First Moves
I commanded myself not to be depressed.

Jason wished it were a joke but after reading through Eiko's full 'Suspect Debrief' there was no choice than to channel Yagura as I sat in my office and faced the dawning responsibilities that weighed on my shoulders now.

It's enough. I've procrastinated enough. I have thirteen years till the Akatsuki become an active threat to all shinobi nations, a generous amount of time given I've secured my position as Mizukage.

But with great power comes great responsibility and each and every day I walk into my office I'm reminded of the cumbersome challenged I've signed up for. Running Kirigakure will not be easy, even with the powers of a murderous dictator.

I set aside Eiko's report and massaged my temples. Dawn had yet to break but I was already behind the desk looking through many of the leftover decisions, issues, requests and missions among others that the Sandaime left behind for me.

Heck some of them even date all the way back to the Nidaime, Gengetsu, which I think is a feat of bureaucracy in its own right. I had missions to assign, reports to read, prospective genin, chuunin and jounin to promote and a ton of other domestic issues regarding the civilians in the village itself.

Sometimes, being the centre of power and administration wasn't the best idea for running a government. Fortunately for me I had Lord Funato to keep me company and share my burden. Nana Megumi— or Lady Megumi as I'm meant to call her now that I outrank everyone— is meant to be here as well but she has a right to prioritise managing her clan instead.

The same goes for Uncle Aoto, he's the one who should be here going through all this paperwork, sieving the details for me but he said something about my office being too drab and uncomfortable even for the task of managing the village.

I couldn't blame him, my office had my desk backing a panel of large windows overlooking Kiri's hazy mountains and the myriad of cylindrical buildings built into or along them— if I squinted I could see the coast. There was one long sofa and a table for tea but Lord Funato was looking through documents there now. A brown wall with the photos of past Kage, mine was already up there and the picture looked just as drab as the office it occupied.

Still, I'm briefly amused by the thought of ordering him over but quickly get over it. I can do this, it's only been a week so far and if I could become Mizukage in the first place— after only two months of being in this world— then being a good Mizukage shouldn't be so difficult.

A short knock came at the door and Owl mask walked in a moment after, "Mizukage-sama, Funato-dono." She went to kneel but I raised a hand and waved it off.

Owl mask. Our relationship threatened to start off on the wrong foot but as a professional shinobi looking to bring the best for our village, it's easy to guide her back to seeing things my way. It also helps that she was present for my clash with the four of the Seven Swordsmen in a battle for the title I know hold.

The respect is well earned.

"Good to see you…" I pulled a sheet of paper from underneath a pile and read, "Reina Yuki." She tensed a bit at hearing her name from my lips but quickly relaxed, it wasn't a surprising thing that I'd learn the name of my ANBU commander.

But in response she pulled her mask to the side, revealing a beautifully scarred face of a young, battle hardened woman. She has fierce golden eyes that send a jolt as I gaze in them. Her lips are thin but glossed so their plum doesn't go unappreciated. Long, curled lashes bat those eyes at me and I breathe.

Pulling myself together, "I have a task for you, well, it doesn't have to be you."

"The ANBU only need your word, Mizukage-sama."

I cleared my throat, "Right…are the ANBU operating in Amegakure in any capacity?"

Both she and Lord Funato draw confused looks at this. She squints for a moment then shook her head, "We withdrew quite some time ago. If I may ask, Mizukage-sama, what is the interest?"

In that instant Yagura knew I could simply say I intended to invade and everyone would grit their teeth but follow procedure to seeing my wish come true but no…I'm not going mad yet.

When I looked at the heaps of work my rank as Yondaime Mizukage demanded, I knew I couldn't beat around the bush sorting through it before facing the existential threat— Obito and his Akatsuki.

"I need eyes there, Reina." I leaned forward and measured my words, "I want to know what's happened in the past six months, what the Salamander is up to, their military and economic might. In fact, get me the latest report on them, I'll need to have a look at that."

She gulped. Lord Funato left the sofa and was wobbling over with his cane, "Amegakure, Yagura…what are you planning?"

Yagura spared him a short glance before snapping back to Reina who was still processing. She straightened and nodded sharply, "Given the nature of Hanzo the Salamander an infiltration like this classes as SS-rank, we've dispersed many of our operatives fit for the task to the great nations, I will assign myself and Raiga to this task."

I gave a hum at that. Hanzo's nature being unforgivingly murderous if you don't match up to his expectations. He would only spare the strong and while Raiga and Owl mask were certainly capable shinobi, I don't see either of them walking out from an encounter with the Salamander of the Hidden Rain.

Moreover, the reason I'm doing this is so I know what state Nagato is in right now. My head began to hurt as I wondered if Hanzo has died at Nagato's hands yet, I know Obito helped in that regard but I don't know if he's gotten around to doing so yet.

I only knew what was coming if I failed to make a move. It was early sure, but I couldn't give the Akatsuki breathing space to breed.

Finally, under expectant stares from Lord Funato and Reina waiting for me to approve, I said, "Reassign Mei and her team to Amegakure."

Lord Funato's cane struck as he snapped, "Yagura-kun!"

Even Reina tensed up as I turned to face him. He heaved, both eyes wide open and questioning, "The justification of investigating Sandaime-sama's passing will only slide with so many villages, least of all Konoha. Investigating Ame, should they find out, will only serve to infuriate resting dogs to bite."

I digested his words fully and blinked towards Reina, "Go, send them their new orders."


Lord Funato watched her leave in stark wide disbelief before snapping at me again, "Explain."

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John and Berik for being a part of the library!
If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click
If Dead, Not Good
Hey guys, late chapter today. I actually intended to post 4chaps but I've been having power issues and I only managed to get the previous chapter out on SB and SV before my laptop died. Anyway, if I don't post like this just know power is likely the reason. Enjoy the chapter.

"I am not changing my mind, Funato-dono." I answered, cutting straight at any hope he might harbour as soon as Owl mask left.

The old man was justified in his nervousness at possibly triggering an international incident so soon into my reign but that's the thing, it was my reign. Maybe that's a bit too much Yagura.

I shook my head as his cane trembled in his grip. To be fair the ANBU teams we sent to the other nations would be received openly as per my orders. Through Owl mask, the ANBU commander, I've long since had their orders switch from covert investigations to emissaries from Kiri, bringing the news of Kirigakure's Fourth Mizukage to the relevant individuals on the world stage.

It's a common practice amongst the hidden villages to do this when there's a new person in power and we'd have needed to send a new team with the message if I hadn't given the order.

They'll be accepted in, given lodgings and gifts to return with if the visited Kage feels so generous— but I doubt. In their time there, Owl mask assured me they'll be able to carry out their investigations into the Sandaime's death and would be the best people to gauge each Kage's reaction to the news.

As usual, I didn't care about any of this since I was certain Madara's death triggered the end of his Genjutsu hold on the Sandaime and not long after, his death. What I did care about was Amegakure and Konoha.

"But why? Why Amegakure?" the clan head demanded to know my reasoning.

I thought briefly about coming clean, revealing the existence of the existential threat to all of the shinobi world cooking doom and destruction in the rainy pits of the Hidden Rain. But I didn't know where I'd start from and frankly, I didn't need more than one person with full knowledge about this threat, at least not at this stage.

"Amegakure isn't simply a suspect, they're a prospective ally." I began and the man wobbled closer, eyes wide and curious. "Should Hanzo prove innocent I want to consider forming an alliance with his little nation, they haven't the best relations with the great villages but that can change, starting with me."

