Rebirth Of Man: Unification Of Terra

Going to roll for the proto hero and near hero here
Proto Hero
Gender: Male
Aspect: Bureaucrat
Modifier: Vampiric
Personality: Extremely Cautious

Near Hero
Gender: Male
Aspect: Spy
Modifier: Zealot
Personality: Stubborn/Careless
Leon12431 threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Gender of proto hero Total: 1
1 1
Leon12431 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Proto Hero aspect Total: 87
87 87
Leon12431 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Proto Hero Modifier Total: 54
54 54
Leon12431 threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Proto Hero Personality Total: 13
8 8 5 5
Leon12431 threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Near Hero Gender Total: 1
1 1
Leon12431 threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Near Hero Aspect Total: 1
1 1
Leon12431 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Near Hero Aspect Total: 62
62 62
Leon12431 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Near Hero Modifier Total: 36
36 36
Leon12431 threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Near Hero Personally Total: 138
46 46 92 92
Leon12431 threw 2 2-faced dice. Reason: Near Hero Personally Total: 2
1 1 1 1
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I was expecting better results honestly speaking. You got some pretty damm crappy rolls this turn. But on the flip side at least that stuff goes into the stockpile so its not that bad.

250 production and 125
This is reduced to 150 and 75 from failed actions

Surplus for Turn 2: 337/205/4000
Income Predicted for turn 2: 1438/900
Available resources for turn 2: 1775/1105
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The Ruler's Power
Within this post I shall show the true power of the Rulers of Terra and the rarified level upon which Khas lives.

Ascendant Human - All actions and rolls involving the Emperor are nat 100 (narrative scale)
Anathema - Auto Destroys Chaos Daemons that are below Exalted or Champions of Chaos. Traits immune to subversion in general, exceptions are possible. Exalted Daemons have nearly 99% True Death chance per round spent near Emps.
I Am Without Equal - Bonuses will always match his foes as long as the Foe is within Human Limits (Emps counts as Human Limits for the purposes of this trait)
Ancient beyond reckoning: Assumed to possess all skill related traits that a Human currently possess
Base Numerical Bonus: +600 to everything

Grace of Slaanesh - all armies on the Front he is on, without Attached Priests or Illuminated Heroes or have Emps on field Instantly and without Recourse Fall To Chaos instantly. (Narrative Scale)
The Changing Whims of Tzeentch - Inverts rolls of self and foe if foe rolls higher than self. Applies to all rolls in war. Psykers suffer delayed mutations when allied, Daemons are much more plentiful
The Aegis of Khorne - Wounds set to N/A, Wound Threshold Set to N/A. Woundable only by Narrative Scale traits, Anathema trait or Unmaker tagged weapons, Immune to Relic Assaults
The Endurance of Nurgle - Partial Immunity to True Death effects such as Unmaker weapons, and Anathema weapons/powers. Diseases are negated and inverted to bonuses
The Heart of Undivided - Negates half opposing Traits and gains their power for self usage.
The Champion Of Chaos Upon Terra - Immortal Until Terra Is Claimed Or Emps Dies. Will be revived by Chaos without penalty as many times as possible.
The Archpriest and Champion of Chaos - Passively gains power towards Summoning and Binding Be'lakor as a servant
The Champion Of The End Of Empires - Can negate Emps' I Am Without Equal Trait and negate Narrative Scale effect of Ascendant Human
Numerical Bonuses: +300 to all rolls, +400 to all rolls involving chaos stuff and psyker stuff

