Loving it, and if you want there's an anime-only berry called a Pinkan Berry that naturally dyes the mon that eat it pink. If those happen to be part of Sunsola's Pokemon Center Clawitzer nurse's diets, that would explain it. Like how Flamingoes are pink because of the shrimp they eat and without them will turn white.
What to do when you're About to get shot in the face by a souped up mantis shrimp and you're standing in front of a target:
Say to yourself "Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, Life goes on, bra! La-la, how the life goes on!"
Thanks for replying to me, reminded me I did all this last night and forgot to post it. If anyone has a suggestion for Paul's 6th Pokemon, I couldn't think of one, I would love to hear it.
Escavalier (The Beatles) (Bug/Steel)
Simisage (Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey) (Grass)
Mismagius (Girl Pokemon that wails and screeches) (Ghost)
Granbull (Hey Bulldog) (Fairy)
Rapidash (Dig a Pony) (Fire)
Persian (Leave My Kitten Alone) (Normal)
Pinsir(Shiny) (The Beatles) (Bug)
Linoone (Rocky Racoon) (Normal)
Honchkrow (Blackbird) (Dark/Flying)
Walrein (I am the Walrus/Glass Onion) (Ice/Water)
Ampharos (Paul's farm in Scotland) (Electric)
Heracross (The Beatles) (Bug/Fighting)
Corviknight (Bluejay Way) (Flying/Steel)
Mamoswine (Piggies) (Ice/Ground)
Sunflora (Here Comes the Sun) (Grass)
Alakazam (George's Mysticism) (Psychic)
Exploud (Loud Noise of the music) (Normal)
You step out of the Pokemon Center and call for a Poketaxi on your Poke Nav. In minutes, a yellow rickshaw drawn by a pair of cute ponytas pulls up to the front of the building. The cab looks like it has an engine (or at least had one at some point), but a ponyta can eat grass for fuel and cars can't.
"Where to?" the driver asks as you step inside.
"I heard from the hotel desk that you guys do tours. What are some cool things to do around here?"
"You a trainer?" the driver asks.
"Then there's a lot of stuff to see! Hold on!"
The driver gives the signal, and the equine pokemon leave hot hoof prints on the road behind them as they trot down Rosemaburg City.
You're taken through the shopping district first, where you see a variety of stores. The good old Poke Mart sticks out like a broken thumb when compared to the smaller, local shops, but it's your go-to for a quick snack and pokemon supplies. You also spot a clothing boutique, a flower shop, antique stores, and a bowling alley. Between the apartments and condos, a building that you almost miss is an unassuming cafe playing jazz music.
"What's that?"
"Oh, that's Jasper's. It's a chill place if you want somewhere to relax and listen to music. They even got some special events if your pokemon can perform."
"Cool! I wonder if any of my pokemon can do that…"
The Poketaxi then drives along the beach, where you can see people and pokemon alike enjoying the good weather. There are fishermen trying to catch basculin on the pier, yachts traveling back and forth in the water, and trainers battling each other on the sand. If the good weather keeps up during the week, it might not hurt to come back later!
"Excuse me! Taxi-san!"
The vehicle stops and the driver cranes his head out.
"You need a ride?" he asks the stranger.
"Hey to you too, dude."
The driver turns to you.
"Do you mind another passenger?"
You shrug.
"Fine by me. Get in!"
A young man in lacquered armor sits next to you in the cab. He's carrying a sheathed sword and three pokeballs on his belt.
"Arigato, trainer-san. Your timely arrival has saved me a long journey in the sun."
"It's cool. I'm Aurelia. What's your name?"
The man removes his helmet so that it stops scraping against the ceiling.
"I am Miyamoto. A humble retainer of the emperor."
There's an awkward silence as you check his expression to make sure he isn't pulling your leg. He seems completely serious, so you try to break the ice.
"What brings you to Sunsola? Taking on the League, too?"
"I am here on a diplomatic mission. A cultural exchange with the people of this floral land."
"Uh… huh. Which way are you headed, samurai man?"
"I am meeting an acquaintance at the park."
"No way! I'm headed there too after we check out the gym!"
The Poketaxi rolls past a squat, dusty building with the universal Pokemon Gym symbol on it. Jackpot!
The driver turns towards you.
"The gym? Sorry, dudette, but the gym's shut down for repairs."
"Aw man! How long is that gonna tank?"
"Dunno. You might be better off heading to Corianda and taking on Julia for the Hype Badge."
You slump in your seat, your arms crossed in frustration.
"Well, that bites!" you say.
The samurai nodded in agreement.
"It is unfortunate, but perseverance is the trait of a warrior."
"Yeah. There's always the park. That won't be closed."
"Hai. We shall be there soon."
