Quest Idea Thread

Is this the lego-ship quest? If you're not sure probably Quests
No it's not, much to my regret.

Actual idea was formed over in the SB forum. Forgot I don't post it here.
Basically a little game of makeing fleets of space ship, tossing them on the map to fight each other, and later on fight a robotics space monster. I was trending towards quest, But it is an auto-battler. Players just make the fleets and set their staring orders. Then after a short delay their fleets get added. Which fits a strategy game more than a quest. Hence the question.
No it's not, much to my regret.

Actual idea was formed over in the SB forum. Forgot I don't post it here.
Basically a little game of makeing fleets of space ship, tossing them on the map to fight each other, and later on fight a robotics space monster. I was trending towards quest, But it is an auto-battler. Players just make the fleets and set their staring orders. Then after a short delay their fleets get added. Which fits a strategy game more than a quest. Hence the question.
Yeah, it does sound more like a strategy thing then
Where there was a deafening roar, there is silence. Where there was once an endless battle, there is peace, if only for a fleeting moment. You come into being from the void, consciousness forming from the remnants of something greater.

"What are you?" A voice echoes, ancient yet uncertain, as though the one asking isn't entirely sure themselves.

Before you can answer, another voice shouts in fury, "You were always arrogant, brother!"

"And you, always so willing to create!" comes the thunderous reply, frustration and disdain bleeding into every word.

Then, light and shadow clash. The beings locked in their eternal conflict, wrestle for dominance, their power shaking the very fabric of existence. Your mind, still small and fragile, struggles to comprehend what is happening. You are between them, caught in the swirling maelstrom of their fury.

"What am I?" you ask, your voice drowned out by their argument, yet no less significant in its weight.

Suddenly, their shouting stops. A pause, heavy and unnerving, hangs in the air.

And then—

They explode.

Light and darkness, creation and destruction, shatter into countless fragments. Both beings, arrogant and blind in their conflict, have fractured themselves into pieces. As their power is flung across the cosmos, you find yourself caught in the wake, tossed like a leaf on a stormy sea.

Everything goes black.

When you next feel awareness, you are something new. Something small, yet divine. Born from the shards of those gods, yet apart from them.

You have no form. You are formless will, floating in the cold silence of the universe. But the stillness is fleeting. A pull, insistent and undeniable, tugs you toward a distant world.


Your essence, fragile and undefined, spirals toward the planet below. Your journey is fast and chaotic. Before you can comprehend much more, you find yourself in the sky, falling—plummeting toward a strange new land.

Below, you glimpse a world brimming with life. Vast forests, jagged mountains, sprawling cities, and between them, an ever-encroaching darkness that spreads like a plague: the Grimm.

You do not scream or panic, even as the wind howls around your shapeless form. Instead, you wonder.

"What am I?" you ask once again, but this time you have the faintest inkling of an answer.

You are a godling, born of chaos and conflict, given the spark of life through arrogance. But what is your purpose? Why were you brought here? There is so much that remains unclear.

Your fall continues, and as you descend toward the land below, you feel a pull, a connection to something—no, to many things. They call to you, their essence beckoning for your attention, but you can only answer one. One choice will define your first step in this new world, and you must choose wisely.

Whispers drift through your mind, carried on the winds of fate. Voices, emotions, fragments of lives lived and still living. Some are hopeful, others dark and twisted, yet all call to you, yearning for your touch, your influence.

What do you reach out to? (Choose one)
  • [ ] Love. In a secluded garden, hands intertwined, two hearts beat as one, defying the world's darkness.
  • [ ] Death. A lone hunter, surrounded by Grimm, stands defiant, knowing their end is near.
  • [ ] Despair. A shattered blade, broken by loss, its wielder lost to grief.
  • [ ] Ambition. A warrior at the top of the mountain, determined to conquer all that stands before them.
  • [ ] Fear. A shadowy alley, a cornered soul trembling before their inevitable fate.
  • [ ] Hope. A small group, huddled in the ruins of a fallen kingdom, clinging to the dream of a better tomorrow.
  • [ ] Write in
Alright, so I had gave some thought into my Fire Emblem quest idea, but the fact that I don't have a map maker program (nor am I very good at map making) and having lack of ideas in many aspects is something that won't allow me to launch this quest. That's why the last time I said I wanted help. But anyway, here's the first draft for the first post.

