EDIT: I was unaware of certain rules when I made this post. I will simply say I do not like Alexandria in this fic and very much hope that she faces consequences for being a supervillain and a fucking TERF.
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Pretty sure it's a minor AU thing? Iunno really, but frankly it's not entirely a dealbreaker for me, and TBF prejudice and bigotry isn't exactly rational; there are definitely gay transphobes and transphobes okay with gay people IRL.
I'm probably one of the latter if I can risk outing myself as such, though I'm what you'd call a mild case.

I can't grok being non-cisgender. I just can't. It doesn't make sense to me, and I have gut reactions all the time to be dismissive. This is compounded further by the lived experiences I've had with genderqueer and trans people who have been in my life. (This includes a platonic relationship with one individual that it took me three years of living with them to understand they had been psychologically abusing me the entire time. I still have body image and social anxiety from this several years later. It's almost certain that this is where most of my intolerant impulses -- because that's what they are -- come from.)

But at the end of the day you're 100% correct about the rational/irrational part. Because all of that stuff I just said?

Not one bit of it makes a lick to whether or not anyone else is enjoying the same basic access to being comfortable in their own skin as I enjoy simply by existing, and nobody but that specific individual can validate if said individual has this. And there's no rational argument anyone can make that can legitimately deny this to anyone.

So anyhow; hatred and intolerance are almost never rational, and the screwed up thing is that even knowing that about /yourself/ can't ever really make it go away. And as someone, having been the recipient of the brain toxin of abuse, who is at risk of perpetuating the cycle of abuse I, and I alone, have the duty to make it end with me.

tl;dr: @sapient_cogbag -- I don't grok you, but I will happily commit proportionate violence on anyone who makes you regret for even a millisecond sharing your creative literary impulses on this forum. Your story is well written and thank you for sharing it even with people like me. I don't know if it's helpful or even welcome for me to say this but: there's nothing wrong with you. It's me and everyone who feels the feelings I feel who are the ones who are wrong.

I know the forum has rules against actually wishing violence on even fictional characters but... yeah. This. Alexandria here is being an incompetent nozzlewelder.
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Oh shit really? Huh... Don't suppose you can remove the quote then? I missed that rule and wanna censor the post so I'm not breaking the rules.
I think I come closer to breaking that rule than you do. It's mostly the, ironically, "Don't be Hateful" rule. I wouldn't worry about it in your case, but I've been known to be wrong before. I'll snip it either way.

I'm just bitter about the time someone reported me for being hateful towards fictional cannibal space Nazis. Not even kidding.
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Recluse Connections - 2.y - Interlude
[disclaimer - Wildbow owns Worm, I do not own Worm]
Missy Biron was worried. trans_morphic had vanished off of PHO for an entire day in the sections they usually frequented.

While this would be normal for most posters, trans_morphic was an active participant in PHO. Vista was not ashamed to admit she was a bit of a fangirl for the technically-a-Villain, and the thought of them getting seriously hurt in the current, Nazi-infested, environment was deeply worrying - especially with the recent sightings of some powerful Gesselschaft capes around the place, with Director Piggot organising patrols away from E88 territory until the capabilities involved were known. Missy did understand the reasoning, though she found it deeply frustrating despite that - there was a palpable tension in the air, even ignoring the chaos of the information leak a few days ago that the PRT was just barely starting to get a handle on at this point, since trans_morphic's statement of intent on Medhall.

The press conference the PRT originally planned for a couple days ago had been pushed to within about half an hour, and the PR team were having an absolute nightmare trying to deal with criticising trans_morphic while not coming off as Nazi sympathisers to the more astute folks who were aware of dogwhistling. Yes, Vista thought, maybe they're suffering and maybe I'm supposed to agree with them, but fuck them to be honest. After denying her various means of defending herself and constant infantilisation, she was pretty unsympathetic to their plight.

She decided she'd do some investigation on what was happening - so she grabbed her civilian phone (which was not PRT related) and logged on to her stealth second account on PHO.
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♦ Topic: Triumvirate Attack Palanquin
In: Boards ► Locations ► USA ► Brockton Bay ► Recent Events
(Original Poster)
Posted On Mar 8th 2011:
So it seems someone at the Palanquin seriously pissed off the Triumvirate, I actually caught them on video despite them seeming to try and avoid attention (I live near the area). See here for the video.