It was something I'd thought about in the earliest days of my new life here, back when getting enough sleep and a burning seal were the largest of my problems. Since I can't reasonable call a Kage Summit for a threat only I know exists, then I'll simply have to cajole Obito into revealing himself far earlier than he's prepared to.

Worst case scenario at this point is, he's killed Hanzo with Pein and Konan taking charge of the village. Meaning there are only three members of the Akatsuki at the moment to worry about.

I gritted my teeth at the thought, I hadn't mastered Isobu yet and I'll surely be needing his strength to go up against any one of these three, even when they're so young— I'm not so different after all.

Best case scenario, I have more time than I thought and Hanzo is still in charge, perhaps Obito is preparing to attack Konoha and release the Nine-Tails. I wasn't sure, I couldn't be sure from where I sat alone and that's why this investigation is so paramount.

"What good will come from aligning with Ame? I only see Konoha interpreting this as a staging ground for an invasion." The aged shinobi who has seen all three wars at this point looked me dead in the eye and asked, "Is it?"

I smirked, "Hanzo only need to be receptive. Kirigakure will offer protection and be the first of the five great nations to respect and recognize his efforts. What he'll be willing to do for such support…I wonder."

And here I thought his eyes couldn't go any wider.

He trembled forward, caution glinting in his eyes as he attempted to say something only for my door to swing open. Our attention is drawn to none other than Rina Hozuki dressed in a fine kimono, its deep indigo fabric adorned with colourful koi fish patterns. The traditional garment hugged her slender figure gracefully, accentuating her elegant posture as she made her way, the soft clap of her wooden sandals the only sound in the office.

She sensed the tense vibe radiating off of Lord Funato as she looked between us. She bowed slightly, "Mizukage-sama, Funato-dono."

Her glossy violet faded hair was styled into an intricate updo, adorned with a few carefully placed yin-yang hairpins that matched the motif of her kimono's dancing koi fish.

Lord Funato looked so incensed and confused to see her standing there and I was with him on the confusion part, then I looked at the time and sighed. "Lady Megumi's tea, I promised."

I glanced at her hands and found she only carried a small purse that could only fit loose change and maybe a comb but not the documents her grandmother was insisting I have a look at a day prior.

"Lord Funato, we'll have to discuss this another time, your advice will be much appreciated." I said and gestured for Rina to take a seat on the only couch in the drab office.

If the old man had many teeth left I'm sure I'd hear them grinding as he passed a look between myself and Rina before taking his sweet time leaving. He glanced at the documents he was reviewing and said with barely hidden bile, "I'll be leaving those."

The door closed behind him and Rina glanced from her fidgeting fingers to my smiling face. I felt a little awkward as I joked to break the building silence, "You're a bit too beautifully dressed for [Shurikenjutsu] training, Rina."

She chuckled softly, "Grandmother gave up her appointment with you so she could spend more time with mother, she's tasked me with…introducing you to topics of concern to the Hozuki as well as her advice for the Kaguya attackers."

Hearing all that made my brow heavier somehow, I frowned at the stack of papers and scrolls on my desk and nodded. "Very well, a promise is a promise but let's discuss these in a finer venue, my office isn't tea party host worthy yet."

By the way Rina's dressed I've already seen through the Lady Megumi's true aims here, her concerns and advice are always things she can offer to me in person like Lord Funato, still, I'd leave an ear open to listen for anything valuable.

"Of course, I know a place…that is, if you don't?" Rina hesitated, clearly not in full sync with her matriarch's intent.

"No, no, all the better, less thinking for me. Lead the way please."

Even if nothing of note comes from this, it should be a relaxing day out in Kiri and time away from channelling Yagura to deal with politicking.

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik and the legendary fifth patron, Asura for being a part of the library!
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Rina's Honestea
The moment they'd stepped out of the office Rina felt she'd overdressed. In comparison to her 'date' she was completely formal, slow and of course elegantly beautiful.

Yondaime-sama did deign to wear his haori and hat— "Got to keep it on, hope you don't mind? The village has to have an easy time identifying their leader." He'd said. Meaning if it were possible all he'd want to wear is the grey and black up and down paired with his infamous green poncho.

Rina didn't think like her grandmother, these schemes to bring her closer to the Mizukage are far too over the top and worse, obvious. She'd complained, made her point that it's just shameful to cling onto power so blatantly but what choice did she have in the matter?

All Rina could do was follow orders and hope the Mizukage would give Nana Megumi a definitive answer. At least, he didn't seem to mind how slow she was walking to their destination, in fact, she regularly caught him staring out at the sky, the people and their businesses. Occasionally stopping to pat a child's head or give them a coin to buy some sweets with while their parents fervently bowed and thanked him for his mere presence.

He had a slight smile on his lips right now too. She looked ahead and found the teahouse waiting ahead of them, one of the finest establishments in the Central District. It sat just across the lake her father blew into existence and was very well kept to compete with the Funato and Yuki businesses.

"We're here." Rina said, excited to stop walking at last. Inconveniencing the Mizukage aside, her feet hurt from the inefficiency of walking such a distance in wooden sandals.

The scent of freshly brewed matcha greeted them as some servants in oversized white clothes bowed in sync and pushed the round doors open. The interior was much larger than the outside, of course, but that could easily be an illusion as there weren't many customers left within it.

Glancing at the anticipating tea house workers, Rina guessed that just like how Nana Megumi had set the appointment she'd also set it up so the establishment is scanty but present enough with folk bound to whisper about the Mizukage and the girl at his arm.

"Welcome to our Komorebi Tea Haven, Mizukage-sama, Lady Rina." The director bowed deeply, his grin at his luck nigh uncontained.

"It smells nice in here." Yagura said, ignoring all the eyes peering at who'd just come through. Both upper and lower floors had guests leaning out of their seats or taking unnecessary strolls to have a proper look.

The director let his grin burst, "Ahahah, we try. Where would you like to be seated? Lady Rina is a regular here and has her own private booth at the top floor."

What? Since when?

"Oh really?" Yagura looked up at her and she quickly put on a pleasant face to hide her shock as she nodded, "Well then, lead the way. By the way, do you only serve tea here?"

"We serve sweets and some light meals along with our special brews, are you interested?"

Yagura shrugged and she wondered if he'd been eating well since he took office. This counts as the second time since then she's met him, the first being to congratulate him alongside her grandmother.

The director swiftly brought them to the top floor and Rina pieces together what he'd meant by her own private booth. She stood in front of it, the place she and her father used to sit and watch the leaping fish in the lake he blew into reality for her giggles.

It offered a beautiful view of the village, at least a part of it. The Mizukage Tower couldn't be seen from this angle and that's why she liked it so much as a kid, with the tower out of sight her father would spend more time until some nosy ANBU would interrupt.

They took their seat and Rina sighed, she hadn't been here since the start of the Third Shinobi War, he promised they'd sit together again but she's here with his successor instead.

"Are you alright?" Yagura asked, placing his hat down on the table and fingering through the menu.

Her first instinct was to say yes and get on with this tea date, recite all the information Nana Megumi made her memorize and go home to cry in peace but those pink eyes were just too soft and welcoming for her to lie.

"I…I used to come here with someone very important to me." He blinked, but didn't say a word. "We were supposed to visit again but it's too late. Hah, I just miss him."

Yagura stared at her intently for a moment before turning to the lake where some children in noble clothes practiced their water walking to embarrassing results.

"I understand. You have their memories with you though, yes? All the times you did pay a visit together, all the times you shared." When she nodded he placed the menu down and smiled, "Tell me then, this is the perfect chance to relive some of them."

She actually laughed, "You'd want to hear that? I still have a report from Nana to give you."

