Something About the Rain
It was Sunday and so it rained. Mei found it odd that a single day out of the week was designated for rainfall in the village, it contradicted everything she'd learned about it prior.

They rented an already furnished flat for their needs, a generous amount of ryo from the mission pot but it was worth it because while their neighbours might not be the friendliest they were easy to interrogate under the pretence of new residents. It was the old couple next door that informed them of the scheduled rain, they found it odd but the only explanation they got was that it was the 'Angel's Gift'.

Mei's partner, or rather, darling husband Daiki simply found it refreshing, said it gave people time to do their laundry, kids the chance to play without getting ill and so many other pointless defences. He knew as well as she did that rain wasn't commanded and if it was, at this scale, it had to be a jutsu.

Daiki was better than she was at playing house, which Mei found surprising given all her dreams of a family. But this wasn't a true family so she forgave herself for not feeling as comfortable as he. Daiki was more experienced with infiltrations having spent more time in the ANBU than she dared.

It was good though, he was easy to work with and together Mei believes they put up a show convincing enough of the eyes trained on them. But that's another thing, since they passed the multitude of examinations before being allowed to enter, there have been a number of eyes on them.

Not enough to make her worry about the mission being found out, no, just a healthy amount of surveillance she'd expect from any competent shinobi village. Except, that changes entirely on Sunday.

Mei stared out the window, it was almost noon and yet the skies were darkened with so many rain clouds it might as well be night. Idly she drew her knife through the slab of meat they'd be having for lunch and dinner all while musing the rain.

She'd stepped out to enjoy it when it started at midnight but when the first drop fell to her cheek she knew something was dangerously wrong with it. It fell from the sky like a god had thrown out a bucket from the heavens and for over eight hours its intensity never eased up. There weren't any playful drizzles before hail or even lightning arcing through the clouds to announce its presence.

Nothing but rain.

The entrance door opened and she felt Daiki's presence, heard him dripping all over the floors. He sighed, tired from a long, cold day of pretence.

"You're back early. How was the job hunt?" she yelled out from the kitchen, snapping back to reality and eagerly chopping up the meat and moving on to the vegetables.

Daiki groaned, "Ah…they aren't looking for anything I can offer and they're wary of me. Apparently today is a holy day, everyone with a roof has a shrine lit for the Angel."

The denizens of the rain were extremely isolationist, it's a miracle they even got in but even then, to find work, find a place to stay or even begin to ingratiate with the systems here as an outsider was a challenge of its own as the people could always tell who was new and who wasn't.

"How was it here?" Daiki asked, coming in the kitchen and leaning by the counter. He plucked a slice of onion and chewed.

As mission leader Mei decided it would be best if she played the role of a housewife, often going out on strolls with her patchwork basket to shop for foodstuff bits at a time. She was still young enough that it would garner suspicion if she went out looking for jobs like Daiki but at the same time not quite old enough that she'd relate with the other housewives nearby.

She'd made some acquaintances in the market after a couple visits, they were easing up to her and the healthy ryo she provided also made her some quick friends. In time she'd grow comfortable with the loosest lips and many of the questions plaguing her about this 'Angel' of theirs and whatever happened to Hanzo would be answered.

Mei looked over at Daiki, waving the knife at the rain, "Did you feel anything? Aside from cold I mean."

He thought, eyes watching her knife swings closely, "Uhm, like when I stepped out? Hmm, not really. What are you thinking?"

She sighed and went on chopping, "You know what I'm thinking."

He stayed silent for a moment before shifting closer, his hand glided over hers and forced them to drop the knife as he seized them. "Come, I'm soaked in the rain and I have only you to warm me up."

Daiki was a handsome man even if he wasn't her type, but her type didn't matter, this was a mission and so she let his arms wrap around her in a tight, warming hug. He kissed her cheek and whispered, "You know now isn't the time, let's be patient."

Advice from a more experienced officer. She planted a kiss on his lip as they pulled apart, patting his cheek affectionately she said, "Go, change up and I'll have lunch ready in a few."

Daiki grinned like the happily married man he wasn't and left her to finish up with lunch prep. He was right, it was too early to make any major investigations, besides, they'd sent back word to Kiri about the successful infiltration and have yet to receive further orders. There wasn't any need to be hasty.

Yet, Mei felt something was bubbling just under the surface here and perhaps it was just her inexperience but it was unsettling how everyone in the rain pretended like Hanzo didn't exist. And what was all this talk about the Angel? Were they the one behind the scheduled rain?

The question that plagued her most though was what Yagura was thinking, what did he know? What were his intentions for this place? Why were they here?

Mei sighed at her furrowed brows and tried to relax, it wouldn't do any good to earn wrinkles over something she had no control or say in. Still, she'd already begun wishing she were home, she missed her village and though it's barely been a week since they infiltrated, Mei could tell this would be a long mission.

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik, Asura and Someone for being a part of the library!
If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click
Sharp Toothed Negotiations
Junko Hoshigaki could only see two sides to what was happening, the good and the very bad.

Servants shuffled around the compound hastily attending duties they had left over but Junko knew it was futile. She was hastily moving out of the mansion, throwing on the only proper jacket she could find in time and tying her hair up so she's moderately presentable.

Still, despite the minute head start they got from the gatemen there wasn't enough time to cover up just how much of a mess the clan compound was or even summon her advisors to join her in meeting the Yondaime Mizukage.

She jumped onto the roof and peeked the familiar outline of the Mizukage's blue hat and the imposing symbol of all water on it. She squinted and noted the two people at his side, both standing taller than the Mizukage himself— they'd said he was short.

Junko quickly placed the face of Ao, the one said to have gotten himself a Byakugan, a usable one at that. He looked well and comfortable at the Mizukage's right-hand. The other was one wearing a demon mask, Junko struggled to place it for a moment but couldn't deny the familiarity. She had no idea who was behind it though.

The Mizukage began to look up at her position and Junko quickly made herself scarce, landing on the ground and clapping aggressively at her servants, "Quick now, finish what you're doing now and get out. Tell the kitchen they'd better prepare, sencha tea, get it!"

Junko pressed her clothes down in a stray mirror as they huffed through their work. One servant nearly spilling a water bucket all over the floor. Good help was so hard to find. But then she would have good help if it weren't for…nevermind. She opened the doors a foolish servant had shut, letting air run in and out unheeded before hurriedly shifting a couch in place all.

Finally, she stopped by the large tank hosting her long-time friend and asked, "How is it? Not bad?"

Samekiru took his time swimming around and Junko's kicked her knee impatiently until the giant white shark within the tank that took up all most of the vertical in her home measured a grin at her.

He had a scarred eye that had glazed over but he refused to transplant and a gruesome cut down his nose and along the bottom of his stomach. He shook his head and booped the glass between them.

"No, it's not Kisame or actually, maybe it is I-"

Before she could form two sentences of conversation with her longest companion a stray guard of hers announces behind her, "Yondaime Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi, sir."

She caught a glimpse of Yagura in the reflection of the tank before she turned around, presenting her best, friendly looking smile at the man. Her feet carried her forward to kneel without her having to think about it, "Lord Yagura, it is good to see you again."

He rested a hand on her shoulder, grateful for her acquiescence but found it unnecessary, "I hope so, I know I've come quite unexpectedly." He glances around the large parlour, examining the many trinkets and treasures from her time at sea.

Junko rose and turned to Ao, "It's also good to lay eyes on Kirigakure's one and only Dojutsu user, how is it?"

Ao stiffened, his eyes dart between the Mizukage and herself but before his lips part Yagura spoke, "You can find out on your own time, Hoshigaki-dono, I am unfortunately not here for many pleasantries."

Of course he wouldn't. Junko pressed her smile and quickly offered her Mizukage a place to sit, his companions however chose to stand like statues behind him. She called for tea, insisting that it is the least she can and must muster for the grace of his presence in her home alone.