This is pretty unusual. It's fairly common knowledge in Brockton that Faultline's Crew (cape mercenaries with two case 53s) stay at the Palanquin when not on any jobs, but they don't tend to do anything which would attract the level of attention implied by the presence of the Triumvirate.
(Showing page 23 of 27)
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
This is fucking wild. The triumvirate come here but they don't bother dealing with the fucking rage dragon or superpowered nazis and instead go to harass the comparatively harmless mercenaries? wtf​
►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
This is def. odd. I think we should wait and see - I would bet there's a press conference at some point about this.​
Or it could be some sort of sting operation we don't know about. Maybe Faultline stole from the wrong corporation or something?​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
THEY have been PUNISHED for the SINS OF THE FLESH!!!​
The unholy ACTS of the CLUBBERS must be REPENTED!​
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ Point_Me_@_The_Sky​
We'll be discussing this in the press conference in about half an hour, so just wait until then.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ Point_Me_@_The_Sky​
I don't know if FC have done any mercenary jobs recently but if that is the reason that the Triumvirate came it'd have to be something big. Government related and probably very classified.​
Faultline's Crew have a reputation for laying low and avoiding hostile attention from the PRT. It seems way out of character for Faultline to do anything that'd piss them off enough to bring out Eidolon and Alexandria.​
Maybe there was someone else who happened to be at the Palanquin and this wasn't an attack on Faultline's Crew at all?​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ AllSeeingEye​
I actually didn't think of that. Definitely a possibility.​
►nah_not_me (Cape Groupie)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I hope they're OK! I mean I know they're technically villains but they're not really bad imo, not like Kaiser or Lung or whatever.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
Aren't Faultline's Crew the ones with the monster capes?​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I hope they got arrested, whoever it was. They must have done something pretty terrible and be super dangerous for the triumvirate to get involved.​
►White Fairy (Veteran Member)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ AnonymousDecree yep, tho I think they prefer "case 53"​
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►run_around_the_block (Banned)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ White Fairy they harbor THOSE freaks?! they definitely got what they deserved then. Those degenerates are a threat to our children, what would they think??? Disgusting.​
[Moderator Notice: Have a ban - Tin_Mother]​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ run_around_the_block wow wtf.​
►run_around_the_block (Banned)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ actuallyZandra [removed]​
[Moderator Notice: Removed for extreme transphobia - Tin_Mother]​
►aerinbbvet (Veteran Member)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
Well, I just woke up, but I was also near the area. I caught this video in what I assume was after all the other triumvirate action.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ aerinbbvet I'd recognise that person anywhere, that's @ trans_morphic! That portal right at the end was fucking brutal holy shit.​
I mean it didn't take long for Eidolon to regrow his arms but still. I'm pretty sure that was a bit of bone that came off of trans_morphic, that looks nasty :/ I hope they're OK.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
so wtf would the triumvirate want with trans_morphic?? what the hell did they actually do?​
And why on earth were they with Faultline?. New member of the team or something? But why the fuck would the Triumvirate get involved with that??​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ actuallyZandra they were PUNISHED for their filthy ACTS!! by the will of GOD!​
[Moderator Notice: Have a warning. Stop being so transphobic, please - Tin_Mother]​
►Tin_Mother (Moderator)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
Like all threads related to trans_morphic, this one is being heavily watched due to their status as a controversial and LGBT+ cape.​
►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I don't know what the hell trans_morphic did, they don't seem that dangerous. And they definitely don't seem mercenary-inclined. Though if it was dangerous enough for the triumvirate to get involved... I have to be worried that they seem to have escaped.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
Seems I was right about the meeting ;)
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►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Temp-Banned - 3 days)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I bet it's a coverup or something! What are the triumvirate hiding?​
[Moderator Notice: Please try and keep the conspiracy theories down a notch. Have a warning. -Tin_Mother]​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I knew trans_morphic was a bad egg! Now they've got the triumvirate on their ass. Like wow.​
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
The PRT would appreciate if speculation over the incident would remain grounded, due to the classified nature of the operation.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
Classified? what the hell did trans_morphic do?​
►Good Ship Morpheus
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
Did we forget about something else? That trans_morphic seemed to make that portal without any device at all (I can't imagine that Eidolon would leave a tinker with any of their tech, to be honest)! Do they have a mover power or something because that is broken as fuck if so.​
►aerinbbvet (Veteran Member)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ Good Ship Morpheus​
Tinkers are kind of bullshit. If I had to guess, I'd say implants or something, especially given they already have a hormone implant - they're definitely comfortable with changing their body.​
Actually, maybe this is their specialty? We still don't actually know it after all.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ Antigone​
Well, I mean what's the most dangerous thing trans_morphic has claimed to have? It's not their powers (at least not so far). It's information.​
This still doesn't change that Faultline don't like attracting attention though. If they were getting some info that'd attract the triumvirate it would have to be for a damn good reason.​
@ XxVoidCowboyxX you... might not actually be completely wrong for once! In something anyway.​
►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
Well my own sources say this seems to be classified all the way up to the Chief Director. Not even Director Piggot seems to know what this is about.​
As for the mover rating, almost everything points to trans_morphic being a tinker. So yes, I'd think it's probably implants as well.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ AllSeeingEye honestly though what kind of information would the triumvirate need to get involved in keeping from Faultline's Crew that trans_morphic would want to share with them and also have. Hm.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
bet trans_morphic was outing capes. sounds like the kind of shit they'd do. or maybe disrupting an anti-Faultline operation.​
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(Showing page 26 of 27)
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I feel like we're all missing something here:​
* Faultline doesn't want attention (without an extremely good reason)​
* trans_morphic was probably sharing some information.​
* This kind of information attracted the triumvirate (and somehow they also knew about it within minutes of it happening, which no-one has mentioned yet, so probably watchdog or thinker powers from Eidolon).​
Ward identities fit the second and third but not the first. Something that Faultline didn't know would attract this degree of attention fits the first and third (but I expect that trans_morphic would know in that case, they have to know the boundaries to push them in the way they seem to be trying to do).​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
This is definitely... a conundrum. I mean I can't imagine trans_morphic likes sitting on all their information with (presumably) no-one safe to talk to about it. They clearly know SOMETHING important for it to attract the Triumvirate that is also important to Faultline's Crew.​
But what exactly would it be. I mean... urgh​
@ RealGuy I doubt Faultline would want to talk about anything like that. Way too much backlash to be safe.​
►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Temp-Banned - 3 days)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I actually... it has to be to do with the Case 53s! I bet the triumvirate knows how they're made and trans_morphic was saying stuff about them!​
[Moderator Notice: I warned you to stop trolling with the conspiracy theories, have a temp-ban - Tin_Mother]​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I mean what we know about C53s is that they are some kind of broken power trigger or something.​
►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
If the triumvirate knew about C53s I definitely think they'd tell us.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ Antigone actually, that's just what's on the PRT website. And it's apparently mostly just a hypothesis.​
It also doesn't explain the omega tattoos they all have​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I think the resident troll might actually have made a good point. I mean, in mentioning Case 53s, not the conspiracy stuff.​
If it attracted the Triumvirate though... what the hell does trans_morphic know? And maybe the conspiracy stuff isn't completely off base?​
►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ Miraclemic If the triumvirate knew, they'd definitely say. They're massive heroes. Void Cowboy's conspiracy theories aren't real dude.​
►Weld (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
If the PRT did know and didn't tell us... But I trust them. They've helped me ever since I woke up without any memories.​
If @ trans_morphic does know the real origins of case 53s I damn hope they'd tell the PRT. Hell, they can directly talk to me if they are not comfortable with the organisation as a whole, I'll clue in the others.​
My PMs are open.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
It's definitely case 53s and something related to them. It fits too damn well.​
As for why it attracted the Triumvirate though? I don't have a clue. It reeks of some kind of coverup to me, or maybe some classified investigation into case 53s.​
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Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
This is super sketchy, not gonna lie.​
I think if trans_morphic knew about the origins of Case 53s they'd share it with us if they could.​
►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
@ actuallyZandra this whole situation gives me an unspecified feeling of dread.​
What if... trans_morphic can't share that information. What if the case 53s are related to that stuff they said about apocalypses? Because that is fucking terrifying to think about.​
Depending on what it is, I'm still worried that the Triumvirate didn't get them. I can't imagine if the Gesellschaft gets them it'd be better than the Triumvirate, either, because they might be involved here too given the Empire is after trans_morphic a shitton right now.​
►aerinbbvet (Veteran Member)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
Pretty sure that feeling is just called "living in Brockton Bay"​
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This whole situation was deeply concerning to Vista. She'd heard the troopers talking about some highly classified stuff involving trans_morphic, but this was something else. She really couldn't think of anything super villainous that trans_morphic seemed likely to do, let alone something that attracted the Triumvirate like they seemed to have done. Like others on the thread, she was experiencing a weird feeling of dread - trans_morphic knew something dangerous, and this was the first real illustration of that fact (to her at least).