(Fire Emblem CK2 dynastic quest [Name Pending]) first post draft 1:

It was over.

It was finally over.

You had won. You and your allies had finally won.

For the last six years the continent of Olphemia was in a constant state of war. It had started as a war between two city-states, then all the others joined in. All a part of the machinations of the dark god Heres and his evil cult.

However, you and your group of friends, once runaways villagers-turned mercenaries, managed to expose the cult and unite all of the continent against them, with you standing as the undisputed leader of that grand army.

Eventually, with the help of the goddess of creation Tuve, you managed to slay the dark dragon who served as the vessel for Heres's soul, sending the dark god back into the aether beyond reality.

But it didn't come without a price. Tuve's vessel, the leader of the Divine Dragons, also perished in the final battle, leaving you with divine gifts that elevated you beyond a normal human.
In addition, all of the city-states built by man were now ruins from the rampage of the dark dragon. Everyone lost many loved ones and rebuilding was what everyone desire, now tired of war.

In the aftermath of this great war, it was all but unanimously decided among the soldiers that you would become a king, something that terrified you to no end. You were just a good at leading during a time of war, how were you to know how one ruled? How could you possibly lead during a time of peace? You were merely a farm boy-turned-mercenary!

The kings and queens of what used to be the great city-states of the continent decided that they would...

[ ] Submit to your leadership until the end of time. Their territories, people and resources were yours to command. Your new kingdom would become an empire of humanity, with you as its grand emperor. (You rule a single unified empire, harder to maintain stability, may face more internal conflict with future generations)

[ ] Reinstate themselves in their roles of leadership and declare themselves kings, which would result in multiple kingdoms forming around your own. However, due to their respect towards you, they took a vow to never take arms against you. (You rule a single kingdom, with multiple kingdoms around you. While there will be no wars throughout your lifetime, there will be in future generations)

In the first months after the final battle and decleration of your ascention, you were given the choice of where you wanted your capital to be located at.
For you, this was an important matter. As your current advisors explained to you, the capital which you were going to build needed to be somewhere which had the resources to support population, armies and many, many other institutions. Having a good defensible position was also necessary for it.

Most of it went over your head, but you had managed to come up with several locations that you had come across during your travels at the time of the City-States War. You chose to establish your capital at...

[ ] The location of Tinba Village on the Bauyan Plains. Tinba Village was your home it was razed to the ground by opportunistic bandits. It was and always will be a part of you, so you decided that your new home would be atop of the old. Of couse, the land was ripe and not too far from the Ibasee River, making it a perfect spot for farms and ranches.


  • Fertile land - The land is incredibly fertile, allowing for large amount of farms and ranches, allowing for an abundance of food.
  • Large river - The original location of Tinba Village was close to the Ibasee River, a large river that has plenty of water flowing through it all-year.
  • Horses breeding ground - A perfect place to breed strong horses. Most likely to have cavalry units in the future.
  • Weak defensible position - The place does not have many mountains in its closest vicinity, making it a hard place to defend.
  • No materials - The area doesn't have many forests or hills, making gathering wood and stone not as easy as other locations.

[ ] The Red Mountain, a somewhat small mountain but one that is hard to climb. You remember many deaths that happened along its path. It is also right next to the Wyvern Valley, a place where draconic beasts known as wyvern live. You decided it would be a good place to found your capital.


  • Well defended position - The climb up the Red is steep and dangerous, making the place into an incredible fort that would be hard to take on foot.
  • Wyvern Valley - A natural location where wyverns live. If tamed, will give you access to wyvern units.
  • Plentiful ore - By settling on or inside a mountain, you have access to plenty of stone, gold, iron and other ores.
  • Hard soil - The land around the Red Mountain is hard and unforgiving, making farming very difficult.
  • Wild wyverns - Wild, untamed wyverns may attack your city from time to time.
[ ] The Forest of Beasts, a large, forested land up the cold north. You remember the cold lands filled with trees, where you met with the Skin-Changer tribes, some of whom are now among your closest companions. However, despite their help saving the world, there is a large, longstanding emnity between humanity and Skin-Changers. Perhaps by making your capital there, you can start anew.