While that was being made, she took in the young man that she'd slit her wrist in oath to. His inauguration day had left little of him to the common noble and though she is the face of the Hoshigaki, one of the five major clans, she knew better than most that they weren't as well positioned as any of the clans sitting on his council now. Funato, Hozuki and Karatachi.

There's major five and then there's great three.

She let her smile lax a bit as she started with the small talk, even with the statues behind him he would accept this much, wouldn't he? "How goes the search? I got the report about these Kaguya and I've ensured any hidden amongst us were put to use."

His eyes narrowed at her for a fraction then shifted focus behind her. Junko didn't need to turn around to know he felt someway about the giant shark lounging with them in the parlour but she also didn't need to address it if he wouldn't.

"The Sensor Division has recovered some sense and put it to good use." He began in a measured tone; it was heard to read him beneath the full veil of his Kage attire. "There will be changes made to many functions of Kiri after this is fully resolved."

Junko nodded with sympathies, "Yes, it's unfortunate you've come in power at such a tumultuous period, first the Third and now this? It makes you wonder doesn't it?"

He answered without missing a beat, "It is quite the opposite, Hoshigaki-dono, it's fortunate that I've come when I have. It is starkly clear that Kiri is in need of some change and that's part of the reason I am here today."

"Oh?" Junko tensed measurably hearing this. As she thought, this could only end in two ways— good or very bad. She hadn't the time to forge a bond with the Mizukage prior or even after the fact of his inauguration. And now he's sitting in her parlour after arriving unannounced, without schedule or even a little parley of words.

Moreover, he was wearing every bit of legitimacy he swore to as Mizukage. His haori, hat and the veil all spectacularly white, the one man in all of Kiri with a Dojutsu and a mysterious man donning a demon-mask whose origins was on the tip of her tongue.

Junko was unlike her fellow major clan heads in various ways but most noticeably she was youngest of all. But despite it she has seen enough of clan and village guile to know when a person is making a show of force and power.

She'd participated in the Second Shinobi was as a hastily promoted Chuunin and proved her worth just as quickly—! She snapped her finger at the demon-mask man and grinned a toothy grin.

"I remember where that mask is from now," she said and watched the mysterious figure tense before realizing the young Mizukage was getting to his point of visit. "Oh, yes, don't mind me please, it's just been bugging since I laid eyes on it."

He gave her an odd look beneath the veil but continued, "Yes, well, he is key in why I've come today. Hoshigaki-dono, I want you to be part of the change I'm building and so I've come to offer a boon."

A boon? No doubt the price paid will be just as great. Junko said nothing as her lazy servants finally shuffled out to set the table with sencha tea and some sweet biscuits, "I heard you enjoyed sencha, Mizukage-sama, please enjoy."

At this he outright frowns and Junko gulped, she was treading truly unfamiliar ground. Did he not like sencha afterall? No, no, her advisors had literally chanted the word in her ear when word of his outing with the Hozuki girl happened.

Still, he isn't rude and bothered himself with a single sip before setting it down and getting right back to what he was saying, "I will be blunt. I need the Hoshigaki to house some of the Kaguya for a time."

Junko almost spit her own tea, only calm prevailed in time and she got away with a wet nose, "House? The Kaguya?"

Were they not the source of his stresses at the moment? Junko couldn't figure the man out but she did anticipate what this would be about, this wasn't as simple as a request, this was an order. He might not have come with a battalion of ANBU but denying him as he's dressed in all the effigies of the Mizukage and the Daimyos will would not be wise.

Junko restrained the bubbling frustration within her, "I see…and am I privy to knowing why this is happening? The Kaguya have slaughtered people of our village, why shelter them?"

If he was phased by her hesitance, he didn't show it, instead he merely leaned in and took another sip of tea— look at that, he does like sencha. "I should emphasise that the ones you will shelter are not combatants, they will mostly be old folk and infants."

Junko couldn't miss him talking like she'd already accepted, then again, what choice did she really have? Hmmm…choice. "Why is this task specific to the Hoshigaki? We have no love for the Kaguya and their ilk. Why not the Karatachi compound or Hozuki?"

The Mizukage sighed and began taking off his hat. He laid it down beside him and met her gaze. He was as boyish as Kisame described and yet this boy had beaten him down and gone on to do that same to that hairy Suikazan.

"Some people are more amenable to change than others, Hoshigaki-dono, you may refuse but I will simply move on to the next solution." The unspoken fact that he wouldn't forget her turning back on him was not missed. He glanced back at the demon mask then at her, "You should know I don't come empty handed in my request, I have a suitable reward in mind for everyone joining me for change."

Ahh, so I might get the good ending after all. Junko kept her burst of optimism from her face with a sip from her cup, a bit too eager and she drank the entire thing like a shot of sake, eliciting a curious but understanding look from the Mizukage— not something she expected to see as a reaction to what everyone calls a bad habit.

"What do you have in mind? A place on the council?" She said, fiercely meeting his eyes. She caught him flinch and a pleasantness warmed her— this wasn't so bad after all, he was difficult to read but had little patience for guile, a long conversation would make his stoic of authority easier to pierce.

"Not as such, no, I was thinking more of an assuredness of Kisame's inheriting the Samehada. Fuguki isn't dead yet but I can assure you Kisame will have his hands on Samehada when he takes his last. In the meantime, he'll take every available opportunity to train and master the blade."

Junko wasn't sure if he was offering a boon or threatening the one they already had. The First Mizukage's legendary blades were more than just powerful weapons, they were a status symbol, a crest that carried your name, family and clan to heights they'd previously be denied.

That's why so many died trying to pass the trials to simply join the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist as trainees in Kenjutsu. Kisame had already mastered basic Kenjutsu and earned his place among the Swordsmen, even if he was yet to master any of the other available blades, the Samehada was clearly made for him and even Fuguki seemed to think so.

Suddenly promising what Kisame was already privy to was…dubious. It felt empty, void even seeing that if she refused as Mizukage he could easily stand in Kisame's way of inheriting when the Suikazan does perish.

As great as the Hoshigaki were at monopolizing a majority of Kiri's fishing industry, having Kisame as one of the Swordsmen, even a prospective, provided a great boon to the clan's prestige and worth within the village.

Junko wished her advisors were here as she tried to mind her words, "Is that all? Kisame is already next to claim it, he can practise when he inherits."

"If." The Mizukage laid thick, "There would be trials for Samehada when and should Fuguki die. Whoever has the best affinity would be the wisest choice."

"The wisest choice is Kisame." Junko almost hissed, but at this point the Mizukage could see and hear her frustration, "What makes the Kaguya so important that you would impede what is already done?"

"This isn't just about the Kaguya, this is about change, Hoshigaki-dono and if you wish to change Kiri, truly, then you will see to my wishes and wait." Yagura said and calmly gestured over to the demon mask, "He has studied the Kaguya extensively and alongside the seals Harusame has provided, any Kaguya under your roof will be yours to groom and govern, within reason of course. You will be their warden, my trust placed in you."

Junko had enough and did away with her hesitance and fear, "Yondaime-sama, I will be blunt since you have. The Kaguya are of no value to me, as slaves or otherwise, they are no Hoshigaki and they are not legendary blades. But I am amenable, I have some conditions."

Yagura nodded, fully expectant that she would. "I know you want a place at my council, but it is not the time."

"No, no, I understand I wouldn't be your first choice even with the Hoshigaki behind me, you seek change not stagnation." Yagura smiled, a first and no an unpleasant sight, "Instead I'll ask you to take one of my own into your fold as you trust the Kaguya with me."

"As a student?" He asked, suddenly irritated.

"No, as an aide and as a shoe-in for the Seven Swordsmen when Kisame decides he's ready. He is young and has yet to master his Kenjutsu, he will be ready but all I ask is that he skip the trials."

His eyes narrowed and Junko's palms sweated waiting for his response. She was essentially asking for a free slot to stand to inherit or even claim one of the available blades. More prestige, more power.

