Your mom keeps her word about the pizza dinner, as a reward for thrashing the neighbor's kid and his pokemon. She orders, you pick the toppings, and you both enjoy the savory taste of victory! Totodile and Lycanroc aren't left out of the celebrations. The two of them eat from bowls of pokemon food set by the table, with poffin treats thrown into the kibble mix.
"You did a great job in your first battle!" mom says. "Just like I thought you would."
"Your Totodile fought well for an inexperienced pokemon."
"Mangrove said she had a few owners before me. Maybe she's got some experience already?"
Totodile rifles through her kibble for the green poffins and gobbles them up, ignoring most of the actual food and tossing the blue ones on the floor. She tries to sneak her head into Lycanroc's bowl to do the same, but she gives the little reptile a stern look. The green ones are her favorite, too, and she doesn't appreciate Totodile's attitude.
"Then the first thing you want to work on is discipline," mom advises. "Your pokemon need to be obedient, especially in battles. You can be disqualified from a match if Totodile acts out or disobeys orders, and anything your pokemon does while misbehaving is your responsibility."
Mom waves for Lycanroc to come to her. She places a green poffin on her pokemon's nose and orders her to wait. Lycanroc's tail wags and she licks her lips in anticipation, but she perseveres. When mom gives her the signal, Lycanroc happily eats the poffin.
"See? Lycanroc knows I won't leave her hanging out to dry. We're best friends, even if it took a long time for us to be this close. Right, Lycanroc?"
Lycanroc nods, a smile forming on her face.
"We watch out for each other," your mom continues. "She's the most reliable friend a trainer could ask for."
Lycanroc continues nodding. Her eyes occasionally dart to Totodile when she gets a bit too close to the wrong food bowl.
"If she could talk, why, I bet she'd never keep secrets from me!"
Mom isn't looking at Lycanroc when she says that, so she misses the wolf pokemon's tail ceases wagging. Lycanroc slowly walks away from the table and curls into a ball near the TV, leaving her bowl defenseless to Totodile's gluttonous predations.
Weird. Oh well. Not your pokemon, not your responsibility.
"Now, let's go over what's going in your bag again," mom says as she puts the leftover pizza in the fridge. You'll be taking some cold slices to go in the morning.
"Okay, sure."
You carry the large messenger bag to the table. It's got heavy-duty resistance to the elements and a pocket for everything you might collect on your travels. That makes it a popular product with trainers and hikers alike.
"I'll fit my spare clothes here, my food there, any TMs I collect there, my tent, spare clothes, portable generator, and all of my other personal belongings there…"
Add to Items & Equipment: Camping Gear, Running Shoes
Do not add to Items & Equipment: Pokeballs
It takes a few hours to sort through everything. You're surprised it all fits in one bag, with room for a separate compartment for your especially important junk. By the time you've finished, it's already time to go to bed. After some bribery with poffins, Totodile goes back into her pokeball for the evening.
That night, you dream of what tomorrow morning may bring…
Oh no! You get up late! AGAIN! It's about midday when you scramble out of bed, lug your bag out the door, and run out of Flavortine Town with a slice of pizza in your mouth!
"Good luck, dear!" your mom shouts encouragingly.
"Mhrrmrhr!" you gurgle back in a muffled reply.
You dash past the tall grass on the outskirts of town and find yourself in Route 1 of Sunsola.
Route 1 is a wide stretch of undeveloped flatland with an old, cracked road that extends broadly from East to West. The route is surrounded by the occasional tree and odd puddle that formed as a side effect of the recent rain. It's a pretty tame and calming place to walk through, and you don't expect anything too dangerous out here.
With any luck, Florence is already long gone. You don't really care if he got a head start, but if you were in a hurry to make up for lost time, you could take the Pokebus. That'd prevent you from being interrupted by a wild pokemon or any other weird stuff that might get in your way, but, where's the fun in that?
It's the start of a new day! What are your plans?
Route 1 Actions - These can only be taken in this area.
[ ] Look for Wild Pokemon
Mom said there's plenty of easy to catch pokemon on Route 1, but you don't have any pokeballs yet! At least you can get some fighting experience for Totodile and see what's available to catch.
[ ] Look for Other Trainers
You can't be the only trainer around here. This Route is bigger than it looks, so why not go and scope out the competition? Chat with them, ask for tips, or even challenge them to a battle!
Travel Actions - Take these to change locations. A new story post will be made for new locations. Revisiting locations will show actions available there so you may plan accordingly.
[ ] Head West to Rosmaburg City
The big city has a gym leader, a Pokemon Center, and a PokeMart! Everything you need to get a jumpstart on your career as an ace trainer. Oh, and you need pokeballs to catch anything. That's pretty important, and they're the only things you forgot to buy with your mom beforehand.
-[ ] Spend 200 Pokedollars to take the bus?
[ ] Head East to Route 10
Then again, you can get a real workout between Caraway and Sage! That place is covered in dark clouds 24/7 and has to have, like, ten times stronger pokemon than the ones out here. They have to be cooler and rarer than the usual fare, too, if you're feeling daring.
-[ ] Spend 200 Pokedollars to take the bus?
Return to Flavortine Town - LOCKED
You just left! You aren't going back yet. Not when you have enough pizza left to last the rest of the week! If mom needs help with anything, she can call you on your phone.
Personal Actions - Almost always available, but where you are may change the results of them.
[ ] Train Totodile
You've seen mom train her pokemon before, and you see people train pokemon on TV all the time. How hard can it be to handle one little Totodile?
-[ ] Train how?
[ ] Rest
If you go to bed early this time, you might be able to get up early tomorrow. Let's hope?
Assign each vote in a plan a time phase and arrange them in order. As you overslept again, this vote will have three phases instead of four. Here is an example. You would fill the boxes with an "X" on your own plans, but they'll be X-free for this sample.
-[ ] AFTERNOON: Look for Wild Pokemon
-[ ] EVENING: Head West to Rosmaburg City
--[ ] Take the Bus
-[ ] NIGHT: Rest
Obviously, this isn't the only plan you can make. Vote on whatever you like!
If there is another action you would like to take, and cannot see on this list, feel free to ask about write-in votes. They may not be accepted, but I'll definitely consider suggestions.