  • Skin-Changer population - Gain a population of Skin-Changers, giving you unique units (Tagule, Wolfskin and Kitsune).
  • Undamaged foundations - The Forest of Beasts is one of the only places undamaged in the war, giving it plenty of resources such as wood, wool, leather and furs.
  • Close proximity to Creation Peak, where Manaketes live. This allows for easier diplomatic contact.
  • Skin-Changer population - An intermingled population between humans and Skin-changes can cause friction as a result of longstanding emnity between the races.
  • Cold Climate - The Forest of Beasts is a cold area, making it harder for humans to live in.
  • Far, far away - The forest is located very far away from the other city-states, making it harder to reach other existing human settelments.
[ ] One of the city-states, or at least what remains of them. Despite being heavily damaged by the rampage of the Dark Dragon, these cities were still strongholds of humanity that stood through many battles. Rebuilding one as your capital is a good option. (Only allowed if Empire option is picked)

-[ ] City-state of Mevinna: The largest of the city-states and the one that started the City-States War. It is a city to the west that was renowed for having an elite force of pegasus knights and a university that studied the use of staves to channel magic. In offering to make it your capital, its former king demands a position of influence within your court.


  • Pegasi - As the city had many tamed herd of pegasi, you will gain pegasus units.
  • Magic research university - While destroyed, the city starts with a university. May eventually allow to make tomes and better healing staves.
  • Political Advisor - With the former ruler acting as an advisor, you will get an automatic member to your council.
  • Ruins - The city is in ruins, it will require to spend time, money and materials to rebuild it fully.
  • Political Advisor - The former ruler of the city will be a council member, no matter their competancy.

-[ ] City-state of Juva: The smallest of the city-states, but renowed for its extreme military training that gave it the strongest infantry among them. It also had a giant wall surrounding it that is now mostly destroyed and were the first to dabble in the forging of iron weapons. In offering to make it your capital, its former queen demands a position of influence within your court.


  • Iron weapons - Because this city experimented with iron forging, your units start with iron weapons.
  • Strong military culture - The city's people have a long history of perilious training, your units would get the Professional Army bonus in combat.
  • Political Advisor - With the former ruler acting as an advisor, you will get an automatic member to your council.
  • Ruins - The city is in ruins, it will require to spend time, money and materials to rebuild it fully.
  • Political Advisor - The former ruler of the city will be a council member, no matter their competancy.

So this is my first draft. What do you all think about it?
Idea I had for a Paranormal Dating Sim. Given the genre, it's less one plot and more a bunch of little plots woven together.

Nejire o Mawasu
A Paranormal Reverse Harem

Chizuru 'Tsuru' Itsuki wanted to make toys just like her father. Then he died. Now her two sisters and her have been moved by their paranoid mother to an isolated town. A town that constantly insists that it's perfectly normal, so naturally a lot of perfectly abnormal things are afoot. Such as:
  • Human students suddenly growing cogs and gears, with a living clock spirit the only one who can help.
  • Rumours about girls meeting a mysterious prince upon having a near-death experience.
  • A literal phantom thief stuck on Earth until he can finally steal the treasure he sought in life.
  • A dressmaker trapped in doll form until she makes the 'perfect dress', whatever that is.
  • An unpublished manga character come to life, with all the ink and colorlessness to show for it.
  • A boy who was never born, except for his reflection in the mirror.
  • An order of Catholic sisters who believe grief itself is God.
  • And the most perfect, ideal boy classmate ever. Maybe too perfect...
Chizuru throws herself into helping these boys and occasional girl, to escape being reminded of her father's death. But her older sister Suzume is instead 'coping' by lashing out, and is all too happy to sabotage any relationship Chizuru may build...

