I'd made my decision to visit Amegakure myself. Of course, I'd be accompanied by a strong force of shinobi and I'd have Mei and Daiki working on the inside. But like many of my plans this was but a far off intent, I wasn't so arrogant to think I could take on the Six Paths of Pein as I am.

Jason wasn't all comfortable with the idea but at the same time gave faith to it. It was certainly dangerous to approach but given how the Akatsuki operated— capturing Tailed Beast chronologically— it meant I'd be safe from capture until the One-Tailed and Two-Tailed beasts were taken first.

But that was no excuse to relax, especially if I wanted to get the edge up on Obito. I wasn't sure how long until he attacked Konoha but I had Kiri shinobi there and could simply ask them for information. Either way, I felt it wouldn't be until my sixth month as Mizukage, then I could start poke-nosing into Konoha's business.

For now, I needed to sort out mine and Kiri's. In preparation to meet with hopefully Konan and not Pein, I needed to ensure Isobu was on my side and that I cashed in on Uncle's inauguration gift. And even before all that I had to ensure everything with the Kaguya was settled so with Lord Funato guiding me, I headed out to inspect the Mizukage's Estate.

I gave very little consideration to Uncle's last option— warring throughout the Land of Water— because this was easy, less time consuming and it spared lives. Kiri was just coming out of a war, I wasn't keen on throwing it back into the fires so soon. I'd barely gotten used to being Mizukage to begin with.

I glanced back at my assistant, Junichi Hoshigaki, who I often forgot existed. The young man was taller than I as most were but the way he slouched, his dart-eyed ways and his ever present short notebook and pencil cast him in a lower light than his rank as Chuunin, and station as my assistant, would've.

He caught my gaze and fidgeted, straightening his back and putting on a stern face for passer-by's who couldn't keep their eyes away. I tried not to be too disappointed, I didn't have a proper assistant until him and random Chuunin would man the desks outside my office as well as inform me of visitors or Jounin looking to put in mission requests.

It was inefficient and most times I wasn't in the mood to humour any additional requests or visits, a fact that many of the temporary assistants failed to understand. Junichi though, he understood that when I said something I meant it and I appreciated that at least.

He'll get better, unlike some people…

Lord Funato has been nothing but a sour puss. I realize that he wasn't simply against hosting the Kaguya in his clan compound, he was against hosting them in Kiri entirely. It made sense now why only Uncle gave me valuable advice on what to do about the situation and even then, I had to ask.

His presence beside me scared away many of my usual fans, shinobi and civilian alike. I wasn't fool to the fact that of all the clans in Kiri, his held the most power as the First Mizukage was born of their clan. Such a reputation goes a long, long way.

At the moment, he was escorting me to a property that his ancestor built, likely with the Funato clan in mind as well. And to see it given to Kekkei Genkai wielding barrel scum, it must pain him so.

Unfortunately, I felt no sympathy in his plights, the Mizukage's Estate was rightfully mine and had I known I could utilize it to my wish as I do now, I'd have done so without bothering to ask for his help. It angered Yagura that he used my ignorance of the fact to his own ends but I let that anger disperse with each step towards to property.

The Estate occupied a large piece of land east of the Central District. Botanical gardens of vibrant colours adorned its perimeters, while elegant stone pathways guided visitors through the lush greenery. Towering trees whispered ancient tales as gentle breezes carried their secrets through the air.

The people here were sparse and many stopped to greet Lord Funato first before turning to bow to me. Greeting him first was a non-issue for Jason, he was older, the clan head to many of them and by the reaction of garden's proprietor I bet he was its source of funds as well.

But for Yagura it was a clear sign that my authority as Mizukage wasn't being respected enough. I chalked it up to my short reign and set it out of mind. The surroundings were beautiful and well taken care of, preserved actually, as the scenery felt like something from an aged past even to Yagura.

We walked into the property proper and though I'd caught a glimpse through the trees and over the fence, the magnificent mansion sitting at the heart of the Estate was a breath taking sight to witness.

Its grand façade was a testament to the Funato clan's influence within Kiri, especially given the fact that the entire place was empty, devoid of life save the guards at the gates and the caretakers.

I shook my head as we strolled past swats of lush grasses, a pond and crossed a little bridge that drew over a fast flowing stream. The mansion itself bore Kirigakure's symbol upon its face, large and screaming in the same manner as the Mizukage Tower.

Lord Funato struck his cane as we sighted the doors leading in and he spoke for the first time since I told him our destination, "Here it is, your Estate."

There wasn't any emotion in his voice but I could tell he wasn't terribly pleased with what was happening. He took a breath and clacked further in, he was silent but I knew he had words for me so I turned to Junichi who has been marvelling and gasping.

"Stay out here for a bit will you and make notes for the best places to put training grounds and-"

"And homes? I've got it sir!" He said, alert and eager to work.

I hummed and let him be to follow after Lord Funato. He pushed open the doors with his cane, the mansion was well taken care of but still quite dusty. He didn't seem bothered and continued to walk on in silence.

I observed as much as my eyes could cover, it was beautiful, like most of the property and already had furniture wrapped over to fend the dust. Parts of it were made of wood and other rooms were of concrete, I wasn't sure how that was managed but I appreciated the extra protection the building brought.

Lord Funato walked through halls, stared at excessively large alcoves and pondered beside a dried up fountain. I fell at his side and wondered if he'd speak or if he waited for me to.

In the end, I broke the silence, "I know what you're thinking." His silence was an open invitation for me to continue, "You're worried, worried sick that I'm bringing in the enemy to camp at our backyard. You're thinking I'm too soft, too young to make the hard call…but I already have."

At this he raised his head ever so slightly.

"Kirigakure is going to change, Lord Funato and we're going to change it together. I-"

"I am thinking…of my family, my clan and its legacy. What we have contributed to this village is…well, you know. You are the next, you are the present. I stare at all of this…old and decrepit standings that have gone without use and I see myself in them.

"You say Kiri will change, that we will do it together, but Yagura-kun, you're already doing it on your own. Perhaps, my days of leading the clan should have come to an end long since, perhaps it is time now to let go and allow the ancient and forgotten to have a true use. For I cannot help you, Yagura-kun."

I wasn't expecting that but… "And why not? I believe you can, in fact, it's why I asked you to bring me here. Who else will see this place transformed but you?"

A lie. I brought him here to shove it in his face…just a bit.

He shifted and pressed a sharp gaze on me, "Transformation is for those that are willing. I will ask one thing of you, as Mizukage."


He shuffled closer, "Before you bring in your change, make those responsible for the threats against my granddaughter and my great-grand child answer for their crimes. I have not forgotten and until I am certain those responsible are seized…I will have no rest and neither will you."

Wowwowwow. WOW. Lots of discussion on that last chapter, live for it. Though...am I cliche or is everyone just smarter?
Time for some bad news :(

The combination of inconsistent power and upload speed is kicking my butt. Dragging my feet and that's not fresh. I might have to give up this posting schedule next month, wish me luck tho.
Why is this one in voting?
I can't stress this enough Tim-san. There is no ANBU in Kirigakure. ANBU is a black-ops org created by Tobirama Senju for Konoha. the Black ops shinobi of Kirigakure are called hunter-nin, not ANBU.
I many be super late on this one but I have researched this before so I feel the need to give a primary source refutation.

In Volume 2 Chapter 12 Page 94, Zabuza states he was once in the 霧隠れの暗殺部隊 (Kirigakure no Ansatsu Butai) or "The Hidden Mist's Assassination Force".
Compare that to 暗部 (ANBU) which is short for 暗殺戦術特殊部隊 (Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai) or "Assassination Tactics Special Force"

So Kiri definitely has an ANBU and the abbreviation makes more sense than the Kohona abbreviation.

Sorry for bringing up such an old topic.
Isles of War
"Kirigakure commands here, this island, that one and to an extent those western two." The orange haired, shark toothed man jabbed his finger at five points on the map splayed out on my centre table— my desk was too cluttered for such a presentation.

Fuguki Suikazan was my acting Jounin Commander and the first person summoned when war is deliberated. Even if I haven't consented to bringing Kirigakure out of the tumultuous peace it's only begun to enjoy, it's more than wise to have Fuguki, the man who understood our forces more intimately than I, a Yagura impersonator did.

"We share a measure of absolute control over the mainland with the Daimyo, but in a contest of strength or security, Kirigakure will win each time. The Daimyo's armies are exhausted beating his rivals and title claimants into submission and thus the responsibility of the mainland's security has been on our shoulders since before the end of the Third Shinobi War.

"Thanks to the war and our responsibility to the mainland, we've slowly lost influence over those far off western islands, one of which is where Lord Yakubi's fief and the unfortunate Kaguya reside— Kurokami-jima

Fuguki reached over, easily circling the other end of the map with his finger, "This clutch of western islands are the Daimyo's, the three closest to the mainland are unfortunately the ones rebelling. These two southern islands are taking advantage of the chaos to set themselves up with the Land of Tea's Daimyo, or so I have heard. Only one of the three southern islands stands with the Daimyo, but they are militarily insufficient and will become a target sooner than a saviour."

I leaned over the map, examining the southern islands looking to defect and I noticed something that made Fuguki's accusations a bit…odd, "Aren't these two…well, the way they're drawn…"

Fuguki grinned, "Yes, you're right. Those two, Shizukishima and Ryuujima, were originally part of the Land of Tea, but they belong to the Land of Water now, Mizukage-sama."

I ignored his jibe, I could easily channel Yagura so much of what is meant to be common knowledge becomes so, but my head was already swishing about with information about the Kaguya and Yūki prisoners. Now I was getting a lecture about the Daimyo's Lords and the Land of Water's most pressing enemies.

More than anything I needed to juggle all this information myself, I needed to get used to this job, this world and if so there was no need disguising my ignorance about niche nonsense.

I narrowed at the map and thought out loud for the audience of my councillors, Fuguki and Raiga my ANBU Commander, "If the three closest to the mainland are rebelling, how haven't they taken the capital yet? There's no sea to cross, just a moderate strait to sail, they could storm the capital in days."

It is Uncle Aoto that answers, arms folded as he stood over my right side and examined the map, "The current Daimyo came into power alongside Lord Third, both had vested interest in gaining as much as possible from the warring periods of their reign. And so, well, perhaps this information would be better coming from Lord Funato or Lady Megumi."

I raised a brow at that and set my gaze on the two who looked amused and squirmed in their seat, "What am I missing here?"

They shared a look and Lord Fuanto's stubborn frown set the ball in her court, "Troublesome Lords of the previous Daimyo's court were…eliminated." I didn't miss her glance at Raiga as she said this. "It's almost tradition at this point, there is always someone who thinks their station is far too small for them but when the time comes…they're always willing to settle for less, or rather, more than death."

She shrugged, "Some were given 'promotions' that sent them off to some fief fighting off barbarians and pirates. Others had their entire line embellished by irredeemable crimes, forcing their personal militia's to find work under more…favourable candidates."

I sighed as I nodded, getting the gist of the political housekeeping that had gone underway each time a new Daimyo rose. I wondered if I was meant to do the same for Kirigakure and my sights settled on the stubborn old man that's been the bane of so much progress, at least, in my stressed opinion.

"What happened to those favourable candidates? How did this war start if the Daimyo set the stage for his rule with our help? And how does any of this concern whether the capital is stormed or not?" I looked across the room for answers.

Uncle spoke up to answer my last question, "The most important thing to a Daimyo, especially ours, is to ensure his own security and power are never truly threatened. Crippling troublesome Lords early on would eliminate the obvious threats but ensuring a lasting reign requires more than your rivals head, it requires their children.

"Marriage alliances or princess prisoners make it possibly to live with your rival, but both are easily severed in death. No marriage? No kids? No alliance. No princess prisoner? No deference. What's left now is to renew these alliances or renew the war."

Fortunately, I had begun channelling enough of Yagura to understand Uncle's terminology of 'princess prisoners'. They were nothing more than glorified hostages and didn't necessarily have to be a princess or even a person. In fact, it's exactly the situation I have locked the Yuki clan in after gifting Hisako to the Funato clan at Uncle's suggestion.

Lord Funato spoke up, "Besides that, the true reason they haven't taken the capital is because they dare not. A direct invasion of the mainland would force Kirigakure into war as is our duty to the Daimyo. That is why they will try to steal the mantle by hopping islands, raiding and cursing the lands with their disobedience.

"The Daimyo cannot ignore this and so he sends his armies to meet them in battle instead, where the enemy has the upper hand. If he ignores them then they will quickly become independent of the Land of Water and behave as Shizukishima and Ryuujima."

I let out a hum at that. It begun to makes sense, this war of theirs, and why Kirigakure was going to be the linchpin in it all. I stared at the map and asked Fuguki, "Where is Lord Yakubi's fief?"

"Right here, Kurokami-jima, the land of dark folk." He points at a small island awfully close to the Land of Fire. "The Daimyo's enemies have had a field day raiding Yakubi, even taking to camping there with mercenaries and a clutch of ronin until Reina's timely interference."