The letters were one thing, but this? This was nuts. She didn't know what to think about the fight (or rather, trans_morphic running away from the Triumvirate), but she did at least want to know if trans_morphic was still alive. She couldn't imagine that her Case 53 colleagues wouldn't want to be in contact with trans_morphic after this either, since it seemed pretty clear trans_morphic knew more than the PRT in regards to their origins, or at the very least they knew something.

Collecting herself, Vista opened up her PMs and messaged trans_morphic. She was going to get to the bottom of this mess.


♦ Topic: Are you ok?
In: Boards ► Private Messages ► trans_morphic

Posted On Mar 9th 2011:
I've been reading the thread about the thing with the Triumvirate. If you were really talking about Case 53s... I'm friends with several and if you actually know the origins of Case 53s they'd really appreciate knowing.

Please try and stay safe. I really hope you're still OK, the stuff you did against the Empire was pretty badass too, but I... really don't know what you did to piss off the Triumvirate so badly if you were talking about the case 53 thing.


Just as Missy finished writing her message to trans_morphic, her PRT phone pinged to notify about the Director's press conference starting. With some degree of anxiety she opened the video and began to watch her organisational superiors discussing the chaos of the past week, as perpetuated by the ever-antifascist and ever mess-generating trans_morphic. Armsmaster, Assault, Battery, and Miss Militia - along with 4 PRT Troopers - surrounded her on the stage.

Director Piggot began with a gesture to the reporters in her commanding-the-room voice. "You can ask your questions later once we've actually discussed the issue of trans_morphic."

"The PRT first became aware of trans_morphic several days ago. In fact, before they had antagonised the Empire 88 at all", she continued, "It was actually due to a tip from a source who wishes to remain anonymous."

"Using our own methods, we verified that the source was accurate and honest. trans_morphic - then known by the codename 'Appleseed' - was a tinker on the potential scale of Nilbog or the Machine Army", Piggot said, with a subtle grimace in her voice that belied her own past with that particular S-class threat. Vista, like all the Wards and Protectorate, had been briefed on that tip, so it wasn't a shock to her, but it still was something she had in the back of her mind despite being a fan of trans_morphic.

Riotous reactions from the reporters, however, were indicative that they had not known this fact beforehand, but Piggot once again reminded them that they could ask questions later and continued.

"We, incorrectly, concluded that that was the most dangerous thing about them, and sent extra troopers around where we believed their lab to be, based on various sources of intelligence," this time the reporters let Piggot continue, "and this seems to have spooked them into making a pocket dimension to live in. Armsmaster did attempt a capture, but was only successful in determining the location of the laboratory down to the building and capturing a few small pieces of technology."

Vista almost snorted at that bit of spin. Armsmaster failed at a capture after breaking into their home-lab, which was the entire point of that mission.

"What followed was a campaign of chaos. trans_morphic used their portal technology to provide dangerous information within the PRT building, some of it sensitive enough that the recipients of these printed letters still do not want to disclose the contents. This caused a disruption in service due to scrambling to prevent an attack that never came."

No mention of the outing of villains (especially Nazis), and the operations to reduce Coil's access then, Vista thought to herself.

Director Piggot continued "Then came their declaration of war on the Empire 88, in the form of graffiti visible to most residents of the Bay, which pushed back our original press conference to today. Of course, if trans_morphic wanted to take down the Empire 88, they could have cooperated with the lawful authorities, but chose not to do so for reasons the PRT is unaware of."

Missy herself was pretty sure it was some matter of ideological distrust and fear, but it was, technically, unknown. That they also hadn't yet informed the PRT of what they knew of Case 53s did validate her opinion, though. Either way, Piggot pushed forward, leaning into the podium and dismissing some more overenthusiastic reporters....

"Last night, trans_morphic - along with the other residents of the Palanquin night club - were the targets of an operation to ensure the secrecy of highly classified PRT information and protect national security. As of today, trans_morphic themself is fully classed as a national security threat as per the Chief-Director, " the Director gestured to the reporters, "ask away."

Vista was not happy with that - "upholding the law" was her job but this felt pretty heavy handed, especially if the PRT were aware that trans_morphic was probably trying to help Case 53s. Capture-on-sight was now universal PRT and Protectorate policy except in S-Class truce events. It gave her oddly conflicting emotions. Her own ears-to-the-ground information suggested that trans_morphic had already pushed existing antifascist groups in BB to high gear - she'd actually been reading about that lately and it seemed that having a cape make a bold statement against fascists motivated people quite a lot - but a capture would probably demotivate people from resisting the Nazis, a return to an extremely negative status quo in her opinion. It left her feeling pretty uncertain of herself.

