I've actually gotten much better at it since Acquiring Pokemon X... or maybe you just need so much less in that game because my team there is like 10 levels above freaking everything.
Though I got most of it while trying to get my hands on both a Ralts and an Eevee. Stupid semi-rare little buggers...
you don't need to grind in pokemon X. That exp share gives you a 250% increase(if the pokemon gives 1000 exp, the main pokemon gets 1000 and the other 5 pokemon each get 500) in exp gain with a full party. So all your pokemon level pretty well which makes you over leveled easily.
Welcome back to our walk of Pokémon Zeta. I am sorry for the long pause, but I was busy with stuff and I am currently Betaing Wootius own Pokémon fan game which is a remake of the Red/Blue/Yellow games with extra stuff and modified Pokémon and many additions. So I was kind of distracted.
Still, I shouldn't talk too much, we halted in the Ghost Gym where I was going to fight the local trainers and gain another badge.
"Ah Ghost! Kurt, blat him with water."
"Eh.. I am not.."
"Kurt Blast him, Bubblebeam!"
*Stands up all wet over the body*
"Argh! I will get you for that."
What an appropriate name for a Ghost Gym.
This is a not the most impressive opponent, it is even dual type Fire/Ghost from what I know. One shot with Brine and it is down. Next out is a Golett on Lv. 29 and a BubbleBeam deals with it easy enough.
You can see what happens with his last Pokémon. It was a bit of a risk since I remember Hydro Pump not having a 100% Accuracy.
My duty is done, the exorcism is complete.
*Makes a vaguely mystic sign with his hands that looks suspiciously like a Naruto hand sign*
The other guys said the same and look; I now have all of these Gym badges.
The next trainer is another cool one (situated in the other direction since I am going to beat everyone here anyway.) She has a Lv. 29 Misdreavus.... does she know that I can fight Lv. 30 Misdreavus in my Secret Base? Two shots with BubbleBeam take it down, though this one gets a Hex out that actually hurts.
Then there is a Lv. 31 Mismagius, which I hit with another BubbleBeam, only taking a bit more than a third of its HP. It counters with Growl... which is just useless against a Seadra. Another shot with BubbleBeam and it takes me down to a third of my HP with a Psywave. I defeat it after a bit more exchange of attacks and go my way.
I switch to Behemoth after a little visit to the Pokecenter because the dragon should learn how to deal with ectoplasmic manifestations too. Sadly I have to switch to Harry because one trainer's Yamask uses Curse on him.
This place is filled with Cool Trainers left and right, all owning Ghost Pokémon. Some of them are cooler than the others having more impressive names. Others are a bit pathetic and except for that Mismagius and the occasional Gengar, there is not much fully evolved in this place. Seriously, who names his daughter Skeleta?
Working my way through both pathways, I soon discover that the left path is a dead end. (No pun intended.)
So I take the other direction and find this guy.
Is he speaking metaphorically or literal?
Continuing down the right path, I battle various ghost trainers, including one that owns a Spiritomb when suddenly this happens.
Oh, I love it when stuff like this happens. When the trade machine didn't work on Kurt, I thought I would have to first find the right item, but he just evolved later. This is a nice surprise for the upcoming Gym Battle.
Continuing down the path I run into some interesting people here and there.
On one hand that looks like it is supposed to be creepy, but I think he is talking about Ghost Pokémon so it isn't as troublesome as some may think.
I reach Grayham and immediately see two of the Pokémon he likely has. Oh come on, Gengar is one thing, but a Shedninja? I check to make sure that I have something to deal with the Wonder Guard owner, and yeah, with my Staraptor, I can easily take it down. *Sigh* Still, I would have expected more. That particular Pokémon is just not a challenge when not in the hand of a player.
Hey, that is a time tested and legitimate way of getting through mazes, randomly taking paths is absolutely right!
I never said that, well... maybe I mumbled it.
That is not how things work, a Gym Leader can train like anyone else, so they logically have to adapt their strength to the challenger unless they only want to be useful against a specific level of trainer.
Not to his face most likely. But you know, people love to say mean things behind others back. Humans can be quite dastardly.
And the fight begins.... in the next update coming in a short bit.
His Pokémon out is... Yes! I have a worthy opponent.
