focus of his anger, and while I could say that Salem did it, I don't want to lie, lest he find out and go for me instead. Once more, I try to keep my volume down as much as possible. "According to Ozpin, because he wasn't able to stop Salem before, he was cursed by the two brother gods who created Remnant. However, the brothers left the world long ago, so I think the only way is to defeat Salem."

There, that points to those brother gods, which is correct, but since they're out of reach, as far as I know, and because the curse was for the failure to stop Salem, the next best thing would be to beat her, who is the biggest threat around here...

Weiss "Damage controller" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

My eyes widen at his expression of rage. It was a near miss! If I didn't explain in time, he could have actually gone Hazel on the headmaster!

I need to be careful with my next set of words. Whoever I point to will be the focus of his anger, and while I could say that Salem did it, I don't want to lie, lest he find out and go for me instead. Once more, I try to keep my volume down as much as possible. "According to Ozpin, because he wasn't able to stop Salem before, he was cursed by the two brother gods who created Remnant. However, the brothers left the world long ago, so I think the only way is to defeat Salem."

There, that points to those brother gods, which is correct, but since they're out of reach, as far as I know, and because the curse was for the failure to stop Salem, the next best thing would be to beat her, who is the biggest threat around here...

"The Twin Gods? I'll find them then, and when I do, I'll End them! The same for this Salem." I wanted to say so much more, but if I do, my anger will explode!
Weiss "Calm down!" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

"The Twin Gods? I'll find them then, and when I do, I'll End them! The same for this Salem." I wanted to say so much more, but if I do, my anger will explode!

I need some way to calm him down! His Aura's going crazy, and-

I glance around, but there's no help I can find. I have to do this myself, but how? For a moment, I consider a pat to the shoulder, but I decide not to. He might strongly swat it away, and I'm not sure if it's safe to touch that purple Aura.

I settle for holding up a hand after I gather my thoughts. "Take deep breaths, Xalgeon! Take deep breaths. Please calm yourself. I get it; I understand why you're angry, but don't blow up on us!"

Actually, just in case, how do I activate my Aura...?

Weiss "Calm down!" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

I need some way to calm him down! His Aura's going crazy, and-

I glance around, but there's no help I can find. I have to do this myself, but how? For a moment, I consider a pat to the shoulder, but I decide not to. He might strongly swat it away, and I'm not sure if it's safe to touch that purple Aura.

I settle for holding up a hand after I gather my thoughts. "Take deep breaths, Xalgeon! Take deep breaths. Please calm yourself. I get it; I understand why you're angry, but don't blow up on us!"

Actually, just in case, how do I activate my Aura...?

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, What do Somebodies do when they're angry again? Oh, that's right...











Opening my eyes, I looked at the better girl-in-white and inclined my head in thanks. "Thank you Weiss, the last time I was that mad, I killed nine people. Only Kingdom Hearts would know what'd I'd do here."
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Weiss "Whew!" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, What do Somebodies do when they're angry again? Oh, that's right...











Opening my eyes, I looked at the better girl-in-white and inclined my head in thanks. "Thak you Weiss, the last time I was that mad, I killed nine people. Only Kingdom Hearts would know what'd I'd do here."

Information comes to mind about how I can release the power I inherited from Weiss, which I take note of for future reference.

I can't help but be on edge as he closes his eyes and does what I told him to do. I keep my Aura on a metaphorical trigger, so that if things turn violent, I could immediately activate it and put up glyphs in defense.

Eventually, I see his forcefield subside, and when he opens his eyes and speaks, he has a calmer demeanor about him. While I breathe a small sigh of relief, he mentioned that he killed others, likely other Organization members, in anger before, and could do it again... my nerves don't leave me, as if I'm around a bomb that's not completely defused yet. He's roleplaying, so he didn't actually kill anyone, but still...

"You're welcome," I reply. Hopefully he would use that anger for something more productive like training, but I'd rather not say anything about that right now.

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Russel "Fashionably Late" Thrush
Airship to Beacon, Vale

It had been a late night, the summer heat soaked into the walls of my room had kept me from bed. It was only by the grace of my stubborn body and my old A/C unit finally kicking in, that I had finally closed my eyes, knowing full well I would wake up groggy and later into the day then I liked.

I closed my eyes in the hopes I would be able to fix my mangled schedule. Thoughts becoming muddied and pleasantly distant.

I open my eyes to the sight of the sky.

I blink. Once. Twice. Three times in a row. Why am I staring at the sky? While it was never the norm, I had experienced sleep paralysis, but sleep walking? That was a whole other beast! Did I walk out of my house and crane my head up to the heavens like a turkey? Would I have died if it was raining?

There's something strange about the clouds-..I can see them? Not that such a thing was ever an issue, but I can see these clouds as clear as ever without my glasses! Marveling at this, I reach out towards the sky, unsure if I was truly awake. My hand smacks into an unseen barrier, sending a slight jolt of pain running up it.

