Initialisation - 1.7
[disclaimer - Wildbow owns Worm, I do not own Worm - cw ableism (basically the kind of people applying to be hired thugs aren't exactly part of the neurodivergency movement, who knew?)]
Pulling myself up from the floor of my cozy, comfy, safe pocket dimension, I moved to lie on my bed and start thinking about how to deal with things. Given the way shard powers worked, I knew that even my low level interdimensional ability (with my pocket dimension) would be a serious boost, but every time I opened a portal for any extended period of time I was making myself vulnerable to attack. Perhaps I was paranoid (OK, I was definitely paranoid) but I had zero doubts the PRT would willingly smash their way in here given the chance, let alone villains or Cauldron. I was feeling vulnerable at the moment, much more than usual, and I was half-tempted to just hide in here forever, except I did unfortunately need to eat, and I wanted to actually effect change on the world.

To get food and clothes and a laptop, I would have to open a portal somewhere, step out, grab cash from a cash machine using the card and pin I got from that Nazi, and go to some shops. It was a worrying testament to my mental state that the thought of doing this made me so intensely afraid. Self-reflection at the very least meant I was aware of what to do in such a situation - so despite lacking my usual hot chocolate, I curled up in bed and touched the walls of the corner of my comfortable, safe pocket dimension I was situated in to try and ground myself, which helped despite the constant sense of body dysphoria. I was tired, and so tempted to sleep, but I needed to get more food, so after about half an hour of self-care, I dragged myself back out of bed, grabbed my portal device, and began making microportals high above Brockton Bay and slowly moved them closer to locate the boardwalk.

Once I found the boardwalk coordinates, I took a look around through the microportal. No Tattletale this time as far as I could see, and as funny as that would be - her facial expression last time was oddly amusing - I was also glad I didn't have to worry about her trying to force an interaction. I found a cash point near the middle of the boardwalk, and then found an alleyway about 10 metres away that was in a fairly hidden spot. As such, I pointed the portal remote to the coordinates of a wall in the alleyway, and ripped open a portal on the inner wall of my home.

Quickly moving out of the portal and closing it behind me, I went to the cashpoint and took out about $800, in 3 separate goes to avoid the cashpoint limit. Bundling the cash in my pockets, I moved down the boardwalk towards a clothes shop, the Boardwalk Enforcers looking at me warily. My clothes must look much worse than they did the last time I came down here, I thought, as I entered into a clothes shop, and was immediately hit with the dysphoria from binary-gendered clothing because of course they had to do the same thing here as on my primary Earth that made getting clothes so difficult and uncomfortable. With some degree of frustration, I made my way through both the men's and women's section, picking out some simple clothes and some more pretty ones that I could make into various pride flags because I now had a pocket dimension and could flaunt my queer-ass self and not get beaten by Nazis whenever they felt like it! hah!

Coming out of the clothes shop, I saw some Enforcers start trailing me. It seems they did not trust me, for whatever reason. Anyway, I thought, let's go grab a laptop and a fibre router. So I did, walking down the boardwalk some more, admiring the sort of grey and underwhelming ocean, the shipwrecks of the Graveyard in the distance, and came across a simple laptop shop, and bought one with decent specs for the tech level on Bet, though it was pretty bad compared to the one I had before.

All was well, until all wasn't well and the Enforcers moved towards me, brandishing their bats in my face from in front and behind me. "Your kind ain't welcome here," one said, clearly withholding the urge to hit me immediately, "We'll give you a beating, then you'll know not to come back," - I was still sort of half processing this when the guy in front of me snapped his fingers at me, "are you even paying attention to me, boy. Fuck off or get beat!" while another muttered "probably a mental case or a druggie," and then my brain finally caught up with what was going on, I grabbed my pocket dimension portal generator, and fell through the floor onto my bed, comfortable and safe. I guess people were just more dickish here about my attention problems huh - Brockton Bay was Nazi central after all. Apparently they were willing to beat me because I looked poor and couldn't pay attention so well sometimes, and they probably just assumed I was a thief - or maybe not, they might have just felt like it - without even checking. God, what a load of arseholes, I thought, literally just corporate-backed thugs. Mentally pulling myself out of my annoyance and anxiety, I decided that distracting myself with tinkering was probably a good idea.

The thing I probably needed most - other than the food I apparently forgot about in the hubbub with the Enforcers - was Internet, water, and electricity access. As such, I thought about the kind of specialty that would let me interrupt and uninterrupt those kinds of resource lines efficiently. A bit more thinking and I finally came up with the answer - shifting all of my specialty towards Temporary Infrastructure Siphons, I pushed on my powers for various ideas on interrupting water, ethernet, and electricity lines. No point in fiddling with routers if there was someone you could steal internet from, after all.

Shifting one charge towards Modularity, I mentally constructed a blueprint for a device that would operate three feeds simultaneously - the aforementioned ethernet, water, and electricity (the last plugged directly into the grid) - when provided with portals appropriately close to the relevant cabling. Entirely electromechanical, too, no processors required at all, it was one of the most simple and effective devices I'd actually built, in my view. Or would build, I supposed to myself, a task which ended up taking barely an hour of effort given how genuinely simple it was in comparison to some of the other tinker bullshit I'd made before.

It was with great pleasure that I opened portals to the inside of Medhall's server room, and the water and electrical mains that fed into the building.
[end of chapter (and of the arc) - nyaa~]
So, "me in worm" is finally set up with internet access and basic resources, with a safe place to retreat to, and the arc of Initialisation is complete ^.^
There will be significant fun times ahead.
What is the range for the dimension portal? If there isn't any range limit, can't the mc leave brocton and shop at other place. Nobody would recognize them and they can shop at peace. Or they can open the portal inside the shop at night when there's nobody, take what they need and go back the portal again. They don't even need to be there, just open portal, grab the things needed and close it.
Hopefully the portal remote gets turned into sub dermal implants at some point for some convenience or a neural lace to interface with that can also work like technopathy.
TT figuring out they plan to make something exponential, rather than a whole bunch of other much more obvious stuff, such as non-biological tinkering, how she knows about Rachel and her and even who their boss is and her power (which if her power was giving full context on that would likely lead TT to not tell the PRT)
She didn't say who her boss was to the PRT, she just said "A personal enemy". And remember, the SI is anomalous, so her power was pulling out all the stops. Tattletale had a raging migraine after the Boardwalk observations nya ;p
The PRT's conclusions justifying spying on the areas make very little sense.
It makes sense, if they come across modified creatures or a lab nya, or other activity. They don't know that the tinker's lab is their home, and they probably don't view extra PRT patrols as sufficiently threatening to spook someone. Of course, to the SI (me), they are absolutely threatening for a multitude of reasons.
If she is getting help from someone, they shouldn't be looking at just the past couple of days.
*they, but yes, they probably should look longer than that (it was actually four days, iirc). But they knew the tinker was new and they had a strongly suspected new trigger, and it is likely that any benefactor would be unaware until after they triggered. The PRT also isn't perfect, they don't think of everything.
If she isn't limited to biotinkering, then she is a tinker like L33t which means she just needs to be talked to (especially since they are willing to talk to blasto), or that she was likely never a bio-tinker in the first place.
They said "biotinker or something like it", it was very explicitly indicated to them by Tattletale (and verified by the thinkers in the Think Tank) that Tattletale strongly believed they were intending to go exponential. That does not necessarily imply biotinker, it was just the one thought by far the most probable (for other exponential threats, see the Machine Army nyaa). She was also strongly convinced of an ideological reason for this, which would imply a much weaker ability to change their opinion than if it was a simple minor power urge or something. Also, the hair laser thing was long since dismantled by the time Armsmaster was in the lab. Zychi actually dismantled it to make the drill and seismic sensor.
Hopefully the portal remote gets turned into sub dermal implants at some point for some convenience or a neural lace to interface with that can also work like technopathy.
This fic will get far more extreme than mere neural laces. The tag "transcending humanity" is on it for a reason ;3. And definitely expect the portal gun being implanted at somepoint soon, Zychi definitely recognises it as a vulnerability at the moment (also can you imagine being trapped in your own pocket dimension because you got distracted and forgot the remote? 1000x worse than just forgetting house keys and being locked out lol nya
What is the range for the dimension portal? If there isn't any range limit, can't the mc leave brocton and shop at other place. Nobody would recognize them and they can shop at peace. Or they can open the portal inside the shop at night when there's nobody, take what they need and go back the portal again. They don't even need to be there, just open portal, grab the things needed and close it.
Oh the range is just "all of earth" (because it still is dependant on shard technology for specific parts of pocket dimension access and that hasn't been unbound from the planet), the SI just was in "satisfy needs immediately right now". And also they aren't just taking stuff yet because they aren't really intending to deliberately antagonise the PRT and don't want to deal with the hassle of being branded a thief or something (though this is easy to avoid if taking from other random places nya). Also, taking money from nazis is something that the SI obviously gets amusement out of too, given that they/I are queer as fuck and really hate Nazis (how could anyone possibly guess that ;3).
All this is before reading the latest chapter.

She didn't say who her boss was to the PRT, she just said "A personal enemy". And remember, the SI is anomalous, so her power was pulling out all the stops. Tattletale had a raging migraine after the Boardwalk observations nya ;p
I'm saying its weird her power gave her the 'self replicating' information above information that should of been far easier for her/it to figure out.

if they come across modified creatures or a lab nya, or other activity. They don't know that the tinker's lab is their home
If they have any creatures in the facinity that aren't instantly spotted, or she wants to go to her lab, or she is inside her lab??????
I'm not sure what your point is here. Especially since they could just patrol from further away.

