Remnants of Team SV Reboot

I recognize that introduction. Now what are you doing here, Penny?

"Yeah, there's a lot of cool weapons here. I actually took a bunch of pictures of these weapons last year so I could look at them all the time." Well, that and to have them in the arsenal the modified camera in my box could bring up.

I perked up. "Oh, that's neat! I didn't think of that!"

Not that I needed to. Robot-memory, hoooo!

"I'm Penny, Penny Polendina! It's nice to meet you! What's your name?"
May "Woe is me" Zedong
A Shadeless desert, Vacuo
Approximately 10 am, give or take

Oooooooooof course they pick her. Well, it looks like life wants me to meet her, so no matter what I do it'll happen eventually. Might as well get it over with, but let's try to limit the fallout if this goes how I think it will.

"Sure," I respond, "Can I have a minute to chat with her a bit more privately first? To catch up and stuff before introductions."
Even as Brier nodded, Flora cocked her head. "Sure, but why'd you need privacy to say hi?"
May "Reasons!" Zedong
A Shadeless desert, Vacuo
Approximately 10 am, give or take

Even as Brier nodded, Flora cocked her head. "Sure, but why'd you need privacy to say hi?"
I scratch the back of my head, "Just, y'know, some chatting between old friends, it's easier without people you don't really know around, no offence. Then you guys come in a little afterwards."
Weiss "Joining In" Schnee
Food Hall, Beacon, Vale
Eat o'clock

The lasagna is pretty good, and while the one my mom made before is better, well, this would suffice.

"I haven't read much lately," I comment. I doubt fanfiction counts in this instance. "Any science fiction book you'd recommend?" I enjoyed reading Star Wars novels before, and experiencing that sort of thing again would be nice sometime.

@Lazy Coyote

I rubbed my chin, "science fiction? Hmmmm....Nothing comes to mind sadly." I frowned but that frown soon turns into a enthusiastic smile as I suddenly clapped my hands together.

"I got it!" I exclaimed, "How about after this meal, we all go and try to find a book store and see what's in stock?"

@Lazy Coyote
I rubbed my chin, "science fiction? Hmmmm....Nothing comes to mind sadly." I frowned but that frown soon turns into a enthusiastic smile as I suddenly clapped my hands together.

"I got it!" I exclaimed, "How about after this meal, we all go and try to find a book store and see what's in stock?"

@Lazy Coyote
He raised a brow, tilting his head back and forth as he weighed his options, before nodding firmly.

"Why not." It wasn't like he had anything better to do.
The room was very white, she noted as she looked curiously around, studying the snowflake logo that was plastered everywhere.

It was expensive, gold and platinum plated the doors, and guards stood at attention in every corner. They carried queer guns, and the only visible part of their body was the lower half of their face, which were set in thin lines.

The questions I asked were quickly answered with a somewhat respectful tone, where I was, the time, the date. The usual...

They didn't seem surprised, clearly having dealt with such questions before from... The woman I was inhabiting. And didn't that come as quite the shock, I looked to be in my late thirties to early forties, and - If I might admit - I was clearly attractive.

Come to think of it, everyone I met was attractive, from the servants to the guards themselves... But that didn't matter in the long run.
Weiss Schnee
Mess Hall, Beacon, Vale

I rubbed my chin, "science fiction? Hmmmm....Nothing comes to mind sadly." I frowned but that frown soon turns into a enthusiastic smile as I suddenly clapped my hands together.

"I got it!" I exclaimed, "How about after this meal, we all go and try to find a book store and see what's in stock?"

@Lazy Coyote

He raised a brow, tilting his head back and forth as he weighed his options, before nodding firmly.

"Why not." It wasn't like he had anything better to do.

"I was planning on exploring the campus," I say. "But that's fine, too."

Huh, I'm almost done with my food. I hadn't really noticed.

"I'm Velvet Scarlatina. That's Fox Alistair, my teammate," I say, gesturing at Fox. "How are you enjoying Beacon?"

"I have met many wonderful people so far! I am really hoping to meet more - and I don't think I will be disappointed!" I said, smiling brightly. "And it's wonderful to meet the both of you, Velvet Scarlatina and Fox Alistair!"
"I have met many wonderful people so far! I am really hoping to meet more - and I don't think I will be disappointed!" I said, smiling brightly. "And it's wonderful to meet the both of you, Velvet Scarlatina and Fox Alistair!"
"Wonderful to meet you too!" I say. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your weapon?"
Still Yang

I disembark the airship I'd boarded back to Vale and make my way to Tukson's Book Trade.

I walk in, and, upon verifying that Tukson, and not someone else is manning the till, I steel myself for a minute.

I enter and take a minute to make sure there's nobody else in the store before advancing to the register.




"H-heya handsome. My favorite drink's a Strawberry Sunrise. What's yours?"