The Poketaxi drops the two of you off at the waterside pokemon park. It's got all of the basic features. Slides, seesaws, sand blasters, boiling mud pits, palm trees, those stations where you can get plastic bags to pick up droppings, and dead palm trees.
"Thanks!" you say as you hand the cab driver his fee.
-$50 (Future rides may cost more by city)
Miyamoto does the same, before walking off. You see him meet with a woman wearing Bunnelby ears and kitschy anime merch, who runs towards him and delivers a dynamic hug!
You wave goodbye to Miyamoto. He gives you a short bow in return.
They seem nice. Total weirdos, but nice.
Now to train your pokemon with nearly zero prior experience!
You learned about the Rosemaburg City attractions!
Dangit! The GYM is closed! You might have to come back later!
You met a new trainer: "Samurai Miyamoto"!
You saw another trainer: "Weeaboo ???"!
Biscotti lays down and gets cozy next to a soft rock when you take him out of his pokeball. Once you make sure he isn't falling asleep, you explain your training plan.
"Here's what I wanna do. I'm gonna poke you with a stick, and you're gonna curl into a ball. That way, your rolled-up-ness takes the damage."
Biscotti blinks. Admittedly, you had trouble following that, too. Is Biscotti even flexible enough to touch his toes?
"Here, let me show you what I mean."
Training Check
3, 5, 5 = 2 Successes!
You nudge Biscotti gently with the stick. He doesn't really mind when you do it. In fact, he just looks at you with his big, black eyes while you do it.
"Hey, Biscotti? Try rolling."
He tilts his head and chirps. You sigh.
"Come on, like this!"
You get on the ground and curl to demonstrate. Bidoof walks up to you to get a closer view.
"See? Just like this!"
Biscotti picks up the stick with his big teeth and pokes you in the shoulder with it.
You get off the ground, brush some dirt out of your hair, and try again.
"Here we go!"
This time, Biscotti tries rolling up when he sees the stick coming. You don't poke him very hard, of course, but he's getting a hang of it! He almost makes a full ball shape when he's curled up in a defensive way!
After a few hours, you let him take a break.
"Good work, Biscotti!"
Biscotti makes progress towards learning a new move! Let's call it "Defense Curl"!
With some hesitation, you take out Totodile. She stretches her neck and takes in the sights of the park. She wags her tail
"Hi Totodile. I wanted to talk to you about… your glasses?"
She hisses and holds them tightly.
"Hey, I didn't say I was gonna take 'em!" you say defensively. "I just noticed you dropped them during the fight, and I don't want them to break. Maybe I can teach you how to keep them safe?"
Totodile pauses to consider your words. Then she nods.
You put on a cheap pair of shades you got at the hotel. You can't see anything past your hands, but it makes you feel much cooler.
"Okay! Let's do it!"
Training Check
3, 4, 5 = 2 Successes!
Totodile does not make herself easy to work with. She doesn't repeat all of the cool sunglasses tricks you try to do. Only the ones she feels like. Though the ones she refuses to mimic are the ones that cause you to trip or screw up and break them. Thankfully, you brought enough cheap sunglasses to last the night!
A few hours of drills in, Totodile is almost able to slide her glasses on and off her snout to deliver nice and intimidating Leers. She doesn't seem into the crazy tricks you want her to try, though the fact you're blind as a Swoobat with sunglasses on might have something to do with it.
"Now let's try throwing them into the air and--"
She growls.
"Well, that's it for tonight! I'm going to sleep! Good job!"
You made progress on a new technique: "Sunglasses at Night"!
Walking back from the hotel, you're rushed by a terrifying spectre with a translucent, amorphous shape! Far more terrifying than Yorick, or anything else you've ever seen before!
Before you can take out your pokeball, the phantasm strikes! You realize it's actually a discarded plastic bag from the Poke Mart! You remove the bag from your face and toss it away.
"Whoops! Glad nobody saw that, huh? That'd be super embarrassing!"
Someone took a picture of you looking dumb and shared with her friends!
So it seems we need 3 successes in training to learn a new move or skill, so we should finish up those 2 tomorrow! As they both need only 1 success each.
Hey folks. I know a lot of the readers who follow this quest have been expecting an update for a few months, but unfortunately the system I set up for myself has required a lot more intensive writing and overhead than I was expecting when I started it in April. As such, I have opted to officially put this quest down as on hiatus until the event that I can devote more time to it. I really am sorry about this, and I hope to revisit this at some point in the future.
In the event that I decide not to bring Pokemon Orange back as a quest, I can always release what I had as a "guerilla sourcebook" for Pokerole. A breakdown of the Sunsola region that anyone wanting to have a fun time with it can use for their own games. Consider it another way that Pokemon Orange can crop up again some day.