Yagura nodded and stood almost immediately his hat touched his head, "I see, I will take your words to consideration, Hoshigaki-dono. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must attend to other matters."

Other matters? Likely the Yuki clan next. She didn't let her thoughts betray her though and quickly bowed to the young Kage as he left with his silent statues. Even without her advisors nearby, Junko had a good feeling about this.

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik, Asura and Someone for being a part of the library!
If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click
Annd it's time to take a break! I'll return to normal schedules on the 8th of April but semi-normal postings will continue on bmac. It's been a great month guys, I am super productive and enthused working on this! The reactions and vibes are inspiring and welcoming. See ya in a week!
Kirigakure Cares
Owl mask…no, Reina Yuki stood alert at my desk shamelessly asking for a change to her mission parameters. I couldn't deny it was odd hearing Reina speak with the voice I've affixed to Owl.

Her dressing was another matter, she wore a slate grey vest with two scroll pouches and two pockets on the chest. It provided a measure of protection with light padding at the front and back. Her sleeves were almost baggy as were her trousers, she stuffed the excess down with wraps of bandage at her ankles and wrists.

Rather than her usual twin braids, she had a high ponytail extended by blue band. I've never seen her with makeup but I glimpsed a glint of lipstick, not to mention the purple stud earrings accentuating the appeal of her cheeks and bare neck.

Kisame stood behind her with a half-grin that told me he was not concerned what his mission was as long as it led to what his clan head promised. He was geared in a similar fashion except his height made his trousers jump at the ankle and I didn't feel weird look at him.

"You have quite the gall, Jounin Reina Yuki." I sneered, honestly taken aback by her request. I'd given her the order to follow up on her own intelligence reports and meet with the Kaguya nomads after I wrapped up the infiltrators main clutch of madmen.

There was still some clean up left to do but sensing their annihilation draw closer many of the stragglers escaped into the forests and swamps around Kiri. Hunter-nin were dispatched alongside ANBU and select teams of Jounin.

We also captured a good pair of them as some Jounin quickly realized genjutsu was the best way to deal with the Kaguya. Their physical prowess and lethal Kekkei Genkai set at bay with some of the simplest mind tricks.

"Elite Jounin, sir." She cheekily corrected and I felt assaulted, Owl wasn't one to drop even the lightest joke. She still wore a strict visage, one that matched well with my image of her but there was just the sliver of mirth and mischief caught in her eyes and the twitch of her lip.


"Mizukage-sama, if there are only the old, infirm and infants in these camps as the clan leader said, then there is no need to open diplomatic relations with them. The only choice they have is to answer Mizukage-sama's will and return to Kiri with us or they die, either to brigands or to the Yuki clan's blade of retribution."

It felt like she had never said so many words but I quickly realize the key difference. She's never said so many words with emotion. Everything she's said is clearly tied to her own personal feelings even though she's thinly disguising it as a professional and practical matter.

"It would be prudent not to waste resource and time negotiating their inevitable surrender and annexation, they should ask for nothing and be grateful Mizuakge-sama is so forgiving."

Scratch that, she's not being subtle at all. I narrowed my gaze at her unflinching critique, "Is that Owl or Reina Yuki speaking?"

"There is no distinction." She answered without pausing to think.

I breathed and glanced at Kisame withholding a snort. In truth, that was exactly how this is meant to be done. In a few nights Kiri has wiped out whatever force of men the Kaguya had and should they have any leftover they'd be wiped out too if they rejected my offer.

There was no leaving them alone in this situation. Either they lived with curse seals under my boot or they die under the will and bleeding wishes of Kiri's powerful clans.

"Do as I tell you, Jounin. Go, meet them and relay your conversation, their attitude and state of being back to me. Investigate if there's any reasoning to the Kaguya's attack as well, you are my liaison to whatever remains of the clan, if you're incapable of the task let me know now and I'll assign someone else."

She said nothing for a moment, her hands clasped behind her back and her lips forming a thin, frustrated line. Frankly, I don't know what she was so cross about, she's the one that failed to intercept the Kaguya, taking out your anger on a relations of a criminal you failed to catch isn't justice as much as she and Yagura want it to be.

"Understood, sir." She straightened and avoided my eyes as she said this.

"Good, dismissed. Send whoever's out there waiting on your way out." I waved the two on with their mission but Kisame was hesitant in his step, then I remembered, "Ah, Kisame, I'll let Fuguki know, you've mastered the Blade haven't you?"

"Mastered no, but I am one of the few permitted with wield it." He said, relief spreading through his shoulders.

"I'll speak with him before you leave then or actually…" I snatched a piece of paper and scribbled a little note detailing my wish for Kisame to wield the Shark Skin Blade on this mission and stamped it with the Mizukage's seal. "Here, go give him that, if he has a problem he knows his way here."

At the moment I was swamped with paperwork, especially concerning the deaths, destruction and many, many complaints from the Caste District. Usually these would go through some assistant downstairs, sorted by importance before arriving at my desk, usually with a representative from the area.

But since the security failure I asked to have first look on requests and complaints coming through from the Caste District, I couldn't trust those downstairs to be fair even in the aftermath of their failure.

Owl couldn't even truly see the error of her ways. I've got my work cut out for me changing this village.

Reina and Kisame left once I gave the note and a moment later the door swung open to the Chuunin Hoshigaki I'd gotten from the clan head, Junichi. He was soft cheeked and bright-eyed, not a trait I saw often in Kiri shinobi so I accepted him. Junichi bowed quickly and announced, "Sir, the council members have gathered and await your presence."

I nodded and waved him away. Yet another council meeting, our discussions have rolled over days with little progress and I was getting tired of being told the same thing. Today would bring another round of banter I wasn't in the mood for but I had to deal with these needless struggles or I'd have no gain.

What I was asking for was hard for anyone of them, Uncle included, to swallow and I understood that. However, I am the Mizukage and if I say the Kaguya remnants will have a place in my village then best be sure they will.

Ayyye! I have spawned in at last. Thanks for all the cheers while I was gone, good to be back. As always, super thanks to the library's supporters on bmac, carrying the vibe ^-^
In or Out
Minato felt troubled, extremely so. He hadn't felt this conflicted since he had to think of what to do with Kakashi and in the end assigned him to guard Kushina and be reminded of life's renewal. He couldn't say how effective his method was but, at least he's less prickly now.

But this was an entirely different kind of troubled, one that would dictate the future of not just Konoha but Kiri as well. He'd never thought that they'd come out of their isolationist ways in his time, much less that he'd have to deal with it.

But it's happened, like a fluke or whim of fate. Minato had vision of a connected world, where shinobi of all nations put aside their differences and worked together but he was no naïve child.

He was the Fourth Hokage and so he always shook out for a chance at peaceful coexistence all while preparing for war. Jiraiya and even the Third had counselled as such, there will always be those seeking to destroy.

Still, when he offered Kiri's representatives a chance to forge stronger bonds he couldn't say he was fully genuine. They were the village responsible for the loss of Rin, what they did to her was…what they forced his students to go through…,Minato held some hate and couldn't deny he felt relief and justified hearing that their Sandaime had passed.

He wondered if his successor was personally responsible but according to what the ANBU monitoring the Kiri representatives report, it doesn't seem like he was.

Yagura Karatachi was a fellow youthful Kage, Yondaime of his time as well and strangely, he was acceptant of Minato's empty offer at burying the hatchet and communicating better. This was what troubled Minato. He couldn't believe it truly, someone had finally accepted his hand and it was a young man leading one of the most mystifying hidden villages.

Whether to be excited or anxious, Minato wasn't sure how to feel much less what to do. He could only lean on the word of his wise predecessor.

Hiruzen sat nearby his desk and Minato waited patiently for his response. He took a drag from his pipe and blew with satisfaction, his eyes fluttered open in satisfaction and he hummed.