The only way I can see this making sense is if they don't want her to go back to her lab, which isn't a great idea when they don't want to escalate with a bio-tinker. If this was the case they would also want to enter the building straight away. Because shes not there.

If she IS in the Lab then they shouldn't be patrolling in view of it. And its better that she walks away from her lab before she spots them.

If none of them are Tinker Labs its a waste of time.

If there is another tinker around (whether or not allied with MC), then they are likely ruining their chances with them.

So this is the worst option no matter where she is.
They also shouldn't be assuming it isn't her home, considering how tinkers are and how her clothes were dirty and also how she might have triggered recently.

they probably don't view extra PRT patrols as sufficiently threatening to spook someone.
Right outside her base? Thats idiotic, and still more Idiotic than I consider to the PRT to have been in canon.

The PRT has been around long enough to have been in somewhat similar situations and know its not a good idea.

*they, but yes, they probably should look longer than that (it was actually four days, iirc). But they knew the tinker was new and they had a strongly suspected new trigger, and it is likely that any benefactor would be unaware until after they triggered. The PRT also isn't perfect, they don't think of everything.
But I'm saying if there isn't any evidence of bio-tinkering, then there isn't any reason to investigate the last 4 days.
Once people heard "no suspicious activities that would suggest a biotinker in the past 4 days. They should think that she just isn't situated.
In the unlikely event they think another tinker is involved, then they no longer limit it to 4 days.
Or if she is more of an omni tinker like l33t, and they actually take that into consideration, then they shouldn't be so aggressive.

She was also strongly convinced of an ideological reason for this
A. Tats knows she can be wrong sometimes.
B. Ideological about something doesn't mean she can't be talked to about it. If anything it is likely a good sign, since it likely means she wants to do something that is good for society.
In which case if the PRT can talk to her peacefully about it, they can either make sure its going to be safe and make sure its done properly. Or they can try communicating things that the tinker may not have thought about.
If the Tinker remains stubborn THEN you can escalate if needed. But now you have more knowledge on the situation and their specialty and you can have all your people prepared.

Also, the hair laser thing was long since dismantled by the time Armsmaster was in the lab. Zychi actually dismantled it to make the drill and seismic sensor.
I was mostly thinking cameras etc. Since I imagine with armsmasters tech, or just a thinker with a video from a place in the city or something, there's a decent chance they figure it out that it was done through non-biological heat-based means.

Edit: On the new chapter
"We'll give you a beating, then you'll know not to come back,"
I feel like they wouldn't be this open about it in public.
Should probably be something more like "Get out of here" or "If you don't leave we will have to make you leave by force" or if they really want to beat him "We are security, come with us"
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Recluse Connections - 2.1
Sorry for the delay, my laptop charger died, but I have a new one now :)
[disclaimer - Wildbow owns Worm, I do not own Worm]
I cringed. Earth Bet did not have SSDs yet, so installing Linux on my newly obtained laptop took forever. Slow, slow, slow. Almost half an hour later, it was finally done, and then I got distracted for two hours messing with the configuration files because that's something I apparently couldn't resist doing even so far from my original home.

At least I now knew the date, connected to the internet. March the 5th, 2011. I spent another hour or so looking up other information and verifying it matched Worm canon. Skitter did not exist yet, the Undersiders existed with their canon powers, the case 53s all matched what I remembered, and there was only one Entity - Zion - flying around. Endbringers were real and there was a Simurgh attack on Canberra in February.

As such, I began constructing a deadswitch (or rather several). I cut off all the portals to the outside, which would hopefully at least hinder Cauldron if Contessa decided to kill me right now. Essentially, I created a series of informational bombs, which would be scattered around the Internet as well as in my pocket dimension. It contained all the most dangerous information I knew - the exact nature of Shards and powers, the existence of Cauldron and their responsibility for case 53s as well as their purpose, the Triumvirate's membership, the power of Contessa herself, the existence of a third Entity, and the method I knew to defeat Zion from the original Worm story in case Cauldron decided to kill me anyway despite the information in question being sufficient to initiate the apocalypse. I had already probably derailed things enough - the butterfly effect is seriously potent - to change the way Taylor Hebert developed and such. Probably not yet enough to affect the Lung fight, but long term? The original timeline was already derailed by my mere existence - and insurance to give humanity a chance even in the worst-case scenario of my death was something I felt almost obligated to give.

I also had to pick some kind of cape name - because the one the PRT gave me was not one I liked - to attribute the information to so people knew who had had their deadswitch set off. While I cared fairly little about the secret identity thing in theory, it would at least be nice to be able to go outside freely, even if I still felt too vulnerable to do so at the moment after the Armsmaster incident, and the Boardwalk Enforcers being dicks. I wanted something obscure, but indicative of my powers. Unfortunately - or fortunately, for me at least - people's expectations of power restrictions would ensure they never expected some of the sheer bullshit I would probably be able to pull due to my power's conceptual nature. I eventually decided on a multifaceted and obscure statement on my powers and goals, and called myself "trans_morphic". Much of the stuff I wanted to do would be anonymous - I did not want people putting me at the front and centre of the things I did, becoming an icon was definitively not a goal (in fact if I did become an icon or central figure, that was an exploitable point of failure or attack).

Another thing, required for a deadswitch on myself, was something that would actually identify me being dead. I didn't want it to be an external device that could be stolen, it couldn't be something I had to periodically think about - I didn't trust myself not to forget - and it had to be something I was eventually able to disable. Fortunately for me, there was something that had the properties required to create such a thing - my shard.

It was with some trepidation that I pushed parts of my specialty into something no normal parahuman could do. Personal Shard Interface got two charges, and Dead Switches got three charges. Interfacing with my shard for basic lifesigns was almost trivial - after all my power was orchestrating my tinkering and it could simply recognise what I wanted and inject a blackbox into my tech - and a side result of this was that I didn't need to upload the files to anywhere but the primitive shard interface device. All I needed to do was install some commands in response to specific wireless signals in various computers and the shard would actually handle the rest if I died, uploading the information in an unstoppable barrage across the public internet as well as the various darknets present on Earth Bet (Tor did not exist here, apparently I2P had gained significant traction instead, and was of comparable size to Tor in my original Earth).

Once I had the primitive shard interface design in my head, I pulled some of the resources from my pile and began a fugue that embodied the power of shard tinker bullshit. The only contents of the design were a USB connector to my laptop, and a giant black-boxed component that was hooked directly to it. I didn't even need to write a driver for it, it acted just like a portable USB drive, so it only took a fraction of a second to put all the deadswitch information bombs into my shard (wonderful thing that it was), and that part was done.

The next part of the process was installing different commands in different places. On my laptop it was a trivial modification of the Linux kernel and wireless drivers to wake up on the particular type of message that would be sent through a shard portal in case I died, and the laptop would dump the transmitted drive contents onto various file sites, PHO (re-creating a thread if it was deleted) and send them to numerous news organisations.

I then designed malware that would create similar commands in a computer connected to a malicious USB device. Installing Linux onto the laptop had required a USB stick that I obtained beforehand while buying the laptop, so I just rewrote the USB stick firmware to engage in the infectious behaviour. I was essentially done at this point, setting up my self-defense system as insurance against Cauldron. I already had one deadswitch in my laptop, so they probably couldn't kill me the moment I opened up a portal. Within a couple hours I'd infected every single Medhall server, and I'd managed to sneak the USB into a port on one of the PRT computers as well, though it took some time to find the building in the first place.

This is when it finally sunk in that my portal device was global, so I began thinking about other places to hide my deadswitch code. I opened a microportal far above the Earth's atmosphere (there was an odd whistling sound and I shut it quickly after finding the coordinates required to look over Europe), and narrowed down on Germany. Anxiously, I opened portals in several government buildings and plugged the USB in a fraction of computers there. I was a bit miffed that I lacked information on the Gessellschaft, or I would have totally infected their shit.

The deadswitch was only a temporary defense against Cauldron and only applied to myself, unfortunately. It would do for now, though, and let me interact and tinker relatively freely with less worry about them killing me in my sleep. Path to Victory was hard to counter fully, however, so I wasn't going to be completely incautious (as much as that was possible given my occasional impulsive tendencies).

After getting the deadswitch set up, I really could do with getting food, and I was torn between doing so and just curling up and hiding in my pocket dimension for a while. I could feel the fuzziness from food deprivation beginning to set in, and I knew I needed to eat, but I was still so stressed. Convincing myself to even open a portal out of my pocket dimension was pretty difficult, but I eventually managed to look around with a microportal and go to some random shop in the US and pick up some groceries, and a subpar Cornish Pastie that I still ate because I was famished.

In terms of tech and resources, I was still struggling compared to what I should be able to do. All the tech I'd managed so far was completed with minimal access to complex tools and an extremely limited supply of processing power. My primary tinker goal right now, I decided, would have to be the production of CPUs and some more advanced manufacturing methods - I was already getting excited about the possibility of nanoswarms - and also hopefully something that would let me use graphene-based CPU designs (multilayer graphene, after all, has numerous properties that allow it to be used as CPU base material with minimal doping requirements as compared to silicon). Unfortunately I lacked anything with remotely enough precision (my shard allowed me to make nanoscale materials by hand, but only if their structure was uniform in nature and the material I had was relatively pure), so I'd have to start from relative simplicity until I had the precision tools to bootstrap production of CPUs of higher power than the CNC chips I currently had available.

As for social connection and physical affection, I was still sorely lacking, and it was starting to have a fairly significant effect on my general mental state. I could feel the anxiety and negative thought patterns creeping in more than ever. I resolved to myself to at least go on PHO or some other site soon and try and talk to people there to help with the problem, to keep myself at least functional. Then I remembered I should probably deal with the Dragonslayers and help Dragon too. There was so damn much to do, like release Jack Slash's true power, or the Siberian's secret, and more. So much more information that I should let loose. I fully intended to out Coil at some point soon as well, because Coil is an arsehole - after warning his victims and Director Piggot of course.