He breathed the sweet smelling air and relaxed into his seat, "I think we have time."

Rina's smile grew, she sniffed and nodded shyly as she composed her thoughts, seeking out the least embarrassing moments from her time her with her father.

"The first day I came here there wasn't a lake yet, it was just…grounds I think. Someone wanted to build a park or something I'm not sure but when I came it was just dirt and while we had tea, I complained there was nothing beautiful to look at.

"He said that seeing Kiri at this height was beautiful in its own right, but I was much younger then and felt I'd seen everything even though I hadn't, I wasn't impressed by my village. I said it would be better if there was a picture of my mother to look out at.

"When I explained that I didn't simply want a portrait in the booth but out there on the lands so I could gaze from above, he laughed and laughed and laughed until I felt very silly and refused to eat anymore of his sweets.

"Then, he promised me that he'd make it possibly to look out at my mother's beauty and that it was a brilliant idea. He promised the next time I'd be here he'll show me something beautiful to look at while I drank tea with him."

Yagura leaned forward, "And?"

"And he created a lake and called it a mirror. We sat outside the next time, all three of us and our reflection…our family was beautiful to look at."

Rina's wistful eyes met Yagura's and held them, she stared into him as she felt him gaze into her and for a moment—

"So! Have you decided on what tea you'll be having?" The director returned with an annoying chirp, snapping them both out of the trance.

Yagura glanced between them a bit lost and caught off guard before arbitrarily choosing sencha tea and some donburi. She ordered the same with a side of sweets.

With the director banished once again Yagura straightened and cleared his throat, "So, what is this about the Hozuki's concerns?"

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik and Asura for being a part of the library!
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Look forward to three more chaps, it's double post day on SH and while I don't have any milestone goals for SB or SV, I really appreciate the support I've gotten. If you've got an idea for a milestone that'll prompt 4chap days like this do lemme know. Enjoy.
Mei I Have That Mission?
When the dignitary doors of their residence flew open and the Captain immediately activated the soundproof seals they'd slapped everywhere the day Konoha let them in, Mei knew it wasn't going to be good news coming out of his lips.

"Mei! Hana!" Captain Sato yelled for them and Mei could hear Hana scramble in the other room as she did too.

They put themselves before the Captain and his Vice, Daiki. Both had just returned from what must be another fruitless walk through Konoha trying to slip away from the many eyes that laid on them the moment they entered the village.

Their infiltration mission would have paved a disastrous path had their orders not been altered a mere day away from its execution. The new orders brought mix reactions from all of the team when they first received it, mostly because it meant it the change was coming directly from the newly chosen Mizukage.

Much like herself, Captain Sato and the others were curious which of the two powerhouses had won and which had died. Unfortunately for Mei and Hana, their Captain and his superiors decided it would be funny if they left them guessing.

The Owl Masked ANBU Commander had answered Sato's questions about the Fourth Mizukage's inauguration and the current atmosphere without any of this shenanigans but Mei couldn't confirm any of the crucial details.

Still, that they were instead to present themselves as dignitaries from the Mizukage meant she would inevitably learn the name of the Yondaime, even if it was at the same time as the Hokage.

And it was. Minato Namikaze, the Yellow Flash of Konoha wasn't all too pleased to have Kiri shinobi in his village, especially those that were clearly all part of its ANBU.

His reaction when Captain Sato announced Yagura Karatachi as Yondaime Mizukage and pronounced the Sandaime dead in the same breath was a delight to see though. From shocked to sympathetic then back to concealed disdain in a flash.

Mei went through a similar reaction, though she knew to withhold back involuntary inflections like that since she knew she'd be in for some news. For the most part she was relieved and then a bit worried, Yagura shared a piece of her visions for Kiri but unlike her he had too little reservations in how he pursued it, even volunteering to become a Jinchuriki despite knowing the risks.

The Hokage gave his condolences and they were offered a place in Konoha. The Yellow Flash himself had just taken seat as the Fourth Hokage, his face nearly fully carved in that ridiculous mountain side. And so he offered to establish a communique with his fellow Yondaime, connecting the two rival nations in a firm and direct wish for reconciliation.

Mei saw it in those enchanting blue pearls of his, he meant every word, he wanted Kiri and Konoha to coexist rather than cannibalize. What a cute man.

Captain Sato stiffly nodded, appreciating the offer and promising to relay it back home. Whether he's done so, whether Yagura has gotten word, she doesn't know, but they were about to receive new orders judging by the constrained and pitied look the Vice Daiki was giving her.

"There's been some change of plans." Sato began and Mei spied Hana straighten up, fully enthused for a change of pace.

Communication with the village takes a while even with the fastest ravens, it would get better if the Mizukage accepted the Hokage's offer, aligned villages could easily set up embassies with the right tools and jutsu to communicate faster.

Until then they were stuck making day to day attempts to escape their three dozen ANBU watchers— at least by the latest count— while they tried to carry on with their original mission to investigate Konoha's involvement in the Sandaime's death.

At this point though and after see that handsome, prize winning catch of a Hokage, Mei didn't think him capable of being behind such. But of course, Konoha has many powerful figures with their own agendas, continuing the investigation was paramount.

"Yondaime-sama wants to investigate Amegakure, this time it's a full infiltration." Sato said and Daiki beside him sighed. Mei had a set of questions already but stood in place until Sato finished, "Our team will split in two as there are pending matters in Konoha, Hana and I will see to that. Daiki, Mei, you'll travel to Amegakure as early as dawn and take up identities as a married, childless couple looking for a cheap and relatively safe place to build a life. Mei, you will take lead on this mission and the Commander will be your direct contact. That is all."

Mei understood now why Daiki had been pitying her so, she's being torn away from all of Konoha's…potential and being force to play house with him. But worse than that, this was easily an S-rank mission— infiltrating the house of Hanzo the Salamander, it's unlikely they'll have backup and she's taking point over the Vice-Captain of the current team, how? Why?

"Why me? I only stayed in ANBU a year, I don't have as much experience." She'd left the ANBU after having her fill of its scummier ways, it was there she met and became acquainted with Yagura. He was one of the few breathes of fresh air but even then, he was polluted with a burning desire for power and recognition.

Sato just stared at her and shrugged, "I asked the same thing and apparently it's because Yondaime-sama mentioned you by name for this mission, goodluck, don't disappoint him."

Daiki managed a smile, he was always reserved. "I'm in your hands…darling." He blew her a kiss and Mei scowled while Hana and Sato chuckled.

Hana leaned in and whispered, "Guess the Hokage will have to fall in love with me instead, enjoy the rain Mei-chan!"

Mei looked at her appalled and then, betrayed. With a fury she raised her fist and ran after the already bolted Hana, "He's mine! Don't you dare!"

Mei let herself indulge, but brewing in the back of her mind were many, many concerns about this new mission. Daiki is right, Yagura is trusting me to do my part, we share the same vision after all.

Yes, she can do it, they can do it. Kirigakure will never be the same again and then maybe she'll find some good man to spend the rest of her life with.

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik and Asura for being a part of the library!
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To Breakthrough
Breathe in…Breathe out…Breathe in…and out. My mind was centred, my soul is full, my heart is rich and my hands are empty, ready to receive. My breath hitched as I prepared to ask, to receive. My soul delved and I felt my feet lose the ground beneath them, the darkness of my shut eyes filled with the cool soothing's of an ocean and then the imposition of monstrous chakra.

I let both take hold of me, refusing to give into the fear, there's nothing to be afraid of, I asked for this, I came here. I am here. My eyes fluttered open and stung from the ocean soaking every inch of me, a shimmering light in the persistent darkness grew as I floated above what I came for.