He adjusted his idle cloak, no longer Hokage he wore a simple red and white robes that dignified his retired position. Minato waited patiently as he took another long drag and puffed out a cloud of tobacco, he has frankly never been a fan of the stuff and he personally didn't want his office stinking of it when Kushina inevitably dropped by, but for a sliver of wisdom, he'd bear with it.

Finally, the Sandaime bothered a glance at him and smiled that knowing smile of his, "Minato-kun, tell me, what about this disturbs you the most? Is it your personal conflicts with the Mist? The shock at your offer being accepted so easily? Or is it that you don't understand the young Mizukage and fear him to be as ill willing as his predecessor? If it is none of this, tell me what it is."

At this Minato sat back, a slight frown marring his features as he pondered. He'd asked himself this as well and frankly it was a hotpot of everything the Third had just said.

A part of him felt ill dealing with the Mist after what they'd done to Kakashi and Rin. It was a new man wearing the mantle, a young one at that so there's hope that he genuinely wants to improve relations as Minato does. But the Mist is mysterious and the news he's heard about them has never been so good as it is now, it might be too good to be true, even if a new Kage led them.

At the end Minato felt himself coming back to the established feelings and thoughts about them he's had for years, an opinion that's only worsened as time passed. But this was the opportunity of a lifetime, the chance to amend this warring world by even a fraction.

Minato could see it, with their peace treaties with Suna and this coming from Kiri, together the three hidden villages could accomplish a lasting peace, one that his child would be born into.

Minato shakes his head and leaned forward, "It's the chance that this might be real opportunity and somehow, something from somewhere will make it fail to be reality. Even if that something is myself…Team Seven aren't the only ones Kirigakure has hurt. Kushina…the Uzumaki didn't deserve what happened."

At the mention of the Uzumaki the Third's smile drops a fraction. The Second Shinobi war was an arduous one with many brutalities he regretted, the Uzumaki among them.

He dragged his pipe and blew, "So, you wish this to be true then but you fear failure, you fear a trap." Minato nodded. "You also fear your own prejudices but on that I can tell you firmly, as Hokage your interests are for the village alone, your personal biases must not cloud the Will of Fire and the pursuit of the Konoha Lord First intended."

Minato inhaled deeply, "I should do it then? I should accept this…beginning of an alliance?"

The Third chuckled, "Do not be so hasty, an alliance may not come of this at all, the Mist is a very private and solitary village. They do not like to rely on others. However, if this Fourth Mizukage is honest then it would be wise to pursue, even if it only leads to smoother communications, it is a step forward, more than any Hokage since the Shodaime-sama has taken with respect to them."

Minato smiled, appreciative of the Third's high praise, "Thank you for your counsel, Sandaime-sama, if you'd like I'll keep you updated on this."

The Third nodded graciously, "Of course, but keep it minimal, I'm trying to make the best of my retirement. Bwhahaha!"

They shared a more words in lighter subjects, Minato asked after Biwako and Asuma and the Third shared his plight as a father returning to a home that's long since learned how to function without his direct input. He blessed Minato with some parenting advise but quickly noted his drifting mind and made himself scarce, wishing him goodluck with all endeavours.

Despite the conversation, Minato felt himself grow anxious still. He knew what he was going to do but felt at the very least he ought to talk to Kushina first before giving Kiri's representatives any orders or even thinking of a group to send to the Mist as liaisons for what will be the start of a tense relationship.

He had the urge to speak to Kakashi as well but felt it pointless to drag up awful memories when he was intentionally trying to distract the boy from it and allow him to begin healing.

Paranoia and anxiety made him consider sending out ANBU ahead to infiltrate and report on who Yagura Karatachi was as a Kage. As a shinobi he already has a number of credits and battlefield legends to his name, but as a person, as a leader…everything was vague.

Minato stared at the heap of work in front of him and could only see it double as soon as these processes went into play. He sighed and picked up his pen to work.

Ayye! Good day! I've got new chaps up on bmac for curious folk and I have fully returned. There's been more discussion around Jagura and his actions or inactions and as tempted as I am to respond, a lot of my response will take away from the story seeing as I've written chapters touching said concerns. Unfortunately, we can only wait for the chapters to come out in their time so that things make sense. Anyway, glad to be back posting and reading your thoughts ^-^
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"Thank you. Blessing be onto you for saving us." The man bowed as he thanked me profusely.

I hadn't done anything to save his family personally, not really, so I simply offered his injured wife who'd been late from work that fateful day a smile and him a pat on his bowed shoulder as left their room.

Two doctors hovered around me and Ao despite the spirit of haste that subsumed the hospital. I didn't mind, they made themselves available should I have any questions, demands or wish to address my bandaged foot. Besides, they promised most of the cases coming into the hospital aren't emergency cases like it was that day and just about everyone has gotten a moment with a professional.

I was glad to hear that. The official report on our losses should have been on my table but I frankly haven't sat in office for some days now. Just about every time I get the chance to work in the Mizukage Tower, said work includes assigning missions I remembered were time sensitive or attending council meetings.

But as far as I've seen and as far as the doctors shadowing us have told me, only about twelve Chuunin and three Jounin died in the Kaguya Extermination. A lot more were left injured however and that affects Kiri's manpower and morale by a significant amount.

If I hadn't destroyed them all then and there… Well, the worst that could have happened is that more Kiri shinobi would've been lost to them since, again, the ANBU prioritized surrounding me than fishing out the enemies running loose. Something I have to work on correcting once I find the time.

The Kaguya on the other hand were, well, exterminated. As per my orders the Jounin teams that could manage it captured rather than executed and there were quite a few of those teams because I now had thirteen more imprisoned Kaguya.

I told Eiko I only needed one and so he'd have twelve to satisfy his many curiousities about the Kaguya and their Bloodline Abilities. I intended to visit my prisoner in time and interrogate them on what I can expect of his clan, except the obvious Bone murder and pillaging, of course, but first, I thought I had a duty to show face to those injured in line of carrying out my orders.

Most of them were Chuunin and Jounin that responded to the call early and quickly found themselves opposite a Kaguya with little information on their Kekkei Genkai. Another large set were the civilians that were caught in the middle of fleeing into their homes, the ones that served hostage to the Kaguya invading their homes and others who fell into collateral damage as Kiri shinobi meted out justice to the Kaguya.

Of the surviving civilians Kiri had a responsibility to take care of their health expenses as well as provide temporary housing for those that had no home to return to, which was a fair amount. As Mizukage, approving housing and continued health care was one of the things that awaited me when I resumed working at the Tower.

Ao and I strolled through the hospital, the doctors showing us the rooms with shinobi in recovery. I'd peek in, thank the men, women or boys and girls lying in recovery and they'd thank me for their presence. Several of them suffered stab wounds and cuts with only a few suffering heavy trauma in the form of severed fingers or broken bones.

I let them heal as I got the feeling they weren't too comfortable having the Mizukage look upon them in their weakest and pathetic states, whereas the truth couldn't be further from it. I made sure to let them know I am grateful for the service before moving on.

The next room Ao and I are shepherd to has a familiar face, one I wasn't expecting to see. She wasn't expecting to see me either by her reaction. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open as she stuttered, "Mizukage-sama…"

Rina wore a simple polka dot hospital nightwear and was taking in fluids from a drip stand. She held onto the metal bar of the stand to pull herself from bed but I was already pushing her shoulders so she lays down.

"Rina…" I wasn't sure what to say here. Many of the shinobi I visited today weren't any I knew personally, I wore the face of the Mizukage and paid them the respect and honour they were due for serving their village. But I was stiff, informal and quite distant, Rina and I weren't much closer but there were more threads tying us than some random Kiri shinobi.

Since I couldn't find the right words, Ao took care of it for me and demanded information from the doctors still shadowing us, "How is she? How did she end up here and when will she recover?"

The doctors straightened up, caught off guard since we hadn't bothered speaking to them since but quickly recited the state of her well-being from a chart at the end of her bed.