I figured my mode of operation would be trollish - because honestly I'd always wanted to do something like that - and would involve me basically putting pieces of paper in the appropriate part of the PRT building. That did mean I had to obtain paper though, some pens, and a printer - which I did with a couple more anxious ventures outside of my comfy pocket of spacetime. Well, it wasn't that comfy yet - it was still too big and lacked the tight corners and furniture I liked especially around my bed - but it would get there.

It was with little fanfare then, that Operation: Troll Earth Bet With Information, began, and I started to type several letters on my laptop...

With a cackle of glee, I printed off the letters, and readied my portal opener.
[end of chapter - nya~]
idk I don't really like how your basing their personality on them being trans

still a good story tho
That first part-
I'd kinda have to ask if you're serious? It's an insert- of a trans person, clearly, in hir pre-transition body; shockers that being trans is a large part of hir personality and current goals when the world the SI came from has trans issues be so politicized and debated over and the subsequent things to deal with resulting from the bigotry involved (despite it literally being so obvious it should never be; trans rights are human rights and all that).
Practically the whole time we've been in hir head and of course there's the sudden fact that ze need to transition all over again to help deal with the dysphoria, but I don't think they've come across as entirely one-dimensional? Ze's just correcting them so they know the right pronouns to use, and that's- literally something almost everyone does? And doesn't warrant saying that hir personality is "based on just being trans". Sure, for some people it doesn't matter so much, but that's not this person, clearly.
In a bit of a rush so some things might be a bit better said, Iunno, but still,
idk I don't really like how your basing their personality on them being trans

still a good story tho
That first part-
I'd kinda have to ask if you're serious? It's an insert- of a trans person, clearly, in hir pre-transition body; shockers that being trans is a large part of hir personality and current goals when the world the SI came from has trans issues be so politicized and debated over and the subsequent things to deal with resulting from the bigotry involved (despite it literally being so obvious it should never be; trans rights are human rights and all that).
Practically the whole time we've been in hir head and of course there's the sudden fact that ze need to transition all over again to help deal with the dysphoria, but I don't think they've come across as entirely one-dimensional? Ze's just correcting them so they know the right pronouns to use, and that's- literally something almost everyone does? And doesn't warrant saying that hir personality is "based on just being trans". Sure, for some people it doesn't matter so much, but that's not this person, clearly.
In a bit of a rush so some things might be a bit better said, Iunno, but still,
Avangelion has the right idea w.r.t trans stuff affecting characterisation. Being trans had and has significant effect on my life, it is an important part of my identity and has significant effects on my personality and viewpoints, I care about people not being bigoted shitheads or just ignorant on trans stuff. To me this just reminds me of the old adage - "two racial groups: white and political; two genders: male and political; two trans-statuses: cis and political; two sexualities: straight and political; etc. etc."

Now, I have my own philosophical ideas around what counts as political (in my view, almost everything can be considered political, and "political" is entirely distinct from "something I am ok with someone on while disagreeing with them but its still prone to cause fights" which is what many people use it as a shorthand for) but the broad idea of what Avangelion is saying is generally correct. nya.

also someone actually using my neopronouns! c: (tho i tend to use xeir or zeir or xir or zir rather than hir but tbh its fine, I use any X or Z based neopronoun set, its just that SV does not let you have more than four in the box lol

On a sidenote, I am still in the depths of transition and it's gonna be a long time before my IRL transition comes even close to complete (if I make it that long anyway HAH. my access to transition is pretty fragile actually, though at least I'm not getting grey market HRT anymore :/). Having to start all over again in the story is very uncomfortable for the SI, and hormones don't fix everything and also take an extended period of time for certain effects.

The story is also currently centred around Brockton Bay, Nazi capital of the USA. Even ignoring what the existence of a statistically significant number of open Nazis says about the wider political situation, this is going to have a very significant impact on trans people as well as every other minority group in the entire bay and probably in other regions .

Now, I have my own philosophical ideas around what counts as political (in my view, almost everything can be considered political, and "political" is entirely distinct from "something I am ok with someone on while disagreeing with them but its still prone to cause fights" which is what many people use it as a shorthand for) but the broad idea of what Avangelion is saying is generally correct. nya.

also someone actually using my neopronouns! c: (tho i tend to use xeir or zeir or xir or zir rather than hir but tbh its fine, I use any X or Z based neopronoun set, its just that SV does not let you have more than four in the box lol
My other "unofficially" adopted sibling tried them out before, but it can be a little tricky at the start for me lmao; had to double-check to make sure, and when I tried looking it up the "ze" line went "hir" instead of "zir", so that's kinda why. You want me to just start using it from now on only? Or edit the old posts I had too? I'll be fine either way, dun worry, just wanna make sure you're okay with it.
I'd pretty much agree with you on what "political" is in the first place, and am generally annoyed by how people use it as shorthand for that 2nd thing lmao, since it muddles things.

On a sidenote, I am still in the depths of transition and it's gonna be a long time before my IRL transition comes even close to complete (if I make it that long anyway HAH. my access to transition is pretty fragile actually, though at least I'm not getting grey market HRT anymore :/). Having to start all over again in the story is very uncomfortable for the SI, and hormones don't fix everything and also take an extended period of time for certain effects.

The story is also currently centred around Brockton Bay, Nazi capital of the USA. Even ignoring what the existence of a statistically significant number of open Nazis says about the wider political situation, this is going to have a very significant impact on trans people as well as every other minority group in the entire bay and probably in other regions .
Just being so open while doing so much would probably cause waves- at least as far as I'm kinda expecting what you'll do lmao. I think reactions from the general public in BB or elsewhere at some point or every now and again, after particularly visible/public things would be great, tho that's all up to you XD
At least with the transhuman-augments the SI can do now, things can be a touch easier, so hoping to see that,
Anyways, stay safe, hope you can continue/finish your transition, I'm kinda still waiting on mine- hopefully for not too long >_<

Avangelion has the right idea w.r.t trans stuff affecting characterisation. Being trans had and has significant effect on my life, it is an important part of my identity and has significant effects on my personality and viewpoints, I care about people not being bigoted shitheads or just ignorant on trans stuff. To me this just reminds me of the old adage - "two racial groups: white and political; two genders: male and political; two trans-statuses: cis and political; two sexualities: straight and political; etc. etc."
And- yeah, that's pretty much about right, with the hierarchical structures and cultural hegemony currently in place.
Recluse Connections - 2.2
[disclaimer - Wildbow owns Worm, I do not own Worm]
First target: Kid Win's lab. I poked around with a microportal near the Protectorate Rig, and found his lab inside. I could already hear alarms blaring and doors slamming shut in an attempt to counter an intruder, but there's not much they could do against me. I eventually found Kid Win putting his red suit on - presumably in preparation for attack - inside his lab that was about as disorganised as my own accommodation. Twisting the knob again on my Pocket Dimension Access Controller (PDAC) to be a little wider than my arm, I waved the note in front of his face before he got a chance to aim a gun at me, and I saw a feverish look come over him as he dived for his notepad instead even through the screeching, painful alarms.

Pulling my hand through the portal and closing it quickly, I left Kid Win to his tinker fugue and decided on my next target - Director Piggot. No doubt she'd be in her office right now in the PRT building organising a response to the breach, and probably ready to shoot anything that moved. So I had to be careful here, moving my microportal along the locked down corridors (wincing at the noise every time it was open) and avoiding any attention from PRT troopers towards the blinking motion of the tiny purple dot. It took almost two minutes, but I eventually found her office and, as expected, she had a dangerous look in her eyes (despite her failing physical body), holding an obviously loaded pistol and rapidly coordinating on a walkie talkie with the troopers, along with someone who was likely the Deputy Director. Regardless of my distaste for cops, I couldn't help but be impressed by her ability to remain calm in a situation like this.

I broke the cameras in her office through small portals - to avoid Coil's tendrils, even now I was scared of him - and before she could respond to the noise behind her with her pistol I had dumped her note on her desk with a smug grin as I closed that portal as well. I could swear I heard a bit of cursing right at the end there, as I went back to the Protectorate rig to find Miss Militia and Armsmaster, both of them coordinating in clipped tones in a locked-down meeting room, with the Wards themselves listening in along with Alexandria on a viewscreen (except Kid Win, who was apparently so deep in a fugue he couldn't even respond despite being in the call). I suppose it makes sense that Cauldron would be interested in someone else with dimensional tech breaching the PRT and the Rig. They must just be jealous, I thought to myself with a hint of humor, once again fighting down the urge to snicker at the mess currently being made in futile attempts to stop my distribution of information, as I opened a portal above Miss Militia and dropped a piece of paper on her head before Alexandria could shout a warning. In about 3 seconds I had done the same with Armsmaster, and I saw his face fall into a grimace just before closing that portal as well.

Moving my microportal out from where the PRT and Protectorate had been present, I began looking for my other recipients. Taylor Hebert's house had taken longer to find, but only because I had to look for a Danny Hebert in various files that I grabbed from government offices. About 10 minutes later, I found the young Miss Hebert in her ever-drab clothing at her table, eating dinner alone, presumably after returning from Winslow within the past hour or so. As such, I opened a portal and waved the note in front of her, seeing her panic-stricken face for a second before hearing an ominous, rising buzz. I quickly closed that portal, not want to deal with Miss Biblical Plague's wrath proper.