I screw a little around and make the mistake of attacking with Slash (useless) and then with Dig even though Haunter has Levitate and then suddenly my opponent calls his mon back and brings out a Drifblim just when I got shit together and hit with a Dragon Claw.
It doesn't survive another shot from the Claws of an angry Ground Dragon.
His next Mon uses Dazzling Gleam and kicks Behemoth's ass.
I also find out that the Gengar holds an item called Black Sludge which heals it. I am forced to switch over to Sakura and attack him with Aerial Ace, but my opponent uses a Full Restore, only for this to happen.
Critical Hit at exactly the right moment. Wasted that Full Restore, didn't you?
He sends out his Shedninja and well.... you know what is going to happen, right? One-Shot, worst Match up for Wonder Guard he could have made.
He sends a Haunter out next, which uses Confuse Ray and Sakura ends up hurting himself thrice but my opponents Night Shade Attacks are useless. The fourth attack doesn't backfire and Sakura defeats the Ghost finally.
Hah, got you there.
Okay, it would be less annoying if the Gym Leaders would say something that actually makes sense for the situation.
Well whatever, with my last opponent as a Banette, I decided to switch over to Dimension, because she hasn't gotten any action in the battle yet.
Yeah, a shot with Energy Ball and another hit with Giga Drain are all that is needed to take the ghost down.
Don't take it too badly, forgetting some of your more obvious mistake, you gave me a pretty good fight and you are without a question the strongest trainer in this Gym other than me.
Team Swag is still working hard it seems.
You are aware that adults are useless and this world is being run by the Ten Year olds, right?
He explains me that his Gym badge allows me to use Surf outside of battle and he also gives me TM96 Zombie Strike, a Physical Ghost Type move of all things.
Tobias, the guy who has a Team filled with legendaries? The character created to make sure that Ash won't win any League Tournament?
Hey I could train you, you are going to be a monster of power.
That could actually be fun, a game where you are not the one going around but the trainer of the next generation or something like that.
Then he tells me to visit him again and maybe we could battle another time.
And with this I have won another Gym Badge!
Updates could happen anytime, but will probably be sporadical due to stuff and being distracted.
Actually, the Tobias here uses Dark-Type Pokemon (with the odd exception of a Misdreavus/Mismagius... perhaps it's a gift from Graham that he keeps out of love?). A Lucario or other Fighting-Type Pokemon should be able to wipe the floor with him once you reach the Elite 4. Just be careful of Spiritomb, which can throw you through a loop, being a dual Dark/Ghost-Type, rendering it without any real weaknesses.
Actually, the Tobias here uses Dark-Type Pokemon (with the odd exception of a Misdreavus/Mismagius... perhaps it's a gift from Graham that he keeps out of love?). A Lucario or other Fighting-Type Pokemon should be able to wipe the floor with him once you reach the Elite 4. Just be careful of Spiritomb, which can throw you through a loop, being a dual Dark/Ghost-Type, rendering it without any real weaknesses.
Too bad, there aren't any Fairy-Types to be found here in the Vesryn Region!
...Well, there is one, actually, a Delta Machamp in a cave somewhere. But unfortunately for you, you need Rock Climb in order to get it... and you don't get Rock Climb until you hit the Vesryn Spear... which is after the Elite Four... Whelp, you're shit outta luck!
That is annoying... let me see, who learns Moonblast. Swablu/Altaria, Clefairy, Lunatone and Whimsicott... now the question is whether they added that attack to their movesets in the first place.
That is annoying... let me see, who learns Moonblast. Swablu/Altaria, Clefairy, Lunatone and Whimsicott... now the question is whether they added that attack to their movesets in the first place.
The Bird Path is what got to you, wasn't it? Being frickin' divebombed by every single bird-of-prey in the entire frickin' region is a real pain in the ass.
You will still be underleveled at the end Mount Press.
His pokemon are all mid fifties, including the Mega Genger, Sky Shaymin, and fucking eelectross. I don't know what it is about that thing, but it gave me so much trouble. Mega Gengar? Mega Gyarados says bite. It's a one-shot. Sky Shaymin? Mega Gyarados says ice fang. That one-shots too. Eelectross? NO SOLUTION. That thunder is terrifying.
And having said all that, you're probably just going to breeze on through.
Also, make sure to have enough ultra balls.