"She suffered multiple stab wounds to her back and legs, we've already seen that the pressing wounds have been sealed and ensured the internal bleeding stopped. She should recover fully in a week to three with consistent care." The doctor replied, looking relieved that there was little left to do with her, "She lost a lot of blood though so we're trying to replace some of that fluid before setting her back on solids."

I nodded and turned back to Rina who had a turned away from me to hide the very visible blush on her cheeks. I smiled and held her hand, "Thank you, Rina, for protecting Kirigakure."

Still hesitant to look me in the eye she nodded and turned enough I'm sure she could make me out in her periphery, "It was my honour, Mizukage-sama…but I should have done more."

Whether that was the reason she avoided looking me in the eye or something else, I didn't want our interaction to end there, too formal and stiff. So I thought and decided, "When you're healed up, pay me a visit and we'll train in a topic of your choosing."

That caught her interest because her head snapped all the way to awe up at me, "Really? Any topic? Even Ninjutsu?"

I smiled and patted her hand as I got up to leave, "Any."

She grinned, "I will."

Ao and I left afterwards, I felt glad and satisfied to see Rina that I figured it was about time the doctors herded me to the second reason I visited the hospital. The Yuki Clan head ran the place and according to rumours as well as Yagura's memory, he was the most compassionate of all five main clan heads.

I just hoped he had some compassion for the clan responsible for many of the injured shinobi resting in his hospital, I needed a place to host the Kaguya clan remnants and so far, I was running out of clan heads to ask.

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Hidaki Yuki was clearly older than Uncle but not as much as Lady Megumi or even Lord Funato. He fell in that anxious spot where old age begun to creep in his bones but not enough to hinder him so much that he'll have to make consideration for it.

He had a charming smile and bowed like a man thrice younger than him. He was tall and did well to retain his physique as an active shinobi— that said, his activities these days were relegated to managing the hospitals and clinics under his clan's charge rather than active missions.

His office was spacious in truth but was cluttered with shelves stacked to the brim with documents and boxes of tools I couldn't recognize or understand, I supposed they were medical Ninjustsu instruments and kept them out of mind as he apologized for the mess.

"It's quite alright, Yuki-dono, I understand more than you know." I waved his concerns and he sheepishly offered Ao and I a place to sit. Ao remained standing.

"So, what do I owe this honour? Aside from the attacks of course." He had a dark sense of humour. He sat at his desk with fingers criss-crossing over each other rather anxiously and I felt Yagura whisper that he already knew why I was here.

But of course, it's not like I was hiding my intentions, though I suppose word getting out through the grapevine that I was searching for a place for the soon to be subjugated Kaguya to reside while I instruct a proper compound built would give him ample time to mull over his desires.

At the same time, I've had more than enough time to research and background each of the five clans for the most suited to the task of policing an entire other clan. The Yuki clan was not the best suited for such a task but given what the Hoshigaki are demanding, well, I'd better find out what he wants from the Mizukage.

"I'll be straightforward since we're both busy men. I want the Yuki clan to host the Kaguya remnants, no, not the ones imprisoned from the attack, the old, infantile and civilian left behind are the ones I wish to host." I said plainly and watched his body from a reaction.

His criss-crossing fingers halted and his eye twitched a bit but nothing too significant. He sat back and thought, "Hmm…you are right to come to us for such, Mizukage-sama, we have ample room in our compound and frankly, we wouldn't mind the company."

This was true. I liked he was being honest as well. The Yuki clan has suffered the most out of the five. Their people were culled during the past Daimyo's war against Kekkei Genkai, a war Kirigakure was a part of only on paper because the Mizukage refused to martial against the Daimyo or go fight a rather hypocritical war against Kekkei Genkai users.

Still, the Yuki would not see their people massacred and they went out to battle regardless of the Mizukage's opinion and so, they die saving what few of the prosecuted they could. As far as Yagura knows, it is the Yuki that are responsible for saving the likes of the Terumi, the cost was great however and even now they suffer for it as the Third Shinobi war went on to half their numbers.

He leaned forward and sucked a breath, "Let me ask…is this an order from the Mizukage or a request?"

Uncle has done well to let me know that there are some toes I should be hesitant to step on, even as Mizukage, and it seemed this was one of those situations where I had the choice to flex that power for all it's worth and get what I want or…be diplomatic.

"A humble request, you are not my first or only option." I said, subtly letting him know I could easily figure something out if he spat out some insane demand.

He nodded and nodded, blinked and said, "Since you've been so transparent, allow me to do the same, Mizukage-sama." I listened closely. "My clan has the space and in fact, if it's possible we wouldn't mind engaging some of these Kaguya civilians in marriage, the Yuki clan needs to bolster our numbers after all."

His stress on the last part is where I keep note. "That's gracious of you, considering…"

"Yes, considering they're murderers and pillagers like the Hoshigaki, hahahaha. I understand the implications of allowing Yuki blood stain with such low landed clans. However, this is a clan that has the attention and compassion of the Mizukage himself, surely there's something special there, something worthwhile."

He allowed himself a devious smirk as my eyes narrowed, "Still, the stain remains and the Yuki, while in need of a population boost, will not risk our reputation on a clan that ought to be in the Caste District. So, we'll need some incentive."

I breathed and waited silently for him to give his demand.

"Yagura-sama, we want you to lead by example, to show all of Kiri that the Yuki has not lost its prestige to the waning days. That we are worth as much as any other of the five clans."

Impatient, I asked, "You want to be on my council?"

He snorted, "No, I mean…yes, but not for this favour, no. By right we ought to be there anyway but I digress. What I want from you is a child, Yagura-sama."

"A child?"

"Yes, we asked your Uncle for a match with you and our scion years ago but he refused. We asked the Hozuki, Funato and even the damned Hoshigaki and they all refused to set a match with us, one of the five clans!" He took a breath and calmed himself, "I'm sorry for the outburst but…realizing that the village your clan has served for decades would see you die out without raising a finger to do a thing is…infuriating. So yes, I want a child."

His eyes were steely suddenly, nothing like the charm and grace that greeted me earlier, no. I understood where he was coming from though and I knew his demand wouldn't be one I could try to bargain away with something else, I didn't have much to give to begin with, at least, not anything they'd actually want.

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that." I said, thinking about how I'd just left Rina, the girl the Hozuki keep throwing onto me. Uncle said a marriage with the Hozuki or Funato would be ideal but nothing about the Yuki. I could see why though, they hadn't the numbers to support me in a case of civil war or an attempted coup and so a marriage alliance with them meant I'd be giving more than I'd receive.

I wasn't intending to fall victim to a coup but with Kirigakure you never know. Plus, accepting a marriage alliance from them might scorn Lady Megumi and Lord Funato as both Hozuki and Funato blood ran through Rina's veins. She's truly a golden egg and yet…

"Don't worry, I am well aware of the Hozuki's intentions for their heir. Oh! Pardon me, Lord Yagura, I should have offered you some tea while we discussed."

I scowled at this, "Enough, I haven't accepted any proposals or given any. I'm not of the mind to wed or rear children."

At this his eyes go wide, "Oh no, you mistake me, Lord Mizukage, we understand well that a marriage alliance with you would require much from our side, more than we could possibly offer at the moment. So all I am asking here is that you have a child with our scion and acknowledge it as yours…to be direct, let that child who we will raise, be the reason you favour the Yuki clan."

My mouth hung ajar for a moment as I blinked at his brazenness, I'd need to talk to my Uncle about this as it was…quite unusual, but first, "And who do you have in mind to be the mother? Who is this scion of yours?"

Hidaki Yuki wore a pleasant, well-meaning smile as he sat back and said, "Why, the very Reina Yuki you've sent to the Kaguya of course."

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Consequences of Power
I sat in the serene environs of Turtle Island's temple. One hand held an ink wet brush and the other held back my sleeve as I drew binding seals on the large sheet of paper Harusame provided me.

I've been Mizukage for about a month now…three months since I woke up in this world. Turtle Island has become the only place where I can have a day of peace without worrying about someone looking for me.