Lord Funato took the opportunity to growl at the mention of a Yuki clansman, "An interference that was not ordered, hmph! She ought to explain herself better in person, she should return tomorrow with that host of…grrrr." The thought of her returning with Kaguya infuriated him even more.

I would take pleasure in his stress and laugh in his face if I wasn't stressed about her return as well. I was stressed in general really. Snuffing out the Yuki threat, real or not, was immediate thanks to the overwhelming powers being Mizukage granted me. But the potential fallout I'll soon observe is what furrowed my brows more than anything. And now the Kaguya remnants arrive in a new land where Bloodline users have just recently been imprisoned and scheduled for execution. The Mizukage Estate wasn't even nearly done with the planned renovations, there was limited space for what Reina reports as over a hundred migrants.

I need a break somehow.

Uncle sensed my tension somehow and patted my shoulder, "Don't worry too much about the war, Mizukage-sama, we have no obligation to join unless the Daimyo calls for our service and he hasn't."

Lady Megumi chuckled, "Of course he hasn't, he knows too well it will have a cost, what we have to decide now is what that cost will be."

I recalled Uncle speaking of such a cost when I was seeking a place for the Kaguya in Kiri. Given his answers then, I figure there are much larger asks than simply a wider stretch of land. I wonder…

Alo! Welcome back.
Here's the map I used- Map
Yeesh, Fire Country just has all the luck doesn't it? The Land of Water is relatively tiny, according to that map. Lightning isn't doing too badly and I guess Earth has some greenery at the borders and some rivers internally...

I'd say Wind Country is probably the only other major power that Water can really match and that's because Wind Country is a desert! Sucks to be Water and Wind.
Embracing the Depths
I never learned how to swim before waking up in this reality. There were a number of reasons I'd give for not joining in on the fun, but all of them can be boiled down to one simple fact— I was just too self-aware.

And I was so self-aware of my intense awareness that my own anxiety served as its own fuel. It was never a pleasant thing to experience new and vulnerable situations, my mind would spiral dozens of possible likelihoods, few of which would realistically happen and many that never did. People always found a way to surprise me with their self-centredness and that, was a pleasant surprise.

The more it happened the more I realized people hadn't the time or even interest to watch, study or appreciate my existence. A passing thought once in a while perhaps but nothing so valid that my overactive anxieties were justified. It didn't take long before I began to be the same, less present, less interested and overall, less anxious.

The world wasn't judging me and even if it was, what did it matter when I had one life to live? I was living it the best I could, the best anyone could and that's all that mattered, right?

And then, one life led to another, the last thing I expected to happen. I was judged and set off to lead a new life in a world where, frankly, learning how to swim was the least of my problems.

The sun had set before I was through with my meetings, there were several issues left over to discuss in the coming days but I had placed many on hold so I could get a breather and think.

Besides my ascension day, the past hours have been the most stressed I've been under. The Yuki clan faced mass incarceration, Raiga reported that nearly everyone on the damning Yūki list was accounted for, the few that remained worked outside the village as medic-nin for villages on the islands and towns Kirigakure had control over. There were others of course but the next pressing matter regarding the Yuki was what to do about Hidaki.

All of my councillors agreed that the clan needed to be punished, whether or not the imprisoned Yūki were implicated in any crime or not, the atmosphere of rebellion couldn't be tolerated. Yet, that's exactly what he did.

I let my body bob and float across the spring water fed into the temple's pond. Though Turtle Island was little more than a slice of earth edged next to Kirigakure's main land, it was far enough from my problems that I felt I could breathe and think again. Moreover, it was where I felt closest to Yagura.

I shut my eyes and focused on the sensation of the water as I sank, stealing a deep breath before I was fully submerged. Water had a sound and weight. I understood these things practically as it was made up of matter but, there was some other kind of weighted music in these waters that lulled me towards unconsciousness.

Yagura built his body such that a minute or twenty under water didn't mean death, as much as Jason's mind wished to panic, there was nothing to fear. Besides Yagura's judgment of course, but at this point, with how confused and startled I am, I figure its time I got a pennyworth of his thoughts.

I willed the energetic spiral of mystic power, chakra, through my Tailed-Beast seal, the Three Pillars I've become familiar with thanks to Harusame's guidance and Yagura's natural talent. My chakra spills and washes over the pillars, shaving off slivers of Isobu's chakra and mixing it in the maelstrom.

A scalding heat spread all over my body but quickly cooled as I sank further into the ponds depths. My maelstrom continued as I washed more and more of Isobu's chakra into my own, I felt the water around me quickly boil but I kept Harusame's teachings I mind as I held my chakra closer to my skin and let Isobu's seep outward.

I continued to sink and after a moment, the weighted music of the water changed. I opened my eyes and as I expected, I was within the seal, within myself; Yagura.

He sat atop Isobu as he usually did but there was something different about his presence. He wore the same black up and down I did, and as he looked up to my descending form I noticed his features were paler, as pale as Isobu was.

"Why do you look…transparent?" I spoke, defying the ocean of water that sat atop us.

Yagura's eyes steeled at me for a moment before letting up, "I know what you have come for. A cheat, an easy answer and escape."

I bit my lip, speaking with Yagura was entirely different from channelling him. When I channelled his personality I activated what was already there, trained into his body, his mind and I set my own personality on the back burner. Speaking directly to him though was like…speaking to who I was going to become.

Still, I couldn't deny, "Yes, that's exactly why I'm here. I need you."

He smiled up at me and for a moment he looked as cherry and harmless as I did when I acted out with his cute face in my mirror, "Jason…are you ready then? To accept me?"

I swam closer, nearly reaching Isobu before Yagura raised a stopping finger, "There might be a war soon, the Daimyo is doing his best to keep the country together but people are dying. Bloodline users, civilians. The Yuki…they almost, well, they want a better life in Kiri, they want true respect and value to their names but the other clans are…they're discriminatory.

"And the Kaguya will be here soon, I think I did my best with them, I've saved them from going extinct in the Daimyo's war and in ours. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing sealing their Bloodline away, I want to be sure of something. And…I think I'm making some progress with the Hidden Leaf, I want to get closer so I can stop disaster.

"If I can't get close then I want to face Konan and possibly Pein. They're the lynchpin to ending the Akatsuki before they start. This peace…it can continue if I just get stronger, if I just know what the right thing is. I'll need Isobu to face them…not that I'm looking for a fight but just in case, yknow?"

Yagura, pale and nearly see through held up a sad smile, "I know, I know."


"Then are you ready to accept me? To become what you are, what you have always been?" He pulled himself up and reached out to me, I floated forward and grasped his waiting hand. It burned with Isobu's chakra and flooded my pathway from his grip. The bubbling red enveloped my trapped hand, arm and shoulder, threatening to swallow my entire right side.

It was more than Harusame and I believed I was ready to mix so I instinctively pulled away, yet Yagura's grip was stone. He stood unperturbed, as though my pull had no weight and his transparency were a lie.

He snatched my left hand, locking it as well as his pink eyes bore into my skull, "I know all you fear, Jason, I know it from start to finish as you do. I have become you long ago, yet you hesitate to become yourself."

"Agh! What are you talking about, that doesn't make any sense!" Isobu's bounty of chakra seeped down my arm's length, fusing at my shoulders, burning away the skin on my neck as it travelled up and down my being. "Just help me figure out what to do!"

"Accept me. Or lose it all. That is all that remains, Jason, that is all you need to do now." He stepped closer, his body feeding mine more and more of Isobu's chakra, more than I felt fighting the Swordsmen, more than my mind could handle. An ocean's worth. "Your enemies will not wait and unfortunately, neither will I. Soon everything will be lost, take it now."

Beneath us Isobu stirred, his single eye stared for a moment before blinking back to slumber. I gritted my teeth as a full chakra cloak enveloped me, I sensed the weighted music change and I feared I'd lose the original sound in the roar of condensed chakra.

Yagura on the other hand looked pleased, his grip lightened and I fell, weighted by the immense chakra he'd bestowed on me. He sat back and watched, his eyes conveyed a disappointment but the smile on his lips held hope for something, for me— us.

But I didn't get an answer…
Whispers of Mistrust
The door shut behind Kinoto, leaving Genma and Aoba in the expansive silence of their large apartment. It wasn't the first they'd been left in such a silence, with nothing to do and almost no purpose to their being in the village and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

The senbon Genma chewed on had already deformed between his grinding teeth, at this point he was eating metal that would snap off and he'd mistakenly swallow. It's happened more once already since they've been here, it just went to show how pointless his presence was.

Kinoto held meetings with the Mizukage, the one that looked awfully like a child yet held the far stare of a war veteran. Genma believed everything the bingo book said about the Mizukage, his picture was there even so there was no disputing it was the same child-faced man.

In the one meeting Genma had with the man he'd proven to be an intimidating presence as only his smile kept his Elders from bombarding them with killing intent and just all around being as pissed as Genma knew they were about the seized correspondence.

Still, after over a week of living within the Mizukage's centre of power, with squads of ANBU breathing down their neck and watching their every move, Genma regrets more than anything leaving that meeting room when Kinoto asked.

It was something they'd discussed prior but still, there were vital bits of information lost that he and Aoba believed they'd be drawn into afterwards— teamwork after all. In the end Kinoto gave a brief rundown of the discussion with the Mizukage and his Elders that ran over an hour, essentially boiling it down to— 'They're upset, the Mizukage threatened to saw off my legs but he asked about Yondaime-sama.'

So what? What did he want to know? Why? What did the Elders say if anything? What did they spend over an hour discussing!

No, such things were beyond the concern of mere Chuunin apparently and it was best to head to bed and prepare for the long mission period. Kinoto infuriated Genma more than any superior officer he'd served— they were Chuunin, fairly new Chuunin, yes, but still, their rank deserved some modicum of respect and trust!

The senbon broke and stabbed the side of his tongue, little blood flavoured his saliva as he spat the disfigured metal out. With a bit of chakra Genma heated it back together and threw the amalgamation at a wall to bounce off and land in the bin.

He grumbled under his breath and caught Aoba's thick line of furrowed brows. Aoba caught his stare and failed to lighten his mood in time as he usually did the past week. Unlike Genma, Aoba actually had a clear, standard purpose for his presence; his crows served as private messengers for their communications back home, though Kinoto has yet to pen down anything more than reassurance they were still alive and Kirigakure hadn't taken their heads.

"What are you thinking?" Genma asked and walked across the furnished corridor to the balcony where Aoba had taken a seat.

Genma had known Aoba enough to take the young man's gloom as simply his appearance and not his personality. Behind those darkened shades was an erratic personality he couldn't always put a finger on, but it was often a pleasant one. Seeing him so clearly upset resonated with the discontent growing in Genma though.

The winds blew through his vertical hair and his frown deepened as he crossed his legs and stared out at the village below, "What are you thinking?"

Genma shrugged, let out a snort as he set himself by the balcony's railings, "Thinking this isn't the best place to be honest."

As seemingly open as the balcony was they were far from alone. The entire team was surprised when they were moved into a room with an out like this, it provided quick escape for them if they needed, not something they expected from a shinobi village they hadn't had the best relationship with.

Then again, it's an easy in as well. Any number of ANBU or 'rogue agents' could infiltrate via the balcony and do away with them but they all thought it unlikely such would happen. If they were going to be murdered in their sleep their assailants would come through the front door— it was theirs after all.

Aoba flicked his wrist, his fingers swiftly formed signs Genma caught and translated. Huh, less stalkers ay? Still…

Aoba said, "I'm thinking we don't know anything new about this village, the Mizukage or anyone else." He looked up at Genma and his lip quivered a smile, "We should find out, it's our mission after all."

Genma chuckled and turned to face the active village, there was far more noise today than any other. His eyes narrowed, hoping to pierce the mist that hid parts of the sky and sprawling village-scape only to fail miserably. From what he could see there was definitely something happening, something new and exciting.

The fewer eyes watching them seemed to confirm this, ANBU squads must be spread out across the village securing it from or against something. Genma looked over his shoulder and said, "We could just ask Kinoto-san when he returns, he's headed to the Mizukage isn't he?"

Aoba's smile grew a sliver and he uncrossed his legs to stand and meet Genma at the railings, "Ah, that he is, though, whether his meeting will be productive, I wonder."

With Aoba this close he signed some more, communicating a brilliant idea to Genma that nearly banished the discontent held in his mind. Genma nodded, "He'll be back tonight, maybe earlier. But I don't want to stay in all day and week, let's go beg Daichi-san for permission."

Daichi Karatachi, a young Chuunin that was friendly enough to boast his past position as the Mizukage's bodyguard/assistant— it always changed when he boasted. It didn't matter to Genma, the fact that there was even a single person they've met that wasn't immediately a stuck up snob was a breath of fresh air, even more so that Daichi happened to be their chaperone.

Aoba followed Genma back into the apartment, "It's been a week, with some luck they'll let us visit a simple tea house."

"Nah, nah, that'll take a month at least. A week…well maybe he'll let us take a stroll outside with him." Aoba and Genma laughed but neither failed to hold up their part of the little lie they were about to tell.