Looking back over Brockton Bay with another microportal and focusing on the clearly less neglected areas, I located the house of Dinah Alcott in another 5 minutes or so. I found her looking some combination of excited and smug as the portal opened (precogs, what can you do?) as she let me give her my letter for her and vanish off to find the Undersider's lair - which was actually probably fairly close to my comfy warehouse that Armsmaster wrecked in the docks, now I thought about it.

This was more complex. I knew it was above an old factory though, so I switched out my tinker charges towards manufacturing infrastructure and scanned my eyes from high above locating numerous factories in the old docks. From there it was easy to find the Undersider's lair, but Lisa was not actually there, which was either worrying or completely normal. I thought to myself where she could be, and remembered both the apartment and the shop on the boardwalk she often hangs out in, deciding to look on the Boardwalk first.

I did, in fact, find her there, apparently looking frantically at some PRT files. It seemed the PRT was now in full Master-Stranger protocols and Director Piggot was deliberately avoiding giving her note to the Chief Director (which was good for her health, I doubted she'd survive very long if Cauldron knew she was aware of them and the sheer level of corruption involved at the highest levels of the PRT). It apparently didn't take long for her to realise I'd found her as she started fumbling for a weapon almost immediately, the normally smug grin wiped off her face for a paler and more worried expression. I dumped the note on her before she could shoot some important blood vessel in my arm and shut the portal in her very confused face.

Tattletale Perspective
Tattletale was having a hell of a day. Her head was throbbing in pain as she scrolled through the PRT files that were already being written on the current breach and the mess that had been made so far in response. She set her mind to analysing the situation at high pace. Opening the floodgates of her power just a little, she pushed on at the data she had seen.

Breach in PRT and Rig too close to reach at speed. Mover? Ground transport would need to be extremely rapid, likely police response. Flyer? Would have indication of forced entry. Not flyer. Teleporter? Teleporter.

She grinned her trademark grin. Gotcha, new cape. A teleporter would be a pain to fight especially given that nothing indicating a line of sight requirement was present, but forewarned is forearmed, she supposed to herself. Maybe they'd even make for a good counter to Oni Lee for our team, she thought, no doubts at all that Coil will want us to grab them as soon as possible, the bastard is a control freak.

Looking through a new file that had just been created, her brain almost came to a stop. The name of the cape responsible - which they'd apparently put on the letters they'd dumped in the PRT for whatever reason - was one "trans_morphic", otherwise known as Appleseed.

Appleseed reference to Johnny Appleseed. Reference to spread. Reference to exponential spread. Reference to cape I warned Piggot about.

And with that, her power gushed open, her head screaming just like it had a couple days ago. She could almost feel some kind of twisted curiousity from it as her eyes nearly involuntarily scanned over the remaining files at a far faster pace than her brain could actually read them, her power dumping a waterfall of conclusions straight into her brain while barely feeding any intermediate information at all.

Not teleporter. Portals involved. Anomaly. Not threat against PRT. Amusement. Probable attack on Coil. Anomaly. Dislikes government enough to break security. Moderately irreverant to backlash. Anomaly. Dangerous. "Yeah no shit" she muttered to herself, burying her head in her hands "the cape who 5 days after appearing successfully breached the PRT and Protectorate bases to give people letters is dangerous." Probable access to pocket dimension. No indication of allies. Impulsive decision? Too poor to buy from Toybox. Developed tech themselves. Kid Win letter indicates probable secret identity knowledge. Thinker ally? She winced even more as nails metaphorically stabbed her eyes. No thinker allies in Brockton Bay. Not Thinker. Thinker. Anomaly. Not normal tinker. Broad specialty? No specialty? Mad Scientist Tinker? No particular category or restriction yet indicated. Unknown. Anomaly.

She dragged her head out of her hands in pain. Her power apparently decided to give her a break rather than knocking her out at least, and she reached for the coffee she had been drinking, looking over the files her power had consumed too fast to actually understand herself.

A few minutes later, as she glanced at the computer screen, she saw a tiny, purple dot appear. Holding her power on a tight leash, she consulted it.
Not from computer. Behind you. Identical colour to trans_morphic portals. trans_morphic found you.

Fuck, fuck, FUCK
, she thought to herself as she grabbed for the gun she kept hidden in case Coil decided he was done with her being free, as the portal vanished and reopened and a peice of paper was dropped in front of her. She looked extremely confused for a moment but eventually, cautiously, examined the letter with her power.

Not threat. Not poisoned.

Picking up the letter, she read it, but then she experienced a bout of confusion and it seemed to her like she forgot something in the second half, something extremely important.

Not Stranger effect. Power-based information censorship. Mentioned nature of powers.

Not going to let that stop me discovering the secret
she thought to herself, grinning in anticipation of something truly challenging for her to discover and remember, to the point she almost forgot to pay attention to the thing about her shithead of her boss getting outed in a few days. She needed to make preparations, but right now all she wanted to do was break past that mental block, even as she rushed out of the shop to get to her apartment and sleep off the migraine she was rapidly developing.
[end of chapter - nya~]
My other "unofficially" adopted sibling tried them out before, but it can be a little tricky at the start for me lmao; had to double-check to make sure, and when I tried looking it up the "ze" line went "hir" instead of "zir", so that's kinda why. You want me to just start using it from now on only? Or edit the old posts I had too? I'll be fine either way, dun worry, just wanna make sure you're okay with it.
No need to edit anything ;p. If you're having significant trouble, they/them/their always works as well ^.^

Just being so open while doing so much would probably cause waves- at least as far as I'm kinda expecting what you'll do lmao. I think reactions from the general public in BB or elsewhere at some point or every now and again, after particularly visible/public things would be great, tho that's all up to you XD
At least with the transhuman-augments the SI can do now, things can be a touch easier, so hoping to see that,
There will be. The SI/me still has barely done much in public, though that will change. Some will be anonymous. Some will be identified, and they'll definitely be taking a strong antifascist (and in particular anti-E88) stance with their public actions (and public identity) nya. There'll probably be PHO interludes at some point as well.
Recluse Connections - 2.3
[cw this chapter has some mild written transphobia, the kind you'd expect from internet forums really]
[disclaimer - Wildbow owns Worm, I do not own Worm]
I had just finished causing unmitigated havoc. As such, I was a little mentally tired and took a rest on my bed, almost falling asleep, but I remembered to create a couple of accounts on the internet - one on an anonymous, E2EE (end to end encrypted) I2P chat service called intercrypt that as far as I was aware didn't exist on my Earth. One on a known-private email service on Bet called (apparently someone stole the term from the nonexistent Tor network that never ended up working here), and finally, of course, a PHO account. All under the username trans_morphic, naturally. Then I got distracted for several hours designing and making on the computer a logo (with a flexible, modifiable outline that could look clean but I wanted to make a statement that I was queer and the Nazis could do jack shit about it, so I put gaudy nonbinary flags in the outer ring instead). The inside of the logo ended up being a simple infinity symbol inside a power symbol (for technology and development - I was a tinker after all). The logo ended up looking like the following...
Then, I fell asleep, comfortable in my bed, ready to wake up and see what the fuck kind of shitshow was going to happen tomorrow. Although I didn't remember the dreams, I was plagued with nightmares about my lack of friends, my isolation, and people invading my pocket dimension, so after a full night's sleep I woke up tense and curled up for a couple hours before pulling myself out of bed again, reassuring myself of the lack of invasion in my little hideyhole dimension I called home.

I had things to do, places to be, Nazis to antagonise, but I also had to take care of myself at some point. I really needed a proper shower and some other stuffs. Finding a decent gender neutral bathroom of some kind where I felt safe and also had a shower would - theoretically - be difficult, but I did essentially have a whole planet's worth of options. There was also the issue of... well, my body was still gross and masculine and I'd been trying to avoid noticing too hard but not showering was not long-term viable and also had been uncomfortable for several days already. To be honest the largest worry about that was having to leave my PDAC anywhere, which was getting to be a serious issue. The more well known I became in the PRT and elsewhere (and no doubt, I was well known), and the more they were aware of my pocket dimension capabilities, the more they'd try and stop me accessing them the moment I left it.

So the logical conclusion to ensuring something couldn't be taken from me? Implant it in my body. It wouldn't be particularly hard - I still had the sterilisation lasers that let me do HRT-enabling surgery on myself almost 4 days ago at this point, after all, and basic, low precision biocompatible neural interfaces with strange materials like iron were easy with my tinker power allowing structured nanomaterials to emulate many molecular properties. My own knowledge of neuroplasticity meant I knew my body would adapt to it like a new sense with just a basic implant. I probably wanted to put it in my arm though, it would make aiming at surfaces when desiring to return to pocket space easier if I wasn't just manually putting in coordinates.

Hence, my current actions after shifting my tinker charges to 2 in neural interfacing, 1 in biocompatibility, and 2 in anti-EM shielding (I really did not want to get some internal device fried by a localised EMP, or yanked out by a strong magnet). Then I aimed my sterilisation laser at my few surgery capable tools that I'd grabbed from my old home, as well as the surface of my skin on the arm my HRT implant was not in, and began. After removing the buttons and knobs and replacing them with crudely shard-powered electrosensitive pads, replacing the indicators with neural feedback interfaces, and adding some extra EMP shielding and general EM counters that would disable attacks via that route, I fully dropped into fugue. I had installed my basic PDAC inside my non-HRT-implant arm merely a couple hours later, using another of those highly improvised biometallic bandage substitutes to cover up the surgery area for healing.

A few more hours of casual practice, fiddling with portals and browsing PHO, and I'd started to gain some true instinct of where my portals were located and the general way to open and shut them with a mere thought. No longer could people take my way home from me, and no longer did I need to fear the device being ruined, lost, or forgotten unless the arm itself vanished, so I could go bathe as much as I liked. The problem still remained, though? Where could I shower? But then the answer came to me. I just needed to find some random bathroom with a completely private shower cubicle and teleport straight in and out via portals! No need for anyone to even see me at all, ever! Finding one without accidentally peeking on people would be more difficult, but I guessed I could just look at geotags on bathroom photos or something.