If there was someone searching for me, my location was known to few trusted ANBU. Asides from needing the required authority and clearance to question an ANBU about the Mizukage, getting all the way over to Turtle Island would be a challenge in its own.

This way I know whoever interrupts this soft tranquil of mine would do so only if it's absolutely needed.

I took a breath and leaned away from the paper to give my curved back a break. Harusame hovered behind me, his eyes judging the worth of my work as he stroked his chin. He sat down and pointed at points on the signs I was drawing.

"This one is too long, this too short and this doesn't look at all like the symbol meant to be there. An amalgamation of nonsense will give you nonsense, Yagura-sama."

He snatched the sheet away, crumpled it and set it ablaze in his hand before providing another one from his stack. "Be generous with your strokes and consisted with how wet your brush is."

I refrained from rolling my eyes at his words, I'd seen him use his fingers to draw a perfectly functional seal in seconds, I knew I'd need more than consistency to get a hang of [Fuuinjutsu].

He watched me intently as I stared at the blank page, filling it with the maelstrom of thoughts, ideas and wishes. He cleared his throat seeing I haven't made a move to start drawing again and sat beside me, "Perhaps we continue with Tailed Beast taming?"

I looked up at him and sighed. I'd asked Harusame to prepare to loosen my seal almost entirely so I could press Yagura with the threat of Isobu's release. Yagura wouldn't allow Isobu to run loose through the Land of Water, plus, if he did get loose that would mean the end for both of us…or I guess just me.

I was fully prepared to go ahead with this plan because as I saw it, I'd have the best opportunity to talk to Isobu in that situation, Yagura couldn't deny that as much as he wants. But the events of the past weeks have been…tiresome to say the least and I'm not comfortable leaving things unsettled to force a conversation with Isobu.

Reina sent her first report yesterday and even as I read her description of the small hut and mud-housed community the Kaguya left behind, I couldn't help but wonder if she had any inkling what her clan head planned for her. It mattered a lot if she did, it meant she was willing to leave her position as ANBU commander to be…pregnant with Yagura's child.

I shuddered at the thought and quickly set it out of mind as I raised a faux smile to Harusame, "No, no, I need peace to think about things right now. I will let you know when we can begin Tailed Beast taming again." I picked up my brush and held back my sleeve, "This is far more urgent."

The day I exterminated the Kaguya at those docks I'd simply intended to temporarily seal away the chakra of whichever of them had the sense to surrender. Unfortunately, none of them did but my plans for sealing away their chakra remains.

I'd given thought to the Kaguya since I first met Eiko and read his report on their ability. It was one thing to remember its capabilities from what young Kimimaro expressed in the show but it was another thing entirely to have it broken down by a professional.

The Kaguya were dangerous folk. While I doubt Kimimaro has even been conceived at this time, the threat the clan posed to the Hidden Mist and the Land of Water could not be denied. And so while everyone figured the best thing to do with such a people was to exterminate them, I asked Harusame to help me seal away their Tenketsu.

It was my responsibility as Mizukage to not only protect the Hidden Mist but also the Land of Water, but Jason could only tolerate one necessary extermination. It is similar to what the Hyuuga clan do when they fight but Harusame assures me it will last years if maintained properly.

By sealing the Tenketsu of both young and old Kaguya coming to Kiri in this way, I'd ensure that none of them were capable of wielding their Kekkei Genkai against us, at least not until the second generation were born.

I was thinking far ahead because I could afford to do so. It was one of the few things that brought me to smile nowadays, thinking of how much time I have to plan and how much I can set in motion.

The second generation growing within a Kiri I rule over would ensure that the Kaguya's dangerous bloodline is separated from the warlike mentality their exterminated ancestors had. I'd create capable shinobi, ready and willing to serve Kirigakure.

I just need to find a place for them to live now. Uncle said it was out of the question, he shut me down before I even had a chance to start convincing him of the advantages. But he had a good reason to reject them though. The Karatachi didn't have a Kekkei Genkai and the environs to attend to the needs of those with Kekkei Genkai, whether sealed or not was not the same.

I hadn't bothered asking Lord Funato, I could already see the rejection written all over his face. I knew if I asked Lady Megumi she'd demand I get dressed and wed her granddaughter that instant. I had nothing against her or Rina, in fact, I found Rina to be an attractive young woman with her head in the right place.

But marriage, sex, children, family. These things invoked stark reminders that I am not Yagura. Even though my being here was unintentional, I can't bring myself to make decisions on that part of Yagura's life, the parts that were unknown, the parts hidden without an answer.

And I also didn't feel comfortable using women that way. Yagura would scold me for clinging onto my modern sensibilities but it's those sensibilities I believe will change this nation.

"That's…an improvement." Harusame said, tilting his head side to side as he examined my latest attempt at the binding seal. While I wouldn't be the one to place it on the Kaguya, I understood the dangers of using powers I didn't fully understand, besides, [Fuuinjutsu] was an intrigue facet of Ninjutsu to study.

I set my brush down and threw my back against the grass, sighing at a frog leaping off one water lily to another. My first month as Mizukage was coming to a close and there was more work to do than when I started.

Should I fully accept the Hoshigaki offer?

Late chappie today. Long day, poor power, entire thing. Hope you enjoyed.
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Uncle's Wisdom
"Nephew, you are softer than I thought." Uncle Aoto teethed out as his fingers drew back a taut bowstring. He breathed, his muscles tensed even through austere blue robes. His narrowed sights sharpen and the arrow sets loose, zipping at the wave fraught target bobbing along the small lake.

His arrow exploded through its target, splintering a buffet of caught bait and showering the waters with quartz stones. He lowered his aim and turned to me as I raised mine, narrowed my eyes and took a breath.

Archery was something of a past time for Uncle Aoto and Yagura, it started as something of a joke as Yagura returned from a mission excited about his opponent's skill with the bow and how it was more cost effective to loose wooden staves rather than precious metal kunai and shuriken.

He decided to learn it on the spot and who else to teach him than his most-knowing mentor and Uncle? Except, Aoto had never bothered with traditional weapons, he was a shinobi, his entire body was a weapon. So they took it up together and have been practicing whenever the urge struck.

Exhaling, I released the arrow and it soared toward my own water turbulent target. The arrow pierced through its mark, digging in deep and nearly passing through the other side but it didn't shatter the quartz like Uncle's did.

I narrowed my sights on the block of quartz housing the fish bait and after a moment the stone split in two and released its contents. "There, just needed some time." I set my bow aside and turned to Uncle, expectant, "What do you mean?"

Uncle walked back into the large tree and its canopy, setting his back against it as we waited for the servers to set new targets.

He sighed and let his bow drop as he motioned for me to come closer, I did and in a hushed voice he said, "You are beginning your reign quite mercifully. I understand Lord Funato and Lady Megumi will be harder to coerce to your will and you really shouldn't try to break them either, but the others?

He hummed and stroked his chin, "You have to be careful who you decide to take from and yes, you will be taking, it won't be a negotiation. But you should also know the full scope of your options. Ask yourself, what are you doing?"

I gave it thought for a moment and ignored the proud look Uncle was trying to hide. He's been that way for a month, well, it's gotten better now since he's learned to restrain himself from sudden gleeful outbursts.

"I am…saving a clan from extinction, saving their Bloodline and giving them a place in Kiri where they can be useful." I said finally.

Uncle Aoto nodded along but then asked, "And what else?"

I blinked and he snorted.

"Are you so busy you don't consider what you will be doing to Kirigakure as well?" I wanted to raise a defence but I wisely kept shut and let him speak, "You are going around asking these clan heads to give up a part of what has been theirs for decades and for whom? A clan responsible for many deaths in Kiri. Even if you set aside their crimes they are still outsiders, an unknown to Kiri, these lands do not have as many memories of friendship and coexistence as it does war.