Some questions from reporters about the nature of the classified information in relation to the fact it was likely Case-53 related lead to a few dismissals from the Director and a frown from the watching Vista, and questions about trans_morphic's powers were met with the long-winded equivalent to "We don't know but it's probably a really scary tinker". Questions about quarantining the city were met with "the PRT has no intention of quarantine, because trans_morphic seems to be able to leave regardless and there is no indication they've released anything. We are watching closely for any indication if they do", and an unhappy-looking Director. A few minutes of questionable questions about trans_morphic's trans status from newspapers known for their inflammatory reactionary rhetoric and a repetition of "go through the standard process, no hormones are given to children, be careful of the Empire", and denouncement of using trans_morphic as a role model or source of HRT later, and the press conference finally concluded.

Missy was not exactly happy, but she got an alarm indicating it was time for Wards duties and her thoughts were directed elsewhere.
[end of chapter - nya~]
I hope trans_morphic takes the fuking gloves off. Fuk this version of Alexandria....*incoherent grumbling*

Edit:missed the new chapter lol. That was really aggravating. I hate how good you made the spin doctors on this one, lol.
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I hope trans_morphic takes the fuking gloves off. Fuk this version of Alexandria....*incoherent grumbling*

Edit:missed the new chapter lol. That was really aggravating. I hate how good you made the spin doctors on this one, lol.
I don't know that "good" is really the right word... they made the MC an even bigger figure; one who has been declared a national security threat due to a willingness to share government secrets and somehow can evade ambush by the Triumvirate.

That's a tricky thing. The longer they go uncaptured, and with no attacks on innocent civilians of record -- the more and more that spin doctoring will have to double down.

The PR departments can't exactly claim to have scared off the cape that "fought" the entire Triumvirate at once and amputated Eidolon's arms while getting away Scott-free.

The same departments also can't point to damage done.

All trans_morphic has to do is get a dozen or so Case53's on-side and suddenly the entire thing comes across -- with no way to silence it -- as an attempt to cover up high level widespread government crimes by silencing a whistleblower. Moreover: they don't even have to actually have said Case 53's tell anyone what they learned. Just speaking up in their defense is enough to screw the pooch for the entire PRT leadership.

Also. Fucking hell, Becky, learn when you have no win scenarios if you double down.

It is interesting to see how well the Triumvirate manages without Path to Fedora covering their screwups. It's a nice touch.
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This is good, but I can't help thinking Eidolon would make a better antagonist than Alexandria, give him a whole toxic masculinity angle with his whole worthy opponents "I'm the best hero look at me" thing
Hrm, that could come to light later on, if ze (sapient_cogbag) wanna do that too. Vaguely- cuz I never read the canon personality for Eidolon, but what I can sorta remember was that he decided his whole purpose was to kill Scion and stuff, then the Endbringers was like- "wish for training gone wrong"? Iunno,

Annnd- VoidCowboy is hilariously close yet again lmao,
And okay, so Eidolon's arms got cut off,
Bone from the SI- oof, hope they're okay enough to recover
Fucking medical gatekeeping tho, the spinning- spin doctors- Iunno it just kinda sounds a little silly for something so infuriating here lmao
'nyways, patiently waiting for more XD

Edit: Ep- might be a bit incoherent cuz I'm in the middle of something else, but oh well, maybe later
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Genuinely unhappy with the ending of this chapter, hope the next one resolves my issues/anxiety. I feel like I wanted the MC to have SOME kind of infobomb hit the net about what the MC was at the Palanquin for. At least to some degree. Like that Cauldron exists, who its members are, and that they made the Case 53's by experimenting on people.
Not a fan of the MC basically getting rushed, taken out, then sidelined and having a smear campaign run. All while they seemingly had no contingency in place or any means of reprisal. Maybe just a bodycam that instantly uploaded to multiple sites?
So don't take this the wrong way, but I have to ask. Do you have an outline for this story or are you winging it? Because we are 42k words, 18 chapters in, and nothing has really happened. The MC is extremely passive and even when they do attempt something it seems the somehow omni competent prt immediately knows how and when to stomp down. It feels like the story is in a holding pattern and despite the Mc having a broken ass power they are somehow incapable of pushing things forward meaningfully or getting a win. Anyways I guess I'd just like to know if things are going anywhere soon or if I should drop this. It's been a lot of transphobia and shit to get through without any catharsis in sight.
Wow. Just found this, and it's fantastic! I love the idea of an implant to convert testosterone to oestrogen.

If only that existed in modern science! *shakes fist at the sky*

I know people always want to go OP and fix everything in Worm. This, however, is the more realistic option (if such a thing existed) for the majority of us: scared out of our minds; doing everything to hide our existence, because fuck Contessa. Srsly.; and doing our best not to die of a hyper-panic induced cardiac arrest.

Anxiously awaiting the next chapter!
So don't take this the wrong way, but I have to ask. Do you have an outline for this story or are you winging it? Because we are 42k words, 18 chapters in, and nothing has really happened. The MC is extremely passive and even when they do attempt something it seems the somehow omni competent prt immediately knows how and when to stomp down. It feels like the story is in a holding pattern and despite the Mc having a broken ass power they are somehow incapable of pushing things forward meaningfully or getting a win. Anyways I guess I'd just like to know if things are going anywhere soon or if I should drop this. It's been a lot of transphobia and shit to get through without any catharsis in sight.
I have a very rough outline, and it is kinda going day by day. But stuff will definitely happen soon. The SI, like I would, is reacting in an uncertain, terrified manner in an unstable and dangerous world and trying to cope.

But they are making progress. They've finally managed to get some people they can at least talk to about SOMETHING (Faultline's Crew), and they've managed to get precog jammers up and running, as well as multiversal tech. That last one is going to enable some serious bullshit soon, and they're finally in a position to act a little more freely without Contessa interference.
Wow. Just found this, and it's fantastic! I love the idea of an implant to convert testosterone to oestrogen.

If only that existed in modern science! *shakes fist at the sky*

I know people always want to go OP and fix everything in Worm. This, however, is the more realistic option (if such a thing existed) for the majority of us: scared out of our minds; doing everything to hide our existence, because fuck Contessa. Srsly.; and doing our best not to die of a hyper-panic induced cardiac arrest.