Edit: Also some art I've done of our player character Chizuru:
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I have an idea for a quest where you build Secret Lairs for Super powered individuals, hideouts and safehouses for low ranking criminals and heroes. You start out small making safe places for bottom of the barrel individuals but slowly build up your business and gain commissions from high profile customers or flipping old and abandoned ones. Problem is, I'm not sure what sort of mechanics to use for this quest. Obviously resources need to be a thing and a way to put in different levels of ranking?
I have an idea for a quest where you build Secret Lairs for Super powered individuals, hideouts and safehouses for low ranking criminals and heroes. You start out small making safe places for bottom of the barrel individuals but slowly build up your business and gain commissions from high profile customers or flipping old and abandoned ones. Problem is, I'm not sure what sort of mechanics to use for this quest. Obviously resources need to be a thing and a way to put in different levels of ranking?
There's a DC "Villain" called The Carpenter who does this kind of thing. She's an Alice in Wonderland reference with her partner known as The Walrus.
Has anyone considered making:

An ATLA Earth Bender Village Management Quest where the Players are the new Village Chief, and try to navigate through the conflict with the Fire Nation? Or something similar to the Star Wars Quest Magoose just spawned?

The End of a New Beginning | ATLA Earth Nation Village Management

Draft 1:

A world in an inharmonious disarray as the Fire Nation seeks to expand their ever expanding Empire to one day consolidate the whole world under its sphere of influence. The Avatar remains missing, and hope for the end of this nation of aggression steps further more towards the end and into despair. However, instead of being a force that would hopefully relieve the issues at Omashu and drive back the Empire, you are just simply a person left in charge of a village and nothing else.

That's right, you're a Village Chief – rather insignificant in the great political landscapes that's been solidified since the first years of the War. But, sometimes all it requires for a grand change in the world is starting somewhere unknown. A place and person unexpected, and perhaps you'll become that very person.

But first, who has become the Chief of their village?

[] What is your name?

[] What is your appearance?

[] The Naive Dreamer – The Hybrid: You have dreamed since you were young about a world of Peace and Prosperity, of values and ethics that's inbuilt by your parents. This grew as your parents found others and eventually created a village of people simply living their lives in a world where the Fire Nation no longer continued their war of supremacy. Still even as you grow older, you couldn't help but still dream for a better world for you and the people around you will live in. Will you have what it takes to bring forth a naive dream into a World of Fire and Blood?


The Populist Dream:
You dream of a world of the betterment of the people, and you will not simply bend your knee to leave such an ideal. You see the lives of the common people and believe they could be better, especially for those that are struggling with no help or opportunities that allow them to rise above the ashes and beyond what is capable at the moment. (When introducing new policies/changes that benefit the people, gain +30 to all rolls to implement legislation.)

The Learner: You are one that read available books and scrolls that your parents have gained over the course of their journeys, and it was mostly those works on ideas about a better world that contributed to your ideals. Different from those around you, you are able to read and write properly, and you can tell that your capability of learning has increased greatly. (You will Gain Skill: Literacy [Basic] when starting in addition to having an additional action only for personal learning.)


Inexperience in Administration:
For while you may be learned, with the passing of your father you have no such experience in the administrating of a small village, which in the long term prove to be difficult in order to enact the changes you want to bring. (You will only be able to use 2 Stewardship Dice until you manage the village for a year.)

The Village Council: In order to help guide you on the off-chance of something going wrong, the formation of the Village Council consisting of the oldest of the villagers to advise and would help in the enactment of a new legislature. This also means they could veto if it goes against their interests and would count as a failed legislature. (A Village Elderly Council is established in order to pass new legislation through, they'll be wary of new legislation that undermines their way of life or goes against their interests.)

[] The Revolutionary – The Equalist: The World is on fire, and it was thanks to those benders that thought they could continue ruling the world. This will no longer be the case! You gathered yourself a band of followers of your cause to form a settlement to one day lead the charge and rebel against the status quo of the World. No longer will Benders look down on them, but instead have to acknowledge them as their equal – and perhaps even further as believed by some people in the community.