He won't let me have it.

"No, no I won't." He said, appearing larger than I've ever seen myself in a mirror, than I've ever thought of myself. He presses a giant hand over the power, the horde of chakra I've come begging for and it all disappears in a vicious whirlpool.

I gritted my teeth and began to flee but it's hardwork running away from an ocean master. Multitudes of himself forge out of cyclones, all staring disapprovingly as I swam, struggled to the surface if there is one any more.

"When will you stop running? When will you stop pretending?" his multitudes demand, their brows furrowed in deep sneers of disgust.

I choked on my held breath, desperate for air that doesn't exist I kicked and pushed and pulled at the water to escape but only met him again.

"You're the one who came in here. You think it will be so easy to have this power? You must earn it, you must face the challenge to seize it. But you are not ready!" His giant form drew the equally massive Bo-staff and he struck, bringing a wave of water down on my head before the Bo itself smites me out of my meditative trance.

I leapt out of the pool gasping for air, my lungs greedy for it and my vision blurred by the droplets soaking my hair in my eyes. I kicked and splashed until Harusame appeared above me, standing on the water he yanked me out with one arm and held me.

"Mizukage-sama! Breathe, breathe!" He demanded as he slapped my back and forced what water was already trapped in my lungs out.

Eventually I caught my breath enough to pull chakra to my feet and stand alone. I stumbled away from the lake, my seventh attempt at reaching Isobu thwarted yet again by none other than Yagura himself. Or, according to him, me.

But I couldn't believe that, I didn't want to. It made more sense to see him as Yagura and myself as…what am I? Who am I? These questions have plagued me for another week and I'm no closer to getting an answer, I'm not even sure I want one anymore.

I just want to speak to Isobu or at least master his chakra. I threw myself against the grass as my chest heaved for air and my seal burned my stomach. I could smell Harusame's vile remedies brewing already but this time I'd asked for them.

The longer I sat as Mizukage the more I felt my strength was insufficient, no, the more obvious it became. The Kages that stand behind each of the hidden villages in this timeline were intensely powerful people.

There was Rasa, the Fourth Kazekage who has consistently fought and subdued the One-Tailed beast, a feat not many can lay claim to especially singlehandedly.

Onoki ruled the Hidden Stone as Third Tsuchikage, a man well aged to have seen the birth of all the major villages, to have fought against Madara himself. There is something to be said about a man who lives long in a profession where people die young.

Ay, the Fourth Raikage and the second fastest person on the planet, a man so fierce he weathers no insult, takes no bullshit and fights with his fists ready to squash whoever may dare threaten his village. His lightning cloak, a version of his father's own and yet to see its full potential has the strength to take on and shield him from nearly anything.

And finally, the Hokage or Hokage's as Konoha seems to be the only village that managed to have two generations of Kage living and breathing at the same time. Hiruzen, the Professor who has learned all jutsu known to Konoha itself and Minato, the Yellow Flash, a name that speaks for itself.

In contrast, Yagura Karatachi or at least, the Yagura Karatachi I was playing wasn't all that intimidating. True Yagura held mastery over both Water and Wind Release and was dipping further into Yin Release when he became a Jinchuriki.

In truth, if tested, I only have power equivalent to that of an expert Jounin and that's when I channel his personality and memories, a thing I'm not too fond of doing. When I don't I'm about as useful as a well-rounded Chuunin looking for a promotion.

I suppose that's not bad but lately, more and more security concerns were making their way to my desk. Not to mention, I casted the die and took the first move against Obito and the Akatsuki, I didn't know waiting for a report would take so long or that it would make me so anxious.

And so, here I am, back to seeking an ultimate, quick draw, easy win power to soothe my mounting anxieties. If only Yagura would let me through.

"Mizukage-sama, you can't push yourself so much, this exercise is extreme enough for your stage." Harusame continued to complain as he set a cup of his remedy on the grass next to my head. "Let's try taking it from the top again, chakra moulding."

I groaned at that, sat up and gulped the scalding hot tea before it got cold enough to tastes all the awfulness. By this time Harusame's gotten used to seeing me do so and simply shook his head as he took the empty cup.

I breathed out the heat as I stood akimbo, "No, theirs is too much to do to waste time inching forward. If I can't summon its chakra on my own, then it's time, Harusame."

His eyes soften as he looked on me, "Mizukage-sama…"

I shook my head, "Don't worry, you saw me out there, I can handle its chakra. I won't rampage."

Still, he looked conflicted, but I couldn't blame him, I was essentially asking him to put his life on the line, to trust that I'm capable of holding back a Tailed-Beast. In truth, this is a very Yagura thing for me to do but technically, it's not. Since I know Isobu is asleep and the real Yagura is the first line of defence behind the seal all I need is to bypass him, grind some of Isobu's chakra into my own and…

"This…if we do this the entire village will be at risk, not just me. The Three-Tails is fully capable of ending my life even with a single tail, one mistake, one slip up and it's over."

I gritted my teeth, trusting that as stubborn as Yagura is he won't stand in my way, not if I do this, not if there's a true risk of everything being over.

Steely eyed, I nodded, "I'm sure, make the preparations."

No sooner had I given the order did an ANBU shimmer to my side, kneeling at my feet with his head bowed I sighed, "What is it now?"

He shifted at Harusame's presence and the Fuinjutsu master didn't need to be told to give us privacy. He bowed and left the secluded meditation pool to carry his orders.

Once he was gone, Ao took off his mask and by his expression alone, I could tell this was a serious matter, "Lord Funato has called for an emergency meeting with the council, news from Konoha."

Every muscle in my body tensed at that, I wanted to ask Ao more but I knew he wouldn't have the answers. "Very well, let's go."

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik, Asura and the quite mysterious 6th patron; Someone for being a part of the library!
If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click
Settling Matters
"We should decline." Lord Funato's cane struck definitively as he eyed his fellows.

Lady Megumi looked more aged each time I saw her and this news continued on that trend, despite myself I was concerned for her well-being. Uncle had a plain, unreadable poker face on, he mostly looked irritated they'd called him from the clan grounds for this but Yagura knew that too was a poker face.

These are exactly the kind of matters he's always wanted to consult on and my being Mizukage made his place here all the more valid, if a bit skewed by rumours of favouritism.

None of that stopped him from voicing his opinion though, "Why? Because it's what we've always done?"

The old clan head harrumphed, "Jest all you want but it is these foundations that has kept Kiri safe and whole."

Uncle Aoto snorted but said nothing, his meaning gone unspoken. The delusions of the aged continued to show right alongside his stubbornness. I massaged my temples because unlike him I hadn't the restraint for a poker face.

An olive branch, an opportunity for reconciliation with the strongest of the hidden villages, the winner of the Third Shinobi war. With Minato Namikaze. That wasn't something you declined.

I made my displeasure at his quick dismissal known with a scowl and considered Lady Megumi. I already knew what my orders were going to be but the key to leading is giving attention, at least, I felt so.

"Lady Megumi, what do you think we should do?"

She sent a somber gaze at me and smiled wryly, "Ahh, forgive me, Mizukage-sama, I thought I was merely here to listen to your decision." She sniped, narrowing her eyes at me.

I immediately regretted opening the conversation to her. I knew what this was about as well, Megumi laid that trap well. "The Kaguya case is-"

"Oh no, forgive me, I have accepted your decision on that case, Yondaime, I only regret to see what will come of it. If you wish a ryo for my thought on this, then I can only tell you to heed history."

