Here's the D.D.D omake up to assaulting the gate.
D.D.D - A new castle to raid!
A man wearing a leather vest over chainmail with bunny slippers and a feathered hat runs in.
"Commander, we've found something new out near the forests and the Ruined Ruins. It's a small castle sir! We saw some hobgoblins along the walls." He states in front of a man in ill matching metal armor with a top hat.
"Alright, that must be some of the new content introduced. Good job Hiro. Probably a goblin's castle in that mid-level zone. I'm 54, your 40, and the others here are between our levels. We should be strong enough to raid it properly with a normal raid. You'll start asking for volunteers until I hit the raid limit and I'll get them organized have them meet in front of the guild building in this small town. The goal of the raid is to loot the castle and get more info of this changed world for the higher ups."
"Yes sir!" Hiro heads off to the nearby inn where forty members of the D.D.D guild are currently housed. The man in metal, who can only be the leader of this group of D.D.D. heads off to the front of the guild building.
It takes no more than ten minutes for Hiro to return leading twenty two men.
"Alright I've got a list of names and classes here, we'll form up along standard raid lines. Two healers, Two Tanks, Two DPS, and Two Specialists per group. We don't have a perfect ratio today though, so group three will be a bit lopsided. I'll take charge of that group to make up for it. Now then let's move out to raid the new castle!" the commander yells out.
Troops: "Alright!" "Yes Sir!" "Let's Go!"
The troops lead by the commander headed out to the Castle's location, and oddly enough have little trouble getting there.
The commander barks out his first order. "Alright men, I don't see more than a few hobgoblins and other creatures on the walls, a little worrisome. Ranged units take them out!"
A few archers and spell casters hit the hobgoblins and fairies on the wall, loud shouts and noises can be heard on the other side of the castle walls
"Axe users, to the front, start chopping through that gate!" the commander yells.
Three axe users, each with wildly different sets of armor get to the front of the group of adventurers and then start hacking at the gate.
"Man these gates are sturdy." One of the men complains.
"Sounds like a lot of racket on the other side... goblins must be getting ready to fight." Another notices.
The commander says with a thoughtful tone. "They might even open up the gates before we finish smashing through them, on my command form back up into anti-mob formation."
And then a pair of figures appear on top of the gate…