Anxiously awaiting the next chapter!
Thank you :) and I wish it existed too ;-; nya
And yes, the SI is indeed acting how I would, not as how a hypercompetent SI with minimal mental health issues and a seeming immunity to the horrific anxiety invoked by the many many dangers of Bet or of Cauldron or of the entities discovering the Negentropy shard properties or of Master effects or anything else really.
Well, there are many things that I like and many that I don't so far:
- What happened to the Dragon of sexual slavery, the Merchants enslaving through drugs, besides Coil?
- Why help Lisa?
After what she did, personally I would shoot her from a laxative to an aphrodisiac depending on my mood.
- Where are the weapons and defenses necessary to stay alive?
- And above all, why are the Nazis still without any real damage?

As someone who used to hide in the university parking lot and take medication as a result of public anxiety, I find this perspective very interesting.
Recluse Connections - 2.8
[disclaimer - Wildbow owns Worm, I do not own Worm]
My eyes cracked open to a sore body and constant throbbing pain on the back of my head and all across my chest. Instinctively, I moved to scratch behind my skull, but a hand on my arm stopped me. A hand... from someone wearing a metal mask and looking oddly concerned down at me along with an orange dude and the guy with the snails and a blond older girl.... Faultline! Crap crap I never finished my meeting with them! I blurted out a hurried "sorry" before Newter laughed, "what? you gave me more answers about Case 53s than anyone ever has before! Not your fault the Triumvirate decided to confirm the stuff you were saying. I've had to knock you out 3 times now cus you were screaming from the pain but that portal move was fucking awesome! Someone posted a video on PHO!"

Faultline chided him "Newter...", and I moved to dismiss the complaint with a "nah it's ok" but I only got halfway through the words before my ribs made me wince from moving my arm.

"I am not sure moving too fast is a particularly good idea for you right now", Gregor said with his oddly calming voice, as I moved, this time much slower, out of my bed to at least lean up a bit. Having other people in my private area was definitely anxiety inducing but right now I was too tired for that to matter so much. Even ignoring my injured state, though, I could feel the dysphoria piling up again for a bit - at least I didn't have any goddamn facial hair to shave anymore. Labyrinth seemed to be whispering to Faultline as well - if I had to guess, I'd say going in a pocket dimension had shut off her power and she could actually interact easier - I was extremely happy for her.

Coil's tower that I was hooked into must have had good signal, because Newter was busy examining his phone."Wow, the PRT just declared you a 'threat to national security' and 'capture on sight'. We sure pissed them off with our little chat, hah! 'leak of classified information' indeed," he exclaimed.

"Now you're at least up and somewhat mobile," Faultline interrupted, "Perhaps we should discuss what to do next? We do need to leave at some point, after all, amongst other things."

I reached for my laptop, with several winces in the process, and talked back "Yep. There are so many things to do. I am ok with you guys being here but I also need my private space eventually. Though you yourself might need a pocket dimension after this because there is zero way the Thinker I told you about will let you survive if you stay in base-level Earth Bet. Fun Cauldron knowledge problems, heh? But maybe we should get some food to eat first or something, 'cus I'm starved."

On saying that I (again slowly) hauled myself over to my little pastie and miscellaneous food storage area and nabbed one of the delicious pieces of edibleness in front of me. After devouring it in about 3 minutes in front of an expectant Faultline, I continued... "So I also should tell you all about the detailed case 53 and cauldron and powers stuff as well right? I really need to tell some people. As for leaving, I can open portals pretty easy and my precog blockers work through my own portals so that won't be an issue to be honest."

"Actually, if you have precognition blockers, I'd like to know why the Triumvirate still attacked the Palanquin?", Faultline asked.
"Well, uhh, I only turned the precognition blockers on a few minutes before we met. If I guessed, one of Contessa's - that's the Thinker - Paths was already set to intercept and the disruption my tech caused probably made her send the Triumvirate.", I replied. That was my working hypothesis because I knew that there were fundamental randomness computation limits I had far exceeded even for shards.
"So it shouldn't be a problem in future, then," Faultline half-stated, half asked. "That means we can go outside sooner rather than later."

A thought popped into my head. "On that note, I should make some more of those. I think it's only fair I give you some after all the shit you just had to deal with," and with that I set my CPU constructor to building more, and opened my laptop and went to login, before Faultline verbally poked me again from my activities with an "ahem," and I responded with an "ah shit sorry, where'd you want me to open a portal to?"

"My teammates need access to a toilet," she reminded me, as I sheepishly replied "Yeah. I kinda need that too. Um, I have some good locations in random places without security cameras? I'll put the portal outside the toilets, I usually just dump myself in the stalls but I have no way to tell when you are done," and with a thought I opened a portal to that one random building in Mexico, and Faultline's Crew all hurried out pretty fast after that. Then I hid in a stall in one of my other prime areas before coming back, cleaning my hands, and continuing onto my laptop with PHO. I should probably see what was up with that thread and the press conference. From what I heard the PRT were doing their PR bullshit, so it was time to put a little of my own thoughts and information out there. While I'd love to just expose Cauldron directly, I really couldn't do that. After all my understanding was that right now that would lead to the end of the world.

I sat back and read the thread so far. Honestly, the detective work by people on there was pretty neat, it's amazing how much you can deduce once you start looking at motivations. Watching the press conference though, gahhh, it reminded me of all the reasons I hated advertising and other kinds of manipulative bullshit. Like seriously, how the fuck did they manage to spin my shitty interactions with the PRT so hard!?. Glenn Chambers was on my damn shitlist right now.

Apparently, I'd made a grumbly noise, because Newter just went "Hah! You looked at what's going on?", to which I replied with a shrug and a "yeah, honestly I'm a bit surprised at how much reaction I've had already, I've not really done that much. And their spin on the Armsmaster thing is total bullshit! Smashing into my place was both rude of him and extremely unpleasant, it was literally the only place I had on this shitty planet". I folded my arms in a huff at being reminded of that, but winced as pain jolted through my ribs again. This sucked.