Ancient Memory - once per turn can force a Combat Turn to only roll nat 100 vs nat 1 on one Foe/Front. Narrative Scale Trait
War Master - can command any amount of Fronts at once with no malus from distance or location.
Battle Master - can apply Champion Bonus to up to 5 Fronts that are within close proximity to each other
Unbending Vitality - Regenerates 10 wounds per round, immortal until Terra is Claimed
Unmatched Skill - wound thresholds set to 200, wounds set to 100 barring Unmaker tagged weapons
Titan Legion - commands a personal Titan Legion in conjunction with personal Titan The World Strider
Without Equal In Battle - rolls nat 100 vs nat 1s whenever engaged in battle with a foe that has lesser bonuses than himself. (Non narrative scale effect)
Body, Mind, and Soul are one - Traits immune to being negated or copied
Numerical Bonuses: +100 to all rolls, +500 to all combat related rolls

The World Strider: Castigator Titan with Antigrav flight, Adrithic weapons and a near AI Soul. (+1000 to duels, has barrier of 200 wounds that regenerate at 25 per round, has hull wounds of 50 that restore at 1 per five rounds. Fights armies as if they were Champions

The First Born - Immortal, regenerates 10 wounds per wound inflicted in duels. Wounds set to 50
Endless Rage - takes double wounds but inflicts quad wounds
Rip and Tear - wounds inflict 5 times normal malus to sufferers
Blood Lord - All allied forces on Front gain combat applicable traits at highly reduced level
Soul Wounded - presents as a vampiric aligned towards both psyker and blank aspects. Powers inflict self wounds when used
Blood Sight - can use blood as medium for divination that is highly accurate.
The Gift Of Blood - can give blood to servants to make them into Low Tier but Growing Heroes
Heroic Grit - Heroes allied with Uilleam grow much faster
The Dark Champions - Heroes near Uilleam gain all of his traits are reduced effectiveness, and share with him their personal traits and numerical bonuses
Numerical Bonuses: +100 to all rolls, +800 to attacking, -800 to defending

Repulse the unclean - All armies increase by 1 tier when facing Non Pure Strain Humans in battle. Up to Tier 9
Expunge the Flaws - Wounds taken to armies and Heroes grant their malus as bonus
Righteousness will light the way - Chaos Corruption is impossible to manifest in Heroes under Tang's command
By The Sword Be Driven - Basic Armies act in terms of Bonuses as Advanced Armies. Lose wounds due to lesser technology
The Word Of A Return To A Better Time - when on the field, can not be attacked save by indiscriminate weapons fired from backlines. Troops facing him will listen to his words and if convinced will betray their nation for him
Ash To Ash - prisoners of war are killed, and returned prisoners of war are killed. Armies will fight to the bitter end, massive last stand bonuses to all forces in his nation
The Perfect Form - all heroes are greater in power and scope compared to others. Heroes slightly more likely to arise in his nation
Numerical Bonuses: +100 to all, +500 to preaching his faith

The Last Scientist - Understands how to research technology and recover ancient secrets. Found archives of Dark Age technology. Constantly Improving technology
Unmatched Intellect - Has five rerolls to all rolls made, takes best of the five rolls. Reduces any malus relating to knowledge or understanding by 1/10 per roll made to the subject. Critical Results negate full malus when made, Nat 1s negated entirely
Maddened Genius - all actions either gain the Madness tag or Genius Tag. Madness inflicts them with negative effects that reduce their value, Genius adds fully beneficial upgrades to events
Ever Changing Designs - All advanced armies in the PPB gain +10 to their rolls per combat roll made against a foe. This stacks with no cap, until the army in question is destroyed or the foe changes their methodology
Ancient Knowledge - can design up to Tier 100 Wonders and Relics (Tier 100 is Apex Dark Age, The Anvil is this tier)
Technology Marches Forth - knows how to build machines that replicate All aspects of Psykers/Blanks and other forms of abhuman strains
Researcher Of Legend - All research Rolls made are set to nat 100s with Narrative Impact
Numerical Bonuses: +100 to all rolls, +500 to research rolls, +250 to designing relic rolls

Far too many low tier ones to bother listing
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so does this have any kind of limit ,like until terra is claimed or something
Nope its an innate trait of Emps. If he is facing someone that has a higher bonus to something than his base +600 and doesn't have a way of negating that trait his bonus will become equal to their bonus. It doesn't work on things like Gods, but for anyone in reality its near

