[X] Investigate the fight
-[X] And observe
--[X] And join in if needed necessary
---[X] Fly there as fast as you can, while Jasper remains in the village
[X] Investigate the fight
-[X] And observe
--[X] And join in if needed necessary
---[X] Fly there as fast as you can, while Jasper remains in the village
[X] Investigate the fight
-[X] And observe
--[X] And join in if necessary
---[X] Fly there as fast as you can, while Jasper remains in the village
[X] Investigate the fight
-[X] And observe
--[X] And join in if needed necessary
---[X] Fly there as fast as you can, while Jasper remains in the village
[X] Investigate the fight
-[X] And observe
--[X] And join in if needed necessary
---[X] Fly there as fast as you can, while Jasper remains in the village
[X] Investigate the fight
-[X] And observe
--[X] And join in if needed necessary
---[X] Fly there as fast as you can, while Jasper remains in the village
Well, that was quite sudden.

[X] Investigate the fight
-[X] And observe
--[X] And join in if needed necessary
---[X] Fly there as fast as you can, while Jasper remains in the village
Stuff happens when you aren't around. Hell, if you somehow don't knock the cannon train off of its rails, s3 will end with the god of destruction showing up and giving you one chance to justify why he/she shouldn't just destroy Remnant and try again from scratch.
Okay this has been bugging me about the latest update. Mainly, why the hell does Remnant's Lookout have books on races like Saiyans, Namekians and the others? All of those are races native only to universes 6 and 7, they don't exist in any of the others*. The existence of dragonballs here is also weird, the original Super Dragonballs were created by the Dragon God Zalama and existed only in Universes 6 and 7, the namekians of universe 6 later found at least one of the original planet sized Super Dragonballs, studied it and shaved off pieces to make their own. I suppose that for whatever reason Zalama could have made a set of dragonballs here in Universe 13 but that still doesn't explain why races native only to 6 and 7 can be found here.

*The dragonball multiverse operates under a twin universe paradigms, universes 6 and 7 are twins and share the same rules, species and various other stuff though history has taken different courses between them. Same with universes 5/8, 4/9, 3/10, 2/11 and 1/12 they are similar to their "twin" but each pair is very different from each other.
Okay this has been bugging me about the latest update. Mainly, why the hell does Remnant's Lookout have books on races like Saiyans, Namekians and the others? All of those are races native only to universes 6 and 7, they don't exist in any of the others*. The existence of dragonballs here is also weird, the original Super Dragonballs were created by the Dragon God Zalama and existed only in Universes 6 and 7, the namekians of universe 6 later found at least one of the original planet sized Super Dragonballs, studied it and shaved off pieces to make their own. I suppose that for whatever reason Zalama could have made a set of dragonballs here in Universe 13 but that still doesn't explain why races native only to 6 and 7 can be found here.

*The dragonball multiverse operates under a twin universe paradigms, universes 6 and 7 are twins and share the same rules, species and various other stuff though history has taken different courses between them. Same with universes 5/8, 4/9, 3/10, 2/11 and 1/12 they are similar to their "twin" but each pair is very different from each other.

Well the books don't come from the Lookout, they come from the tower beneath it, which doesn't necessarily have much of an association with the Lookout.
The reusing of races is a) related to the author of the books and b) so I don't have to make up new ones. I could, but I'd rather use existing races where they fit.

So annoyed I didn't remember that universe scene properly. I may have to retcon this as universe 14 or universe 0, since the canon dbs universes are all held within the thirteenth universe.

And spoilers here, but writing them down could help me, so don't read them if you don't want spoilers for what you probably learn in universe for ages. (And some stuff that you'll learn once you translate the first kai-script book).
Seriously, if you have to discuss this, do it in spoilers.
In the beginning there was nothing but formless chaos. Two seeds grew in this chaos, absorbing the potential within. One grew much faster, absorbing far more potential and flowered into the first shin-jin. The first shin-jin took all he good and created a vast sphere from this potential. Withing this sphere he created numerous universes, each according to his whims. (The sphere will be called Universe A from now on)

The second seed bore fruit in time, but due to the greed of the first shin-jin, the resulting being took much longer to emerge. The result was the second shin-jin, much weaker and smaller than the first. He used what potential that was left to create his own universe (universe B), even though this universe was smaller than the universes held within universe A.

Despite managing to create a universe, the second shin-jin couldn't fill it with life. He gazed at universe A, filled with hate and envy. He wished that he could have something similar and was shocked when the third and final being to be born from the chaos emerged. The first dragon granted his wish, bringing life to any planet that orbited one of the dragon's gifts - dragon balls even bigger than stars, always shining with the promise of wishes.

