Pokemon Orange Version

Going for Shakespearean, I was actually going to suggest Yorick. You know, the man whose skull Hamlet gives one of his famous speeches on.

I second this motion. Our "one dot in clever" Florida girl being well read in Shakespeare is quite amusing.

As a Florida native I remember an emphasis on Shakespeare back in high school. I vaguely recall a teacher complaining about it being a state requirement to cover one of his plays each year.
I second this motion. Our "one dot in clever" Florida girl being well read in Shakespeare is quite amusing.

As a Florida native I remember an emphasis on Shakespeare back in high school. I vaguely recall a teacher complaining about it being a state requirement to cover one of his plays each year.
I recall us having to go through Romeo & Juliet and Midsummer Night's Dream, but Gargoyles did a better job of motivating me to remember the Bard than school did.
I'm from NJ and I can tell you we did a Shakespeare a year too. R&J, Hamlet, and Macbeth are the three I remember. Maybe it was that we had to do three of them.
So now that we've got Dusklops out of the way, Florence is free to catch that Pidove, which is a Pokemon that has the special ability Big Pecks.
[X][Bidoof] Biscotti

[X][Duskull] Yorick

All for Yorick the dead court jester skull.
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[X][Duskull] Yorick

That's right, Yorick wasn't just some guy who's skull Hamlet used, he was a court jester. Even more fitting.
Biscotti is great and York feels strangely appropriate. I really like Merlin tho, what to choose, what to choose...

[X][Bidoof] Biscotti

[X][Duskull] Merlin

Honestly, I'll be happy no matter which name wins. So why not support the underdog?
We need to get Yorick a spade or a lantern to carry around to really live up to his name

We have a pair of leads, so I'm calling it here!

Adhoc vote count started by weredrago2 on May 7, 2021 at 6:48 AM, finished with 44 posts and 13 votes.

Your pokemon are Yorick and Biscotti!