I wrench my hand back in shock, It was a window. I was staring out of a window! Of course I was, my reflection was even staring back at me. I moved my head forward to get a better look at myself, wanting to see what I would need to fix up from my late night.

There was no proper recourse for seeing who stared back at me, same open mouth and horrified expression I knew I should be wearing instead.

I knew him. This other whose face I was wearing. It was impossible not to have my mind shriek as it desperately worked to fill in the holes. Brown eyes that were a shade too light, a mohawk colored in a pale green, and a body that was more lean muscle than broad-shouldered husk. The torn-up jacket and tight undershirt left little to the imagination, I tugged at the sleeves, feeling an unfathomable need to cover up.

There were others around, I could clearly see that in the reflection as well, but I kept myself from taking a look. If I just ignored it and waited, things would begin to make sense and I'd wake up from this dream. Yes, that was the very sane explanation for everything. I was snoozing in bed still, and I was having my first taste of a lucid dream. Not exactly something I had any idea of, but it's not like it was an impossible thing to have happen.

With an electronic whine, the CCT screen was powered down to make room for a much more important halogram, that of Beacon Academy's Deputy Headmistress, Glynda Goodwitch herself. "Hello, and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.

I turned around, startled by the sudden announcement. I knew the voice and I knew the figure being projected into the airship. Airship? Yes, this was a fuckmothering airship and that was Glynda Goodwitch welcoming a large throng of students to Beacon! That's from RWBY! Yes, okay, I knew that show. I took a deep breath and tore my eyes from the image of Goodwitch, daring to take in my surroundings finally. And there they were, students, other characters from the show that my subconscious was very obviously trying to emulate.

A sense of relief passed through me, as I took everything in. There was no need to be afraid or stressed, this was all just in my head. It was so obvious now, RWBY never had someone that looked like this guy, my subconscious must be mixing things up. Any moment now and this whole scene would change into something even more abstract and be half-remembered in the morning, so I might as well enjoy things while they lasted.

I grinned with a mouth that wasn't mine, looking at the other characters. I wonder what would happen if I poked at any of them?
Turning my head to the people around me I said, " Are you all ready?" Always wanted to say that in a cool way.

@UbeOne @Shadows
"I am!"

Ruby Rose
On an airship headed to Becon
I'm still unsure of the time, late morning maybe?


Okay, I'll admit it, that did make me smile just a little bit. It was still cheesy as hell though.

Ah crap, he actually wants me to tell him... now what am I going to do? "Well," I take a moment to try to recall the name of that dust shop in the first episode. "I was at this dust shop called Dust till Dawn..."

As I continue, memories of that night start to drift back to me... memories that couldn't possibly belong to me...

A dark and calm night. Containers filled with colorful Dust. An elderly, friendly shopkeep. Reading materials. A weapons magazine, the latest issue, one I couldn't wait to read. A song from my headphones, one of my favorites. A tap on the shoulder.

"I was minding my own business when this shady-looking guy came..."

Turning around. Someone in black who looked like a part of the mafia. A moving mouth, but no sound, drowned out by my music. A hand gesture towards his ears, like he wants me to take off my headphones, which I did. A demand to raise my hands.

"He thought he could rob me. I proved him otherwise."

A question if he's robbing me. An affirmative answer. A flying kick. A blur of movement. More of those goons flying out the window, myself following suit. A whole group of them, led by someone in white. Unfolding my sweetheart into scythe form, ready to take them on.

"So I went 'Wham! Boom! Kapow!'" My hands gesticulate wildly as I try to portray how the fight went.

A burst of movement. Bullets flying from the robbers, but no hits. Swinging the blunt end of the scythe. Firing shots behind me, propelling me forward. Pivoting around my weapon, spinning me around. Gangsters being knocked out of the fight, one by one.

"He wasn't alone, but they didn't stand a chance. Then their leader tried to run."

The one in white trying to shoot me with a cane-slash-flare gun. Jumping to avoid it, aided by Crescent Rose. Finding him climbing the ladder of a building. Following him after the okay from the shopkeep.

"I followed him to the roof, but he had a Bullhead waiting for him. He tried to explode Fire Dust on me, but this really cool huntress saved me!"

A red crystal rolling to my feet. An incoming flare. Bracing for impact. An explosion. A real huntress in front of me in white and black, with a circular, purple, glyph-like barrier in front of her.

"The Bullhead had some shadowy woman that was shooting fireballs at us. She was strong, but so was the huntress!"

Watching it all unfold. Purple blasts and a hailstorm, aimed at the aircraft. A fireball, blocked by a purple energy shield. A glowing, exploding circle below the huntress, like a landmine, which she rolled away from. The debris, telekinetically formed into a giant spear, and hurled at thetransport, only to be blasted by fireballs, reformed, and then blasted again with a wave of flame.