Lord Funato smiled and even Uncle shifted uncomfortably at the woman's guile. "I too have disagreements with your decision on the Kaguya, but this is not about the Kaguya, Konoha is a much more delicate body than those annoyances as you called them."

I sighed and looked at their faces, even Uncle had some doubts about my decision to hold off on massacring the entire Kaguya clan for the attack before my succession.

Much like this decision, I made it based off of what would be best for the future, not the immediate interests of Kirigakure; vengeance. There still wasn't anyone labelled as suspect for the Sandaime's death and so the Kaguya made themselves a convenient scapegoat to appease the bloodthirsty clans and masses of the Mist.

Unfortunately, I wasn't with them on that bloodlust. "You're exactly right about that, Lord Funato, which is why I believe it's high time we cease with the hostile and avoidant relations with the other villages."

Funato frowned but I didn't give him a chance to speak over me, "You complained about my action in Amegakure as well, Lord Funato, Konoha offering a medium of diplomacy on a silver platter is an opportunity to diffuse any misunderstandings about our operations in the Amegakure if Konoha should find out.

"Besides, I am curious about the Yellow Flash of Konoha, the tales of his legend are tenfold as both Iwa and Kumo will confess. Given our failed operation against Konoha in the last leg of the war I doubt he expects us to accept this…generous offer."

Uncle gave that a thoughtful hum and nodded along, "Konoha is prideful and wouldn't turn on their offer, especially not a one from their new Kage, it would reflect weakness, indecision and deceit. Not a great way to start a relationship with us."

I smirked and sat back, glad to have a voice of reason on this council of mine. Like every Kage before me I have the power to add more councillors so long as the number remained odd. I wondered who I'd like to add and only Mei that comes to mind leaving the odd slot empty.

Funato's frown deepened, "These are fair and sound points, Karatachi, but Kiri has never left itself so vulnerable to outside influence, we already have insurgents plaguing the Land of Water, concerning ourselves with-"

Lady Megumi sighed loudly and shook her head at Lord Funato, "Mizukage-sama has already made his decision, Funato-dono. Our words walk in one ear and out the other, Kaguya, Ame, and now Konoha, I fear the words of elders have no value."

Funato seemed shaken by her words, his grip on his cane hardened and I thought he was about to strike it again but instead, he started to stand.

"Lord Funato!" It was Uncle who shouted, his eyes darted to me and squinted in a way that told me explicitly to suck up, "There's no need to leave yet, I'm sure we can help the Mizukage see our way on some matters if not all. The council does not exist alone to counsel on Konoha after all."

He laughed sheepishly and Funato miraculously cracked a smile. The old man turned to me, disappointment clear on his face, "As the Mizukage wishes, it shall be. As Hozuki-dono has said, we offer ancient wisdom it is your choice to heed it or not."

"Of course, I appreciate that wisdom." I said with a tight lipped smile. Judging by Uncle's reaction there are consequences to stepping on these old folks toes too much, I have to remind myself that even a Kage is subject to be overthrown or assassinated for a more favourably candidate.

My power only extends as far as I can throw the clans of the ruling caste. As a Karatachi my clan will stand with me, I know Uncle will. But the others, I see I have to choose whether to cajole or terrorize them into submission.

"Say, Lady Megumi, how about we revisit my intentions for the Kaguya, I want you to understand and…I may have been hasty in rejecting your proposals." I catch Lord Funato peeking at me expectantly but unfortunately I say nothing regarding my decisions on Ame and Konoha, those will stand.

Uncle Aoto smiled brightly at everyone, "Yes, I think that's a great idea."

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik, Asura and the quite mysterious 6th patron; Someone for being a part of the library!
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That's all for today guys! Hope you enjoyed the mini binge, remember, if you've got an idea for achievable milestones that could prompt more 4chap days lemme know. As always, see ya next tomorrow!
I Dream Of Peace
"I really don't like your office." Uncle stated honestly, "When are you going to spruce this place up?" He lingered, pacing about the office and poking stuff as though there wasn't a couch to sit at.

In truth, I felt the same way about the office, I had particular preferences that followed me from my past life to this one and I'd like to see them met. It's simply a matter of time and importance, gathering the necessary things and finding the time where I wouldn't mind being disturbed as I worked.

"It's on my list of things to do...just near the bottom. Not a lot of spare time on my hands as Mizukage yknow?" I raised an eye from the promotion request I was reading, I sighed and pulled out my official seal and stamped it blue with my approval.

Uncle scoffed and sent an accusing look at me, "Spare time? Hm, I guess visiting a tea house with a certain Rina isn't a waste of time then."

I groaned, "That's how I got Lady Megumi's proposals, even this one." I pointed at the approved request and Uncle's accusatory gaze softened. "Mangetsu Hozuki…Chuunin. What do you think?"

Uncle Aoto sighed as he shrugged, "He's a prodigy, it makes sense to promote him, even if you're only doing it as a compromise. Did you plan this?"

"Huh? Plan what?" There were a lot of things I was planning.

"Forcing Lady Megumi to compromise, you rejected her proposal to hunt and exterminate the Kaguya, a thing many clans agree with but you also rejected Mangetsu's promotion. And now, you've approved it…" He trailed off, looking at me expectantly.

Of course, I could fill in the blanks of what he means, what he thinks I orchestrated. In fact, that sounds like a genius plan to have had but really, when Rina in all her beauty voiced the plans for the Kaguya clan extermination from the Land of Water and in the same breath asked for Mangetsu, a six-year old to be promoted so he can participate...well, let's just say I'd heard enough.

As a result of the last council meeting, I've explained my reasoning for not wanting to exterminate the Kaguya. Kirigakure is a village founded on the backs of the invaded clans, the low caste as they're called once integrated. Since that tradition still exists there's no need to genocide a clan wielding such a powerful Kekkei Genkai. Eiko's report on their physiology corroborates these facts.

However, Yagura knew there's nothing I could say to that'd make keeping Mangetsu as a Genin sound like a good idea to anyone on the council. Kiri has just suffered a war and bolstering our military ranks with capable shinobi is one of the most important tasks I have as Mizukage.

I shook my head, "No, it was no scheme. I simply didn't find any of it a good idea but I am willing to compromise."

Uncle stood at my desk, fists pressed against it as he leaned in with the most serious look I've seen on him since the meeting, "Yagura, you should know by now that the clans are powers even the Mizukage has to bargain with. Sandaime-sama was a ruthless man and as he married Lord Funato's granddaughter he had the backing of both the Funato and Hozuki clans and he also had war."

I dropped my pen and sat back to listen.

"A war, believe it or not, is an ally to every Kage. Wartime means no one dares question your measures, wartime means your word is truly law as it should be. But Yagura, the war is over, you mustn't test the waters too frequently or else you will be bitten."

I flexed my clenched jaw and asked, "I have the Karatachi behind me, don't I?"

His fierce gaze lightened and he smiled, "You better believe it."

Grateful I nodded, "I appreciate your wisdom, Uncle, I will ensure my best to stave off threats to my…peaceful reign."

"As long as you're visiting tea houses you should consider getting married, Lady Megumi is certainly amenable." There he goes again with the marriage topic.

"I noticed. But I'd like to find a wife that isn't just a mouthpiece for her clan, Rina doesn't seem to be that just yet but if Lady Megumi keeps this up then…well, she can forget having a Karatachi groom."

Uncle hummed in thought, clearly not in total agreement but unwilling to push the matter. Folding his arms, he asks, "So, who will you send to the Kaguya?"

