Red Soul: Back to the Future

IB, calm down mate. Trust me, no matter what you voted on, there would have been some variation on this.

Put yourself in Kyoko's shoes for a moment. Do you think you would have remained calm in this situation?

No. The answer is no.

Kyoko's a very emotional, reactive lass. Remember her threatening to kill Sayaka over the apple in canon, who, keep in mind, she was trying to help at the time? Compared to the show, Kyoko's considerably mellowed by this point; canon Kyoko would have killed Oscar outright in this situation. Probably would have regretted the shit out of it, but there's no way she would have been able to control herself here without the considerable character development she's gone through; what we have now is basically an average angry teenager rant.
ImmortalsBlade said:
Pinwheel hasn't done anything.

Honestly why do we keep going for the stupidest options? Gough, Patches and now this. I mean come on, it wasn't hard to see that she's going to become obsessed and uber protective of it and that Oscar knew she would and was trying to help. Why the fuck did we have to try and keep the fucking thing? Fucking hell couldn't we have come up with anything else?
Kyouko does recognize Oscar's intentions, even if the way he delivered them rubbed her the wrong way. Nor has their relationship fatally soured, from the sounds of things.
A part of you knows he's trying to help, that Oscar's just doing what he thinks is right.

The rest of you is too fucking angry to care.


He doesn't move except to sigh and cross his arms. You leap away.
Would not letting Kyouko cool off be better than any clever scheme we may concoct?

(I'm also not convinced that Kyouko's little memory charm, in and of itself, is a danger to her on the level of the One Ring here...)
I'm not sure I understand the strong reaction to decide to "Keep" it. Wasn't he just saying to put it away for now?
I'm just going to say "I told you so" here.

If you know that Kyouko's about to do something ... suboptimal, and you can choose to either control how she does it or to not (which was the result of "go for the sane option")... well. Emotional judo is something SB has never been good at.

I'm just glad this worked even a little.
Tiypo said:
I'm sorry, but I can't understand your thought process. The little part that agreed with him was Kyoko's respect, the part that blew up was everything that is her trauma and emotions. She'd have blown up at ANYONE who suggested what Oscar did, only they wouldn't have lived.
If it was someone who she didn't respect, she'd have put a spear through them instead of justified herself.
You simply turn your head, and tilt your shoulders a little, twisting at the waist. Behind you is a tall woman in dingy black robes and a hood that covers her face. Despite giving her a glare that could frost gasoline, she seems unaffected by it. She simply casually walks over to you- you can't help but notice that the mud dries and cracks just before her bare feet touch the ground, so that she's walking on solid dirt- and leans against the pillar.

"Few humans can see me; there are even fewer that I would willingly show myself to."

"Yeah, so what?" You smile viciously. "Oh, you hitting on me? 'Cause you gotta have more game than that if you wanna pick up chicks in a swamp."

If the woman had any reaction to that, it didn't show from behind her hood. "I overheard you talking to that knight. About the memento of your sister and mother that he wishes you to part with."

You turn to face her fully. "Yeah, so what?"

She shrugs a shoulder. You catch a hint of gold stitching in the folds of her robes in the moment.

"He has never lost something he loves. He doesn't understand the pain and helplessness one feels."

Your anger's dissipating, but still not yet gone. "So, what, you just wanna say hi because of some "I know what you're going through" crap?"

She raises a hand. Despite the filth of her robes, her long, delicate hand is blemishless; her milky-white skin and perfect nails look like they just came from a salon. A tiny flame, swirling like molasses, balances on her fingertip. It slides down her finger like a mountain stream, curling around her palm, winding in and out of her fingers. The light makes the gold in her robe shimmer and dance. From under her hood, her red eyes reflect the little snake of flame, like a vein of gold running though blood.

ImmortalsBlade said:
Oh boy, Quelana does Kyoko got some news for you...

Now is Kyoko in the right frame of mind to put together phenomenal control over fire and heat+losing loved ones+ red eyes= Quelaag and Quelaan's sister without hearing her name?

Well might as well try:
[X] "You... You're one of Quelaan and Quelaag's sisters."
That... seems a bit of a leap to make, in-character.

Not voting against it, since it could be neat if thagguy does let us get away with it... (Perhaps make it a question? e.g. "You... are you related to Quelaan and Quelaag?")
Yeah, I can't think of any reason for Kyouko to know who this is, so:

[x] *Skeptically* "Don't you need a glove for that? Last guy definitely did."
The flame, and the color of her eyes-triggers a start of recognition in you.

"You-you're Quelaan and Quelaag's sisters."

The flame stops, and from the back shortens like a fuse and finally winks out.

"Remarkably astute. I...was not expecting you to make that connection. But yes. When my mother and sisters were consumed and molded into deformed creatures, I escaped through my cowardice. I..." she trails off for a moment. The edges of her robes ripple, like there was a sudden light updraft. She takes a gliding step towards you, and bends down so that her eyes are at your level. The combined effect is something like an enormous black owl plunging on a mouse.

The tiny lights you can see within her pupils from beneath her cloak doesn't take away from the intimidating effect.

"How do you know those two names, human? Not since Salaman has a walker of flesh known the names of any of my sisters."

How does one go about saying that we were witness to one of your sister's executions and the other's painful, terminal sickness? I would presume with care and tact.

Kyoko doesn't really have either of those things.

So, is honesty the best policy here? Just say it plainly and cleanly, no embellishment and hope it works out?
[] "I met them both. Their bodies were changed, yes, but their minds were still intact."
-[] Continue to tell her the truth, as far as you know.

Vote boxes left unfilled so other readers can filter this through Kyokospeak.
thagguy said:
Lemme just point out that, among other things, she'd have to pass Quelaag's mutated, mutiliated corpse, which might be a bit of a surprise.
I was about to mention that. Yeah, nothing quite puts a crimp on going to say hello to a family member like having to pass by another family member's corpse to get there. Just ruins the flavor of the tea once you arrive, you know?
I have no idea what to do

On one hand, we could gain a person we could confide in. On the other, I don't want her to kill the Fair Lady.
I like this, the despair potential appeals to me. Also the way this was worded seems funny:
[X] Well, you of all people deserve to know... (Ballad of Blighttown)
[x] Start at the beginning: After arriving in Blighttown, we came upon Lord Ornstein and Quelaag, locked in confrontation... (Ornstein won, left for Anor Londo, and we stumbled across Quelaan)
[x] Explain Quelaan's condition: bodily mutation, sickness due to charity, but sane state of mind.

Should we mention Quelaag's soul, and our options for handling it?
[x] I met them just yesterday. Their bodies might have been changed but they still had their minds. Well, Quelaan's not all there but that's because of the pain of taking everybody's hurt onto herself, not her transformation. Quelagg's dead though, Ornstien killed her for killing people to get humanity to soothe Quelaan's pain.