The nat 100 thing is also absolute, its part of his biology.
Also, I keep forgetting to do this but Khas's Forge Goddess Trait has a hidden aspect that reduces Relic Tier by 5 for her. Basically a Tier 100 relic for another person is only a Tier 20 for her to construct.
Also, I keep forgetting to do this but Khas's Forge Goddess Trait has a hidden aspect that reduces Relic Tier by 5 for her. Basically a Tier 100 relic for another person is only a Tier 20 for her to construct.
Wait...does that mean we could kit our forces in Custodes-tier equipment and mass produce it since our Relics let us manipulate and create matter near ex-nihilo?

Mass produced Auramite, when?

Also is Khas or her polity aware of the Tempest Galleries? Those would synergize well with what we have if we recover/conquer them.
Wait...does that mean we could kit our forces in Custodes-tier equipment and mass produce it since our Relics let us manipulate and create matter near ex-nihilo?

Mass produced Auramite, when?

Also is Khas or her polity aware of the Tempest Galleries? Those would synergize well with what we have if we recover/conquer them.
The Anvil at Surge levels can produce in mass things like Auramite, higher Charge levels grant more extensive options for what you can make from it. However, at the same time currently the Anvil is limited in what it can produce due to lacking databanks that it is meant to have. Things like Auramite would be tracked separately from normal resources, and be very low in amount even with spending 5 charges on making the stuff.

Khas is generally aware of the other Grand Nations, the Tempest Galleries though are something unknown to her at current. However, I will say that the things are hard for an Entire Legion of Astartes to conquer, currently the Umbral Lands have 0% chance to take them.

Khas for all her skill at Forging/Crafting doesn't really know how to Design Relics, so basically its inverted. You roll for the making and construction then get the vote on how to spend the points so to speak. Instead of planning out the traits first.
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Here is an example of Relics and why Khas is unfair in making them

Non Khas/Emps
Tier 100 Costs: 6.3*10^31 production and resources
Tier 20 Costs: 1.356 million production and resources
Tier 20 costs
~444k production and resources
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Tier 20 Costs: 1.356 million production and resources
Tier 20 costs

~444k production and resources
Emperor you cheating little...!

Even in our (Khas's) niche, he's stealing our schtick and doing it better than us!

So annoying...

No wonder his Golden Boys are decked out so well if that's the modifier he's working with.
Emperor you cheating little...!

Even in our (Khas's) niche, he's stealing our schtick and doing it better than us!

So annoying...

No wonder his Golden Boys are decked out so well if that's the modifier he's working with
Yeah, Emps I Am Without Equals makes him scale universally to the best of the best and then because he is Emps he does it better than them. Emps is very much unfair, he is always better than you even if you are the best in the galaxy, he is your better just because of what he is. Only Aeldari and Necrons can stand above him and only the best of their best can do that.

However, I will note that Emps doesn't work on the same speed level as Khas. Khas can make a Tier 20 in a decade, but Emps would take a century to make the same thing.
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Can we agree to a general agreement with the other nations to gank this guy ASAP (Yes this includes Great Nations) I rather not face him alone if we can help it.
The Great Nations in this quest aren't going to be like their moronic canon forms that refuse to ever ally against large threats. So yes, if Ursh begins to be problematic for other nations you would be able to send envoys out to the other Grand Nations to begin talks for a temporary military alliance to shut them down. Remember that the Grand Nations/Rulers really don't like it when any other Ruler/Grand Nation gets more powerful, so any Grand Nation that starts hot wars is something that can be the nucleus for a defensive military pack to crush.
How you select a Regent of Terra? Is he as old as Emperor?
Regent Of Terra? No, each of the Grand Nations that matter are Ruled by a Ruler Of Terra. In order for Terra to be claimed a Ruler must defeat or force all other Rulers to bow to them. That will claim Terra as their own and by extension will lay claim to Humanity's loyalty.