There was a long hallway with no windows or vents right outside the apartment, it was perfect for this level of trickery. Genma immediately walked back into the apartment, shouting, "Ah, wait for me Aoba, I forgot to unseal my sweet senbon."

Genma took long strides, counting in his head until he reached the balcony, splayed out a scroll against a chair and poured chakra into it. In a poof of smoke four long chocolate stained senbon laid in front of him, "I got it!"

He lingered a bit longer, chewing on a sweet senbon before walking back out to meet Aoba who gave him a curt nod. The small shuffling under his clothes confirmed what they needed to be done was done. The littlest crow to release into Kirigakure, eaves drop, spy, tail, it could be done.

There were a number of things Konoha wished to know and Kinoto didn't seem interested in sharing anything he's learned, if any. That had to stop, his excuses and mistrust have to stop. Unfortunately, Genma and Aoba didn't need to so much as voice their mistrust of Kinoto to know that a team meeting wouldn't solve this. There was a deeper meaning to the secrets, a deeper reason and Genma wouldn't fail the Yondaime's trust.

Genma held back a face splitting grin and exhaled to calm his excitement, this was the most progress he's had, "Now, where is that Daichi?"
Kirigakure in Storm
Kirigakure. Home. Kisame took a deep breath of his homeland's sea, the Kaizoku sea. Squalls rarely took the sea and so the bounty of fish and trawl kept them well fed as they journeyed back— Samehada made Kisame the best fisherman.

It was smooth sailing from Kurokami-jima, Lord Yakubi was eager to see them gone once his problems were resolved. Kisame knew the Daimyo's war wouldn't see Kurokami unmolested for too long but for now, as agents of Kirigakure he and Reina had bought the island some time and breathing room.

Lord Yakubi was immediately very entitled to their help once they'd done so once, begging Reina to speak the horror and atrocities of the war to the Mizukage. Whether their actions would bring Kirigakure fully into the war wasn't something Kisame cared about, he'd had his fun, or rather practise.

Samehada and he had bonded so dearly over the course of the mission and as brilliant as it was shredding men and devouring chakra, it was time to return home, to report his overwhelming success and perhaps, if he has treated Samehada as well as it's treated him, challenge Fuguki for the right to wield the Legendary Shark Blade, indefinitely.

Kisame pet the magnificent blade, ignoring how it sliced his palm as it purred affectionately. At this point, he was less than willing to part with Samehada even if he were offered another one of the legendary blades, and they surely would, how could they not?

He had wielded the semi-conscious blade that ate chakra and people when set loose, tamed it with his strength and brought it to bear against the enemies of the Daimyo. He had wielded the blade without causing Reina a single problem and now they returned from their mission, successful thanks to his contributions.

Kisame looked at the island farther away from the one enveloped in orange light, Kirigakure, they would port there soon and— What? What is that light? He'd almost missed it entirely in his fantasies of besting Fuguki, it was glaring too and Samehada's purrs quickly turned ravenous.

Chakra! An immense amount of it just spiralling into the open air. Reina was already sprinting out her cabin, her eyes searching for an enemy with her katana in reverse grip. She found none but locked eyes with Kisame who merely pointed at the island closest to Kirigakure— Turtle Island.

Their ship was closer to it than Kirigakure's mainland and it wasn't long before the effects of widespread chakra leakage was felt across the sea. Fish, prawn, octopus and even sharks as large as Kisame's pets were still and dead on the chakra polluted waters. Blood soaked and the dank of their corpses sent a shiver as the immense chakra sent scalding waves across the sea.

Samehada gnashed its teeth and nearly pulled Kisame overboard, he heldfast as Reina gaped at Turtle Island. Besides the oppressive chakra snapping out of it there were three translucent orange walls erected around it with the top unfortunately being wide open and the geyser for the chakra Kisame began to recognize.

"This is…" Reina began to say, fear strewn over her face as the implications of such chakra leaking out from Turtle Island quickly dawned on them.

"Aye, a Tailed Beast."

The commotion in the atmosphere, the smell of a deadened sea and the sudden intensity of the waves woke many of the Kaguya from their hammocks. Kisame sneered over his shoulder, "Go back to sleep! It's not time yet."

The bone people cowered at his bark and their eldest ones were wise enough not to test them at the moment. Kisame looked over at Reina and dared to ask, "Which one do you think it is?"

Her eyes became saucers but she quickly put out her fear with a bit lip, "It doesn't matter, it's bad new anyhow. Let's focus on getting back to home, it's on that island now and that must be Harusame-sama's barrier, it won't break so easily."

Kisame smirked for the sake of it, maintaining a vice grip on Samehada so it doesn't leap overboard and swim away. It's never behaved like this; he's seen it attempt defiance with Fuguki but he doubted it was ever to this extent. And he couldn't blame it, there was a fortune of chakra shooting out the top of Harusame's barrier and it was missing it.

For Kisame's own safety he gladly strengthened his grip.

Mist splintered sunlight soothed Kisame's skin as they docked into port. Reina enlisted the dockworkers— many of whom were Hoshigaki clansmen— to help offloading the ship, the Kaguya weren't the only thing they'd returned with. Lord Yakubi made a concerted effort to have them leave with bushels of produce and barrels of rum, he also gave Reina permission to strip the precious iron and steel weapons off of the fallen ronin and mercenaries; there was enough on the ship to be considered an import.

However, before any sort of egress could begin under the soft caress of the fine morning weather— ignoring the intimidating spout of Tailed Beast Chakra wafting over the sea— shinobi from Intel & Comms descended on the ship with Eiko and ANBU masked Raiga leading the charge.

"Can't I just get back home quickly and-"

"I'm sorry, Reina-taicho but you know how it is, nothing happens before protocol and the higher-ups are…sensitive right now." Raiga whispered the last part but Kisame's ears couldn't be subverted so easily.

Reina deflated, her plans to immediately end all to do with this mission the moment they docked shattered like glass in a few reasonable words. Kisame grinned at the two ANBU operatives as he approached with Samehada balanced on his shoulder.

"I understand but we could use some clarity, don't you think? We've been away for long, what exactly is happening?" Kisame not so subtly points in the direction of Turtle Island with Samehada and Reina pressed an urging look on Raiga.

For a moment it seemed Raiga wouldn't answer even to Reina's hard, somehow demanding and pleading gaze but he spoke, leaning closer to Reina as he said, "You won't like this but…we think the Yuki clan has been implicated in Sandaime's death."

Reina's eyes went wide, she looked around as if anyone but them could be listening in. Kisame too was taken aback, of all the things that was the last thing he expected news on and yet Raiga wasn't done.

"There's also suspicion that they're behind the Kaguya attacks. I don't have any orders to seize you, taicho, but with Mizukage-sama…out of office, you shouldn't be surprised if you're taken in as well."

At the mention of the Mizukage Reina and Kisame shared a look and then gazed over the seas strait to the sky burnt red around Turtle Island. Reina gulped, silent and slowly digesting the news.

Kisame inched closers, taking care to whisper as well, "Mizukage-sama lost it? Will the Three-Tails-"

"Shhh, you don't want to be talking about that right now." Raiga rebuked, his head shifting side to side. Kisame watched his gaze linger on the Kaguya who were being shephered ten at a time to kneel before demon masked Eiko and three others, "No one knows what happened to Mizukage-sama, but Harusame-sama was first on the scene so…maybe we won't need a Lord Fifth."

If there was anything that could put a sour end to a conversation it was that. Raiga excused himself from Reina to join in the ship inspection effort, ANBU perused through every crook and cranny, searching the ship and Kaguya like they were suspect of harbouring some secret Kinjutsu.

After hearing all that, Kisame knew the paranoia was worth it, even if he felt a bit insulted by the treatment at docks majorly run by his own clansmen who were shifted aside as ANBU and I&C operatives took over offloading.

Eiko and his helpers had the Kaguya lined up in the tens and by now the bone-tribe had been so cowed by their travel companions that the brief explanation of what the Bloodline Seals placed on their forehead would do was quickly accepted without the slightest hint of dissent. It helped of course that there were dozens of masked ANBU with oppressive aura's watching their every move.

Kisame and Reina ended up forced to watch tens after tens of Kaguya, man, woman and child branded with the Bloodline Seal Eiko continually states was crafted personally by the Mizukage. Kisame wondered what the point in repeating the same claim over and over, he knew Yagura was no Fuinjutsu specialist, not enough to fashion seals as complex as these anyway.

Moreover, hearing of the Mizukage was of little comfort to the Kaguya, the title, the man was the one responsible for their forced migration and more importantly the deaths of several sons, daughters, fathers and mothers of those still alive to be branded with the seal.

Kisame turned his attention to the orange of Turtle Island slightly being overshadowed by the rising sun's rays and his thoughts drifted to what in hells the Mizukage had planned for the Kaguya, for Kiri. The bone-tribe that had been branded had their names and pictures taken before being shepherd off where Kisame couldn't see, why they personally had to wait for the entire Kaguya to be branded and the ship contents emptied and catalogued was beyond him.

It was beginning to annoy Reina though. She paced four steps side to side and sometimes in a circle as she chewed on her fingernails and muttered under her breath, occasionally staring out at Turtle Island.

Kisame as usual had no words for her, it wasn't news that the Yuki were secretly loathed by the major clans for their Bloodline abilities, Kisame was aware enough to see that with Mizukage-sama being out of office for who knows how long and the council ruling, the accusations against the Yuki clan could be another attempt at bringing them down.

Still, he wondered what other manic thoughts were going through the usually composed kunoichi's mind as she paced. He wouldn't find out though as the last of the Kaguya lined up for Eiko, Lord Funato and Kisame's own clan head, Junko Hoshigaki came for them.

Junko had the largest smile he'd ever glimpsed on the woman, she stood eagerly a step behind Lord Funato as Kisame and Reina paid their greetings to the short, ancient man.

"Good work you two." He started, looking around the dock and nodding in approval, "Very good work. Unfortunately, Mizukage-sama is indisposed at the moment so your official mission report will have to wait. Reina Yuki, come with me."

Lord Funato gave a curt nod to Kisame and Junko as Reina followed him with a steeled visage. Left alone with Kisame, Junko smacked his arm as she grinned up at him, "Well done, Kisame." Her eyes landed on Samehada who was completely docile and sheathed against his back. "Mizukage-sama will…he will not overlook how quickly you've mastered this blade. I know what you're thinking but we should wait till all this hubbub has settled before issuing a challenge to Suikazan."

Kisame nodded, feeling extremely satisfied by her support, "As you say, Junko-sama."

She waved him off and started walking off, "That said, your cousin Junichi might be a lost cause, you need to sharpen him or Yagura will never see his worth."

"Of course." He restrained a sigh as more work came his way already and obediently followed, wondering if anything would go as planned with so much happening to Kirigakure, to his home.

Annnd that's a wrap for today guys. Thanks for all the support and the brilliant ideas. See you Friday!

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Tea and Unwanted Intrigue
Rina held back her yukata's baggy sleeve back as she poured tea into Kinoto's cup. The smile on his face widened in appreciation or some facsimile of it, in her unvoiced opinion the man was better stone-faced, the smiles did him no favours.

She sat back with her legs folded underneath her and poured into Nana Megumi's cup, the aging clan head sat next to Rina without so much of a smile as she studied her guest. Nana Megumi had been the one to invite Kinoto from the Mizukage's tower, using Junichi to redirect him to the Hozuki clan compound.

Rina couldn't guess what her grandmother had planned nor what was going through her mind when she asked for her presence at the meeting. She was a mere Chuunin and Kinoto's presence entailed whatever conversation to be had today would be political in nature.

Frankly, Rina was getting sick of her grandmother's machinations, sick of being used as a pawn, another piece to move the Hozuki into a prosperous position. It's not that she didn't wish to see her clan flourish but there was a taint to the method.

At least she's given up on marrying me to Yagura-sensei. Yet only to ensure the Mizukage share his prestige by forming a team with two Hozuki clan members on it. To be fair, Rina was quite pleased with that outcome, even though it meant she'd have to share Yagura's teachings with a prodigy like Mangetsu, the official nature of their team meant she would most certainly make Jounin— her hardwork would be noticed first and foremost by the Mizukage, but first she had to put her back into it.

And yet, here she was serving tea for a Konoha shinobi. Rina inheirited enough of her grandmother's shrewd nature to realize there was more to her presence in this meeting than simply serving tea but it didn't make feel any less…ugh.

Kinoto bowed his head slightly before gulping down the piping hot tea. He overexaggerated a satisfied expression as he sighed and placed the cup down to wear that off putting smile again. Rina wondered if all Konoha shinobi were this strange.

"That has a wonderful taste, thank you." Rina moved to refill his cup but he covered it with his fingers and spared her a glance before fixing his fallen smile as he said, "I thought I would be meeting Yagura-sama today."

Nana Megumi took the kettle from Rina, leaned over and refilled his cup, not even caring whether his fingers were in the way. Fortunately for him he took them away before she could scald them with tea. Kinoto's smile was looking feebler with each second.