So I got to go on the weirdest internet search I'd ever done, and found a usable shower room. Translating the geo-coordinates to my own coordinate system with a little script I threw together, I mentally used my instincts to push them into my implant, using a microportal to reassure myself beforehand that I had truly managed to find a completely empty bathroom. And then, of course, I had a blissful, 45 minute, wonderful and amazing shower in the middle of Mexico, feeling truly clean for the first time in almost a week, the constant discomfort on my skin that was an ever-present exacerbator of dysphoria vanishing - and plopped my way back home with a simple flash of a portal, to dry myself off.

Now I'd properly cleaned myself, I wanted to make some real progress in doing things. I needed to repair my pocket dimension generator and create another pocket universe for Dinah to use. Luckily for me, repairing it required minimal resources as compared to producing it. Producing a simplified PDAC with a simpler coordinate memory and entry mode was also trivial with my resources, as it was almost an identical blueprint and just needed the little PD identifier chip that my pocket universe generator would emit. These were essentially just hardcoded keys, rather than generic software accessor tokens that a far more complex pocket dimension remote could use (one which I was far from having the resources to make, mostly down to lack of access to computing chips).

To make Dinah's dimension, though, I still needed the big jolt of power that a fusion reactor required, and I needed to run the PD creator in the mainline Earth Bet universe. Pocket dimensions were weird - you could access them from any dimension with sufficient energy, but they existed on a different multiversal axis to the general multiverse that Worm consisted of, so pocket dimensions created from inside a given pocket dimension could solely be accessed from that pocket dimension itself or other pocket dimensions of the same "depth". The original reactor was absolutely fried, but it had lots of the bulk components needed to build another, primarily missing the control chip and connector that were both wrecked. This meant I had to cannibalise another CNC chip from my drillbit manufacturer - I was getting very short on computer chips, I noticed - and build a much larger cable to the pocket universe creator that could handle the current and not explode like last time (which was pretty annoying).

While the chip had insufficient power to coordinate a stable plasma for extended periods of time, this time the connector would not explode and I could at least reuse the thing after an extended cooldown period. It actually had a large enough power output that it could directly plug into the pocket dimension generator for a little when ramped up, which was significantly better than last time where I'd required a supercapacitor. And so, after about half an hour of reusing much of my preexisting mental blueprints, the job was done. I really really did not want fucking Coil getting his filthy hands on Dinah (or anyone else for that matter). I trusted her to use her ability well enough to know when it was safe to leave and she wouldn't get darted remotely or something and have her accessor taken from her.

And so, with a mere thought, I tore a hole in reality in the depths of northern Canada to make Dinah's pocket dimension. Dragging out the pocket dimension generator made me grunt in effort, and the cable was almost thicker than my arms, but I eventually managed to connect the fusion reactor/electrolyser/pocketverse generator system together. I hauled the raw silicon from my elemental resources pile into the pocket dimension creator (for imprinting the accessor keys that it emitted), and heaved the obligatory massive lever that would hook the power up and initiate the dimensional creation operation with a resounding thunk. The fusion generator hummed in the background as current flowed, and for the second time in a week a hole was ripped somewhere in the interversal void to create a new pocket dimension for Dinah. This one I made have clean, dark orange walls that should help her sleep even if she needed a light or something (and was distinct from my own, as well). It was also slightly smaller than my own, but not significantly so, merely a function of the smaller amount of energy involved in making the thing, and with a small clunk the accessor key was spat out of the machine. A minute later and I'd shut it down, and plugged the key into Dinah's mildly simplified PDAC device.

Weird as it was to use one of these things by hand again (which was a strange thought since only a few hours ago I had needed to do so myself), I tested it to make sure it worked. After moving my little setup back into my own dimension, I flitted around various regions of the world saving some random, out of the way spots that Dinah could use, if her local saved spots ever got permanently watched for whatever reason, most with mobile phone signal as far as I could tell, so she should be able to message me if she ever needed some kind of pickup on PHO.

With another quick portal, I was back in my home where I scribbled out some usage notes and information for Dinah. She might have been at school or at home (from her headaches), and so I decided I'd leave her pocket dimension gun under her pillow. Which I did, then I looked outside her house for a bit and saw sketchy black vans watching it. Sketchy black vans that seemed an awful lot like Coil's. Shit, I thought to myself, there's a chance Coil makes his play today. And so, I decided to resolve it in the best way possible. With a portal over the sea and another portal under each van.

And with a splash splash the problem was resolved, at least here. And so it was I started scanning over Brockton around the schools - after several minutes, I located sketchy black vans following one extremely smug looking Dinah Alcott. Because precogs, of course. And lo, those vans also vanished with two splashes in the ocean. A twenty minute walk later and Dinah was home - I presumed that her parents were out from some important meeting or another, leaving a 12 year old to walk home alone regularly in a city like Brockton Bay seemed... a little questionable. And with that, I considered the problem mostly dealt with, Dinah was pretty intelligent and I couldn't spend all my time making sure she was OK. Coil was going to be fucked in a few days anyway.

I still hadn't done much publicly - though the PRT was starting to leak rumors of a new tinker and they were preparing to make a press statement tomorrow - so I thought I'd make one part of my intentions very clear (and verify my PHO account in the process!). I opened another portal near New York, and bought some domino masks, and then went back through my pocket dimension again to Brockton Bay Market (the best place to buy sketchy spraypaint equipment without ID or whatever it is you'd normally need - I had never actually bought spraypaint before). It didn't take me long to buy several nice colours in large quantities - black, red, green, blue, orange, purple, yellow - and prepare to make a splash on the Bay.

The plan was simple and effective. I wanted to get ahead of whatever the hell the PRT and government said about me, I wanted to remind people that fighting back against Nazis was doable in ways without involving feudalistic trash like Lung as a counterpoint, I wanted to send a message. And where was the best place to send a message? Right where everyone in the Bay could see it while spitting in the face of the resident E88 front, Medhall Corporation. It was with no small number of cackles that I opened up small portals in a circle near the side of the Medhall building facing most of the Bay, and simply sprayed black paint through all of them simultaneously. I did the same, to make 3 neon red arrows at a downwards angle in the middle.

To finish it off, I took several minutes to write a huge message in a dark purple that matched my pocket dimension colour below it:

Fuck Nazis
Fuck Fascism
Reject Subjugation
- trans_morphic, your local queer as fuck tinker :)

I then decided to get verified. With a satisfied smirk, I opened a much larger portal where I could see the message on Medhall, and stuck my spraypaint out of the portal with one arm and made a thumbs up with the other, poking my tongue out and taking an actual picture of myself. Honestly I didn't like it much - too much of a reminder of dysphoria - but it'd do and it was kind of funny despite that. And then, I opened PHO....
Welcome to the Parahumans Online message boards.
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♦ Topic: Verification
In: Boards ► Private Messages ► Tin_Mother
(Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Posted On Mar 6th 2011:
I'd like to get verified, please ;)
Let's just say I sent a bit of a spit in the face to the Empire and some encouragement to the residents of Brockton Bay w.r.t. fascists and gangs and nazis. Link.
- nya~
(Showing page 1 of 1)
►Tin_Mother (Moderator)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
I will add the tag. I would consider not doing illegal and public acts in future like this, however, and deliberately antagonising the Empire seems extremely dangerous.​
►trans_morphic (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
They would already kill me if they got the chance (which they won't). As for illegal acts, let's just say I don't think the legal authorities are competent or able to tackle fascists, and I care very little about legality.​
Thanks for adding the tag tho :)
- nya~​
►Tin_Mother (Moderator)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
Still, please consider it.​
End of Page. 1

And, of course, once I had verification, I then went to fuck around on my introduction thread that Bagrat had made!