"You are right in your vision, bringing in clans with Kekkei Genkai will strengthen Kirigakure's against the other four but given your plans for sealing away their tenketsu to appease whoever is so unlucky to house them, well, I only see it paying off decades in the future. But in the present, you will have a mess to clean up."

Uncle was right, of course. I had considered the effects bringing the Kaguya would have on the village but only to the clans that would be sharing space with them most of the time.

And perhaps the ratio of reward to trouble was a bit skewed in favour of trouble. Jason's ambitions to revamp Kiri from what I remember to what it could be may have been a bit hasty.

"You have to lay the groundwork, Yondaime-sama." Uncle said my title with elation only he could express. "To do so, you have to know what your options are so you can pick the best one and let me tell you now, you have far better options than giving into the Hoshigaki or having a bastard with the Yuki."

I do?

Uncle seemed to have caught the surprise on my otherwise stoic face and his grin grew as he picked up his bow and nocked an arrow, "Of course, but I'm sure Lord Funato wouldn't have explained this all to you, it can't be helped, no one expected one of your first acts to be so…radical."

The arrow flung at the quartz bobbing along the water and like his last shot, exploded through and showered the surrounding in bait and stone. I took that as the sign to take my turn and nocked my bow, though my thoughts were far away from it.

I breathed and let the arrow loose as quick as I could to continue the conversation and this time it burrowed right through the quartz, letting nothing in its path hinder it and leaving the round quartz to fall over into the water. I didn't care. "What are these options?"

He smirked at me, "Why, you could ask permission of the Daimyo to expand Kirigakure's territories and carve out an entire estate compound for your Kaguya. But I doubt he'll be in a generous mood, you'd have to bargain for such and if I were in your shoes I'd bargain with the Daimyo for something else.

"You could also downsize the civilian districts, commercial and residential. It wouldn't take much to fit in a new clan compound but you'd be driving out the people that suffered the attack to make a home for their attackers. Mad I say.

"Believe it or not, you could go ahead and expand Kiri anyway, your predecessors often did. The Daimyo is not such a powerful man any longer, war takes its toll and he knows without Kirigakure protecting him…well, that's a discussion for another day."

I really wanted to hear more about that but I kept my mouth shut and my ears open instead, "Any other options?"

He nodded and drew closer, "Two. The Mizukage's Estate still exists, the Funato clan is in possession of it but truly it belongs to the Mizukage. I don't know how many you're bringing in but the First Mizukage built that place when there was an abundance of space. Just clean it up a bit and build some homes around it for your Kaguya."

I knew of the Mizukage's Estate, it's one of the things Lord Funato was transparent about during my first week as Mizukage. He offered to get it ready for me to move in and warned that only the First and Second had stayed there, and the Second didn't stay long because he felt it too big.

I'd rejected as well without even looking at the property because I felt anything bigger than Yagura's apartment was overkill. I moved into the Mizukage Tower instead, a medium sized room and parlour with a very necessary balcony and instant proximity to the work I'd been so passionate to start at the time.

Still, why didn't I think of that? I huffed and nodded gratefully, "That seems like the easiest thing to do now but…what's the last option?"

Uncle cackled boisterously until a sinister undertone over took it as he asked, "You want to know?"

"Now I really do."

He grinned, "Well, you could kill two birds with one stone by cleaning up the Daimyo's unsavoury political affairs. End his civil wars, eliminate the independent islands and seize the territory for Kiri, he'd be so grateful he won't even realize you're accruing more land and respect that he. Hmm, perhaps it's three birds and not two."

The last option was one Kiri was most familiar with, war. And as much as Jason wanted to avoid conflict and meaningless violence, it was the truth of this world, the truth of the Land of Water.

I'll just have to change that truth; my hands are already bloodied anyway.

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See ya next tomorrow!
Right for the Job
"Thank you, Raiga." I said as I unfurled a mission report over Reina's on my desk.

With Reina and Kisame shepherding the Kaguya to Kiri, the ANBU Commander responsibilities fell to the Captain of her choice. I'd glazed through her progress report on convincing the Kaguya remnants that I was offering them the only way out of their predicament. She expressed they were stubborn, actually, unruly was the word she used.

Still, Kisame present with a Shark Sword seemed to cower even the most foolish of the Kaguya men that were left behind, that and the realization that the best of their kind had been decimated.

Kisame also gave a report. I didn't ask him to and it's quite unusual to give your own report separate from the mission leader. His report contained a list of names, ages and a short description as well as an assigned threat level.

I hadn't thought to ask for any of that from Reina but I'm grateful Kisame took the initiative to do so, even if it's a bit odd he's sending parallel reports.

The report Raiga handed to me now was different though and not even directly from him. It was from Mei and her partner, Daiki. I'd sent them to Amegakure and almost forgot in the heat of all the politicking and massacring I'd been up to in the past week.

Before that I was anxiously looking forward to what my agents had to say about Amegakure, after all, it would let me know exactly what has happened within the Akatsuki and what was yet to happen.

I scanned through it, there were only three short-hand sentences and the first spoke decisively— 'No Hanzo, two unknown figures in charge, Angel and presumably a god.'

I gulped. That was all I needed to know really, Hanzo was dead and Nagato has occupied the Rain for himself. Still, I kept reading as Mei had more to say in the second sentence— 'Hanzo loyalists remain, all labelled terrorists and executed ASAP, majority in hiding.'

At this I briefly considered reaching out to these loyalists but I threw the thought away, as painful as it is, the truth is Amegakure was better off under Nagato, if he were less crazy and didn't seek to seal tailed beasts that would be great. He'd be a sensible world leader to approach.

Besides, interfering like that would only subject us to more of his ire. Sure, Kirigakure wasn't one of the Hidden Villages that used Amegakure as a battleground but we were one of the five and that alone condemned us.

I bit my lip as I read the last line— 'S-rank barrier technique, the rain is a tool, Sundays always, random sometimes.'

It took me a moment to comprehend what she meant by that. She didn't have a lot of space to work with writing these reports so I couldn't ask for more details without offering a way to accommodate them. But after a third read I understood what she meant as Jason reminded me as well.

The rain itself is the villages protection. A slight disturbance and that's the end, Nagato would find out and not hesitate to kill Mei and her partner.

The thought sent a shiver through me, I understood I was taking a risk by sending Mei into Amegakure and I did so anyway because I believed she wouldn't die purely because it wasn't her time to. Perhaps her partner would suffer but she shouldn't…right?

I shook my head as Yagura gave the sensible thought that everything became different from the moment I took his place and that people aren't protected from death because I didn't believe they would die. I should be more careful.

Should I ask them to withdraw? It's been almost a month since I gave the mission order and now I'm getting the first report. I already knew who was in charge but…

Chewing my lip, I lost myself in thought of what to do about the situation. Nagato wouldn't respond kindly to infiltrators and I didn't want to lose a shinobi as valuable as Mei, she represented much of the potential Kirigakure had and that couldn't disappear.

I doubted there was anything to gain from keeping her in Amegakure since I already got what I wanted in this first report. It would make sense to continue the mission if Nagato was someone you could tail and monitor but the fact that after nearly one month living as civilian and she only knew decisively about Konan's existence meant there was no point in hiding any longer.

I looked up from the report and remembered Raiga still stood at attention in front of my desk. My gaze found him and a plan began to brew in my mind one that might be a bit dicey considering.

But I have to make a move. Given that news of Konoha's near destruction hasn't reached me from my liaisons there, I bet Obito was still preparing to mount his attack. And if he hasn't yet…


"Sir!" He was stiff as a board behind that mask of his. He wore strict Kiri ANBU attire and the same wavy mask many of my protectors donned.

"How would you like to visit Amegakure?"


I set the report down, sighed and crossed my fingers as I gave this idea of mine a final thought, "I need someone to broach the leaders of Amegakure on my behalf. Do you think you're up for it? You would have back up from Mei and Daiki but you shouldn't rely on it, they have their own mission."