"Did you think the Mizukage would always have time for you?" She scoffed as she sat back and let Rina handle the kettle while she savoured a sip of her own cup of tea, "What were you hoping to discuss with Yagura-sama?"

Kinoto's eyes darted towards Rina and back to Nana Megumi, she noticed, catching his meaning but paid it no mind. He shifted on his tatami mat and cleared his throat, "The usual…what we discuss is never too complex, merely my description of Konoha and what life is like there."

Nana Megumi took another sip but was silent, offering no response to his avoidant answer. At this point Rina wasn't sure what to do with herself and so she poured a cup of tea for herself and kept silent as she observed her grandmother's not-so polite interrogation tactic.

Quickly finding the silence unbearable Kinoto corrected himself, "I held some hope we'd talk about the future of our villages, Yagura-sama hasn't been very vocal about what he wants from Konoha, if anything."

Nana Megumi giggled like a school girl, she looked at him silly from behind her cup, "Why would you think he wants something from Konoha? Were you not the ones to invite us to these relations? Perhaps he waits for Konoha to speak what it wants from Kirigakure."

Kinoto's eyes narrowed at this but his lips were pulled into a grin as a quack of a laugh escaped his throat, "Yes, yes, I suppose you are correct."

"Kinoto-san, you don't seem very aware of your role here or do you have another?" Nana's eyes mirrored his, she all but commanded him to drink with a glance at his full cup. She spoke again once he'd taken a moderate sip, "Tell me, you have been speaking about Konoha and what else?"

"Yagura-sama often asks I tell stories of our Yondaime Hokage, he is enamoured by tales of Jiraiya-sama and Kushina-sama as well."

Nana Megumi frowned but it was quickly wiped away as she asked, "And you? What do you ask of him, what does your master ask?"

Rina's ears couldn't miss that emphasis and neither did Kinoto as yet again he glanced at her, wondering whether her presence was necessary same as she was.

"Hokage-sama has only asked my team and I to report whatever we deem necessary, offers from the Mizukage and such are included of course. Konoha is not in need."

Nana Megumi looked over at Rina, smiled and turned her attention back to Kinoto, "What does your master ask, Kinoto-san, do not play me for a fool." Again Kinoto glanced at Rina and this time Nana Megumi bothered to address his concern, "If you're uncomfortable with the truth in this house then you must feel very certain of yourself in the Mizukage's Tower."

That made him frown plain as day. He sat up with his back straight, gulped down his cup of tea and inhaled, "Konoha wishes to determine whether Yagura will behave as his predecessor did, there will be no offers until the legitimacy of his person is confirmed. Relations with another Blood Kage has never been in Konoha's interests."

Rina bit her lip at the not so subtle insult. Now she understood why Kinoto held back his words, not so much because of its confidentiality as it's significance to her. She wasn't ignorant of her father's actions in war but that was what this world was and at times, when threatened there was nothing to do but retaliate in full.

She glanced at her grandmother and by the smirk on her lips she knew the insult to her son wouldn't pierce her skin. Nana Megumi was a retired Kunoichi and has been an Elder on the Mizukage's council since Nidaime Gengetsu, words were nothing.

"And how will…Konoha determine that? And if it does, what…offers are present?"

Kinoto wore that ugly smile again, "That is beyond my purview at the moment, Lady Hozuki, but should the determination be made I will ensure you're among the first to learn of what comes after, if anything."

Nana Megumi cackled, "Very well, I wish you were more than a pawn but alas. At least, Konoha will know of this meeting, yes?"

"Know of you? Of course, Lady Hozuki."

Rina wasn't certain why but she felt her grandmother had just opened the Hozuki clan to something dangerous. With all the hubbub around the Yuki, Rina was more than a little frightened and yet she felt her Nana's expectant look fall on her and knew she had a role in her machinations.

I just want to get stronger.

"Are you a member of the Yūki rebellion?"


"Are you a supporter of the Yūki ideals?"


"Do you believe the Yūki are unjustly imprisoned? That they are blameless?"


"Do you have family, extended or otherwise involved in the Yūki?"


"How long have you known about their involvement?"

"Since it's inception."

"And how long ago was that?"

"…Six years, as far as I know."

"As far as you know…so you believe the Yūki could have existed prior to your knowledge?"

"…It is plausible."

"Is it also plausible that the Yūki has been in operation against Kirigakure and its institutions without your notice?"

"The Yūki are not agent against Kirigakure."

"Whether they are or not was not the question. Do you believe the Yūki could have been in operation without your notice?"

"I…I cannot say."

"You are sworn to speak the truth before this council, Reina Yuki, are you refusing to speak now out of loyalty to the Yūki?"

"I am loyal to Kirigakure and its Mizukage alone!"

"Then untie your tongue and speak. Do you believe the Yūki could have been in operation without your notice?"


"That will be all, thank you."

Aoto Karatachi watched from his high bench as Reina Yuki rose from her kneeling position, dipped her head in a perfectly respectful bow and backed out of the judicial room. The door shut and he turned to his fellows, Lord Funato and the Lady Megumi were cleaning up their bench of notes and preparing to leave.

He opened his mouth to protest but shut it a second after. The Judicial room exisited for times like these, times when the Mizukage's seat was vacant for whatever reason and all that was left of higher-ups were the councillors— them.

They'd used this room quite often to mete out judgment on a plethora of matters both domestic and military during the month long wait before Yagura, Aoto's star nephew proved himself worthy of becoming Mizukage. The Fourth Mizukage.

Yet as he watched his fellows stand and pack their things to leave Aoto couldn't help but feel the Judicial room was being used to start a war against the Yuki clan, a thing his not-so conscious nephew wouldn't be happy to wake up to.

"Wait, we're not done here for goodness sake." Aoto said, his voice loud and clear. He snapped his fingers at the ANBU guarding the doors and they took the hint to leave without pause. Lord Funato narrowed his sneered gaze at him and was about to speak when Aoto raised his hand, "It's been a week and this is the first time we've gathered like this, you've both been off doing your own things, plotting and scheming, it's time this council actually talked."

They shared a look and Lord Funato snorted as he plopped back down, "That may have been the wisest thing you've said but I have taken no part in plotting or scheming. I am the one who called for the council's judgement, my aims are transparent."

"And that's why they won't work." Aoto countered as Lady Megumi sighed and sat back as well, "I understand you aren't fond of Kekkei Genkai users but the Yuki clan has been a part of our village since it's earliest days, Byakura himself accepted them and I don't see why you're in such a hurry to push them to rebellion."

Lord Funato set a single angry eye on Aoto as he beat his cane against the hardwood floor, "If the Yuki or Yūki wish to throw their lives that is fine by me, the Funato clan will not stand by at blatant threats."

"And neither will the Hozuki." Lady Megumi said, her lips curled into a knowing smirk as Aoto met her gaze, "Do not misunderstand, Karatachi-dono, we are merely acting off of the proofs Yagura-sama himself acquired against the Yuki clan, their crimes are apparent."

"Is that why you want to condemn some of the best shinobi Kirigakure has made to death? Because of the apparent crimes of a single Yūki clan member?" Aoto challenged.

Lord Funato glared, "You heard Reina, even she can't be sure when or what the Yūki has been up to under our noses all this time. We cannot be certain how deep their treachery goes and I personally believe cleansing them would be the best thing to do, however, I understand you will never let such a vote pass."

Aoto sneered, "No, I wouldn't. Yagura does not wish for their punishment to be so extreme, he may be unconscious but anyone of us can attest to that. Besides, I don't think we should be making any of these decisions before he wakes up."

"Will he?"


Funato opened both wrinkled eyes and repeated himself, "Will he awaken again? Will Yagura-sama stir from his coma and solve all these threats? The Kaguya he charted for have arrived already and-"

"And you've stuffed them all in the Yuki clan compound." Lady Megumi announced with a sly, accusatory tone, "Putting all your problems in one basket are we, Funato-dono?"

Aoto opened his mouth to speak but Lord Funato was already yelling, "Can you blame me? It's better that way! If we need to we can wipe them all away, besides, this isn't the time to be harbouring internal threats on a long leash. Hanako-hime visited me yesterday."

Aoto and Megumi shared the same surprised expression, "What did she want?"

Lord Funato snorted, "What do you think? A decision."

Lady Megumi pressed for more, "Did she…is it an official ask?" Lord Funato shook his head, "A reminder then, the Daimyo must expect us to move out of the goodness of our hearts."

"She spoke of the Third and Second Shinobi wars, referenced them heavily. The Daimyo doesn't want to lose anything else in ending this war, not even to us, he's calling in paid favours now, using all right his title carries."

Aoto folded his arms and hummed, "That's not much right, it was his father that helped us in those wars, not him. He should know better that debts die with the dead."

Lady Megumi sighed, "Do they?"

A terse silence filled the room as each councillor digested the implications of the Princesses visit. Hanako-hime was the current Daimyo's sister and a rare sight in Kirigakure as she often kept to herself despite her position as liasions to the Mizukage.

A visit now, from her in the middle of all the haste Kiri was undergoing was simply the start of a trend of pressure visits that would sooner or later snowball into demands that Kirigakure participate in the Daimyo's war. Aoto observed his fellows, none of them had any right to negotiate war with the Daimyo, that was the domain of the Mizukage and right now…

"What did you tell her about Yagura?" Aoto asked.

Lord Funato looked more tired than angry now, "I lied."
This might be asking a little too much, but at some point can we get a list of characters? At least for the Kiri cast? The 7 Swordsmen and any potential successors are obvious enough, Yagura too obv and Mangetsu, but I think with everyone else, especially the 5 families and their direct family members, I'm a bit lost.
This might be asking a little too much, but at some point can we get a list of characters? At least for the Kiri cast? The 7 Swordsmen and any potential successors are obvious enough, Yagura too obv and Mangetsu, but I think with everyone else, especially the 5 families and their direct family members, I'm a bit lost.
That's....a brilliant idea actually. I'll get on that.
Fading Hope
Aoto ran his fingers through Yagura's hair. It was soft, unreasonably and unexpectedly so for it's gray and spiky nature, but Aoto didn't let it surprise him too much. He recalled the night Yagura was born, his weightlessness in Aoto's arms and his coos and toothless yawns. His beauty to take after his mother, newborn skin so pink it almost matched his eyes.

"Now you're so pale…and I can't see those…haaa. Please, please, Yagura-kun." Aoto took his nephew's unresponsive hand in his, it was burning and yet two inches above his wrists his arm was as cold as the bottomless sea.

Such inconsistencies were spread all across his nephew's body. Aoto didn't understand it and Harusame's explanations only incensed him because of all the medical and sealing jargon, he just wanted to know if his nephew would be alright.

Aoto was scared for Kirigakure, yes, without it's Mizukage to guide it the councillors are off on their own power trip, justifying everything with their Yondaime's unconsciousness. He worried about the Yuki, Funato and even Hozuki were prepared to do their worst in response to the littlest slight from the Kekkei Genkai wielding clan and it was the same with the Kaguya. Already he was getting whispers of abuse even though the Kaguya were purposely isolated from the rest of the village.

And now war was knocking on the door, a war Yagura saw would come long ago. Well, perhaps this wasn't the war he was thinking of but regardless, his favourite nephew threw himself at the opportunity to serve his village, offering his body as a vessel for a destroyer of shinobi armies, a Tailed Beast that now eats at him from the inside.

Aoto shook his head, massaging his temples as he bemoaned his failure to stop Yagura that day and again his failure to even help him as Mizukage, "You must be so tired, of all our stubbornness. I should have just said yes when you asked to shelther them."

The Karatachi clan head sighed as none of his words stirred the Yondaime Mizukage nor his nephew. He looked upon that pale face and wondered if either would wake up, wondered what he would do if he didn't, wondered the fate of Kirigakure should Yagura leave the Mizukage's seat too long. Already the drums of war were demanding their rhythm be met and only a Mizukage could order Kirigakure into war.

Would there be another succession trial? No, Aoto doubted any of his councillors would be so hasty to call for one even if Yagura were to sleep for an entire month. Besides, for the council to call for such they needed his vote and he sure as hell wasn't going to give them a smidge of his approval. Yagura would wake up, he had to.

The door of the underground clinic swung open and Aoto stood, ready to bite any threatening persons head off. His eagerness faded to relief and then desperation as Harusame followed in with Kirigakure's second Jinchuriki, Utakata.

"Harusame-sama! Is it time for…treatment?" His voice nearly cracked at the word but he kept firm.

Harusame was dog tired, his breathing almost as shallow as Yagura's as he stepped into the warded and highly protected room with the aid of young Utakata. He shook his head at Aoto and sat in the seat Utakata pulled out for him, "I keep telling you councillors…there is no treatment."

Aoto groaned and stepped closer as Utakata took off Yagura's duvet, "Just…tell me he'll be alright? What even happened that night? Why did the Three Tails-"

"The Three Tails did nothing." It was Utakata that spoke, his voice loud and confident turned shrimp when Aoto set his focus on him. He muttered and continued to redress Yagura's bandages, "Yagura-sama was attempting to speak to the Tailed Beast, he's been trying for sometime now, I think three months? Or maybe four."