"So I guess I should tell you the other stuff, the details of everything, right? Like before we had to do an impromptu escape from Eidolon and Alexandria? And before I get distracted by PHO again in about 30 seconds," I prompted Faultline.

"I think we'd appreciate that. We've come this far already, and it's too late to turn back now, " she replied, in her exceptionally professional demeanor.

"Well, this is where I'd recommend M/S protocols, because this is where I'm not sure what's going to stick in each of your memories. If I directly show you, I think it might be able to stick, but I'm not entirely sure and I'm going to have to make a workaround". In response to this they each muttered a few codes to each other.

"So, first things first, I should discuss the origins of parahumans. Parahuman powers are alive. Parahuman powers exist in alternate universes, like Aleph. Near uncountable numbers of them, in fact. These are called 'shards' - though Cauldron calls them agents and Bonesaw calls them passengers. They are continent-to-moon-sized and often exist in multiple universes that are continuously interacting as one organic-metallic organism thingy. Kinda eldritch bio-computers I guess."

Good so far. No-one was looking particularly dazed, though they did look pretty shocked. "This sounds like Passenger Theory, which is a fringe theory that's mostly been dismissed," Faultline stated, to which I replied, "well, a big part of that is down to Cauldron, but also down to the fact that the vast majority of shards are subsapient. However, specialised powers with no consistent mechanism that actively respond (if poorly) to the needs of the user reeks of some form of rudimentary intelligence. But of course, I'm not going to just tell you this without proof. If one of you could grab that cable from the reactor I'd appreciate it," I said, gesturing to the fusion reactor and it's bulky cable. Gregor was nice enough to pull it over, and I promptly pulled up my trousers and plugged it into my leg, to which Faultline gave me an expression of clear discomfort. "What? How'd you think I made portals without any external tech? God this world is so prejudiced against body modification, urgh. Sorry, ranting, I know why it is, it just makes me upset."

"Apologies, trans_morphic, I'm just not used to people being so comfortable with it. Also, what did you say about Bonesaw knowing about this? More importantly, how do you know that she knows?", Faultline asked incredulously, to which I replied, "Well, same way I know all the other stuff I do. I highly doubt you'd believe me if I told you. I'll just say I 'read it somewhere' and leave the rest to your imagination, if that's ok?", I rushed ahead, "So, Faultline, do you want to see your power? I'm going to be making a portal quite far up from the Earth in case it has automated defenses or something," she waved me with assent, and I simply pushed through the coordinates I'd scanned almost a day ago...

Before remembering that we needed to stop the air escaping. "Hey guys, I realized I forgot something, we need a vacuum chamber. So we don't all suffocate. Which would definitely be bad." It took only a couple minutes of looking, though, and I found a shop that sold thick glass balls as ornaments, which would do the trick, and a couple more minutes for an unmasked Faultline to grab one for us. "Thanks," I told her, "now we can see your power!"

With that, I pushed for a small portal - about 20cm in diameter, that fit inside the ball with the primed target location a couple hundred miles above a barren Earth. And what was on it was... It was surprisingly beautiful. Fractalline shapes of extreme complexity crawled across the planet, covering almost all of Europe and Africa. Brown with glowing regions pulsating across the vast organism, cracked mountains and tendrils sprawling, and a constant area of high activity around a nexus point somewhere near Italy that I presumed was the other end of Faultline's Corona Pollentia. Everyone's eyes were wide at this... awesome thing that granted Faultline a tiny fraction of it's power, even despite Faultline's attempts to remain composed she actually gasped. Newter's response was a more immediate "Holy. Fucking. Shit", and I was entirely inclined to agree with him. I mean, I understood the idea of this conceptually, but actually seeing it was... something else. The fact Faultline and Labyrinth weren't completely out of it from memory loss made me think something fishy was going on though. Perhaps my antiprecog/anticlairvoyant tech was interfering, or just the fact of seeing an actual shard essentially did the equivalent of making the system throw it's hands up in frustration.

We all took a moment to appreciate the magnificence of a shard, but we did need to move on, and Gregor took the initiative. "So, what is so world ending about this admittedly shocking and theory-overturning phenomenon?"

"Well, these shards want to collect data and have almost no creativity. That's why they grant powers - experimentation. But the concerning thing is less the shards and more what their hive organism is. While most parahumans have their memory wiped of it (and are essentially unable to remember it), all parahumans experience a vision when they trigger - two vast worm-like beings agreeing on a destination, then spiraling and shedding off millions of pieces, one of which eventually collides with them. The vast worm creatures across millions of dimensions are generally termed 'Entities', and they are not friendly to any world they visit. At least the ones here aren't. I mean they have this stupid thing called the Cycle where they make their host world creatures fight each other for 300 years in the most atrociously inefficient and unethical attempt to solve entropy I've ever heard of, and then explode every possible variation (10 to the 80th power or so) of the planet to move on to the next. Omnicidal hegemonizing multiversal swarms are just the worst," I laughed awkwardly as the constant dread of being on this world was brought to the forefront of my mind, "Yeah..."

"Well that is absolutely fucking horrifying," was Labyrinth's response, to gritted nods from the rest of the Crew. She hadn't said much so far but apparently Elle was far more blunt than I ever expected when her power wasn't interfering. Which was fine, just oddly amusing to me.

"So Cauldron's leader, with the help of Contessa and her Path to Victory shard from a third entity that made the 'Thinking' entity crash via distraction, shanked the Thinker entity before it could fix itself from that crash. That happened before the Thinker entity had properly configured her shards for humans and the network that provided that information was essentially destroyed in the process too. This means that the shards from that are running out of energy", I continued. Faultline interrupted me, "I am going to guess and say that Cauldron was founded to kill the other entity and lost all concept of ethics and common sense in the process?", and I gave a "yeah, basically" in response.

