Powers Quest (Original/The Gamer) [Sort-of Hiatus]


1) Write-ins can give bonuses to things and open up paths that would otherwise not appear!

2) I don't do Bad Ends. As long as it's in-character, feel free to pick interesting or funny options - at the moment Alex's personality is still being set, so as long as it works with what's been shown of him so far, just have fun.

3) When we start getting into spending skill points and developing skills, go for whatever build you're interested in. I know that sounds obvious, but in Gamer quests, people have a tendency to go for an all-round combat build. However, obscure and non-combat skills can all be developed in interesting ways (origami-fu, anyone?) and will open up more plotlines and character interactions! So if you want to spend time developing Alex's skills as a master oil-painter, please do. You won't be penalised for it, and it will open up more actions/bonuses along the way. Plus, a crime boss needs more skills than just fighting people, even in a world of superheroes and villains.

4) Exceptional write-ins or critical dice rolls (of which we haven't had any yet, but never mind) will earn special points which can be spent to defy reality and auto-succeed in a particular action/scene, as long as the action taken is either particularly comedic OR particularly dramatic. For example, turn a dangerous chase scene into a slapstick mess, or drive a car through a wall without scratching the paint or injuring bystanders.
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So if you want to spend time developing Alex's skills as a master oil-painter, please do.
You know what? I think I do.

[X] Well, they say a picture's worth a thousand words. Paint a picture of what you're seeing right now.
-[X]...Add some sparkles, though. This room could use sparkles.
[X] lay out the symptoms exactly as you've had them
-[X] Draw pictures on a napkin to explain.
[jk] charm her with your wiles (hahahahaha)
She is a witch, pretend you are a withcer
[X] lay out the symptoms exactly as you've had them
[x] lay out the symptoms exactly as you've had them
-[x] She already looks pretty bored, and for some reason likes Disney movies, so OF COURSE you should edge your bets with explaining things with a series of awesomely drawn (yeah right) cartoonish and educational (pfft...!) illustrations, complete with made up voices and spontaneous sound effects...Chicks digs talented guys, right? So that way she won't look at you like she want to make you into her next shriveled mantelpiece, right? Right?!
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[X] take a moment to eye some of her weirder items
-[X] ask her about her 'Mage of the Corpsebreakers' and the objects you see
-[X] charm her
[X] Lay out the symptoms exactly as you've had them
-[X] Draw pictures on a napkin to explain.
--[X] "Just.. Give me a minute, I think I left my drawing stuff at home... You have a pen?"
Hey, so since the QM basically recommended specializing a bit from what I gather, what about we start discussing what build we're interested in? Personally I think we should pursue skills that'll aid our position as a (not evil) gang leader. Like, negotiating, shooting, leadership, charisma, that sort of thing? Maybe strategy and politics, if those are possible skills as well?
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[X] Lay out the symptoms exactly as you've had them
-[X] by singing, people who watches disney music must love singing right?
--[X] how hard could it be?
Hey, so since the QM basically recommended specializing a bit from what I gather, what about we start discussing what build we're interested in? Personally I think we should pursue skill that'll aid our position as a (not evil) gang leader. Like, negotiating, shooting, leadership, charisma, that sort of thing? Maybe strategy and politics, if those are possible skills as well?
We should probably try to get Danger Sense up as well. It seems like it might be useful when negotiating to tell if we're pushing someone too hard, in addition to its combat applications.
Hey, so since the QM basically recommended specializing a bit from what I gather, what about we start discussing what build we're interested in? Personally I think we should pursue skills that'll aid our position as a (not evil) gang leader. Like, negotiating, shooting, leadership, charisma, that sort of thing? Maybe strategy and politics, if those are possible skills as well?
That is not specializing, that is utility skills we will get regardless of what we do just from simply doing day to day stuff.
Also, it completely misses the point of being a parahuman leader of a gang in a parahuman world. Politics and leadership is not going to make our minions not be scrubs.

Specialize would be ranged weapons, melee weapons, unarmed, or magic.
That is not specializing, that is utility skills we will get regardless of what we do just from simply doing day to day stuff.
Also, it completely misses the point of being a parahuman leader of a gang in a parahuman world. Politics and leadership is not going to make our minions not be scrubs.

Specialize would be ranged weapons, melee weapons, unarmed, or magic.
"When we start getting into spending skill points and developing skills, go for whatever build you're interested in. I know that sounds obvious, but in Gamer quests, people have a tendency to go for an all-round combat build. However, obscure and non-combat skills can all be developed in interesting ways (origami-fu, anyone?) and will open up more plotlines and character interactions! So if you want to spend time developing Alex's skills as a master oil-painter, please do. You won't be penalised for it, and it will open up more actions/bonuses along the way. Plus, a crime boss needs more skills than just fighting people, even in a world of superheroes and villains."
"When we start getting into spending skill points and developing skills, go for whatever build you're interested in. I know that sounds obvious, but in Gamer quests, people have a tendency to go for an all-round combat build. However, obscure and non-combat skills can all be developed in interesting ways (origami-fu, anyone?) and will open up more plotlines and character interactions! So if you want to spend time developing Alex's skills as a master oil-painter, please do. You won't be penalised for it, and it will open up more actions/bonuses along the way. Plus, a crime boss needs more skills than just fighting people, even in a world of superheroes and villains."
Which doesn't in any way shape or form support anything you have said.
"obscure non combat skills" does not mean "basic obvious skills you would get anyways during day to day operations and have nothing to do with specialization"
His explicit example is "origami fu" (aka combat using origami magic).
Origami = obscure non combat skill
Negotiating / leadership / charisma = Basic bread and butter non combat skills that are literally impossible to not develop in our chosen profession
Guns = calling this an obscure/non combat skill is just downright absurd
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Which doesn't in any way shape or form support anything you have said.
"obscure non combat skills" does not mean "basic obvious skills you would get anyways during day to day operations and have nothing to do with specialization"
His explicit example is "origami fu" (aka combat using origami magic).
Origami = obscure non combat skill
Negotiating, leadership, charisma = Basic bread and butter skills that are literally impossible to not develop in our chosen profession
His other example was oil painting.
His other example was oil painting.
And? it just further proves me right and you wrong.

Oil painting skill, just like origami, is an obscure non combat skill. (the two examples by QM)

Haggle, persuasion, politics, and guns (the 4 examples by you) are in no way shape or form obscure non combat skills and are things we will naturally develop in our chosen profession whether we want to or not (in fact we already accidentally unlocked haggle)
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All skills, whether combat based or not, WILL be used and useful! If you want to be a crime lord who rules through fear of their strength, it'll be different than one who rules through their lackey's trust (and great management/PR skills)!

(Also, I'm a laaaaady.)