At this I grinned. Of the many plans I've been dreaming up this is one I'm anxious to test as soon as possible. The Kaguya attack happened nearly two weeks ago and I'm sure to some within the village it looks like I've been dragging my feet to decide just what kind of retaliation I wanted to send down.

But as Uncle has said, without a war or marriage to another powerful clan, I needed allies within to prop my fresh reign and so, I look to the neglected albeit powerful clans of Yuki and Hoshigaki.

"Reina Yuki, Elite Jounin and current Commander of our ANBU, exemplary service. Kisame Hoshigaki, prospective Seven Swordsman of the Mist, hasn't been assigned any of the free blades, not even while he was being tested for the succession." I raised a knowing eyebrow as Uncle's eyes widened in realization.

He grinned, "I think I'll help you decorate this office, I'm missing all the fun by staying away."

"You should come more often; I wouldn't mind picking your brain on some of these. Konoha for example."

At this he outright laughed, "That's your burden to bear, Mizukage-sama. A peaceful Mist is what you want huh? Let us hope this Yellow Flash of theirs isn't anything like Sarutobi, though the man still lives, his influence over the village is not dead. My advice? Expect nothing but disappointment."

Harsh words but truth filled them all. There was an even bigger obstacle to peace between villages than the Third Hokage to consider, a vile man willing to pay any cost as long as Konoha came out on top of the dogpile.

Danzo Shimura.

Hey guys, just a heads up since this is the last week of March. I'll be taking a week long break from posting once April begins, need to step back and look at the bigger picture of the story to develop it and I want to build a healthier stockpile of privileged chapters for my patrons. I'll be back to the usual posting schedule on the second week so yeah.

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik, Asura and the quite mysterious 6th patron; Someone for being a part of the library!
If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click
Kaguya Crisis
"Why didn't we know about this two weeks ago?" I demanded, scroll clenched in my fists.

Owl mask bowed deeper her voice steady and unflinching as she reported her failure, "Reports of attacks on the five clans took priority and afterwards, with the Daimyo and the succession, our operatives prioritized calls from the Central District. We're investigating and widening our patrol to execute the hidden Kaguya to the last man."

I wanted to scream but instead I held back the boiling knot of anger in my throat. Beneath it I found the compassion to give the order to capture them instead but that would only make me look weak and Yagura wasn't comfortable with that— there was no redeeming them for what they've done.

Not these ones but we can still stop a genocide.

"Bring me one." I ordered as I stood from my desk, my haori flowed behind me as I marched past her kneeling form. I tapped her shoulder as I sped out and she fell to my side. "How many breeches did you say?"

"Twenty-nine as current count, we may discover more but based on what's been coming in from the Caste District, that's the working number." She said, matching my pace as we strutted out of the Tower, working shinobi bowing or flinching to greet as I approach.

"Twenty-nine and we're estimating teams of six like the ones that attacked the clan compounds." My knuckles whitened as I did the math, "That means a hundred and seventy Kaguya are roaming about my village. That may well be the entire Kaguya clan, are you sure the reports on their village is accurate?"

She hesitated and it infuriated me. Sensing the killing intent radiating off me she snapped to answer, "They are outdated, keeping up with the trends and numbers of changing nomadic tribe and clans of shinobi isn't easy."

"I didn't ask for excuses, Owl."

The lower floor of the Tower got busy with Chuunin and others taking care of things so she fell silent without another word. I didn't say a word to the numerous faces that did double takes and stammered in search of the right greeting or those who bowed, smiled and did everything perfect. As long as they got out of the way it was fine.

Down the stairs and onto the ground floor where four feet statues of the past Mizukage greeted any and every one on entry. Between them are two tall desks filled with scrolls and manned by friendly faced but exhausted Chuunin who handed out trivial missions. There were another two desks on the floor above but for B-rank missions and for filing mission requests of that rank and above.

The large, conference sized space of the reception was filled with Genin and their Jounin who looked on in awe and surprise respectively. Surprising because I usually don't bother coming down here, I didn't see myself bothering with Genin anytime soon and I could leap off building to get where I wanted.

But in my anger my legs carried me out this way. It was fine though, Owl mask had little to say and the aura of rage I tried to suppress said it all. Besides, my destination was across the street.

We marched out at brisk pace to the Sensor Division HQ. A large teardrop shaped blue building that only had two storeys despite its impressive size. But as the guards at the front saluted and hurriedly opened its long doors, the reason is immediately apparent.

A massive sphere of water floated in the middle of the room. The entrance opened to a chakra-glass protected walkway and stairs on either side that led down to a large hall occupied by skittish Sensor-nin and their assistants. All of whom were working double time to analyse and process readings sluggishly printing out from machines.

My presence was felt before I was seen. The scattered chatter and back talk ended abruptly as the room full of Sensor-nin sniffed out my imposing chakra and mood with ease.

I took the floor with Owl mask trailing behind me. The room was silent as I took their faces in, they gulped and cursed under their breaths as they shied away from my gaze.

"Who is responsible?" Yagura sneered out through me.

A man in simple flak gear step out into view, his fingers twitching beside him. He crossed over the small stream of water feeding the water sphere and began approaching as he stuttered, "Yondaime-sama…I...the issue with the sphere it's not so simple there were too many figures moving around at one a-and and I, I mean we couldn't- even Osamu couldn't-ack!"

Before he had a chance to flinch or even more to protect himself, my palm was buried in his gut, causing him to fold over my arm and lean. I threw him off and he fell to the ground coughing and puking out whatever he had for lunch.

"Kneel and don't get up until every one of them is accounted for." I turned to face the rest of the Sensor Division, the grim acceptance of punishment evident on their faces. "What are you waiting for? Someone give me a report and get back to searching for every last damned Kaguya killing and raping in my village!"

I turned my attention to Owl hanging like a shadow behind me, "Go, announce an emergency. Shut down every gate, no one goes in or out. Alert the Jounin stations and get me Eiko."


She vanished in a haze and I was faced with a chubby man that hadn't bothered wearing shinobi gear and donned a simple white labcoat over his stretched black attire.

"Osamu reporting, sir! I was- uh, yes, the situation is…difficult to describe." Osamu's eyes darted everywhere but mine as he quickly introduced himself. "Our current capabilities with the Water Sensing Sphere are quite limited, we can only sense around an area for specific targets whose chakra signatures we've confirmed via field operators or we can search a specified area for irregularities and flagged chakra usage. But as far as the Kaguya are concerned we haven't enough data to accurately seek out chakra natures and movements similar to those that attacked the clans.

He gulped, squirming under my gaze, "So, basically we need to find more Kaguya to, um, you know, calibrate the Sphere and, uh, make it better at sensing them accurately. But, even then, the Sphere can't search all of Kiri at once, so, uh, it's gonna take, um, at least two... or, uh, maybe even four days to do it properly. For now, all we can really do is, like, search out in the field and report back to the Sensor Division whenever there are encounters so we can study their, uh, chakra patterns."

Four days to scan the entire village? Too slow, much too slow. It's no wonder the Third fell victim to Madara. I bit my lip and glared at the Water Sensing Sphere, adding it to the list of things I ought to improve about the village.

"Go back to work." I said, tired from being angry. I glanced at the unfortunate man that lost his lunch to Yagura's palm strike, he was kneeling as I ordered, his mouth dripping with unwiped vomit.

I cringed and turned away. My third week as Mizukage was starting out with hell.

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik, Asura and Someone for being a part of the library!
If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click
See ya next tomorrow!
Bone Hunting
My Bo-staff's large hook grabbed hold of the man's neck and I yanked him onto my Wind Blade. He gasped and gurgled blood as his knees gave out beneath him. Yagura dragged the Wind Blade diagonally, cutting through his organs and slicing out his pelvis.

