Current Balance: 210 GP
Available Purchases:
Flask of Oil - 25 GP
Flask of Quick Sealant - 50 GP
Ten Foot Rope - 45 GP
Grappling Hook - 50 GP
Bundle of Clean Rags (10) - 20GP
Collapsible Eight Foot Pole - 75 GP
Simple Map of Relgar Township - 250 GP
Lesser Mana Compass - 250 GP
Bag of Lesser Monster Repellent - 100 GP
Case of Empty Vials (6) - 20 GP
Wooden Storage Box - 40 GP
Stone Storage Box - 150 GP
Containment Jar - 225 GP
Canvas Backpack - 90 GP
Large Traveling Pack - 175 GP
Signal Flare - 15 GP
Simple Iron Dagger - 140 GP
Reinforced Wooden Spear - 160 GP
Crude Iron Sword - 220 GP
Iron Hand-Axe - 160 GP
Oak Shortbow - 150 GP
Iron Bodkin Arrows - 15 GP for 5 Arrows
Weak Healing Poultice - 120 GP
Weak Stimulant - 175 GP
Pouch of Mana Tea Leaves - 300 GP
Shopkeeper Note: Increase your Guild rank to access more of the store. No further information provided without additional cost, an adventurer should learn to appraise goods for a successful career.
Available Courses:
Swordsmanship, Beginner - 80 GP per day
Swordsmanship, Novice - 160 GP per day
Dagger Mastery, Beginner - 75 GP per day
Dagger Mastery, Novice - 150 GP per day
Spearmanship, Beginner - 100 GP per day
Axe Combat, Beginner - 80 GP per day
Axe Combat, Novice - 220 GP per day
Brawling, Beginner - 40 GP per day
Brawling, Novice - 100 GP per day
Brawling, Adept - 220 GP per day
Shield Use, Beginner - 50 GP per day
Stealth, Beginner - 80 GP per day
Evasion, Beginner - 60 GP per day
Evasion, Novice - 120 GP per day
Parrying, Beginner - 75 GP per day
Parrying, Novice - 175 GP per day
Harvesting, Beginner - 50 GP per day
Dismantling, Beginner - 50 GP per day
Identification, Beginner - 125 GP per day
Identification, Novice - 300 GP per day
Magic Item Use, Beginner - 100 GP per day
Power Strike - 80 GP per day
Shield Bash - 60 GP per day
Backstab - 120 GP per day
Lacerate - 135 GP per day
Cleave - 95 GP per day
Rapid Jab - 125 GP per day
Haymaker - 125 GP per day
Uppercut - 150 GP per day
Meditation, Beginner - 250 GP per day
Meditation, Novice - 500 GP per day
Pyromancy, Beginner - 450 GP per day
Aeromancy, Beginner - 450 GP per day
Runic Magic, Beginner - 850 GP per day
Shopkeeper Note: Once a course is purchased the days will be added to your Card and you will be able to use the Card to show days the course is open. Days will not be removed until you actually partake in the class.