♦ Topic: New Tinker Announces Themself Ahead of PRT Conference
In: Boards ► Locations ► USA ► Brockton Bay ► Recent Events
(Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted On Mar 6th 2011:
It looks like the rumors of a new Tinker cape are true. They've announced themselves in probably the most blatant way possible, by spraying a massive message and symbol on the Medhall building. See here.
(Showing page 6 of 9)
►nah_not_me (Cape Groupie)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
tbh Medhall seems an odd target.​
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
After consulting with our press team, I can confirm that this is the new tinker being talked about. The PRT will be providing more information in a press conference soon.​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
Im thinking maybe paint tinker or flying tinker​
how did they even get up there and do it fast enough to not get noticed?​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
Not sure they should have done that, Kaiser will be out for blood​
Maybe do less vandalism next time if they're still around if they're even alive​
►Tin_Mother (Moderator)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
Due to the controversial nature of the new Tinker's actions, and their status as an LGBT+ cape, this thread is now being heavily watched by forum moderators.​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
hope Kaiser does what he does best, for the city - remove the degenerate cluttering up our streets and buildings​
(Banned: Don't advocate for removing queer people - Tin_Mother)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
Personally I hope the PRT stop the awful vandalism and put 'em away. Would probably be for the best if we don't want the city to get any worse.​
►nah_not_me (Cape Groupie)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
the more i think, the weirder it seems, there were several other skyscrapers that would work just as well​
►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@nah_not_me Probably some personal grudge or something with an employee, or maybe they were fired or something.​
Its pretty iconic though, probably all the justification they needed.​
►nah_not_me (Cape Groupie)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ Thatdude it's their choice i suppose​
at least people are not being too shit here - this page isnt full of misgendering yet like some of the earlier ones​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
I wonder if they have access to hormones​
if so im fucken jealous​
►trans_morphic (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ actuallyZandra woo a fellow trans person (presumably) c:​
pls stay safe around like the fucking nazis and shit​
and I do have access to hormones actually. Im not in a position to redistribute yet, i actually have an implant that converts testosterone to estrogen​
right now not something i can like, mass produce or anything. will probably do something in the future, access to hrt is important, fuck gatekeeping​
@ nah_not_me i did have a reason for picking Medhall beyond just personal spite ;)
i'll let you all figure it out what it is~​
►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Temp-Banned - 1 day)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ nah_not_me bet Medhall is secretly funding the Empire or something. Maybe they provide legit jobs for the capes. Or maybe the CEO is dating Kaiser in secret, that'd be pretty funny.​
@ trans_morphic Am I right?​
(This comes close to speculating on cape identities. Have a warning - Tin_Mother)​
►Point_Me_@_The_Sky (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ trans_morphic Shame I might have to fight you. Graffiti on Medhall was unnecessary, though I agree - fuck Nazis. Messing with the PRT like you did yesterday was pretty villainous though so yaknow...​
Maybe we'll get to chat properly in other circumstances, probably with you in a cell at this rate, or maybe you'll decide to join the light side​
►trans_morphic (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ XxVoid_CowboyxX surprisingly insightful, but incorrect. The real reason is worse.​
@ Point_Me_@_The_Sky​
I was just giving them information.​
So much highly dangerous information~​
I love telling secrets and hate keeping them but I know way too much, enough to get everyone killed. Getting some of it to the right people like that was the only good way I could think of, and also it was really funny and I dislike cops enough that I don't care that it caused them problems.​
I didn't just mess with the PRT, either, and this won't be the last time I do stuff like this. Best get used to it ;3​
Also i hate how superhero has become a synonym for supercop. its gross imo, i mean like do you think punching people actually solves structural problems or something??​
On another note, I wonder how many in BBPD are E88 sympathisers? Important questions, important questions....​
kidnapping and torturing me wont get this shit out of me, torture doesn't actually work anyway and most of this isn't useful to people's goals, its more "if it becomes general knowledge it will start a multiversal apocalypse" kinda shit so yeah just dont fuck with it. Like seriously unless you want everyone to die dont try and get it out of me until humanity is ready or whatever, also if you kill me it all gets released.​
Double also: good luck keeping me trapped lol, pocket dimension go brr​
►trans_morphic (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
Also my lab/home is like the only place i have, dont fuck with it like armsmaster did it's pretty unpleasant for everyone (mostly me tho ;-;).​
Keep an eye on coil btw, way more powerful than he makes out, real rule from the shadows kinda guy who really does not care at all about the unwritten rules. Guy'd have me drugged in a basement somewhere if he could, I know someone he was planning to do that to actually.​
- nya~​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ trans_morphic That's pretty neat, I really wish you could give me one :(
Honestly i'm just glad someone is finally going to put some real pressure on the empire, it just seems like people are fine with them a lot of the time. its pretty fucked up​
and i cant believe youre actually in the thread o.o​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ trans_morphic The empire do vandalism too, you shouldn't sink to their level bro​
►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
PR requires I do not express support for trans_morphic's actions.​
►Gallant (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ Vista be careful what you post​
I unequivocally condemn your actions, @ trans_morphic. Vandalising Medhall is not the appropriate way to express disagreement.​
End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
(Showing page 7 of 9)
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ trans_morphic Be saved! Repent from your demonic ACTS!!!​
►ILoveWhiteTraps (Banned)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
(That is absolutely vile. Have a ban - Tin_Mother)​
►trans_morphic (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ Vista I think I get what you're saying ;)
@ actuallyZandra I can't dismantle the bigotry that causes the Empire by myself, unfortunately. Others have to do work as well and help disrupt or stake out their operations. In fact having me as a single point of failure is a bad idea.​
What I'm saying is - start forming your own organisations :3​
- nya~​
►nah_not_me (Cape Groupie)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ trans_morphic Wait you're using tinkertech for hormones? I'm not sure if that's cool or scary.​
I wonder what your specialty is, maybe bioaugmentation or something? The thread didn't have any particularly good ideas before you came along.​
@ Col_Xy have any other ideas? The HRT information makes me think there's something important we're missing. They could have bought the pocket dimension and implant from Toybox, but they seem (no offense) too poor for that.​
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
While I'm not allowed to confirm any details, I know for a fact that their specialty isn't likely related to paint. The spraypaint used was just ordinary, store bought cans.​
We encourage the public to avoid asking trans_morphic for anything related to hormones or access to sex transition. Transsexuals should go through proper channels.​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ nah_not_me Perhaps a pocket dimension tinker then? If they bought the implant anyway. I still think we're missing something, but we can at least rule out paint tinker thanks to @ Reave​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ Reave yeah! no giving hormones to children, we know that's what they want to do.​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ run_around_the_block I don't know if I'd go that far, but we definitely need to have a discussion on the issue of confused normal people getting surgery. Its a big problem.​
►trans_morphic (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ AnonymousDecree @ run_around_the_block Neither of you understand how transition works. Please stop with the transphobic talking points and stuff. I know exactly what you're doing and I already have to deal with way too much of that crap :mad:
@ Reave have you SEEN the process for access to HRT here? If you arent rich you're basically fucked and it's humiliating and insulting and at least a year long. Fuck. That. Shit. (also transsexual is a very outdated and often offensive and dehumanising term, transgender is usually preferred urgh).​
Right now though I can't give anything resembling HRT to anyone though at a reasonable access level, but when I have time and nab more resources I can probably set something up.​
- nya~​
(Tone down the antagonism a little, trans_morphic - Tin_Mother)​
►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Temp-Banned - 1 day)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ trans_morphic I noticed you didn't answer about your specialty, are you avoiding the question or something?​
►nah_not_me (Cape Groupie)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ XxVoid_CowboyxX maybe give 'em some time to answer? Or maybe they just didn't notice yet. No need to be a dick about it. And if they are avoiding the question, so what?​
@ Col_Xy Honestly seems like a good possibility.​
Something else that we seem to have forgotten is the whole thing where they mentioned the potential to cause a MULTIVERSAL APOCALYPSE, why the fuck is no-one freaking out about that???​
►trans_morphic (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ nah_not_me @ Col_Xy I made all the tinkertech I have, actually. My specialty isn't pocket dimensions. I'm not in any way connected to toybox either, and I am in fact way too broke to buy anything from them anyhow.​
Fun fact - one of the first things i built was a laser hair removal machine, but i forgot to get numbing cream to counteract pain, so I passed out when i used it. it hurt a lot heh. I kinda already disassembled it for parts tho ;3​
In fact my actual power is sufficiently strange that I doubt many people will figure it out, it lacks certain characteristics of other powers that are quite distinctive.​
I'm also surprised by the lack of freakout tbh ;p. I've been coping by distracting myself a lot and trying not to have a breakdown ^.^​
- nya~​
@ XxVoid_CowboyxX there is a reason I'm not revealing the true nature of my power, (as much as i really want to) yah. Take a guess what it might be related to ;p​
Feel free to speculate though, it's not dangerous or anything.​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ trans_morphic You should stop with transition and get help, we can stop whoever confused you.​
►aerinbbvet (Veteran Member)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
@ nah_not_me​
Honestly I think half the people in the Bay are wishing for death at this rate, might explain the lack of panic. Or most people think trans_morphic's wrong or exaggerating or making stuff up or something.​
►trans_morphic (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
Blegh. I'm out for a bit, don't wanna deal with more transphobia from this thread right now and I'm gonna end up saying something and getting banned in response.​
be gay do crime, nya~​
►Procto the Unfortunate Tinker (Not a tinker)​
Replied On Mar 6th 2011:​
You a cat or something?​
End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


I sighed and closed the laptop. I guess I shouldn't be surprised the internet still has tons of transphobes on it, but it's merely a consequence of the sociopolitical environment of Brockton Bay... I suspected that there was going to be a lot more shit going down very soon. In Brockton there was a surprisingly small number of non-white or non-straight capes, certainly disproportionate to the inflated number of triggers you would expect, which I suspected might be related to the Empire. Maybe they were in hiding, or maybe they were dead, either was a bad, bad thing and I intended to tear that bias apart.

Compared to some of the radical shifts the things I wanted to do were likely to cause, it'd be a minor change in the grand scheme of things, but this was a good start. Someone needed to catalyse and aid in the destruction of the Empire's systems of subjugation and repression, and it may as well be me rather than someone even less able to defend themselves. The Empire needed to die.
[end of chapter - nya~]
So, first PHO interlude, and first taste of public reaction ;3
Steal all their money ^^ and then portray the E88 as a hostile military force that is currently occupying America ^^ The chances are high that in WORM the American government is still at war with the Nazis, then you identify yourself as a partisan and just kill them. This makes it as good as impossible to get you for murder
Spoiler: trans_morphic logo
Literally my only concern with this is that it can look slightly phallic, a probably sorta realistic way for people to vandalize it if people in-universe have a problem with you (the SI) lmao, tho whatever you wanna do about that, yeah, XD

There has *got* to be a way to put together a semicolon and a right parenthesis together without turning it into an emote when you don't want it to be lmao, probably

►trans_morphic (Verified Cape)Replied On Mar 6th 2011:Blegh. I'm out for a bit, don't wanna deal with more transphobia from this thread right now and I'm gonna end up saying something and getting banned in response.
Honestly I'm just glad we haven't come across much of those here quite yet (hopefully not, but yeah😅)

Any case, reactions seem about right to me at least. I feel that maybe some outright 88-sympathizers and neonazis would eventually head over to the thread and/or already left their own messages in a 9-page thing, but I guess they were a bit later or banned or otherwise dealt with already or something,
Recluse Connections - 2.4
[cw misgendering and also the Empire being super fucking Nazi fuckers]
[disclaimer - Wildbow owns Worm, I do not own Worm]

I actually felt like sleeping at the moment. I'd already done so much in the day. So I slept, and then I got up again (as you do) ready for a whole new day of... loneliness. And fucking over Nazis to be fair, but that didn't really compare to the isolation.