He crumpled at my feet and just as I was about to leap off to find the next, he grasped my ankle, clenching onto it like it'd do anything. I spared the man I'd just laid at death's door and found that same disgusting grin every damned crazy Kaguya wore.

His mouth was brimming with blood as he choked out, "We..weee…we will be—"

I snatched my foot away and glared, tempted to bring his death closer still but Ao shutters nearby, his fingers held in a Tiger hand sign and so I move on, "Have you found the next?"

I'm glad I recalled Ao to my side long ago, his Byakugan made patrolling and exterminating the invasive Kaguya a breeze. Yagura's Mist Perception allows me to perceive people and items moving through the mist but it doesn't let me differentiate between them. Ally and foe ring the same bells and so I tried not to rely on it.

The emergency I ordered forced everyone into their homes, all shops and services closed. Every active and available Chuunin and Jounin combed the village in teams of three. Ordered to search and exterminate the invasive Kaguya. It's not at all the kind of orders I wanted to give considering a massacre is exactly what I wanted to prevent.

But alas, I am Mizukage. My duty was to protect this village and the enemy will not surrender.

Standing atop a rooftop and gazing through his Byakugan, Ao nodded and I leapt to his side. He pointed, "There are three north of this street and another two over to the western markets but someone's engaged them already."

The streets are drained of life but full of mist, thicker mist than usual as the [Hidden in the Mist] technique shapes the entire village into a battleground favouring Kiri shinobi.

"Are the Kaguya bone-users?"

Ao frowned, brows furrowed in concentration as the Byakugan's use ate more chakra, "Yes, two C-tier users and three D-tier users approaching from the north though."

Eiko's report was truly valuable. His breakdown on the Kaguya clan's bone manipulating technique classified them into tiers of ascending threat levels. They were rare, truly, but not so rare that I wasn't already tired of seeing them.

His classifications put the Kaguya into four tiers. D-tier, bone users that could grow and enhance their skeletal structure, giving protection where there shouldn't. C-tier were the users that could emit their bones outside their body to a lesser degree, usually only wielding a bone sword still attached to their skeleton.

B-tiers were the users who seemed to have mastered the technique enough to mass produce their bone weapons for the numerous clan members that didn't express the dangerous Kekkei Genkai. The A-tiers were those that begun to resemble Kimimaro, the ones would could easily regenerate chopped off fingers and toes, the ones that didn't mind if their spine was broken or their skulls shattered.

The A-tiers were the true threats as [Shikotsumyaku] manifested well in them, giving them power to produce bone even outside their body to display sheer destructive power. So far I've only faced one of these A-tiers and that was over two weeks ago when they attacked the Hozuki.

Judging by the ratio of normal clan members to bone users reported anyone could discern the Kekkei Genkai was rare but the A-tiers were particularly so. A fortunate thing to be honest as I didn't know how many of the Kiri shinobi running around could stand up against them in an encounter.

"To the C-tier then." I said and Ao quickly led the way, leaping through the rooftops.

Eiko's report on the Kaguya's bone-user capabilities was distributed amongst the rank and file, Jounin and Elite Jounin leading teams would inform their mates what to be wary of should and encounter occur but after that, it was left to the Kiri shinobi to bring them down.

Knowing how dangerous they are I personally prioritized hunting down the highest tiered bone user. Whoever was facing those two C-tier's now couldn't be having a good time.

I wanted to asked Ao if there weren't any more Kiri shinobi facing them, I'd ordered Elite Jounin and Jounin to pair up in teams with Chuunin so the only reason a singular person would be fending off two C-tiers is if their entire team was taken down.

Fist clenched around my Bo-staff I refused to voice out the concern lest it become reality but Ao seemed to sense my apprehension, "Only a bit further, Yondaime-sama."

I nodded and glimpsed the pale moon peeking out above the village, shining bright enough to illuminate our steps through the mist. It's been a whole day of this already without rest. According the Sensor Division just over seventy of the hidden Kaguya had been snuffed out of their hiding places and executed.

My gut tumbled every time I heard a report of such a finding. Over the two weeks the Kaguya had slipped in and camped, they'd made quick work slaughtering civilian and even some shinobi families in the Caste District where our attention was least expected.

Several homes were invaded and occupied by the damned Kaguya. They raided and left to carry out more atrocities throughout the Caste District without a single report appearing on my desk until a few of them dared trifle with the rich and prosperous stores owned by prominent clans in the Business District.

So many of their victims are…were victims of Kirigakure. I wondered about my plans to integrate the sane population of the Kaguya clan into Kiri and I doubted it would fly at all. It was my intention to find a place for them in the Caste District but after this incident, even the Castes wouldn't sit idle if relatives of their murderers and rapists came to make a home.

Fuck, this is messed up.

Finally, Ao came to a halt but I leaped forward, already heard the cries of battle raging below. Soaring over the rooftops I had a look at the scene below and quickly identified my enemies.

One C-tier stood behind and cackled as she supported her partner's wild swings and dances with finger bone projectiles. Her partner disturbed a young child managing to block his flailing strikes with a kunai that was quickly getting chipped.

I sneered and descended. The projectile user took note of me first but Ao didn't spare a moment and quickly engaged her in a fierce taijutsu dance. With his Byakugan on her movements were paltry to decipher even though I'm certain her skin would be harder than steel.

Yagura dashed out with a vengeance, the Bo-staff swung out in an arc that smashed through the bone-user's legs, sweeping him off them as they cracked and bent awkwardly. As he fell, the child he was trying to murder is revealed and before me stands a chakra exhausted but relatively unharmed Mangetsu Hozuki.

"What are you-!" My shock is doubled as the crippled Kaguya leaped out and stabbed my foot with a bone sword.

Instinctively I tried to move away but he snaps it off, leaving it impaled in my foot and me pinned to the ground as one of his legs snap back to form in time for him to push forward. His throat protruded with another oddly placed bone sword looking to poke out my eye.

He doesn't get the chance as Mangetsu snatches his head of hair and presses his kunai to the man's bone bulged throat. Using all his strength Mangetsu buried the chipped and blunted kunai in the man's throat before any more bone reinforcements could form out of his body.

Blinked back to my senses I snatch Mangetsu out of the way with one arm and hammer my Bo-staff into the Kaguya's gyrating skull before he can get a grip on the kunai lodge in his throat. His head caves in, soaking hair and my Bo-staff with his blood as the light in his squished eyes goes out permanently.

"Mangetsu! What are you doing here?" I snapped at the child I still held up with one arm. I glanced over my shoulder and found Ao had already finished dealing with his opponent with minimal water damage to the surroundings.

The Hozuki prodigy just stared blankly at me, "Mizukage-sama ordered all available Chuunin to take to the field."

Right, fuck me, I promoted this child to Chuunin. "Yes, but in teams, where is yours?" I asked and set him down.

He looked left then right and pointed down the street. I couldn't see what was down there but I had a feeling. I reached down and yanked the bone sword pinning my foot and hissed, "I'm sorry. You've done well. We'll be your new team now."

His face betrayed no emotion but looking at him reminded me of…Rina! I blinked over at Ao, wondering if I should ask him to search for her, alternatively I could just ask the Sensor Division where she'd been deployed through the earbud but I restrained myself.

Now wasn't the time for favouritism or weakness. I'd ordered every Chuunin to the field and so every Chuunin took to it. "Ao, he'll be joining us, give him a pill. Where's the next set?"

