[X] Keep Bidoof
[X] Ignore Duskull
Capture odds against pokemon are as follows: (bs = bonus successes)
-2 bs - auto fail
-1 bs - 1/16 (6.25%) catch rate
0 bs (full health) - 5/16 (31.25%) catch rate
1 bs - 11/16 (68.75%) catch rate
2 bs - 15/16 (93.75%) catch rate
3 bs - auto success
Higher rank pokemon essentially have their own bs that counters our own point for point, and so require better balls or setups to catch.
We have no way to inflict conditions nor even injure Duskull until Todo learns bite. We have no bs available to us. We can come back for it then (we know it haunts the tutorial guy and so can be encountered more-or-less at will), but at this time trying to catch it is mostly a way to end up with no balls.
EDIT: with three pokeballs, we have a 75.6% chance to catch the spook. I would prefer to come back with a way to do damage because even a single source of bs would improve those odds to 96.95%