"I tried to help, but the fire lady just block my shots with her bare hands! Then she tried to use exploding circles on us, but the huntress saved me again!"

Changing my sniper-scythe to rifle form. Aiming at the one in glowing orange marks. Firing shot after shot, cycling the bolt each time. Seeing them blocked effortlessly by hand, literally. A sudden gesture, and an array of those landmine-like circles around us. A sudden feeling of being yanked to the side as the circles combust.

"She was so cool and I wanted to get her autograph, but she just scolded me in an interrogation room instead!"

Being brought to the local police station. Learning that her name is Glynda Goodwitch. A feeling of shame upon hearing that what I did could put others in danger, and that I should be sent home with a pat on the back and a slap on the wrist. Seeing another person enter, someone I recognize as Professor Ozpin. Ooh, cookies!

"Okay, I may have been a bit reckless back then, but those robbers started it! I had to help! And then Professor Ozpin came. He was nice, and had this plate of yummy cookies with him."

Relishing the deliciousness of the baked goodies. An odd comment about having silver eyes. Answering questions like how I learned to fight, and why I was at Signal. Fondly recalling my Uncle Qrow who taught me what I know. Gushing over my dream of becoming a Huntress, and being able to help others in an awesome manner. Being offered a slot at Beacon, putting me two years ahead. Immediately accepting it. A feeling of joy upon his and Miss Goodwitch's approval, now that I'm one step closer to my dream, and that I'll be classmates with my big sis Yang.

"He asked me some questions about the fight, then he offered me a place at Beacon. I've always wanted to study there and become a Huntress, so how could I say no? Since my sister Yang will be starting at Beacon this year, it means I get to be classmates with her too! And that's how I'm here now."

Those memories were so vivid, it was like I was there myself, as Ruby. Even as I was narrating, I noticed that I acted and sounded much like her, which somehow came naturally to me...

And then I turned my head, and immediately had my processors lock up.

[Error: System offline. Starting reboot sequence...]
Weiss "Whew!" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Information comes to mind about how I can release the power I inherited from Weiss, which I take note of for future reference.

I can't help but be on edge as he closes his eyes and does what I told him to do. I keep my Aura on a metaphorical trigger, so that if things turn violent, I could immediately activate it and put up glyphs in defense.

Eventually, I see his forcefield subside, and when he opens his eyes and speaks, he has a calmer demeanor about him. While I breathe a small sigh of relief, he mentioned that he killed others, likely other Organization members, in anger before, and could do it again... my nerves don't leave me, as if I'm around a bomb that's not completely defused yet. He's roleplaying, so he didn't actually kill anyone, but still...

"You're welcome," I reply. Hopefully he would use that anger for something more productive like training, but I'd rather not say anything about that right now.

Seeing her still looking nervous, I patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't go crazy, even when Xion died I could aim my wrath enough to not hurt the innocent. Only one person ever made me fully lose control... and even she, as much as I hate what she didn't do, didn't deserve what I did to her..."
Weiss "What happened?" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Seeing her still looking nervous, I patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't go crazy, even when Xion died I could aim my wrath enough to not hurt the innocent. Only one person ever made me fully lose control... and even she, as much as I hate what she didn't do, didn't deserve what I did to her..."

I nod in acknowledgment of the support. "Oh..." My nerves linger still, but not as much as before. "Are you okay with talking about it?" I might as well lend an ear, since he seems remorseful about it.

Who is he talking about? It can't be Xion, and I doubt it's Larxene, the sadistic one; nor Kairi, someone who's not involved; so... Namine? Poor girl...
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Weiss "What happened?" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

I nod in acknowledgment of the support. "Oh..." My nerves linger still, but not as much as before. "Are you okay with talking about it?" I might as well lend an ear, since he seems remorseful about it.

Who is he talking about? It can't be Xion, and I doubt it's Larxene, the sadistic one; nor Kairi, someone who's not involved; so... Namine? Poor girl...
Smiling a sad smile, I asked a simple question to start us off. "What do you know about the powers of a girl called Namine and Xion's death?"
Weiss "Uh oh" Schnee
Airship to Beacon, Vale

Smiling a sad smile, I asked a simple question to start us off. "What do you know about the powers of a girl called Namine and Xion's death?"

Namine? I thought so.

"Namine can control the memories of those connected to her. Xion died because... I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but it has something to do with being a memory-based person, and her rebelling against Xemnas by fighting Roxas and being defeated by him... Wait, are you saying that Namine could have done something about it?"

I make a point not to call Xion a clone, let alone a puppet. There's no way she's the latter, while I doubt the guy before me would approve of her being referred to as a clone of Sora. Actually, how does he remember her anyway? Wouldn't he also forget about her like what happened to everyone else?