Newter thought a bit, then said "I think, then, I understand why we're like, well, this", as he gestured to himself and Gregor, to which I said, "Yeah, it's pretty much a configuration error with your powers (and multi attachment and other weird stuff). The memory wipe and, you know, using you as experimental subjects was all Cauldron's doing, though - they were testing power granting vials of different mixes, basically, and in fact something like 80% of their earliest subjects died in the process. There's actually a shitton of case 53s that are locked in their labs right now because they deter the 'Warrior' entity, which I'm sure you've guessed is Scion, since to him you're wearing his partner's corpse. Which, like, good because fuck him and his entire shitty omnicidal cycle, even if it's broken by the death of his partner and he's just eventually going to snap and kill everyone instead of being depressed and trying to cope with heroism."

"The other entity is Scion. That's...", Faultline chimed in, her brow furrowed, and Newter looked absolutely pissed and almost yelled, "Holy shit did you say thousands of Case 53s being locked up and used as test subjects!?"

"Yeah, it's... not good. At all. To either of those points. And it's not like if I broke them out I'd have anywhere to put them either, which is seriously unfortunate or I'd do it as soon as I had some kind of counter to Cauldron's many, many powerful capes. I'm pretty fucking furious about it as well though my attention is distracted by like a million different things because this world is an absolute hellscape, and trying to help people fix it is tough as fuck. I just want to curl up and cry if I think too hard about it, um, yeah."

"It is clear that you are at least trying, which is better than most of the PRT manages", Gregor stated, while I nervously fidgeted, "though I suggest you try and be less reckless sometimes."

"I am not reckless! At least... mostly", was my futile objection, "actually, I just remembered about the whole mutual unmasking thing and with me knowing basically all the civilian identities of capes in the bay I should do it. Not that I have much of a civilian identity anyway...", I said as I pulled off my cheapo mask, gently avoiding making my ribs hurt more, "I'm Zychi".

I was pretty happy right now even despite the horrific status of Bet and the whole of this bit of the multiverse. I actually... got to talk to people properly, which, well, I felt warm happiness fill my chest, a hole from lack of socialisation being filled. No hugs or anything but just talking was enough for me right now, even despite my injured body, and I got to do my trademark thing of oversharing way too much shit with people!

Newter was pacing, and Gregor was still looking at the portal to Faultline's power, deep in thought. Presumably about the whole multiversal apocalypse thing and horrible experimentation. "Actually I just remembered - Cauldron does some brainwashing stuff for hire, it's called Nemesis, and they do other stuff as well. Honestly going into the details of Cauldron's primary operations beyond what I've said probably isn't useful, though I can elaborate on a couple of them if you really want?" I asked, for which I got some expressions of negation while I did my awkward fidgeting.

"I think... I think we have what we came for," Newter told me. Some unspoken communication between the four of them seemed to occur, and they all nodded - and that discussion was over and done with as they talked about whether or not to ask for a pocket dimension and some of their future plans (presumably, nothing sensitive). I moved to remove the power plug from my leg and shut off the reactor, nearly cried in pain again before Gregor helped me with it. It was so weird to have people actually helping me with things, I thought to myself, as I carefully looked back at the thread. I wanted to at least say what I had been doing and that I was alive even if somewhat injured - I asked Faultline if it was OK for me to confirm people's guesses at our topic of discussion, and she essentially stated that since people basically already knew, it was alright.

So I went on PHO to reply to both the Palanquin thread, and to totally-not-Vista's private message...

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♦ Topic: Triumvirate Attack Palanquin
In: Boards ► Locations ► USA ► Brockton Bay ► Recent Events
(Original Poster)
Posted On Mar 8th 2011:
So it seems someone at the Palanquin seriously pissed off the Triumvirate, I actually caught them on video despite them seeming to try and avoid attention (I live near the area). See here for the video.

This is pretty unusual. It's fairly common knowledge in Brockton that Faultline's Crew (cape mercenaries with two case 53s) stay at the Palanquin when not on any jobs, but they don't tend to do anything which would attract the level of attention implied by the presence of the Triumvirate.
(Showing page 35 of 35)
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I'm still pissed that they didn't deal with the goddamned Nazis. Or the rage dragon. I mean the Triumvirate are pretty clearly heroes, but sometimes I just don't understand priorities.​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I have to admit the press conference on @ trans_morphic was a bit sketchy though. It just felt a bit... I don't know, off, with the dismissal of the Case 53 thing? I'm not sure, I mean the PRT is full of weird PR stuff anyway.​
I wonder if they'll respond to this whole thing, though. If they're still around.​
►trans_morphic (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
Hello! I'm alive! Barely!​
If you're curious, I can confirm that I was discussing the origins of case 53s and the nature of powers with Faultline's Crew. I needed to talk to someone about it really pretty badly, to be honest, I hate keeping things like this to myself, and I have been having severe issues with loneliness and isolation anyway.​
The problem is the stuff about the nature of powers at least and some about Case 53s is the same sort of information that leads to multiversal annihilation of all Earth variations if it becomes common knowledge.​
At least for now, but hopefully I'll be able to do stuff that means I can share it. Of course, right now I'm still recovering from cracked ribs and having a whole chunk of skull stripped off the back of my heads from my portals trying to avoid the triumvirate kidnapping me. Good fun times!​
I'm actually still with Faultline's Crew at the moment, I don't like having people in my pocket dimension but they've been accommodating of me through this whole mess and seem pretty chill.​
I can talk to other C53s about it as well, but unfortunately @ Weld I really can't trust the PRT with this information so easily. The PRT... are associated with the reason Case 53s exist, but most people in it are unaware. I'll leave it at that for now. And if you do want to discuss it, you'll want to base your actions on something that blocks precognition and other thinkers beforehand. I actually have some devices that do true precog and observation blocking. Just... be careful.​
On another note, that press conference was total bullshit. Armsmaster primarily went into my home (that is also my lab because I didn't have anywhere else!) in an attempt to arrest me on suspicion of being a biotinker with a tendency towards being S-class or something like that... which actually isn't wrong but you can't arrest people based on just potential threat. Basically said "come with me or I will arrest you".​
I have enough issues with personal space that I panicked and made a pocket dimension when I noticed the extra patrols around and got the fuck out just before Armsmaster could grab me. Urgh.​
- nya~​
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 33, 34, 35

♦ Topic: Are you ok?
In: Boards ► Private Messages ► Miss_Warper
(Original Poster)
Posted On Mar 9th 2011:
I've been reading the thread about the thing with the Triumvirate. If you were really talking about Case 53s... I'm friends with several and if you actually know the origins of Case 53s they'd really appreciate knowing.