The Revolutionary Spirit:
Despite the odds, you know that you'll make your dream come true, whether that be the current generation or the next, the next, and all the days afterwards. No matter what, you'll never bow down and surrender your ideas of revolution and equality to the world. (When in times or doubts or uncertainty related with your ideals or a possible defeat, gain +30 to all rolls to restore your and the people's faith in the Revolution.)

The Revolutionary Fighter: It wouldn't do for you to simply talk about ideas and not be at the charge of leading it. Your travels allowed you to learn the way of fighting, combining styles from those you learned from, and honed your skills in the art of battle that combined with your revolutionary fervor a great presence for your troops' confidence in your capabilities. (You will Gain Skill: Fighter [Basic] when starting in addition to a reroll for your troops if the fight goes worse for your side.)


The Revolutionary Dream:
Your dream is a violent one, as what the Fire Nation's invasion only taught you and your followers that in order to change the world – it can only be done through violence and bloodshed. (You will alienate Moderates and Sympathetic Benders in your quest of a violent revolution and overthrow of the current world, relations with those factions will start at [Poor] instead of [Indifferent].)

Compromised Ethics and Ideals: Your dream is a flexible one, and so are your morals and ethics. You will not hesitate to conduct purges, keeping tabs on the people through unsavory means, and even reduce the liberties of your people as they are simply statistics to the Revolutionary Dream. (Your people will live in fear of you, and whilst your charisma might draw people in, once they found out your true self they will not be comfortable around you wary of factions to replace you if you stumble in your efforts.)

[] The Forsaken – The Supremacist: It was thanks to these rabble folk peasants that the Fire Nation went after them! You are one of the survivors of a Fire Nation Attack that were taunted by the peasantry with no intelligence in knowing how to Bend at all. They took the Men, The Women, and the Children too – they slaughtered them like animals! You hate them all. You were chosen from your status as a survivor and experienced person to become the leader of the village that just needs to rebuild.


Preparedness and Shrewdness:
You have prepared for the possibility of the return of the FIre Nation to finish what they started. A warning system of spies around the area by the survivors on patrol as an early warning sign would be sufficient, one that has you tap into the global news in how they are functioning. (Your preparedness and shrewd maneuver has allowed you to create a Spy Network with access to the Rumour Mill at the beginning.)

Prayer on the Avatar: In this moment of time, your people need faith. With the avatar becoming missing, only they can hope for his great return to finish what he was meant to have started. You couldn't help but approve of this notion, after all – only the Best of the Benders can defeat and restore peace than some unbender rabble that believes they know better. (Once the Avatar returns, especially arriving at your village, gain +30 Rolls on all actions as a symbol of morale.)


The Superiority of the Benders:
It is clear from your experience that only the Benders can take action and revenge against the Fire Nation and the world, with no place for those that are unable to use it. You made sure to keep them out of any powerful positions, or even important sectors like agriculture and merchant hood. Only the benders can have a role, and the rest shall remain the outcasts as they are. (Your prejudice against the Non-Benders knows no bounds, you will alienate the moderates and the non-benders, relations with those factions will start at [Poor] instead of [Indifferent]).

A House Ruined: It wasn't long since the invasion, and the remainder of people needed new homes and the restoration of their lives back to what it once was. That means they are impatient, and will not hesitate to leave with their families to seek better places elsewhere for a better life for them – even if they have to stumble upon bandits. (No less than 2 Dice per turn spent on reconstruction will only make people leave, finish the reconstructions within 2 Years before some decide to leave.)

N/A: Any Thoughts? Was planning for it to be a (4 Turns = 1 Year) typical approach, and taking place 10 Years before the start of the series - should it remain 10 years?
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Never heard about this one. Is it a book?

A TTRPG where the players, well, play as robots in a world where humanity has disappeared for unknown reasons. Your quest idea reminded me of it greatly, so you might want to check it out for inspiration.

Edit; Bit of clarification, but the base rules lean towards robots of the utility variety, over war machines. Think gardeners, pest traps, children caretakers, sewage pipe fixers, that sorta' thing.
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Long Live The Regent! A Regency Quest in A Fantasy World! Draft 1

The King is Dead. His only heir is only one year old. You are the Regent. The Kingdom is falling apart. FUCK.