Harusame silenced the boy with a lazy hand, "Yagura-sama had a plan, I don't know what it was but he had decided quite sometime ago to try speaking to the Beast whether by force or not."

Aoto was doubly confused, "Why did he think that? Why did he think he could talk to a…a…monster? Why did you let him even?"

Harusame's fatigued face scrunched in annoyance as he bit back, "I didn't! I warned time and time again that communicating with a chakra beast was insane! Whether they are even capable of communicating is up for debate in the first place but he…oh, he was persistent.

It was the only thing that motivated him to practice Tailed Beast chakra control and even then he wasn't nearly as good at it as Utakata here. Besides, we were supposed to do it together, he asked me for my help and I said I'd be there to give it and then he turns around and does it without me anyway! None of this is my fault so don't you dare!"

Aoto breathed and nodded at the infuriated Fuuinjutsu master, his nephew always had a taste for the spontaneous but this, this was a step too far, "What do we do now?"

Harusame glanced at Utakata behind Aoto, he was wrapping Yagura's arms, legs and even neck in fresh bandages, except these ones were inked with strange and complex Fuuinjutsu.

"We can only continue to reinforce the Three Pillar seal; it's been badly damaged. The amount of chakra that escaped it wasn't meant to be so much and then I had to force it all back in to save Yagura-sama from the maelstrom of the Three-Tails, his body can only take so much at a time and its not like he's used to the chakra's toxicity like Utakata. The bandages will only keep the Three Tails locked, as far as Yagura-sama waking up…I do not know."

Aoto stared at his feet for so long Utakata got done redressing Yagura's bandages and struggled to walk past him. He stirred from his deep thoughts and fell back beside his nephew, the bandages renewed covered up his hand but his unreasonably soft hair was free to run his fingers through.

Harusame sat at the opposite side, his eyes shut as he breathed in deep breaths. He was consistently near chakra exhaustion from all the work needed to look after the Three Pillar seal and rightfully deserved some rest.

"He will wake up and soon, I know it." Aoto said, causing Harusame to peel an eye open but he didn't say anything as Aoto ruffled Yagura's hair one last time as he stood to leave, "Thank you, Harusame, for taking care of him."

Harusame nodded and Utakata bowed as Aoto left the room. The underground clinic was an impromptu set up underneath Turtle Island as Yagura couldn't be moved into Kirigakure or even the Land of Water's mainland for fear of the Three Tails release.

Aoto knew that wouldn't happen now but it wasn't so certain when a beam of chakra stabbed the skies and sent corrosive waves killing sea life across the closest waters. The stationed ANBU straightened at his presence, Ao stood by the doors leftside on constant watch, guilt eating him up for not being able to help any more than retrieving Harusame that day, and yet that might be the very action that saved Yagura.

Aoto was grateful.

"Sir!" an operative came to kneel at his feet, swiftly producing a short scroll as he spoke, "Kiba forwards this mission report to you."

Kiba? Raiga then. Aoto sighed and unfurled the scroll, reading across it quickly and urgently as each line and sentence had his brow furrow deeply. "Ame…go ahead of me, call the other councillors to meeting, quick!"

"Sir!" the operative vanished.

Aoto squeezed the report in hand and leaned against the door, tempted to go back in and ask Yagura, no, the Mizukage what exactly his intentions were and what he should be doing now. Alas…
I Am Become One
"Eight Trigrams, Sixty-Four Palms!"

Yagura watched as yet another of his division fell victim to the Hyuga's Gentle Fist. Chakra swirled around the Hyuga and his prey, tenketsu shutting down one after the other as he called out each strike.

Shuriken flung past him, nicking his cheek and forcing Yagura's senses back into the battle. Trees burnt in slick mud and the plethora of Konoha shinobi continued to press on them.

Yagura gritted his teeth and ripped his Bo-staff out of the earth sinking mud, around him three of his mates were trapped in the mud trap, each struggling to free themselves.

"Yagura! We'll hold them off, get out of there!" Murai Karatachi yelled out behind him, quickly circumventing the mud trap with his bloody katana set to reap more from the encroaching Konoha shinobi.

Cursing under his breath, Yagura stabbed his Bo-staff into the mud, chakra pumped from the few tenketsu he had left and with his weapon he frantically flipped through handsigns to mould a jutsu to life.

"Sixteen Palms! Thirty-Two Palms! Sixty-Four Palms!"

That was the end for Sugimoto. His limp body was thrust out on the final strike, slammed into a burning tree and his throat slit open before he could even touch the ground. Murai was all that was left of the 13th​ Division now, Yagura could scarcely believe how his command had reached such a point.

Of the twenty-six excellent shinobi he commanded only five, including himself were now alive.

Murai's katana gnashed against the enemies kunai. He leaped away before a whirling Fuma Shuriken could slice him to bits yet the weapon split itself open, its user's Wind Nature chakra sent individual blades at Murai who managed to retreat with a well placed Subsitution Jutsu, a human sized boulder took his place to be skewered and then shattered.

Murai appeared some feet away, panting and somehow bleeding from his thigh. He glanced at Yagura, smiled and raised his katana to fend off two eager opponents.

Besides those two, four more Konoha shinobi remained. Two Hyuga's, one Uchiha and the shinobi wielding the Fuma Shuriken. Yagura looked over to the mates trapped with him, Koshiro was chakra exhausted even before the Uchiha's jutsu caught them in the mud and Minako's sword arm was injured, three of her fingers sliced off in a prior exchanged.

Ryozo caught him staring and glared, "Focus!" He too was injured, bleeding from a deep cut on his shoulder, narrowly missing his neck. Half his tenketsu were shut much like Yagura but unlike Yagura he wasn't capable of moulding chakra well enough to form jutsu.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity Yagura felt all the connections click and his jutsu form, without a word water gushed out of his mouth like a fountain, flooding the mud and overwhelming Uchiha's Earth chakra nature keeping them trapped.

Minako was freed first. She picked her blade with her less skilled left hand and began to blow Wind Nature chakra onto it when Yagura yelled, "Stop! All of you, get back behind me, retreat!"

Ryozo deflected a flurry of cloned kunai and shuriken as he made his way over to Yagura, "What are you-"

Yagura shoved him away, "There's no time to argue, get Koshiro and leave. I won't have another one of you die on my watch. The four of you…you have to survive. Now go, go I said!"

Still, Ryozo hesitated to leave, "What about-"

"Leave, I'll handle them, Murai will be right behind you." Yagura spun his Bo-staff, chakra lined on its hook drew muddy water and sent a wave deflecting all thrown projectiles.

In the corner of his eye Ryozo, Minako and Koshiro began to make their escape. The Bukijutsu specialist made after them while the Uchiha flipped through handsigns. Yagura leapt from his position in the mud waters, sprinting towards the greatest threat of them all— the two Hyuga's.

He kept the sounds of Murai's battle against two Konoha shinobi in the back of his head as the Uchiha unleashed a giant ball of fire at his head. Yagura barely paid it any mind, there was ample water for him to perform his next jutsu without too much strain on his locked tenketsu.

"Water Puddle Transportation."

Yagura sunk into the water just as the heat from the giant fireball reached his skin, within a second he reappeared behind the Bukijutsu specialist, her Hyuga comrades raised alarm at the unfortunate moment Yagura's Bo-staff hooked around the woman's neck.

He pulled her down before she could even think of unleashing that annoying shuriken and swifly smashed the broad side of the Bo-staff against her skull. Stubbornly she shielded herself with chakra but her skull was dented, nose shattered and her left eye bursted, she wouldn't live long without a medic's attention nor would she be a bother.


Yagura spun his Bo-staff and let the small hook skewer her neck. With her flesh caught he raised her traumatized body and flung it at her racing comrades. One of the Hyuga caught her and screamed her name, while the other dashed forward to catch Yagura in another pesky Gentle Fist combo— he wouldn't let him.

The water swallowed Yagura whole, the Hyuga's thrusted palmstrike missed his head by an inch. With the Bukijutsu specialist dealt with all that remained to secure his Division's escape was Murai.

"Goshiro, burn away the water, quick!" Yagura heard the Hyuga call in fear of his jutsu. Their eyes could see him even while he moved through the water but they couldn't follow him accurately, Water Puddle Transportation moved him too quickly for them to fully process and react to.

But he only needed to use it twice. Yagura leaped out of the water behind Murai, his body was bleeding out in various places but his opponents weren't any better. Kirigakure Kenjutsu couldn't be surpassed by phonies even when given a handicap— Yagura would swell with pride at his Division mate if he weren't looking so dire.

Murai's opponents reacted faster than the Hyuga's to his presence but that was fine, two against one was the advantage they'd pressed all this time and Yagura was here to tilt the scales.

"Hurk! Damn it…how?" A shimmering Wind Blade poked out the enemy's chest. Yagura stood behind him and sawed his Wind enhanced kunai up and down the man's sternum while they watched another Yagura wielding the Bo-staff assault the man's teammate.

Yagura freed his kunai through the man's kidney and liver, "Water is my domain."

"Kirigakure. Die!"

Yagura spun around and slashed his Wind Blade at the heated gaze of a Hyuga looking to lock his tenketsu again. Behind him he heard the other enemy that ganged up on Murai perish to his Water Clone, without uttering a word the clone flung his Bo-staff towards him before going on to help Murai escape.

"Yagura! Yagura!" Murai kept screaming his name even as his clone chatered him off.

Even though he was regaining some sensation in his locked tenketsu and had eliminated three of the enemies, the situation remained dire. Two Hyuga were bearing down on him, barely giving him space to pick up his Bo-staff and then there was the Uchiha waiting for his time in the rear.

He couldn't even employ Water Puddle Transportation again because the moment he spun his chakra for any kind of jutsu the Hyuga's assault became more violent. It was only the semi-invisible length and sharpness of his Wind Blade that kept them at bay now.

Suddenly, my senses warped and the Yagura battling against the odds was replaced by another covered in blood. The mud and burning trees of the battlefield faded into a place I've begun to recognize as home; Kirigakure.

Yagura was carrying a blonde-haired woman in his arms and rushing through a hospital, frantically searching and begging for moments worth of attention from any of the bothered and hastened Medic-nin sprinting about the place.

There wasn't even a single free bed to place the woman in his arms but Yagura yelled, screamed over the choruses of anguish and agony that filled the hospital. A young girl came up to him, eyebags as dark as a kunai's edge sagged and aged her features even though at a glance Yagura was sure she couldn't be more than twelve years old.

"Place her on the floor here please. Do you have an emergency kit with you?" She demanded, not bothering to even introduce herself or ask what happened. Seeing Yagura shake his head the young medic-nin ripped away the woman's clothes, exposing her blood-soaked chest and causing her to shiver against the hard floor.

"Please, please save her…I…I don't-"

"Quiet please." The girl snapped, she stuffed a hand in Yagura's weapon pouch and retrieved a senbon. Chakra flared at the tip of her finger, releasing a strong heat she used to sterilize the senbon before directly infusing the weapon with chakra.

Yagura watched on hopelessly as the girl did her best, poking sixteen holes through the blonde woman's ribcage before pressing glowing palms against the large gash running through her centre. He watched for minutes as the wound closed little by little but there was so much more to heal.

"She inhaled some bad-"

"Let me do my job, sir." The girls voice was strong but Yagura couldn't miss the strain in it nor the wavering of chakra around her glowing palms. She was diligent but that alone wouldn't be enough, he felt it in his bone, no, he saw it, right in front of him.

The girl lasted over an hour before nearly collapsing beside the blonde woman, she looked up with guilt coloured in her eyes as she said, "I've done all I can, I'll see if there's another who can complete my treatment but…" she looked around the chaos of the hospital and it was obvious what she left out.

Yagura bowed deep, thanking her profusely as she wiped her bloodied hands against her scrubs and smiled, she gave him and the unconscious blonde woman a look of sympathy that seemed cleared than everything thing in the haze of memory before taking her leave.

Yagura crawled up against the blonde woman, squeezing her hand for even the slightest response but there was none. She breathed still and yet Yagura feared breath was the last thing he'd see her do.

Once more the world before me faded and the Yagura curled up against his dying friend was replaced by the one I knew, the one showing me all of this. I felt myself have a body separate from him and his memories again, it was odd to be just Jason again but I was.

Behind him was Isobu and the three pillars sealing his Tailed-Beast chakra, I took it all in, the pressure of the ocean upon me and his infectious chakra. Yagura's stern glare hasn't let up once, his eyes narrowed even further as I picked myself up and recalled how this all happened and why.

"I understand."

"Do you? I think you need to see more." He said, arms folded.

"Maybe, I deserve to and I should. But I understand now. I…I've been blind to you all this time." He raised a brow at this and I nodded, "What you've shown me is…it's who you are not who I remember you to be, not who I was told you were.

"All this time, I've been afraid of becoming the ruthless killer that I witnessed in my own world, not even stopping to think that…that it isn't who you are and that even if a part of you is a strong shinobi capable of dangerous things…that's not all there is to you. I thought if I accepted you, I would lose me too, I would lose all the things that make me…Jason but I didn't understand that you…after all this time you knew me more than I even knew myself.