Please try and stay safe. I really hope you're still OK, the stuff you did against the Empire was pretty badass too, but I... really don't know what you did to piss off the Triumvirate so bad if you were talking about the case 53 thing.
(Showing page 1 of 1)
►trans_morphic (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 9th 2011:​
I'm alive, injured, but ok. And much happier emotionally speaking from talking to Faultline's Crew.​
As for C53 info, I did mention stuff in the thread and I'd be happy to tell them, but it's a delicate and extremely dangerous situation and generally fraught with disgustingly high-powered thinkers. One of whom is so powerful you cannot win, and I mean mathematically a 0% chance of winning, without anti-precognition measures.​
Right now it is a more dangerous endeavor to investigate yourself than any possible fight you could get into and well beyond the level at which things like the Unwritten Rules apply, though actually at the moment my anti-precognition and anti-observation technology covers most of Brockton Bay still.​
I mean I tried to share my information on this and nearly got taken by the Triumvirate. Just... be careful. And I don't mean because you're young, this is horrifically dangerous for literally everyone, I just am unlucky enough to be the one with the dangerous information already. If I tell you and the anti-precog defenses get knocked out or something you will probably be killed for just knowing.​
Honestly I'm glad the Empire hasn't gotten me yet (and I appreciated the reminder about Gesellschaft), and I do intend to do more stuff to them as well, I haven't so far because I am, to be frank, a dysfunctional mess.​
- nya~​
End of Page. 1

Making sure people knew I was OK made me feel even better. And I suspected my reply was going to cause absolute chaos at this rate... it would not take much for the press to realise some of the implications. In a world like Bet where secrets and conspiracies and manipulation was absolutely rampant, total honesty where possible like this would be a complete shock to the system, which I was more than fine with. God, I thought, Accord must hate me.

While thinking on this, Faultline's Crew had come to a decision. They wanted a pocket dimension, which I could absolutely do, though they thought they should pay for one. I mean I get that they were mercenaries, but this mess was my fault for not doing the precog blockers in time. Despite reminding them of this fact, Faultline did convince me to take $500 for it along with the $2000 she owed for this meeting about Case 53s. A couple hours and tinker specialty shifts later, and I had built four more of those pocket dimension access guns - like Dinah's - using shard blackbox bullshit and a bit of charging using my reactor. Then I adjusted the Pocket Dimension Generator to make a variable number of pocket dimension keys, did one of those trips to Canada like I did for Dinah's to actually make the pocket dimension, and demonstrated them to all of Faultline's Crew.

Their portals and dimension came out with a middling turquoise, as per their request, and Newter cracked into a wry grin once he started messing with them, after I demonstrated the various modes and size controls to all four of them. I suspected Faultline's Crew would get fantastic use out of those things.

And with minimal fanfare and a tinge of longing for further conversation, I let them get on their way as they vanished into their own pocket dimension, with one half of my existing precognition blockers donated to them, with a slow wave of my hand from my portal that I did to avoid making my chest sore. Right now, though, I had goals, ideas, and so many things I wanted to do.

I could rip holes in reality to shards directly, now, but there was still little I could do with that. However, I finally had the technology to manipulate genetic code and manufacture artificial protein structures - in the form of my enhanced manufacturing process, which could make chips that did almost anything with the right embedding of various elements and structures in electronic substrate. I had technology to prevent Cauldron interference (mostly) and to disrupt any other observational thinkers, and I had multiversal access tech that I was already thinking of using for automated resource gathering.

I was ready.

Shifting my specialty towards genetic encoding, compute-assisted protein manufacture, and biochemical slurries, I let the ideas flood into my brain. That occasional urge to cackle was feeling extremely strong right now. I had so, so many ideas, wondrous biotechnology to share, and I was finally, finally getting to a point where I could get real things done on that front. The PRT were not going to like what happened soon, I knew that much, but I also at this moment gave zero fucks about their opinion and so with great enthusiasm I opened my CPU blueprint software and tinkered like I had never before.

I was ready, but Earth Bet was most certainly not, and that just made it better.
[end of chapter - nyaa~]
And so, it is the end of one arc and the beginning of a new one yet again. It's time for acceleration and escalation and beautiful trans chaos nya.
Vista is getting more cynical with the PRT and Protectorate, and she's not the only one, and far more other things are also going to happen soon. I am very excited. But we are still just getting started.
Thanks for the update.

wonder if the genetic tinkering and biotech could allow you to ramp up your regeneration? maybe find a way to photosynthesize as well? install a sun-lamp in your pocket dimension and you'd have to go shopping less.
remote control drones as well perhaps? custom bodies that shunt your mind back to your real body incase of an emergency?
having a whole chunk of skull stripped off the back of my head
Goddess- get a little woozy thinking too much about it 😅
Hopefully it'll be healed soon,

And so, it is the end of one arc and the beginning of a new one yet again. It's time for acceleration and escalation and beautiful trans chaos nya.
Beginning escalation~ >:3
Foundations are laid, time to von Neumann lmao

Vista is getting more cynical with the PRT and Protectorate, and she's not the only one, and far more other things are also going to happen soon. I am very excited. But we are still just getting started.
Gonna be a veeery eventful next few days and so on (in-universe at least) XD
So can we expect the SI to finally prioritize survivability and resource acquisition instead of having tunnel vision on pheromones and making premature decisions?

For such an OP power she could have gone full Blacklight virus or Zerg biology with a hint of power tinkering like Bioshock and resources and survivability would have been things of the past.

Not to mention her gender problems, since altering her biology would have required her to only tinker up a virus that does all the changes for her.

I really hope the SI uses her power more creatively from now on.