He shifted his mask to the side, revealing an unsure look that had me narrowing my eyes at him. He met my gaze and said, "Sir, I don't believe I'd be useful on such a mission unless…" he caught my raised eyebrow and spat it out, "Unless you want these leaders assassinated."

I scoffed, the chuckled, then cackled madly at the thought of Raiga trying to assassinate Nagato as I sat back and shook my head, "No, I suppose you wouldn't be the best choice for what I have in mind. Good work though, I didn't expect you to be so honest about your limitations."

He shrugged. Raiga had never been one to share many words with me, less so after the succession trial. I nodded gratefully, asked him to forward any more reports from Mei and dismissed him so I could return to my thoughts.

Raiga was right in a way, I couldn't just assign the first person I saw, no, I had to think carefully about who I would do best on a mission of peace to Amegakure.

Nagato maybe far gone but the Angel, Konan is not. "Hmm, perhaps this is an undertaking for Yagura Karatachi himself."

Rain rain, go away, let me post chapters again~

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A Promise, Not a Threat
I'd made my decision to visit Amegakure myself. Of course, I'd be accompanied by a strong force of shinobi and I'd have Mei and Daiki working on the inside. But like many of my plans this was but a far off intent, I wasn't so arrogant to think I could take on the Six Paths of Pein as I am.

Jason wasn't all comfortable with the idea but at the same time gave faith to it. It was certainly dangerous to approach but given how the Akatsuki operated— capturing Tailed Beast chronologically— it meant I'd be safe from capture until the One-Tailed and Two-Tailed beasts were taken first.

But that was no excuse to relax, especially if I wanted to get the edge up on Obito. I wasn't sure how long until he attacked Konoha but I had Kiri shinobi there and could simply ask them for information. Either way, I felt it wouldn't be until my sixth month as Mizukage, then I could start poke-nosing into Konoha's business.

For now, I needed to sort out mine and Kiri's. In preparation to meet with hopefully Konan and not Pein, I needed to ensure Isobu was on my side and that I cashed in on Uncle's inauguration gift. And even before all that I had to ensure everything with the Kaguya was settled so with Lord Funato guiding me, I headed out to inspect the Mizukage's Estate.

I gave very little consideration to Uncle's last option— warring throughout the Land of Water— because this was easy, less time consuming and it spared lives. Kiri was just coming out of a war, I wasn't keen on throwing it back into the fires so soon. I'd barely gotten used to being Mizukage to begin with.

I glanced back at my assistant, Junichi Hoshigaki, who I often forgot existed. The young man was taller than I as most were but the way he slouched, his dart-eyed ways and his ever present short notebook and pencil cast him in a lower light than his rank as Chuunin, and station as my assistant, would've.

He caught my gaze and fidgeted, straightening his back and putting on a stern face for passer-by's who couldn't keep their eyes away. I tried not to be too disappointed, I didn't have a proper assistant until him and random Chuunin would man the desks outside my office as well as inform me of visitors or Jounin looking to put in mission requests.

It was inefficient and most times I wasn't in the mood to humour any additional requests or visits, a fact that many of the temporary assistants failed to understand. Junichi though, he understood that when I said something I meant it and I appreciated that at least.

He'll get better, unlike some people…

Lord Funato has been nothing but a sour puss. I realize that he wasn't simply against hosting the Kaguya in his clan compound, he was against hosting them in Kiri entirely. It made sense now why only Uncle gave me valuable advice on what to do about the situation and even then, I had to ask.

His presence beside me scared away many of my usual fans, shinobi and civilian alike. I wasn't fool to the fact that of all the clans in Kiri, his held the most power as the First Mizukage was born of their clan. Such a reputation goes a long, long way.

At the moment, he was escorting me to a property that his ancestor built, likely with the Funato clan in mind as well. And to see it given to Kekkei Genkai wielding barrel scum, it must pain him so.

Unfortunately, I felt no sympathy in his plights, the Mizukage's Estate was rightfully mine and had I known I could utilize it to my wish as I do now, I'd have done so without bothering to ask for his help. It angered Yagura that he used my ignorance of the fact to his own ends but I let that anger disperse with each step towards to property.

The Estate occupied a large piece of land east of the Central District. Botanical gardens of vibrant colours adorned its perimeters, while elegant stone pathways guided visitors through the lush greenery. Towering trees whispered ancient tales as gentle breezes carried their secrets through the air.

The people here were sparse and many stopped to greet Lord Funato first before turning to bow to me. Greeting him first was a non-issue for Jason, he was older, the clan head to many of them and by the reaction of garden's proprietor I bet he was its source of funds as well.

But for Yagura it was a clear sign that my authority as Mizukage wasn't being respected enough. I chalked it up to my short reign and set it out of mind. The surroundings were beautiful and well taken care of, preserved actually, as the scenery felt like something from an aged past even to Yagura.

We walked into the property proper and though I'd caught a glimpse through the trees and over the fence, the magnificent mansion sitting at the heart of the Estate was a breath taking sight to witness.

Its grand façade was a testament to the Funato clan's influence within Kiri, especially given the fact that the entire place was empty, devoid of life save the guards at the gates and the caretakers.

I shook my head as we strolled past swats of lush grasses, a pond and crossed a little bridge that drew over a fast flowing stream. The mansion itself bore Kirigakure's symbol upon its face, large and screaming in the same manner as the Mizukage Tower.

Lord Funato struck his cane as we sighted the doors leading in and he spoke for the first time since I told him our destination, "Here it is, your Estate."

There wasn't any emotion in his voice but I could tell he wasn't terribly pleased with what was happening. He took a breath and clacked further in, he was silent but I knew he had words for me so I turned to Junichi who has been marvelling and gasping.

"Stay out here for a bit will you and make notes for the best places to put training grounds and-"

"And homes? I've got it sir!" He said, alert and eager to work.

I hummed and let him be to follow after Lord Funato. He pushed open the doors with his cane, the mansion was well taken care of but still quite dusty. He didn't seem bothered and continued to walk on in silence.

I observed as much as my eyes could cover, it was beautiful, like most of the property and already had furniture wrapped over to fend the dust. Parts of it were made of wood and other rooms were of concrete, I wasn't sure how that was managed but I appreciated the extra protection the building brought.

Lord Funato walked through halls, stared at excessively large alcoves and pondered beside a dried up fountain. I fell at his side and wondered if he'd speak or if he waited for me to.

In the end, I broke the silence, "I know what you're thinking." His silence was an open invitation for me to continue, "You're worried, worried sick that I'm bringing in the enemy to camp at our backyard. You're thinking I'm too soft, too young to make the hard call…but I already have."

At this he raised his head ever so slightly.

"Kirigakure is going to change, Lord Funato and we're going to change it together. I-"

"I am thinking…of my family, my clan and its legacy. What we have contributed to this village is…well, you know. You are the next, you are the present. I stare at all of this…old and decrepit standings that have gone without use and I see myself in them.

"You say Kiri will change, that we will do it together, but Yagura-kun, you're already doing it on your own. Perhaps, my days of leading the clan should have come to an end long since, perhaps it is time now to let go and allow the ancient and forgotten to have a true use. For I cannot help you, Yagura-kun."

I wasn't expecting that but… "And why not? I believe you can, in fact, it's why I asked you to bring me here. Who else will see this place transformed but you?"

A lie. I brought him here to shove it in his face…just a bit.

He shifted and pressed a sharp gaze on me, "Transformation is for those that are willing. I will ask one thing of you, as Mizukage."


He shuffled closer, "Before you bring in your change, make those responsible for the threats against my granddaughter and my great-grand child answer for their crimes. I have not forgotten and until I am certain those responsible are seized…I will have no rest and neither will you."

Wowwowwow. WOW. Lots of discussion on that last chapter, live for it. I cliche or is everyone just smarter?
Time for some bad news :(

The combination of inconsistent power and upload speed is kicking my butt. Dragging my feet and that's not fresh. I might have to give up this posting schedule next month, wish me luck tho.