"You already know what I fear and you have the strength to face off against them with what I know of the future. The threats, the Akatsuki, the caste system, the other great nations. I thought…ha…I don't even know what I was thinking, its just all so dumb now."

His scrunched up face lightened up with a smile and he set his hand out to me, "I am like you. I am more than just a shinobi, more than a tool you can channel to intimidate and murder, more than a confidence booster. I am Yagura and I am capable of love and compassion, perhaps even more so than you. You've neglected so many of my…our people because you wanted to distance yourself from the shinobi in me. Enough of that now, are you ready?"

I glanced at his hand but he raised his arms up with a bright smile, offering an embrace. Is that what I look like when I am…happy, excited? So…cute.

We met in the middle, right underneath Isobu and for the first time became one.
Ways of the Water
My mind was hung in a stasis of rapidity, memories of past and future surged and clashed. The melding of personalities so different…experiences so stark in contrast wasn't violent, it didn't hurt, no, there was an unexpected synergy as one person completed the other. Wisdom, skill, compassion, fear, love, generousity, everything that made Jason and Yagura came together to become something new, someone new.

I feel so…so strong.

I floated in the eye of the Three-Tailed Beast, his giant red eye and yellow pupils gazed on our…my being. I was one. Yagura and Jason were no more two entities and as much as they made me I was looking forward to discovering who I was, who I would be.

What's my name then? Am I still Yagura or Jason? I shook my head and felt Isobu blink, a wave washed over me as he bats his eyelid. Yagura, Yagson, Jagura…what did it matter? The world would see us…me as Yagura, Jason only existed within me, no one but Yagura and perhaps Isobu knew he existed. And now…does he still?

The answer was a resounding yes. I could see him in my memories just as clearly as I saw Yagura. I remembered him watching me…Yagura on a device so odd yet familiar. I see Yagura's failure, the Akatsuki, war, a blonde-haired child of prophecy and thousands dead at the feet of a man responsible for the birth of the Blood Mist.

Madara Uchiha…Obito Uchiha…Nagato… They needed to be stopped. That was why Jason was here wasn't it? Or was it? Why did Yagura have to die? Why…why did anyone? My fists clenched beside me, I felt that strength turn meagre at the memories of those terrifying shinobi. How will I stop them?

Another wave rippled over me as Isobu blinked. I raised my neck and witnessed the giant turtle, it's single exposed eye beheld me expectantly. I swam to an upright position, merely a toothpick compared to the giant being, it blinked and I felt the wave wash and push against my vertical body.

"I am Isobu. You may know me as the Three-Tailed Beast, but I am no beast."

I gaped, marvelled at Isobu as his words bubbled up to the surface of the ocean yet echoed loudly in my head. I nodded after a moment, "I know you."

Isobu didn't look surprised, instead it blinked and said, "You should, I live inside you."

I could tell that was meant to be funny by the imperceptible way his eyelid curved, an actual eye smile. The fact that I was witnessing one made me smile more so than his overly obvious statement.

"Yagura-kun told me you needed our help, that you needed to see the deep. Are you alright now?" Isobu's calm and gentle nature couldn't be drowned out by the terrifying rumble of his voice, Jason always figured that he would be the kindest of the Tailed-Beast and it turned out to be true.

I smiled as I nodded, "I am, thank you…for helping me." Isobu's head shifted ever so slightly yet caused a wave larger than his blinks to swirl through the ocean encompassing us. I didn't put too much thought into how I was capable of speaking much less not drown, instead I went on to press the matter I've been wanting to broach with the Tailed-Beast living inside me. "But, if you don't mind, I'll continue to need your help."

He blinked, waiting for me to continue and I couldn't, not without first asking what gnawed in both Yagura and Jason's mind about Tailed-Beasts, "Are you angry? I mean, at Kirigakure, at me for keeping you caged up inside a seal…for trapping you."

The ocean was silent for a moment and I thought I'd ruined the mood entirely along with my chance to ask for his aid but then his voice echoed, "Humanity has always prefered to control their fears rather than understand them, I am one of those fears, for your village, your people, for humanity. I wish I could be free, undisturbed but unless I destroy every human around my oceans I will not and even then, humans are vengeful and relentless. In time again my peace would be disturbed, staying within you means I get more peace even with less freedom. You will die eventually and I will be set free once more, I need only wait to experience true waters."

That was...a very practical way of looking at things to say the least. Yet I couldn't help but apologize, "I'm sorry we are this way. I promise, I'll do everything in my power as the Yondaime Mizukage to make a world where you can be free and unmolested."

Again, silence fell over the ocean but Isobu's polite eye smile was there. I couldn't help but frown as it felt the Tailed-Beast thought me naïve and my promise nothing but an empty sentiment with little power to change the true reality of this world.

My clenched fist trembled beside me as I thought of the people I'd have to go through to make my promise have some weight, "Perhaps, I am too weak to make those words true, I am no child of prophecy nor am I the Sage Hagoromo, but I promise, with your help I will change this world."

The silence this time was born of stark surprise, I smirked at Isobu's wide open two eyes beholding me with an awe. Thanks for the tip Jason.

"No one has…my father…it has been so long since I heard his name spoken, I thought he had been forgotten." Isobu sent one of his giant tails under my feet for leverage and drew me even closer to his eyes, "Very well, Yagura Karatachi, Yondaime Mizukage, I will teach you the ways of the water. I will lend you my strength."

Annndd that's a wrap folks! Good binge, good binge. Almost didn't get to put out the final chap but we fight on!
It's the months end and usually I'd go on break to prepare stuff but I think this schedule is working out pretty good for me rn so I'll see you next Friday!

This month I'd like to give especial thanks to my patrons; noxodrac, Asura, Hunter-nin#1, wombato, Revan, Hunter-nin#2, Ashkar, SergeantJoe and 8thknight for supporting the library and enabling the continuation of this story, I'm really getting excited for the coming arc and so thanks you guys ^-^
If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click here
wait the that line about him thinking his father's name was forgotten... Does it mean he's not aware of jason having basically the whole anime plot for the years to come in his memories? the og yagura didn't spill the beans?
wait the that line about him thinking his father's name was forgotten... Does it mean he's not aware of jason having basically the whole anime plot for the years to come in his memories? the og yagura didn't spill the beans?
Nope! No beans spilled, OG just wanted Jason to get over himself and do the needed, so yeah, all this time Isobu has just been chilling. We'll be getting more Isobu and Jagura time soon though, as soon as all the village chaos is dealt with muahaha.
Alrighty! Before we start gotta get the bad news out of the way; only 3chaps today as I'm still reeling from the difficult week I've had. I talk all about it on a public post on my bmac but yeah, it could easily be worse. Anyway, back to the story-

I was covered nearly head to toe in bandages when I woke up, I felt the pulse of chakra flowing through them, rushing to my abdomen when an intense burning sensation had me stifling a scream. I bit my cheek and bore the pain, it was nothing new for me, I'd gone through worse when I…when Jason first woke up in this world.

Isobu had warned that using his chakra would result in terrible agony until my body adapted to its intense toxicity. Harusame as well had warned as much, going as far to lower my expectations of having an easy time as a Jinchuriki by letting me know there's a good chance my body may never adapt at all. I had a unique body type after all.

Still, neither Harusame nor Isobu were here to hold my hand or serve me nasty herbal tea— though I wish I had some of that vile juice right about now. I was in a simple room with three chairs set around my bed and a table with bread, butter and tea. I sat up, groaning at the intense muscle aches throughout my arms, legs and most of all my abdomen as I did but I was successful and with the added height I spotted a mat and pillow laid at the end of my bed.

Someone has been sleeping here with me. There was only one person I could think of that would bother so much as to lay a mat and bring his own pillow to camp at my side. A sad smile found my lips as I took in the rest of the room.

There was a single window above the door, only large enough to ventilate the room. Even then there was a stagnant way to the air that let me know instantly that I was underground.

Figures…I must have, Isobu's chakra must have…God I hope I didn't hurt anyone.

I didn't remember anything beyond the memories Yagura…I guess, the memories I showed myself. I didn't feel Yagura the way I did before, I felt him as myself and at the same time Jason was still very much present in my manner of thought. It was all very confusing but I didn't bother trying to sort out my fused personality right now, I was Yagura to everyone including myself now. Jason was a blessing but that world…that man's reality had become the one I faced now, there was no need differentiating anymore.

My attention turned to the door, it was huge, dark and made of the kind of metal I was certain would be difficult to break even with my strength— not that I had much right now. There were people beyond it, I sensed Ao in particular standing stiff as a board at the left side along with another strong chakra presence I surmised as my ANBU guards.

There were others beyond the door but I sensed most of them above me, above ground. Likely ANBU patrols keeping watch and ensuring I was safe. How long had I been in the seal with my memories? How much time had I spent reliving the person I refused to accept?

I sighed and began to shift my legs out of the bed. I felt their soreness before my feet even touched the ground, forcing me to flinch and limp and spill onto the nearest chair. My fallen weight nearly caused me and the chair to fall over but I managed and sat tiredly in it.

I've got to go see them…I've got to apologize. No matter how long I'd been under, no matter how jelly my limbs are, this visit is far overdue, I can't wait another second to see them, to say hello and apologize for my foolishness all this time.

The heavy metal door groaned open behind me, I didn't bother looking over my shoulder as Ao's startled voice called out, "Mizukage-sama…?"

He must've heard me being clumsy… I tried to stand and he was by my side in an instant, his shoulder propping my arm up though his height nearly caused him to lift me up entirely. At this point I didn't mind, "Ao…do me a favour will you? I need to go…I need to see them, my mother, Division 13…Kaoru. I failed them I-"

"Mizukage-sama!" Ao cried, I could hear him tearing up behind his mask as he held me like I'd fall apart, "You're awake, you're awake! Yagura-sama is awake!" He continued to praise, suppressing his tears rather poorly as a drop fell near my foot.

I chuckled as he helped me walk out, his ANBU companion though masked looked as stunned as Ao felt. "What are you waiting for? Get the chair!"

The man jolted out of his reverie and quickly went and returned with a wheelchair I couldn't say no to. He questioned though, "Should we…is it alright to move him?"

Ao didn't answer and instead asked, "We're going to that cemetery, yes?"

"Yes, take me there now please…" I hesitated to ask as he wheeled me out of up and out the underground clinic, "How long have I been asleep?"

Ao's voice quivered but he answered, "A week and a half. The village has been looked after by Aoto-sama and the councillors…it's been difficult without you, Yagura-sama."

I breathed in my first taste of fresh air as Ao wheeled me out into the greater temple. Looks like I've been on Turtle Island all this time. The sun kissed my skin as we escaped the temple, the ANBU guarding its interior and exterior gasped and murmured joy at the sight of me but my eyes searched the many ponds, lakes and statues for signs of damage. I didn't catch any but that didn't mean there wasn't.

"Did I…hurt anyone when-"

"Of course not, no, if anyone is doing hurt it'll be Lord Funato." Ao sounded angry but he quickly coloured his next words, "Don't mind me, Yagura-sama, I am just so glad you're back."

It seemed like goodnews was the last thing that awaited me upon my return to office, I wanted nothing more than to visit those I'd neglected now but a week and a half did not unburden me from my responsibilities as Mizukage.

"No, tell me all that's happened, don't leave a single detail."
Remembrance and Resolve
Sugimoto, Murai, Koshiro, Ryozo…all met their end in the war. I traced their names across the ocean blue war memorial plaque, a giant structure with a cushion for meals that would go uneaten, incense burners, several bouquets of wilting flowers and a plethora of weapons left to honour the deceased.

All that was left of Division 13 was myself and Minako who, last I heard, was still recovering and learning to live with her disabilities. I pitied her so much now that I remembered she existed, a shinobi that couldn't wield a blade much less cast jutsu was as useful as the meals left at the foot of the plaque.

I wondered how she's been all this time. The last I saw of her was in the very battle I remembered within my seal, with her lost fingers she had to be sent away from the battlefield entirely and since then, well, the rest of Division 13 met their ends in other battles and I became a Jinchuriki for Isobu and now, Mizukage.

Knowing her she's kept her distance out of shame, an unwarranted shame. But I was no better, what was my excuse? Reincarnation? Becoming a Jinchuriki? I was still breathing for fuck sake.

I resolved to visit her someday soon and pulled out a stick of incense, lit it with the provided match and placed it in one of the burners. I stood in silence and breathed in the scent yet my nose registered nothing, Isobu's chakra had done a number on me and several of my senses aren't what they were. I'd recover but it was annoying right now.

So few of Division 13 had their bodies returned to Kiri to be buried, Sugimoto, Murai, Koshiro and Ryozo weren't among those fortunate enough to return and so their engraved names on the giant plaque with a multitude of others back to back was all the solace left for those who remembered them.

My legs trembled from standing a mere thirty minutes, aching to sit back in the wheelchair but I refused. Standing till, the incense burnt in it's entirety was the least I could do after…abandoning the memories of the comrades that sacrificed their lives for me, at my orders, for their village which I know protect as Mizukage.