I thought over what needed to be done and remembered one of the more important things - processing unit generation. The issue was of course a lack of doping materials for silicon, and I again wondered with some excitement if I could get away with skipping the whole silicon bullshit and jumping directly to pure graphene processors. I considered - what if I could impart some abstract tinkertech variant of spin that would let me rotate bi-layered graphene to induce the required metamaterial states for transistors! No need for complex graphene reworking during manufacture if I can just splice micro-squares of graphene to refine - block by block - into small regions of metamaterial. The only limit was essentially the precision and size of the lasers.

Pushing my specialty towards laser-made nanomaterials, it took merely a few hours for me to scratch together a complex design capable of using interference patterns from even my current crude lasers - on top of a silicon carbide substrate - to make structured rotations on the order of about 7 nanometres. Honestly it just spoke to the sheer nonsense I could do with this power, but I wasn't complaining. And of course, unlike Silicon-based tech, all the conductive regions in the chips I designed would be superconductive, graphene metamaterials, and the graphene itself would conduct heat so well I could jump up the clockspeed by at least 5x the equivalent silicon circuitry, amongst several other levels of bullshit.

The actual chips themselves wouldn't even be tinkertech (at least for now), there was no need. While developments in chip design in my time (2021) were far ahead of that of Earth Bet, it wasn't so far that I'd need blackboxing from my power to make it at the moment, which was definitively a good thing. Tinkertech replication difficulty - as far as I could guess - came from 3 things: advanced manufacturing techniques with complex and precise localised shaker effects, local universe multidimensional phenomena (talking here about dimensions as in spacial dimensions), and actual blackboxed components that essentially offloaded processing and/or material to a shard itself via microportals that - as far as I could deduce given the lack of impact on tinkertech from power nullifiers - were primarily present in a different spacial dimension as compared with the microportals of parahuman connections. I guessed that the first and second were the bits of tinkertech Dragon was able to reverse-engineer with her power, and the third were not reverse-engineerable with any conventional parahuman power whatsoever.

My thoughts finally jumping back to the design I'd made for producing graphene-based chips, I had two main obstacles - access to silicon carbide (for the substrate), and access to material for casings, actually. To solve the first one, I did a little research and found out I could probably just buy bulk rice and heat it in a vacuum furnace or something - not too hard to do given how little I needed - though I did need to obtain ceramics. What did that mean? A trip to the scrapyard for old pots. I needed a lot of furnaces at the moment, actually, for various processes, so I pushed all my charges over to Furnace Tinkering and began the easy process of nicking various appropriately sized ceramic pieces. Then I jumped back home and bought some bulk rice packages as the sun moved over the skyline of Brockton Bay. I was... pretty tired but I really wanted to get some furnaces up and running and so I took a mere 30 minutes to assemble the primitive technology that would let me truly begin manufacturing some processing units for myself.

Heat management would be another problem, but for now I could just circulate air out of my pocket dimension and it'd be enough, and within the hour (in which I desperately browsed PHO to continue to push away the sense of isolation I was seriously starting to feel), I had crystalline blocks of silicon carbide. Modifying some of the remaining ceramic, I produced a bottom panel for the purposes of manufacturing chips.

In essence, it had little nodules evenly spaced that allowed for solidifying of metal connectors, and those nodules could move upward and be flash-heated to fuse the connectors to a printed chip of various sizes, up to some pretty massive boards, but also down to minuscule ones. All my chips would have power consumption an order of magnitude lower than silicon based chips, and running at 5x the clock speed at minimum. And so, I got to tinkering, constructing a vacuum chamber with all the lasers in appropriate positions. All I lacked were casings, which were pretty simple to make out of ceramics - so I just pushed my specialty to 3 in ceramics and 2 in scrap tinkering, such that I could make a highly thermally conductive ceramic out of, essentially, bits of clay and household chemicals. Another half hour and I'd done making a simple container for producing the ceramic mix.

It would take overnight for my first computing chip to be produced. It would be stupidly powerful compared to anything I'd used before, though I needed more lasers and more precise lasers if I wanted increased speed of application of the bilayer graphene rotations. So, after an exhaustiing mess of tinkering for several more hours fine tuning to ensure correctness, and after all the work I'd done I curled up in bed, constantly reminded of my isolation, until I fell asleep once more.

Somewhere in Cryptographically Secured Cyberspace
Welcome, actuallyZandra@03a7:79a1::0362 to #bb-opno88
on ene-cryptchat (03c6:192d::a237)
antifbob: heya!
xx_smash_xx: hi, we were just talking about some disruption of e88 ops
xx_smash_xx: techniques on disruption, warning signals, etc. giving intel to New Wave - we think the prt is compromised and there's some suspicions of medhall connections going around - would make sense for trans_morphic to put antifascist symbols on them in that case
actuallyZandra: I had a poke around near Medhall and found some sketchy stuff. several warehouses with clear Empire guards and shit
actuallyZandra: One of them I saw receive some pretty large boxes, earlier, labelled with medhall corporation on them
xx_smash_xx: cool
antifbob: u have sm addresses? mebbe we shld peek at them or smthng
actuallyZandra: actually i wrote it down
actuallyZandra: the box one was 17 Corp Street, the others were 5 Wallis Street and several a couple streets over, not sure of the address on them
actuallyZandra: pls be careful
actuallyZandra: pretty sure I saw Kaiser at some point
antifbob: thx
antifbob: stay safe
xx_smash_xx: imma try infiltrate that place
xx_smash_xx: the medhall one
antifbob: seems rlly dangerous, if a cape's there we could be screwed
xx_smash_xx: could get some backup
actuallyZandra: im trans, really really do not want to get caught by those shits
actuallyZandra: gonna stay out of this improv operation
antifbob: howvr, @xx_smash_xx, could try double team stealth or something
antifbob: mebbe some recording devices?
antifbob: i rlly want to unrvl medhall x e88 and mebbe gessel connections
antifbob: medhall pkgs in e88 warehouses is super suspish
xx_smash_xx: @antifbob meet at Forsberg Gallery?
antifbob: sure
actuallyZandra: good luck <3
actuallyZandra: I'll do some more searching for less obvious e88 ops
actuallyZandra: i gotta go do some other shit now tho
actuallyZandra@03a7:79a1::0362 left the chat

Cauldron's Perspective

The bright walls around the meeting room almost seemed to glow in their pristine condition. With barely a whisper, Alexandria, Eidolon, and Legend stepped through a hole in space, followed shortly by a woman in her characteristic fedora and suit - the ever-present bogeyman - along with Doctor Mother. Number Man made an entrance similarly lacking in fanfare.

The suited agent of the Doctor began the conversation swiftly, with a tone undoubtedly designed to induce the appropriate response. "We may have a problem". she began, and Alexandria continued the conversation for her as if prompted. "trans_morphic, and the shifts in your Paths, yes".

Contessa elaborated. "Yes, I have come to believe trans_morphic knows about our operations, and likely our goal. Shifts in my path are happening more rapidly, and they are becoming more of a blindspot. I am still unsure what exactly triggers the shifts, but over time the long term effects and changes are becoming more dramatic in scale".

She prompted Alexandria to state her hypothesis, and the namesake of Brutes spoke - "I believe this may be some combination of his" - Legend glared at her but did not speak - "power and nature as a tinker. I think, perhaps, that he may know more about our operations than we are aware of" - Legend was wincing, but let her pass the conversation to Contessa once again.

"My path to keeping the existence and operations of Cauldron a secret in the case that they are significantly hurt or killed recently extended by almost 70 steps, primarily due to contingencies they have put in place. It would be an extensive effort and the previous shifts in the Path suggest that it may become more complex or even impossible in future. "

As Contessa concluded on the topic of her Paths, Alexandria took the reigns, her face effortlessly controlled. "I don't trust him. The moment Director Piggot got one of his letters, she had clearly begun giving me the cold shoulder as the Chief-Director and was far more evasive than she has ever been, even with her generally stubborn attitude. I suspect she knows several things she shouldn't, given trans_morphic's stated fascination with sharing secrets everywhere he can without direct lethal harm coming to himself" - as Legend gritted his teeth even more than before, she continued - "I believe the Director is at the very least aware of, to some degree, the Brockton Bay experiment, and likely my dual identity as Alexandria. The psyche profile on trans_morphic strongly suggests that he is unlikely to simply share one of those secrets when he could share all of them."

Finally, Eidolon spoke up. "So, what do we do about them?", to which Legend quickly replied, while glaring at Rebecca Costa-Brown, "Well, firstly, we at least respect their gender identity when talking to them, if we want to avoid antagonising them. We also must be extremely careful, as with all tinkers. They have unknown technology, and Tattletale along with Watchdog's verification have suggested both the ability and willingness to deploy exponential threats".

Contessa, interrupting Legend, began to speak. "The path to disable their contingencies in case of immanent death involves travelling to Germany on Bet and doing various tasks, telling us that they have global reach at the very least. Attempting to bring them under the purview of the Protectorate in a functional manner would be highly difficult, with or without coercion, due to their intense distrust and distaste for authority previously demonstrated on the Parahuman Forums and interactions with the PRT since we became aware of their existence".