What age is it?
[] The Age of Strife: Civil War has engulfed your Kingdom and others arent doing too good either.
[] The Age of Three Emperors: Three Empires are carving the world to their sides. Will your kingdom fall under their thumbs or will it rise as a fourth contender?
[] The Age of Change: The Industrial Revolution has gripped the world. Will your Kingdom survive it?
[] The Age of War: War is coming and with it possibly the end of monarchies.
Who were you?
[] The Kings Best Friend
[] The Queen.
[] The Royal Judge
[] The General
[] The Old Squire
[] The Coin Keeper
[] The Bastard Brother
[] The Mistress
[] The Cousin
[] The Nobody
Who is the heir?
[] The Prince
[] The Princess
[] The Monster
[] The Chosen
[] The Witch
The King is Dead! Long Live the Regent! A CK2 Style Quest!

The King. That idiot.

He was so determined to go on that ridiculous quest. You told him—oh, how you told him—that it was a terrible idea. But no, he had to "prove his valor." Prove it to who, exactly? His infant heir? The royal court that already adored him? The village chickens?

Now he's dead, the kingdom's falling apart, and you, the person who didn't even want this job, are stuck with the royal scepter. It feels like a punishment. The nobles are bickering, the treasury's running dry, the peasants are revolting, and the heir is still in diapers. Wonderful.

You look at the throne, that towering symbol of responsibility, and immediately feel like throwing up. You've always hated that chair, and now you're supposed to sit in it.

You warned him. You warned him about the cursed ruins. "It's cursed," you said. "Don't go," you said. And now? Now you get to deal with the aftermath. The kingdom is in your hands—trembling, sweat-slick hands that have no idea what to do next.

You look at the royal court, with their sneers, their power-hungry eyes. They're all waiting for you to fail. Oh, and fail you will, spectacularly.

What age is it?

[ ] The Age of Strife: Civil war is already tearing the kingdom apart. You thought things couldn't get worse—until they did.
[ ] The Age of Three Emperors: Three mighty empires are clashing, and your kingdom is caught in the crossfire. You can already feel the diplomatic migraines.
[ ] The Age of Change: The Industrial Revolution is sweeping across the lands. Progress! Innovation! And…riots. Oh, the riots.
[ ] The Age of War: The drums of war are beating. Not just any war, but the BIG one. Your little kingdom is the appetizer.

Who were you?

[ ] The King's Best Friend: You told him not to go on that reckless adventure. But did he listen? Nope.
[ ] The Queen: Your husband's dead, and now you've got a whole kingdom and a screaming infant to manage. Fantastic.
[ ] The Royal Judge: "I uphold the law!" you used to say. Now you're responsible for literally everything else. Great.
[ ] The General: Strategy, warfare, tactics—you can handle that. But royal diapers? No, thanks.
[ ] The Old Squire: You fetched his sword, held his horse, and now you're supposed to hold the kingdom together? What?
[ ] The Coin Keeper: Money makes the world go round. You just didn't expect to be the one keeping it spinning.
[ ] The Bastard Brother: Legitimacy was never your strong suit, but suddenly everyone wants your opinion. Irony's a bitch.
[ ] The Mistress: Oh, you were great at whispering sweet nothings. Now you're whispering state secrets. Guess you climbed that ladder!
[ ] The Cousin: You were supposed to be in the background. Quiet. Unnoticed. Now you're the regent. Awkward.
[ ] The Nobody: You were literally a nobody. Somehow, this is all your problem now. Good luck with that.

Who is the heir?

[ ] The Prince: A bouncing baby boy. You'll be lucky if he doesn't drool on the throne.
[ ] The Princess: Adorable, royal, and way too young to stop a coup. Lovely.
[ ] The Monster: Ah, yes. The King was one of those—cursed with the blood of dragons, demons, and worse. And the kid? Well…don't make them angry.
[ ] The Chosen: Prophecies. Always with the prophecies. Hope this "Chosen One" grows up quick, because the rebels won't wait.
[ ] The Witch: Magical prodigy or not, it's hard to lead a kingdom when you're still learning to tie your shoes.