How ignorant I've been. Jason was not all I was and he never should have been, his pointless confusion and anxiety prevented me from seeing the truth, from remembering the lessons that gave me the strength he so abused. No more, no more.

The journey by boat to the mainland had given Ao more than enough time to summarize all that'd happened in the time I took to become myself again. This village was a mess.

My knuckles whitened at my side as I recalled all he recounted, the Yuki and Kaguya being abused at Lord Funato's orders, despite the fact that I'd gone out of my way to provide a place for the Kaguya and explicitly made it known that only Shizu Yuki would be executed for her crimes, he's gone on to move against my will and why? Just because I slumbered for a week and a half?

I took in a breath and caught a whiff of the incense at last, it smelled like…like Kirigakure. I don't know the method behind it but whoever manufactured these sticks managed to capture the nostalgic scent of home. That's nice.

Light footsteps creeped behind me and for a moment I expected to see Lord Funato but it only took a second for me to relax my fist as Uncle Aoto stood beside me. He didn't say a word, even his breathing felt suppressed. I glanced over and his eyes seemed to glaze over the plaque, finding and reading names that more than likely meant something to him.

He didn't pick a stick of incense nor did he offer any platitudes, he just stood there, his huge self standing by me patiently. I thought he'd at least say hello or talk about the many fires he's been running around trying to put out in my absence but no, he stood still and breathed.

This…is nice.

We stood in silence for minutes as I waited for the incense to finish burning. When it did I let out a heavy sigh and said, "So…how have you been?"

I met his teary eyes and before I could react his arms were wrapped around me, dragged into a giant bear hug as he stifled a sob. Startled as I was I couldn't refuse the warm embrace, it was filling like no other and so I leaned into it, grateful I had him for it.

He set me free eventually and asked, "Do you…want to go see her?"

Again, not the question I expected but I was thankful for the consideration. I shook my head, "I've already been there, seen them both." Mother…Kaoru. Their resting place was the first place I had Ao take me.

I gave a bow to the burnt incense and the plaque of my forgotten comrades before leaning on Uncle. He helped me fall into the wheelchair and began wheeling me forward.

"Where to?"

"Ao let me know what Lord Funato has been up to with the Yuki and Kaguya…"

Uncle didn't say anything for a moment, "He's an old man stuck in his ways."

"He's a disobedient toad."

"Or that…You're awake now, there won't be any more problems."

"No, there won't."

Again silence reigned as Uncle digested my meaning before he asked, "What do you want to do?"

I thought for a moment. I hadn't given it a shred of thought since I woke up but what I needed to do was obvious, "I'm going to get stronger, I am going to make Kirigakure stronger and anyone that gets in the way…well, they'd better be stronger than me. War is looming isn't it? The Daimyo must be anxious now."

Uncle hummed, "Ha…what happened? With the Three-Tails why…what happened?"

I looked over my shoulder and found his expectant, curious gaze and smiled, "An awakening."
Final Judgement
Lord Funato, Lady Megumi, Aoto Karatachi, Junko Hoshigaki and finally, Hidaki Yuki. All five clan heads were present at Bar Beach along with a host from each of their clans, all come to bear witness.

The announcement had been made the moment I could walk on my own— which didn't take longer than four days though my peak condition was still some weeks away. Not that it mattered right now.

From my place among the clan heads and a clutch of my personal ANBU guard who are ever more vigilant, I watched with a bitter apathy as Shizu Yūki was slowly paraded up to her death.

By the time she'd come up to where I could see her the snow white dress she wore was stained with all sorts of susbstances. A crowd of civilians and shinobi alike had long since gathered, greedy, opportunistic vendors who couldn't pass up the chance to make a profit sold eggs, fruit and even stones and clumps of metal for those with reach and daring to pelt the condemned woman.

The scent of fried fish, meats and even ramen cooking wafted all the way over to where I sat with the clan heads, the crowds cheered, booed, cursed and jeered as they drank themselves, their boredom and bloodlust to stupor. I found drowning them out to be particularly easy now that I have become myself, this was mild in comparison to what I've witnessed during the Sandaime Mizukage's reign.

Shizu Yūki was already bleeding, nearly swollen by the time she reached the gallows, still, she stood firm and looked out at the roaring crowd and then down at us, the clan heads, her clan head. Her wrists were long since bound but now so was her neck as she bent to let the hangman's knot wrap around it.

Reina Yuki volunteered to be the one to bring her to death rather than Hidaki himself and I had no qualms with that, as much as Lord Funato nagged that her allegiances were split and not wholly belonging to me, I knew it was the most kindness I could allow.

Reina stood at attention, her aura radiated a demand for silence that was felt throughout the racous crowd without uttering a single word. Once their noise had fallen to quiet murmurs and mutters she announced, "Mizukage-sama, the convicted will now give her final words."

Shizu muttered thanks to Reina as she stepped off to stand by the lever that would pull the floor from her feet. Shizu glanced around, examining the crowd as if searching for someone before finding Hidaki's eyes. He was steely and unmoved by her attention as he should be, a shred of sympathy or remourse would be used against him and the clan politically on top of the execution, he couldn't afford that.

Shizu smiled and said, "If an innocent must die to invite change, so be it, but let it not be mine. Take care of my children. Long live Kirigakure." She gave a curt nod and the crowd began their noise once more.

As expected, Reina didn't hesitate even for a second, she pulled the lever and the floor came undone, sending Shizu Yūki, a proud kunoichi, a mother, wife and idealist plummeting to her neck breaking death.

I was beginning to hate my job.


Shizu Yūki's body hung out for the public to decry. None were allowed to desecrate her body any further but it would hang for two days before being taken away by her family, a family that now suffers scorn and ire more intense than that directed at the general Yuki clan now.

Lord Funato and perhaps even Lady Megumi spared them not and ensured everyone with ears willing to hear or not knew of Shizu Yūki's crimes against the Sandaime's family. It's not as though the man was a saint and Lady Megumi is no priestess either, but I was present in that meeting when Rina brought evidence of the death threats. Even now her mother was a mess of tears and possibly mentally incompetent.

But an eye for an eye made the world blind and I knew that while Hidaki and the Yuki clan had been cowed, if they are allowed to stay in the village without addressing the many issues that caused the Yūki incident to occur in the first place, another eye would be blinded.

And so the man stood before me at my office in the Mizukage Tower. The 'festivities' continued on at Bar Beach but I couldn't stomach another moment there.

Hidaki wore the face of a defeated man, disarmed and paralysed in reflection of today's events. I would give him a moment to digest, breathe and recover some of the stature and visage befitting a clan head but I couldn't let this simmer.

"You're looking well and healthy, Mizukage-sama, I am glad." He said, his lips moving on their own while his voided eyes stared past me to something that surely wasn't there.

A week and a half without the Mizukage in seat wasn't something you could hide from clan heads, even those place under an informal house arrest so I wasn't at all surprised nor did I care. I narrowed at him and snapped, "Don't give me platitudes, Hidaki, I know you hardly mean that."

His eyes regained some focus and his lips some measure of conscious movement as he said, "I do."

I inhaled deeply and sighed, "Hidaki, I will not apologize for Lord Funato's actions in my absence but I will have you know that I do not approve, it is not the direction I want to take in regards to your clan, not at all."

He cocked his head, curious and I continued, "Still, that does not mean his fears are unfounded. The I&C division hasn't found anything on the members of the Yūki linking them to either the Sandaime's death or the Kaguya attack, but Reina Yuki's interview has revealed that the Yūki has existed for much longer than my councillors or I ever imagined. We simply can't say what crimes, if any, the Yūki are responsible for."

Hidaki sat up in his chair, visibly gulping as his eyes spoke of dread and fear, "What will you do to us?"

I would smile at his nervousness if it wasn't warranted and this wasn't so depressing, "I will protect you, Hidaki. In fact, I am willing to do more than that if you only work with me, do your part." The pit of despair had left his eyes and he was at the edge of his seat, hanging off my every word, "The arrested Yūki members will not be returned to you, instead they will fall under my direct and personal command and supervision at the Mizukage Estate, yes…right alongside the Kaguya.

"I will provide, nuture and give them opportunities to strengthen their Bloodline abilities without fear of persecution, they will serve my purpose without question and become as loyal as my ANBU without being initiated by the time I'm done. I am not my predecessor nor am I my councillors. I am the Fourth Mizukage of Kirigakure and strength is all I care about, if you cost my strength, I will make you bleed."

Hidaki inhaled, sitting up straight as his eyes widened in surprise, "And what will be my part?"

I nodded, "I am no fool. I know after this…no, long before this, there will be sympathizers and overeager zealots within your clan looking to find retribution for what they believe is an injustice. Put a cork on that before a single report of it finds its way to me, Hidaki, if an incident like Shizu and Hisako should repeat itself, if proof of crimes against Kirigakure, past or future should surface, I will not be so merciful.

"Do this and losing your privileges, properties and investments as a Major clan will be a paltry concern as I will raise you to seat on my council. Fail and I will feed you to Lord Funato, do you understand me, Hidaki?"

He almost jumped to his feet as he took a deep bow, nearly postrating himself as he screamed, "Yes, Mizukage-sama, thank you!"

"Good, we have a lot of work ahead of us, do not hesitate to speak to me if you find yourself failing."

Fun fact, this is the last chapter of the FIRST Reborn in the Mist Word Doc. Twas a short binge but I'm happy I could put it out at all, thanks for all the support you guys and I'm hoping this week doesn't repeat itself.

If you wish to support myself and the library, as well as read ahead click here
Character's by Affiliation
A little something to help keep track of who is who as well as a bit of my thoughts on some of the many OC's running around in this story, and who is worth looking out for. This list covers every relevant character that has at least spoken one line of dialogue and has some effect on the story or other characters up to chapter 88.

Karatachi Clan

1. Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karatachi/Jason— Host

2. [OC] Daichi Karatachi— Yagura's previous aide sent by Aoto Karatachi

3. [OC] Aoto Karatachi— Yagura's Uncle and guardian, Head of the Karatachi clan, Member of the Privy Council

4. [OC] Takeda Karatachi— I&C shinobi, loyal to the Karatachi clan and Yagura

Suikazan Clan

1. Fuguki Suikazan— He is wielder of Samehada and leader of the Seven Swordsmen. Mid caste status with full support of his clan as their scion

2. [OC] Suikazan Clan head— Fuguki's clan head, unnamed, room for potential

Hoshigaki Clan

1. Kisame Hoshigaki— Hoshigaki clan scion, Wielder of the Legendary Shark Skin, Samehada. Loyal to clan and village

2. [OC] Junko Hoshigaki/Samekiru— Head of the Hoshigaki clan, summon pact with a shark named Samekiru. Loyal to herself and her clan

Terumi Clan

1. Mei Terumi— No introduction needed

Funato Clan

1. [OC] Lord Funato— Head of the Funato clan, Member of the Privy Council

2. [OC] Shigeru Funato— Heir to the Funato clan, son of Lord Funato, Jounin loyal to his clan, prideful, room for potential

Hozuki Clan

1. [OC] Nana/Lady Megumi— Matriarch of the Hozuki clan, Member of the Privy Council, Third Mizukage's mother

2. [OC] Rina Hozuki— Granddaughter of Lady Megumi, Daughter of the Third Mizukage

3. Mangetsu Hozuki— Apprentice to Yagura, Aged 7, recently promoted to Chuunin rank

Yuki Clan

1. [OC] Owl Mask; Reina Yuki/Denka— Commander of the ANBU, member of the Yuki clan, loyal to clan and village. Has summoning contract with owls and has summoned one, Denka

2. [OC] Hidaki Yuki— Head of the Yuki clan

3. [OC] Hisako Yuki— Plot relevant Genin, room for potential

4. [OC] Shizu Yuki— Plot relevant Chuunin, deceased

5. [OC] Okumura— Hidaki Yuki's son, room for potential

Kaguya Clan

1. [OC] Akane Kaguya— Aide of the Kaguya Matriarch

2. [OC] Kaguya Matriarch— Old, harmless woman


1. Raiga— Vice Commander of the ANBU, Wielder of the Legendary Twin Kiba. Unaffiliated, clanless

2. Juzo— Wielder of the Legendary Seversword, Kubikiribocho

3. Ao— Fourth Mizukage's bodyguard, known as the Byakugan Killer and wields a Byakugan in his right eye

4. Utakata— Jinchuriki of the Seven Tailed Beast

5. Harusame— Fuuinjutsu Academy Headmaster, S-rank shinobi capable of sealing Tailed Beasts, Chakra and Bloodline abilities

6. [OC] Eiko— Intel and Communications head interrogator, Harusame's student, proficient in Fuuinjutsu and knowledgeable about Bloodlines. Unaffiliated, nerd who couldn't give a shit

7. [OC] Hana— Kunoichi sent to Konoha

8. [OC] Captain Sato— Shinobi sent to Konoha

9. [OC] Daichi— Shinobi accompanying Mei on the mission to Amegakure

10. [OC] Osamu— Sensor Division shinobi

11. [OC] Lord Yakubi— Lord of Kurokami-jima, island where the Kaguya remnants are found, plot relevant location, room for potential

12. [OC] Suigimoto— Deceased comrade of Yagura's

13. [OC] Murai— Deceased comrade of Yagura's

14. [OC] Ryozo— Deceased comrade of Yagura's

15. [OC] Minako— Third Shinobi War veteran, vestige of Yagura's division 13, little room for potential

16. [OC] Koshiro— Deceased comrade of Yagura's

17. [OC] Princess Hanako— The Daimyo's sister, loyal to the Land of Water, plot relevant, room for potential

18. [OC] Jin— Room for potential

Other Notable Figures

1. The Daimyo— Daimyo of the Land of Water, crowned Yagura, has been engrossed in a civil war since before the start of the story

2. Minato— No introduction needed

3. Hiruzen— No introduction needed

4. Genma— Konoha Chuunin trusted by Minato

5. Aoba— Konoha Chuunin trusted by Minato

6. Kinoto— Danzo's peon

7. Danzo— No introduction needed

8. Zetsu— Agent of Obito and the Akatsuki

9. Zabuza— No introduction needed; Genin, aged 14

10. Isobu— The Three Tailed Beast
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The Remnant’s Plight
Reina Yuki and Kisame Hoshigaki stood before my desk. Uncle was the only other person in room though he wasn't here specifically to hear from the two nigh S-rank shinobi about their excursion. He'd become more or less a mistletoe that haunted me wherever I went nowadays.