Universe A only got dragon balls when the two shin-jin met for the first time, exchanging gifts. The second gave the first slivers of the dragon balls and the first gave the second... something.
Votes Closed!
Vote Tally : Remnant Xenoverse | Page 8 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.6.0
[X] Investigate the fight
-[X] And observe
--[X] And join in if needed necessary
---[X] Fly there as fast as you can, while Jasper remains in the village
No. of Votes: 7
Rei of Sunshine
[X] Investigate the fight
-[X] And observe
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Investigate the fight
-[X] And observe
--[X] And join in if necessary
---[X] Fly there as fast as you can, while Jasper remains in the village
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 10

[] Investigate the fight
-[] And observe
--[] And join in if needed necessary
---[] Fly there as fast as you can, while Jasper remains in the village

Love the misspelling in the write in.
Whoops. I noticed right now. I meant:

"And join in if deemed necessary".
Funny that no-one mentioned it until now.
Strangers fight the Grimm!
{1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}

You think over your options for a moment. You could avoid all contact with the strangers, but where's the fun in that?
"Keep training. I'm going to see what the situation is."
You decide, speedily flying away before Jasper can say anything. You deliberately don't accelerate to your top speed, since that'd involve making your aura extremely visible.

You arrive in less than a minute and your ki senses don't tell you anything new. Shrouded in the clouds you focus and observe.
Below you two humans are fighting the black beasts that Jasper called Grimm. Even though you can see the individual creatures, their ki still feels like one oily mass. Albeit one that is shrinking as the humans steadily slaughter their way through the animals.

You descend carefully, doing your best to stay out of sight. Once you reach ground level you move forwards, keeping the trees between you and the humans. You sit comfortably in a branch when you get close enough, happily watching the fight.

A pair of humans, one wearing red and the other white are fighting black boars, wolves and weird two legged things. Both humans are wearing what looks like stylised armour.
The human in white is far more acrobatic than the one in red - a man you realise. While the red man stays still the human in white is flipping around, spearing animal after animal.

You blink as you properly take in the details. The human in white is a woman, armed with a metal lance. Her acrobatics are coming from the lance - some sort of propellant coming from it's pentagon shaped hand guard. The woman never stops moving, disregarding the creatures she spears through as she targets even more.
In comparison then man in red is wielding a heavy one-handed sword, cutting his way through the animals with heavy overhead blows, using his gauntleted left hand for punching and grappling. He occasionally imbues his blade with some sort of power, causing his slashes to create crescent shaped waves that cut their way through the creatures.

Though the fight is visually impressive, you can't help but criticise the humans. They are both dependent on their weapons, the woman far more than the man. They don't feel like they're using ki and looking carefully you see that the blade waves starting in the hilt of the red man's sword. Considering that the woman's lance probably shouldn't be able to spin her around like it does you assume they have something - maybe they're like Triploid, using multiple types of ki to avoid being easy to scan.

They manage to kill the last of creatures within a minute or two, the man grinning as he cuts the last boar in two.
"Told you. Three minutes to clear them out."
"We should have been quicker."
The woman complains, the point of her lance coming apart and sliding into the handguard, which you realise functions as a shield, albeit one with a hole in the centre.
"Those were young Grimm, practically babies. Students could have wiped them out before we did."
The man snorts and sheathes his sword.
"And how many rounds would they have wasted? How much dust would have been used in flashy theatrics to bring down the group? My way was better."
"The five round challenge.'
The woman says with a grin.
She falls silent as you shift on your perch, the tree creaking minutely. The two turn and look straight at you, the man with his hand on his hilt and the woman's lance spiraling back out.​

What do you do?
[] Reveal yourself
-[] Act friendly, pretending to be a local
-[] Act friendly and identify yourself as the guardian
[] Stay hidden
[] Bail​

So I can't find decent pictures I could use for these guys, but the woman is wearing slightly more armour than Cardin does while the man wears significantly more.
There's 1 kudos up for grabs if you can guess the inspiration for these 2.​
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There's 1 kudos up for grabs if you can guess the inspiration for these 2.
Red and blue, spear and saber. Those two magical girls from PMMM?

[X] Bail

Not much to gain from interacting with them and this lets us stay cool and mysterious. It's way more theatrical if we start having people guessing before we make our grand reveal.
They don't like theatrics and they already know someone is watching them, so bailing out and hiding are poor choices.

[X] Reveal yourself
-[X] Act friendly and identify yourself as the guardian

I don't like this choice much, but I believe Jazz doesn't know enough of this world yet to pass as a native.
They don't like theatrics and they already know someone is watching them, so bailing out and hiding are poor choices.

[X] Reveal yourself
-[X] Act friendly and identify yourself as the guardian

I don't like this choice much, but I believe Jazz doesn't know enough of this world yet to pass as a native.
They don't like theatrics in fights. Well Red doesn't and White is going along with it.

I mean, imagine how poorly Team Rwby would go without any flashy tricks? (Which mostly equates to dust use and semblances)
[x] Bail
---[x] but use enough of your ki while doing so that if they wanted to they could follow you
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