Yup, if you guessed power trouble as the reason for a missed 'otherday' you'd be half right! Haha, other irl stuff got in the way as well but I'm back until the first week of April. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik, Asura and Someone for being a part of the library!
If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click
Ending the Threat
"Give up! Give up now while you still have the chance!" Owl mask yelled down at the large fishing dock, ANBU crowded around it, perched atop light posts, rooftops and even the sails of anchored ships. "Come out, kneel and accept the chakra seal as you surrender and you will receive consideration from the Mizukage!"

My generosity knew no bounds. I stood at the forefront of the house that served both as home and workplace to the lower caste folk living here. Ao stood behind me with a box of Harusame's Chakra-Suppressing Seals in hand, we could beat them into submission but according the Sensor HQ there was another A-tier lurking in the occupied house.

It took hours but Sensor HQ finally got their act together and studied enough Kaguya chakra that they could thread the pattern and identify them from a crowd of shinobi. They quickly alerted us to this place, where the largest gathering of Kaguya clan members was.

Somehow over thirty Kaguya had fit themselves into the house, it was a large house considering it doubled as a fishing dock for active sailors and fishermen but not large enough that I held hope the Kaguya kept any of the original owners alive as hostages.

The fact they haven't bothered to negotiate…

I was beginning to wonder if this was some kind of butterfly effect or time paradox. It felt like the universe's schemes for the Kaguya's genocide were firmly in place and no matter how much I delayed or had compassion for them, their deaths were written and meant to be played out.

Owl mask assured me that her ANBU reports a clutch of the Kaguya clans people but given this secret invasion of theirs I figure all that makes up the clutch would be women and children.

And even then, I wondered. The silence after another round of Owl masks demands grew and the horde of ANBU gathered were tensed, waiting for my word to move into the house and end every Kaguya life within. Instead I looked over my shoulder and asked Ao, "What do you see?"

He promptly activated his Byakugan and peered into the lair, "Same as last, they're eating, lounging and discussing. Some have taken up guard near the windows and doors but otherwise they're ignoring us."

In that moment I wanted to give the order more than anything. Lounging? After killing so many innocents? My people? Jason calmed me down, a slaughter wasn't the solution I was looking for here. No matter what, I didn't want to be the Yagura that follows the Sandaime's Bloody Mist trend.

So I shut my eyes, breathed out and started walking towards the house. The ANBU flinched to move but restrained themselves, I hadn't given an order. With my Bo-staff well in hand I knocked on the barricaded door and spoke.

"Shinobi of the Kaguya, I am Yondaime Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi. You have my attention."

For a moment silence continued to prevail as it had but then something shifted by the door, the all too familiar noise of tumbling furniture before the door knob twists and opens enough for a grinning face to peek at me.

"A child? The Mizukage is a child! Bwahaha!"

I frowned and the laughter ceased as the killing intent Jason suppressed as I approached surged out like a flood. The man at the door was stunned silent as fear paralyzed him, so much so that he forgot to keep a hold on the door and it swung open for me.

"Who speaks for the clan?" I already knew. At the end of the furniture scattered corridor was a silhouette of a strong man. He stood and turned with a possessed looking grin on his face as well.

"And you…speak for the entire…Hidden Village. Hahah, haha, ahahaha!"

They all seemed genuinely disturbed. I crossed the threshold without my ANBU and instantly felt dozens of eyes on me. True to Ao's word they were crawling in every nook and cranny of the scattered house.

"You attacked my people, you understand you're not going to live, don't you?" I informed him as gripped my bat and settled into a ready stance. "I have only come to ask you two things."

The man crossed over one obstacle before deciding to simply push them away with his strides. He was tall, far taller than the average Kaguya not to mention well-toned.

He stopped at the front of the second door on the left, his eye shifting into it before darting back onto me, "Ahh, you have come to beg mercy and bread, a fine choice. Your people only have fish."

I narrowed at him, "Why have you attacked us? Are there more Kaguya out there or have you brought your whole clan to die with you?"

Shuffles from the rooms became louder as more of his men approached, they peeked out and stared but didn't make a move, their bloodlust barely disguised in their eyes.

"Why? Why else but to show all of the Land of Water that the Kaguya are superior to all! Even their so called Hidden Village." He pressed his fingers to his head as he chuckled, then cackled, "You know, finding this damned place was the hardest part, there's mist everywhere and you can't see your own foot half the time. But then, then the battle begun, one person becomes two and two becomes three and in time there was a line of corpses long enough to lead us right…here."

He licked his lips at me and dared step forward, "Who do you think is at the end of that line, Mizukage?" Chakra flexed within him and bone swords began to protrude out of him.

"Very well, then, are there still Kaguya out there?"

He snorts, "You fear retribution from my grandmother? Tahahahaha! Let's kill him, Kaguya warriors! Let's kill them all! Let's have it all!"

He lurched at me and I twisted, instantly batting him away while raising a handsign— "Good then, this won't be genocide. Die." — my chakra long fed into the waters below and around the house exploded into it as Kaguya members surrounded me on all sides.

It was too late for them though, I held my breath as water broke in, quickly flooding the entire house, shattering through wood, iron and every obstacle in order to fill it to the brim and drown every single Kaguya.

"Water Release: Giant Water Prison."

The fools fought hard even as the water began to raise them away from their footing, I controlled the water and drew myself away from it, stepping out of the house to watch with some fascination as my favourite jutsu enveloped it entirely.

With a little more chakra from my massive reserves I contained the jutsu as the foolish clan head and his minions flung bone out through the water. The house creaked and groaned, complaining as the pressure doubled, shatter the foundations.

Even with my borrowed skill I wasn't channelling Yagura as much as I do, I didn't need him for this, I didn't need to depend on him to bring them retribution. My jutsu strained under their barrage of assaults, conflicting chakra in a confined space, all fighting to be the dominant force.

I could feel some of them trying to cast Water Release techniques but I gripped my Bo-staff, using it to guide my chakra better and follow my unspoken will. Their techniques proved useless, weak, fodder.

Warbling above all our heads the [Water Prison] trapping the entire house began to visibly shrink as I twirled my Bo-staff at it. A little maelstrom fuelled further by my Wind Affinity churned the house and in seconds it lost all resemblance to a place of living, the transparent blue turning red as Kaguya fed the maelstrom of splintered wood, fish hooks and dozens of blades typical to a fisherman's home.

Defiant to the very last, a burst of bone splintered through my [Water Prison] agitating the silent ANBU watching me work. I didn't care for any more struggles though and with my Bo-staff I raised the warbling sphere of bloodstained water, ignoring the bones piercing through its surface.

I raised it over twenty feet before, with some strain, shifted it over the street on my left. It was a wide and empty concrete walkway with no one in sight and nothing of value, the ANBU present sensed my intentions and made themselves scarce.

With a final swing of my Bo-staff I brought the [Water Prison] crashing down from on high. The explosion and swell of water fractured the ground as it dispersed, flooding the street and flowing back into the sea I pulled it from.

The splintered bone construct broke here and there but remained, I glanced over at Ao, he still held the box of seals and wore a solemn look on his face watching bloodied water rush against our feet.

I breathed deeply and found Mangetsu behind him, looking up at me with no small amount of awe. I clipped my Bo-staff to my back and gave a general order, "Make sure they're dead."

Jason held hope this would be the last time a Bloody Mist incident like this occurred but reality seemed to have a different story in mind. Still, I latched onto that hope, he mentioned a grandmother so the old and infantile Kaguya could still remain.

Special thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Garrett, John, Berik, Asura and Someone for being a part of the library!
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See ya next tomorrow! (fingers crossed)