I couldn't blame him, my body was still a bit sore from Isobu's chakra and he'd almost lost his favourite nephew, his pride of the Karatachi clan and his Mizukage. Still, that didn't mean I was some fragile vase that needed to be watched and monitored, I appreciated the concern, the care in fact, but I was beginning to feel weak for it.

Uncle wasn't the only one either. Despite my insistence that the Three-Tails wouldn't escape me Harusame was deathly insistent that I keep my bandages on for at least another week, just to ensure the safety and strength of the seal. He wouldn't even let me explain my success in getting through to Isobu within the seal and I doubted he cared either way.

And much like with Uncle, I couldn't blame him for his caution; as Kirigakure's Fuuinjutsu Master he was responsible for everything that required sealing, including us Jinchuriki. In the end, I couldn't bring myself to disobey as the fallout of my week long coma and the release of a torrent of Isobu's chakra fell squarely on his shoulders. No one would dare blame me, the Mizukage, at least not to my face.

I scanned my decree transferring the Yuki and Kaguya over to the Mizukage's Estate as well as my personal supervision one more time— it was a complicated string of laws and orders that needed to be created first to allow this decree to exist, a ton of paperwork that had my hand cramping from all the signage but it was done now.

I folded the decree up in its scroll and looked up at Reina, I should simply hand it over to her now since Owl Mask and she were the same person but there was a formality and protocol to these things; she was here as Reina Yuki, a Jounin returned from an extensive mission not the chilling ANBU commander delivering and enforcing my laws throughout.

A tired sigh escaped my lips and Uncle's looked up from Konoha's gifted copy of Icha Icha Paradise to narrow a critical gaze at me, I ignored him and finally acknowledged the two Jounin again, "Now then, Reina, Kisame, your mission was clearly a success but I haven't had a chance to read either of your written reports on how it went. But I'm sure if any of that matters you'll tell me now, but first, I need to know what to expect of the Kaguya, these are clearly non-combatants aren't they? Who is in charge of the clan now? Any idea what they think of Kirigakure and how many have manifested that Bloodline of theirs?"

Reina took a rigid step forward, keeping her form formal and firmly at attention as she answered, "We discovered the Kaguya's hiding place in Kurokami-jima and made our approach. They were not actively hostile to outsiders, they seemed timid, meek and long beaten into submission; the antithesis of the Kaguya that attacked. However, they became to bare some teeth when we announced they'd be moved from their place, as they had so little grown adults with them few of the men and women present were willing to oppose us but they did not hesitate to make their displeasure known, they attempted to protect their children, parents and grandparents with dulled knives, sickles and other farming implements.

"Kisame made a display of feeding one of them to Samehada, they fell in line and begged for mercy afterwards but as we began our journey there were several attempts to abscond, many setting their children loose into the forest when they thought we weren't looking. We recovered all that attempted to escape and everyone is accounted for at present."

Here Kisame deigned to speak up, which wasn't a thing he often did during these reports, "Ahh, I should mention…the Kaguya are plenty old and weak. Their young are infants and there's nearly no bridge between them, water clones alone weren't enough to patrol them entirely but they were quickly bought to proper submission with good clothes, food and proper shelter. Reina-taicho's Ice camps especially made them feel safe from the Bloodline Killer armies we took pains to avoid. The immediate threat to their lives made us a lesser evil."

Reina nodded in agreement and said, "We were the lesser evil but still evil nonetheless, at least in their opinions. They whispered theories of their destination and purpose amongst themselves; at first the entire village was united against us even though they followed our commands but after a few close encounters with said armies their theories began to splinter. A majority still believed they were being sold into slavery as retribution for their peoples attack on Kirigakure— they'd learned of this incident from Kisame during one of his more…aggressive tirades."

She side-eyed Kisame but the man stood shamelessly, burgeoning on a grin even. Reina went on with the report, "Others recounted the past, the Yuki clan was saved from Bloodline Killers during the era of the First Mizukage and they held hope our limited…kindness, would translate to the same fortune. It's my assessment they thought this way because I was present with them, the children with manifested Bone Abilities especially saw us as saviours, not just from the Land of Water but from their clan's oppression as well."

I smiled up at Reina hearing this from her, almost the complete opposite of what she was all about when I first assigned this mission to her. She wanted them dead, saw no reason to shepherd the remnants back when their kin had killed one too many of our own. And now…her brows furrowed and lip curled in annoyance as she knew all too well what I thought.

She sharpened up her visage and wrapped up the report, "Overall, the remnants of the Kaguya clan are nothing like their fellows that attacked Kirigakure over two months ago. They are timid, fractured and abused people who would rather abuse their own children at the slightest sign of a troublesome Bloodline. I believe sealing away their Bloodline is something they would consider a blessing rather than a curse as they live in fear of their own and the fear of those that fear them. They will do whatever it takes to stay alive."

I breathed her final words deeply and stared at the two as a single question continued to nag at me, "If that is true then…why did they send a force to attack Kirigakure? Why risk retaliation, extinction?"

Kisame and Reina shared a look before stating in unison, "They didn't."

The Matriarch’s Tale
There was an unmissable tension as Reina and I walked down the gardened avenue leading past the Funato clan's territory and into mine, the Mizukage Estate. There were more eyes on me than usual, well, perhaps not more but the sensation, the intent behind those stares were starkly different from what they usually are, even Reina could feel it.

She and I shared a knowing glance but said nothing through our walk. If Uncle were here he'd certainly said something, spoken the obvious and itched to press one of the many eyes for what their concerns were. But I'd left him behind on purpose, it wasn't too difficult to do so as he had his own duties he's been neglecting over the week and half he functioned mainly as a councillor; the Karatachi clan needed at least one of us looking after their needs.

Beyond the Funato Botanical gardens that decorated the surroundings of the Estate, beyond the gates still guarded by Funato clansmen who I personally felt were a bit sluggish in their movements opening the gates to Reina and I, beyond all of Kirigakure that now fell at our backs as we stepped in was the Mizukage Estate— My Estate.

The renovations and extra constructions weren't done yet— though I was beginning to have a feeling that Lord Funato had something to do with those delays— but there were more than enough homes built around the magnificent mansion I'd soon be calling home.

According to the report Junichi submitted about the Estate contractors progress, there were at least twenty-six new homes built around the surroundings, with twelve of them on either side of the Mansion which happened to be the first thing your sights fell on right off the cobbled road running through the first ten streets.

I could see the intention behind such asymmetry already; even here, within my Estate there was segregation. But that was alright, the Yūki assigned to the left side of the Estate might be in a difficult situation but it couldn't be worse than the Kaguya at the right side. Plus, the village has had a history with the Yuki clan, people would be mad, furious at Shizu Yūki's betrayal but they didn't know any other Yūki by name nor could they assume Hidaki Yuki and his clan were all complicit; I hadn't declared it so.

At least, that's what I hope. Lord Funato is making things harder than they should be.

It was surprisingly easy to deal with a councillor that didn't meet my values. The entire reason he held power was because of the association his seat on my council assured him. I may not be able to remove him from his seat without actively plotting his death but I didn't need to, the council existed to take votes on matters in my absence and advise me on the proper path, against repeating history and ensuring my intentions for Kirigakure were pure and intended to strengthen and protect.

But there's nothing stopping me from simply excluding him from my meetings, there's nothing stopping me from ordering my ANBU to guide my path so I don't cross his, there's nothing stopping me from ignoring his existence.

It wouldn't be a week before other clan heads and even the lower caste learned of the falling out between Lord Funato and I, and that'll just be the beginning to his end. He would soon be nothing more than an 'Honoured Elder' as I was in the process of writing new law and decree to make his demotion from Councillor to Honoured Elder as honourable looking yet wholly legal and damning as possible.

I'm done playing nice.

We took a right turn into one of the less construction messy streets, Reina began leading the way from this point. I'd heard from Junichi— who was utterly ecstatic to have me back at the office— that she came by regularly to inspect the homes built even before I'd woken up to rescind Funato's foolish order to group the Kaguya with the Yuki clan. Reina's not-so sudden change of heart about the Kaguya was the entire reason she was escorting me today, else I always planned to introduce myself to them on my lonesome.

From the reports she and Kisame wrote up for me I knew the Kaguya had taken to seeing her as a model of what their life could be, especially the Bloodline children, the kids that had suffered their mothers and fathers fear, caged up and kept away for the sake of the whole. In truth, those children were the most important people in the Kaguya clan right now, the ones with power. If I am to make them mine I'd need to make myself as glorious as Reina seemed to them, but that surely was a low bar.

Reina made the last turn into an actual finished house, two stories of beautiful redwood, a garden space just behind and something like the remains of a campsite, but that was odd. Why camp when there's a home right next to you?

I didn't voice my confusion, today I was here not for the Bloodline children of the Kaguya but for their Matriarch, the old woman the Kaguya mad man spoke of before I killed him that night during my first month as Mizukage. She would have the answers, why her people dared to touch a hair on my citizens.

Reina placed a hand on my shoulder and took a deep inhale, I smiled and followed her example to calm myself, if Reina said the Matriarch didn't send them then she didn't deserve my wrath, those that did already got their due.

She was polite enough to knock and it was only a moment before a middle-aged, dark haired woman opened the door. It was odd how much she looked like the Kaguya from that night yet I sensed nothing but humility, thankfulness and excitement as she gasped at Reina then screamed inside, "Obaachan! Yuki-sama is here!"

The lady threw herself into Reina who stood stiff as a board with her fingers twitching with indecision as she accepted the embrace. I grinned up at her and she groaned, pulled the woman away, "Let's sit inside, Akane-chan."

So named Akane had one more thing I noticed, on her forehead was a red, clearly unnatural symbol that glittered with chakra. The Bloodline Seal. While Harusame was taking care of my own seal Eiko carried my orders to the tee and inflicted every Kaguya that stepped into the village with a Bloodline Seal specially made to restrict the use of their bone manipulating abilities, I had nothing to worry about from the Kaguya, no one did. They were essentially civilians.

I walked into the house after Reina and felt a wave of terrible nostalgia wash over me as on every side and corner was a Kaguya simply existing. They were majorly women and teen girls with infant boys and girls in their charge. Some knitted sweaters, others picked beans, while others plaited beads into their hair and dyed their fingers red with dried leaves.

My presence quickly disrupted their activities and the house fell to silence as one by one the Kaguya gathered themselves out of sight. I didn't mean for them to leave but at the same time I was grateful, all I kept thinking of was the house full of their clansmen I had to crush. Not the right mind set.

Eventually, Akane returned with an impressively wrinkled old woman who seemed to glare with her eyes shut. I smiled just at how adorable the granny was and how sad it must've been aging within a clan like hers. She had a scarf tucked around her neck and two looped locks of dark hair that bracketed the Bloodline Seal that stained even her aged forehead.


"That'll be me." I said, tempted to set my hand out for a shake but didn't, "I've brought Reina, Yuki-sama with me."

She smiled at that and Akane helped her move towards a seat, Reina saw her struggle and lent a hand. We sat adjacent one another in a parlour with some of the picked beans left on the centre table in the living room, the entire house smelled like a proactive community.

"I am Yagura Karatachi, Yondaime Mizukage." Akane stood behind the old matriarch as she kept silent while Reina came to sit by my side. I looked over at her, silently questioning if the old lady would say anything else and she shrugged. With a sigh I continued, "I am here for the truth. Months ago my village was attacked by an army of Kaguya, Bloodline wielding and non-bloodline wielding. They refused to surrender and I was forced to decimate their force save a few prisoners, my question is why?"

Her lips moved but so little sound escaped. Akane bent over to listen and in a moment she straightened up and said, "Obaachan wishes to tell you our history, will you listen?"