Doctor Mother, speaking for the first time in the conversation after Contessa finished, suggested a course of action. "As for what we do, I suggest that we use one or two of the favours we're owed and try to keep a close eye on them, as difficult as that seems to be at the moment, and begin to prepare contingencies. Given their demonstrated statements about apocalyptic events on information release, I would suggest that they are aware of the Enemy and likely working against it, as we are ourselves, but their impulsive behaviour around information is something we want to be extremely conscious of and monitor as closely as possible without alerting suspicion. I highly doubt that the fiasco with the PRT ENE 3 days ago is the last of their escapades in involuntary declassification".

"If they've made contingencies already, they are likely aware of both our existence and our methods to some degree and are paranoid enough to take preventative action. If we're going to monitor them, I think we should be extremely wary of their capabilities to catch on to us." Eidolon pointed out. "But otherwise this seems like a good plan, as long as we ensure the Protectorate knows that a rapid response to their presence is required, to gather as much information as possible and perhaps capture them."

"It seems this situation has been dealt with, for now." Alexandria finalised. "I will inform Director Piggot and the other branches of the expected rapid response to trans_morphic. Perhaps, despite the odds, we can get him to work for the Protectorate and use his tinkertech for some actual good, maybe I'll convince him to take that implant out and get his head on straight. Door to my office."

Vista Perspective - At Home
Missy was in her bed, and unfortunately for her, this was in her parents' house. She was annoyed to say the least, frustrated at the PRT's policy of hostility towards trans_morphic. Sure, they had disrupted operations a bit, but she saw how much happier Chris was already knowing his specialty - he'd been tinkering almost nonstop since the letter came through, with a grin on his face the entire time. And the thoughtful looks Miss Militia gained when she thought no-one was looking at her, Vista knew something profound had happened. She could tell, even if she didn't know what precisely trans_morphic had told the others in their letters - and it was obvious that trans_morphic intended to upend the status quo that had been maintained for so long, with dangerous information if nothing else.

Even despite the unpleasantness of Master-Stranger protocols, the effects were already worth it to her. Shadow Stalker had been transferred to Texas, after it came out that she'd been perpetuating a bullying campaign that could accurately be described as torture in her civilian identity. While I'm not happy she's still on the Wards, Missy thought to herself, at least I don't have to put up with the psycho anymore.

Thinking back to trans_morphic, she felt sorry for the Tinker and - despite PR's insistence - approved strongly of their declaration of war on Fascists and the Empire, even if they were being treated as a villanous cape by the PRT . Being visibly transgender and nonbinary, and a Tinker apparently with minimal support, in the Nazi Capital of the USA had to really fucking suck. If, of course, they can even survive the Nazis to do whatever it is they actually want to do, she idly thought to herself (remembering her own battles with Hookwolf), as she opened the thread on PHO that had got her temporarily locked out of posting by PR, to find the video response Kaiser had just released. Max Anders, she reminded herself. Piggot had disclosed that much of her letter at least. I'll never look at Medhall the same again.

Pressing play, she watched as Kaiser himself and several other E88 capes - in front of a large E88 logo on the back wall - began his speech, opening his arms wide.

"Today, I am honoured to have the good people of Brockton Bay as my audience", he began
"Just a day ago, a grand gesture of antagonism to honest, working folk was constructed, visible to all."

"A challenge to the Empire by the degenerates, the ones who leech the life from our fair city with their deviant transsexual ideology!", Kaiser gestured to the watchers.

"Diseased in mind, this tinker - going by the name trans_morphic - decided to vandalise the building of the largest employer in the city, Medhall."
Yeah, your fucking company, dickhead, Vista thought to herself, I wonder how many of those "employees" are not white or are transgender, or gay?

"The Empire intends to recruit this creature, and rebuild it to it's full humanity, as a loyal soldier of the Empire. A restoration of the natural order. of the roles best played by man and woman!", Kaiser gestured to Othala and Victor.
Jesus he's laying it on thick, she thought to herself, might be related to the indication that trans_morphic seems to know his civilian ID

"The Empire will not surrender. The Empire will not retreat. The Empire intends to protect the city from the scourges of degeneracy, to shield your fair children from the lure of transsexuals and other deviancy, to fix them or put them down if necessary. And our prime example of what we can do for you will be trans_morphic. He will come to serve the Empire, in time, or he shall cease to be a problem. I shall ensure it personally, if I must".
Fucking hell, Vista paled. The Empire were going full goddamn bore on trans_morphic. No doubt they'd be sending all the forces they could to try and catch them unguarded. Hell, she thought to herself, I wouldn't be surprised if they brought some Gesselschaft fuckers over just for them. The threat of an organised antifascist movement along with someone who sent a brazen message like that must have spooked them, and pretty fucking badly too.

"Of course, trans_morphic could realise the disease of his mind and voluntarily turn himself over to the Empire, to serve our great cause, to save Brockton Bay from the rabble who inhabit it, the lesser races and deviants sucking on the economic blood of their betters."
Literally zero percent chance of that happening, Vista darkly chuckled to herself
"And so, I leave you, the honest people of Brockton Bay, with a question. Do you want the security and strength of the Empire behind you, or do you want the approval of a mentally ill tinker who goes against his rightful place?" Kaiser finished, the video cutting to blank.

Missy was deeply worried for the new tinker. She'd heard of forced tinker recruitment, but this was something else. A full-on manhunt (or nonbinary-hunt, heh), with intent to delete their very identity, a core part of themself. While Vista was young, she was astute, experienced, and kept her ears to the ground. Fully aware of the rumours of what the Gesselschaft did to capes, the whispers of the trigger camps and the indoctrination centres, she worried deeply for the welfare of the antifascist tinker, regardless of if they were mildly villanous in classification.

She didn't sleep well that night.
[end of chapter - nya~]
Sorry for the delay. I had the first half of my CoVID shot a couple days ago :) and also have had other IRL stuff to deal with, also adhd nya.
But I hope you all appreciate the different perspectives ^.^
also misgendering myself via other characters is super uncomfortable to write :/ but also important to the nature of the story nyaeoww
Last edited:
Here is hoping for some portal deployed tactical antimatter warheads on the Nazi fucks. The chief directors office could use one too come to think of it.
Everything he just said makes me violently angry.

Alexandria too.
Here is hoping for some portal deployed tactical antimatter warheads on the Nazi fucks. The chief directors office could use one too come to think of it.
also misgendering myself via other characters is super uncomfortable to write :/ but also important to the nature of the story nyaeoww
Goddess I had to skim quite a bit over them, tho I did definitely get the gist-
It was a touch uncomfortable, but in that way that makes you wanna read more to see where it goes lmao
Their comeuppances will be sweet- and the anticipation, ooh- it's gonna be fun XD

Somewhere in Cryptographically Secured Cyberspace
Welcome, actuallyZandra@03a7:79a1::0362 to #bb-opno88
on ene-cryptchat (03c6:192d::a237)
antifbob: heya!
xx_smash_xx: hi, we were just talking about some disruption of e88 ops
xx_smash_xx: techniques on disruption, warning signals, etc. giving intel to New Wave - we think the prt is compromised and there's some suspicions of medhall connections going around - would make sense for trans_morphic to put antifascist symbols on them in that case
Yesss- boots on the ground antifa action planned XD
Here's to hoping they succeed, and get out safely

Dodging them neo-nazi fucks is easy, provided they don't know where you'd need to pop out of and stuff, and with a bit more time to build stuff you can do something that'll fuck with them right good, and I can't wait to see it XD
I hope you had fun researching and coming up with the techy bits, also I hope the SI can finally make some friends by next time.
Dodging them neo-nazi fucks is easy, provided they don't know where you'd need to pop out of and stuff, and with a bit more time to build stuff you can do something that'll fuck with them right good, and I can't wait to see it XD
I hope you had fun researching and coming up with the techy bits, also I hope the SI can finally make some friends by next time.
This is actually action independent of trans_morphic. No capes involved here. Remember actuallyZandra from the PHO thread? she's in the little antifascist chat too ;p
Goddess I had to skim quite a bit over them, tho I did definitely get the gist-
It was a touch uncomfortable, but in that way that makes you wanna read more to see where it goes lmao
Their comeuppances will be sweet- and the anticipation, ooh- it's gonna be fun XD
Oh yes. triumvirate infighting and dissent in the PRT/Protectorate/Ward ranks, Nazis being fucking Nazis. It's gonna be an absolute shitshow in the future

Everything he just said makes me violently angry.

Alexandria too.
Same and i wrote it.
nya. And I do hope the discomfort was conveyed properly even to the cis audience ;p, but i for sure understand skipping over those bits because they were uncomfortable for me to write, because, well, frankly it's a realistic portrayal of some of the more extreme kinds of bigotry trans people put up with nyaa
This is actually action independent of trans_morphic. No capes involved here. Remember actuallyZandra from the PHO thread? she's in the little antifascist chat too ;p

Oh yes. triumvirate infighting and dissent in the PRT/Protectorate/Ward ranks, Nazis being fucking Nazis. It's gonna be an absolute shitshow in the future

Same and i wrote it.
nya. And I do hope the discomfort was conveyed properly even to the cis audience ;p, but i for sure understand skipping over those bits because they were uncomfortable for me to write, because, well, frankly it's a realistic portrayal of some of the more extreme kinds of bigotry trans people put up with nyaa

So they're going to get bodied, right? Grand Old Testament style?
This is actually action independent of trans_morphic. No capes involved here. Remember actuallyZandra from the PHO thread? she's in the little antifascist chat too ;p
Yeah, I was happy there's action from other antifascists in BB and all that too, since I think it'd be hard for there not to be and all that without some extreme measures taken to quash it, and even then I doubt that'll work 100%.